Homemade kvass: bread, rye, sourdough, without yeast - the best recipes. How to make kvass from rye flour? How to prepare grounds for homemade kvass

The benefits of kvass

Thanks to its special composition, homemade kvass perfectly quenches thirst, increases performance and gives the body energy. The drink improves the digestion process and increases appetite. The drink helps to better digest meat and fatty foods, and also restores the balance of salts and fluids in the body.

Homemade kvass contains many vitamins and beneficial microelements. The drink contains most B vitamins. During the fermentation process, organic acids are formed, so the drink has a particularly beneficial effect on the body of patients with gastritis with reduced gastric secretion. Kvass is also rich in vitamin C. In Rus', the drink was famous as an excellent cure for scurvy and exhaustion of the body.

The fermentation process promotes the production of lactic acid and a number of other equally important acids. Once in the intestines, kvass acts like kefir or yogurt, neutralizing harmful microflora and supporting beneficial ones. It turns out that kvass is a great way to get rid of dysbiosis and intestinal disorders.

Some ancient sources claim that homemade kvass has a beneficial effect on male potency. A special kvass recipe was used for this. This drink was given to men on their wedding day in order to produce healthy offspring. Unfortunately, the recipe for the drink has not survived to this day, but any homemade kvass (provided that it is prepared correctly) already provides the body with vitamins, minerals, trace elements and additional energy.

Recent research by scientists has proven that kvass contains a high calcium content, which means the drink can strengthen bones and tooth enamel. The yeast included in the composition improves hair growth and helps eliminate acne and boils. Kvass also helps in the treatment of atherosclerosis and purulent bronchitis.

Calorie content of kvass

The calorie content of kvass depends on its nutritional value, namely, on the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Kvass is considered a low-calorie drink; it can be included in various weight loss programs and diets. 100 g of regular bread kvass contains only about 27 kcal. Kvass contains about 0.2 g of protein (about 1 kcal), 0 g of fat and 5.2 g of carbohydrates (about 21 kcal). The absence of fat in the drink has a very beneficial effect on the process of parting with extra pounds. The low calorie content of kvass makes the drink indispensable for weight loss. Low calorie content allows you to lose weight when drinking the drink for 14 days. After this course, not only will the extra pounds be lost, but digestion will also be normalized. The drink should be taken twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. The effect will be even better if you drink beet kvass instead of bread kvass. The calorie content of beet kvass is approximately the same, but the benefits from such a drink are much greater. You can drink beet kvass in any quantity. A beetroot drink reduces appetite and promotes the breakdown of fats. According to nutritionists, calories from kvass cannot harm your figure. You can have full fasting days with beet kvass.

Sourdough for kvass

A good starter is a guarantee of the success of delicious homemade kvass. Without preliminary preparation of this base, preparing a drink is impossible. This sourdough recipe uses yeast, sugar, water and bread.

  • Black bread - half a liter jar;
  • 60-70 g sugar;
  • 15-20 g dry baker's yeast;
  • Water.

Cut the black bread into cubes and dry it on a baking sheet in the oven (or in a frying pan). Boil water in a kettle. Place the dried crackers in a liter jar and fill with boiling water. The crackers will swell during the infusion process, so you need to calculate the amount of water so that you get a creamy slurry. It’s better to pour less water at first so that you can add more later. If there is too much water, you can add more crackers. Add sugar and mix thoroughly until it is completely dissolved. Cover the jar with clean gauze and leave to cool. When the water reaches a temperature of about 35 degrees, you can add yeast. Yeast is placed only in warm water. Mix everything thoroughly and leave the starter to ferment. Cover the jar with a napkin, not a plastic lid, since carbon dioxide is formed during the fermentation process. The finished starter is enough for 10 liters of homemade black bread kvass.

Sourdough starter for kvass made from hops

Preparing a hop starter for homemade kvass is very simple. Hop cones can be bought at any pharmacy.

Pour 3 tablespoons of hops with half a liter of boiling water. Place the pan on low heat and simmer for about 15 minutes. After which we filter the hop decoction and cool to 38-40 degrees. Add a tablespoon of sugar or honey and mix thoroughly. Then add flour so that you get a creamy mass. Cover the container with a napkin and put it away for 1-1.5 days. The finished starter can be stored in the refrigerator.

The best kvass recipes at home:

Recipe 1: Bread kvass

Homemade kvass made from bread is very healthy; the drink is especially beneficial before meals. Making homemade kvass is not difficult if you follow a special recipe. Below is one of the most popular options for making homemade bread kvass.

  • 2 cups boiled water at room temperature;
  • Rye bread - 1 piece;
  • Granulated sugar - 1 tsp.

For the kvass itself:

  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 2 pieces of rye bread;
  • 0.5 liters of starter;
  • One and a half liters of boiled water.

For the starter: place a piece of bread, sugar and a glass of boiled water in a half-liter jar. The bread must be sliced. Cover the jar with a cloth and leave to infuse. Fermentation will occur for 24-48 hours.

Preparing kvass: When the starter is ready, you can start preparing kvass. A cloudy and sharp-tasting liquid indicates the readiness of the starter. Take a 2 liter jar and pour out the starter. Add 2 crushed pieces of rye bread and a spoonful of sugar. Add cold boiled water to the brim. Close the jar with a lid and leave to infuse for 1 day. You can also put dried crackers in a jar. In this case, kvass should be infused for a longer time. After a day or two, pour the kvass into another container (about 2/3 of the liquid), and pour the remaining starter into a new one. Don't forget to add 2 slices of bread. Cover the jar with a lid and insist again.

Recipe 2: Bread kvass from Borodinsky bread

This recipe uses Borodino bread. The recipe also includes yeast and raisins.

Cut the bread into pieces and dry it in the oven. Pour boiling water and leave for 3 hours. We dilute the yeast with flour and add it to the bread. Leave the mixture for one day. We strain, bottle, and add 1-2 raisins into each bottle. Keep the kvass warm for 3 hours, then put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours. Homemade kvass “Borodinsky” is ready.

Recipe 3: Bread kvass with horseradish

This homemade kvass turns out to be very vigorous and rich. A drink is prepared from crackers, water, honey, horseradish and raisins.

Place the crackers in a jar and pour boiling water over them. Let it sit for 3-4 hours. After this we filter. Spread the yeast and leave to ferment for 5-6 hours. Add honey and grated horseradish. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into bottles. Add raisins to each bottle. Let it set for 2 hours. Vigorous homemade kvass is ready.

Recipe 4: Rye kvass

Homemade kvass made from rye flour perfectly quenches thirst and is suitable for making okroshka.

Mix the flour into a batter without salt. To do this, take a kilogram of rye flour per 1 liter of water. Stir until smooth. Cover the container with the dough with gauze and wrap it with cloth several times. Keep in a warm place for 2-3 days. Dilute the fermented dough with boiled water and leave at room temperature. Strain through cheesecloth. As you use kvass, you can add boiled water to it, adding the appropriate amount of rye flour.

Recipe 5: Sourdough rye kvass

This homemade kvass is made from rye flour using sourdough. The starter from the bottom of the bucket, after drinking the kvass, will do. The drink can be made without sourdough if you use rye flour, water and instant yeast.

Take 2 handfuls of flour and 1 glass of sugar and put them in a bucket. Dilute with warm water until the lumps dissolve. Then pour boiling water to the brim, stirring continuously. Leave to cool to the temperature of fresh milk. Then add the starter. We wrap the bucket and leave it for a couple of days. After the fermentation process, the contents can be poured into smaller containers and stored in the refrigerator. Pour the leaven remaining at the bottom of the bucket into a jar. The starter can also be stored in the freezer. You can make kvass from the new starter by first defrosting it and mixing it with sugar and flour.

Recipe 6: Kvass from rye flour with yeast

Kvass made from rye flour is one of the most common ways to make everyone’s favorite drink. This kvass is prepared with yeast; the recipe also uses sugar and water.

  • Half a glass of sugar;
  • Half a kilo of rye flour;
  • Water - 8 liters;
  • Fresh yeast - 15 g.

We dilute the yeast in warm water and leave for some time until it increases in volume.

Mix rye flour with boiling water and knead the dough to the consistency of thick sour cream. Let the dough cool to 35 degrees. Then add more warm boiled water and sugar. Add the risen yeast. Mix everything and leave to ferment for one day. Afterwards, strain and put in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Recipe 7: Kvass without yeast

A very simple homemade kvass recipe that uses only bread, water and sugar. It’s very tasty to cook okroshka with this kvass.

  • 300 g of rye or wheat bread (or 50 to 50);
  • Warm water - one and a half liters;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Crumble the bread into a one and a half liter jar. Add sugar and fill the jars with warm water up to the shoulders. Cover the vessel with a glass lid or saucer. Leave to ferment in a warm place. After 2-3 days, the kvass can be used. Drain the kvass and add a little more sugar and bread to the mixture and refill it.

Recipe 8: Kvass without yeast with wheat and honey

This homemade kvass turns out to be very rich, tasty and healthy. The drink contains a lot of useful substances, enzymes and bifidobacteria. The drink can be served at a holiday table instead of soda. Some time after consuming kvass, the digestive system improves significantly.

  • Wheat - 3 cups;
  • Boiled water - 4 liters;
  • Kvass wort - 8 tablespoons;
  • Sugar or honey - one and a half glasses.

Wash the wheat and fill it with cold water for 10 minutes. Then drain the water and rinse again. Cover the bowl with a wheat towel and leave to germinate for 24-48 hours. The time and speed of germination will depend on the temperature in the room and on the grains themselves. If wheat germinates for a long time, it must be periodically washed and the water renewed so that the grains do not sour. The readiness of wheat is indicated by the appearance of small sprouts on the grains (about 2-3 mm). Grind the sprouted wheat grains in a meat grinder. Pour warm water into a five-liter jar (not completely). Place rolled wheat in a jar. Pour in sugar and add kvass wort. Mix everything thoroughly and add water (if there is room left). Cover the jar with a napkin and leave it for two days near the radiator or in a basin of hot water. Homemade kvass will be ready when a cap of bubbles forms on the surface, and the drink tastes carbonated.

Recipe 9: Russian kvass

An old recipe for homemade Russian kvass. The drink is prepared from crackers, barley malt, rye flour, stale rye bread and molasses.

  • A kilogram of crushed rye malt;
  • Crushed barley malt - 300 g;
  • Rye flour - 600 g;
  • Rye crackers - 130 g;
  • Stale rye bread - 80 g;
  • Molasses - 1 kilogram;
  • Mint - 30 g.

Mix malt and flour with three liters of hot water. Knead the mixture into a dough, mix thoroughly until all lumps are separated. Cover the bowl with the dough with a cloth and leave for one hour. Then we transfer the dough into a refractory cast iron bowl, cover with a lid and put in the oven to evaporate. Mix the reduced dough, scrape off the sides of the dish and add boiling water. After a day, transfer the dough to a large vat, where the kvass will infuse. Pour in 16 liters of hot water, add crackers and bread. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to infuse and lighten for 10 hours. When the grounds have settled, pour the fermented wort into a clean, steamed barrel. Pour 15 liters of hot water into the remaining grounds. After 3 hours, pour the wort into a barrel, mix with mint infusion and leave to ferment for 1 day. The barrel is then put into the glacier. When fermentation becomes less strong, add molasses (1 kilogram per 30 liters of kvass). We seal the barrel. In 3-4 days the kvass will be ready. This kvass can be stored for several months in a cold place.

Recipe 10: Kvass from wort

Homemade kvass from wort is very easy to prepare. The drink perfectly quenches thirst in the heat and gives the body energy. The drink is prepared using kvass wort. You can purchase the ingredient at a bakery or grocery store. The wort should be thick and almost black. You won't be able to make kvass from liquid wort.

  • 1 tsp. raisins;
  • Half a teaspoon of dry yeast;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. kvass wort;
  • Three liters of water.

Dissolve the wort and sugar in half a liter of water. Pour into a three-liter jar and add the remaining water. Then add the yeast, mix, cover with a lid and leave for 48 hours. Kvass needs to be tasted periodically. When the drink reaches the desired state, it can be bottled and add 1-2 zests to each. The bottles are capped and left until carbonated. When the bottles become hard, they can be stored in the refrigerator. After a day, homemade kvass from the wort can be consumed.

Recipe 11: Beet kvass

Beet kvass is a real healing balm. The drink is especially useful for hypertensive patients. Beet kvass cleanses the body of waste and toxins.

  • 1 large beet;
  • Boiled, cooled water - 2 liters;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 stale crust of bread.

Wash the beets, peel them and grate them on a coarse grater. Place the beets in a glass jar, add bread crust and sugar. Fill everything with boiled water. Cover the jar with gauze and leave the contents to ferment for 3 days. Then we filter the kvass, bottle it and seal it tightly. We put the drink in the refrigerator.

Recipe 12: Kvass from birch sap

Kvass made from birch sap is a very tasty and healthy drink that nature itself gives. This kvass has a beneficial effect on the body and has many beneficial properties.

To prepare the drink, it is better to use glass or enamel containers. Birch sap is carefully filtered through several layers of gauze. Then raisins and sugar are added to the juice and left to ferment for 3-4 days. Ready homemade kvass from birch sap is filtered again and bottled. The bottles are corked and stored in a dark, cool place. You can store kvass for a long time (until autumn).

Recipe 13: Bolotov's kvass from celandine

Bolotov's kvass from celandine has a number of miraculous properties. It cleanses the body of papillomas, tumors and condylomas. You need to take the drink for at least a month. This kvass is useful for patients with cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastritis and heart diseases. Properly prepared kvass has the aroma of fresh apples. The taste is pleasant, with a slight bitterness.

  • 3 liters of spring or well water;
  • 1 tsp. sour cream (no more than 15% fat content);
  • A glass of sugar;
  • Half a glass of pure celandine herb (dry or fresh).

We boil water and cool it. Dissolve sour cream and sugar in water, stir until completely dissolved. Pour the solution into a three-liter jar. We tie the celandine grass into a clean gauze bag and sink it to the bottom of the jar using a weight. We wrap the neck of the jar with gauze in three layers. Every day the contents of the jar must be mixed and mold removed from the surface. On the fifth day, a precipitate should appear. Pour the kvass into another jar and discard the sediment. Add water to the previous level. on day 14, the kvass will begin to foam a little. That's how it should be. On day 14, the kvass will be ready. Pour out a liter of kvass for consumption. Enough drink for 3 days. You can store it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Add the same amount of water to the jar instead of poured kvass. After 3 days the drink will be ready. You can pour and top up kvass 4 times. After this, you need to use new grass. Taking kvass from celandine: start taking kvass with 1 tbsp. l. three times a day (half an hour before meals). If there are no unpleasant sensations, the dose is increased to half a glass per dose. The course lasts 2 weeks, after which kvass is taken for another month, once a day, to consolidate the effect.

Is kvass ok for pregnant women?

Kvass can be classified as a low-alcohol drink, so pregnant women are always faced with the acute question of its safety. The opinions of doctors here are strongly divided. Some believe that pregnant women should absolutely not drink kvass, but most experts believe that small amounts of the drink are not capable of harming the expectant mother and baby. A little kvass is even beneficial, as it contains many vitamins, microelements and other useful substances. In addition, kvass perfectly quenches thirst and has a pleasant, refreshing taste. Undoubtedly, it is better to give preference to kvass rather than carbonated drinks containing a large amount of dyes and preservatives.

However, kvass is different from kvass. It is highly undesirable for pregnant women to drink store-bought kvass. We are talking not only about store-bought kvass, in which the fermentation process is achieved chemically (which means it contains many unnatural components), but also about a draft drink too. The quality of barrel kvass is often questioned. In addition, during its production, hygienic and sanitary standards are often violated. The greatest danger is represented by kvass, which is sold in small barrels on the market. Pumps and taps are rarely washed; these items are usually stored in dirty, dusty drawers and boxes where harmful microorganisms actively multiply. There are always a few drops of kvass left in the tap, and what could be better than such a medium for the growth of bacteria? With each glass of such kvass, the risk of these bacteria entering your body increases significantly. It is especially dangerous to buy kvass in bottles provided by sellers - little is known about the storage conditions of the container. If you really want a cold, refreshing drink, it is better to buy it at a stationary point, and not at the market or along a dusty road. Such places often sell expired or spoiled drinks.

The characteristic taste of a drink unsuitable for consumption is pronounced sour, giving off bitterness. An ideal option for pregnant women (and for any other person) is homemade, fresh kvass prepared with your own hands.

In the summer heat and during the long-awaited coolness, rye kvass easily relieves the feeling of fatigue, quenches thirst and restores strength. Today you will learn how to make homemade kvass from rye bread and flour, following centuries-tested technologies. We present to your attention several of the most successful options, in which the simple preparation of rye kvass does not require special skills.

What you need before you start cooking

  • The best drinks always come from loaves without the addition of dill and cumin.
  • When cooking, use only glass, plastic or enamel containers.
  • Fry the crackers for the drink without oil or spices.
  • During the fermentation process, it is important to monitor the level of carbon dioxide, so do not tightly cover the containers. There is a danger that they will burst under gas pressure.

Remember that any fermented drink may contain a small degree of alcohol due to active fermentation or high sugar content!

Sourdough starter for kvass made from rye flour

If you decide to make homemade kvass from rye flour for the first time, then it is quite possible that the grounds of rye kvass, also called sourdough, will be missing. It doesn’t matter, because you can prepare it yourself at home. Rye sourdough kvass is prepared from a special wort. It is prepared from:

  • flour - half a liter jar;
  • granulated sugar - a couple of spoons;
  • raisins - 15 berries;
  • water for pouring - approximately 2 cups.

The grounds are prepared according to the following instructions:

  1. Combine flour and sugar in a 1 liter jar.
  2. Dilute with water until sour cream thickens. Throw the raisins into the jar and leave in a warm place for the starter to ferment.
  3. As soon as you taste the thicket, you feel a pleasant sourness, it means it’s ready. During the cooking process, you can add yeast, but be aware that during the first pours, the drink will taste like yeast.

Homemade kvass from rye flour with sourdough

To prepare a refreshing, delicious homemade kvass from rye flour, use the previously prepared fermented mass. Take:

  • sourdough - half a liter;
  • rzh. flour - 400 gr.;
  • sugar - glass;
  • water - 8 liters.

Feel free to proceed, as it is not difficult to make kvass from rye flour according to this scheme:

  1. Pour flour and sugar into a bucket. Dilute with warm water so that there are no lumps left.
  2. Stirring constantly, add water to the brim. The water should be boiling.
  3. Leave the bucket to cool to room temperature. When cool, add the starter. Cover the bucket and leave for a couple of days to complete the fermentation process.

Delicious, refreshing kvass is ready to eat. After draining the first batch, transfer the grounds to a bowl and place in the freezer. In this form it can be stored until next time.

Rye kvass with yeast and mint

By using yeast, you can protect yourself in case fermentation takes place at a slow pace. Need to:

  • wheat flour - almost a full glass;
  • rzh. flour - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - half a glass + 1 kg;
  • dry yeast - half a small bag;
  • raisins - the more, the sharper the drink will come out;
  • peppermint - to taste;
  • water - one and a half buckets.

You will get white rye kvass, tasty and healthy, if you follow the following instructions:

  1. Wheat flour + half a packet of yeast + half a glass of sugar + water.
  2. Stir everything so that there are no lumps left. Leave it for a couple of days, let it ferment and bubble.
  3. The recipe for rye kvass at home requires that at the end of the term, take a saucepan with the preparation and pour a kilogram of rye flour into it.
  4. Pour boiled but cooled water into it. Bring it to sour cream. Make sure there are no lumps left. Add a bunch of mint to it.
  5. Find a larger saucepan. Dissolve a kilo of sugar in a liter of water. When it melts, pour in all the thickener and stir.
  6. Add raisins to taste and mix well. Rye kvass must be fermented at home. Leave it in a warm place and forget about it for two days.

You can flavor the finished drink with honey or add more mint to the finished drink.

Homemade kvass from rye bread with yeast

“Classics of the genre” - this is what people call homemade kvass made from rye bread. For cooking take:

  • bread - half a kilo;
  • water - 5 liters;
  • sugar - a glass;
  • dry yeast - 5 grams.

Making 3 liters of homemade kvass is not very convenient. It is better to prepare for 5 liters of water, as such a drink flies away with lightning speed.

  1. Slice the bread and fry in the oven until golden brown.
  2. Cool the boiling water to room temperature and pour into a large saucepan. Place the crackers in it, cover with a rag and leave for 48 hours in a warm, dark place.
  3. Dilute the yeast as indicated on the packet. Strain the resulting wort, separating all the crackers.
  4. Pour diluted yeast and an incomplete glass of sugar into the remaining liquid. Cover with a lid, but not tightly. Leave in a warm place for half a day.
  5. Taste the finished drink. If it's not sweet, you can add sugar to taste.
  6. Pour the drink into bottles, seal it tightly, and store in the cold. After 9-10 hours you can try drinking.

Rye kvass without yeast

Rye kvass without yeast is surprisingly easy to prepare. Minimal ingredients make cooking easy. By the way, this dressing is very tasty to pour over okroshka. Take:

  • bread - 300 gr.;
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • granulated sugar - spoon.

The recipe for rye kvass at home has the following cooking scheme:

  1. Cut the bread and place it in a 2 liter jar. Add sugar and pour boiled water up to the shoulders.
  2. Cover the container with a saucer and leave it warm for three days.
  3. Strain the finished drink and drink to your health. The remaining grounds of the drink will be suitable for preparing subsequent portions of the drink.

Kvass from rye malt

Malt is cereal grains sprouted under special conditions. The color and taste of a drink made from malt depends on the degree of fermentation of the original product. It is easier to buy malt in a specialized place or from experienced brewers, since it is very problematic to achieve the desired state of cereals at home. It takes about 10 hours to prepare kvass from rye malt. You will end up with a drink that is very similar to a store-bought product. Its only difference is in the naturalness of the components used. Take:

  • malt - half a glass;
  • sugar - depending on your taste, from half a glass to almost a full one;
  • water - a couple of liters;
  • yeast - 7 gr.

Preparing malt drink:

  1. Pour malt into boiling water and turn off the heat. Let the base sit like this.
  2. Pour 50 ml from this container. water and dissolve yeast in it. Make sure the water is slightly warm. Pour the diluted yeast into the malt.
  3. Pour sugar into a container and let the whole mixture ferment for 8 hours.
  4. Strain the finished drink and bottle it.

Kvass made from rye malt should be stored in the refrigerator. If desired, the sweetness of the product can be adjusted.

After you learn how to make homemade rye kvass, it will become a regular guest in your refrigerator. Drink for your health.

Video: Rye kvass without yeast “Taste of childhood”

From time immemorial in Rus', kvass drinks were considered the most popular and favorite drinks.

Kvass made from rye flour can perfectly quench thirst in the hot summer, and is also indispensable in preparing your favorite summer dish - okroshka.

There is an opinion that the discoverers of kvass were the Greeks and it was they who first obtained a delicious drink from malt, water and sugar through fermentation.

In Rus', Nester was the first to mention kvass in his chronicles, saying that kvass made from rye flour, honey and food during baptism were distributed to everyone free of charge.

During the reign of the tsars, the heads of the great Russian state did not disdain kvass, despite the fact that it was still a peasant drink.

The benefits of rye kvass lie not only in quenching thirst and satisfying taste preferences; this bread “juice” has a lot of healing properties.

Rye flour is truly a storehouse of components necessary and useful for humans. It contains a whole complex of vitamin B, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, vitamin K, which is a hormonal vitamin, an enzyme vitamin and an antioxidant vitamin. In addition, rye flour contains such important chemical elements for the human body as Fe, Mn, Se, Cu, Zn.

Kvass made from rye flour is excellent, and it also helps treat vitamin deficiency. Thanks to this drink, metabolic processes in the body are normalized. The tonic and stimulating effects of kvass significantly increase endurance and performance.

Kvass is able to fight hypertension and dysbiosis and strengthen human defense mechanisms. The fermented drink also strengthens tooth enamel.

Eating rye kvass helps cleanse the body of dead cells. And the most important thing for girls is that this drink contains no fat at all, its calorie content is so low that you can drink it all day long, it will not negatively affect your figure.

The assortment of kvass on store shelves today is so wide that sometimes you get lost when choosing. Each manufacturer promises everything only natural and only from nature itself.

But to be 100% sure of the naturalness of the product, it’s easier to prepare it yourself. In addition, this task is quite simple and will not take much time.

So, the recipe for kvass made from rye flour includes only a few ingredients:

  • water,
  • sugar,
  • Rye flour,
  • some raisins.

How to make rye sourdough

To prepare 8 liters of drink, we need about 0.5 liters of leaven base - sourdough. Therefore, the first thing we do is prepare this very sourdough.

  • Pour half a kilo of rye flour into a one and a half liter jar.
  • Add 50 g of granulated sugar there and, gradually adding water, knead the mixture until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. It should be noted that rye sourdough kvass is made without yeast.
  • To speed up fermentation, you can throw a few raisins into the resulting mass; 10-15 will be enough.
  • The jar with the starter must be left warm for 3-5 days.

Periodically check the base for kvass; as soon as the grounds acquire a sour taste, then you can move on to the second stage - preparing the kvass itself.

Making rye kvass without yeast

  1. In a huge saucepan or bucket, put 8-9 liters of water on the fire.
  2. In another saucepan, mix rye flour (500 g) with sugar (250 g), and gradually adding warm water, bring to a homogeneous mass. Then pour boiling water into it and stir thoroughly.
  3. Having covered our hot rye mixture with a lid, we place the starter on top of it, wrapping it in a cloth so that it steams from the heat. We leave it all to slowly cool and steam for five hours.
  4. After the liquid in the pan has cooled to 20-30 degrees, pour the starter into it. Again, mix everything thoroughly and close.

Now we leave our kvass to ferment for the final seven hours and reach the desired condition.

The appearance of bubbles on the surface of the drink serves as a signal that it is ready. Now full-fledged kvass made from rye flour can be poured into smaller containers and placed in the refrigerator to cool.

After cooling, you can drink it and prepare okroshka; this wonderful drink is suitable for both equally well.

I know that not everyone is very fond of white kvass made from rye flour, so this recipe is for true connoisseurs of this wonderful natural drink. Although I strongly recommend paying attention to it, since it has a lot of benefits for our body. I would like to note right away that you can prepare it in different ways and the amount of ingredients greatly influences what kind of kvass you get. And this will largely depend on your taste. Below I will give a basic recipe for kvass made from rye flour, brew at least a test batch and then you can decide for yourself what to add in more or less quantities. It is quite simple to prepare and does not take much time. It will take about two days for ripening and then you can already taste the kvass and decide whether to prepare it further or whether it is ready to drink. I use kvass not only as a cool, pleasant and tasty drink on hot days, but I also make delicious things with it.


  • about 5 liters of water
  • 1 heaped glass of rye flour
  • 2/3 cup sugar (to taste)

Cooking method

If you have good filtered water, then you only need to boil 2 liters, if you have regular tap water, then boil all of it, and cool 3 liters to body temperature. The starter must be active, if you have it in the refrigerator, then add 1/2 tablespoon of sugar and place in a warm water bath to activate. If you have just prepared it according to my recipe, then I advise you to make the first kvass with half the dose of ingredients and simply drain it, because it will have a slight aftertaste of fresh yeast. And only then use the good fresh grounds obtained.

Pour rye flour into a saucepan or any suitable container, add boiling water (2 liters) in small portions and immediately stir everything well. It is desirable that we do not have lumps, but even if they do form, it is not very scary. You can simply then pass the brewed flour through a sieve. We leave the resulting mass to stand for 20 - 30 minutes, it should cool down to body temperature. Then add the rest of the warm water, the leaven itself, the grounds and sugar to the brewed rye flour. I usually taste it, it should be a little sweet so that the kvass plays well and turns out tasty. Stir everything well, cover with a towel and put in a warm place for two days. During the process, a fluffy foam cap should appear and the kvass should ferment. After time has passed, we taste the drink, if everything suits you, then remove it from the sediment and pour it into bottles and put it in the refrigerator. If you don't have enough acid, add a little sugar and wait another day.

Do not pour out the remaining grounds. Firstly, you can marry kvass (as we say in common people). To do this, we do not need to brew rye flour, but simply add warm water with sugar, but less water is required - 3.5 liters. Secondly, we use the grounds as a starter for the next batch of kvass. Leave half a liter or a little more and repeat the whole process. Bon appetit.

There are many recipes for making kvass from rye flour on the Internet. And in my opinion, they have one common drawback: they are all designed for huge volumes of drink. What should I do if I don’t need three buckets of this kvass? What if I just want to try it? I tried to adjust the proportions of ingredients based on my needs. But in the end, I still got more than 5 liters of finished rye kvass. But the good thing is that at least all this stuff fit in the refrigerator.

By the way, the taste is really “okroshka”. You understand that for a cold summer soup this is “just right.” It seems to me that “flour” kvass is also well suited for pouring kholodniki, beetroot soup and other dishes from the same range.

I’ll say right away that preparing kvass with rye flour is a process that is not so much difficult as it is lengthy. It will take several days. Within four to five days, the rye starter for the drink will ripen, and another couple of days - the kvass itself.

For sourdough:

The photo just above shows a finished, ripened starter with bubbles on the surface. This is how you will have it on the fifth day, and it is in this form that it is added to kvass.

The amount of flour and water indicated is general - you will use it evenly over five days. Water should always be boiled and cooled to a warm state (35-37 degrees).

I give the schedule directly by day:

  • the first day– pour 50 g of flour into a tall glass jar, pour in 100 ml of warm water, stir with a wooden spoon or a paddle, cover the top with a napkin, and wrap the jar itself with a terry towel. Place it in a warm place - closer to some heat source and leave it for a day;
  • second day– add another 50 g of rye flour, add 50 ml of warm water, mix again, wrap and leave to ferment further. From about the second day, bubbles begin to collect on the surface of the starter - this means that it is fermenting;
  • day three– again put 50 g of flour into the jar with the starter and add the same amount of water, again set it to mature;
  • day four– add the last portion of flour, pour out the last portion of water. As usual, it should be warm;
  • day five– take the finished starter and put kvass on it.
  • For kvass:

    Bring the water to a boil and let it cool to a temperature of 25-30 degrees. Measure out 1.5 liters of water and pour it into the rye and wheat flour and sugar pre-mixed in a deep container. This will be the wort for kvass. Knead it thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass without lumps of flour. Pour it into two clean three-liter jars so that the amount of wort in them is the same.

    Add the remaining boiled water to both jars. Wash the raisins and throw a few “berries” into each jar. Divide the starter into two equal portions and also distribute into jars. Don't forget to mix everything thoroughly.

    Cover the necks of the jars with clean cloth napkins and leave the kvass to ferment for a day. During this time it will settle - all the thick stuff will settle to the bottom. Pour the pure kvass into another container, and the entire sediment can be used instead of sourdough for the next portion of the drink. That is, you no longer need to knead a new starter with rye flour and wait five days for it to ferment. The leaven becomes the grounds from the previous kvass.

    Keep the drained kvass at room temperature for another day. Then pour it into a plastic container, screw on the lids and put it in the refrigerator. In 12-20 hours it will be completely ready.

    More on this topic:

    To my surprise, as it turns out, white kvass is known only in the Voronezh and Lipetsk regions. Even in Moscow, which is only 500 km from Voronezh, okroshka is made with dark carbonated kvass from a bottle. We, Voronezh residents, do not recognize this at all and are sincerely surprised how such okroshka can be eaten.

    I love this kvass with tender love, in the summer I can drink a jar in a day! So refreshing and toning. The product is natural and fermented, improves intestinal microflora. In general, one benefit!

    For a long time, white kvass was available only at the market from grandmothers or from their grandmothers. Mine cooked it in a large bucket that was in the cellar. It was considered unusually difficult to “brew” a drink; a special leaven was needed, which the grannies passed on to each other, that is, it was necessary to “get” this very leaven. Fortunately, over the last 5 years they began to sell it in Voronezh stores - local bakeries realized where it was, a gold mine, and set up the production of white kvass on an industrial scale.

    In Canada, I suffered for it for a long time and dreamed of okroshka with white sourdough, until I found out that you can make it yourself with sourdough bread. I went online and it was a complete mess! As soon as this poor kvass is not offered to be cooked... And with breadcrumbs with sourdough, and with some kind of dry kvass, and with yeast, and with grounds begged from those same grandmothers at the market, and in one recipe it was even suggested to ask for sourdough for bread factory My mother and Misha’s grandmother once cook with breadcrumbs, but it doesn’t turn out quite right.

    Through experience and summing up the knowledge I acquired on the Internet, I finally got that real grandmother’s kvass! Yummy! And you don’t need to go to a bakery and look for something unclear. You need rye flour, water and a little sugar. Plus, rye sourdough. If you have it, then the kvass will be ready the next day. If not, you can develop the starter yourself in 4 days, not rocket science. The Internet is full of recipes, often complicated. In life, it seems to me, everything looks much simpler.

    So, rye sourdough:
