How to make light beef tender. How to cook beef lung? Recipes. Beef liver: composition, calorie content, application

How to cook beef lung: recipes

Some cooks unjustifiably ignore such an offal as lung. It is considered a product of no particular nutritional value. But this is in vain. After all, the lung contains a lot of elastin and collagen. If you know how to cook beef lung, you can get a very tasty dish. It could be a delicious salad or aromatic soup. The main thing is to remember some of the subtleties of preparation.

Preparatory work
Before you cook beef lung, you need to prepare it. We clear it from the respiratory tract and trachea and rinse thoroughly. Then put it in a saucepan and fill it with water.
It is advisable to place a weight on top so that the lung does not float up. By the way, in some countries, dishes made from this offal are considered traditional. The cooking time for the lung depends on its type. If the piece is large enough, it needs to be cooked longer. Beef lung takes longer to cook. This offal requires cooking for almost any recipe.

Beef lung in sour cream
Beef lung, the recipes for which are presented here, is very easy to prepare. The main thing is to prepare the product correctly so that the dish turns out tender and tasty. For the following recipe you will need a kilogram of beef lung, two large onions, one carrot (large), vegetable oil, salt, a glass of good sour cream or cream and spices. First, we wash the offal, remove all excess and cook for about two hours. You can pre-soak the lung in water for an hour. Then we take it out and cut it into pieces. Cut the onion into half rings, and cut the carrots into three using a grater. Fry the chopped lung in a frying pan with some oil until golden brown. Then put the onion in the frying pan, and after five minutes - the carrots. Don't forget to stir constantly. Add salt and spices to taste and pour in sour cream. Simmer the dish for about 7 minutes until cooked. When serving, you can decorate it with herbs.

Goulash from lung
One of the most popular dishes made from this offal is goulash. Before you cook beef lung, you need to choose a good recipe so that the result does not disappoint you. Let's take the offal itself (1 kilogram), two medium onions, a large spoon of tomato paste, the same amount of flour, salt and spices to taste. Light beef dishes always begin with boiling it. We wash the offal, fill it with cold water and put it on fire. When the liquid boils, be sure to skim off the foam. Cook for about 1.5 hours. Light beef dishes Then remove the lung from the water and cut into large pieces. In a separate saucepan, lightly fry the chopped onion. Then add tomato paste, and after a while flour. Mix everything well and pour in a little broth left over from cooking the lungs. Mix well so that there are no lumps. Simmer for about 5 minutes. After this, add the lungs to the sauce, add spices and cook for about 30 minutes over low heat. This dish can be served with any side dish.

Beef lung salad
Beef lung, the recipes for which are presented in this article, can also be used in salads. The result is a tasty, light and at the same time nutritious dish. Take 600 grams of offal, two medium onions, salt, spices (pepper) and a little sugar. Cut the onion as thin as possible, and then sprinkle it with sugar and pour vinegar over it. Leave it aside for 15 minutes. Before cooking beef lung, it must be boiled, as in previous recipes. Then cut it into pieces and add the squeezed onion. Salt and pepper to taste and season with mayonnaise. It is best to refrigerate this dish for 2 hours before serving. Light beef salad turns out to be very tender if the offal is properly boiled.

Stewed lung with mushrooms
Beef lung is best when stewed. Delicate and aromatic sauce will be a wonderful addition. To prepare, you need to take 500 grams of offal, 200 grams of champignons, a large spoon of capers, two large onions, 500 milliliters of meat broth, salt and ground black pepper. Pre-boil the lung until tender so that it is soft and tender. Pour out the broth; we won't need it. Then we cut the offal into pieces, removing all unnecessary tubes. We determine the size of the pieces according to our taste. Peel the onion and cut it not very finely. It will become soft during the cooking process. We wash the mushrooms and also cut them into large pieces. Fry them with the addition of vegetable oil, which can be combined with butter, so the gravy will be tastier. After that, put them in a separate bowl, and put the onions in the frying pan. It also needs to be fried until transparent. Grind the capers as finely as possible. Combine onions with mushrooms in a frying pan and mix. Then we lay out the lung. When it warms up, add the capers. Mix everything, salt and pepper to taste. Now it's time for the broth. You can replace the meat broth with vegetable broth or simply add water. Cover the frying pan with a lid and simmer the lungs for about 1.5 hours. During this time, the amount of fluid may decrease. In this case, add a little broth. It turns out very tasty and tender light. Eat with pleasure.


Properly prepared offal will be an excellent addition to main dishes in the form of salads, casseroles, soups or pancakes. Excellent and relatively easy to prepare dishes will become good lifesavers for every housewife. These recipes will show that offal is no worse than expensive meat products.

How to cook beef lung - casserole

Recipe ingredients:

  • Beef lung – 500 g.
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Wheat flour – 130 g.
  • Milk – 150 g.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 4 cloves.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking process:

  • The lung is washed under running water. The trachea and other airways will be removed. You need to prepare the meat grinder for work. The lung is scrolled together with onions and garlic several times.
  • The resulting mass is transferred to a deep bowl and a raw chicken egg, fresh milk, salt and pepper are added there. Mix the ingredients with a spoon or clean hands. Next, add wheat flour and knead until smooth.
  • The dish can be baked in the oven or in a frying pan. Bake in the oven at 180°C in special molds. In a frying pan, the process will be simpler, but less useful, since the lungs are fried in oil. First, the cutlet is fried on one side for 15-20 minutes, then the same time on the other.

How to cook beef lung with adjika

Recipe ingredients:

  • Beef lung – 1 kg.
  • Adjika – 100 g.
  • Onions – 3 pcs.
  • Lard – 1 tbsp.
  • Sour cream – 200 g.
  • Bay leaf – 5 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper, a handful of peas.
  • Dry thyme - to taste.
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking process:

  • The beef lung is washed. And cook for 45-60 minutes. until fully prepared. The cooked lung is cleaned of the airways and film and cut into small pieces.
  • Next, prepare a deep frying pan for stewing. The lung is stewed in water along with lard, bay leaf, black pepper (peas), and salt. The ingredients are simmered for about 20 minutes.
  • While stewing, onions are cut into rings. Lightly add thyme, onion and sour cream into the pan. The dish is stewed until the onions are ready. At the end, in a few minutes, adjika is added. As a result, beef lung can be a very spicy dish if the adjika is chosen to be hot.

How to cook beef lung - salad

Recipe ingredients:

  • Beef lung – 700 g.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Beans – 100 g.
  • Fresh cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Korean carrots – 250 g.
  • Mayonnaise – 100 g.
  • Black pepper – 3 g.
  • Salt – 2 g.

Ingredients for marinade:

  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Black peppercorns – 3 g.
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • Vinegar – 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 1 tsp.
  • Salt – 5 g.

Cooking process:

  • The beef lung is washed under running water and cut into several small pieces with a knife to improve cooking. Water is poured into the pan and salted. The lung is cooked for about 20 minutes. with a fork test.
  • During this time, the onions are pickled. You can use pickling onions for salad in boiling water. To do this, the onion is cut into rings, half rings and poured into a deep plate. Next, add a glass of boiling water to the onion. Cover the plate with a lid until it cools. During this time, the bitterness disappears from the vegetable (it will take about 40 minutes). If the onion remains bitter, then the procedure with boiling water is repeated. The next step is preparing the marinade. You need to pour sugar, salt, spices into a glass of water and boil. The vinegar is poured into the onion and mixed. The onion is washed under running water through a sieve and poured with hot marinade.
  • Fresh cucumber is cut into cubes. The beans are soaked in water for 4 hours and cooked until tender for about 2 hours. Next, the boiled beans are ground in a blender until pureed and mixed with mayonnaise and pepper.
  • The lung is cleaned of film and airways and finely chopped. In a deep salad plate, mix all the ingredients - onions, Korean carrots, bean paste with mayonnaise. The salad is ready to eat.

Beef lung is a very nutritious, but low-calorie product. It contains a lot of vitamins C, B1, B2, potassium, phosphorus, iron, iodine. Beef lung perfectly complements easy-to-prepare salads and pies. To cook lung in the healthiest way, you need to boil it. Thus, most of the microelements are retained in the composition.

Beef lung, which is a very popular product, contains a large amount of water, blood vessels and connective tissue. It is because of the vessels that the lung, after cutting a beef carcass, has a characteristic bright and rich red color. Due to the presence of collagen and elastin, beef lung has good elasticity. Basically, the weight of beef lung is from two to three kilograms, however, larger and heavier specimens are also found, weighing up to four kilograms.

Beef lung goes on sale completely bled and has a light pink color. When starting to prepare dishes from this product, it is necessary to thoroughly clean it of trachea residues, and then rinse it. Refrigerated beef lung can be stored for one day. And frozen offal retains its quality for about six months, provided that the temperature at the place of its storage is from -16 to -20 degrees.

Lung differs from many other beef offal in that during the cooking process, due to saturation with air, it constantly floats to the surface of the pan. To solve this problem, you should cover the lung with a lid that has a smaller diameter than the pan in which it is cooked, and then place a weight weighing approximately one kilogram on top of it. After some time, as a result of heat treatment, beef lung becomes “heavier” and begins to decrease in size.

In order for the structure of this offal to become denser, it is recommended to place it under a press immediately after cooking. As a result, the lung begins to resemble beef tongue in both color and texture. It is ideal for preparing many dishes.

For tasty and nutritious salads, beef lung is cut into thin strips. The remaining ingredients are fresh herbs, mayonnaise, chicken eggs and green peas. Beef lung is also used to prepare goulash, soups, casseroles, as well as fillings for pies and pancakes. Garlic, onions, allspice, celery, paprika, bay leaf and parsley root perfectly highlight the taste of this by-product.

Composition and beneficial properties

Beef lung is a very healthy product. This is due to the high content of vitamins (A, B, C and PP), as well as micro- and macroelements (magnesium, selenium, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, copper and manganese). Moreover, beef lung is a low-calorie product, and therefore can be used as a dietary food. In addition, consuming this product does not contribute to weight gain at all, so dishes made from beef lung can be eaten without any fear.

Beef lung is an offal with high nutritional value

Among beef by-products, gourmets pay special attention to light - a product that has a delicate, original taste and is used to prepare various dishes. Lung is successfully used in the cuisines of almost all countries, with the exception, perhaps, of India, where the cow is recognized as a sacred animal, and its meat is not allowed to be eaten. In ancient times, it was believed that beef lung could cure any diseases of the respiratory tract and relieve severe coughs. Today this product is no longer used for medicinal purposes, but even now it can be used to create many amazing, nutritious and healthy dishes that will bring great pleasure to those who try them.

History and geography

The history of beef lung as a food product begins in ancient times. In ancient times in Rome and Greece, beef meat and offal were considered a real luxury and were available exclusively to the upper strata of the population. In Europe, America and Russia, the use of beef offal has always been present; various treats, including ritual dishes, were prepared from them, from the lungs.

In the countries of the East - China and Japan - beef lung is not widespread, and in countries where Hinduism is preached, beef lung dishes are not found at all.

There has never been a period in human history when beef lung was forgotten. This product has a high nutritional value, which is why it is widely used in the preparation of both everyday and holiday dishes.

Beef lung: types and varieties

Lung, unlike beef meat, is not divided into special grades, but a certain classification still exists. The age of the animal, the freshness of the lung and the amount of fat influence which category the offal is classified into. Yes, beef lung first category weighs, on average, 2 - 3 kilograms, has a soft pink hue and a juicy, elastic structure. The presence of blood stains, mucous membranes, chapped areas and fatty layers is not allowed.

Beef lung second category, as a rule, weighs more than 3 kg ( this indicates a more mature age of the animal), may contain a small amount of fat.

Product class "extra" The lungs of young calves are considered, weighing 500 - 600 grams.

Beef lung should be sold in a bloodless form, cleared of debris from the respiratory tract and trachea. When frozen, the product can be stored for no more than 6 months.

Useful properties of beef lung

Anyone who wants to maintain good health and look young even at an advanced age can be recommended to regularly eat beef lung dishes. The product is distinguished by a high content of nutrients, minerals and trace elements that can have a beneficial effect on the normal functioning of the body.

A fresh lung is made up of water, connective tissue, and blood vessels. Among the most valuable “components” of the offal are iron, iodine, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins B, C, PP. An important feature of beef lungs is the presence of collagen and elastin - substances necessary to maintain elasticity and freshness of the skin, as well as to strengthen tissues and improve blood circulation.

Beef lung is low in calories ( 95 kcal per 100 grams), therefore, dishes made from this product can be successfully used by those who watch their figure and want to get rid of extra centimeters in volume.

Taste and use in cooking

Beef lung when cooked has a pleasant taste, which is perfectly emphasized by vegetables, seasonings, and spices. The product makes an excellent filling for pancakes, pies and other baked goods; Beef lung in salads can give the dish additional sophistication and originality. By the way, experts recommend cutting up the lung not immediately after cooking, but after some time, after keeping the product under pressure. This will help the taste “ripen” as much as possible and acquire a particularly pleasant note.
Among the cuisines of different countries, beef lungs are most actively used in German and Austrian cooking, in particular, for the preparation of liverwurst. In addition, in the southern part of Germany, dishes such as lung strudel, Viennese lungs and beef lungs soaked in vinegar are very popular.

The lungs can be stewed, boiled, fried. The offal makes very tasty soups, goulash, and casseroles. Beef lung has no contraindications for use, however, people with allergies or intolerance to beef should consult a doctor before including this tasty, healthy and nutritious product on the menu.


Beef lungs after cutting the carcass have a juicy bright red color. The average weight of one lung is 2-3 kg, but can reach 4 kg. Beef lung contains a lot of water, blood vessels and connective tissue, especially collagen and elastin, which give it its elastic consistency. The offal prepared for sale must be drained of blood, washed well, and have a pale pink color. Before using the lung for culinary purposes, it must be cleared of the remains of the trachea and other respiratory tract and rinsed thoroughly. When frozen, the product is stored at temperatures from -16 degrees to -20 degrees for no more than 6 months.


During the cooking process, the lung floats to the surface of the container; it is useless to lower it to the bottom of the pan, because it is filled with air. Some housewives solve this problem simply - cover a piece of lung with a lid from a small saucepan and place a weight weighing about 1 kg on it. During the cooking process, the lung noticeably decreases in volume and becomes “heavier.” In addition, in order to achieve a denser consistency of the product, the finished lung, after removing it from the hot broth, is placed under a press - covered with a flat dish and, for example, a 3-liter jar of water is placed on it. The lung gradually cools down and becomes compressed, becoming similar in color and structure to boiled tongue. In this form, the product can be used to prepare various dishes. For example, boiled lung cut into thin strips is an excellent ingredient for salads with herbs and mayonnaise, with eggs and green peas. Boiled lung is also used as a filling for pancakes. In addition, the lung is used to prepare soup, goulash, and casseroles. It goes well not only with onions and garlic, but with paprika, allspice, bay leaves, parsley roots and celery. Lung is also one of the important components in the production of liver sausage.

Composition and properties

There are few complete proteins in the lung, and they are absorbed worse than meat proteins. However, beef lung contains a large amount of vitamins C, PP, B1 and B2, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium, as well as trace elements - iron and iodine.

Interesting fact

Despite the fact that beef lung is practically not used in cooking in Europe, in the national cuisine of Germany there are many recipes for preparing tasty and nutritious dishes from this offal.

How long to cook beef lung

Place the beef lung in boiling water and cook for 20-25 minutes over low heat.

Calorie content and nutritional value of beef lung

The calorie content of beef lung is 103.1 kcal.

Nutritional value of beef lung: proteins - 15.2 g, fats - 4.7 g
