How to properly dye eggs with fabric. We decorate eggs for Easter with confectionery beads. The process of dyeing eggs with a napkin using the decoupage technique. How to paint eggs for Easter: useful tips

I offer you several ways to color Easter eggs.

Easter eggs are a significant attribute of Easter, along with and. We have already prepared all this and even one.

Today we will look at and prepare painted Easter eggs for the celebration.

There are probably a hundred or even more ways to dye eggs.

We will look at some of the most interesting and simple ones.

How to paint eggs for Easter. Coloring Easter eggs step by step with photos

First you need to prepare the eggs. This is very important for the eggs to be beautiful.


  1. How to prepare eggs for Easter painting


1. It is best to buy white eggs because they take paint better. Eggs must be washed thoroughly.

Usually the eggs are marked with a mark, date of release, and other things. This mark must be washed off, because it will show through any paint.

If it is not washed off with a sponge warm water, try with soda powder and, as a last resort, with table vinegar. This will not cause any harm to the egg, because we act on it in this way for a short time.

Do not press too hard on the egg. Since it is raw, it may crack. The egg must be washed thoroughly. Because only on a clean egg will the paint lie in an even layer.

3. And one more trick. A cotton pad should be moistened with alcohol (if you don’t have alcohol at home, use 9% table vinegar) and wipe the eggs with it. This is to remove grease stains from the eggs from your fingers. We process all the eggs in this way.

Do not forget! When processing eggs, they should be at room temperature.

4. Place the eggs in a saucepan and add a couple of tablespoons of salt to prevent the eggs from cracking during cooking. And fill it up cold water so that the eggs are completely covered.

By the way, can you tell old eggs from fresh ones? When we fill them with water, the old egg floats up and fresh egg remains lying on the bottom.

5. Let the eggs cook. We will cook on low heat. Of course we will boil it hard-boiled. After they boil, you need to cook for another 7-10 minutes if the eggs are store-bought. If the eggs are fresh village eggs, you need to cook them longer, after boiling for 13-15 minutes.

Don’t forget, when you take the boiled eggs out of the boiling water, be sure to dip them in ice water for a while, this is so that they can be cleaned better later. Just don't refrigerate it at all. The eggs should be warm when painting.

Well, we've cooked the eggs. Now let's move on to their coloring.

  1. How to paint beautiful eggs for Easter

1. Take a hard-boiled egg, wipe it again with alcohol or vinegar and wrap it in a paper napkin or paper towel, do not try to wrap the egg evenly, just wrap it randomly, as if you were crumpling a napkin (do not press too hard, crush the egg).

Pour a little vinegar, as if getting wet, from all sides. Press the napkin (crimp) more tightly onto the egg.

2. Take blue dye and randomly drop it onto the egg. Let the dye spread a little.

3. Take another dye, yellow. Also, in a chaotic manner, apply it to the egg.

4. Take the third dye, ours is red, and just like the first two, apply it to the egg.

5. Squeeze the egg with your palms so that the napkin sticks well to the shell. In this case, the napkin turns out to be one-color, evenly colored.

6. Before painting the egg, we need to make a stand for it. We take an ordinary sponge, stick English needles into it the size of an egg and that’s it, our stand is ready.

7. Place our egg in a napkin with dyes on a stand and let it dry a little.

8. After a couple of minutes, the egg has dried, carefully remove the napkin from it, trying not to smear the paint.

We got such a rainbow colored egg. Place the egg on our homemade stand again and let it dry completely.

  1. How to dye Easter eggs to make them multicolored

1. We will need small but deep plastic dishes. Pour a tablespoon of vinegar into each of them.

2. Pour the dye into each of the dishes, a little at first, and then you can adjust it after diluting the dyes with water.

3. Dilute the dyes with water. You don’t need a lot of water, about less than half. You will understand when you see what we will do.

4. Take the egg and dip it 1/3 into the dye. We hold it for about 2 minutes.

5. Take out the egg and blot a drop from below. We leave the egg to dry a little on our homemade stand. Since our egg is warm, it dries out quite quickly.

6. When the egg is dry, dip it into the next dye, again about 1/3, for 2 minutes. We take it out, also blot the droplet at the bottom and set it to dry.

7. Dip the remaining uncolored part of the egg into the third dye. We take it out, not forgetting to wipe the droplet from below, and set it to dry.

This is the colorful egg we got.

  1. How to paint Easter eggs with polka dots

1. Prepare two paints in plastic cups, yellow and blue, a candle, cotton wool on sticks and an egg cup. If you have some paint left over from a previous painting, you can use it. We light a candle. we need melted wax.

2. Place the egg completely in yellow dye. Let's let it lie there for a couple of minutes, take it out and put it on a stand to dry.

3. The egg has dried out. Take a cotton swab, dip it in the melted wax and randomly apply dots of wax onto the egg with the stick. You can come up with something of your own. Inscription, figures, stripes, etc.

4. Literally let the wax dry for 10-15 seconds and add the egg to the second paint. Ours is blue. You can take any one you like. Let the egg sit in the paint for 2 minutes.

5. Remove from the dye, place on a stand, and let dry. Basically the egg is ready. We can leave it like this.

6. If you want to remove wax from an egg, warm it up a little next to a candle, in no case above the egg, just next to it. The wax melts and can be easily removed with a napkin.

  1. How to paint eggs for Easter with color transition

We will need an egg and dye of the same color.

1. Pour just a little dye into a plastic cup so that it only covers the tip of the egg a little more than a centimeter and lower the egg there vertically with the blunt end down. Leave it like this for 2 minutes.

2. Then use a spoon to add a little more coloring. Depending on how large the egg is and how many rings you want to make of different intensities of color on the egg, calculate how much paint you need to add. We added about 1 cm at a time. We also left it for a couple of minutes.

3. Add more dye and also leave for 2 minutes. And so on until we cover the entire egg, leaving the egg in the dye for 2 minutes after each layer.

After covering the egg completely with dye, let it stand for 2 minutes, remove it from the dye and place it on our stand to dry.

As we can see, all the stripes on the egg are visible. The egg turned out beautiful, with a gradually weakening tone of paint towards the top.

  1. How to paint striped eggs for Easter

1. Pre-color the egg blue. Next we need electrical tape. Cut off 20-25 centimeters of electrical tape and cut the electrical tape lengthwise into narrow strips.

2. Place the tape on the egg in a spiral. You can stick it however you like. You can also make the strip of electrical tape any width you want. In this way we cover the entire egg. Press the tape firmly against the egg so that there are no smudges.

3. This is what we got, covered with electrical tape. We dip it in the pre-prepared red dye, as always, for a couple of minutes. We take out the egg, put it on a stand and let it dry.

4. Our egg has dried, remove the electrical tape. As you can see, there is a blue color left under the electrical tape.

We got this striped egg in a simple way.

  1. Mosaic coloring Easter egg

1. We cut a lot of corners from electrical tape and now stick them on the egg, which was previously painted yellow. We try to glue the corners in the shape of a mosaic. Between the corners we make a gap of approximately 2 millimeters. We lay the corners in random order.

2. This is the glued egg we got. Dip it in red dye to get a roughly orange color.

3. Remove from the dye and place on a stand to dry.

This is the egg we got. Now all that remains is to remove the electrical tape.

  1. How to dye Easter eggs in onion skins

1. We will need onion peel, preferably from red and yellow onions. Eggs with already defatted shells. If you have not degreased them yet, wipe them with alcohol or vinegar. Squares of gauze measuring approximately 20 x 20 cm. Threads for tying gauze, a saucepan. There is a problem with the saucepan. After cooking onion skins, the pan is very difficult to wash, so choose a pan that is not needed or that you paint in every year. Or you will paint it.

2. For decoration, we will add various leaves and figures cut out of parchment so that the eggs are not so boring.

3. The husks need to be placed in a pan and mashed to crush. The size of the pan and the amount of peeling depends on how many eggs you want to dye. Fill the husk with water and put it on the stove to cook for 1-1.5 hours.

4. We begin to prepare the eggs. Take gauze, place a leaf on it, face up, carefully straighten all the ends of the leaf. Place an egg on a piece of paper. Carefully gather all the ends of the gauze into a pile and tighten it, pressing the leaf firmly against the egg. We twist the collected ends of the gauze into a tourniquet, then pull the leaf to the egg and tie it with threads.

5. We also do next eggs. You can even lay out some composition of leaves on gauze. Place the egg in the center and tighten the gauze again. And here are the figures from parchment paper, it’s best to dip them in water so that they stick to the egg, and then put the egg in cheesecloth and also gently tighten.

6. Add salt to the boiling onion skins and place the eggs there.

7. Cover them all completely with husks and let them cook for 10-12 minutes over low heat. Remember that the eggs must be at room temperature, otherwise they will burst.

8. We take the eggs out of the husks and transfer them immediately to cold water so that they are easier to clean later.

We cut off the gauze, rinse it with water and see how beautiful it is.

To make the eggs shiny, fry them vegetable oil. The most convenient way to do this is by pouring a little oil onto cotton pads.

Well, the eggs are ready. They are perhaps not inferior in beauty to painted eggs.

  1. Original DIY Easter eggs

We took:

  • Eggs - 12 pcs.
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Vinegar - 2 or 3 tbsp.
  • Silk fabric (with different patterns)
  • Any white fabric
  • Rubber bands

1. To color the eggs, we took unnecessary men's silk ties, of which we had a lot. If you don't have unnecessary ties, just take pieces of multi-colored silk.

2. We cut the fabric into squares. Take the egg and place it on the front side of the silk fabric.

3. Wrap tightly so that the fabric does not move around the egg. We twist the resulting tail of the fabric at the top, thus tightening the egg even tighter.

4. Place the same piece of white fabric on top of the colored fabric. We also curl the tail. We secure everything by putting an elastic band on the tail, twisting it several times. We do the same with all eggs.

5. When all the eggs are prepared, put them in a saucepan.

6. Fill with water, add vinegar and put on fire. After the water boils, cook for another 15 minutes. Turn down the heat so they don't jump around in the pan. If only they would slowly boil.

7. After 15 minutes, take out the eggs and place them on a dish. Leave on a plate until completely cooled.

8. When the eggs have cooled completely, remove the elastic bands and unfold the fabric. Look at the beauty that appears from under the fabric. In this way we unwrap all the eggs.

Like these ones beautiful eggs we got it. Surprise your friends. Enjoy yourself.

  1. Very beautiful Easter eggs

1. Take hard-boiled eggs, ordinary colored napkins and egg white. We tear the napkin into 4 parts. Separate the top colored layer from the napkins.

2. Dip the egg into the white and swirl to moisten the entire area of ​​the egg. Place the egg on the wrong side of the napkin and wrap it. We tear off the excess napkin.

3. Dip the brush into the white and grease the egg on top, thus distributing the napkin evenly over the entire egg, while simultaneously pressing the napkin more tightly to the shell.

4. Everything is carefully distributed, the egg is ready. We make all the eggs in the same way. You can take different napkins. Accordingly, the eggs will be different.


11. Video - 5 ways to decorate eggs for Easter in an original way

One of the most bright holidays in the year - Easter. Traditional gift for Easter - painted egg as a symbol of the birth of a new life. They eat it first Easter table, and give it to relatives, neighbors who come to congratulate, take it with them when they go to visit, be sure to give it to the poor and leave it in the church.

According to church tradition, you need to paint eggs on Maundy Thursday. People called colored eggs “krashenka”, and those decorated with various patterns – “pysanka”.

Easter eggs can be colored with synthetic or natural dyes. Many natural ingredients have a coloring effect. For example: coffee, tea, onion skins, chokeberries, red cabbage, blackberries, turmeric, carrots, spinach. Some dyes are not very intense, for example spinach, so eggs can be left in such broths overnight.

Onion peel

This is the most famous and accessible method to everyone. Eggs can be colored from yellow to red-brown. The color depends on the concentration of the decoction. You need to prepare a decoction of onion peels and let it brew. If you want the color to be more saturated, you need to take more husks and cook it for about half an hour before adding the eggs to the broth. Place the eggs in the infusion, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Remove and cool. For shine, rub them with vegetable oil.

A speckled pattern can be obtained if wet eggs roll in dry rice, wrap in gauze (the ends of the gauze must be tied tightly with thread so that the rice sticks to the egg) and cook in onion skins. It's better to use golden long grain rice, since it boils less.

A leaf-shaped pattern can be obtained by attaching a parsley leaf to the egg before coloring and securing it with gauze or stocking. And if you paint the egg with wax chalk before staining, the desired pattern will appear at the end of the staining procedure.


Natural ground coffee pour into a saucepan, fill with water. For a glass of water, add 4 heaped teaspoons of coffee. For a more intense color, you can use more. Bring the coffee to a boil, reduce the heat so that it does not boil over and cook for 10 minutes over low heat. Strain the coffee and let it cool.

Wash raw eggs thoroughly, you can use soap. Pour the cooled coffee over the eggs. The coffee should completely cover the eggs. Place on the fire and cook over low heat for 7-10 minutes. Carefully remove and place on a plate with a napkin. Thanks to the napkin, which quickly absorbs moisture, dark spots do not form on the bottom of the eggs.

You can paint eggs in this way from light coffee to dark coffee color, depending on the saturation of the solution.


You can use frozen berries chokeberry. Press the rowan with a fork to release the juice from the berries. Fill raw eggs with water, add crushed chokeberry fruits. The liquid should completely cover the eggs. Boil hard-boiled eggs. At the same time, rowan berries color the water dark lilac.

The eggs turn out blue-lilac in color, but they do not take paint well.


Crush the blackberries with a fork, then add water and cook for 15-20 minutes. For every 200 ml of water we take 100 grams of blackberries. Strain the broth and cool. Before painting, wash the eggs with soap (degrease them) and boil them hard in blackberry juice.

Carefully remove the finished eggs. We make sure that there are no streaks left on the eggs, since blackberry juice continues to color the eggs even after cooking.

Disadvantages: It is quite difficult to achieve a uniform coating.


Add 2-3 tablespoons of turmeric to hot water. To make the color more saturated, you need to boil the water. The resulting broth can be used to boil eggs (you will get more saturated color), and just soak the boiled ones.

Turmeric is a fairly strong dye, so a golden yellow color is guaranteed.


To decorate an Easter egg with a picture, you don't have to buy stickers. You can decorate it using decoupage technique.

Boil the eggs hard. Prepare gelatin glue. To do this, pour gelatin with water in the proportions indicated on the specific gelatin package and soak. Strain it through a strainer and remove excess liquid. Heat the gelatin and wait until the granules dissolve.

Choose napkins with beautiful colored designs. White eggs look better as a background, although it all depends on the color of the napkin. Separate the top layer of the napkin and cut out the piece you like. Attach the picture to the egg. Apply gelatin glue over the design from the center to the edges.

Food colorings

One of the most simple ways dye eggs using dyes from Easter kits. The recipe is always listed there. But you can add a twist. So, for example, to get marble effect take a few dark colors(purple, brown, blue), dilute them in water and add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to each container, stir gently. Do not shake too much. Then dip the already colored eggs of light shades into dark color and remove immediately. To make it work beautiful drawing, you only need to do this once.

Felt pens, crayons, markers

If you don't have egg dyes, you can color the eggs with a permanent marker or markers.

You can also color a hard-boiled egg that has not yet cooled down. wax crayons(with crayons). At the same time, they will melt and create beautiful patterns. When painting an egg, place it on a stand, and after finishing the work, let it dry for an hour.


If you paint eggs with fabric, you can get exquisite designs. For this method of dyeing, a Pavloposadov wool scarf or silk fabric with patterns, such as a tie, is suitable.

Wrap a raw egg in a cloth with a pattern. The front side should fit tightly to the shell. To prevent the fabric from slipping, sew the egg along the contour. Wrap it over the colored cotton fabric, securing it at the blunt end.

Pour water into the pan, add vinegar (3 tbsp). Place the eggs wrapped in cloth into the pan and cook for 10-12 minutes after boiling.

Fill in ready eggs cold water. When they are completely cool, carefully remove the cloth. A thin pattern will remain on the egg, just like on fabric.

Or instead of fabric, you can use natural cotton threads. To paint eggs with them, you need threads different colors mix together, then wrap the eggs in them, like in a cocoon, bandage (secure) and cook. You always get unusual patterns.


You can wrap the eggs with money rubber bands before painting. The result will be striped testicles.

Easter eggs painted sequentially with two dyes look interesting. different color using adhesive tape (insulating tape).

First, cover the egg with a strip of tape in one direction and paint it yellow. After the paint has dried, cover it with a strip of tape of the same width, but in a different direction and paint it in Blue colour. Blue and yellow when mixed will give green.

In this way you can come up with different variants patterns or designs.

Also, already painted eggs can be decorated with lace, colored buttons, silk ribbons, beads, rhinestones, etc.

Decorating Easter eggs with your own hands is not at all difficult if you use your imagination!

It is no longer fashionable to color eggs for Easter with onion skins alone! We present to your attention original idea coloring eggs for Easter using silk fabric (100% silk!)

Of course, you can use store-bought scraps to dye eggs with silk, but if you don’t like that terrible husband’s tie, then it’s perfect for dyeing Easter eggs. You can also use old mufflers and blouses.

You can experiment with colors, of course, the brighter the more unusual, but it is not known for sure how much color will be transferred from the silk to the shell. The result will be a mystery until the last!

Let us repeat once again that secret ingredient success is 100% silk. If you don’t have such material at home, then look for inexpensive or old ties at the nearest second-hand store.

We paint eggs with silk step by step:

The fabric needs to be cut into pieces large enough to wrap the eggs. Wrap the eggs (with the right side of the material inside!) quite tightly, but watch the pressure so that the eggs do not shrink. The brightness and accuracy of the transmitted pattern will depend on the density of contact of the material with the shell. Although light, “watery” patterns also have their own zest. Tie with string/thread or secure with an elastic band.

After which the eggs need to be wrapped again in fabric, but this time lighter and lighter (cotton). An old pillowcase, tablecloth, or sheet are perfect for this.

Place all the eggs in enamel pan, and fill with water, which should completely cover them. Add the secret ingredient - 3 tbsp. l. vinegar (so that the paint can better imprint on the shell) and place on the stove. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook the eggs for about 20 minutes. After which the eggs can be removed for cooling. Next, take it off and admire the result.

Many people do not have much confidence in the chemicals used to dye their ties and do not use such eggs as food. If you are one of them, then we suggest coloring not the eggs, but the empty shell. An empty shell painted in this way will be an excellent room decor for Easter.

Dyeing eggs for Easter is a tradition that has been established for a very long time. Every housewife tries to bake fragrant and cook for the holiday. cottage cheese Easter. And very often I am faced with the problem of decorating eggs for Easter. Everyone wants to make unusual and original Easter eggs as a gift, delighting both adults and children.

In this article we will talk about what methods and tricks exist for creating unique and beautiful Easter eggs at home. With their help, you can not only please your household, but also surprise your dear guests and friends.

Preparing for painting

Boil chicken white eggs. After you finish cooking, you need to cool them a little. It is enough that they are at room temperature. We will not be able to work with overly hot or icy eggs. Then, wipe the eggs from moisture, remove dirt (if any).

  1. Cracked eggs I'll have to put it aside - these are no longer suitable for drawing pictures. If you are going to use the onion peel method of painting, wait a little while cooking.
  2. If you decide to paint eggs with a pattern for the holiday, mix starch paste (glue) in advance - it is absolutely harmless, so it is suitable for coloring Easter eggs.

In the store you can buy ready-made starch, ready to use. Pour the starch into a bowl, then add warm water, no higher than room temperature. Soak it there and then stir it well. After this, you will need hot water, but not boiling water - pour hot water into the resulting mass in portions, stirring the starch mass at the same time. If lumps cannot be avoided by stirring, take a gauze mesh and separate the glue from the lumps. Great, the glue is ready!

Multi-colored eggs with a rainbow pattern - successful, simple and perfect way decorate your Easter menu.

To create colored shells, you can use ready-made food paints(which can be found in any store), and pigments created independently, with your own hands. For this you can use red cabbage, beets, blueberries, turmeric, tea, onion peels, coffee beans, as well as fresh herbs.

Natural dyes will give eggshells interesting, rich shades. Below is step by step recipe with a photo of preparing Easter eggs using red cabbage. Thanks to the bright and natural solution, after 10-14 hours the workpiece acquires a pleasant lilac-blue hue. Of course, the natural pigment does not lay down very smoothly (unlike artificial paints), but this gives the workpiece an authentic, natural look.

And also several other interesting ways to color eggs at home for Easter, using onion skins, ready-made dyes and stickers. And to decorate Easter eggs with a beautiful and original design, use paper napkins or a piece of fabric. Let's consider the most interesting ways egg colors for Easter - both popular and quite unusual.

We dye Easter eggs with natural dyes

How to Dye Easter Eggs Blue with Red Cabbage

When creating Easter eggs, you should follow some guidelines. To ensure quality eggs, wash them thoroughly before processing. When cooking, add a handful of salt to the liquid, and pour vinegar into the natural coloring infusion. All this will help you make your Easter feast not only festive, but also useful.


  • eggs (3-4 pcs.);
  • cabbage (200-250 grams);
  • vinegar (2 tbsp);
  • salt (1 tbsp).


Place the eggs in cold liquid and add salt. Make sure that the water covers the entire shell. Cook for 8-10 minutes (after boiling).

We begin to prepare the infusion: pour water (800-1000 ml) into a container. Shredding red cabbage small pieces and put it in a saucepan.

Pour vinegar into the container. Cook the vegetable mass for 8-10 minutes.

After the cabbage becomes soft and the liquid turns purple, lower the eggs into it. We make sure that thick mass covered the entire shell.

Leave the Easter preparation for 10-14 hours. Place the eggs on a napkin.

After the product is completely dry, use it at your discretion. If desired, decorate the shell Easter stickers.

How to paint eggs for Easter in onion skins

You will need:

  • water;
  • onion peel;
  • eggs;
  • salt;
  • for a glossy effect: vegetable oil;
  • for patterns: plant leaves, threads, nylon/gauze, etc.

Dyeing process:

The most famous, classic way coloring of eggs, which grandmothers and mothers pass on to us, consists of ordinary onion peels. This is the simplest method, but very interesting and, most importantly, environmentally friendly. Prepare everything in advance necessary components and be sure to warm the eggs if they were put in the refrigerator.

To color eggs with onion peels, you need to pour boiling water over the peels in a saucepan for 2 hours. As soon as the time is up, salt the water, put the eggs in it and boil the water. Once the water has boiled, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes. If you want eggs with a beautiful pattern, you must first apply the pattern and then boil it with the peel on.

To create drawings on easter eggs can be used ordinary leaves parsley or dill, thread or cereal. Moisten the egg, attach leaves to it or roll in cereal. An unusual pattern can be achieved by applying lace or wrapping thread around the egg. Wrap the resulting structure in gauze or nylon (for example, from tights) and cook in onion water for the specified time.

What colors can you dye eggs with natural dyes (table)

Products that can be used when dyeing eggs for Easter (Infographics)

Color using store-bought food colorings

You will need:

  • white chicken eggs;
  • water;
  • table vinegar 9%;
  • food coloring in desired colors.

Painting instructions:

For this method you need to purchase food coloring. There are many food colors sold in stores, including in special kits for Easter.

This method is the simplest, since the manufacturer most often includes instructions with the dyes. It is from this information that you will need to start. If there is no information, calculate approximately one packet of dye per 200-300 ml of water.

Boil and cool chicken eggs. Bye boiled eggs cool, you can start dyeing. Take a saucepan or large, deep bowl. Pour 50 ml of warm water there and dissolve in it food coloring desired color, add table vinegar (9%).

After this, stir and add water in portions to achieve the desired shade, or according to the instructions on the package (usually 200 ml per small bag). Dip the eggs into the prepared dye one by one. Turn them over for 3-5 minutes, then remove and dry.

Do not use a cloth to dry to avoid staining and sticking - paper towels are best.

Video: How to color eggs beautifully with dyes at home

Easter eggs with DIY drawings made from napkins

You will need:

  • chicken eggs (white);
  • paper napkins (choose napkins with bright and beautiful pictures, which they would like to place on the surface of the testicle, and not the usual ones without a picture!);
  • starch glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take some napkins. Typically, patterned napkins are sold in a three-layer format. We only need the top layer. Choose patterns, designs or details on the napkin that you like. These could be flowers, character drawings, animals or interesting patterns.
  2. Carefully cut out or tear off a piece with the selected picture (it should be compact enough to fit on the testicle).
  3. Then, place an egg in front of you or take it in your hand, attach a picture to it and begin to cover it with starch paste directly on the surface of the picture. Apply glue completely to the picture and the corners to stick to Easter egg. This method can be used several times on the same egg.

That's all, the design will remain on your testicle! You can get rid of excess starch with a dry sponge, leftover napkin or cloth. And the beautiful Easter egg is ready, you can present it as a gift for Easter or treat your family and friends.

We use ready-made dyeing kits for dyeing eggs.

There are now many kits in stores for coloring eggs for Easter. This is also an option for decorating your testicles. Each kit usually comes with dye, stickers or “covers” for eggs with detailed instructions For decoration.

The big disadvantage of these sets is that the patterns and pictures in them are monotonous and it is very difficult to find something unusual. A big plus is the reduction in cooking time and the absence of the need for additional materials.

Video: Colorful and unusual eggs for Easter 2018 without dyes

Unusual Easter eggs with fabric pattern

You will need:

  • chicken eggs (any color);
  • starch glue;
  • unnecessary but clean fabric with patterns or other images and designs you like.

How to paint:

Prepare your fabric and choose the patterns or images you want to place on your eggs for Easter. In one of the previous methods of coloring, we already figured out how to place an image on an egg - this is where this knowledge will come in handy.

Cut out the desired image from the fabric. To attach a fabric pattern to an egg, you need to apply starch paste to the egg itself with a brush, attach the picture and paint on top of the fabric, as you did with a napkin.

If the fabric is tangled or crooked, hot water is enough to peel off the pattern and reattach it. Once all the pictures are placed on the egg, wipe off any excess starch. A beautiful egg with drawings is ready for Easter!

Video: Marble eggs for Easter. How to color eggs with onion peels and brilliant green

Happy Easter and creative work to you!

Since ancient times, people have exchanged eggs and Easter cakes for Easter. The tradition has developed over many years, resulting in many ways of coloring and decorating paraphernalia. With the words “Christ is risen!” men and women, children and older generation exchange eggs, later examining the intricate patterns. Among other things, coloring eggs is enough exciting process, capable of uniting household members. There are basic methods, let's look at them in more detail.

How to prepare eggs for painting

As mentioned earlier, experienced housewives Through trial and error, we identified the main options for coloring eggs for Easter. However, regardless of the chosen method, they must first be prepared.

  1. A few hours before the intended coloring, remove the eggs from the refrigerator and leave them room temperature. This move will help avoid temperature changes that cause the shell to crack. An alternative is to pierce the shell with a thin sewing needle, which will prevent the eggs from bursting.
  2. If food pigments or onion peels will be used as the main coloring method, it is recommended to wash the shells first. To do this, use a kitchen sponge and baking soda. The end result is that the paint will lie smoothly without streaks or spotty inclusions.
  3. Before starting the procedure, degrease the shell by wiping it with vodka or medical alcohol. If neither is available, treat the surface soap solution, then rinse thoroughly and dry.
  4. To give the shell a gloss after painting, wipe the surface of the eggs with vegetable or corn oil. Do not use cotton pads for these purposes; gently wet your fingers in the mixture, then spread over the shell.

When you have prepared the “material”, start painting. Choose for yourself best option, then strictly follow the instructions.

Method number 1. Food colorings

Food coloring is rightfully considered the most common type of coloring for Easter eggs. You can purchase ready-made colors or create your own shades. Pigments can be pearlescent, glossy or matte, it all depends on the manufacturer.

To properly prepare the composition, take care of enough containers in advance so that there is a separate bowl for each color. Dilute the paint with water at room temperature; there should be a lot of liquid so that the eggs completely drown in it.

After diluting the paint, pour in 30 ml. dining room vinegar solution, then place the boiled or raw eggs. The duration of exposure varies, it all depends on the intensity of the shade you want to achieve.


  1. Buy tracing paper - ultra-thin paper - online or at a stationery store. Cut out any image from it in the form of a stencil (the inner part has been removed). Anything can be used as a drawing: your favorite cartoon characters, Easter themes, Jesus Christ, etc.
  2. The photo for the stencil can be downloaded from the Internet. The final result depends on the quality of the original image and the material itself. When you have made the stencil base, namely printed and cut it out, moisten the paper in water at room temperature. The material should become elastic, repeating the shape of the egg.
  3. Attach the stencil to the shell and smooth out any creases. If your drawing is small, duplicate it in several places. Secure the stencil with gauze or a piece of nylon stockings (tights).
  4. Dilute food or natural coloring, add eggs to it and cook them until cooked. Upon completion of the procedure, remove the eggs, place them on toothpicks or newspaper, and cool to room temperature. As soon as this happens, remove the gauze and stencil and enjoy the result.

Vegetable oil

  1. A beautiful result is achieved by coloring eggs with the addition of vegetable oil. To perform the procedure correctly, prepare two containers with the same shade. Pour oil into the first one and leave the second one unchanged.
  2. Boil the eggs hard, cool to a temperature of 30 degrees (the coloring composition should have the same indicator). Dip the “material” into a bowl of paint, wait the required interval (the exact period is indicated in the instructions).
  3. After this, remove the eggs and leave the paint to dry. When this happens, place the product in a second container with vegetable oil and wait again. Dry the eggs and evaluate the result.

Insulating tape

  1. Cut the electrical tape lengthwise to create thin strips (you can skip this step if you wish). Prepare several containers with diluted paint, preferably choosing blue and yellow colors.
  2. Glue a strip in the shape of a spiral or any other pattern of your choice. Place the eggs in a bowl with blue color, wait a while, remove and wait for them to dry. Remove the tape.
  3. Now glue the next strips, which will slightly cover the previously obtained pattern. Dip the egg into yellow paint, wait an interval, remove and dry.
  4. You will end up with a yellow egg with blue and green stripes. The good thing about this option is that it allows you to experiment with obtaining new shades by applying one color to another.

Stationery erasers

  1. Buy rubber bands, which are usually used to tighten banknotes (silicone base), at a stationery store. Boil the eggs hard, cool, prepare paint of one or more shades.
  2. Next, you can proceed in two ways. The first involves painting the egg in any color with prominent white lines (rubber bands are attached to a previously unpainted egg). The second option is two-phase coloring, as a result of which the lines turn out to be the color in which the egg was originally painted.
  3. Let's consider the second option, it is more complex. Paint the egg yellow and dry. Wrap the rubber bands in a chaotic crisscross pattern. Dip the “material” into paint Green colour, wait until the pigment sets. Dry and remove rubber bands. You will see that the egg has turned blue with yellow stripes.

Plant leaves
The technique is similar to the stencil technique with only one clarification - plant leaves are used as a design, most often parsley and dill play their role.

  1. To get an accurate result, tear off several leaves, attach them to the shell, and secure with gauze or a nylon stocking. Dip into the paint and wait a while.
  2. When the time is up, remove the eggs, cool and dry them. Unfold the fixing material, remove the leaves, lubricate the surface with vegetable oil and enjoy the result.
  3. An alternative to leaves can be the same electrical tape, self-adhesive paper or tape. Cut out the design you need from the material and attach it to the fat-free shell of a pre-boiled egg. Place the product in the pigment bowl, then remove and dry.

Method number 2. Natural dyes

  1. Natural dyes can be onion peels, beets, turmeric, carrots, birch leaves, calendula, orange or lemon, spinach, red cabbage, nettle, coffee.
  2. The main feature of “folk” coloring is considered to be that the composition acts slowly. As a rule, it takes about 8-10 hours to get results.
  3. To prepare the solution, pour water into a saucepan and add a large number of selected dye. Pour in 35 ml. table vinegar, stir. Bring the solution until the first bubbles appear, then reduce the power and boil for another 15 minutes.
  4. When the paint is ready, leave it for about half an hour, then place the eggs in a container and simmer them over low heat for 25 minutes. Then turn off the burner and leave the product in the solution overnight.

To give eggs a seductive golden hue, use ground turmeric.

  1. Boil water in an enamel pan, add 90 g. turmeric, bring to a boil. Place raw eggs in a container, cook them until tender, then let them sit for another 8 hours without removing them.
  2. It is recommended to carry out the procedure with extreme caution, since it is quite difficult to remove turmeric from the surface of furniture and clothing, just like other natural dyes.

Red cabbage
A cabbage-based broth will give the eggs a rich blue tint.

  1. Chop a whole head of cabbage into small slices, place in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it. Add 180 ml. table vinegar solution, cover and leave for 10 hours.
  2. After the expiration date, place the eggs in a container and check the color intensity every 2 hours. Then remove the product and leave it to dry. If desired, paint the surface with gouache or felt-tip pens.

Beets will help color the eggs crimson or pinkish, it all depends on the length of time the product is kept in the solution.

  1. Grate 4 medium-sized beets, then mash the resulting mixture with a potato masher or grind in a blender.
  2. Fill in ready mixture boiling water so that the water covers the beets completely. Pour in 150 ml. vinegar with a concentration of 9%, wait 6 hours.
  3. Place boiled eggs in a saucepan and let sit for 5 hours. After the time has passed, remove the product and leave to dry.

Onion peel
Onion peels will color the eggs red-brown with a bronze tint.

  1. To prepare the coloring solution, you will need to take at least 4 kg of husk. Luke. The raw materials must be placed in a large saucepan and filled with boiling water.
  2. Place the container on the stove, bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 1 hour. After this, cover with a lid and leave to steep for 24 hours.
  3. After the allotted time has passed, pass the broth through a colander or cheesecloth and cook the eggs in it for about 10 minutes. Then do not remove the product from the pan, leave until the liquid cools completely.

Regardless of the coloring method you choose, you can create patterns on Easter eggs using available materials.

  1. Cook short grain or long grain rice, soak the egg in water and roll it in the rice so that the grains stick. Tie with stocking or gauze, secure on both sides with elastic bands.
  2. Prepare the coloring pigment, dip the eggs in it and wait the required period of time. For this method Natural dyes are better.
  3. When the eggs are colored, remove them and leave to dry completely. Remove the cloth, remove the rice, grease the surface of the shell with sunflower oil.

Silk fabric
Eggs can be dyed with fabrics; silk or cotton with existing patterns are ideal for these purposes.

  1. Soak the egg in hot water, wrap a piece of fabric so that the design fits tightly into the surface of the shell with the front side. Sew the egg with thread around the entire perimeter so that the fabric does not slip.
  2. Wrap it in a piece of nylon and tie it on both sides, creating a kind of candy. Pour 100 ml into an enamel pan. vinegar (6%), add water, add to the eggs. Cook them for about 15 minutes, then turn off the stove.
  3. Let the eggs sit in the solution for another quarter of an hour, then place them in a bowl of cold water and leave until completely cool. Carefully remove the retainer and stocking and evaluate the fruits of your labors.

First, prepare the eggs for painting: remove them from the refrigerator, leave them at room temperature, pierce them in the shell thin hole sewing needle. Consider coloring with food or natural dyes. Use a stencil, parsley leaves, silk fabric or scrap materials to create a unique design.

Video: how to paint eggs for Easter (different methods)
