Helba or Egyptian yellow tea has an exceptionally pleasant taste. Beneficial properties of Egyptian yellow tea for humans

The birthplace of this amazing tea is mysterious Egypt. The main feature of this truly healing and amazing drink is that it is not tea in the direct sense of the word, since it is not related to the traditional leaves collected from the tea bush.

This delicious drink is prepared from fenugreek seeds, which, along with beans, soybeans and peas, belongs to the legume family. Its other names are also common among different nations: abish, fenugreek, chaman, blue clover, shambhala, fenugreek, hilbe, camel grass, helba, tregulka and Greek hay.

Hilbe is an annual plant whose height, on average, ranges from 40 to 70 centimeters. The fruits of a medicinal plant are used as tea leaves: rather large-looking half-centimeter beans are taken out of the pods, after which they are thoroughly washed and dried well. The seeds look somewhat like buckwheat. At the same time they have unique and specific smell– this is affected by the presence of coumarin in the plant. Thanks to their aroma, shambhala seeds have become one of the main ingredients in curry seasonings, as well as suneli hops.

Shambhala is grown in various parts of our Earth: in European countries, China, South America, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, and the South Transcaucasus. The healing properties of fenugreek have been known for a long time: Avicenna, Hippocrates, as well as Chinese and Indian healers used it for medicinal purposes. Let us figure it out: what beneficial substances are included in yellow tea.

Useful material

The amazing fruits of fenugreek, as well as the drink made from them, are a unique storehouse of useful substances.

About 30% are bitterness and mucous substances, about 25% are proteins, as well as numerous vitamins, essential oils, amino acids, coumarin and tannins.

Helba is rich in:

  • vitamin A, C and B1, B2, B9, PP and enzymes;
  • routine;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential amino acids;
  • steroid saponins;
  • nitrogenous substances;
  • polysaccharides;
  • phytosterols;
  • tannins;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • essential and fatty oil;
  • carotenoids;
  • iron;
  • arsenic;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • starch.

Egyptian yellow tea also contains diosgenin, which is a plant analogue of progesterone. Moreover, each of the components of fenugreek is precisely in the concentration that allows them to interact harmoniously and positively influence metabolic processes within the body. When brewed, the entire rich chemical composition of Shambhala is almost completely transformed into an undeniably valuable and medicinal drink.

We will tell you how to brew tea with ginger in. Various recipes and methods for preparing ginger tea.

Contraindicated for whom

As for contraindications, you should not drink Egyptian tea during pregnancy and vaginal bleeding. The ban is also imposed in the case of iron deficiency anemia. Individual intolerance can also become a kind of “taboo” on drinking tea from fenugreek seeds. In addition, you should not drink yellow tea at night, as the caffeine contained in helba seeds can lead to sleep disturbances.

How to brew yellow tea from Egypt

Avoid the usual brewing method, because it uses seeds, not tea leaves. If you simply pour boiling water over fenugreek fruits, you will not feel the unique and richly nuanced taste of helba. To prepare tea from Egypt you need a special recipe.

  • Remove the shamballa seeds from the package and rinse them. Place the peeled and washed seeds on a towel or clean paper. Let them dry naturally for a couple of days.
  • The water for brewing helba is the same one that you use directly for drinking. The best option is clean drinking water at the usual room temperature.
  • The suitable utensil is not a teapot, but a ladle or a small saucepan. Sprinkle clean shamballa seeds inside ( if ground seeds - then 1 teaspoon, and if whole - then 1 tablespoon) and add 200 ml of water. Please note that by increasing the amount of tea leaves, you will get a stronger medicinal drink.
  • The fire under the ladle should be low so that the healing drink warms up gradually. After boiling, leave the pan on the heat for another 8 or 12 minutes. Then you can safely turn off the heat and pour Egyptian tea into portioned cups. Experts recommend drinking it slightly cooled.
  • According to an ancient recipe, the Egyptians brewed shamballa in milk. According to popular belief, this enhances potency in the stronger sex, while for the fair half of humanity, this tea alleviates unpleasant menstrual pain, and also promotes lactation in young mothers. Preparation follows the same method, except that the seeds are poured with milk. Another option: dilute already prepared Egyptian tea with milk.

For a more intense and pronounced taste, the dried seeds can be slightly toasted before brewing.

How should you drink this drink?

The healing drink should be slightly cooled, then you will be able to especially subtly feel its originality. Drink slowly, small sips will help you appreciate the sweetish taste with a hint of bitterness. At the same time, some may detect the aroma of a nut or date in the smell.

Add sugar for tea connoisseurs and connoisseurs not recommended. Instead of sugar, use a spoon to scoop honey. Cinnamon, lime, ginger, nutmeg or lemon will add a special “zest” to yellow tea. If you add dates to the Egyptian drink, the exquisite drink will perfectly cleanse the kidneys and even dissolve stones. At the same time, a decoction of helba with stevia leaves is used for effective prevention of arthritis. Shambhala seeds left over from tea are also useful to eat with honey. Or they can be added to other dishes. In addition to the new taste, the seeds have a beneficial effect on the digestive and genitourinary systems, invigorate and significantly improve mood.

Of course, tea is not a native Russian drink, but in Russia it has been loved and appreciated since time immemorial. Rarely does a family have breakfast without a cup of aromatic black, green, red, yellow tea with or without milk, with aromatic herbs, pieces of fruit, and honey.

If you, too, can be considered a loyal admirer of the aromatic drink, then you will probably like Helba tea, the beneficial properties of which are well known in Eastern countries. Its name translated from Latin means Greek hay. This drink was known back in Ancient Egypt. In those days, the helba plant was used as a medicine. The infusion was used to lubricate burns and heal wounds. They say it was used to induce labor. It was added to mixtures for embalming mummies.

Helba was used as an effective medicine by residents of Arab countries and China. With its help, they relieved fever, renal colic, eliminated hernia, treated intestines, lungs, and muscle pain. In addition, it was used in the treatment of sexually transmitted infections and impotence. Later, healers of the American continent and European countries used it to treat women’s diseases.

What are the benefits of Helba tea?

As you understand, tea is prepared from a dried, crushed plant - fenugreek helba, the beneficial properties of which were admired by Hippocrates. He used it to relieve painful menstruation and recommended it to reduce pain during childbirth. On the advice of the doctor, nursing mothers drank an infusion of helb to increase the amount of milk.

As scientists have established, Egyptian tea contains a lot of digestible proteins, carbohydrates, and essential mineral salts (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, sulfur, starch, zinc). There are many vitamins (B, E, D, C, B1, B2, PP) as well as valuable folic acid.

Yellow Egyptian helba tea has excellent warming properties, so it is very useful in the winter cold. Traditional medicine recommends an infusion based on the plant for bronchitis as an effective expectorant. If the cough is dry, dilute strong fenugreek tea with warm milk.

The seeds of the plant are used as an antipyretic and a very effective diaphoretic. Therefore, they are recommended to brew for various colds. Helba tea helps increase appetite, normalizes digestion, and calms the nervous system. The drink effectively cleanses the body of toxins.

If you drink a cup in the morning, the drink perfectly tones, provides the body with energy, and increases performance. But you should not abuse the drink. Just one small cup in the morning is enough. If you drink a lot of it, you can get an upset stomach.

The drink has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it an effective remedy against a variety of diseases. Thanks to this antioxidant property, helba tea has a positive effect on the entire circulatory system.

In particular, the drink strengthens the walls of blood vessels and lowers blood pressure in hypertension. The plant contains a large amount of iron, so I recommend taking the drink for iron deficiency anemia and anemia, as it increases hemoglobin. The fruits of the plant contain phytosterols, which have a positive effect on the body's hormonal system.

However, you need to know that pregnant women should use this drink with caution. The plant contains the substance diosgenin. It has the ability to increase the tone of the uterus. Therefore, if its concentration is exceeded, there is a danger of miscarriage.

In general, it should be noted that many experts consider helba tea to be a women's drink, since the plant contains plant substances similar to female hormones.

Tea is recommended for people with diseases such as tuberculosis. But if you have diabetes, asthma, or other allergic diseases, especially those with severe forms, you should consult your doctor before you start drinking it.

How to brew it correctly?

In general, of course, there are significant differences between preparing the Helba drink and brewing regular tea. Here's how it's done:

First, the seeds (namely, they form the basis of helba raw materials) need to be washed very well under running water. Then lay it out in a warm place, on a flat surface covered with a napkin, so that the raw materials dry well. Only now the helba is ready for brewing

Put 2 tsp. seeds into an enamel saucepan, add 200 ml. boiling water Boil and then simmer over low heat for about 7 minutes. Then cover warmly and wait 10 minutes. Strain. If you want, you can add honey, your favorite herbs, such as mint or cardamom, or a little cinnamon to the finished drink. Tea is very good with milk or lemon. In general, there are no strict, established rules for its use.

True, no one can really explain what the taste of the finished drink tastes like. Some people categorically do not like them, while others describe the sensations from them with complete delight. Therefore, no one can accurately describe the taste of this yellow tea to you. So try it yourself. In the morning, brew an invigorating drink, the beneficial properties of which we have just discussed, and take a sip. Perhaps after this you, like many others, will love this tea.


This is a fairly extensive list: vaginal blood loss, pregnancy, iron anemia, type 1 diabetes, thyroid disease. In all these cases, you should consult a doctor and do not try the drink without him.


So we talked about yellow tea, Helba tea, how to brew, beneficial properties, contraindications, you learned. As you can see, behind the word tea, which does not cause any concern, there may be a drink hidden that is not so harmless for people with certain health conditions. It will only benefit everyone else! Be careful and healthy!

  • 1 Yellow tea: discovering new feelings
  • 2 Fenugreek - a miracle of African nature
  • 3 What is the benefit?
  • 4 Contraindications
  • 5 How to prepare yellow tea correctly

Egyptian yellow helba tea is so different from the teas we have been accustomed to since childhood. Its taste and aroma cannot be confused with anything else! But is this drink useful only for its external qualities and can it harm health? What is its use in medicine? Let's find out the correct recipe for making yellow tea at home.

Yellow tea: discovering new feelings

It is difficult to surprise a modern person with anything. This is especially true for his gastronomic preferences. But Egyptian helba tea will be a discovery even for experienced connoisseurs. Yellow teas are also produced in the Middle Kingdom, but Helba is a drink of a completely different quality. This drink is made not from leaves, as we are used to, but from the seeds of the plant. Residents of Egypt love to drink this tea and certainly treat it to guests of their ancient country.

The taste of yellow tea is difficult to compare with something already familiar. It has vanilla, nutty, even chocolate notes. And all the familiar flavors in helbe feel as if they have been rediscovered. Some people need time to get used to new sensations.

Fenugreek - a miracle of African nature

We have already mentioned that helba and tea cannot be called in the literal sense of the word. Fenugreek seeds are used to make this drink. This plant grows not only in Egypt, but also in many other countries. However, only in the ancient homeland of the pharaohs is it consumed in this form. Fenugreek has many names. It is also called shamballa, camel grass and even goat trefoil.

Fenugreek was mentioned in the ancient works of Hippocrates, Avicenna and Chinese medieval scientists wrote about it. Now it is well studied by both doctors and biologists. This is an annual plant up to 70 cm high. The leaves and fruits have a pronounced odor due to the high content of coumarin. Fenugreek fruits resemble the familiar beans in appearance. They ripen in large pods.

Shambhala seeds themselves are rich in various elements beneficial to the human body. It includes:

  • protein;
  • selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, potassium - micro- and macroelements useful for our body;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • amino acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • a huge variety of vitamins - A, C, B4, B9, B1, B2, B3;
  • cellulose, pectins, starch;
  • phytoesterone diosgenin is an analogue of progesterone (a female hormone produced by the ovaries) in plant organisms;
  • tannins;
  • enzymes;
  • essential oil;
  • hydroxycinnamic acids and many other substances.

Read also: Tea with cloves: benefits and harms

Those watching their weight will be interested to know this! A teaspoon of fenugreek beans contains 12 kcal.

What's the benefit?

Egyptians value yellow tea not for its extraordinary taste. They got used to it a long time ago! The main treasure of such a drink is its healing properties. Among the people, Helba is surrounded by some semi-mythical facts, but doctors have their own data about its benefits.

Fenugreek seeds have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and antipyretic effects. For some diseases, yellow tea will be more useful than other remedies.

  • For diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia) as an adjuvant. Helba helps the expectoration process, relieves inflammation and removes harmful toxins from the body.
  • If you have a cold, tea will lower your temperature and help you quickly return to your normal rhythm of life.
  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Unlike many other teas, Helba does not irritate the gastric mucosa, but on the contrary, it gently envelops it and creates a strong protective layer. Fenugreek improves the functioning of the liver and gall bladder, suppresses pathogens. This drink stimulates the regeneration of the stomach walls and expels helminths from the body.
  • For specific women's problems. In this case, the plant analogue of progesterone, phytoesterone diosgenin, acts. Helba, in combination with traditional drugs, will cope with polycystic and ovarian cysts, mastopathy and even female infertility. You should not drink this tea during menstruation! It will provoke increased bleeding. However, regular use on other days of the cycle will help cope with painful sensations in the first days of menstruation.
  • During menopause, yellow tea reduces the unpleasant symptoms of this period.
  • When breastfeeding, helba increases the amount of breast milk.
  • For low libido and other sexual disorders.
  • For diseases of the excretory system. The drink has bactericidal properties and helps destroy kidney stones.
  • For chronic fatigue, memory disorders, decreased concentration, depression.


  • Fenugreek is considered a very useful plant for women. But if you have elevated levels of progesterone or prolactin, you do not need to drink Helba. This will only make the problem worse.
  • Pregnant women are allowed to drink Egyptian yellow tea only in the last month. Fenugreek easily tones the uterus, and this in most cases threatens miscarriage. But before childbirth, such an effect of helba will not harm. The process will be easier for the woman in labor and faster.
  • Contraindications also include problems with the thyroid gland and insulin-dependent diabetes. Fenugreek should not be combined with the use of plantain and foxglove.

Coming from time immemorial, the helba plant is still widely used today, the beneficial properties of which are in great demand both in folk medicine and in cooking.

What is helba

Fenugreek, shamballa, fungerek are common names for this annual plant from the legume family. The tall stem is round in shape and has a branching top, reaching 70 cm in height. Inflorescences can be multiple or solitary, most often yellowish in color, less often found with blue or purple flowers. The leaves are small, up to 4 cm wide.

Helba fruits are cylindrical in shape and resemble flat beans with a long oblong spout. It is they who possess the properties for which this plant is so valued. The fruits have a very specific smell, similar to the aroma of a nut. They are used to make spices and as medicine.

Helba is home to Tibet. Gradually, this plant spread to southern countries - Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia. Today, the helba plant is grown and used almost all over the world.

Beneficial features

According to one of the ancient doctors, if you put all the diseases that plague humanity on one side of the scale, and Helba on the other, then the scales will balance. The unique composition of this plant allows it to be used in the treatment of many diseases. Helba has become especially popular due to the increased interest of people in self-medication and traditional medicine. Its stimulating, restorative, tonic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect helps to cure the digestive system, colds, bronchitis, etc. It also successfully copes with a number of gynecological problems. Helba is also used to relieve stress and as a sedative.

Reviews from those for whom this plant has helped solve health problems are quite numerous. Among them, many examples are described when it was possible to lose weight thanks to the powerful ability of helba to cleanse the intestines of toxins and normalize metabolic processes.

Helba tea for weight loss

Particularly popular among overweight people is tea made from helba seeds. Its action is based on the removal of toxins and waste from the body, its diuretic effect and the ability to accelerate metabolic processes. Adding tea made from helba, rich in fiber, to your daily diet can reduce hunger and prevent overeating. It will also help you adapt to any restrictive diet. It is important to know and follow some rules for using a drink such as Helba tea: how to brew it, how to use it to get the expected result.

Chemical composition of tea

The beneficial substances present in the seeds of this plant saturate and make the drink made from them extremely healthy. These are microelements such as selenium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, sodium, etc. Helba contains almost the entire periodic table.

The use of tea from the seeds of this plant also helps restore health due to the high content of flavonoids, phenolic acids, enzymes, tannins, vitamins A, C and B, amino acids and polysaccharides (hemicellulose, starch, pectins, etc.).

100 grams of fenugreek seeds contain: fiber - 10 g, carbohydrates - 58.4 g, fats - 6.4 g, proteins - 23 g.

How to brew and take Helba correctly

Before brewing Egyptian helba tea, you need to prepare the seeds. They are washed thoroughly, then laid out on paper and placed in a dry place for 2 days to dry. Dried seeds are poured into a saucepan with water (1 teaspoon per glass of water) and boiled for 8 minutes. The finished drink is poured into a cup and drunk.

It should be remembered that this is a rather specific product, so you should not drink tea from it the way we are usually used to doing it. It is necessary to observe moderate dosages so that no undesirable consequences arise and the helba is able to maximize the beneficial properties that it possesses.

To improve the taste of the prepared drink, you can add additional ingredients to it: ginger, cumin, turmeric, zest. An excellent flavor combination is obtained with honey, milk and lemon.

Helba in cosmetology

A hair mask is prepared from finely ground fenugreek with the addition of cumin and olive oil. The resulting mixture should be thoroughly rubbed into the roots of the hair, warm the head and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask not only accelerates hair growth, but gets rid of dandruff and cures dermatitis on the scalp.

Helba is also used as a facial skin cleanser, the beneficial properties of which help cope with acne, all kinds of dermatitis and other cosmetic problems.

A face mask based on fenugreek is also very effective. In addition to seeds, to prepare it you will need honey, cumin and olive oil (a teaspoon each) and the yolk of one egg. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin for 15 minutes. This mask has a mainly nourishing effect. To moisturize the skin, instead of vegetable oils, add carrot and aloe juice to the mixture.

Helba for infertility

Helba is not a dietary supplement, but an ordinary plant with medicinal properties, the use of which therefore does not require consultation with a doctor. Good results are obtained from its use in the treatment of infertility, having an effect on the reproductive system. At the same time, many tissues and the entire body are rejuvenated. As a result of improved blood circulation in the pelvis, the general strengthening and antiseptic effect that helba has, reviews from many women note the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. There are also results in curing tumors of the uterus and ovaries.

Helba is also recommended for men, helping to get rid of congestive inflammatory processes. Increased blood circulation in the pelvis leads to increased potency, progesterone production, increased sexual desire and spermatogenesis.

For those who want to become a mother, there are recipes that use helba. How to brew it is described above, only you need to add mint, honey, cinnamon, ginger and lemon to the resulting decoction. You need to take this drink for at least a month, several times a day. Instead of decoction, you can simply soak the seeds for three hours, then strain and warm up a little before using.

Helba recipes

In order to cleanse the body of waste and toxins, pour 2 teaspoons of crushed helba seeds into a glass of water and cook over very low heat for five minutes. You can pour boiling water over the seeds in the evening and let it brew until the morning. Drink the drink on an empty stomach, before meals. To improve the taste, honey or figs are added to it. The original drink is obtained by mixing helba with ground coffee and brewing it in a coffee maker.

To get rid of fungal diseases, prepare a paste from fenugreek seeds, which is simmered over low heat for 10 minutes.

The cooled mass is tied to the affected area of ​​skin using cotton cloth.

Helba will also help you cope with the hated cellulite. The recipes for preparing the mixture are very simple, but effective and will help you easily get rid of the “orange peel”. To do this, helba seeds ground into powder are poured with boiling water, and after cooling, the resulting gruel is applied to problem areas of the body for one hour. The effect will be enhanced if you wrap plastic film on top. Perform the procedure 2 times a week.

Helba is widely used in cooking. It is part of many different seasonings that are found on almost every table.


When self-medicating, you should take precautions when using products based on a plant such as helba. Its beneficial properties are undoubted, but at the same time, complete medical studies have not been conducted. All reviews are based on people's experience.

Contraindications for the use of Helba are early pregnancy, some diseases of the female genital organs, such as fibroids, adenomyosis, endometriosis, hyperplasia.

People suffering from diabetes, gastritis, and stomach ulcers should take Helba with caution.

Before drinking Helba, you need to familiarize yourself with the side effects that may occur. These are mainly allergic reactions or stomach upset. If these symptoms appear, use should be discontinued.

One of the most unusual teas in the world - yellow egyptian tea. At the same time, it has nothing in common with yellow Chinese tea, since it is not produced from a tea bush, and not even the herbaceous part of the plant, but its seeds are used for brewing. In Egypt, yellow tea is extremely popular and is a local landmark. In any case, tourists are always treated to this amazing drink.

Egyptian yellow tea and its properties

Yellow tea, which is rapidly gaining popularity, is produced from Egypt from the seeds of a legume plant called fenugreek. However, this is not its only name; other names are also known: shambhala, helba, fenugreek, chaman, abish, camel grass, etc.

The fenugreek plant is truly unique. A detailed description of its medicinal properties is found in the manuscripts of Avicenna, Hippocrates, and in the treatises of Chinese healers. It is quite well known and studied at present.

It is grown as a food, medicinal and fodder crop in India, China, Southern and Central Europe, Ethiopia, Egypt, South America, and Southern Transcaucasia.

It is an annual plant 40-70 cm tall. The presence of coumarin in the chemical composition gives a strong characteristic odor to flowers, fruits and leaves. Fruits (beans) are used to make tea. The pods are quite large, up to 10 cm long, the seeds are up to 5 mm in diameter.

Medicinal properties of Egyptian yellow tea

The healing effect of yellow tea is due to the value of its fruits, a real storehouse of microelements, vitamins, amino acids, etc.

Fenugreek fruits contain:

  • mucous (up to 30%) and bitter substances,
  • routine,
  • coumarin,
  • steroid saponins and phytosterols,
  • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) - 3.5-18 mg%,
  • flavonoids,
  • Trigonelline alkaloid (0.3%),
  • essential oil (0.3%),
  • fatty oil (5-8%),
  • proteins (up to 25%),
  • tannins,
  • vitamins A, C and B1, B2, B9 (folic acid) and enzymes,
  • essential amino acids,
  • nitrogenous substances,
  • iron,
  • potassium,
  • phosphorus,
  • sodium,
  • magnesium,
  • zinc,
  • arsenic,
  • starch.

As you can see, the chemical composition of the plant is very rich, and when brewed, all components are almost completely transferred into the drink, having a beneficial effect on the human body.

Regular consumption of Egyptian yellow tea will help avoid many problems and is recommended:

  1. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Fenugreek tea cleanses the intestines of mucus and toxins and has a healing effect on ulcers of the duodenum and stomach.
  2. To lower the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.
  3. For skin diseases. Egyptian yellow tea helps normalize the functioning of the liver and gall bladder. And as you know, it is malfunctions in the functioning of these organs that manifest themselves in the condition of the skin.
  4. For the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus (in combination).
  5. Under heavy loads and an unbalanced diet, fenugreek decoction will help avoid anemia.
  6. The tea cleanses the kidneys well, and in combination with date infusion, it dissolves and removes stones from the bladder and kidneys.
  7. For various types of arthritis in complex treatment.
  8. For colds it is a powerful antipyretic.
  9. For the treatment of female diseases and impotence.
  10. To improve lactation during breastfeeding.
  11. For respiratory diseases (bronchitis, sinusitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, etc.).

This is one of the most effective home remedies that has a strong expectorant effect.

In addition, you can safely use boiled seeds for cosmetic skin and hair care.

Due to the fact that it is not the leaves, but the seeds of the plant that are used, the usual brewing method is not suitable in this case. Of course, you can just pour boiling water over the fenugreek beans and let them brew. But we must remember that seeds do not reveal their properties so easily. Yellow tea from Egypt is prepared according to a special recipe. It needs to be boiled. Therefore, the name “tea” is somewhat arbitrary; it is essentially a decoction and a porcelain teapot is not needed.

The seeds must be washed and dried for several days.

To fully develop the aroma of the tea, roast the seeds and then grind them.

Pour the required amount of water into a small saucepan and add the “leaf tea” at the rate of 200-250 ml - one teaspoon. The more tea leaves, the stronger the tea.

Simmer over low heat for 8-10 minutes and then pour into cups.

How to drink yellow tea

100 g of fenugreek seeds contains:

  • Fat - 6.4g
  • Belkov - 23g
  • Carbohydrates - 58.4g
  • Fiber - 10g.

The energy value of 1 teaspoon of seeds is 12 kcal.

The taste of yellow tea is unique and rich in nuances. The overall flavor profile is dominated by a nutty flavor.

The tea should be drunk slightly cooled. It is better to replace sugar with a spoon of honey.

It will be very tasty and healthy to add ginger and lemon.

The brewing water can be replaced with milk.

Since fenugreek seeds have a pronounced medicinal effect, there are many recipes for special teas. For example:

Yellow Egyptian tea with dates for anemia.

A thick decoction of dates and fenugreek cleanses the kidneys well and dissolves stones.

If you add stevia leaves to brewed yellow tea and leave for 5 minutes, you will get a wonderful remedy against arthritis.

In some cases, if fenugreek is used for medicinal purposes, it is better not to brew it, but to leave it for 12 hours and drink the infusion.

In a word, yellow fenugreek tea strengthens health and the nervous system. Is Egyptian yellow tea used for weight loss? Controversial issue. After all, excess weight is often a largely psychological problem and the causes of obesity must be sought and eradicated in one’s behavioral reactions. And yellow tea is only an auxiliary remedy.
