Buckwheat porridge without meat. Buckwheat porridge without cooking. Buckwheat soup with mushrooms

The benefits of green buckwheat and its advantages over traditional fried cereals are a proven fact. But many novice connoisseurs of this product will ask themselves: how to properly cook green buckwheat and what kinds of dishes are there from this grain? In fact, there are many options for preparing this product. And if you think that eating green buckwheat is boring, you are very mistaken! Using this version of cereal, you can arrange a real gastronomic feast for yourself. And most importantly, after this your conscience will not torment you. After all, everything will benefit the body and help improve health!

Let's consider existing methods of preparing a valuable product.

After all, many characteristics of the dish depend on the specifics of preparation. You may end up with crumbly, tender porridge, or soft, thick cereal. You can make a mousse, salad or mix with vegetables. But if we take cereal as a basis, then this particular product must be prepared at the highest level. Then it will be possible to give the culinary composition exactly those flavor shades that will give the participants at the feast an excellent impression.

There are several known methods for preparing green buckwheat. For example, cereals can be boiled, or you can prepare dishes from green buckwheat grains without heat treatment. All methods are good. And you should choose according to your taste preferences.

It is worth noting that most people still prefer the boiled version of cereals. And it's not so bad. If you know how to cook green buckwheat, then it is quite possible to create a tasty dish without losing the beneficial qualities of the cereal.

How to cook green buckwheat correctly

So, to prepare green buckwheat in the traditional way, you need to take the required amount of suspension and rinse it well under running water. Then you need to pour the cereal into a fireproof container and add water so that the surface of the product is covered with liquid 2 cm above. You can let the cereal swell. To do this, leave the buckwheat in the water for 10–15 minutes. Then you need to put the saucepan on low heat, without covering it with a lid, and bring it to readiness. You ask, how long to cook green buckwheat? And you'll be right! The fact is that the level of preservation of vitamins in cereals directly depends on the time of thermal exposure. And the consistency of the finished dish is directly related to the cooking time. There is no need to boil the cereal too much. This doesn't make it any more delicious! Just 15 minutes of cooking over low heat is enough to get delicious buckwheat.

How to cook green buckwheat with crumbly consistency

Many people do not know how to prepare buckwheat porridge with a crumbly consistency. But it's not difficult at all! To prevent the cereal from overcooking and at the same time become soft and pleasant to the taste as a result of cooking, you need to follow three simple rules:

  1. Rinse until water is clear. You need to wash the cereal thoroughly. When, when draining the water, you do not find any turbidity, you can assume that the washing was carried out efficiently.
  2. Pour in the required amount of water. There should not be more water than recommended, i.e. add liquid 2 cm above the level of the cereal and not a gram more.
  3. Do not stir and cook for 15 minutes. There is no need to stir the porridge often. You need to cook over low heat, and then the cereal will not burn. 15 minutes is enough to cook buckwheat and not enough for the product to start burning.

If you use the tips described above, you can get excellent crumbly buckwheat. It does not need to be supplemented with fats or added salt or sweetening. These are all harmful additives. Add fresh vegetables, berries, fruits, honey to the dish. You will receive a valuable product of excellent taste and quality!

How to cook green buckwheat without cooking

True connoisseurs of healthy eating claim that the best option for preparing green buckwheat does not involve thermal exposure. It is best to prepare such cereals without cooking. And believe me, as soon as you master the method of preparing cereals without cooking, you will wonder whether it is possible to cook green buckwheat at all? After all, even without cooking, you get amazingly tasty cereal, rich in all useful qualities. So why cook it then?

Let's look at methods for preparing buckwheat without cooking.

How to brew green buckwheat

Green buckwheat requires different preparations. If we want to get tasty cereal without cooking, but are not yet ready to eat raw porridge, we can use a clever brewing method. To brew grains, you need to take them in the required quantity and rinse them under running water. Then we leave cold water in the container with cereal for 20–30 minutes. You need to let the grains swell. After the required time has passed, drain the water. Before this time, you need to prepare boiling water. Carefully pour boiled hot water into the container with cereal. You need to pour in enough water so that it only slightly covers the surface of the solid suspension. The bowl with cereal poured in boiling water should be tightly covered with a lid and left to steep for about fifteen minutes. After 15 minutes, remove the lid. In front of you will be ready-made crumbly and soft buckwheat. Add any ingredients to it and eat to your health!

Boiled green buckwheat is good! Brewed cereal is also delicious. But if you want to follow all the rules of a healthy diet, try cooking green buckwheat without heat treatment. Then you will appreciate the depth of flavor. But green buckwheat has a specific, delicate, very soft and rich taste. Once you try dishes prepared with raw grains, you will never want to go back to boiled buckwheat.

Cooking methods


Take the required amount of buckwheat suspension and wash it. Then we place the cereal in a container made of environmentally friendly plastic. Fill with purified water so that the surface is covered by 1-1.5 cm. Cover the container with a lid. So our cereal will stand for at least 5-6 hours. The ideal soaking time for the product is 12 hours. It is recommended to leave buckwheat overnight. Then by morning you will have a fresh, tender, ready-to-eat product.


Having received ready-to-eat soaked or boiled cereal, it can be turned into a soft, homogeneous paste - mousse. For this you will need a blender. The finished cereal should be placed in a grinding bowl and beat for 4-5 minutes. The mousse can be served with berries, vegetables, and herbs. This interesting cooking method changes the consistency of the cereal and turns it into an unusual, but very tasty dish. In this way, you can prepare various pates, the basis of which will be buckwheat.


Sprouted buckwheat is very valuable in a healthy diet. In order to germinate grains, you need to take the amount you need and rinse well. The washed grains should be placed in a container for germination. There are special containers, but you can get by with the usual variation of dishes made of food-grade plastic. The washed grains are placed in a scattering and are not covered with anything. After 8–9 hours, the first sprouts will appear. This grain can be added as a base to a salad or eaten as an independent dish, garnished with vegetables, herbs, fruits, and berries.

Green buckwheat flour

Selected buckwheat grain can be ground into flour. This is quite doable at home. You need to take a blender or food processor with the appropriate function and grind the buckwheat to flour. This product can be used to prepare dietary baked goods or other culinary products.

How to cook green buckwheat for weight loss

If you have decided to lose a few extra pounds and have chosen healthy eating principles for this purpose, you are on the right track! Green “live” buckwheat is a product that will saturate the body with vitamins and essential microelements and at the same time will not be deposited on the waist in the form of extra pounds! For your diet, you should choose a non-thermal method of preparing cereals. Sprouted or soaked buckwheat will be an excellent basis for dietary dishes. Make a salad or porridge with vegetables. You will definitely get a delicious lunch and dinner.

How to cook buckwheat for breakfast

Let's look at a couple of easy-to-prepare green buckwheat breakfast dishes.

Fruit and berry mix with buckwheat

To create a delicious breakfast, take:

  • 3-4 tablespoons of porridge;
  • 3–4 raspberries;
  • 3–4 strawberries;
  • 2 ripe apricots;
  • 2 cherries.

Cereals should be prepared in any convenient way. To the finished crumbly porridge you need to add berries and fruits, cut into pieces. You must first remove the pit from cherries and apricots. If you have a sweet tooth and are not ready to put up with the too natural taste of the dish, add the following sauce to the porridge: mix 1 teaspoon of natural flower honey with 2 teaspoons of natural pomegranate juice and a drop of lemon juice. This sauce will add piquancy to the dish and relieve the boredom of monotony.

Mousse “Charging”

To prepare this mousse you need to take:

  • 2-3 tablespoons of washed green buckwheat;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • ½ banana pulp;
  • ½ kiwi pulp.
  • Grated suspension of nuts (any).

Buckwheat should be prepared without cooking. Then the soft cereal and the remaining ingredients (except nuts) must be placed in a blender bowl and prepared as a mousse. Pour the finished mousse into serving glasses and decorate with nut crumbs.

Morning story (porridge)

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • 3–4 tbsp. l. green buckwheat;
  • 2–3 dried apricots;
  • 1 prune;
  • A handful of nuts of any kind;
  • Natural flower honey - 1 tsp.

I want to germinate buckwheat. Decorate the finished product with chopped dried fruits, flavor with honey and sprinkle with finely grated nuts.

Bon appetit!

What can you cook green buckwheat with?

It’s easy to create dishes from this type of healthy and natural grain! The main thing is to follow the rules for preparing such a product. But to make the dishes truly tasty, you need to choose the right combinations. Let's look at what unprocessed “live” buckwheat is combined with.

  • fruits;
  • berries;
  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • muesli;
  • natural yoghurts;
  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • citrus fruit zest;
  • herbs and spices.

You can add whatever you want. But remember, healthy food does not tolerate harmful additives. By using sugar, salt, and fats when preparing “live” buckwheat, you kill the whole idea and natural uniqueness of the product. Therefore, try to choose only healthy combinations and fresh products given to us by nature itself. Be healthy and bon appetit!

Buckwheat porridge without cooking is a recipe that can be useful for a number of very, very different reasons and life circumstances, absolutely unrelated to each other and not similar to each other.

The situation is the most critical, from the category of “Mishkina porridge” stories: you simply have nowhere to heat the water, but buckwheat and cold water are available. The devil knows why you found yourself in such strange circumstances, but I think you will be very happy for yourself if you know the trick that I am going to show you here. The fact is that it is absolutely not necessary to cook buckwheat porridge or even scald it with boiling water! Cold water is enough for this cereal.

Situation two: you have decided to observe a strict fast, when on some days you are supposed to eat food not only without vegetable oil, but also without heat treatment. By the way, as far as I know, to observe such a fast, it would be better for a layman to ask for blessings from his priest. Buckwheat porridge without cooking is not only a golden dish for a strict fasting menu, it is, by the way, also a healthier dish than all other ways of preparing buckwheat porridge known to you. Because the less heat treatment the cereal undergoes, the fewer nutrients it will lose on the way to your mouth.

The third reason why people need buckwheat porridge without cooking is the buckwheat diet, as well as a number of other cleansing and low-calorie diets.

Well, the last reason (known to me) is a raw food diet, but in this case I want to note that in order to prepare buckwheat porridge without cooking, you will need not just any kind, but green buckwheat. This is not some exotic variety, this is a normal type of any buckwheat. It’s just that in Russia, for some reason, this cereal is historically used after frying, and this turns it brown. In many European countries, you won’t find the usual Russian buckwheat at all; there it is only sold green, and brown can only be bought in Russian grocery stores. So let me show you both so you can get a clear picture of what you're looking at and what you should be looking for for your circumstances.

On the left - fried, brown. On the right is green. As you can see, it is not entirely green, but there are still some greenish grains. So this is the most useful one! It’s only healthier to chew from the bush, as they say. But if we take the taste of boiled buckwheat, prepared in the usual way for all of us, then, in my opinion, pre-fried buckwheat is definitely better. But if you try buckwheat porridge without cooking, then, frankly, I find it difficult to choose which is tastier: brown or green. Because green buckwheat without cooking has a completely different taste! It is very pleasant, intensely nutty, fresh... In general, I can only recommend it. Brown buckwheat porridge without cooking has approximately the same taste as boiled in water “without anything” and cooled. It is only minimally rougher when you chew.

The beginning of cooking for both types of cereals is the same - they should be filled with the most ordinary cold water so that the cereal is completely covered with it, about a finger deep.

The next photo was taken 4 hours after pouring water on the buckwheat. As you can see, the brown cereal has absorbed some of the water; it is, in principle, already edible, but it is not yet very tasty - it is a bit harsh.

After six hours, both buckwheat soaked in cold water will be completely ready. This is why they usually say: soak the buckwheat overnight. Night - of course, it depends on who you are, but usually it is at least 6 hours. There will be 8 or 10, and even more - it won’t spoil the porridge. But less than six is, in my opinion, not enough.

You can still drain the water from green buckwheat. There is no need to drain anything from brown buckwheat; the amount of water indicated by me is completely absorbed by 100 grams of buckwheat.

If your diet allows it, buckwheat porridge without cooking, of course, can be seasoned with fresh herbs, salt and pepper.

Bon appetit!

It is not at all necessary to cook only from expensive gourmet products. For example, there are a lot of buckwheat dishes. Let's look at the most popular buckwheat dishes; recipes with photos will help you prepare them. We’ll also figure out how to cook crumbly buckwheat for a side dish.

The most popular buckwheat dishes: recipes with photos and detailed descriptions

The opinion that buckwheat is a “boring” product and can only be used to make porridge is wrong. You can prepare a lot of buckwheat dishes. We bring to your attention the most popular buckwheat dishes. Recipes with photos will be your assistant in their preparation.

You can treat guests not only to expensive salads and complex hot dishes according to “restaurant recipes”. You can prepare a luxurious dinner from the simplest and most affordable product.

Buckwheat can be served not only as a porridge side dish, but can also be used to create a culinary masterpiece. The right combination of products and a special cooking method will turn a simple product into the most delicious lunch or dinner.

There are so many different casseroles with buckwheat, cutlets, soups, porridges and other dishes. I would like to introduce you to three of the most delicious and interesting recipes for dishes with buckwheat: cheese and buckwheat cutlets, buckwheat porridge pancakes, casserole with meat and buckwheat.

All recipes are different, but they are similar in that they are all very tasty and unlike other dishes.

Buckwheat and cheese cutlets

Everyone has their own tastes, but those who love cheese love all recipes with it. Cheese goes well with buckwheat; it complements it perfectly. Especially in cutlets, the taste is very spicy and delicate. And it’s absolutely impossible to tear yourself away from hot, fresh cutlets.

So, to prepare buckwheat and cheese cutlets you will need the following ingredients:

  • 150 grams of buckwheat;
  • 100 grams of hard cheese;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 1-2 onions;
  • 3 tablespoons flour;
  • 1 carrot;
  • A few cloves of garlic;
  • Vegetable oil, butter; sour cream and breadcrumbs for breading.

In order for our cutlets to turn out very tasty and not to contain various strange particles and coarse black kernels, the buckwheat must be carefully sorted and rinsed thoroughly.

We set to cook pure buckwheat, adding water in a ratio of 1:2 (there should always be twice as much water). Cook the buckwheat until all the water has evaporated.

Meanwhile, peel the onions, garlic and carrots. Grate the carrots, chop the onion and garlic, or grind them all together in a blender.

In a hot frying pan in vegetable oil, fry the vegetables until golden brown.

Grind the cooled buckwheat in a blender so that it tastes more tender.

Add roasted vegetables, eggs, flour, salt, and spices to taste to the buckwheat puree. Then mix it all thoroughly.

Cheese mode into cubes or sticks, depending on the size of the cutlets you will form.

To form cutlets, take a flatbread, put a piece of cheese in the middle, close it and form a regular round cutlet, roll in breadcrumbs.

Now the cutlets can be fried. You need to fry them until crispy. Remove from the pan carefully so that the cheese does not leak out.

Buckwheat pancakes

These pancakes are not at all like the ordinary ones that we often prepare. In addition, they can be prepared from ready-made buckwheat. It often happens that there is buckwheat porridge left over and you no longer want to finish it, then you can use it to make delicious buckwheat pancakes for breakfast.

To prepare them you will need the following products:

  • 250 grams of buckwheat;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tablespoon flour;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • Soda, salt, vegetable oil.

If you don’t have ready-made buckwheat, then you need to cook it specifically for pancakes. To do this, we first sort out the buckwheat and remove any debris from it, then rinse it.

Fill with water (0.5 liters of water per 250 grams of cereal) and cook until fully cooked, you can add salt.

Beat eggs with soda and salt.

Add flour and buckwheat porridge to the beaten eggs.

Squeeze the peeled garlic in a garlic press and add to the other ingredients.

Mix everything well.

Or you can add onions, lightly fried in vegetable oil. Heat a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil and spoon the resulting “dough” onto it.

Fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown. These buckwheat pancakes are best served with sour cream.

Buckwheat casserole with meat

This dish can be prepared for lunch, dinner, or for guests. Delicious, fast and easy. And most importantly, it’s useful. This is just the kind of dish that everyone will like. Many people like these kinds of potato casseroles, but they are already a little boring. But buckwheat casserole is something new, although nothing complicated.

To prepare it we will need:

  • 300 grams of buckwheat;
  • 350 grams of minced meat;
  • 250 grams of champignons;
  • 100 grams of hard cheese;
  • Sour cream;
  • 1 onion;
  • Butter, salt, pepper.

We sort and wash the buckwheat, cook it until tender.

Peel the onion, chop finely and fry in butter until golden brown. We also clean the mushrooms, set mode and add them to the onion in the frying pan. Fry for 5 minutes.

Salt, add spices to taste and place the minced meat in the pan. Stirring, fry for another 10-15 minutes.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and add sour cream (4 tablespoons) to it.

In a baking dish, first put half of the buckwheat with onions and mushrooms, then a third of the cheese with sour cream, then again the buckwheat and the remaining cheese with sour cream.

Place our casserole in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, and bake for about 30 minutes until a golden brown crust forms.

The casserole is ready!

How to cook crumbly buckwheat: secrets of successful cooking

At first glance, it seems that buckwheat is practically impossible to spoil. But it happens, especially among novice housewives, that buckwheat porridge does not turn out very tasty. We will tell you how to cook crumbly buckwheat, following the rules for its preparation.

There are only a few basic rules for preparing delicious crumbly buckwheat porridge. But you must remember them and follow them so that your dishes are always the most appetizing and delicious. These are the tips:

  1. Use sorted, washed with water and fried in a dry frying pan buckwheat;
  2. Boil buckwheat in clean filtered water;
  3. Maintain the correct proportions (1:2);
  4. Choose suitable utensils for cooking.

We begin preparing buckwheat porridge by preparing the grain itself. First, you need to sort it very carefully so that you don’t get any unpeeled grains or debris in the food.

Then the buckwheat needs to be washed several times with clean cold water. After such “cleaning”, the buckwheat should be dried a little - fry for 5-7 minutes in a dry (without fat) hot frying pan, stirring constantly. This way, buckwheat porridge is not only crumbly, but also very aromatic.

Pour fresh, clean water into a thick-walled saucepan, or better yet a wok, and bring to a boil. There should be twice as much water as the buckwheat itself. Buckwheat porridge is always cooked in a 1:2 ratio.

Salt the boiling water and add buckwheat there. When the buckwheat boils, cover it with a lid and cook until the water has completely evaporated over low heat.

After turning off the porridge, do not open it, but rather cover it with a towel and let it stand for 10-20 minutes. Delicious, healthy, crumbly buckwheat porridge is ready to serve!

How to cook buckwheat as a delicious side dish

Buckwheat porridge is, first of all, an excellent side dish. And so that the dinner turns out very tasty and pleases everyone, first we’ll figure out how to cook buckwheat as a side dish deliciously.

To make the buckwheat for a side dish very tasty, we will first prepare it. To do this, we sort out buckwheat. After all, it will be very unpleasant to find some kind of garbage on your plate, and unpeeled kernels are also not very tasty.

Therefore, carefully sort the grains, then rinse them several times until the flowing water becomes completely clean and transparent.

Then dry the buckwheat a little on a towel. You can fry the buckwheat in a hot frying pan for a few minutes.

Place buckwheat in a thick-walled saucepan or cauldron, fill it with water (2 parts water for 1 part buckwheat) and put it on the fire.

When the water boils, add salt to the buckwheat, cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat and cook the buckwheat porridge until fully cooked. As a side dish, this porridge turns out very tasty.

You can serve buckwheat with cutlets, chops, meat gravy, fried fish, and mushroom sauce. If the buckwheat porridge is left over the next day, you can make a casserole from it or just add milk and sugar, it also turns out very tasty.

Enjoy your meal!

Buckwheat is one of the most common products in both regular and dietary diets. It can be prepared in various ways. For example, boil it or just leave it to brew in hot water. In this material we will talk about how to do it without cooking.

First recipe

It is worth noting that there are quite a few options for preparing this cereal without heat treatment. At the same time, all the algorithms presented below are extremely simple, understandable to everyone and allow you to consume the finished product on the same day.

Let's move on to the first instruction. To implement it you will need a glass of buckwheat and one and a half liters of boiling water. It is necessary to use it, as this will allow the dish to be prepared in 3 hours maximum.

The recipe for buckwheat without cooking is quite simple:

  • Rinse the prepared amount of cereal until the water in which it is located becomes clear.
  • Pour the cereal into the prepared bowl and pour one and a half liters of boiling water.
  • Now you need to wait two to three hours. At this time, check the cereal for doneness.
  • As soon as the cereal becomes soft enough, it can be consumed.

But this method has a small disadvantage. Whatever one may say, being in boiling water also affects the preservation of some components that cannot tolerate heat treatment. Therefore, you need to eat buckwheat without cooking it on the same day, without storing it in the refrigerator.

Second option

This recipe is slightly different from the previous one, and it will take quite a lot of time to prepare. As before, you will need a glass of cereal and one and a half liters of water (but there is a nuance with it). The dish is prepared as follows.

  • Rinse the buckwheat again until the water is as clean as possible.
  • Prepare one and a half liters of boiling water and leave it until it cools. As soon as the temperature reaches room temperature, pour it over the cereal.
  • Wrap the dishes in a towel and leave to steep for 9 hours. Alternatively, it can be prepared in the evening for breakfast.

The third version of buckwheat without cooking

This cooking recipe is more suitable for those who like to eat some cereals or pasta slightly undercooked. Here again you will need a glass of buckwheat and one and a half liters of boiling water. Here's what you need to do.

  • To begin with, the product is poured into a colander and washed thoroughly. This must be done until the water becomes clear.
  • After this, put the kettle on.
  • Next, to cook buckwheat without cooking, you need to pour fresh boiling water over it.
  • Repeat the rinsing again. Do this until the water is clean again.
  • Now pour the cereal into a separate bowl and fill with the remaining hot boiled water.
  • Cover with a lid or towel and wait ten minutes. During this time, the cereal will swell. This will be enough to ensure that it is suitable for consumption and not undercooked.

Fourth option

This method of preparing buckwheat without cooking is very simple and suitable for busy people. Again, take the required amount of cereal, a deep bowl and boiled water at room temperature. The dish will be prepared in the microwave.

  • Rinse the product with water until it becomes clear.
  • Pour it into a bowl and fill it with water. Its volume should be half the level of the cereal itself.
  • Next, put the dishes in the microwave and set the timer for 10 minutes;
  • While heating, look inside and check that the water does not drain too quickly and the cereal does not simply begin to fry.

Why should you cook this way?

It’s worth noting that buckwheat is one of the cleanest grains. It is not treated with various harmful chemicals. This is justified by its ability to displace all kinds of weeds. Therefore, preparing buckwheat without cooking is a fairly simple and, most importantly, safe way to consume it. Let's look further at why this is so.

1. Some of the options that do not require cooking completely eliminate the process of heat treatment of cereals. This means that all useful vitamins and other components are preserved, thus having a positive effect on the body.

2. Quite often you can hear that vegetable diets are called a “brush” of the digestive system. The same can be said about instant buckwheat without cooking. Made in this way, it performs the task of cleansing the intestines of various toxins, as well as residues that accumulate on its walls. As a result of such activity, the body is not only cleansed, but also rejuvenated.

3. Quite a lot of diets are based on eating only boiled buckwheat. However, as mentioned earlier, heat treatment leads to the loss of all useful substances, as a result of which the benefits of the product are simply lost. Thus, buckwheat prepared without cooking is an ideal dietary option when you need to lose some excess weight without harm to your health.

4. The method of preparing cereal itself is very simple and does not require regular attention. It is enough to simply leave the soaked cereal until the morning and then calmly consume it throughout the day.

Disadvantages of this path

There are not so many of them, but it is still worth talking about these situations. Here is their list:

  • some options for preparing buckwheat without cooking are a gentle option for heat treatment, and therefore the beneficial substances that are too dependent on high temperatures are simply lost;
  • For people with a weak stomach or digestive disorders, undercooked or overcooked buckwheat can be harmful.


Before you start regularly consuming this product, you should familiarize yourself with the list of situations in which the amount of cereal should be strictly limited. Or it should be completely absent from the diet. Among them:

  • gastritis or ulcer;
  • personal intolerance to the product by the body;
  • extremely sensitive digestion;
  • breastfeeding period: this can cause allergies in the child;
  • pregnancy: it is necessary to consult a specialist to avoid allergic reactions;
  • increased blood clotting.

The product is prohibited for use by young children.

Buckwheat is an incredibly convenient grain. Boiled buckwheat is a very healthy product, and it can also be served as a side dish for any meat and fish dishes. With it you can prepare main courses that are hearty and healthy. And wonderful desserts in which it becomes a nutritious, but non-calorie base. By the way, these dishes have long traditions. In Rus', buckwheat porridge was often combined with other ingredients, and pancakes made from it, fluffy and tall, were always prepared during Maslenitsa week. How to make tasty dietary dishes from boiled buckwheat and what can be prepared from ready-made porridge?

Subtleties of cooking

Dishes made from cereals are as unpretentious as buckwheat itself. However, understanding how to cook it correctly is important for consuming a tasty, healthy product with a crumbly consistency. To ensure the perfect base for your new dishes, follow these guidelines.

  • Choose light grains. It underwent minimal heat treatment and retained more nutrients. Transparent plastic packaging, which ideally meets the requirements for long-term storage of the product, will allow you to examine the quality of the grains.
  • Do not fry further. This way you reduce the beneficial qualities of buckwheat, making it more caloric.
  • Rinse correctly. This should be done not in a bowl, but in a sieve. Dust and dirt will be removed through the fine grate, plus there will be no excess water left, which can ruin the consistency of the dish.
  • Proportions are important! All recipes for buckwheat porridge dishes are based on preparation from a crumbly side dish. Rigid proportions of 2:1 are suitable for it. The cereal will turn out perfect if you mix one part of it with two parts of water.
  • Boil quickly. Contrary to popular belief, porridge should not be boiled for a long time. It spreads and loses its shape. The cooking time should be 15 minutes after boiling. Then cover the porridge tightly with a lid and throw a towel over the pan. It’s worth standing in such “steamy” cereal for at least half an hour.
  • Do not salt the dish. During the cooking period, we always add salt to the buckwheat. This is enough for the dish you plan to prepare from porridge.

Recipes for main courses with photos

More satisfying and rich cereals are obtained with meat, fish, and mushrooms. It looks original in the form of meatballs and cutlets. We offer you original recipes for casseroles and buckwheat porridge cutlets as a second course.

Casserole with meat without oil

A very hearty buckwheat porridge casserole. It includes meat, aromatic garlic, onions, and is easy to prepare. It can be considered a find dish: what was found in the refrigerator was prepared. And no one will object, believe me!

You will need:

  • boiled buckwheat - 500 g;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • boiled meat - 500 g;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • sour cream - 80 g;
  • baking powder for dough - ½ teaspoon.


  1. Finely chop the onion and fry until light golden brown.
  2. Grind the boiled meat and add to the onion. Fry for 3 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and stir sour cream into cooled mixture.
  4. Grind the buckwheat into a puree, add crushed garlic.
  5. Stir mayonnaise into the buckwheat mass, add grated cheese and baking powder.
  6. Grease the mold, lay out some of the buckwheat mass, and smooth it out.
  7. Place the filling and cover with the remaining buckwheat porridge.
  8. Grease with sour cream, bake for 20 minutes at 200°.

You can serve the dish with sour cream sauce, which is easy to prepare from sour cream, garlic and herbs. This dinner with fresh vegetables will be tasty and healthy.

To grind buckwheat, you can use a blender, meat grinder or regular masher. The fastest way to get the job done is with a blender; you can use a bowl or an immersion attachment. Cold cereals should be ground using kitchen appliances. If the mass is hot, you can crush it by hand.

Cutlets with potatoes

This recipe can be called vegetarian, since it uses exclusively plant products. At the same time, the dish is tasty and satisfying. You can serve it at a regular table with sour cream, and during fasting - with fried onions.

You will need:

  • boiled buckwheat - 2 cups;
  • potatoes - 2 large root vegetables;
  • spices - black pepper, dried dill;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Peel and grate raw potatoes. Use a medium grater.
  2. Squeeze the juice out of the potato mixture.
  3. Warm the buckwheat, mix with potatoes.
  4. Add pepper, dried dill, mash the mixture with your hands or a masher. It should become sticky.
  5. Form cutlets, fry in oil for 3 minutes on each side.

Finely grated potatoes will have time to cook in such a short time. If you used a coarse grater, you should steam the cutlets under the lid for 3 minutes.

Dessert Recipes

Buckwheat porridge turns out very tasty, flavored with sugar and honey. Therefore, you can confidently prepare sweet desserts from it. Of course, you should not use an evening salty side dish for them. But, for example, in pancakes, a salty note would not be out of place.

Tender pancakes

We will prepare buckwheat porridge pancakes with an original composition. Condensed milk will add viscosity to the mass. You can replace it with honey, but it is important to remember that when heated, honey loses its healing properties.

You will need:

  • boiled buckwheat - 2 cups;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • condensed milk - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. Beat the eggs into the cold buckwheat porridge.
  2. Stir condensed milk into the mixture.
  3. Heat the frying pan, pour in vegetable oil, heat again.
  4. Spoon the mixture, fry, turn the pancakes over.
  5. Serve hot.

Sour cream is ideal for serving; you can also use homemade jam or honey. It will only take a few minutes to prepare, since there is no need to pre-grind the buckwheat. In pancakes it will appear in the form of grains, forming the original texture of the dish.

Hearty pancakes

Externally, buckwheat porridge pancakes are distinguished by a darker color. And they are original in taste. Buckwheat creates a rich, full-fledged taste, diluted with sweet notes. And pancakes are as simple to prepare as regular ones.

You will need:

  • boiled buckwheat - 2 cups;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 80 g;
  • butter - 30 g.


  1. Add sugar to buckwheat.
  2. Grind the porridge into puree with a blender.
  3. Beat eggs, add milk, mix.
  4. Mix flour and baking powder, add to mixture, mix.
  5. Heat the frying pan, pour a little dough into a ladle, and spread it over the surface. Fry for 2 minutes, turn over.
  6. Brush each pancake with butter.

In Rus', to prepare buckwheat pancakes, the grain was not crushed, so the pancakes turned out fluffy and tall. You can prepare them according to an old Russian recipe or a modern one, which will provide a more familiar structure to the dish.

These are not all the options for what to cook from buckwheat porridge. The simplest base of dishes can be combined with cottage cheese, dried fruits, eggs, even berries and fresh fruits. Try creating your own recipe for original buckwheat casserole, pancakes or cutlets!
