Fried oyster mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms fried with onions and garlic. Fried oyster mushrooms with apples and pears

We never bought these mushrooms and I never had to cook them. But one day, passing by the counter, my husband offered to buy them and cook them for dinner. I winced, but he assured me that they were very tasty and promised that he would cook them himself. I believed it. And, looking ahead, I will say that the husband did not deceive.

Oyster mushrooms fried in a frying pan turned out extremely tasty and special. If you compare these mushrooms with their counterparts, then oyster mushrooms are not considered a delicacy. Quite the contrary. They are the simplest and cheapest. Although, it’s a bit of a shame for them. After all, these mushrooms have an amazing taste. In general, you need to try it to be sure.

As they explained to us, oyster mushrooms, like other mushrooms, need to be boiled and boiled for about 20 minutes. It is better to cook 2 times; after the first 5-minute boil, the broth is drained and refilled with new water. We did just that without experimenting.

I want to say that no matter how much you cook oyster mushrooms, they remain tough and rough. This, of course, has its own zest.
The first thing we cooked was fried oyster mushrooms with onions in a frying pan. It turned out very tasty.

Cooking steps:

Oyster mushrooms are an edible mushroom that delights mushroom pickers and housewives in their kitchens. It grows both in the wild and at home. The mushroom prefers temperate climates. Mushroom harvesting periods vary from September to November.

Even in December you can pick oyster mushrooms, as the mushrooms are frost-resistant and do not lose their excellent taste. Oyster mushrooms grow in groups on stumps, dead wood and have a common base on the mycelium, which makes them easier to collect.

They occupy a worthy place in the diet due to their taste and ease of preparation.

Do I need to boil hanger mushrooms before frying?

Before you cook oyster mushrooms, you need to answer an important question: to cook or not to cook? There is no single answer. Oyster mushrooms contain chitin, which is difficult for the human body to digest., to eliminate it, mushrooms require heat treatment at high temperatures (cooking, frying, stewing).

It is recommended to boil oyster mushrooms for 10 minutes before frying, but do not overcook them. To do this, carefully separate the mushrooms from the junction of the mycelium and rinse under running water. Place mushrooms in salted boiling water and cover with a lid. After 10 minutes, remove the mushrooms, and you can prepare a nutritious mushroom soup from the broth.

Despite the fact that the chitin contained in oyster mushrooms is poorly absorbed, this substance is very beneficial for the body.

New recipes:

How to cook oyster mushrooms in a frying pan - proper frying

Oyster mushrooms grow in groups, to prepare them it is necessary to disassemble a group of mushrooms into separate parts. Remove rotten, old, yellowish mushrooms, which will not taste very good. Healthy mushrooms are fleshy, brown in color, without damage.

Before cooking oyster mushrooms in a frying pan, they are washed with water and cut into pieces of the desired size. Pour oil (olive or vegetable) into a hot frying pan. Place the mushrooms in the pan, stirring gently.

Mushrooms produce a lot of moisture, which is enough to cook them. Fry the mushrooms until the moisture has evaporated, over medium heat for 25 minutes. The pan can be covered with a lid. The hangers need to be stirred. It is recommended to salt the mushrooms at the end of frying.

For cooking oyster mushrooms in a frying pan, both plates and mushroom stems are suitable, which need to be cut into pieces of the desired size.

Important to remember! Just a little bit! Mushrooms are difficult to digest food for the human body. Taking mushrooms in small quantities in the diet will be an indispensable component.

Delicious recipes for oyster mushrooms fried in a frying pan

How to cook oyster mushrooms in a frying pan is a quite relevant question. Mushrooms are a low-calorie product, therefore they are considered a dietary dish. Nutritionists recommend that all people safely consume dishes with fried oyster mushrooms watching their figure and adhering to various diets.

The calorie content of 100 g of mushrooms varies depending on the type of product:

  • Fresh oyster mushrooms - 38 kcal;
  • Boiled- 25 kcal;
  • Fried- 57 kcal;
  • Stewed- 75 kcal.

Oyster mushrooms are rich in essential amino acids.

Simple popular recipe:

The use of different types of oils when frying has little effect on the calorie content of the finished dish, and the choice should be based on the taste preferences of the hostess.

There are many recipes for fried oyster mushrooms in a frying pan. Each dish will delight your household with its distinctive taste and aroma.

Below in the article is a detailed description of how to cook oyster mushrooms with various ingredients and seasonings in a frying pan, without spending a lot of time and resulting in a delicious dish.

Here are the tastiest ones:

  • Oyster mushrooms with garlic;
  • Oyster mushrooms with onions;
  • Oyster mushrooms with potatoes;
  • Oyster mushrooms in sour cream sauce;
  • Oyster mushrooms with pork.

Simple popular recipe:

Oyster mushrooms with garlic

Method of preparation: pour oil into a hot frying pan and lay out chopped oyster mushrooms. Mushrooms are fried with the lid open until the water has evaporated and a golden crust appears. At the same time, scientists who studied the properties of oyster mushrooms discovered a thermolabile hemolytic protein (ostreolesin).

It causes harm to the body when eating mushrooms without heat treatment at 60 degrees Celsius. Oyster mushrooms are not poisonous, but it is important to steam them for 40 minutes until fully cooked.

The garlic should be finely chopped and added to the mushrooms. Turn off the heat, add salt, stir, and let it brew so that the aroma of garlic permeates the entire dish. You can serve the dish on the table in a few minutes.


  • Oyster mushrooms- 300 g;
  • Garlic- 2-3 cloves;
  • Oil- 55 g;
  • Spices, salt, herbs.

Be careful! Oyster mushrooms have a poisonous counterpart that is dangerous to health. It can be distinguished by its dense, leathery cap. The false brother of the oyster mushroom is very rare. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of meeting him.

Oyster mushrooms with onions

Method of preparation: place onions in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil for frying. The oil will become fragrant.

The onion is fried until golden brown, add finely chopped mushrooms (previously boiled in salted water). The dish is fried until cooked until the water evaporates. Salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.


  • Oyster mushrooms- 300 g;
  • Onion-2-3 heads;
  • Oil- 55 g;
  • Spices, salt, herbs.

Simple popular recipe:

Oyster mushrooms in sour cream sauce

Method of preparation: mushrooms are fried in oil until golden brown. Add a teaspoon of flour (fry until the flour turns brown).

Slowly pour in water and mix everything until smooth. After 5 minutes, sour cream or cream is added. Salt, garlic, bay leaf, spices to taste. Simmer the dish over low heat for 20 minutes until it is completely cooked.


  • Oyster mushrooms- 400 g;
  • Sour cream- 200 g;
  • Water- 150 g;
  • Flour- 25 g;
  • Garlic- 1 clove;
  • Oil- 55 g;
  • Spices, salt, herbs.

Note! Pregnant women and children under 12 years of age should not eat mushrooms. Pediatricians do not recommend giving mushrooms to children. There are only two reasons: a chemical composition that is not absorbed by the body, and mushrooms that absorb harmful substances like a sponge.

Fried oyster mushrooms with potatoes

Method of preparation: finely chopped onion is fried in oil until it has a pleasant aroma. Now you can lay out the mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms cook for 20-25 minutes.

Oyster mushrooms are fried until golden brown and potatoes cut into strips or cubes are added. When the potatoes are ready, everything is sprinkled with finely chopped dill, spices and salt.


  • Oyster mushrooms- 300 g;
  • Potato- 500 g;
  • Onion- 1 head;
  • Oil- 55 g;
  • Dill, spices, salt.

Fried oyster mushrooms with pork

Cooking method: pieces of lean pork are fried in a frying pan until half cooked, finely chopped onions and mushrooms are added. Tomatoes need to be doused with boiling water to make the skins easier to remove., finely chopped, they go to the frying pan.

Everything is mixed and fried. The dish needs to be seasoned with sour cream, spices and salt. Close the lid and leave on the chalk heat for another 15 minutes. Can be served with potatoes, rice, pasta.


  • Pork- 500 g;
  • Oyster mushrooms- 350 g;
  • Sour cream- 200 g;
  • Tomatoes- 200 g;
  • Onion- 1-2 heads;
  • Oil- 55 g;
  • Spices, greens, salt.

Oyster mushrooms can be cooked not only in a frying pan, but also in soups, salads, and added to pizza and pies. There is wonderful scope for experimentation in the kitchen.
Simple popular recipe:

In the two video tutorials below, you will learn additional subtleties and secrets of cooking fried oyster mushrooms in a frying pan, including delicious signature recipes first-hand:

I wish you delicious culinary experiments and a great mood!

Oyster mushrooms are one of the most affordable mushrooms that can be bought in a grocery store or supermarket all year round, they are tasty and quick to prepare, but not everyone knows how and how long to properly fry or stew these mushrooms, so let’s look at how and how long to fry oyster mushrooms until fully cooked (mushrooms alone, with onions or potatoes).

How long to fry oyster mushrooms in a frying pan?

On average, oyster mushrooms are fried over medium heat for 10-15 minutes.

You can simmer oyster mushrooms for 15-20 minutes over low heat.

Note: when frying, do not cover the pan with oyster mushrooms with a lid, so that the liquid from them evaporates faster, and before frying, you do not need to boil the oyster mushrooms, just rinse them well.

How to fry oyster mushrooms

  • Ingredients: oyster mushrooms - 0.5 kg, sunflower oil - 1 tbsp, salt - to taste (on average 1-2 pinches).
  • Total cooking time: 35 minutes preparation time: 20 minutes, frying time: 15 minutes.
  • Calorie content: 74 calories (per 100 grams of product).
  • Cuisine: European. Type of dish: side dish. Number of servings: 2.

The sequence of frying oyster mushrooms is quite simple and does not require much effort and time:

  1. Mushrooms are thoroughly washed to remove dirt and small debris.
  2. Oyster mushrooms are cut into small pieces or strips (optional, but small mushrooms can be left whole).
  3. Heat a frying pan and add vegetable oil to it.
  4. Transfer the washed and dried mushrooms into a frying pan and fry over medium heat without a lid, stirring constantly.
  5. After 10 minutes (as soon as the water from the mushrooms has boiled away and they are almost ready), reduce the heat and fry them for a few more minutes (up to 5 minutes).
  6. At the end of frying, add salt and pepper to taste, and you can also squeeze a clove of garlic into the pan to give the mushrooms an additional pleasant smell and taste.

As a result, we get tasty, soft and slightly crunchy mushrooms, which, unlike champignons, are more similar in taste to wild mushrooms. Quite often, onions are added to fried (stewed) oyster mushrooms to make them even tastier or added to fried potatoes, so we will consider further how to properly fry them with onions or potatoes.

How to fry oyster mushrooms with onions

Oyster mushrooms take the same amount of time to fry with onions as without them, and the frying process is not much different. The onion can be pre-fried in the same frying pan before frying the oyster mushrooms (a few minutes until it turns golden, after which it is removed until the mushrooms are finished cooking), or the chopped onion is fried in a separate frying pan and added to them at the end of frying the oyster mushrooms.

Note: a few minutes before the end of frying, you can add sour cream, which will give the mushrooms a more delicate taste and aroma.

There are many interesting recipes for how to cook oyster mushrooms in a frying pan and not only: you can fry them, boil them, stew them - there are different cooking methods. But you need to be able to choose this type of mushroom correctly. There should be no caps of yellow spots on them below or above. If you notice stains, then most likely the product will not taste very good. Normal oyster mushrooms should have a grayish-bluish tint.

Features of oyster mushrooms

There is no need to cook oyster mushrooms before frying. , just rinse in running water and cut into small pieces. Or you can not cut it at all, but leave it whole for frying. Typically, a fresh product is small in size, and when it is fried, it will also lose volume.

Store oyster mushrooms in plastic or glass containers. It is better to put unwashed and unchopped mushrooms in the refrigerator for storage.

They can be classified as nutritious and tasty mushrooms. They are universal - they are good when marinated, added to salads, when preparing pies and soups. But It is better not to use old mushrooms for cooking- they become hard, the taste is very weak.

It is worth noting that the calorie content of the product is only 38 calories - this is a good option for those who are trying to lose weight. In general, this universal mushroom is a real godsend for housewives! When cooked, it retains its mushroom taste, but loses 5-15% of its beneficial properties (other mushrooms can lose up to 75% during heat treatment).

Oyster mushrooms can be:

How many minutes to cook

Everything is quite simple here. There is no need to waste time preparing a fresh product. Peel the mushrooms, rinse thoroughly, boil in water, salting it - twenty minutes is enough. Changing the water is not recommended- this way the product will lose its appearance, and fewer beneficial properties will remain. If you still decide to change the water, then first bring the oyster mushrooms to a boil, then immediately transfer them to another boiling water and cook for fifteen minutes.

That’s it, after this you can add the finished product to soups or light salads.

Recipes with oyster mushrooms

Of course, there are a lot of recipes. Very often, oyster mushrooms are served as a hot or cold snack. To do this, they are boiled or fried. Then ingredients are added to taste.

For multi-component dishes, it is better to cook mushrooms using Chinese technology: first cook fried oyster mushrooms separately, then mix with prepared vegetables, heat and serve - you get a vegetable stew. Thanks to this technique, you will avoid loss of taste, beneficial properties and appearance. Even with potatoes it is better to cook them this way.

You can make a nutritious oyster mushroom noodle soup. To do this, boil chopped carrots, onions and parsley, add mushrooms and cook for another fifteen minutes. Separately, the prepared noodles are added and the whole thing is salted. Greens are added to taste.

Oyster mushrooms make a good filling for dumplings. To do this, the mushrooms are cooked according to the method proposed above and crushed. Onion and pepper are added to them. These dumplings are good with rich sour cream and fresh herbs.

How to fry

Many housewives are interested in frying mushrooms. And the question arises - how long to fry oyster mushrooms in a frying pan? First you need to prepare all the necessary products:

  • half a kilo of mushrooms;
  • two onions;
  • half a glass of sour cream;
  • several cloves of garlic;
  • frying oil, pepper, salt.

Wash the mushrooms and chop not very finely. Heat the vegetable oil and place them in it. You can’t add water - they already release moisture when frying. Salt to taste, add chopped onions, fry until soft.

You need to make sure that the liquid from the frying pan almost completely evaporates, so the fire under the frying pan should not be very quiet. After this, add sour cream with spices and simmer for twenty minutes. Chopped garlic and herbs are added at the end.

Pickled version

Such mushrooms will be stored in sterilized jars for quite a long time. To prepare them, prepare:

  • kilo of oyster mushrooms;
  • half a liter of water;
  • head of garlic;
  • bay leaf, vinegar, sugar, salt.

Rinse the main product, cut off the legs, chop them, put them in a saucepan, and fill them with water. Add sugar and salt, add spices, bring to a boil. After this, pour in a little apple or wine vinegar and cook for twenty minutes. If foam forms on the surface of the water, be sure to remove it. Place the cooled product in jars.

Chicken salad

Mushrooms have always gone well with meat. You can make a light version with chicken. To do this you will need:

First, boil the beans and chicken until tender. Cut the chicken into strips and brown a little in hot oil. Fry the mushrooms separately (you can add leeks). Cool all ingredients and mix with chopped cucumbers. Season with mayonnaise or vegetable oil. Olive oil will also work. You can use Provencal herbs - they will add an incredible aroma to the dish.

Mushrooms with pork

An excellent option for a family meal. All your family will be full, and you will start using this recipe much more often. Required amount of ingredients:

  • half a kilo of pork;
  • a glass of oyster mushrooms;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • two tomatoes and onions;
  • oil, oregano, salt.

Prepare the mushrooms for cooking in the usual way. Grind the washed meat, chop the peeled onion and tomatoes quite coarsely. Place the meat in hot oil, fry for five minutes, then replace the meat with onions, tomatoes and prepared mushrooms, season with oregano, cook for about five minutes. Add meat, pepper and salt to taste. Pour in sour cream and simmer for about seven minutes with the lid closed. Before serving (and the dish must be served hot), sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Baked version

This recipe makes an excellent appetizer before serving hot food. In addition, baked mushrooms are suitable for preparing many salads. They go great with fresh cilantro.

Prepare in advance an arbitrary number of oyster mushrooms, olive oil, cilantro, ground pepper and salt. Cut off the base, cut the mushrooms lengthwise into a couple of slices, pour in oil, pepper, and lightly salt. Bake in a preheated oven for about twenty minutes. Serve generously sprinkled with cilantro leaves. Can be served with sour cream.

Baked in gravy

A very interesting and tasty option. Here, too, an arbitrary number of products is taken - it all depends on how many servings you need. And prepare the mushrooms, cream, eggs, garlic, dill, pepper and salt in advance.

Prepare the mushrooms in the classic way, cut into small slices and place in a frying pan. Immediately add salt, pepper and fry until golden brown. Chop the washed dill and garlic too (you can use a garlic press). Add eggs and cream to the dill, beat a little. Mix with cooled mushrooms. Pour the resulting mushroom dough into the mold, bake for twenty minutes, preheating the oven to 180 degrees.

Cream of Mushroom Soup Recipe

Its scent is hard to resist! An excellent first course - aromatic, rich and very tasty. To prepare it, peel the potatoes and boil until soft along with the mushrooms. Remove from the broth, grind in a blender, and then add back to the broth.

Chop the onion and fry in hot oil, add to the puree soup, bring to a boil (the fire should be low).

Separately, stir the cream with flour and add this mass to the soup, pepper and salt, cook for another ten minutes. You can then further grind it in a blender or serve it immediately. Served exclusively hot; croutons - white bread croutons - can be served separately.

Oyster mushrooms are a very healthy and tasty product. They are considered the safest mushrooms, since they are grown in artificial conditions and they cannot absorb harmful substances from the atmosphere. They are used to make cutlets and added to soups and salads. We have prepared a simple recipe for fried oyster mushrooms for you.

How to cook oyster mushrooms: some secrets

To make any dish tasty, you need to use only high-quality products for its preparation. Choose your mushrooms carefully. They must be of the same shape, without dark spots or damage, and without foreign odors. You should not buy them if they are packaged in cling film. Most often, in this way, unscrupulous sellers try to sell off illiquid goods.
Mushrooms are a delicate and healthy product. In most cases, they are fried or stewed with sour cream, marinated in vinegar or baked with cheese. To make them aromatic and have a piquant taste, certain seasonings are added to them. Usually black and white pepper, garlic, oregano, and bay leaf are used. If you want to add a mushroom flavor to your dish, use fenugreek. To give the snack an unusual touch, use nutmeg or marjoram. These spices bring out the aroma of food and give the dish an amazing taste. Seasonings and salt are added at the end of cooking. Otherwise, under the influence of temperature, they will lose all their taste.

How to fry oyster mushrooms correctly

The recipe for fried oyster mushrooms with onions is very simple. But there is one culinary secret that you need to know: To make the appetizer more tender, before frying, chopped onions need to be scalded with boiling water and left for 10 minutes. This will remove all the bitterness from the onion and it will taste sweet. Then the boiling water is drained and the onions are pickled. To do this, add a little sugar, ½ teaspoon of vinegar and spices to taste. The onion marinates very quickly - 10-15 minutes.
How to fry oyster mushrooms with onions?

Cooking time – 10-15 minutes. Otherwise the snack will be tasteless.
Oyster mushrooms fried with pickled onions will amaze you with their amazing aroma and creamy taste.

Delicious recipe - oyster mushrooms fried with onions and sour cream

For cooking you will need the following products:

  • oyster mushrooms – 700 g;
  • two large onions;
  • sour cream 20% fat – 250 ml;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt, pepper, marjoram, nutmeg.

This dish is prepared like this:

Fragrant fried oyster mushrooms with onions are a delicious and easy-to-prepare appetizer. Even an inexperienced cook can prepare it. Oyster mushrooms prepared according to these recipes will decorate your table and will please all your guests. Mushroom appetizers will be appropriate on the holiday table and at a family dinner. This simple dish will amaze you with its delicate taste and spicy aroma. By following our tips, you can easily prepare delicious and tender snacks and amaze your friends and family with your culinary talent.
