How to prepare berries for the winter without cooking. Strawberry jam with thick syrup (without boiling the berries). Strawberry jam without cooking the berries - the best recipe

Let's be honest - jam should be made differently in the 21st century than it was two hundred years ago. Now I will receive a hundred angry comments, but I will still say: it’s funny for us to simmer all this on the fire for several hours. If our ancestors didn’t know much about vitamins, then we do, right? Or not?

Moreover, gelling preparations, huge refrigerators, and, as a rule, very small families. Therefore, each of us can make the most healthy, vitamin-rich and delicious jam for the winter - one that does not require cooking at all.

Which berries to choose?

Based on my own experience, I can say: the most delicious “raw” jam comes from. While in Sochi, I even tried to make such jam from dogwood, but the gigantic work of tearing out the seeds made my experience with this berry unique. Although... if there was a device for peeling dogwood seeds, then why not?

Many of my colleagues boldly experiment with mixing berry flavors. The most famous mix is ​​strawberry or raspberry and honeysuckle. However, combinations of raspberries with sea buckthorn or viburnum, with gooseberries, currants and blueberries are possible. Raspberries will soften the natural bitterness of these berries, and in return will acquire a huge amount of vitamins.

In the northern regions. You don’t need to add sugar to these berries at all, since these berries contain a lot of benzoic acid, which is a good preservative. They are simply poured with cooled boiled water at the rate of 0.5 liters per 1 kg of berries; If desired, add a little cinnamon and cloves to the water.

How to calculate the amount of sugar?

Traditionally, one measure of berries is taken and 1 - 1.5. measures of sugar. However, in reality it doesn’t always turn out this way: the amount of sugar directly depends on the type of berry, on its ripeness (sweetness), natural gelling and preservative properties, the quality of the sugar itself, and finally!

Therefore, first, let’s take a good look at our berries. The most “sugar-intensive” are strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries. This is because they have a lot of water and less sugar or gelling agent. As an illustration, I’ll tell you about an experiment in my family code-named “Malina-2009”.

It all started when my husband and I argued about who was the most daring and economical. And it was just above the bowl of raspberries. He stuck to the 1:1 combination, and I stuck to the 1:2 combination. The raspberries were loose, watery and not too sweet (rainy summer). Ok, I say, here’s half a raspberry for you, and here’s for me. Let no one accuse me of sexism. We do as we see fit. Winter will judge. She reasoned. “His” raspberries ended up going like liqueur, because they fermented even in the refrigerator, and we happily ate mine until April. We were just a little short of the new harvest.

To prevent the jam from fermenting

In order for the jam to remain jam and not turn into homemade liqueur, you need to follow only 3 rules:

1. , fresh and ripe.

2. Jars for storing jam - sterile.

3. Raw jam should be stored in a cellar.

Sometimes the jam is covered with a layer of sugar (1-1.5 cm) to form a “plug” that will protect the jam from fermentation.

What to chop with?

Oh, here is another shaky place where the swords of the zealots of deep antiquity, the knights of the mortar and pestle and the man of the Wi-Fi era with his blender at the ready, cross. I am among the second. Although sometimes I use a mortar.

However, seriously, common sense tells us: when making fresh strawberry jam for 4 small jars, there is no need to dirty the blender. Strawberries are a delicate berry and can be crushed perfectly with a pestle or masher for puree. But if you are working with dense sea buckthorn, currants or gooseberries, and even ten kg of berries, then you cannot do without a blender, or, at worst, a meat grinder.

Where to store?

Fresh jam is usually stored in the refrigerator or cellar, if you have one. In the autumn and winter months, the jars can be placed on the balcony or loggia: a large amount of sugar prevents the jam from freezing.

Recipes for jams without cooking

Gooseberry jam (raw)

Wash unripe green gooseberries (when the seeds in them are still soft), dry, mince or beat with a mixer, mix with sugar in a ratio of 1:1.5, place in sterile glass jars, close the lids and store in the refrigerator.

Currant jam (raw)

Peel the currants from the branches, rinse with water, dry, pass through a meat grinder or chop with a mixer. Mix the currant mass with sugar (combine 1 part currants with 1.5 or 2 parts sugar). Pack the jam into sterilized glass jars, close with sterile lids and store in a cool place.

Raspberry or blackberry jam (raw)

Remove the sepals from freshly picked raspberries and blackberries after picking (do not wash them!). Mix the berries with sugar (combine 1 part of the berries with 1.5 or 2 parts of sugar), place in sterilized glass jars, close with lids and store in a cool place.

Raw feijoa jam

Wash feijoa fruits thoroughly and cut off dry inflorescences. Scroll through a meat grinder. Mix thoroughly with granulated sugar. Place in sterilized jars and close with lids. Keep refrigerated.

In the same way, you can make raw jam from cranberries and lingonberries, viburnum and blueberries, as well as from any berries that you want to keep fresh.

Jam without cooking is often called “raw”. Main characteristic raw jam shows that there is no need to cook it. Long-term storage of berries without heat treatment is ensured by the large amount of organic acids they contain. This jam will not only bring delicious variety to your table, but will also provide your body with vitamins, which is especially important in winter.

What are the best berries to choose?

The following berries are most suitable for “raw” jam:
- strawberry
- raspberries;
– strawberries;
- sea ​​buckthorn;
- Red Ribes;
– gooseberries;
- black currant;
- blueberry;
– honeysuckle;
- blueberry.

How to calculate the amount of sugar?
As a rule, there is a single and well-known rule: for one part of berries, take one to one and a half parts of sugar. However, it is always necessary to take into account several more characteristics of berries: variety, ripeness, sweetness, natural properties. The sweetness and quality of the sugar itself is also important.
The most sugar-intensive berries for “raw” jam are strawberries and raspberries. These berries contain a lot of water, little sugar, and they also have weak gelling properties. Therefore, it is recommended to use sugar for strawberries and raspberries in the ratio of one part berries to two parts sugar.

How to prevent jam from fermenting?

In order to raw jam After all, it hasn’t fermented (as often happens), you only need to adhere to three rules.
Rule 1. For jam, you must take washed, dried, fresh and ripe berries.
Rule 2. Jars that will subsequently be used for “raw” jam must be sterile. Lids, by the way, too.
Rule 3. “Raw” jam must be kept refrigerated. The ideal place for such purposes is a refrigerator or a cool cellar.

How to properly chop berries?
If you are using a soft berry (for example, strawberries or raspberries), it is best to use a pestle or crush it using a puree masher.
If the berry is dense (for example, black currant, sea buckthorn, gooseberry, red currant), then it is better to take a blender. Also, you can’t do without kitchen appliances if there are a lot of berries. By the way, the blender can be replaced with a meat grinder or a powerful mixer.

Where to store finished jam?
Be sure to keep it refrigerated. In warm weather, it is best to choose a refrigerator for these purposes; if it is cold in the cellar, then the jam can be placed there too. In winter, jam without cooking can be taken out onto the balcony/loggia. There is no need to be afraid of frost in winter, because... Sugar will prevent the jam from freezing.

Which recipe should you choose?
Recipe for raw gooseberry jam.
For gooseberry jam without cooking, it is best to take slightly unripe berries (but the seeds in them should already be soft), which must be washed, dried and chopped using a meat grinder/blender/mixer. For 1 kg of gooseberries you need to take 1.5 kg of regular granulated sugar. These two ingredients are mixed, then the “raw” jam is put into sterile jars, closed with a lid and placed in.

Recipe for raw black/red currant jam.
Currant berries are freed from the branches, and just like any berries for jam without cooking, they are well washed and dried. Only then can the currants be chopped. The proportion of sugar to berries is one to one and a half to two, respectively.

Recipe raw jam from raspberries/blackberries.
The peculiarity of jam made from blackberries or raspberries without cooking is that these berries do not need to be washed. Before chopping the raspberries/blackberries, you just need to remove the stems. Mix berry puree with sugar in a ratio of one and a half to two parts to one, respectively.

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At the end of the first month of summer, currants take over the baton from cherries and garden strawberries. Black, red, white, it pleases children and adults with a generous harvest. Excellent supplies for the winter are obtained from it: juices, compotes, jellies, jams, five-minute drinks, even wine and liqueurs. The most useful currant preparations are those that do not require cooking.

Blackcurrant recipes for the winter without cooking

In order to please your family with summer flavors and aromas in the middle of winter, to saturate them with vitamins to resist colds, take care of your currant reserves. This berry is dried, frozen, pureed with and without added sugar, and juices are made. You can freeze not only whole currants, but also those chopped in a blender. This preparation is a source of vitamins for winter cocktails and desserts. It is better to dry black currants in clusters without removing the berries from the stalks. There is no need to wash the berries before drying.

Everyone's favorite traditional raw jam preserves beneficial microelements, vitamins and the excellent taste of ripe berries. It can be stored in the refrigerator or at room temperature, depending on the amount of sugar in the recipe. Red and white currants can also be preserved in sugar without heat treatment. To improve the taste, you can add crushed or pureed orange or lemon to this jam. An easy-to-make recipe for black currants, pureed with sugar, makes the delicacy popular.

Black currants, pureed with sugar for the winter in a ratio of 1:2

Many generations of housewives tried to annually stock up on the healing “currant vitamin” for the winter. This dish was not only an exquisite dessert, it was famous for its medicinal and preventive properties. In the difficult post-war years, the lucky ones who managed to acquire a jar of “currant vitamin” saved it for children and the sick, measuring out the precious product with a teaspoon. Properly prepared currant jam without cooking can be stored on a shelf or in a cupboard until the new harvest.

What do you need to prepare to make classic raw currant jam? You will need:

  • Kitchen Scales;
  • container made of stainless steel or enameled;
  • large spoon, wooden spatula;
  • sterile jars and lids for them.

To prepare three kilograms of delicious jam that does not require cooking, take 1 kg of ripe blackcurrants and 2 kg of granulated sugar. Berry puree will be stored for a long time if you follow simple technology:

  1. Rinse the currants under running water.
  2. Spread them in a thin layer on a paper towel and let them drain and dry.
  3. Grind the berries into a puree. Use a blender or meat grinder for this.
  4. In a deep container (saucepan, bowl), layer portions of puree and granulated sugar.
  5. Leave the closed container for several hours: the sugar needs to dissolve.
  6. Stir the jam occasionally with a clean spoon or spatula.
  7. When the sugar crystals dissolve completely, the “vitamin” can be considered ready.
  8. Place the product in sterile jars and seal with lids.

This recipe has one major drawback: it is too sweet. The beneficial properties of currants do not cancel the negative effects of excess sugar on human health. If you limit carbohydrates in your diet, you are unlikely to like the 1:2 ratio of berries to granulated sugar. To make the jam less cloying and high in calories, you can cut the amount of sweet carbohydrates in half.

Vitamin jam without cooking

It is as easy to prepare such a preparation as described above. For every kilogram of currants, take one kilogram of sugar. The berries must be crushed thoroughly, combined with sugar gradually, and stirred until the crystals are completely dissolved. This method has its drawback: such jam is preserved worse. Even in sterile jars it will not last long at room temperature. It is recommended to store it in the refrigerator or a safe, cool cellar (basement).

Red currants, pureed with seedless sugar

An incredibly tasty delicacy can be made from red currants without cooking. If you picked the berries from your own bush in good weather, you don’t have to rinse them. Crops harvested after rain, especially those purchased at the market, should be washed under running water and dried thoroughly on a paper towel. To get delicious cold seedless jam, do this:

  1. Sort through the berries, removing stems, leaves and other debris.
  2. Place them in a blender jar. Grind thoroughly.
  3. Try to thoroughly rub the resulting mass through a fine sieve.
  4. Add sugar. For every glass of berry puree you need to take one and a half glasses of sugar.
  5. Stir the berry-sugar mixture and leave for 2-3 hours. Stir occasionally.
  6. While the sugar is dissolving, set the jars to sterilize. This can be done in the oven or over steam.
  7. Place the finished berry puree in sterilized dry jars and close with airtight lids.
  8. To ensure safety, place the jars of jam in a cool cellar.

White currant jam with sugar without cooking

Cold white currant jam has a wonderful taste. It can be prepared in the same way as from red berries. If you are not bothered by the small currant seeds in the finished product, make your work easier, do not wipe the mixture crushed with a blender. This jam will be much more useful. If you add crushed orange or lemon to the two main ingredients (berries and granulated sugar), you will get an uncooked vitamin product with an original taste. Try it! This jam without cooking can become your favorite summer preparation.

Assorted jam recipe

Summer is a time for experimentation. If you want to please your family with something tasty, bright, and unusual, try making assorted currants without cooking. To do this, take black, red, and white currants in equal parts. If you have raspberries that will ripen at the same time as currants, it is appropriate to add them too. It is better to make puree from each berry separately, then mix. Add sugar to the crushed and pureed berry mass. The volume ratio is 1:1.5 (1.5 cups of granulated sugar per cup of puree). To store jam you need sterile jars in a cool place.


Strawberry jam without boiling the berries is a recipe that has become a hit this season. If you are still preparing for the strawberry harvest and are planning preparations, be sure to make this strawberry jam. You will not regret! It turns out incredibly aromatic due to the fact that the berries are not boiled, but only filled with hot syrup. At the same time, they retain their smell of strawberries straight from the garden and their natural scarlet color, and the syrup takes on a rich pomegranate hue. I have been making this strawberry jam for several years now, and when I open the jar in winter, I am glad that I took the time to make this amazing strawberry preparation. Tip: take small berries for jam, then they will better retain their shape.


  • 1 kg ripe strawberries,
  • 0.5 kg sugar,
  • 60 ml drinking water

How to make strawberry jam without boiling the berries

1. For this jam, I took small ripe strawberries of approximately the same size.

2. Peeled the berries, washed the strawberries under running water and drained all the liquid using a sieve.

3. Then I transferred the strawberries into a small saucepan (you can use an enamel bowl). I cooked the syrup in another saucepan: poured sugar into it, added water according to the recipe and put it on medium heat.

4. The first syrup must be boiled for 5-7 minutes until it becomes thick, but not white. To check if it is ready, do the following: take a thin layer of syrup on the back of a spoon and lightly blow on it. If the syrup thickens and hardens before your eyes, then it is ready for pouring.

5. After the initial syrup boiled, I poured the hot syrup over the strawberries, covered them with a lid and let them cool slightly. The strawberries release their juice and the syrup becomes more liquid and begins to take on its color.

6. I strained the cooled strawberries through a sieve, and again set the liquid to boil for 5-7 minutes. It became a rich pink-red color. If the strawberries are candied, it means the syrup is not boiled enough. You will have to heat the pan with the strawberries to melt the sugar.

7. Pour the boiled hot syrup over the strawberries again and let the berries cool completely.

8. And then poured the syrup into the saucepan again. Each time the syrup becomes more and more saturated glossy red color.

9. And she repeated this procedure again. Just three or four times and you can strain out the strawberries and boil the syrup one last time. If you want the syrup in the jar to be thick, then you need to add more sugar at this stage.

10. Having carefully placed the hot strawberries into sterile jars, I poured boiling syrup over them, screwed the lids on (you can roll them up) and wrapped them in a blanket.

Strawberry jam prepared in this way does not lose the beautiful rich color of the berries and has an aroma that will instantly transport you to summer, no matter when you open the jar.

The favorite delicacy that good housewives pamper their households with in winter is, of course, jam. Made from berries and fruits that have absorbed sunlight all summer, it lifts your spirits and gives you strength, especially if you eat it with hot tea and with your family.

Fragrant preparations

Summer, holidays, countryside... Those who were lucky enough to spend time with their grandmother in childhood are sure to keep in their memory the best memories of these wonderful days. And, of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to forget the smell that fills almost every village house during the ripening of berries and fruits - the smell of jam. And how wonderful the delicious raspberry jam smells!

The hard work of our mothers and grandmothers can generally be envied, because how much effort and patience needs to be put in to fill the shelves with pickles, marinades, compotes and everything that is usually stocked for the winter.

Modern young housewives who are trying to keep up with more experienced ones have a hard time, because homemade preparations take a lot of effort and time, plus experience and proven recipes are also very important. To avoid falling flat on your face, you can use easier ways to please your loved ones with homemade goodies. The first step would be to prepare raspberry jam using a simplified recipe.

Note to young housewives

You don't have to spend the last days of summer scurrying around the stove to make a couple of jars of jam. Try cooking something that requires cooking and you will love this method. You will need ripe fruits or berries, sugar and 15 minutes of time.

This raw jam is much healthier, because it does not undergo any heat treatment, which means that all vitamins and nutrients are fully preserved. The taste of raw jam is not as rich and delicate as that of cooked jam, but it closely resembles the taste of fresh fruit.

The storage conditions for raw jam are also different. You need to store it in the refrigerator or in a very cold basement, and for longer storage you can even freeze it.

Why raspberry

Raspberry jam without cooking, the recipe for which will be given below, is very tasty and healthy. It is recommended to start experiments on making raw jam with this berry. Raspberries contain a huge list of substances beneficial to the body:

  • vitamin C - strengthens the immune system, strengthens bones and teeth, promotes wound healing;
  • vitamin B - normalizes the nervous system;
  • vitamin A - improves vision, is responsible for skin health, growth and skeletal formation;
  • vitamin PP - normalizes stomach function, improves blood supply, fights cancer cells;
  • as well as glucose, magnesium, iron, essential oils and many others.

Raspberry jam helps with colds due to its antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Raspberries also improve appetite.

Children especially love raspberry jam, but babies should be fed this delicacy in moderation, because it contains a large amount of sugar. If your baby is allergic, then pay your attention to yellow-fruited and chokeberry raspberries (yes, those also exist).

Raspberry jam without cooking. Recipe

Today you can buy pectin from various brands, but it is very important to follow the instructions on the package. Under the influence of high temperatures, pectin loses its properties, so it is added at the end of cooking. If you want to make raspberry jam thicker without cooking, the recipe must be supplemented with special pectin, the product with which can be stored in the refrigerator or frozen.

The main advice that all housewives give is: pectin should be stirred very well, otherwise jelly lumps will form in the jam.

Important: clean jar and correct lid

One of the reasons why jam or any other preparations will not be stored is unsterilized containers. Many methods have been invented for steaming, in a pan of boiling water, in a microwave, in a double boiler, some even manage to sterilize dishes with alcohol.

We recommend using the most convenient and proven method - in the oven. You need to wash the jars and place them wet in a cold oven, upside down. Then turn on the gas and set the temperature to approximately 160-170 degrees. Sterilization in this way takes about 10 minutes, but the jars should not be immediately removed from the hot oven. You just need to turn off the gas, open the door and let the glass container cool.

How to make raspberry jam

As for the lids, it is most convenient to boil them in a saucepan with water for about 10 minutes, but this must be done immediately before use. Jam prepared in the traditional way is best rolled up, but five-minute raspberry jam and raw jam are best covered with a plastic lid or a metal lid with a thread.
