Strawberry jam is bitter, how to fix it. The Mystery of the Silver Spoon. How to remove bitterness from strawberry jam. Is it possible to have strawberry jam during pregnancy?

Everyone is waiting for the onset of summer in anticipation of fragrant strawberries, which are one of the first to appear in gardens and delight with their sweet taste. Ripe berries enchant with their red dress, and the delicate aroma makes your appetite work in earnest.

Largely for the amazing smell and rich taste, most people love strawberry jam. The delicacy will plunge you into summer during the winter period and will give you not only a good mood, but also a large storehouse of vitamins. It’s worth thinking about making strawberry jam; recipes with step-by-step photos can be found using the links describing the preparation process.

How to make strawberry jam?

How to make delicious strawberry jam is not an easy question. When preparing jam according to the classic recipe, you must follow several steps, including:

  • preparing berries;
  • preparing dishes;
  • cooking process.

The strawberry jam recipe with photos will tell you step by step how to make the dessert correctly and what you should pay attention to.

How to prepare berries?

Strawberries need to be poured onto the table and sorted. For jam, you can use small fruits, then you will get a dessert that is uniform in consistency. In order to have whole berries in the delicacy, it is better to use medium-sized fruits, as they will retain their shape. Unripe, rotten and overripe berries must be removed, and leaves should be removed from the remaining strawberries. Now the prepared fruits can be washed.

There is a misconception that it is enough to wipe the fruits with a damp towel. Under no circumstances should this be done. Firstly, this can mash the berry, and secondly, the dirt from the strawberry will not be completely removed. It is also not recommended to wash fruits under running water; the correct way to do this is in a basin in cool water. The washed berries are carefully taken out in handfuls and laid out on a towel. It is better to dry the fruits; this process can take up to five hours.

How to prepare dishes?

Before preparing strawberry jam, you need to sterilize the jars in which the delicacy will be stored. To do this, they are washed with warm water and soda or laundry soap, turned upside down and calcined in an oven heated to 150 degrees. It is necessary to calcinate gradually, starting from 100 degrees and reaching the extreme mark. The maximum temperature is 160 degrees. In this thermal mode, jars should stand for 15 minutes, three-liter jars - 25 minutes. The lids, as well as the dishes that will be involved in cooking (ladle, funnel and wooden spatula), must be boiled for 5 minutes.

How to make classic strawberry jam?

For strawberry jam, the proportions are equal, that is, per kilogram of fruit you will need a kilogram of sugar. Strawberries must be covered with sugar and left for 5-6 hours. This time is enough for the fruits to release juice. Place the pan with berries over medium heat and bring to a boil. Many people are concerned with the question of how long to cook strawberry jam after boiling. It's simple: you need to cook the future jam no more than 5 minutes from the moment it boils. It is important to constantly remove the foam that forms on top.

After 5 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and cover with a clean cloth. Now the dessert needs to cool to room temperature, which will take several hours. After cooling completely, the jam is put back on the fire and allowed to boil for another 5 minutes. The foam should be skimmed off again.

The above procedure is repeated a third time, but the jam should be cooled for no more than an hour, after which it is packed into jars and rolled up. Hence, the question of how to cover strawberry jam, hot or cold, disappears by itself, since it still remains hot before rolling. There is no need to fill the jam to the very top, leave a couple of centimeters from the top, this way it will be better preserved.

How to make strawberry jam for the winter?

To prepare strawberry jam for the winter, recipes with photos will help you do everything correctly; you will need to slightly change the above recipe. To do this, you need additional ingredients in the form of a tablespoon of 9% vinegar or citric acid and a pinch of salt. Vinegar and citric acid are natural preservatives that help preserve food for a long time, prevent the formation of mold and inhibit the fermentation process.

The cooking process itself will also change. So, how to make strawberry jam for the winter? We leave the proportions the same. After the berries are soaked in the syrup, they must be gradually brought to a vigorous boil and left until ready, lastly add vinegar and salt. After this, the jam is poured into jars, leaving a centimeter from the top, and rolled up with lids. Now you need to sterilize the jars again for 10 minutes and wait until winter for tasting. For a complete understanding, you can follow the link about strawberry jam (recipe with photos for the winter).

How to make strawberry jam so that vitamins remain?

Many people are concerned about how to make strawberry jam at home so that it is rich in healthy vitamins and microelements. Strawberry jam is valued for its large amount of vitamins, but in order to preserve them, the dessert must be subjected to heat treatment as little as possible. For this reason, the “five-minute” is considered the most useful option. So, how to make strawberry jam at home?

You need to take no more than two kilograms of berries and one and a half times more sugar. For a kilogram of sugar you will need a glass of water. Boil the syrup in a saucepan over high heat, add strawberries and let simmer for 5 minutes. All this time you should carefully stir the future jam. After 5 minutes, remove the pan, allow the contents to cool, pour the dessert into jars and close the neck with paper or nylon lids.

How to make strawberry jam in the microwave?

With the development of technology, the process of preparing familiar products has also changed. This also affected strawberry jam. Using a microwave oven, you can make a thick delicacy with a slight sourness, while saving sugar and spending less time. Per kilogram of berries you will need 400 grams of sugar and a pinch of citric acid.

The washed berries are placed in a glass container for the microwave, covered with sugar and left for 3 hours so that the fruits release juice. During this time, you need to shake the cup periodically so that the sugar dissolves better. At the same time, the jars are sterilized using a microwave. Pour 2 tablespoons of water into two half-liter jars, place the container in the microwave and heat at 800 W for 6 minutes. After three hours, the strawberries are cooked in the microwave for 8 minutes at full power of 800 watts. Then citric acid is added, everything is carefully mixed and put back into the oven for 8 minutes. The hot jam is placed in jars and again placed in the microwave for 5 minutes. After this, the jam is ready, all that remains is to roll up the jars.

How to properly cook strawberry jam so that it is not liquid?

To prevent strawberry jam from being runny, you should stick to recipes with equal proportions. Another secret is vinegar or citric acid. Both ingredients help thicken the treat and also preserve it for a long period of time, up to three years.

In addition, the thickness of strawberry jam depends on the number of cooking cycles. Most recipes are limited to 1-3 cycles, but to add thickness you can go through 5 or more cycles, however, there will be less and less useful substances with each heat treatment.

How do you know when strawberry jam is ready?

Experienced chefs can tell by eye when strawberry jam is ready. The following tips are suitable for beginners. First, you should put a few bowls in the freezer before cooking. If you drop a spoonful of jam onto an ice surface and after a couple of minutes it becomes covered with a film, then the jam is ready.

You can also put a drop of jam on your thumbnail. If the drop curls up and does not flow, then the treat can be packaged in jars.

Why does strawberry jam turn dark or runny?

The most delicious strawberry jam - viscous consistency with a pronounced taste and dense berries. But sometimes it happens that the prepared product begins to darken, and this only means one thing - the jam is not ready yet, it was not boiled enough. For the same reason, the jam may be runny - the syrup does not thicken enough, making the dessert watery.

Why is strawberry jam bitter?

Depending on the chosen strawberry, the jam may have a pronounced bitterness. It comes from berry seeds. To make the bitterness less pronounced, you can choose a recipe for strawberry jam with a higher concentration of sugar.

All about the properties of strawberry jam for humans

Strawberry jam is a delicious delicacy, but often what tastes good turns out to be not the healthiest product. Is this the case with strawberry dessert? Is strawberry jam healthy or not?

What are the benefits of strawberry jam?

Strawberry jam strengthens the immune system, so it simply needs to be included in the diet in the winter and spring. By adding one or two teaspoons to tea, you can protect yourself from flu and colds. This type of delicacy increases the iodine content in the blood, activates brain activity, and also has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Strawberry jam is an excellent remedy for insomnia. If you eat a couple of tablespoons of the treat after dinner, healthy sleep is simply guaranteed. In addition, strawberry jam is recommended for anemia and atherosclerosis.

Is there any harm from strawberry jam?

Jams, as such, including strawberry jam, are not allowed for diabetes and obesity. A large amount of strawberry jam has a destructive effect on tooth enamel. In addition, strawberries are among the allergens, therefore, taking more than 200 grams of jam per day can provoke a reaction in the body to the product.

Is it possible to have strawberry jam on a diet?

Due to the abundance of sugar, strawberry jam has a high calorie content, so if you want to lose weight, it is not recommended to include it in your diet. For information, the calorie content of strawberry jam per 100 grams is 285 kcal. For those who are wondering how many calories are in strawberry jam in a teaspoon, it is 19.95 kcal.

Is it possible to have strawberry jam if you have diarrhea?

Is it possible to have strawberry jam for gastritis?

With gastritis, doctors impose strict restrictions on sweets, so eating strawberry jam is not recommended. In addition to the abundance of sugar, it contains a lot of vitamin C, which will significantly delay recovery.

Secrets of storing strawberry jam

Strawberry jam, when properly stored, can remain suitable for three years, but it is important to follow many rules both during the preparation process and to preserve the product.

How to properly store strawberry jam?

If you need to preserve strawberry jam for a long time, the recipe for the winter is best suited. The jars must be stored in a cool place with low humidity. The temperature should be from 10 to 15 degrees. At the same time, it is strictly not recommended to expose the jam to temperature changes.

The room should be dry so that excess moisture does not contribute to the formation of rust on the lids. Deformed lids will allow air to pass through, causing the jam to spoil.

Is strawberry jam spoiled?

The main signs of spoiled jam are an unpleasant odor when opening the jar, the presence of bubbles indicating the fermentation process, and mold. As a rule, such jam is no longer suitable for consumption. You can try boiling it again with sugar, but in advanced cases the unpleasant taste will remain. This jam can no longer be eaten.

What to do if strawberry jam has fermented?

Just because strawberry jam has fermented does not mean that it needs to be thrown away immediately. Of course, you are unlikely to make a tasty filling from this type of jam, but it is perfect for baking. If the jam has just begun to ferment, you can boil it again with sugar for 7-10 minutes; per liter of jam you will need half a kilogram of sugar.

Is it possible to cover strawberry jam with paper?

How to properly make strawberry jam for the winter is already known, but many are concerned about whether it will be preserved if you close the jar with paper. Yes, it will be preserved, but even here it is important to properly package the finished product. To do this, the jar is covered with parchment paper, cardboard is placed on top, and once again it is necessary to cover it with a layer of parchment. After this, you need to tightly tighten the paper at the neck with twine. To eliminate the possibility of air getting in, it is recommended to first moisten the twine in warm water and wrap it around the neck. After drying, the material will shrink, making it impossible for air to get inside. True, such jars need to be stored in a dry place so that the paper cannot get wet or damp.

Is it possible not to roll strawberry jam?

The strawberry jam recipe allows for the use of parchment paper as lids. Otherwise, if the jam is not rolled up, the shelf life of the dessert will be significantly reduced, and you will have to keep it in the refrigerator with the lid closed.

Why does strawberry jam become moldy?

Mold in strawberry jam forms when air gets inside the jar. This may be due to the fact that storage rules were incorrectly followed or the cooking process was disrupted. It is not uncommon for cans to be dropped or hit, causing the lid to become deformed. Sometimes it is not obvious at first glance that the lid allows air to pass through, but when the jar is opened, such jam can no longer be eaten.

Strawberry jam and special conditions: pregnancy, lactation, small children

Strawberry jam is a delicious delicacy, but it belongs to the group of allergens, so it’s worth considering whether it can be consumed under certain conditions and in what quantity.

Is it possible to have strawberry jam during pregnancy?

Strawberry jam is allowed during pregnancy if the mother has not previously experienced an allergic reaction to the fruit. The sweet product contains substances that are useful for fetal hypoxia and lack of vitamins. It also reduces the risk of bleeding and fights problems such as hemorrhoids. True, if a pregnant woman suffers from an upset stomach or has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is worth temporarily refraining from strawberry jam. In addition, you should not eat a lot of treats at once, as this can provoke allergies in the unborn baby.

Is it possible to have strawberry jam while breastfeeding?

Usually, young mothers wonder whether strawberry jam can be given to a nursing mother in the first month. There are two opinions. Some experts base their judgments on the fact that strawberries are a strong allergen, so in the first days after birth, while the baby is in the adaptation stage, you should not overload him with strong products. This may cause allergies. The second group of pediatricians is inclined to argue that a small child needs to be gradually prepared for a varied diet, so the mother should try different foods during the breastfeeding period, including those that cause allergies.

It is best to introduce jam in small portions 1-2 months after the baby is born, for example, a spoon a day, then wait a couple of days and monitor the baby’s reaction. If the allergy does not manifest itself, then the mother can safely enjoy strawberry jam, but in moderation and, preferably, at intervals of a couple of days.

At what age can you give your child strawberry jam?

Strawberries often cause an allergic reaction, so jam from the aromatic fruit is not recommended for inclusion in the diet of a child under one year old. Many pediatricians, due to the abundance of sugar, prohibit the use of jam up to 3 years. Some doctors tend to reduce the restrictive period, but only to 7 months. At an early age, you can try a small spoon of jam in the morning and monitor the child’s well-being. Under no circumstances should strawberry jam be introduced as the main complementary food, as this will cause an undesirable reaction.

Good day to all!
My grandmother also taught me that jam should be jam, there should be whole berries or fruits, and everything else is just jam. She also taught me how to make jam.
Today we bring you strawberry jam.
I understand that the season for this berry has already passed, but perhaps someone will find it useful next summer.
So, we have collected a certain amount of strawberries.
This berry is not only tasty, but also healthy. During collection, do not forget to pick branches with flowers and berries. In winter, such bouquets are perfect for herbal tea, and the aroma of strawberries will remind you of summer days.

Let's start preparing the berries.
Pour the strawberries onto the table surface and sort them out very carefully so that the berries do not get wrinkled or lose their presentation.
I usually roll the berries into a bowl, simultaneously removing twigs and insects that got into the bucket during picking.
After sorting, wash the berries. Pour the berries into a bowl of water and add water, then carefully remove them from the water with a colander, allowing as much water as possible to drain.

Pour the berries into a container in which we will cook the jam. I usually use a large enamel basin.
It is not necessary to weigh them, we take the sugar consumption approximately - five hundred grams of sugar per kilogram of berries, plus or minus one hundred grams in both directions will not spoil the jam.
Next, cover the entire surface of the berries with the required amount of sugar.
This completes all work on making jam for that day.
Cover the bowl with berries with gauze or loose material and leave until the next day.
Overnight the berries will release juice and you can start making jam.
And for this we will need two more days.

The next step is to carefully lift the berries up from the edge of the basin so that the undissolved sugar crust ends up in the berry juice.

Turn on low heat and leave until boiling.
I can’t indicate the time, it all depends on the vessel you will cook in, its thickness and, of course, the fire.
Without stirring the berries, carefully remove all the foam that will collect in the middle of the boiling berries.

We removed the foam and carefully “bathe” the berries in the syrup with a slotted spoon.
That's it, on the second day we'll finish with jam. Let it all cool down.
Over the course of a day, the berries will be saturated with syrup and decrease in size.

The next day we repeat everything.
Place on low heat and cook. Stir the jam with a wooden spoon or spatula, but very carefully and only a few times.
During the second cooking, bring the contents to a boil and cook for about five minutes, no more.
Turn off the gas and leave for a day.
I understand the process is long, but it's worth it.
Many people blame the nature - dry or rainy summers, even the fact that the berries are sometimes picked not quite ripe and therefore the strawberry jam turns out bitter. Nothing like this. Strawberry jam is indeed bitter, but only if it is cooked incorrectly.
In our case, the jam will turn out exceptionally sweet and aromatic.
The third day of cooking begins, and again we do it all over low heat.
Bring to a boil and cook for ten minutes.
This is the jam you should end up with.
Rich black and burgundy syrup in which whole berries float.

As an example, I show the finished jam on a light plate.

Pour hot jam into sterilized jars and leave until completely cool.
Roll up with tin or screw lids when cold.
This jam does not become moldy and, if desired, you can make a delicious marshmallow from it, you just need to spread the jam on food paper greased with sunflower oil.

Good luck to everyone in making jam and enjoy your tea with the aroma of summer!

Cooking time: PT00H01M 1 min.

What family does strawberry belong to? The perennial strawberry plant belongs to the Rosaceae or Rosaceae family. The name Fragaria is translated from Latin as “fragrant”. The berries are located close to the ground, so in Old Slavonic the plant was called “strawberry”.

East Asia, and according to some sources, South America is considered the birthplace of strawberries. Images of strawberries are found in drawings in ancient Greece and Rome. The first to describe strawberries was the doctor, priest and caretaker of the botanical garden of the city of Zweibrücken I. Bock in 1553.

Plant structure

The leaves have a complex shape, located on long, 10-25 cm, petioles. The edges of the leaves are serrated. The size depends on the type: leaves can be small, medium and large. There is usually pubescence below.

The root system is fibrous brown. The roots are well developed and lie at a depth of 25 - 30 cm.

Strawberry inflorescences

The inflorescences are located on peduncles extending from the root collar in a rosette. Flowers are usually bisexual, but unisexual ones are also found. The petals are collected in a shield with many stamens and pistils. Strawberry flowers are pollinated by insects.

What do botanists call strawberry seeds?

Are strawberries a nut or a berry? Everyone is accustomed to calling strawberry fruits berries. Botanists believe that these are polynuts or false berries. The juicy, aromatic red pulp is the receptacle, and the small brown seeds are the nuts.

Everyone's favorite delicacy is a storehouse of valuable vitamins and microelements. The mineral composition of the berries is also unique. The fruits are rich in fluorine and cobalt, iodine, phosphorus, and manganese. Strawberry leaves contain natural flavonoids, essential oils, and mineral salts.

For your information! In terms of the amount of vitamin C, strawberries are second only to currants. There is more folic acid in fruits than in grapes and raspberries. There is 4 times more iron in strawberries than in apples and pineapples.

For diabetes of any type, it is important to include strawberries in your diet. The low glycemic index (15-25 GI) and the special composition of the berries regulate metabolism and protect the body from the accumulation of free radicals. Fresh or defrosted strawberries can be added to fruit desserts, to prepare dietary baked goods, and compotes. The main thing is not to overeat and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Strawberries can be included in the diet menu, since their calorie content is 30 - 40 kcal per 100 g of product.

What can be made from strawberries

Frozen strawberries

If you plan to prepare decoctions and infusions from strawberries throughout the year, freshly picked leaves and berries are dried, laid out in a thin layer on a spread cloth in the shade or in special devices. In the morning and evening, drink a glass of fragrant tea.

Strawberries are useful to eat fresh, but you can prepare the berries for future use and add them to a variety of dishes, drinks, and berry desserts.

How to freeze strawberries

Wash the berries thoroughly, dry them and spread them in the freezer in a thin layer. When the fruits are frozen, they are put into storage containers. In winter, the berries will be intact and will not wrinkle or stick together.

Vitamins for the winter

A tasty preparation is obtained if strawberries are rubbed with sugar without heat treatment. All useful substances and vitamins will remain in the mixture until spring. To do this you need:

  1. Sort the strawberries, rinse, remove debris and let dry.
  2. Add sugar to the prepared berries to taste.
  3. Beat the mixture with a blender and leave for a day.
  4. Place the treats in sterilized jars, roll them up and put them in a cool place.

Strawberry jam

Strawberry jam

  1. Sort the berries, wash them and put them in a bowl.
  2. Sprinkle each layer with sugar and leave until the berries give juice. For 1 kg of berries take 1.2 kg of sugar.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil, remove the foam and remove from the heat. Repeat this several times until the berries become transparent and the syrup thickens a little.
  4. Cool, place in clean, dry jars and store.

Why are strawberries bitter? The berries, which were collected in the pine forest, have a bitter taste. If you add a handful of blueberries, raspberries or red currants to the jam, you can get rid of the bitterness. In ancient cookbooks, they advise putting raw, peeled carrots into boiling jam, and then removing them, then the bitterness will go away.

Strawberry compote

  1. For 3 liters of compote you will need a liter jar of pure berries and 0.5 kg of sugar.
  2. Place the berries in a three-liter jar and carefully pour boiling water over them. Cover with a lid and wait 10 minutes.
  3. Using a special lid, pour the water into a saucepan, pour sugar into it, and boil.
  4. Pour the boiling syrup into the berries, roll them up and wrap them in a blanket until it cools down.

Important! Contraindications for eating strawberries are pregnancy, age under 1 year, hypersensitivity, allergies. In such cases, the delicacy will not bring benefit, but harm to health.

Description of garden and wild strawberries: characteristics, examples

Strawberries have been cultivated as a fruit crop since the 16th - 17th centuries. It is often mistakenly called strawberry. There are now more than 10,000 varieties.

Strawberries can grow anywhere except waterlogged soil and dry sand. In places where groundwater rises high or flooding occurs, plants will die. After nightshades and next to raspberries, strawberries will get sick and will not produce a harvest. In one place, strawberries grow and bear fruit for 4 - 5 years.

Before planting, the soil needs to be prepared:

  • clear of weeds;
  • neutralize pest larvae;
  • add organic matter and fertilizers;
  • dig up the ground.

Strawberry blossoms

Why do strawberries bloom but not bear fruit? With an excess of fertilizers, seedlings begin to grow strongly (fatten) to the detriment of fruiting, they may bloom and not produce fruit, although they need a large amount of nutrients.

To obtain high-quality seedlings and propagate strawberries, choose 2-3-year-old productive bushes. After picking the berries, the row spacing is thoroughly loosened. On the bushes that bear fruit, shoots of a modification - mustaches - begin to grow rapidly. They form rosettes of leaves and rudiments of roots that need to be pressed to the ground. As soon as 2-3 leaves grow on the young bushes, you can dig up and transplant the seedlings to a new bed.

You can propagate strawberries by seeds. They are sown in January - February and be sure to use lighting and film. Strawberries sprout unevenly: from 2 to 4 weeks. The film is removed from the bowl and placed in a cool, bright place. You need to water the seedlings using a teaspoon or pipette, being careful not to damage the thin seedlings.

It is advisable to harvest seedlings immediately before planting. The roots are shortened to 6 - 8 cm and lowered into an earthen mash. Seedlings prepared in this way are immediately planted or stored in a dark, damp place for short-term storage.

Important! Bushes are planted in even rows 20 - 30 cm apart. Leave 70 - 80 cm between rows.

Another planting method is considered more productive: plants are planted in groups of 3 at a distance of 10 cm. Such nests are placed in rows 50 cm apart from each other.

The row spacing is loosened and sprinkled with any mulching material. To prevent the seedlings from starting to wither, you need to shade them.

Bushes need watering and regular feeding. When flowering, you need to make sure that the plantings do not freeze or overheat. If the mustache is not needed for reproduction, it is cut off, otherwise the seedlings’ forces will be directed not to fruiting, but to the growth of shoots. In addition, the beds need to be weeded and pests controlled.

In areas with an unfavorable climate, care should be taken to protect seedlings from frost in winter and from heat in summer. In autumn, the berry fields are covered with leaves, straw or dry tops.

Strawberry yields drop sharply after 4-5 years. In advance, you need to plant the seedlings in new beds, and dig up the vacated ones and use them for growing vegetables.

Why trim? If you cut off the above-ground parts of the plants after harvesting, new leaves will grow. The bushes are rejuvenated, freshened and bear fruit in one place for much longer.

Strawberry pruning

Strawberry varieties

When choosing the right variety for the garden, they look at many characteristics: ripening time, size and shape of berries, resistance to diseases and temperature changes.

According to the timing of ripening, garden strawberries are divided into remontant, late, mid-ripening and early.

Among the early ripening varieties, the following varieties are very popular:

  • Elvira is a variety of Dutch selection with shiny round berries weighing up to 60 g. The red pulp is sweet and aromatic. Resistant to fungal diseases.
  • Kent is a Canadian variety with round-conical berries. Resistant to frost, gray rot, powdery mildew, and fungal diseases. At the beginning of autumn it blooms and bears fruit a second time.

Popular mid-season varieties:

Late ripening varieties:

  • Vima Xima is a new Dutch variety with large dark red berries. It produces a few whiskers, which makes grooming easier.
  • Vikoda is a Dutch variety, resistant to spotting, white mold, and winter-hardy. Delicious comb-shaped berries of dark red color reach 120 g.
  • Borovitskaya is a self-fertile, high-yielding variety. Double berries with a groove in the middle. Resistant to temperature changes and diseases.

Day-neutral or remontant varieties:

  • Queen Elizabeth II is one of the best remontant varieties with large aromatic berries that can bloom throughout the summer.
  • Garland is a continuously flowering and fruit-bearing domestic variety with delicious aromatic berries. Suitable for growing in pots or on a vertical trellis.

In 2018, new strawberry varieties appeared: Alba, Christina, Honey, Clery, Kimberly.

Wild strawberries

Wild strawberries are found in the European part of Russia, in Eastern and Western Siberia, in the Urals, and in the Caucasus. It grows on hills, sunny slopes, in clearings, and spreads quickly with the help of creeping shoots.

Wild strawberries

Due to its medicinal properties and taste, strawberries are very popular. Russian scientist S.M. Vasiliev in the book “Treatment with Strawberries” described the beneficial properties and effects of drugs on all human organs and systems. Dried leaves and berries of wild strawberries can be bought at the pharmacy, or you can prepare them at home.

  • The berry is recommended for metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency, obesity, and bronchial asthma.
  • Decoctions and infusions from the leaves help with heart problems, suffocation, uterine bleeding, stomach ulcers and gastritis.
  • Strawberry juice is effective for eczema, anemia, and for healing wounds.

Important! Garden strawberry leaves should not be used for treatment. You can get poisoned by them!

Frequently asked questions about strawberries

How to preserve strawberry seedlings until spring

If for some reason the strawberries did not have time to be planted in a permanent place, you can place the seedlings in boxes with holes in the bottom and take them to the basement or put them in the refrigerator. Line the bottom of each box with moss and sawdust so as not to dry out the roots. Air humidity should be at least 90% and temperature 2-6°C. If the temperature is higher, the seedlings will begin to germinate, and if it is lower, they will freeze. The room needs to be ventilated or the boxes with seedlings must be sprayed.

Strawberry seedlings

How to store strawberries after picking

The berries need to be picked in dry weather. When harvesting, strawberries are picked along with the stalks and carefully placed in a container. Make sure that the berries are undamaged, otherwise the disease will quickly spread and ruin the entire harvest.

Fresh berries can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. Do not wash the berries, do not pick off the stems. The lid should not be tight. If the berries have been washed and picked, they can be lightly sprinkled with sugar and left for 1-2 days.

Why don't strawberries bloom?

When nitrogen-containing fertilizers or manure are applied in excess, plants begin to intensively increase their green mass. Peduncles are not set. Another reason is untimely or incorrect pruning of bushes, when flower buds do not have time to form or die during frosts. Flower buds can be damaged by the flower weevil. It is better to prevent this phenomenon by treating it with pest control drugs in advance.

Strawberry jam - This is a sweet fragrant memory of summer in the cold season.
Even one spoon of strawberry jam can lift your spirits and fill your body with vitamins.
After eating it and drinking tea, you will definitely feel a surge of strength and energy.

In our article today we will talk about the benefits of strawberry jam and share recipes for preparing this aromatic delicacy.

You can make delicious jam from any type of strawberry, but one point is important here: the less the berries are subjected to heat treatment, the more beneficial they will be for the body.

The most valuable thing in this process is, of course, the berries. When properly cooked, they can retain up to 100% of such beneficial substances as vitamins B6, B9, C, E, zinc, iron, manganese, calcium, folic acid, tannins and organic acids.

Thanks to such a rich composition, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous, immune and circulatory systems, and improves metabolism.

Before moving on to recipes for making jam, I want to highlight some useful tips:

1. In order to get rid of the bitterness that is characteristic of strawberry jam, you can put whole raw peeled carrots in it (at the end of cooking the jam, you need to remove the carrots).

2. Another option that allows you to get rid of bitterness is to add red currants to the jam (there should be 6 times less of them than strawberries).

3. Also, the jam will not be bitter if you cook it in one go.

4. In order to check the readiness of the jam, you need to drop it on a saucer. The drop should not spread, and the berries themselves should become translucent.

5. Remember that saving sugar may result in the jam not being stored for long: it may become moldy or ferment.

6. You need to make jam from freshly picked strawberries.

Before making jam, you need to sort out the strawberries. Remove the sepals and choose berries that are the same size, since large berries take longer to cook than small ones.

Rinse the berries under running cool water.

For cooking, use stainless steel or brass utensils. If you have a large number of berries, then divide them into several servings.

Glass jars with a capacity of 1 liter or 500 ml are considered good containers for jam. Before you put the jam into jars, you need to thoroughly wash and disinfect them. This can be done steamed or in the oven.

The jars must be dry before pouring jam.

Recipes for making jam:

1) Strawberry jam – recipe No. 1


- 1 kg of strawberries;
- 1.5 kg of sugar.

Cooking process:

Strawberries should be placed in layers in a bowl, sprinkled with sugar. Leave for 5-6 hours so that it releases the juice. Next, put it on the fire until it boils. After which, immediately remove from heat for 15 minutes. Then put it on the fire again until it boils and repeat this 4 times. At the end of cooking, you can add citric acid or juice at the rate of 1 gram per 1 kg of raw materials. The jam should be poured into jars while hot.

2) Strawberry jam – recipe No. 2


— 300 ml of water;
- 1.5 kg of sugar;
- 1 kg of strawberries.

Cooking process:

We prepare syrup from water and sugar and pour it over the strawberries. We put it on the fire in the syrup until it boils. Then remove for 15 minutes and follow the first recipe.

3) Strawberry jam – recipe No. 3


- 2 kg of sugar;
- 1 kg of strawberries.

Cooking process:

Strawberries need to be ground with sugar in a 1:2 ratio. Divide into jars and store in the refrigerator. This recipe is good for treating colds.

The calorie content of strawberry jam is 220 calories per 100 grams.

This jam should be stored in a cool, dark place, at a temperature of +10, +12 degrees.

Wonderful strawberries - the aroma and taste of sunny summer. Fresh berries have a huge number of beneficial properties. It is rich in fiber and fructose, vitamins, macro- and microelements. Berries improve the condition of the body, skin and hair. It is very useful for children, but can be a strong allergen. It is better to give it to a child after 1.5-2 years. It is very easily absorbed by the body and has a therapeutic effect. Freezing is the only way to preserve all the beneficial properties of fresh berries at home.


Servings: – + 5

  • fresh berries 1 kg

Per serving

Calories: 41 kcal

Proteins: 0.73 g

Fats: 0.4 g

Carbohydrates: 7.36 g

3 hours 0 min. Video recipe Print

    First of all, we sort out the strawberries, remove spoiled and deformed stems.

    Pour cold water into a large saucepan or other convenient container and pour in the berries. Leave for 5 minutes.

    Afterwards, carefully rinse the strawberries, changing the water 2-3 times.

    Use a small strainer or slotted spoon to catch it and place it, not too tightly, on napkins or paper towels.

    Cover the cutting board or tray with a plastic bag or cling film.

    Place the berries at a short distance from each other and place them in the freezer. Freeze at a temperature of -18C and below for at least two hours.

    Then we transfer it to a container prepared in advance (plastic containers or thick plastic bags) and send it back to the freezer.

    Advice: the warmth of your hands may cause the berry to melt and become deformed; use a spatula or spoon.

    Recipe for freezing strawberries with sugar

    Cooking time: 20 minutes

    Number of servings: 7

    Energy value

    • calories – 107.77 kcal;
    • proteins – 0.70 g;
    • fats – 0.14 g;
    • carbohydrates – 24.15 g.


    • strawberries – 1 kg;
    • sugar – 300 g.

    Process description

  1. First, we sort out the berries, get rid of debris and leaves.
  2. Then rinse the strawberries in a colander under a small stream of cold water.
  3. Leave for 10 minutes. Why? To drain excess liquid.
  4. Then put them in plastic containers and add sugar. It is important that not a drop of moisture remains on the berries.
  5. Close the lids tightly and place the containers in the freezer.

Recipe for freezing strawberries in syrup

Cooking time: 60 minutes

Number of servings: 6

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​92 kcal;
  • proteins – 0.56 g;
  • fats – 0.26 g;
  • carbohydrates – 21.3 g.


  • strawberries – 500-600 g;
  • sugar – 500 g;
  • water – 2 l.

Step-by-step cooking process

  1. First we'll make the syrup. Combine sugar and water and bring until the sugar is completely dissolved over low heat.
  2. Boiling the syrup will take about 5 minutes. Afterwards we cool it.
  3. Wash the berries carefully, sort them, and dry them.
  4. Pour into plastic containers and put in the refrigerator.
  5. After 15-20 minutes, pour cold syrup over the strawberries.
  6. Place opened containers in the freezer for a day.
  7. After a day, we take it out, close the lids tightly and put it back.

Recipe for freezing strawberries in the form of puree

Cooking time: 45 minutes

Number of servings: 8

Energy value

  • calories – 122 kcal;
  • proteins – 0.70 g;
  • fats – 0.14 g;
  • carbohydrates – 24.15 g.


  • strawberries – 1.5 kg;
  • sugar – 280 g.

Step by step process

  1. Carefully wash the strawberries, removing spoiled berries and any excess.
  2. Using a masher, mash into a puree. It is more effective to use an immersion blender if you have one.
  3. Then add sugar and mix. Let it sit for half an hour.
  4. Now you can safely pour the puree into pre-prepared containers and store it in the freezer.

Advice: Do not fill the puree to the top of the container, as the volume will increase slightly during freezing.

Freezing secrets

It is better to freeze strawberries in any form in small quantities. This way the berries will remain intact and not stick together. For freezing whole, rather than in syrup or puree, it is best to use freshly picked fruit. You need to defrost strawberries gradually, without using a microwave oven or warm water. To begin, simply transfer the berries from the freezer to the refrigerator for about an hour, and then leave them on the counter until completely defrosted. This way the berries will retain their shape and juice.

Why do strawberries taste bitter after freezing?

Strawberries, even when fresh, have a sweet taste with a slight bitterness. What is the reason? The bitterness is contained in small grains inside the berry. Fruits collected in pine forests also have a more bitter taste. And the taste directly depends on what is watered and fertilized with it. To reduce bitterness, it is best to freeze berry puree with sugar.

How long can you store

The lower the temperature in the freezer, the longer the berries will last. It is important to use containers with tight lids or ziplock bags to prevent the strawberries from becoming saturated with extraneous flavors. Pure berries, like preparations with sugar, can be safely stored for up to a year, observing the temperature regime and preventing defrosting.

In what container should I store it?

The best option is plastic containers. They come in different shapes and sizes and are hermetically sealed. You can also use thick plastic bags and special freezer bags with a zipper. You can use cups to freeze strawberries in small portions. Just pour the berries into them and cover with a bag or film. Ice cream molds are suitable for freezing puree.

How nice it is to plunge into the hot strawberry summer during the long cold winter. You can bake small puff pastries with fresh berries or even a large cake. You can cook a delicious compote or just eat strawberries. Homemade preparations are a real find!
