Homemade khachapuri with egg and cheese in Georgian - a step-by-step recipe with photos of how to cook them in a frying pan. Dough for khachapuri - the best recipes for preparing the base for Georgian flatbreads Georgian cuisine khachapuri

Each region of Georgia has different khachapuri recipes, its own dough and cheese. The filling can be anything, meat, beans and even pickled beet leaves. About two dozen types of dishes are known. In Mingrelian, for example, the cheese is not inside, but outside. Puff is an analogue of Imeretian. Khabizgin - Ossetian pie with potatoes. Achma is a kind of Napoleon made from several layers of boiled puff pastry. Lobiani (from the word lobio) - with boiled beans.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Kudbari comes from Svaneti and is filled with meat and spices. The Adjarian is considered the king among all. It is baked in the form of a boat, into which, as soon as it is taken out of the oven, a raw egg is broken and a piece of butter is placed. An inexperienced gourmet has no idea what to do with this treat. It's simple. Mix the contents with a fork, break off the edge, dip into the filling and enjoy the taste. It’s useless to describe the sensations - you have to try! If you are familiar with culinary matters, it will not be difficult for you to prepare this yummy dish.


Khachapuri with cheese- This is a native Georgian blue, which is distinguished by its delicate taste and wonderful aroma. Khachapuri is in demand today in many countries around the world, and this is not surprising, because it is very tasty. In Georgia, any self-respecting housewife should be able to cook this dish and pass on her experience from generation to generation.

The name "khachapuri" translated means "bread with cheese." Outwardly, these are ordinary flatbreads stuffed with cheese. Very often, suluguni, Adyghe cheese or feta cheese are used as a filler, in which a little homemade cheese is sometimes added. The number of components depends on the recipe, and today there are an incredible number of them. There are many traditional khachapuri recipes, for example, Ossetian, Abkhazian, Georgian. Or you can simply try to create your own individual cooking method and add other ingredients.

You will learn how to prepare homemade khachapuri with eggs and cheese in Georgian from our recipe. This dish doesn't take long to prepare. Also an important factor is the small amount of ingredients required for it, so preparing khachapuri will not have a significant impact on your financial situation. You can serve it at important events or just at friendly meetings.

We suggest preparing khachapuri with cheese in a frying pan based on our step-by-step recipe with photos.


  • (1 kg)

  • (0.5 l warm)

  • (2 tsp)

  • (2 tsp)

  • (2 tsp)

  • (2 tsp)

  • (700-800 g)

  • (2 pcs.)

Cooking steps

    You can choose any cheese for cooking, for example, Adyghe, feta cheese or suluguni.

    Let's prepare the dough for khachapuri. To do this, pour water at room temperature into a large bowl, and then add sugar, salt and yeast, and then sunflower oil and flour. Mix the dough. At the end of kneading, lightly grease the dough with vegetable oil and pack it in a plastic bag or cling film. To ensure the dough rises well, leave it in a warm place for 60 minutes.

    After an hour, we begin the actual preparation. Take the cheese and grate it using a kitchen grater. Place eggs in the resulting cheese and mix the ingredients.

    Divide the risen dough into 2 parts. Take a wooden board and lightly sprinkle it with flour. Next, roll out the cakes using a rolling pin; they should be thick (about 4 cm). Place the filling in the center of the flatbread. We determine the amount of filling at our discretion.

    We lift the edges of the cake slightly up and fasten it together, as in the photo. Then turn it over and roll it out again into a flat cake about 3 cm thick. Leave for 15 minutes.

    After 15 minutes, roll out the cake again to 0.9 cm. Sprinkle the dough with flour. It should not stick to your hands on both sides.

    Place the resulting flatbread on a preheated frying pan with sunflower oil. The pan should be large and have a flat bottom.

    Place the frying pan with khachapuri on low heat and cover with a lid. Turn the cake over when one side is golden brown. Grease the resulting khachapuri with vegetable or butter.

    It is better to serve khachapuri with cheese in combination with a salad of fresh vegetables. It is advisable to consume it hot.

    Bon appetit!

Khachapuri with cheese is a popular and tasty dish of Georgian cuisine, which is very popular and famous in many countries. It is a bun or flatbread made of crispy dough with an amazing cheese filling inside. Today we will tell you the best recipes for making Georgian khachapuri with cheese.

Georgian Khachapuri with cheese


For the test:

  • – 245 ml;
  • flour – 285-310 g;
  • salt;
  • sugar – 5 g;
  • soda;
  • butter – 115 g.

For filling:

  • – 345 g;
  • suluguni – 295 g;
  • sour cream 20% – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices;
  • butter – 25 g.


So, first melt the butter in the microwave. Mix matsoni with sour cream in a bowl, add baking soda, granulated sugar and add salt. Then carefully pour in the melted butter and gradually add the wheat flour. Knead into a soft and rather fluffy dough. Next, we move on to preparing the filling: grate different types of cheese, add soft butter to it, add low-fat sour cream and add salt to taste. Now we divide the dough into equal parts and make a flat cake from each. Place a little cheese filling in the middle, gather the edges on top and pinch well. Using a rolling pin, roll out the resulting bag into a flat cake, sprinkle with flour and place on a hot, dry frying pan. Cover with a lid and bake over medium heat for several minutes. Next, carefully turn it over to the other side using a spatula and cook the khachapuri until cooked. After this, remove the cake from the pan, place it on a plate and brush with melted butter. We prepare the remaining pieces in the same way and stack them on top of each other.

How to cook Georgian khachapuri with cheese and herbs?


  • dough for khachapuri – 485 g;
  • Adyghe cheese – 350 g;
  • sour cream – 75 g;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • Fermerskoye butter – 15 g;
  • spices.


Before preparing Georgian khachapuri with cheese, knead the dough or buy ready-made dough in the store. For the filling, take Adyghe cheese, grind it using a grater, add sour cream and butter. Rinse the fresh herbs, finely chop them with a knife and add them to the cheese mixture. Mix everything and season with spices to taste. Divide the dough into 4 parts, roll each into a flat cake and spread a little filling. Carefully lift the edges up, pinch them, and then roll them into a thin flat cake 1 cm thick. Bake the khachapuri in a dry frying pan, first on one side and then on the other. Coat the finished cakes with oil and place them in a pile on a flat dish.

Recipe for Georgian khachapuri with cheese


For the test:

  • vegetable oil – 25 g;
  • water – 245 ml;
  • butter – 190 g;
  • flour – 495 g;
  • apple cider vinegar – 10 g;
  • egg (selected) – 1 pc.

For filling:

  • Fermerskoye butter – 15 g;
  • suluguni – 595 g;
  • fresh egg – 2 pcs.


Pour the flour into a bowl, gradually pour in cold water, break the egg and add vinegar. Knead the soft dough, diluting it with vegetable oil. Cut the butter into 6 pieces. Roll out the dough into a rectangle, visually divide it into 3 parts and coat one with oil. Cover the top with a second layer and coat the surface again. Now cover with the remaining dough and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Take out the chilled dough, roll it out again and repeat the steps described above. Next, put it in the cold for another 1.5 hours, and in the meantime we make the filling. Shred the cheese on a coarse grater, add the egg and add soft butter. Break the egg, carefully separate the white from the yolk and beat them separately in different bowls. Roll out the chilled dough into a layer, cut it into squares, brush with whipped egg white and place the filling in the middle. We collect the corners and fasten them together. Place the khachapuri on a baking sheet, coat with yolk and place in the oven for 20 minutes.

Nowadays this dish of Caucasian cuisine can be found with various fillings (chicken, mushrooms, potatoes and even fish), but the authentic recipe involves a cheese filling, since the name of the pastry is translated as bread (“puri”) with cheese (“khacha”). Every housewife in the Caucasus has her own recipe for khachapuri with cheese, and the shape of these pies can vary significantly, be round, square, triangular, with or without a hole. Below are the most interesting of them, which will allow you to get closer to the culinary traditions of the peoples of the Caucasus.

Caucasian flatbreads with cheese are not difficult to prepare, since they mainly use unleavened yeast-free dough. But the rich and rich taste of the dish is given by the cheese filling, which can combine several types of this product.

To prepare simple cheese cakes in the oven you need to prepare:

  • 500 ml kefir;
  • 1 egg;
  • 5 g sugar;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 15 g baking powder;
  • 30 ml vegetable oil;
  • 650 g flour;
  • 300 g feta cheese;
  • 200 g suluguni;
  • 100 g Imeretian cheese.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Combine the bulk components of the dough (flour, salt, sugar and baking powder), pour into a large container and make a funnel in this mixture, pour a mixture of eggs, kefir and vegetable oil into it.
  2. Mixing the liquid component and dry ingredients little by little, form them into an elastic and soft dough. Gather the dough into a round bun, wrap it in food-safe film and place it on the refrigerator shelf for 60 minutes.
  3. For minced meat, you just need to turn the cheeses into shavings and mix. You can use any other type of cheese you have in the refrigerator.
  4. Roll out the chilled dough into medium-sized, oval or round cakes. Place cheese shavings in their center, then gather the edge of the dough in the center, but keeping the hole. Carefully, so that the filling does not spill out, place the cakes with the hole facing down and roll with a rolling pin to a centimeter thickness.
  5. Bake the khachapuri blanks in a hot oven, placing them on a sheet with the hole facing up.

To ensure that the finished khachapuri is soft and does not go stale for a long time, immediately after the oven they should be greased with melted butter and covered with a cotton towel.

From yeast dough

Baking khachapuri from yeast dough takes longer than from unleavened dough. However, the cakes that come out of the oven are ultimately worth the time with their fluffiness, softness and taste.

Yeast dough and its cheese filling are prepared from:

  • 100 ml milk;
  • 150 ml water;
  • 1 egg and 1 yolk for greasing before putting into the oven;
  • 10 g sugar;
  • 10 g dry yeast;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 450 g flour;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 500 g hard cheese.


  1. Pour the milk and water into one bowl and heat a little. Dissolve yeast and sugar in this liquid and place in a warm place until a foamy cap appears.
  2. Next, add egg, salt, melted butter and flour to the dough. Knead a soft dough, which we leave for an hour and a half to rise.
  3. Then knead the mass thoroughly and divide into four equal parts. Roll each piece of dough into a circle, place approximately 100 g of small cheese shavings in the center, pinch the edges in the center. After this, roll out the workpiece to a thickness of one centimeter.
  4. Place four khachapuri on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. In the center of each of them we make cuts down to the filling so that the baked goods do not bubble in the oven. Sprinkle the remaining cheese shavings on top and bake in a preheated oven until done.

Lazy khachapuri in a frying pan

Lazy khachapuri are easy-to-prepare cheese flatbreads that can be prepared in literally 10-15 minutes, since you don’t have to fuss with either the filling or the dough separately. This pastry is ideal for a hearty breakfast, snack and even a late dinner.

For lazy cheese scones you will need:

  • 200 g of Adyghe or any other hard cheese;
  • 100-150 ml low-fat sour cream (10-15%) or yogurt;
  • 100 g flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt and herbs as desired.

How to cook:

  1. Mix the grated cheese on a medium grater with raw chicken eggs and flour. Dilute the resulting mixture with the selected fermented milk product (sour cream or yogurt) to the consistency of thick sour cream. If desired, you can add salt to the dough if the cheese was not salted, and add chopped fresh herbs.
  2. Pour the resulting mass onto the greased surface of a hot frying pan, distribute it evenly and cook, covering it with a lid.
  3. When the cheese cake has set well on top over medium heat and the edges have browned, you need to carefully, so as not to break it, transfer it to the other side and bring it to readiness, also under the lid.

With added cottage cheese

Khachapuri with cheese and cottage cheese at first glance sounds very difficult; it may even seem that it is almost impossible to prepare this type of baking at home. But it’s not all that complicated; once you try to cook this dish, it will subsequently appear on the table often.

For dough and filling use:

  • 190 ml natural yoghurt without fillers;
  • 4 g salt;
  • 4 g soda;
  • 320 g flour;
  • 200 g suluguni cheese;
  • 150 g feta cheese;
  • 100 g cottage cheese;
  • ground black pepper to taste.

Baking algorithm:

  1. Combine salt and soda with sifted flour. Add yogurt to this bulk mixture and knead into a smooth dough without lumps.
  2. Roll out the dough into a rope, which is cut into eight equal pieces, each roll into a thin flat cake.
  3. Grate suluguni and feta on a fine grater, combine with mashed cottage cheese with a fork, salt and pepper to taste. Form four identical cheese balls from the prepared minced meat.
  4. Place a ball of minced meat on one thick flatbread, cover with a second flatbread, connect the edges, and then roll out with a rolling pin to a centimeter thickness.
  5. Fry the prepared flatbreads on both sides in a dry frying pan or bake in a preheated oven.

With puff pastry cheese

Very quickly at home you can prepare khachapuri with cheese from puff pastry, especially if you use a ready-made semi-finished product (puff pastry) from the store or homemade. The advantage of this recipe is that you can collect all the leftover cheese from the refrigerator for the filling, and it will turn out delicious. The main thing is not to skimp on oil.

List of required products:

  • 550 g suluguni (any other cheese or mixture of different cheeses);
  • 3 layers of ready-made puff pastry (yeast or yeast-free);
  • 30-60 g butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt if necessary to taste.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Roll out each layer of puff pastry a little and cut into equal squares.
  2. For the filling, grate the cheese on a grater with large or medium holes, add one raw egg and melted butter to it, mix the minced cheese thoroughly.
  3. Place the filling in the center of the puff pastry square and secure the corners of the square in the center to form an envelope. For a beautiful crispy crust and tight adhesion of the corners of the dough envelope, the places where the dough is held together and the surface of the pie, brush with beaten egg.
  4. These cheese pies should be baked at a temperature of no more than 200 degrees for 20 minutes until crispy.

Traditional khachapuri in Georgian

Traditional Georgian khachapuri requires two products that will be difficult to find outside the Caucasus. This is a special fermented milk product called the drink of Caucasian longevity - matsoni, the dough is kneaded on it, and young Imeretian cheese is used for filling. In the absence of these products, you can try to repeat the Georgian khachapuri recipe, replacing matsoni with kefir and sour cream in equal proportions, and instead of Imeretian cheese, use Adyghe cheese.

For four khachapuri flatbreads for filling you should take:

  • 250 ml matsoni;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 30 g sugar;
  • 4 g salt;
  • 4 g soda;
  • 300 g flour.

For the cheese filling you will need:

  • 350 g Imeretian cheese;
  • 50 g sour cream;
  • 25 g butter;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook Georgian khachapuri at home:

  1. Dissolve sugar, salt and soda in matsoni. The mixture will foam a little, this is neutralizing the soda. Then pour in the melted butter, add flour in small portions and knead into a soft fluffy dough. Thanks to the oil in its composition, it will practically not stick to your hands.
  2. Grind the cheese using a grater or another method, mix it with sour cream and soft butter. The amount of the last two ingredients can be adjusted depending on the consistency of the cheese. The filling should not be too dry or too wet.
  3. To form the flatbreads, divide the dough into four parts. Roll each into a flat cake and place a quarter of the minced cheese on it. Then pinch the edges in the center, turn them seam side down and roll them into a thin flat cake (1-1.5 cm thick).
  4. Transfer the prepared flatbread to a preheated dry frying pan and cook covered for several minutes over medium heat until beautiful light brown spots appear. Then turn over to the other side and fry on the other side, but do not cover with a lid.

Khachapuri boat in Abkhazian style

Abkhazian khachapuri with cheese is known far beyond the Caucasus due to its recognizable boat shape. One such flatbread with cheese filling and egg is enough for a full meal. The dough for this baking is traditionally kneaded with matsoni, but in its absence, milk or kefir can be used.

For the dough and filling of khachapuri boats you will need:

  • 130 ml milk (kefir);
  • 130 ml of drinking water;
  • 7 g dry yeast;
  • 10 g sugar;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 30 ml vegetable oil;
  • 6 chicken eggs;
  • 450 g flour;
  • 270 g suluguni;
  • 260 g Adyghe cheese;
  • 100 g butter.

How to bake khachapuri in Abkhazian style:

  1. The cooking process begins with kneading the dough. Pour yeast and sugar into a warm mixture of milk and water, stir until completely dissolved and leave for about ten minutes until the yeast activates.
  2. After this, beat the egg into a bowl with the milk-yeast solution, pour in the vegetable oil, add salt and sift the flour in small portions to knead a tender and soft dough.
  3. Place the lump of dough into a large bowl and leave in a warm place for an hour to ripen. In half an hour you will need to warm him up.
  4. For the cheese filling, grate suluguni and Adyghe cheese, pour in melted butter, add salt and stir. The filling is ready.
  5. Divide the dough ball into five equal pieces. Roll each of them into an oblong oval cake. Place a few spoons of filling along the long sides of the oval, then wrap the filling on each side into a tube towards the center. Pinch the narrow edges of the flatbread together and push the middle apart with your fingers to form a boat.
  6. Fill the middle of each boat with minced cheese and carefully place on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Walk along the side rollers of the boats with a brush dipped in yolk and place the baked goods in the oven for 15-25 minutes at 200 degrees.
  7. Remove the almost finished khachapuri from the oven, crack an egg into the center of each and resume baking. After two minutes, cooking will be completed; for softness, the baked goods can be greased with a small amount of butter.

With suluguni cheese in a frying pan

To fill khachapuri, you can use completely different types of cheese and cottage cheese. They can be taken in different combinations or just one of the cheeses, as, for example, in the recipe below for khachapuri with suluguni in a frying pan.

For unleavened dough on a fermented milk basis, the following is used:

  • 250 ml matsoni (kefir, curdled milk, yogurt);
  • 1 egg;
  • 8 g soda;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 300-350 g flour.

The composition of the cheese filling with suluguni includes:

  • 350 g suluguni;
  • 40 g soft butter;
  • 1 egg.

The procedure for kneading the dough, preparing the filling and baking:

  1. When kneading the dough for flatbreads, you need to combine the fermented milk product with the egg, and in a separate container mix the flour and other bulk products. Combine both mixtures and knead into a homogeneous dough that does not stick to your hands.
  2. To make minced cheese, mix grated suluguni with a raw egg and soft butter.
  3. For two flatbreads, divide the dough ball into 4 equal pieces, and roll out a flatbread 20 cm in diameter from each. Place half of the filling on one flatbread, cover the second one on top, and carefully seal the edges. Repeat similar steps with the remaining filling and two flatbreads.
  4. Fry the formed khachapuri in a frying pan with a small amount of butter, spending 3-4 minutes browning each side.


I suggest baking khachapuri in Georgian. There are a lot of variations of khachapuri, and each housewife has her own recipe, but the main secret of delicious khachapuri is thin dough and a lot of filling. As a child, I often ate khachapuri in Crimea, but that was so long ago, and I really wanted to remember the taste...

I tried preparing khachapuri using several recipes. And about one of them I want to say that I was very pleased with the taste, homemade cheese came just in time.

To prepare khachapuri according to this recipe you will need the following products:


500 g flour;
3 tbsp. vegetable oil;
1 tsp salt;
0.5 tsp soda;
200 ml kefir or yogurt;
1 egg;
100 g sour cream;


500 g feta cheese or suluguni;
30 g cottage cheese;
1 egg.


1. Sift the flour, mix with soda and salt. Add sour cream, kefir, butter and egg, knead a soft dough that does not stick to your hands. Wrap the dough in cling film and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

2. To prepare the filling, mix grated cheese, cottage cheese and egg.

3. Divide the dough into 4 even parts and roll each thinly. We spread the filling onto the flatbread and gather the ends of the dough into the center of the circle and pinch them.

4. Make sure that there is no air inside. Turn the cake over, seam side down, and roll it out a little.

5. Fry the khachapuri on both sides in a dry frying pan for 3 – 4 minutes over medium heat. Remove and place on a plate. Sprinkle with herbs on top: dill, parsley/cilantro.

Khachapuri can be served as a first breakfast or as a mid-day snack.

*** And I invented this “lazy recipe” for Georgian-style khachapuri myself: we take purchased ready-made puff yeast dough, roll it out into four squares. From the entire dough (2 layers) you will get 8 squares. I take whatever cheese I find first in the store, but the soft variety is better. Rub on a coarse grater directly into the middle of the cut squares. Then I roll them into triangles and press the edge with the tip of a knife. I brush the khachapuri with beaten egg on top to create a golden brown crust.

I grease a baking sheet with butter, lay out the triangles (all 8 can fit on the baking sheet) and bake.

Now I have a new “Gorenye” stove with the “Cooking baked goods with ventilation heating” function. In this mode, the heating element around the fan and the fan operate simultaneously, which creates a constant movement of hot air around the food being prepared. The heating temperature and baking time with fan heating are usually lower than with classic heating. When baking khachapuri, the oven temperature is 150-160 degrees C, and the cooking time is only 25 minutes.

Bon appetit!
