Chemical composition of the green tea product. Green tea - beneficial properties and uses. How to choose the right green tea

Green tea is a delicious, refreshing, tonic and healthy drink. Its systematic use can solve multiple problems of the body. What are the beneficial properties of green tea? Are there any prohibitions on introducing it into the diet? What are the benefits and harms of green tea for the female body? We'll talk about all this below.

The calorie content of emerald green tea is pleasantly surprising - 0 kcal per 100 g of product.

  • vitamins C, B, K, PP, A, E;
  • tannin;
  • theophylline;
  • theobromine;
  • catechins;
  • amino acids;
  • fluorine, iodine, phosphorus, potassium.

And this is certainly wonderful. But what is the practical benefit of all these components?

The numerous beneficial properties of green tea have a beneficial effect on the condition of the entire body. This drink is almost universal - it has a beneficial effect on the excretory system and reproductive organs, gastrointestinal tract, liver and other organs.

In addition, the drink under discussion has the following effects:

  • normalizes metabolism;
  • inhibits natural aging processes;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • affects visual acuity;
  • relieves hangover;
  • eliminates drowsiness and gives vigor.

It is no secret that during the period of bearing a baby, the female body experiences enormous stress. There is an opinion that pregnancy ages organs and systems by several years. For this reason, the expectant mother’s body needs antioxidants so much. They are the ones who slow down the aging process and promote cell renewal. There are more than enough antioxidants in this drink. This means that it is useful for pregnant women.

This tea is no less important for nursing mothers. It is able to enhance lactation and enrich the organisms of mother and child with the vitamins it contains.

But! Some experts are against taking green tea by pregnant patients.

The reason for this is the content of tannin (an analogue of caffeine) in the drink. According to them, it interferes with the proper absorption of folic acid and can lead to a number of problems in early pregnancy. Therefore, the optimal time to drink tea is the 2nd and 3rd trimester. Nursing mothers should also be careful and not overuse this drink. If a woman notices that after drinking green tea her baby has become capricious and restless, the drink should be removed from the diet for a while.

The benefits of green tea during menopause

The main problem of postmenopausal women is osteoporosis (brittle bones). Regular consumption of green tea is believed to make hip bones stronger. This significantly reduces the risk of dangerous injuries, fractures and, as a consequence, the lack of long-term treatment and rehabilitation.

In addition, tea taken during menopause can improve the functions of the genitourinary system, in particular the bladder. This effect is due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of the drink.

How to brew green tea correctly?

Pour the tea leaves or put a bag into a mug, pour boiling water over it - that, it would seem, is the whole science.

However, in order for green tea to bring maximum benefits and taste pleasure, you should follow some recommendations when brewing it:

  1. The average dose of green tea when brewing is 1 tsp. for 250 ml of water.
  2. The brewing time depends on two factors - the size of the tea leaves and the degree of the desired tonic effect. If the purpose of drinking the drink is to invigorate, it is enough to soak it in boiling water for one and a half to two minutes. If you want to extend your period of wakefulness, you should increase the time a little. However, in this case the tea will taste more bitter.
  3. It is best to use water from a spring. If this is not possible, it is permissible to take filtered or, in extreme cases, tap water. But not distilled! The optimal water temperature is 80-90 degrees.
  4. An excellent option for brewing would be dishes that retain heat for a long time. Porcelain and clay teapots are suitable for this purpose.

Advice. If brewing occurs in a glass or mug, it is not recommended to put more than 1 tsp. tea leaves This drink should be kept for no more than 2 minutes.

Steps for brewing green tea in a teapot:

  1. Warm up the kettle (hold over the fire).
  2. Pour the tea leaves into it (pour it with a dry spoon!).
  3. Wrap the kettle in a towel or napkin.
  4. Leave for 2-3 minutes in a warm place.
  5. Pour boiling water over one third of the teapot.
  6. Wait a couple of minutes.
  7. Add boiling water to the top of the container.

Areas of application of the beneficial properties of the drink

Green tea is used not only in the field of cooking. It is no less popular in matters of beauty and health. In particular, in the field of nutrition and cosmetology.

How to use green tea for weight loss?

Green tea is deservedly considered a natural cleansing drink.

It helps in burning excess calories, resulting in excess weight loss.

To quickly and noticeably lose kilograms, you should drink the drink, taking into account some tips:

  1. You shouldn't add sugar to it.
  2. If you drink tea cold, your body will spend extra calories to warm it up.
  3. You can drink about 4 cups of green drink per day.
  4. There is no need to buy a cheap sample of the product - it will not benefit the body.

How to drink tea for the beauty of your face and hair?

Girls of the East are famous for the porcelain purity of their skin. One of the secrets of their beauty and youthful complexion is green tea. This drink has a particularly good effect on oily and dry dermis. By systematically using it, you can tighten aging skin, moisturize it, fill it with radiance and shine. In addition, such tea drinking strengthens vascular walls and eliminates signs of rosacea.

The main cause of hair loss is stress and inflammation on the scalp. Drinking green tea helps alleviate the effects of stressful situations on the nervous system. In addition, a cup of aromatic green drink has a beneficial effect not only on the skin of the face, but also on the dermis of the head, eliminating inflammation in the hair growth area. Lovers of this tea more often than others enjoy the beauty of their healthy curls.

Is green tea with milk, ginger, or lemon healthy?

How to drink green tea correctly? Should this drink remain “pure” or can additional ingredients be added to it?

Let's take a closer look.

  1. Experts often recommend drinking green tea with milk. In their opinion, milk complements the drink with its properties and “pacifies” the effect of caffeine.
  2. The combination of green tea with ginger root lowers blood sugar and improves digestion. In addition, this composition is a powerful means for the prevention of colds.
  3. It is acceptable to combine green tea with lemon. This drink has an antimicrobial effect, strengthens the body's defenses and directs them to fight viruses and infections. In addition, it performs cleansing functions, helping to remove toxins and waste.

Green tea extract

Green tea extract is made from unfermented green leaves. It is widely used in cosmetology and is considered a biologically active food supplement.

The extract contains the following components:

  • vitamin C;
  • caffeine;
  • antioxidants.

This product is an excellent tonic cocktail.

The plant extract is especially suitable for those who want to have enough strength to do many things. In addition, it helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and normalize cholesterol in the blood.

How to choose and store correctly?

The quality of the tea you choose will determine its taste and potential health benefits.

When choosing this product, there are several rules to consider:

  • The color of the tea should be green (or its various shades).
  • All tea leaves should be approximately the same size.
  • You should not drink tea “with firewood,” that is, with fragments of twigs, pieces of foil, or even various debris.
  • High-quality green tea has a bitter herbal aroma. There should be no foreign aromas in the tea leaves.

Subtleties of storing green tea

For tea to be beneficial, it must be drunk correctly. Proper storage of tea leaves is also considered equally important. Failure to follow instructions for storing tea spoils its taste and deprives it of its beneficial properties. The product is kept in a dry, dark place, as it is able to absorb odors and moisture. Direct rays of the sun are also harmful to it. An opaque, airtight container is best for storage.

Possible harm from consumption

Like many products, green tea has a downside to its benefits - possible harm to the body. The emerald drink should not be consumed uncontrollably or in large quantities.

Green tea is contraindicated in a number of cases:

  • For nervous exhaustion. The caffeine in the drink has a strong effect on the nervous system. The result of abuse can be depression and sleep disturbances.
  • With tachycardia or a tendency to emotional breakdowns.
  • With obvious jumps in blood pressure.
  • For stomach ulcers, since the green drink increases the acidity of gastric juice. For the same reason, tea should not be drunk on an empty stomach, even for healthy people.
  • Tea contributes to the exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • The drink is not recommended for people suffering from joint pain.
  • Those who suffer from urinary incontinence or other problems with the excretory system should take tea with caution due to its diuretic effect.

You should not drink this tea before bed. This may cause insomnia and headaches.

Only high-quality plant varieties have healing properties. The packaged drink is considered less healthy than the leaf drink. When choosing such a collection, you should pay attention only to selected varieties.

Green tea is a natural healthy drink. It is popular among people who are losing weight, hypertensive people and simply people who are concerned about their health. However, we should not forget that moderation plays an important role when consuming this drink. In addition, you should carefully consider the choice of tea - you should not skimp on the quality of the purchased product.

Green tea

Green tea- a miracle drink, a product known for its medicinal properties for more than 4000 years. Perhaps the most mysterious and amazing of drinks.

Few people know that the source of green tea is the same tea bushes from which black, red, and yellow varieties of tea are obtained. The difference between them lies in the method of processing the leaves of the bush. Green tea is not subjected to fermentation and withering, which black tea necessarily goes through. Thanks to this, green tea retains maximum health benefits.

What exactly substances are we talking about? What is the chemical composition of green tea leaves? What are the benefits of green tea? We tried to answer these questions below, guided by the results of research by scientists from the world's leading universities and laboratories.

Chemical composition of green tea


They occupy approximately a third of the composition of green tea. They are various compounds of tannin, polyphenols, catechins and their derivatives. Green tea contains approximately twice as much tannin as black tea. High-grade green tea is especially rich in this substance. The combination of tannin with caffeine forms caffeine tannate, it is the latter that stimulates the nervous and cardiovascular systems, causing rumors about the dangers of green tea.


The amount of caffeine in green tea is about 1-4%. The figure even exceeds that of natural coffee. Its exact content depends on the size of the tea leaf (small leaves contain more caffeine), growing conditions, processing method, temperature of the brewing water ( Hotter water increases the amount of caffeine in the cup). In addition to caffeine, green tea also contains other alkaloids such as theobromine and theophylline, which promote vasodilation.

Amino acids and enzymes

If we talk about the presence of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, then tea contains only protein substances such as amino acids and enzymes. Japanese varieties of green tea boast the best protein composition. Green tea is a low-calorie product, so you can drink it without worrying about gaining extra pounds. The calorie content of green tea without added sugar is close to zero; in extreme cases, it can be equal to ten calories in one cup.

In 100 g of product:

proteins 20 g

carbohydrates 4 g

Calorie content 141 kcal


Green tea leaves contain four times more vitamin P than citrus fruits and large amounts of vitamin C. These vitamins are known to mutually enhance each other's healing properties. They help improve immunity and protect cells from destruction. In addition, green tea contains six times more provitamin A (carotene) than carrots. A carotene, is known to enhance the elimination of free radicals and is beneficial for vision.

B vitamins occupy an important place in green tea. Vitamin B1 regulates the body's carbohydrate balance. Vitamin B2 helps fight bacteria and viruses, strengthens nails and hair. Vitamin B3 enhances the production of red blood cells and reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Green tea is rich in vitamin E, which strengthens cell membranes and has an antioxidant effect on the body. In addition, this vitamin has a positive effect on the human reproductive system.

Trace elements and minerals

This is about calcium, fluorine, iron, iodine, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, gold, sodium. Tea leaves also contain essential oils, although most of them are lost during processing. In their place come new compounds that make the drink especially tasty and aromatic. In addition, special green tea essential oil is produced from tea leaves, which is actively used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

Green tea is a real treasure trove of precious medicinal properties. It is no coincidence that the Chinese treat 400 people with it! diseases and is considered a natural miracle doctor.

What are the benefits of green tea?

Rich chemical composition of green tea determines unique medicinal properties and allows you to give a detailed answer to the question, benefits of green tea.

Green tea - bio-, immuno-, energy stimulant

  • Green tea - excellent biostimulant, vitamin and energy drink . This is an elixir of a cheerful, positive mood and good health.
  • Regular consumption of green tea has a positive effect on immunity , prevents the occurrence of chronic diseases, helps destroy bacteria (for colds, the benefits of tea with lemon make drinking the drink one of the first “popular” recommendations).
  • It has a powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effect, especially in the early stages (problems such as salmonella, Helicobacter pylori, influenza virus and herpes simplex, candidiasis).

Green tea - oncoprotector and “nurse”, eco-product No. 1

  • Renders antioxidant effect and actively fights cancer (in Japan it is a mandatory element of any anti-cancer diet). However, the anti-cancer mechanism of action of green tea is not entirely clear. Some researchers associate it with blood purifying properties product, in particular the ability of polyphenols to remove carcinogens. At the same time, tea improves immunity, which is also important for preventing cancer.
  • Green tea removes heavy metal salts from the body - lead, mercury, cadmium, zinc and even strontium-90 (the most dangerous radioactive isotope) - and other slags.
  • Green tea can to some extent neutralize the negative effects of various radiations. If you spend a lot of time at the computer or in front of the TV, then green tea is your drink. The product is very popular among adherents of eco-diet.

Green tea - a drink of youth, longevity, beauty

  • Among the centenarians who have crossed the 90-year threshold of life, there are many who constantly use green tea - a drink of longevity, included in all healthy nutrition systems.
  • Green tea ideally regulates metabolism, being an ergotropic product. In China it is used to treat obesity. Flavonoids regulate blood sugar levels by exerting an insulin-like effect.
  • There are studies confirming that tea reduces the risk of hip fracture in older women.
  • Green tea extract is actively used in cosmetology, as it has the ability to keep the skin young and healthy, improve complexion and, being a powerful antioxidant, generally slow down the aging of the body, including visible and aesthetic ones. Green tea - real drink of youth and beauty.

It is very good to rinse oily hair with green tea. And for spider veins on the face and dry, aging skin, a mask made from brewed black tea is excellent, which, after cooling, should be applied thickly to the face for half an hour, then rinsed off and lubricated with a rich cream. Ice cubes made from a strong infusion of green tea, to which you can add lemon juice (if the skin is very dry, then a little) are very refreshing and toning.

There are hundreds of such recipes. Some are recorded in the monuments of medieval Chinese literature - for example, about the sexual secrets of emperors.

What are the benefits of green tea for the nervous and endocrine systems of the body?

  • A cup of green tea = headache pill. How green tea is beneficial antidepressant , it can be considered a real medicine for a stress-depleted nervous system.
  • Drinking green tea helps activate the brain and concentrate attention. Tea is one of the obligatory components of the diet of yogis, who not so much drink as chew fresh and dried leaves).
  • Green tea with milk is a good prophylactic for nervous “burnouts” and polyneuritis. (For the recipe, see The benefits of milk tea.
  • The benefits of green tea for some diseases of the endocrine system are obvious, but! high iodine content casts doubt on the usefulness of green tea (for thyroiditis, for example); research results are contradictory.
  • To prevent car sickness, chewing dry green tea helps with seasickness.

What are the benefits of green tea for the digestive system?

  • Green tea is recommended for dysbacteriosis and food poisoning as an excellent detoxifier. If you poisoned by drugs , drink green tea with milk and sugar.
  • Green tea should definitely be in your diet, if you have poor digestion . The fact is that tannin promotes normal digestion of food, so it is advisable to drink it after every meal.
  • For indigestion It is recommended to drink strongly brewed green tea; it will destroy pathogenic microbes in the intestines and stomach. After the condition has normalized, you should brew weak green tea and drink it for another 2-3 days so that it strengthens the motility of the digestive tract and intestinal tone.

The benefits of green tea are questionable during exacerbations of gastric diseases - gastritis, for example. And it is better to avoid a strong brewed drink if you have a duodenal ulcer.

  • But green tea will come to the rescue for painful colitis . Take it 4 times a day after meals, 2 tbsp. l. (strong decoction) or use as enemas.
  • In folk medicine, the drink is traditionally used as anti-dysentery remedy . Catechins have a direct antimicrobial effect; they are effective against dysentery, typhoid and coccal bacteria. The recipe for a cure for dysentery looks like this: grind 50 g of green tea, add a liter of cool water and leave for half an hour. Then simmer over low heat for 1 hour. Filter the resulting infusion, cool and take 30 minutes before meals 4 times a day, 2 tbsp. l. Can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days.
  • Green tea can be used for weight loss (tea diet), as it helps to enhance metabolic processes and accelerate the removal of fat from the body. Tea regulates the level nodrenaline, which plays an important role in the formation of fat. When you drink green tea, you quietly get rid of fat in the hips, waist, and buttocks.

Benefits of green tea for the cardiovascular system

  • Green tea makes blood vessels more elastic, strengthens their walls, preventing the danger of internal hemorrhages. Green tea polyphenols prevent blood clots.
  • The benefits of green tea as a cholesterol-lowering product are well known. This is an excellent remedy for the prevention of atherosclerosis, heart disease, and cerebrovascular diseases.
  • Green tea is also useful as a means of preventing heart attacks. At least that's what Dutch scientists think. People who drink 4 glasses of green tea a day + eat an apple or onion suffered from myocardial infarction half as often as others. Dutch researchers made this conclusion after studying the eating habits of a large group of people who lived to old age. Thus, green tea can be called one of the food secrets of long-livers.
  • Of particular note are the medicinal properties of tea. in the early stages of hypertension . Japanese doctors claim that with long-term use it can reduce blood pressure by 10-20 units.

The healing properties of green tea for diseases of the ear, nose and throat

  • Strong brew of green tea helps for conjunctivitis and other inflammatory eye diseases. If your eyes are very tired from the computer, green tea will also help relieve tension and “cleanse” your eyes.
  • Green tea is beneficial for rhinitis - as a means to effectively rinse the sinuses. Pour 1 teaspoon of tea with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-30 minutes and rinse the strained infusion with a syringe. The procedure can be done 6-10 times a day.
  • For sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis Warm infusion of green tea (2 tsp per glass of boiling water, pour and leave for about half an hour) gargle and gargle.

More about the medicinal properties of green tea

  • For burns. Brew green tea, cool and apply a cotton swab to the burns. Washing a wound with green tea is effective due to the activity of tannins, which have a hemostatic and wound-healing effect.
  • Dentistry. Drinking tea has a positive effect on the condition of teeth and gums, as it contains fluoride. To prevent caries, it is recommended to rinse your teeth with freshly brewed tea.
  • For pregnant women. Green tea is also good for them (but no more than 2 cups a day).
  • Muscular system. Tea polyphenols reduce oxidative processes in the body, and this protects against muscle injuries . Therefore, if you exercise, be sure to drink green tea.
  • Excretory systems . Green tea activates the activity of the liver and spleen; it is consumed to prevent the formation of stones in the liver, kidneys and bladder (however, excessive consumption can lead to exactly the opposite results).

We hope the above information has helped you understand benefits of green tea and whether it is worth including it in your diet.

Green tea contraindications

However, the picture would be incomplete if we ignored the question of why green tea is harmful, and for whom it is harmful, what are the green tea contraindications.

Oddly enough, the first and most significant contraindication is elderly age. Elderly people should not get carried away with this drink, as it triggers negative processes in the joints. We are talking, in particular, about such a disease as gout and rheumatoid arthritis. If you have such a diagnosis, or if you unhealthy kidneys, it is recommended to drink no more than a cup of green tea per week.

What's the matter? A by-product of our cells is uric acid. The kidneys remove it from the body because it does not need it. At the same time, purines, which are found in large quantities in green tea, complicate this process. The load on the kidneys increases, the excretion of uric acid slows down, which, finding no way out, penetrates into the intra-articular fluid, and there crystallizes in the form of a salt clot. Actually, we described the disease gout.

Excessive consumption of green tea (more than 3 cups per day) may, according to some studies, lead to the formation of kidney and gallstones- this is the property of polyphenols. If you already have stones, it is especially not recommended to drink green tea.

Since green tea (like black tea, however) increases the acidity of gastric juice, you should not drink it for exacerbations of ulcers, erosion and gastritis.

Green tea should not be consumed at high temperature, since in this case the load on the kidneys increases.

Caution must be exercised with severe arrhythmia, anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure. Caffeine and other alkaloids are still stimulants.

Stale green tea contains a large amount of purines, which are very aggressive towards people with hypertension, gout and glaucoma.


Green tea contraindications + *with caution*:

  • elderly age
  • sick kidneys
  • rheumatoid arthritis, gout
  • glaucoma
  • kidney and gallstones
  • exacerbation of gastritis, ulcers, erosion of the stomach and duodenum
  • heat
  • With alcohol
  • heart attack
  • high pressure
  • nervous excitability
  • stale tea

How to brew green tea correctly

The most important thing is not to pour boiling water over it, as this will destroy all the beneficial properties of green tea. Recommended temperature is 80-85 degrees, no more. When choosing green tea, pay attention to its color - it should be a light, golden-pistachio shade. Well, properly brewed tea also has a noble light greenish-yellow tone.

How to brew green tea for hypertension

Rinse dry tea with warm boiled water to reduce caffeine content. Then pour 3 grams of tea into a glass of water heated to a temperature of 80 degrees. You need to insist for 10 minutes. Drink a glass three times a day after meals. At the same time, keep an eye on other liquids consumed during the day - together with tea, it should not be more than 1.5 liters.

Nursing mothers are prescribed green tea with milk or cream - for good lactation, due to the rich set of vitamins + low allergenicity.

A useful recipe for vitamin deficiency

At the end of the conversation, some useful recipe is appropriate - for example, helping with vitamin deficiency.

Pour 5 g of dry tea leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes. Add 1 tsp. rosehip syrup. Drink this wonderful decoction warm, one glass 3 times a day after meals.

Green tea is known to many as an aromatic and fragrant drink, but it helps treat many different diseases, and this plant has been valued since ancient times for its unique medicinal properties.

Description and use of the plant

The perennial evergreen shrub is grown in huge quantities and green tea can be found in any home. The plant is unpretentious and has a fairly recognizable appearance. The above-ground part consists of a number of stems on which small oval-shaped leaves are located. The plant can bloom and bear fruit, but the time for flowering and ripening comes quite late. Some shrubs are capable of growing up to 10 meters, and different varieties are produced from different types of plants.

Green tea(Thea Chinens L.) is collected from Chinese tea bushes and belongs to the Tea family. The above-ground part of the plant is used for consumption, and each individual variety may require certain parts of the plant. The leaves and buds of the bush, which are dried using a special technology, are of the greatest value. Green tea consists of leaves that have not undergone fermentation, which makes them more aromatic, and the finished drink acquires a delicate taste. At the same time, green tea has a unique composition that can be completely preserved thanks to the correct processing of plant raw materials. This drink contains much more useful and nutritious substances.

There are three main types of tea: black, green and white. Black tea consists of leaves that have undergone fermentation and lost some of their beneficial qualities, but green and white tea have fully retained all their properties. Depending on the composition of the raw materials, the taste of the plant may vary, so high-quality tea has a delicate taste and delicate aroma due to the preservation of all the beneficial substances in the plant.

Chemical composition green tea is very diverse. The total number of all beneficial elements in green tea can be counted over 200 types of substances that have different effects on the body. The following elements of the plant are considered the most active:

  • Vitamin group. The plant contains a large number of various vitamins, which enter the body completely intact when drinking tea.
  • Organic resins and acids. The leaves contain various substances that can affect the body and trigger various processes to improve well-being.
  • Saponins and essential oils. The active elements of the plant can influence the functioning of organs and trigger metabolic processes, as well as the production of various enzymes.
  • High activity microelements. The plant contains elements that can affect the cellular activity of the body.

Medicinal properties green tea has made the popular drink an excellent medicine, and fans of long tea drinking do not even realize that their favorite pastime can be a healing process.

Unique chemical composition. Benefit

Green tea is not fermented, so it retains organic active substances. There are several main compounds that are most active in the body:

  • Caffeine. This element is interesting because it has been studied best. Coffee may also contain caffeine, but the substance in tea has a milder effect. It is a tonic compound that has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. The substance can enhance metabolism, help relieve fatigue and speed up the body's response to various sources of irritation.
  • Tannin. Refers to tannins that can affect the gastric mucosa. The organic compound has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can cope with acute intestinal infections.
  • Caffeine tanate. This substance is formed by the interaction of tannin and caffeine; the result of such a chemical reaction can stimulate the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Theophylline. A component of this type can affect metabolic processes and regenerate tissue cells. It has a vasodilating effect and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. This substance stimulates blood circulation and helps normalize cardiac and renal activity.
  • Catechins. Antioxidants of natural origin will help get rid of free radicals and remove various elements from the body that can cause certain harm to health.

The drink contains a whole complex of various vitamins, and each of them demonstrates its own when it enters the body:

  • Vitamin P improves immunity and strengthens cell walls;
  • vitamin C nourishes cells and promotes their rapid regeneration;
  • carotene acts as an antioxidant and improves vision;
  • vitamin B1 controls carbohydrate balance and promotes weight loss;
  • vitamin B2 reduces cholesterol;
  • Vitamin E is necessary for maintaining youth and rapid tissue repair.

Region uses of green tea is very wide, and its use is noted in various fields of activity. Of course, the main area can be called eating. Green tea is very popular, and it is customary to end any meal with this drink. At the same time, modern varieties can consist not only of bush leaves, but also have aromatic fragrances in the form of dried flowers or dried fruits. The drink quenches thirst well, has a preventive effect, and its calorie content is minimal. Green tea can be safely classified as a dietary drink, and there are practically no contraindications for taking it.

The use of green tea in cosmetology and medicine

The plant has also found its use in cosmetology, which has tried to use all its unique abilities. Cosmetics containing green tea help care for mature skin and keep your face youthful for a long time. Green tea extract can be used to make masks and lotions at home. For example, a concentrated solution with the addition of lemon juice will help tighten pores and give your skin a fresh look.

Most popular in cosmetology enjoys green tea essential oil, which has a number of useful properties. Green tea in this form can be used to prepare nourishing masks, moisturizing creams and a variety of caring cosmetics. Apart from making a variety of skin care products, green tea can be used in hair care products. Active substances (cahetin, tannin, amino acids) will help get rid of dandruff and have a positive effect on the hair roots.

Green tea has an interesting use as medicine. Active substances are extracted from this plant, which are then included in a variety of food supplements and preventative medications. Some plant substances can be used separately for targeted effects and are found only in green tea.

The versatility of the chemical composition and effective healing properties of green tea make it possible to use the plant to create a variety of therapeutic and prophylactic preparations.

Use in folk medicine

Green tea has gained immense popularity in folk medicine, and many diseases are treated with components that contain the active substances of green tea. In addition to the fact that such a drink is recommended for colds, inflammatory processes and to increase overall tone, tea can become one of the ingredients for preparing a targeted medicine.

  • Prevention of atherosclerosis. To prepare such a healthy infusion you will need 3 grams of regular green tea. Before cooking, you need to rinse it with boiling water, this heat treatment will help reduce the caffeine content, then brew 100 ml of water and leave for 10 minutes. Once ready, strain the broth and take a glass at a time during each meal. The same infusion will also be useful for those who suffer from high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
  • Tea infusion for dysentery. Tea extract or tea leaves contain a large amount of tannic acids. These organic compounds can have a positive effect on the gastric mucosa and improve digestion. To prepare, finely grind 25 grams of dry tea and pour 500 ml of hot water. Let the infusion cool and after about half an hour, put the broth on low heat. So it should simmer for one hour, after which it can be strained and taken 2 tablespoons half an hour before meals.
  • Treatment of indigestion. The composition contains several components that can have a beneficial effect on digestion processes and the production of enzymes for the rapid absorption of food. If the disorder becomes chronic, then strong green tea will help bring the stomach back to normal. This drink can be drunk with meals in the morning and evening.
  • Prevention of colds. During the cold season, it is useful to think about your health in advance and enrich your body with vitamins. You can prepare a healthy infusion with a high vitamin content at home; for this you will need 3 grams of green tea, which is poured into 100 ml of water. The decoction should sit for 10 minutes, after which you can add a teaspoon of rosehip syrup. The infusion is taken 100 ml three times a day.

Green tea is a real storehouse of healthy vitamins and nutrients. In addition, such a drink has no side effects, and all active substances do not stay in the body for a long time.

Some components of green tea are completely unique and are used by traditional medicine to create nutritional supplements as well as medicinal compounds. For example, caffeine obtained from green tea has a milder effect, but retains an excellent tonic effect. In addition to caffeine, green tea has other components that can be included in a variety of medications. Dietary supplements of this type can have preventive effects or be used to treat specific diseases with the same effectiveness as proven medications.

Rules for brewing green tea

The healing properties of green tea can be enhanced or made less intense, and to do this you just need to follow a few rules for brewing tea. Beneficial features can be preserved using special containers and observing the brewing temperature. However, it should be remembered that only fresh tea will be useful, and an old product loses most of its abilities, along with its aroma and taste.

Preparing tea is not difficult, and the following factors may affect the effectiveness of the active ingredients:

  • Average dose per dose. As a rule, tea is measured in glasses, and you can drink one glass of the drink at a time. However, the effectiveness of one glass depends on the thickness of the brew and the type of tea itself.
  • Brewing duration. This aspect seems insignificant, but the beneficial effect on the body depends on it. If you brew tea for a short time, the drink will be less intense, but strong tea has a strong tonic effect.
  • Temperature of water for brewing. Medicinal properties of green tea They are best preserved at a brewing temperature of up to 90 degrees. Excessively high temperature can destroy chemical bonds, but 80 degrees is considered optimal for obtaining a healthy drink.

The tea ceremony in Asian countries has become a real ritual, which is strictly observed and special utensils are used for brewing, as well as various accessories are selected to give the drink unique properties.

Green tea uses There are practically no restrictions, and this drink can be drunk at any age and in the presence of any chronic diseases. However, if the body is oversaturated with an excessive amount of active substances, the body can be put into a state of anxiety. There are several recommendations that every tea connoisseur should follow:

  • if you have an unstable nervous system, you need to limit the daily amount of drinks you drink;
  • during pregnancy, you should also limit the amount of tea you drink, as the drink contains caffeine, which interferes with the absorption of folic acid;
  • for stomach ulcers, you should take a weak infusion that does not contain a high amount of tannins, as these elements can increase the level of stomach acidity;
  • in case of chronic liver diseases, there is a danger of overloading the organ due to the large amount of active chemicals in the drink.

The active substances of the drink do not accumulate in the body and are quickly washed out of the body, so an overdose is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Despite their high activity, the substances are effective and have minimal side effects, so the appearance of a certain disease should not limit your love for the drink. Instead of strong tea, you can drink a less concentrated drink and thus regulate the amount of active components in the body.

Green tea is a universal drink that will help decorate any dish and have a healing effect on the development of various diseases. Green tea uses as a medicine is officially confirmed, and many components are used to formulate dietary supplements. The tonic effect of tea and it are widely used to create effective tonic preparations.

A unique herbal product that will help enhance the body's natural defense mechanisms, relieve inflammation and give strength for new discoveries. The beneficial properties of green tea are valued as much as its aromatic taste, which is why this drink is loved by many, and few people consider it as a medicine.

see also

Well, why is there no green tea in the MZR? I understand that the amount of vitamins in the mug will be scanty, but you really want to see in your diet exactly what you drank. Or are there so few green tea lovers?

Chemical composition and benefits of green tea

One leaf of green tea contains many chemical components that are not even noticeable. What does green tea leaf consist of?

A cup of tea contains about 2000 chemical constituents. Many of these chemical components have antioxidant properties and are beneficial for health. For centuries in China, tea was used specifically as a remedy, and only over time it entered the diet as an everyday drink. How can we explain the “wonderful” properties of tea from the point of view of science and chemistry? Let’s look at the tea leaf “under a microscope”, or rather its chemical components and their benefits for our health. Although green tea comes from the same plant of the Camellia genus, their chemical the composition is different. The taste of tea and its chemical composition are formed during the process of fermentation (oxidation) of tea. This oxidation begins the moment the tea leaf is plucked from the bush, and it is stopped by the use of heat, which inactivates fermentation. Green and white teas do not undergo the fermentation process - heat is applied to them and dried very soon after picking (within 1-2 days ). Thanks to this, they retain those valuable substances that are sensitive to the oxidation process and disappear in black tea. What does a tea leaf consist of? A freshly picked tea leaf consists of 75-80% water. And dried tea is a huge concentration of various chemical components, which are beneficial for our health. Moreover, tea dust (as in tea bags) is unlikely to contain at least some of these components. And tea that has been sitting in warehouses for several years (for example, in supermarkets and stores) certainly does not have most of these benefits. Therefore, we will consider high-quality fresh green tea (no more than one and a half years old) that has been stored in the right conditions. All the variety of green tea flavors is formed by a combination of three main taste components: catechins give bitterness and astringency, caffeine gives bitterness, and theanine and amino acids give taste and sweetness. Therefore, even by taste you can understand a little what substances are more in this tea. The main chemical elements of green tea :

Catechins and tannin

Catechins in green tea

Catechins and tannin are flavonoids and strong polyphenols, soluble in water. These are powerful antioxidants characteristic of green tea and other weakly fermented types of tea. In black tea, the process of fermentation (oxidation) significantly reduces the content of beneficial catechins. Tannin is a key component in the taste of green tea, and the taste it imparts is astringency. Scientific research has shown that the protective effects of green tea exist in large part due to catechins. Tea contains four main catechin components: EC, ECg, EGC and EGCG. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is the most potent of these catechins. EGCG is 25-100 times more powerful antioxidant than vitamins C, E and β-carotene. One cup of green tea contains 10-40 mg of polyphenols and many times more powerful antioxidant effect than carrots, broccoli, spinach or apples. Catechins are so effective because they easily adhere to proteins, blocking bacteria and viruses from sticking to cell walls and preventing them from destroying cells. Catechins counteract toxins that are created by harmful bacteria and harmful metals such as lead, mercury, chromium and cadmium. Laboratory studies by the US National Cancer Institute have shown that catechins cleanse the body of oxidants before they harm cells, and also reduce the amount of and size of tumors and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. The high antioxidant activity of green tea catechins has a healing effect on the body, protecting it from the oxidative effects of free radicals. Research has shown that thanks to polyphenols, green tea helps artery walls reduce fat (lipids), and is also one of the best natural fat burners. This allows it to be used in various diets for weight loss. Green tea catechins protect DNA from damage, slow down and inhibit the proliferation of unwanted cells. Yellow and are considered even more effective in this regard. Young tea leaves contain more catechins than mature ones.

Benefit for health:

  • break down fats and promote weight loss,
  • connect with cholesterol, absorb and block it,
  • reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and prevent its appearance caused by oxidation,
  • block the function of enzymes that metabolize sugar and prevent diabetes,
  • destroy free radicals, preventing the development of cancer, blocking the development of cancer cells,
  • help the respiratory system protect the body from the harmful effects of smoke and air pollution,
  • slow down aging
  • prevent platelet accumulation (thrombosis), arterial sclerosis, heart attacks and strokes,
  • effectively cope with high blood pressure,
  • fight bacteria and viruses, preventing flu, food poisoning, including dysentery and cholera,
  • eliminate oral bacteria, protecting teeth and gums,
  • improve and regulate intestinal health by blocking the growth of bad bacteria and supporting good ones, such as bifidobacteria,
  • eliminate bad breath,
  • detoxify by combining with toxic substances and harmful metals (lead, chromium, mercury, etc.) and dissolving them,
  • help with radioactive exposure.

Caffeine in green tea

Caffeine is a stimulant that affects the nervous system. Caffeine is widely known for its wake-up properties. In moderation, it stimulates brain and muscle function and enhances endurance. One of the most confusing aspects of tea's caffeine content is the fact that dry coffee contains less caffeine than dry tea. But a brewed cup of coffee contains 3 to 10 times more caffeine than a brewed cup of tea. A cup of green tea contains 10 to 30 mg of caffeine, which is usually enough to produce the stimulant effect associated with caffeine. A cup of green tea steeped for 5 minutes contains 22-29 mg of caffeine, which is less than the same amount of Coca-Cola. The same size cup of coffee will contain 80-100 mg of caffeine. Caffeine adds some bitterness to the taste of tea. Thanks to caffeine, green tea has a beneficial effect on the body during a hangover and speeds up the elimination of alcohol from the body. It also has a refreshing effect. But since green tea also contains theanine, which neutralizes the effects of caffeine, the stimulating effect, if present in it, is very weak. Theanine is a very important relaxing component unique to green tea, which we will look at next. As with beneficial catechins and amino acids, young tea buds contain more caffeine than mature leaves. But, accordingly, there is more theanine, which neutralizes it.

Benefit for health:

  • has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and mental concentration,
  • drives away sleep, fatigue and headaches,
  • enhances athletic ability and endurance (with reasonable doses),
  • in combination with physical exercise, it burns subcutaneous fat as a source of energy without depleting glycogen reserves, which also increases endurance,
  • blocks the absorption of alcohol by the body and accelerates its elimination,
  • has a diuretic property, which accelerates detoxification,
  • accelerates blood circulation.

Theanine in green tea

Theanine is an amino acid found in tea that creates a calming effect on the brain and counteracts caffeine. L-theanine is a beneficial amino acid that is found only in tea plants and some types of mushrooms. Theanine creates the exquisite taste and sweetness in green tea. There are more than 20 different types of amino acids in tea. More than 60% of them consist of theanine, which is unique in green tea in that the hot processing and brewing process does not destroy it. Japanese research has found that theanine is a caffeine antagonist, meaning that it prevents caffeine from entering the bloodstream and extinguishes it possible overexposure. This is the reason why many people drink “healing tea” rather than “healing” coffee. Despite its calming effects, theanine does not cause drowsiness. Theanine helps protect nerve cells in the brain and prolongs their life. This is due to an increase in the creation of alpha brain waves. It is considered a natural antidepressant and stress reliever. Japanese scientists also claim that consuming L-theanine strengthens the immune system. L-theanine is often added to energy drinks. It is known for providing an energy boost that lasts up to 6 hours. Theanine easily crosses the brain's blood barrier and exhibits subtle changes in biochemistry that cause a calming effect. Also, the brain itself begins to more intensively produce the chemical substance GABA (GABA), which creates a positive mood, a feeling of satisfaction and can stimulate the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, normalize sexual functions, lower blood pressure and affect the burning of fat in the body. Another brain chemical that is enhanced by theanine, a dopamine that also has mood-enhancing properties. Green tea contains a significantly higher concentration of theanine than other teas. A significantly larger amount of amino acids is contained in early spring tea harvests and a lot in tea buds.

Benefit for health:

  • reduces anxiety and eliminates depression,
  • causes relaxation and concentration of the mind at the same time,
  • makes sleep more even and restful,
  • helps prevent seizures,
  • restores nerve cells,
  • Helps kidney tissues cleanse and remove water.
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

GABA is an amino acid found in the central nervous system and is very important for its healthy functioning. It has a mild psychostimulating effect on humans, affecting mental abilities and memory. GABA is produced in tea leaves that are left without oxygen and processed immediately after picking (like good green tea).

Benefit for health:

  • activates the energy processes of the brain,
  • regulates appetite, helping to control body weight,
  • relieves anxiety and has a calming effect,
  • increases the respiratory activity of tissues,
  • improves blood supply to the brain,
  • lowers blood pressure.
Vitamin A (carotene)

There are several types of carotene present in tea leaves. The most predominant is β-carotene, which has a strong antioxidant effect and destroys free radicals. β-Carotene converts vitamin A as it is absorbed by the body. Higher carotene contents are found in higher quality teas.

Benefit for health:

  • improves vision, is necessary for the normal functioning of the retina,
  • helps prevent aging and cancer,
  • supports healthy skin and hair,
  • activates and strengthens the immune system.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

This vitamin is necessary for good metabolism in the body and maintaining muscle tone of internal organs. The supply of vitamin B1 in the body must be replenished daily, and especially during periods of stress and illness. Therefore, by drinking several cups of tea daily, we greatly help our body maintain the balance of this vitamin.

Benefit for health:

  • quickly relieves fatigue,
  • improves mental abilities and brain performance,
  • lifts the mood
  • reduces the destructive effects of alcohol and tobacco.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Vitamin B2 is necessary for the formation of red blood cells, the production of antibodies, respiration and cell growth. This vitamin helps the tissues of the skin, hair, and nails utilize oxygen more efficiently. It also plays an important role in vision. Green tea will help you maintain the level of this vitamin in your body.

Benefit for health:

  • improves skin condition, its elasticity (prevents roughening),
  • helps burn sugar
  • supports cell growth and antibody production.
Vitamin B3 (niacin)

Nicotinic acid is important for the release of energy from carbohydrates and fats, as well as the metabolism of proteins, creating certain hormones and helping in the formation of red blood cells. It also improves cholesterol in the blood. This vitamin, along with vitamin C, is considered the most effective remedy in the fight against various diseases and enhances the benefits of green tea.

Benefit for health:

  • necessary to maintain healthy skin,
  • lowers cholesterol levels,
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system and promotes the breakdown of food,
  • Helps prevent and control diabetes.
Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that the body needs to protect against bacteria and viruses. Essential for the growth of collagen (the substance that connects cells). Fermented teas (black, ) contain significantly less vitamin C than green tea (as well as white and ) because it dissolves during the fermentation process.

Benefit for health:

  • antiviral and antibacterial function helps prevent colds,
  • influences the synthesis of a number of hormones (including anti-stress),
  • Collagen growth enhancing factor clears the skin.
Vitamin E (tocopherol)

Vitamin E is called the “vitamin of youth and fertility” because it ensures the functioning of the reproductive gonads in both women and men. Therefore, it is believed that green tea helps those who want to get pregnant. This vitamin also acts as an antioxidant and destroys free radicals through fat. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system.

Benefit for health:

  • fights infertility,
  • prevents aging,
  • necessary for tissue regeneration,
  • important in preventing cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Vitamin F (fluoride)

Fluoride is a very important element for the bone and cellular structure of the body. It protects cells from damage by harmful substances and prevents various inflammations. This vitamin is especially abundant in tea plants. Green tea contains 40-1900 ppm (parts per million) of fluoride. Moreover, mature leaves contain more fluoride than young buds.

Benefit for health:

  • helps heal wounds,
  • relieves swelling,
  • improves kidney function,
  • strengthens teeth, prevents caries.
Vitamin K

Vitamin K plays an important role in bone and connective tissue metabolism and is also essential for blood clotting. The presence of this vitamin helps ensure healthy kidney function. Dried green tea leaves have a very high concentration of vitamin K, but a brewed cup of tea provides only a small amount.

Benefit for health:

  • strengthens the skeletal system,
  • removes accumulated toxic substances from the liver,
  • increases life expectancy,
  • has an antibacterial and analgesic effect.
Vitamin P (flavonoids)

Flavonoids protect our cells and greatly increase the usefulness of other valuable substances and vitamins for the body. It also includes vitamin P quercetin, which relieves cramps. Green tea and white tea contain all types of flavonoids in their most natural form.

Benefit for health:

  • strengthens the walls of capillaries and blood vessels,
  • helps fight high blood pressure,
  • acts as an anti-inflammatory substance,
  • normalizes thyroid function.
Vitamin U

This vitamin is used as the main component in medications for the digestive system. It gets rid of foreign substances in the body and also helps cope with allergies and skin diseases. In premium teas, when dissolved, this vitamin creates a special aroma similar to dried seaweed.

Benefit for health:

  • normalizes acidity in the stomach,
  • controls cholesterol metabolism,
  • prevents “fatty” liver,
  • effective in the fight against gastritis and ulcers.

Chlorophyll plays a vital role in photosynthesis, and thanks to it, solar energy is stored on the leaves of tea plants and enters our body through tea - it is very useful for people who receive little sunlight. This element plays an important role in the production of blood. Its molecular structure is similar to hemoglobin found in human red blood cells.

Benefit for health:

  • helps prevent unpleasant odor, including from the mouth,
  • heals the intestines,
  • activates the function of the thyroid gland,
  • improves the functioning of the pancreas,
  • fights tumors.

Pectin is a natural dietary fiber needed to stabilize metabolism in the body. The level of its content in green tea is low, but it adds fullness and richness to the brewed tea.

Benefit for health:

  • improves intestinal motility,
  • cleanses living organisms of harmful substances.

Saponin is a component that causes the formation of bubbles in tea. With the mild irritating effect of saponins, the secretion of all glands in the body increases, which also has a beneficial effect on the bronchi - it thins mucus and facilitates their elimination.

Benefit for health:

  • prevents obesity,
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect,
  • has anti-allergenic effect.
Salicylic acid ester

This substance is used in medicine as the basis for many drugs, especially for the treatment of skin diseases. It is widely known for its antiseptic properties. The presence of this acid in green tea allows it to also have a mild disinfecting effect.

Benefit for health:

  • acts as an analgesic (pain reliever),
  • has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect.

Theophylline has a stimulating effect on the cardiac and central nervous systems, although less pronounced than caffeine. This element also explains the mild stimulating effect of tea. Of particular importance is that it has a bronchodilator effect and normalizes respiratory function.

Benefit for health:

  • promotes oxygen saturation of the blood,
  • helps relax the bronchi and relieve spasms,
  • helps cure asthma,
  • has a beneficial effect on cardiac functioning.
Essential amino acids

These amino acids are not synthesized by the cells of our body, so their consumption with food is necessary for our body. They participate in many organic processes and are indispensable for health. Tea contains the most important amino acids for the body: leucine, phenylalanine, valine, threonine, etc.

Benefit for health:

  • help with metabolism
  • make the body less susceptible to fatigue,
  • maintain nitrogen balance.
Linoleic acid

One of the reasons for gaining excess weight in the body is a lack of linoleic acid. This is one of the components that makes green tea so effective in helping you lose weight. Linoleic acid is widely used in sports nutrition.

Benefit for health:

  • promotes fat burning,
  • reduces platelet accumulation,
  • provides prevention against many diseases.

The role of minerals cannot be overestimated for human health. They make up a significant part of our body, activate enzyme systems and interact with hormones, vitamins and other metabolic regulators. Green tea contains 5-7% minerals. Main types: potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese and copper. Zinc and copper are essential elements for the formation of antioxidants.

Benefit for health:

  • give strength to the skeleton,
  • control water balance,
  • maintain balance in the body.

The composition of the finished tea includes various compounds that determine its aroma, color and tonic properties:

Tannins (phenolic) substances;

Caffeine 2-4%;

Vitamins - B1, B2, P, PP, C;

Pantocric acid;

Essential oils;

Minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.).

During processing, water is removed from the tea leaves, the content of which is reduced to 3-7%, and therefore, the dry matter content in the finished dry tea is 93-97%. Tea contains more than 300 compounds.

One of the important indicators of the value of tea is the content of extractive substances in water, which in finished green tea make up 40-50%, and in black tea - 30-45%.

The most important component of tea is a complex of phenolic compounds (tea tannin), consisting of catechins and their gallic esters. Long green tea is the richest in them.

Phenolic compounds and their condensation product give tea thirst-quenching properties, a tart, pleasantly astringent taste and beautiful color. Tea tannin has high P-vitamin activity, promotes better absorption of vitamin C by the body, and enhances its resistance to infectious diseases. Catechins prevent hemorrhages, as they strengthen the walls of blood vessels, have antioxidant properties, and have an anti-radiation effect. Tannins are one of the components of tea leaves. Based on their ability to dissolve in water, tannins (phenolic) substances are divided into water-soluble and water-insoluble. In shaping the quality of the finished tea, water-soluble tannins, which are rich in young leaves and buds, are of great importance.

Tea contains the largest amount of caffeine - from 2 to 4% of dry weight. More caffeine accumulates in the second leaf of the flush. When processing tea, a significant part of the caffeine forms caffeine tanate (oxyteaniate) with tannin, which has a pleasant taste without the bitterness inherent in both initial components, and has a milder effect on the human body than pure caffeine. This compound causes the tea drink to become cloudy when it cools, which is a sign of high quality tea. When heated, the cloudiness disappears.

Protein substances make up from 24.9 to 29.1% of dry matter. Their breakdown products - amino acids - play an irreplaceable role in the formation of the aroma of tea, especially black tea. But, on the other hand, when they react with tannins, they form insoluble compounds, thereby reducing the content of extractives.

Carbohydrates found in tea leaves include sucrose, starch, and fiber. The average content of soluble sugars in finished tea is 3-4.7%, and fiber and hemicelluloses are 7.9-16.8%. The transformation products of these carbohydrates are involved in the formation and color of tea.

Pectin substances (from 2 to 3% of dry weight), which are much greater in young leaves than in old ones, promote leaf gluing during the curling period and impart hygroscopicity.

Resinous substances influence the formation of the taste and aroma of tea.

Mineral (ash) substances are mainly represented by oxides of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium.

The intensity and tone of tea color are related to the coloring substances contained in it.

Tea leaves contain many different enzymes that help oxidize tannins.

The vitamin value of tea is determined by the content of vitamins C, B2, PP, etc. Green tea contains more vitamins than black tea.

The energy value of black tea is 109 kcal (456 kJ) per 100 g.

Tea is a real storehouse of biologically active substances. The most important of them is the alkaloid caffeine, which has a tonic effect, stimulates the activity of the nervous system and increases mental performance. Caffeine stimulates cardiac activity, has a beneficial effect on kidney function and promotes normal digestion. Excessive amounts of caffeine can also have adverse effects on the body. There are no direct indications for eliminating tea from the diet, but limiting tea consumption is often required not so much because of caffeine, but because of limiting fluid intake. This is required if there is a violation of health conditions, if you are overweight, or in old age. Doctors believe that the amount of tea should be limited in case of developed atherosclerosis and hypertension, and in these cases, strong tea should not be drunk at all. This is especially true for people suffering from gastri

that with high acidity and peptic ulcers, since strong tea concentrates oxalic acid, which irritates the gastric mucosa.

The alkaloids theobromine and theophimine are contained in small quantities and complement the tonic effect of caffeine.

Tannins give tea a tart, astringent taste and a wonderful golden color.

All tannins with iron oxide ions form black substances. This oxidation property of tea with ferric iron is used in the production of artificial black caviar. Therefore, you should not brew tea in oxidizing iron containers or in water containing iron (“rusty”).

The color of tea catechins (tannins) becomes lighter in an acidic environment. This property explains that when lemon is added to tea, it brightens.

Tannins are highly soluble in hot water and poorly soluble in cold water. Therefore, when a strong brew is cooled, they precipitate and the brew becomes cloudy. If you heat it again, it becomes transparent again. If the brew does not become cloudy when cooling, it means it is weak.
