Diet charlotte with kefir apples. Diet charlotte with apples: recipe, calorie content. Diet charlotte with apples, pumpkin and cottage cheese

So that it’s aromatic, tasty, and healthy, is that even possible? Those who adhere to the principles of proper nutrition do not want to deviate from their intended goal in any way. In most cases, people give up sweets and baked goods once and for all. But, firstly, not everyone can do this, and secondly, do not rush to extremes. If from time to time you prepare a low-calorie charlotte for breakfast, do not consume it alone, and do not eat something else on top, this is very much included in these very principles of proper nutrition.

But even the lowest-calorie charlotte will affect the thinness of your waist if you make a portion of it, eat it in the evening, and do not deny yourself the number of servings - such wonderful dishes do not exist!

The calorie content of dietary charlotte is 149 Kcal per 100 g of product, not so much if this is your breakfast paired with unsweetened tea. If you have sweet yogurt for breakfast, the calorie content will be comparable, but the feeling of fullness will be different. So once a week, every ten days, prepare charlotte with apples in the morning, and share this breakfast with someone close.

Low-calorie charlotte: what makes it special

How does dietary charlotte differ from ordinary, traditional one? There may be several points:

  • Honey instead of sugar - yes, imagine, you don’t have to add sugar at all to the pie;
  • Oatmeal - they are both healthy and light, and affect the taste of the pie;
  • Cinnamon – and cinnamon is a well-known activator of digestive processes.

Of course, there are other low-calorie products, but if you mix them all into one recipe, it is possible that the taste of the dish will be radically different from your idea of ​​charlotte - light, tender, but not your favorite apple pie.


  1. Flour - half a glass;
  2. Egg – 1 pc.;
  3. Chicken egg white – 2 pcs.;
  4. Oatmeal - half a glass;
  5. Honey – 2-2.5 tbsp;
  6. Sweet apples – 4-5 pcs.;
  7. Cinnamon – a pinch.

Low-calorie charlotte recipe step by step

This recipe is simple for indecency, the main trick is not to use the traditional Antonovka for the pie, but to use sweet apples.

  1. Whisk the yolk until lightened;
  2. Separately, in a deep bowl, beat the egg whites thoroughly;
  3. Mix all this in the same deep bowl;
  4. Gradually add flour while stirring to prevent the formation of lumps;
  5. Add oatmeal there;
  6. Gently, quite smoothly mix the dough from bottom to top, this is important, because the oxygen layers may be disrupted;
  7. Cut the apples into small cubes, add honey to them, and wait until the fruit releases its juice;
  8. Pour the apples directly into the dough;
  9. Line the pie pan with pastry paper and sprinkle with semolina to prevent burning;
  10. Pour out the dough and bake the pie for about 30 minutes, looking into the oven from time to time.

After half an hour, you get a finished pie, a lighter version of charlotte with apples.

How many delicious charlotte recipes have been invented, and perhaps the dietary one will become your signature one. Look for your own version, add your own ingredients, and enjoy the aromatic apple charlotte, beloved by all generations.

Bon appetit!

Dietary charlotte with apples step by step with photos

Classic charlotte comes from foggy England, or so it is commonly believed. Initially, it was something like a baked pudding, which, when served, was generously poured with creams and sweet fruit sauces. Then charlotte changed a little and began to be called apple pie.

Charlotte gained particular popularity in Germany. There it was prepared from ordinary bread, fruit and butter or custard. After some time, almost all biscuit pies with apples began to be called charlotte.

Despite the fact that most recipes for this pie involve the use of high-calorie foods, sugar, butter, flour, there are several options for preparing dietary charlotte.

What is the difference between regular and diet charlotte?

First of all, dietary charlotte is prepared without butter, sweet creams and sugar. Ripe sweet apples are placed in it, which, in fact, give the pie its sweetness. You can, of course, use a sweetener, but it is better to add honey to the dough.


  • premium flour - 1/2 tbsp
  • oat flakes - 1/2 tbsp
  • eggs - 1 piece
  • chicken egg white - 2 pcs
  • honey - 2 tbsp
  • sweet apples – 5 pcs.
  • cinnamon powder - 1 tbsp

Beat the yolk with a whisk until light, beat the whites separately and mix in a deep bowl. Add flour and oatmeal here. Mix the dough smoothly and gently from bottom to top so as not to disturb the oxygen layers. Wash and cut the apples into cubes, add honey to them, and give the fruit time to release the juice. Place apples into dough. Line the pie pan with parchment and sprinkle with semolina or flour to prevent burning. Pour in the dough and bake until done.

Low-calorie charlotte with apples is ready! Perfect with green tea, juice and any fresh juice.

Light charlotte

Another dietary charlotte is prepared with kefir.

For the pie you will need:

  • flour - 1 tbsp
  • oat flakes - 3 tbsp
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • chicken egg whites - 2 pcs.
  • soda - 1 tsp
  • cane sugar - 1 tbsp
  • kefir 1% fat - 1 tbsp
  • sweet apples – 5 pcs.
  • juice of half a lemon

Beat the whites until impressively thick, mix with the yolk mashed in sugar. Pour flour and baking soda into a bowl with eggs. Stir the mixture from bottom to top with smooth movements, adding oatmeal in portions. Pour kefir into this and mix everything again.

While the oven is heating up, you need to take care of the apples - cut them into cubes or slices and pour in lemon juice. Pour the dough into a pan lined with parchment and add the apples. The pie should be baked at 180 degrees until fully cooked, which is, on average, 30-35 minutes.

Low-calorie charlotte

This apple baking recipe is probably the most low-calorie and healthy. It contains absolutely no flour, sugar, butter or yolk. By eating such a dessert, you don’t have to worry about your figure or your health, but simply enjoy the taste and aroma.

So, the most useful and low-calorie ingredients:

  • Chicken egg whites - 3 pcs.
  • kefir 1% fat - 1/25 tbsp
  • purified water - 1/25 tbsp
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • honey - 1 tbsp or sugar substitute - 4 tablets
  • apples to taste - 4-5 pcs.
  • oat bran - 1 tbsp
  • wheat bran - 3 tbsp
  • rye bran - 3 tbsp
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp
  • cinnamon

Beat the whites with a whisk, mixer or blender until thick foam. Separately, in a bowl, mix low-fat kefir with water and add baking soda, add all three types of bran to the kefir mixture and mix well. Melt the honey if it is too thick and add it to the dough. Lastly, you need to add the whipped whites to all the ingredients. Gently and smoothly stir them into the mixture and let stand.

Finely chop or grate the apples and add to the dough. Sprinkle all this goodness with cinnamon. The diet charlotte is baked in a hot oven for about 30 minutes.

Charlotte will turn out a little unusual, but thanks to the juicy apples and aromatic cinnamon, it will not leave anyone indifferent! And if you suddenly want to pamper yourself a little, then this diet pie goes well with light and airy buttercream.

For this cream you need to take:

  • cream 10-15% - 100 ml
  • cream fixer - 1 sachet
  • sugar - 1 tbsp
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp

Beat the cream with sugar with a mixer or whisk until thick. Add the fixative and lemon juice here, continuing to whisk. The finished cream should hold its shape well. Decorate the pie with this cream.

Bon appetite! And successful development of new healthy desserts.

Video recipe for dietary charlotte

Step-by-step recipes for preparing dietary but surprisingly tasty charlotte with apples

2017-10-14 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

3 gr.

2 gr.


20 gr.

109 kcal.

Option 1: Low-calorie diet charlotte

In the classic recipe for low-calorie dietary charlotte, the dough is prepared with egg, but the number of yolks is reduced, since they contain a lot of fat. Part of the wheat flour is replaced with oatmeal. This does not greatly affect the calorie content, but makes the dish much healthier.


  • 45 grams of oatmeal;
  • 70 grams of wheat flour;
  • 700 grams of apples;
  • 4 squirrels;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 50 grams of honey;
  • 5 grams of cinnamon.

Step-by-step recipe for dietary charlotte

Carefully separate the yolks, pour into a bowl, add honey to them, and grind thoroughly.

Grind oatmeal. If you don’t have a coffee grinder, you can simply grind it well with a pestle or immediately replace it with oatmeal. Pour into a bowl with wheat flour, stir.

Beat the egg whites into a fluffy foam; you don’t need to add anything. If you want a sweet cake, you can add a little sugar substitute, for example, stevia leaf powder or any other analogue.

Cut the apples into large pieces, about 6 pieces each, remove the veins and seeds. You can leave the skin if it is not very hard. Place the fruit in the bottom of a non-stick or silicone mold.

Sprinkle cinnamon powder on top of the apples. But if you wish, you can omit it or add additional vanilla and zest to the dough, this is at your discretion.

Mix the yolks, flour and whipped whites, pour the resulting dough over a layer of apples on top.

Bake diet charlotte at 180 degrees. The time will largely depend on the juiciness of the apples, but on average the process will take 25-30 minutes.

Cinnamon not only gives a pleasant taste, but also helps suppress appetite and promote weight loss. But this is all only provided that it is real. Unfortunately, its analogue - cheap cassia - is increasingly being presented on store shelves.

Option 2: Quick recipe for low-calorie diet charlotte

A quick recipe for a dietary low-calorie charlotte uses a sugar substitute; it is indicated in the form of crushed stevia, but you can take other types. Instead of regular flour, oatmeal is used entirely.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 squirrels;
  • 1 tsp. stevia;
  • 120 grams of oatmeal;
  • 0.5 tsp. soda;
  • 4-5 apples;
  • 0.3 tsp. vanilla.

How to quickly prepare diet charlotte

Cut the apples into slices, do not chop them. The skin can be removed or left at your discretion, but if the skin is thick and tough, it is better to remove it.

If the stevia is not crushed, then grind it or thoroughly crush it in a mortar. We do the same when using sugar substitute in tablets.

We beat the eggs, since the recipe is quick and the ripening agent will be added, you don’t need to bring it to a good and dense foam. Add sugar substitute. For aroma, add a little vanillin.

Grind the oatmeal or use flour for the charlotte. Pour into beaten eggs.

Quench the baking soda with lemon juice and pour it onto the flour. You can use table or apple cider vinegar instead of juice; one teaspoon is enough.

Knead ordinary dough, add apples, and transfer to the mold.

Bake low-calorie charlotte for about 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

To prevent apples from darkening in the air, immediately after cutting or peeling, sprinkle pieces of fruit with lemon juice. If you don’t need extra acid, then simply cover the apple pieces with a damp cloth after slicing; under it they will retain their attractive appearance longer.

Option 3: Low-calorie diet charlotte with cottage cheese

Curd version of diet pie. Naturally, the product should be low-calorie, no more than 5%. You also need to pay attention to the composition. There should be no starch, substitutes or other unnecessary substances in it, only 100% cottage cheese.


  • 200 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 2 squirrels;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tsp. ripper;
  • 2 apples;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 50 grams of oat flour.

Step-by-step recipe for low-calorie charlotte

To make the charlotte tender, it is better not to beat the cottage cheese with a blender, but to grind it through a sieve. We do this first, then set it aside.

Beat the eggs until fluffy and finally add honey a little at a time. You can use sugar substitutes instead. Then we select the quantity at our discretion.

Combine the oatmeal with the baking powder, pour into the eggs, and immediately add the pureed cottage cheese. The dough needs to be stirred, but don’t do it for long. The mass should not settle.

Pour the dough into the mold. We take a small diameter of about 20 cm.

Peel the apples, cut them in half, remove all the wings, seeds, and cores. Then cut each half into three more pieces.

Place the pieces of fruit on the dough and press lightly with your finger to deepen it.

The curd charlotte is baked for about half an hour at 180 degrees. To decorate, you can sprinkle the cake with cinnamon or cocoa powder.

If the curd is rather weak and whey is released from it, then you need to transfer the product into a bag made of several layers of gauze and hang it to drain the liquid. Or simply fold the gauze 4-6 times, cover the colander, lay out the cottage cheese and leave for an hour. Be sure to substitute something to collect the whey.

Option 4: Low-calorie diet charlotte with corn flour

This recipe uses two types of flour. If you can’t get corn flour, you can simply grind the cereal and then sift it. Alternatively, use rolled oats or ready-made oat flour. In addition to apples, for the filling you will need 3 plums or take apricots.


  • 4 apples;
  • 3 plums;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 45 grams of whole grain flour;
  • 40 grams of corn flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 tsp. ripper;
  • 1 tbsp. l. oils

How to cook low-calorie charlotte

Cut the apples into small slices; it is not advisable to remove the peel. Pour a spoonful of butter into the mold, spread it, arrange the fruit slices. You can sprinkle with cinnamon.

Beat the eggs into a fluffy foam, add honey. If it is thick, then melt it first on the stove or in the microwave. Lightly beat the mixture with honey.

Combine both types of flour with each other, add baking powder to them, stir and add to the eggs, bring to homogeneity.

Pour the batter over the arranged apples.

Halve the plums and discard the pits. Place on top of the poured dough, convex side up.

Place the charlotte with whole grain flour to bake. At 180 degrees, the pie will be ready in 25 minutes. If necessary, increase the time.

After baking, let the cake stand in the oven for a while, then remove and cool completely. Only after this can you transfer the diet charlotte to a dish.

If the charlotte mold is greased with oil, then you need to sprinkle something else on top. Whole grain or corn flour is ideal for this purpose. You can use crushed bran, but only wheat or oat bran.

Option 5: Low-calorie dietary charlotte made from kefir dough

This charlotte can be baked in the oven or in a slow cooker. We use kefir with low fat content, since it is still a dietary option. We take any apples, but preferably ripe and fragrant ones.


  • 6 apples;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 squirrels;
  • 200 grams of kefir;
  • 0.5 cups of rolled oats;
  • 0.5 cups wheat flour;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder;
  • cinnamon to taste;
  • 1 tsp. oils

How to cook

Pour the oatmeal into a bag, roll it with a rolling pin to break it up a little, then pour it into a bowl.

Pour room temperature kefir over the oatmeal, stir, and leave for at least a quarter of an hour.

Beat one full egg with two whites. You can add a sugar substitute to them.

Combine the eggs with wheat flour, stir and transfer it all to the oatmeal swollen in kefir. Add baking powder.

Cut the apples into large pieces and sprinkle with ground cinnamon.

Pour a thin layer of dough onto the bottom of the mold. This is necessary so that the apples do not touch the bottom. Arrange the fruit pieces and pour the remaining batter over them.

We cook dietary charlotte in the oven at 180 degrees for about half an hour or use a multicooker for baking. Turn on the appropriate mode for 45-50 minutes.

Nutritionists believe that for weight loss it is advisable to use green apple varieties such as Semerenko and Granny. They contain fewer substances that cause fluctuations in blood glucose levels, as well as sudden hunger pangs.

No pie is as popular among housewives as charlotte with apples. Thanks to a simple recipe, consisting of a small number of ingredients, you get a wonderful dessert, so loved by many generations. This dish is prepared from products that can always be found in any home. And if one of the household members asks for something sweet, then in most cases it is the charlotte that turns out to be that “magic wand” that is kneaded in a few minutes and baked for a very short time.

Many people think that apple pie is a dietary product, but it is not. Due to the large amount of eggs and sugar, you won’t enjoy it much if you strictly monitor your weight. But we have prepared several recipes for low-calorie charlotte, which you can treat yourself to with pleasure. But first, let's find out where this wonderful delicacy came from.

Excursion into history

Classic charlotte was invented in Germany and its composition was more like a cake. The Germans prepared it on the basis of white bread, to which they added custard, fruit and liqueur. The British had their own version of dessert, which was a type of pudding. They placed bread soaked in butter or egg into a baking dish, and prepared apples boiled with sugar were poured on top of it. There was another layer of bread on top. The oven-baked dessert was served with whipped cream, ice cream or sweet sauces.

The idea of ​​Russian-style charlotte belongs not to our compatriot at all, but to the Englishman Marie Antoine Careme, who served as a cook for Alexander I. In the original recipe, a prepared sponge cake or savoiardi cookie was placed on the bottom of the mold, Bavarian cream, which included liqueur, was poured on top, and then decorated whipped cream. After this, the treat was sent to a cold place to harden.

In the modern version, only a sponge cake remains, which is made from eggs, sugar and flour. Apples are used as a filling, but sometimes pears, peaches, plums or other seasonal fruits are added instead.

If everything is clear about the dish itself, then who is the author of the name is unknown. Some historians believe that the recipe was invented by Queen Charlotte, the wife of the English ruler George III. According to another version, the name of the pie comes from the Old English word charlyt, meaning a dish made from eggs, milk and sugar. And the third version is the most interesting. It is based on the story of a cook who is hopelessly in love with a girl named Charlotte, who dedicated an invented dessert to her.

Little tricks

The traditional charlotte recipe consists of apples, three eggs, one glass of sugar and the same amount of flour. To reduce the calorie content of baked goods, we will have to replace some products.

  1. It is known that egg yolk contains a lot of fat, so from two eggs we leave only the whites, and use the third whole. Don't worry, the dough will rise perfectly even with this amount of eggs.
  2. Flour must be taken from durum wheat. It contains large quantities of complex carbohydrates, which will take a long time to break down. Therefore, you can’t eat too much of this pie at once.
  3. You can dilute the flour with ground oatmeal, which also contains sufficient amounts of complex carbohydrates. At the same time, the calorie content of oatmeal is almost 4 times less than regular flour.
  4. Replace sugar with honey.
  5. It is better not to grease the baking dish with oil, but to lay parchment paper on the bottom.

Good for your figure

Now we will tell you how to make a delicious diet apple pie. To do this, prepare the following products:

  • 1 cup flour or 1/2 cup ground oatmeal and the same amount of flour;
  • 1 whole egg and 2 whites;
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. any honey;
  • 4-5 pieces of medium apples;
  • 1/2 tsp. soda;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

Let's start creating a dietary dessert.

  1. First beat the yolk with a whisk or mixer until it lightens.
  2. Then beat the whites until fluffy and combine with the yolk.
  3. While constantly stirring the eggs, carefully add the flour to avoid lumps.
  4. Add oatmeal to the dough.
  5. Pour slaked soda into the mixture.
  6. Wash the apples, remove the peel if necessary, cut into small pieces and pour into the dough.
  7. Add honey and cinnamon, mix all ingredients well.
  8. Place parchment paper on the bottom of the baking dish, sprinkle a little semolina so that the charlotte does not burn.
  9. Pour the finished dough and place the dessert in a preheated oven for 40-50 minutes. Don't forget to look at the pie periodically.

Airy and delicate option

We offer you another dietary apple pie recipe. The main ingredient is kefir. Fermented milk charlotte turns out more airy and soft than the traditional version, and it is also easy and simple to prepare.

There is one feature that you need to know when baking any desserts with kefir. This fermented milk product must be at room temperature so that the reaction with soda can proceed well.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1 glass of store-bought or homemade kefir;
  • 2 cups flour (without slide);
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 5-6 pcs. small apples;
  • 3 tbsp. l. any honey;
  • cinnamon (to taste);
  • 1 tsp. soda


  1. Wash the apples and cut into small pieces.
  2. Beat the eggs well.
  3. Add kefir, honey and soda to the eggs, stir everything well.
  4. Gently add flour to the dough, remembering to stir constantly.
  5. Pour some batter into the prepared pan, add the apples and sprinkle with cinnamon.
  6. Pour the remaining mixture into the mold and place the pie in a well-heated oven. After 40 minutes, check the readiness of the dessert.

Charlotte with apples prepared according to our recipes will turn out unusually tender, tasty and aromatic. And the subtle taste of cinnamon will add piquancy to it. And the most important thing is that the extra tasty morsel will not affect your figure in any way.

Dec 4, 2016 Olga

Calories: 1237
Proteins/100g: 4
Carbohydrates/100g: 18

This pastry, commonly called “Charlotte”, is one of the simplest and most favorite dessert dishes. It is prepared surprisingly quickly, so it is often prepared for evening tea with the family or in anticipation of guests. The traditional one has quite a lot of calories, so those people who for some reason are on a diet are forced to avoid this tasty and healthy pastry. However, this is not a reason to completely refuse such a dessert.
This recipe with photos will show you step by step in the oven how to prepare diet charlotte with apples with absolutely little calories. By following certain rules for selecting the necessary products for baking, you can easily prepare a tasty and appetizing dessert for those who are on a diet to lose weight.
So how to do this? Everything is very simple! For example, we replace part of the yolks (the main source of calories) with whites, with which the dough will also rise perfectly. Regarding flour, as a source of increased calorie content, we replace it with another variety, coarser grinding and grain flakes, for example, oatmeal. We do not add butter at all, and reduce the presence of sugar to a minimum.

- flour – 0.5 cups,
- oatmeal – 0.5 cups,
- sugar – 2 tbsp.,
- eggs – 3 pcs.,
- apples - to taste,
- milk – 1 glass.

Additional Information
To reduce the calorie content of baked goods, you can take one yolk and 2 whites. Cooking time – 50 minutes, yield – 8 servings.

How to cook at home

1. Beat the eggs into a deep bowl.

2. Add milk.

3. Add sugar and mix with a whisk, you can also use a mixer, beat until airy foam appears.

4. Stir everything well until smooth, add the flakes.

5. Sift the flour and gradually add it to the rest of the ingredients, stirring constantly. Let the finished dough rest for about 10 minutes.

6. Peel the apples, cut out the core and cut into medium cubes, combine with a flour base.

7. Cover a mold with detachable sides with cooking paper (parchment) and pour the finished dough into it.

8. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, set the pan and bake for about 40 minutes, depending on the individual capabilities of the oven. Check the readiness of the baked goods with a thin skewer. As soon as the pie is browned, pull it out and let it cool slightly.

9. Sprinkle if desired
