Interesting facts about walnuts. The most interesting facts about nuts Interesting facts about the walnut tree

Hi all!
If you do not want to suffer from senile dementia, heart failure and liver disease in your declining years, immediately include walnuts in your daily diet. Make it a rule to eat at least 7 nuts 5 times a week. By doing this, you will not only ensure the health of your heart muscle, but also strengthen your memory, attention and concentration. And if you believe the centenarians of the mountain villages of the Caucasus, then eating 2-3 nuts daily will save you from the need to wear glasses in old age.

And this is not all the “magical” properties of the dry fruit. So, let's talk about walnuts today, not from a sweetness point of view, but from a medicinal point of view.

Fruit with the highest nutritional value

The fruit has been known to humanity for 4,000 years, and almost all famous doctors, ancient healers and philosophers of the world spoke enthusiastically about its positive effect on the human body. “And its fruit will be for eating, and its leaf for medicine,” says the Bible about the walnut.

Everyone, without exception, calls the walnut the “tree of life” and this is true. Its wood, used to make furniture, has a beneficial effect on people with bronchial asthma; an excellent remedy for treating stomach diseases and rheumatism is obtained from the leaves; the green peel, membranes and walnut shells are used to make medicines and excellent vitamin complexes. The core, shaped like a brain, contains all the substances necessary for life and can successfully replace any familiar food.

  • The amount of nutrients in a mature walnut reaches 94-95%, with almost 70% of them being unsaturated fatty acids, led by omega 3.
  • The core also contains fiber, plant proteins, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and aluminum. In smaller quantities there is cobalt, iodine, chromium, fluorine and nickel.
  • Add to this B vitamins, vitamin C, K, E and PP. At the same time, in terms of the amount of vitamin C, walnuts are ahead of the undisputed leaders red currants and citrus fruits.
  • Among the useful components: carotene, volatile oils, small amounts of gallic and eladic acid.
  • The walnut kernel contains all the main amino acids necessary for the human body to form and maintain a normal skeletal system, blood, heart, skin and hair.

It should also be taken into account that the proteins of the tasty core, although not equivalent to the proteins of meat and milk, are easily digested thanks to the lysine present in the fruit without unnecessary energy consumption.

Natural Medicine for the Brain

Dried fruits are the most fundamental building blocks for the formation of nerve cells, brain cells, and bones. It is worth mentioning that fats, which are part of brain tissue, serve as neurotransmitters, ensuring constant communication between neurons. The most interesting of these fats is omega 3, so its consumption has a healing effect on the brain, restoring communication between neurons, and therefore improving memory, clarity of thought, concentration and attention.

A large amount of magnesium promotes a calming effect on the brain of a person in a stressful situation. Moreover, scientific research has proven that a lack of magnesium leads to degenerative changes in the brain, causing irritability, memory loss, and nausea in humans. Elements of walnuts such as lecithin, phosphorus and B vitamins also contribute to memory restoration.

By the way, our ancestors believed that if you carry a couple of nuts in your pocket and periodically squeeze them, this will help enlighten the brain, and rolling the nuts with your palms will calm the nervous system. And by the way, they were absolutely right, because as scientists have proven, the therapeutic effect on the brain of these exercises is based on the activity of the hands. The fact is that the nerve endings at the tip of the fingers are directly connected to the central parts of the brain, so working with the hands promotes mental calm and prevents fatigue in these parts of the brain.

Useful properties of walnuts

The list of beneficial properties of walnuts could take up an entire page, since its components have a beneficial effect on all functions and organs of the human body. They restore proper liver function, strengthen blood vessels and the heart. For example, such a rare element present in the nut kernel as cobalt takes part in the processes of respiration, immunogenesis and protein metabolism. But the most interesting thing is that it promotes intense absorption of iron and its conversion into hemoglobin, as well as the rapid maturation of red blood cells. Which is especially useful for weakened people, children and pregnant women.

In addition to improving metabolism, walnuts help with diabetes, multiple sclerosis, colds and inflammatory diseases. The acids present in the fruit increase radiation resistance and improve the stability of healthy cells relative to X rays. Thanks to vitamin E, it is beneficial for the skin and is effective against female infertility and male impotence. Moreover, even excess weight can be managed with the help of walnuts; you just need to replace meat, butter and other fatty foods with it.

This list can be continued indefinitely, but to be more specific, let's focus on healthy recipes.

Green Walnut Peel Recipes

For a weak stomach

Grind the green peel and add a glass of water to a teaspoon. Cook on low heat for an hour. After straining, drink in small sips, spread out over an hour.

For rheumatism

Place the green skin of the nuts in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, then remove and finely chop. Boil half a glass of milk and add at least five tablespoons of chopped nut skins to it. Cook the mixture until it becomes similar in consistency to sour cream. Use as a compress once a day, covering the painful areas for an hour.

Medicines from walnut kernels

For those weakened by serious illnesses and after chest surgery

  • Completely peel 10 kernels, crush them well and mix with 200 ml of honey. Eat exclusively as medicine 4 times a day.
  • Another recipe from academician Nikolai Amosov - for this recipe, honey and nuts are mixed in equal proportions, then the juice of one lemon is added to three cups of the mixture of nuts and honey, preferably large in size. It is enough to take two spoons a day.

For asthmatics

Select large aloe leaves and place in a dark place for 12 days. Then, using a meat grinder, grind them and leave for 1.5 hours, mixing with boiled water in proportions of 1 to 3. Strain and first add half a kilo of chopped nuts to 100 grams of the resulting liquid , and then stir the resulting mixture with 300 ml of honey. At the same time, do not forget to mix it thoroughly twice every day. Drink as usual half an hour before you are going to eat.

For heart disease

Thoroughly chop nuts, raisins, dry apricots and figs and mix in equal quantities, take no more than 1 spoon per day.

For atherosclerosis

10 nut kernels, three cloves of garlic, chop and mix everything, and then add a spoonful of natural vegetable oil. You can eat it like this, or you can spread it on bread.

For male impotence

Mix 10 chopped walnut kernels with half a glass of sour cream. Divide the mixture into equal portions and eat throughout the day. The course is designed for at least a week.

Walnut partitions

As a rule, we throw away this inedible part, but in vain, since excellent medicine can be prepared from it to fight ovarian cysts.

Crushed partitions in the amount of two tablespoons must be boiled in two glasses of water for at least an hour; it is better to use enamel dishes for this. Take a course of 15 days, 2 times a day with an interval of 15 minutes before meals. Before use, be sure to strain the product and pour it into a glass container and store it on the side shelf of the refrigerator.

Healthy recipes from walnut leaves

For sweaty feet

You need to pour 5 green leaves with a liter of boiled water. After the mixture has been infused for a day, wash your feet with this solution. After a maximum of 15 procedures, you will get rid of sweating for at least six months.

For inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat

Fill a spoonful of dry leaves with water and boil for an hour. Children are recommended to drink 2 spoons 2 times a day, adults 2 - 3 times a day.

Contraindications for the use of leaves are pustular skin diseases.

Precautions when using walnuts

Although the tasty fruits have many beneficial properties, there are also contraindications. For example, obese people are recommended to eat no more than 7 nuts a day, since they do not contain sugar and contain elements that reduce appetite. However, before taking it, you need to take into account the number of calories of nuts (700 per 100 grams), replacing them with other foods.

You should not give nuts to children under two years of age, and pregnant women should not eat more than three a day.

Patients with neurodermatitis, diathesis and urticaria, as well as those who have high blood clotting, should avoid eating nuts.

Remember that a large amount of fruit eaten irritates the tonsils and can cause pain and inflammation of the throat, as well as a severe headache.

As you can see, there are few contraindications, but the benefits are many times greater. So, eat them for health, treat otitis media and skin diseases with walnut oil, use tinctures for the stomach. In any case, the treatment will not only be effective, but also tasty.

Some trees, like people, have their own tastes and preferences. For example, they say about the walnut that it loves iron. Whether this is true or not, people will never know for sure. However, gardeners have long noticed that a nail driven into a tree trunk helps to obtain a harvest from a previously unfruitful tree. Walnut kernels, “packed” in a dense peel, retain their nutritional qualities for several years.

ABOUT beneficial properties of walnuts people have known for a long time. Since ancient times, nuts were considered the food of heroes, and in Ancient Babylon, priests generally forbade the consumption of nuts by mere mortals. Why is walnut so valuable?

  • Due to their high magnesium content, walnuts have a calming and mild hypnotic effect; eaten with honey, two or three walnuts will relieve cerebral vascular spasm. Walnuts help lower blood pressure. The high content of potassium and magnesium provides a vasodilator and diuretic effect, helping to remove excess salt from the body. Also, the vasodilating effect of magnesium helps improve brain function.
  • Walnut kernels contain all the substances necessary for human life: 30-80% fat, 10-25% protein and 5-20% carbohydrates. The protein contained in walnuts is equivalent to the protein of milk and meat, but is much easier to digest due to the lysine content. In addition, when processing vegetable protein, uric acid is not released in the body, which means that salt deposits do not occur.
  • Walnut oil is a valuable dietary product. It contains unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the body. By regularly taking twenty grams of oil before bed, the liver is cleansed and the gastric mucosa is restored. Walnut oil also helps in the treatment of burns and heals cracks in hemorrhoids.
  • For general exhaustion of the body, as well as for infertility and impotence, it is recommended to consume walnuts with honey in a 1:1 ratio. You need to take this tasty medicine three times a day after meals with milk.
  • The beneficial properties of walnuts also appear in iron deficiency anemia, as they help increase hemoglobin, and in diabetes, as they lower blood sugar.
  • Walnut septums infused with alcohol can cure mastopathy and uterine fibroids. Water tincture helps with hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and thyroid diseases.
  • Unripe fruits are used to prepare vitamin concentrates. At home, tasty and healthy jam is made from unripe nuts. For its preparation, only green nuts are used, picked from the tree from the first to the fifteenth of June.
  • The maximum benefit from the nut will be obtained only with prolonged, thorough chewing. Only from a completely ground nut kernel can the body receive all the beneficial substances.
  • You should not eat more than ten walnut kernels per day. They can cause headaches in the front of the head due to vasospasm. In addition, after excessive consumption of nuts, a rash appears in the mouth, and the tonsils may become inflamed. Nuts are completely prohibited for people suffering from eczema, neurodermatitis and psoriasis.
  • No wonder the walnut is called the “royal” nut. After all, daily consumption of these fruits will help you get rid of fatigue, maintain good tone of the nervous system, strengthen the heart muscle, regulate the acidity of gastric juice and prevent age-related deterioration of vision. And if you eat some nuts with honey for breakfast during your diet, your body will be provided with nutrients for the whole day, and losing weight will be easy and safe.

Treat yourself to delicious walnuts, and their beneficial properties will delight your body!

Did you know that the walnut we all know is not directly related to Greece? Its native homeland is Asia Minor and Central Asia, and no one knows how its name came about. The nut is also called “a holiday for the brain” and “food for the mind.” And the shape of the walnut kernel resembles the human brain.

The walnut harvest has just recently ended. We invite you to find out the most interesting facts about this nut.

1. In the Caucasus, the walnut is revered as a sacred tree. There you can find trees more than four centuries old.

2. Just 400 grams of walnuts will fully satisfy the daily food requirement, while it will be a complete food, rich in all necessary elements and vitamins.

3. In practice, nutritionists recommend limiting yourself to 100 grams of walnuts per day. With excessive consumption of such concentrated food (more than 500 grams per day), enlarged tonsils, rash in the mouth, vascular spasms and headache are possible.

4. High-quality activated carbon is prepared from burnt walnut shells.

5. Due to their high magnesium content, walnuts have a calming and mild hypnotic effect; eaten with honey, two or three walnuts will relieve cerebral vascular spasm. Walnuts help lower blood pressure.

6. The protein contained in walnuts is equivalent to the protein of milk and meat, but is much easier to digest due to the lysine content. In addition, when processing vegetable protein, uric acid is not released in the body, which means that salt deposits do not occur.

7. The maximum benefit from the nut will be obtained only with prolonged, thorough chewing. Only from a completely ground nut kernel can the body receive all the beneficial substances.

8. Residents of Central Asia are sure that the walnut tree never blooms. There is even a saying about this: “The one who sees a nut flower will die.”

9. One mature and healthy walnut tree demonstrates an impressive yield throughout the year, which can reach 300 kilograms of healthy and nutritious nuts.

10. If we evaluate a nut in terms of nutritional value, then 100 g of walnuts are comparable to 300 grams of wheat bread, 700 grams of potatoes or a whole liter of whole cow's milk.

11. There are 21 types of walnuts and the most famous of them is Juglans regia.

12. When the kernel is in the stage of milky-waxy ripeness, one nut weighing about 15 grams contains almost 100 milligrams of vitamin C, which is double the daily requirement for an adult.


Not everyone knows that nuts are among the top antidepressant foods. Today we will tell you about the unique properties of nuts. About how to use them not only to maintain, but also to improve your health.

Hazelnuts have been known since ancient times. Our ancestors made amulets from it to protect against evil spirits and natural disasters. This type of nut contains a large amount of vitamins A and E. Improves brain activity. Best consumed raw.

Indian and Asian recipes often contain cashew nuts. They are used for preparing first and second courses, appetizers, sauces, and desserts. They have the ability to strengthen the immune system, improve cardiac function and even soothe toothache. Just twenty cashews a day and your body will receive its daily requirement of iron. The nuts must be roasted before use, as they are tasteless when raw.

Pistachios are often called “smiling nuts.” But, despite their low-calorie content and composition rich in minerals and vitamins, you shouldn’t get too carried away with them. The daily norm for an adult is only fifteen nuts. They will help in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract, respiratory tract, anemia and jaundice, with toxicosis in pregnant women, and increase the reproductive ability of men.

Doctors strongly recommend that people prone to heart disease eat at least 60 grams of almonds per week. Almonds are rich in phosphorus, potassium and iron. Often used in making desserts. In Spain it is considered an elite nut. When purchasing, you should pay attention to large nuts without damage.

In the Caucasus, the walnut is revered as a sacred tree. There you can find trees more than four centuries old. The fruits contain a large amount of essential amino acids, tannins and valuable minerals. They will help with physical exhaustion, anemia, diseases of the nervous system, heart and stomach. Regular use will protect men from sexual impotence.

Pine nuts
The medieval physician and scientist Avicenna wrote about the beneficial properties of pine nuts. Modern science has only confirmed the scientist’s conclusions. Nuts are distinguished by a high content of vitamins, macro- and microelements with a low fiber content. Especially useful for children and the elderly. People prone to obesity should limit their consumption of pine nuts.

Brazilian nut
The most delicious nut is considered to be the Brazil nut. It is used as a snack, in the preparation of salads and desserts. Just two nuts a day and your body will receive the daily requirement of selenium. The lack of which leads to premature aging. In addition, nuts will give you a boost of vivacity and energy, beautiful, clear skin and reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

The largest nuts on Earth are coconuts. The weight of one nut can reach four kilograms. In addition to their wonderful taste and aroma, nuts contain a large amount of B vitamins, macro- and microelements. They have a beneficial effect on the immune system, vision, digestive system, and thyroid function. Coconut milk has a rejuvenating effect.

Ground nut - peanut. There are about 70 species in the world. Nuts are an excellent antioxidant. Improves vision, hearing and memory. It is used not only as a food product, but also as a raw material in the chemical industry in the production of plastics, synthetic threads and glue.

The favorite delicacy of many French and Italians is chestnuts. In France there is even a holiday called Chestnut Day. On this day, the fragrant smell of roasted chestnuts floats throughout the country, which comes from the roasters installed right on the streets. In all cafes you can order delicious dishes with the addition of chestnuts. These can be soups, soufflés, salads, pastries and delicious desserts. But not all species are suitable for food, but only the fruits of chestnut. They contain a large amount of fiber, vitamins C and B. Nutritionists strongly advise vegetarians to include chestnuts in their diet.

Nuts are healthy, and everyone knows about it. They are the best natural antidepressants, supply our body with the most valuable unsaturated fats, vegetable proteins, fiber, strengthen and heal our heart and brain... But there are also unusual facts associated with them. We present to you the top 10 interesting facts about nuts.

Fact #1

Cashews are nuts that only professionals clean! If you open a nut without the necessary skills, you can get burned by cardol, a toxic substance located under its shell. It is neutralized only during heat treatment, which these nuts must undergo before going on sale.

For this reason, Queen Elizabeth II of England herself once organized a detective investigation in Buckingham Palace. The contents of the cups of cashews displayed in the corridors of the palace, intended for august persons, melted before our eyes, although “no one touched the nuts.” As a result of a special investigation, Her Majesty had to send notes to all the guards asking: “not to get into the vases with your dirty hands.”

Fact #2

Often called “smiling nuts,” they help keep a smile on the faces of all beauties, because they are the lowest-calorie nuts. 30 grams of such nuts contain only 100 kcal.

The Greeks have mentioned the pistachio tree since the time of Alexander the Great. Alicius, a famous gourmet, even included them in his cookbook already in the 1st century AD. In addition to the fruits themselves, the excellent gum, usually collected from the pistachio tree in August, is also valued.

Fact #3

The most expensive nut in the world. It received its name in honor of the chemist, Dr. John McAdam. The fact is that he was a close and dear friend of the walnut-describing Baron Ferdinand von Muller, director of the Royal Botanic Gardens of Australia.

At the time when the first Europeans appeared in Australia, they preferred to use this particular nut as the best currency in trade with local tribes.

Fact #4

They are called so not at all because they come from Greece, but because Greek merchants brought them to Russia. These nuts come from slightly more eastern countries. At one time, the walnut tree was revered as sacred in the Caucasus. Now there are old-time trees up to 400 years old. The largest of them can easily accommodate 24 people around the trunk!

Unlike some other nuts, all walnut varieties are edible. Opened nuts, just by their appearance, tell us for which organ they are especially useful. And they knew about this even in Ancient Babylon, which is why the high priests forbade ordinary people to eat these nuts, so that they would not suddenly become wiser and pose a threat to the ruling elite.

Fact #5

One of the most popular nuts, especially in America. Although, to be more precise, it is not a nut at all, but a legume crop, such as beans or peas.

In the US alone, 170 tons of peanuts are used every day to produce candy. But even more popular is peanut butter, which is eaten every day by 40 million people in this country. Americans even calculated that exactly 548 nuts are needed to get 350 grams of peanut butter.

Fact #6

It is considered one of the most delicious nuts. It contains a record amount of selenium - the strongest antioxidant. This mineral ensures youthful skin, promotes thyroid function and reduces the risk of both heart disease and cancer. But be careful, this stuff is no joke! Our body cannot live without it, but the daily amount we need is contained in just two Brazil nuts. Remember how in one of the episodes of “House”, overeating these nuts turned out to be the cause of an incomprehensible illness for the patient? If you overdo it with their quantity, you can even get poisoned.

Fact No. 7

From a botanical point of view, an almond tree is very similar to an apricot or peach tree, which means that almonds are not actually a nut, but a stone fruit. In Ancient Egypt, only the pharaohs and their entourage were allowed to enjoy these fruits, because they were so expensive that not a single poor person could even dream of almonds.

Vegans are happy to replace cow's milk with almond milk; it is just as nutritious and healthy. And to prepare it, you need to select it, soak it in water for several hours, and then chop the already soft nuts, mix with water (for example, in a blender) and strain.

Fact #8

people appreciated it already in the Middle Ages. Avicenna also praised them in his works. And research by modern scientists confirms his conclusions. These nuts are a storehouse of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. They are especially useful for children and the elderly, recommended for both men and women, and in particular for pregnant and nursing mothers. Any weakened body recovers much faster with the addition of these wonderful nuts to the diet. And their use in autumn and winter improves immunity and allows you to survive the season of viral infections without any diseases!

Fact #9

A cultivated relative of the hazelnut. The latter, in turn, is considered the most ancient nut in the world, because it was collected back in Neolithic times!

Like other nuts, hazelnuts are rich in minerals and vitamins, but probably they alone were historically credited with so many magical properties. Thus, the ancient Greeks and Romans believed that hazelnuts could indicate secret places where treasures were hidden, and also had the power to stop floods and fires, and to cure diseases. The Slavs, seeing that the walnut tree was not susceptible to thunderstorms and lightning, placed crosses from it in fields and barns to preserve the harvest. And the Druids had white walnut staffs, which they held in their hands when resolving disputes - as a symbol of impartiality and wisdom. And in England, all these beliefs seem to come to one thing that unites everything: make a wish and throw a hazelnut into the fire, then it will come true!

Fact #10
