How to cut fish. The most practical options for cutting chicken How to remove fillet from

Fish fillet- This is meat separated from the bones along the entire length of the fish. Filling fish is required when preparing many dishes. Boneless meat is needed to obtain minced fish, from which fish cutlets, calves, fish casseroles and pie fillings, as well as mousses, fish sauces and pates are prepared. – the basis for a variety of dishes, because it’s so convenient to eat fish, without being distracted by removing the seeds. So fish, freed from bones, can be baked, stewed, fried, flavoring this base with various flavoring additives - vegetables, cream or butter, spices and herbs, wine, citrus juice, etc. Fish fillets are also used for salting and marinating.

Since this ingredient is so widespread in cooking, it will be very useful to learn how to fillet fish. You can remove fillets from any fish, but this is easiest to do if the fish, such as sole, has a fairly pronounced skeletal system and very few small bones. To separate the fillets, you will need a very sharp knife with a flexible blade. Usually the meat is separated from the main ridge by making intermittent cutting strokes with a knife. Bones, especially small ones, stuck in the thickness of the fillet, can be removed after completely separating the meat from the backbone. This can be done with your fingers or using special tweezers.

The filleting technique for flat and round fish is slightly different. flat fish, Before removing the fillet, remove the skin. From flat fish, we will end up with four pieces of fillet - two each from the top part of the carcass and two from the bottom. From round fish you get two pieces, and it’s easiest to remove the skin from round fish after separating the fillet. And so let's get started.

Flat fish fillet

Obtaining fillets from round fish

The simplest The way to fillet a round fish is to separate the meat on both sides of the spine. Again, let us remind you that your fish knife must be very sharp, otherwise the whole thing will turn into torture. To begin, position the fish with its tail facing you, laying it on one side. Holding the fish firmly in the belly area, you need to make a deep cut (the back ridge should be exposed) along the back, moving from the head to the tail.

Now separate the top fillet(closer to you) from the head, making an incision behind the gills (do not separate the head completely, this will make it more convenient to cook the fish broth - everything can be removed from the pan at once). Then remove the fillet completely from the backbone. To do this, the sharp end of the knife must be placed between the fillet (near the head) and the ribs. Then, making short cutting strokes with a knife held parallel to the ribs, separate the fillet along the entire length.

Lower fillet section. We do not turn the fish over. With one hand we lift the ridge, insert a knife blade between the ribs and the fillet in the head area, and separate the second fillet from the head. Then, using the same cutting blows with a knife, remove the second fillet.

How to remove the skin? To remove the skin, place one freshly separated fillet, skin-side down, on a board with the tail end facing you. Where the tail used to be, you need to separate the fillet from the skin by about 1 cm so that you can grab this edge of the skin with your fingers (or simply press the skin against the board).

Holding the protruding end of the skin, insert the knife blade between the skin and meat at a slight angle. Using short cutting strokes, separate the fillet from the skin, moving from the tail to the head. You also need to separate the skin from the other fillet.

Obtaining fillets from round fish - method No. 2

Unlike flat fish, for round fish it is possible to fillet it in such a way that the integrity of the fish is ultimately preserved and we can serve it whole.

IN As a result, the fish dish looks very dignified and can serve as a decoration for any holiday table. When serving, you can place the fish on a beautiful dish, decorate with vegetables, pour over an unusual sauce, sprinkle with fresh herbs, and cutting a whole dish into portions right during the meal always looks impressive.

Most fish with a round body have a fairly simple skeletal system - a ridge and branches, that is, ribs, so the bones are quite easily removed after ripping open the abdomen. By removing the bones through the belly, we not only get fillets, but also preserve the shape of the fish, which means we get an excellent preparation - such fish can be stuffed with various fillings and baked in a variety of sauces, boiled and served with gravy, or stewed in a spicy broth.

What kind of method is this? And so, removing bones in this way involves opening the fish along the belly, gutting it, removing the fins and separating the skeleton from the meat. To make it easier to remove bones, cut the fish almost to the very base of the tail. The ribs of fish with massive bones can be removed one by one, using a small sharp knife, cutting the membrane that covers the rib and separating it from the spine (it is easy to break it off directly with your fingers). For fish with soft bones: like herring, for example, this method is not suitable - we remove the bones only with our hands so as not to disrupt the integrity of the meat. For small fish (for example, anchovies), everything is extremely simple - tear off the abdomen with your thumb and pull out the skeleton.

The ribs have been removed, leaving only the backbone, which must be carefully separated from the meat. To do this, the halves of the fish carcass must be spread apart as much as possible, trying, however, not to violate the integrity of the fish. Then you need to use a knife to separate the ridge from the meat, making cuts on both sides of the ridge. This must be done carefully and try not to cut through the skin in the back area.

Then you need to separate the ridge from the head by cutting it off with a knife or using kitchen scissors. Detach the backbone from the meat and separate it completely, cutting at the tail. Ready!

Sometimes the bones are removed through a cut along the back, and the fish is stuffed not from the belly side, but from the back side. The finished dish looks very unusual.

How to cook fillet

It is recommended to fillet the fish just before preparing the intended dish, since the meat, separated from the skin, dries out quickly. Therefore, it is not recommended to grill fish fillets, except, perhaps, for species whose meat is quite fatty. The fillets are fried or simmered in oil, often breaded in flour or batter, and also briefly boiled in a spicy liquid. Fillet can be stewed or baked in various sauces, or steamed.

This is a classic approach to cutting herring. This is what they do in restaurants, because the result is a beautiful fillet that is not embarrassing to serve.

  1. Cut off the head along with the pectoral fins.
  2. Cut the belly with a knife or kitchen scissors. Gut the fish. Be sure to clean off the black film from the inner walls of the abdomen. Set aside the caviar or milt if you eat it.
  3. Make a cut along the back: from head to tail. Remove the dorsal fin.
  4. Carefully remove the skin, starting from the head. Cut off the tail.
  5. Run your fingers along the ridge, trying to separate it. Then carefully remove the first part of the fillet and remove the backbone from the second.
  6. Remove any remaining small bones with tweezers.

Method 2

  1. Cut off the head and tail. Remove all fins.
  2. Gut the herring. If necessary, rinse the belly with cold water and dry with a paper towel.
  3. Wrap the fish in cling film or paper towel and lightly tap it on the counter. This will make it easier for the bones to separate from the meat.
  4. Open the herring like a book and place it belly down on the board. Press firmly, then flip over and remove spine.
  5. If there are small bones left, pull them out with tweezers.
  6. Turn the fillets over again and carefully remove the skin.

Method 3

This is the most elegant way to cut herring. The result is a fillet divided into four parts. It’s unlikely to be suitable for slicing on a holiday table, but when it’s all your own or for salads, it’s fine.

  1. Cut off the head and remove the dorsal fin. Don't touch the tail.
  2. Cut the belly, remove the eggs or milt, remove the other innards and clean everything thoroughly.
  3. After cutting the back from the scruff to the tail, remove the skin.
  4. Make a small cut about 1 cm deep near the tail. Divide the caudal fin into two parts and, holding the fish suspended, roll it towards you.
  5. Carefully tear the herring into two parts. You will get two bellies (already almost without bones) and a back on the ridge.
  6. Remove the backbone and any remaining small bones.

5 life hacks for fish lovers

  1. Before cutting, you need to buy the fish. About the intricacies of choice - in ours.
  2. For cutting, it is better to use a plastic or glass board: a wooden one can become saturated with a fishy smell.
  3. To quickly clean up your kitchen, line your counter or cutting board with parchment paper. You can use a newspaper the old fashioned way.
  4. To prevent your knife from smelling fishy, ​​wipe the blade with lemon.
  5. To prevent the smell from becoming ingrained in your hands, wipe them with table vinegar or wear gloves before cutting. Then after working with fish it will be enough to simply wash your hands.

How to beautifully serve herring on the table

As you can see, getting fillets is not difficult. It’s much more difficult to figure out how to serve herring in an original way. Here are some ideas for inspiration.

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A good housewife is always economical. She buys high-quality, fresh products, from which she then prepares delicious dishes for her husband, children and loved ones. Such a woman knows that it is better to buy a whole chicken and fillet it herself. This way she gets all the parts of the carcass and can use them for whatever she wants. Let's figure out how to make chicken and fish fillet.

How to fillet chicken legs

Chicken legs are an excellent choice for those who want to save money and still eat deliciously. Many simply fry them in a frying pan or in the oven, and some are willing to spend a little of their time cutting out all the bones from the legs and thereby expanding the range of possible dishes. The fillet that remains after removing all the bones can be used to make chicken rolls, chops, or serve as a stuffing. If you fry it, it will be even tastier than the ham.

  • Cut off the back part, there is too little meat on it, it is suitable for soup or dog food.
  • Open the bones on the inside of the leg using a knife. Remove all meat and bones from the bottom joint. You will end up with a chicken fillet and an exposed bone.
  • The remaining bones in the meat must be cut out. Now you can use the resulting fillet in any dishes.

How to make trout fillet

If you decide to start cutting fish, you probably lack extreme sports in your life. But, be that as it may, everyone can face such a need, so let’s get started.

  • It is better if you take a special knife with a long, flexible and narrow blade. The main thing is that the blade is flexible.
  • To begin, wash and gut the carcass. You need to separate the meat from the backbone and skin, removing the tail, head, fins and bones. To remove the spine, make a cut parallel to the gills and separate the meat from the head, then move this cut along the back, crushing the fin. Cut the meat from the ribs, moving towards the tail, using your hand to help. You should end up with two halves of trout, one with bones and the other with just the skin and meat. Cut the pitted half in half, turning it meat side up.
  • You can fillet the fish differently by cutting the spine off the meat. In the end, you should have a skeleton and two fillets with skin on. The skeleton will make a good soup or cat treat. You can do whatever you want with the fillet: bake in the oven, grill, fry or pickle. Just remove all the small bones, they are located strictly in the middle. First, feel them with your fingers and pull them out with your hands or use unnecessary eyebrow tweezers. If you are going to pickle trout, remove the skin from it.
  • Take a thinning knife and place the fillet on the board, skin side down. Starting from the tail, separate the meat a little from the skin so that you can handle it with your hand. Move the knife from the tail to the beginning, pushing the blade inside through the cut.

How to make herring fillet

  • Wash, dry the herring and place it on a board covered with paper.
  • Cut off the head, placing the carcass on its side. Move the fins back and keep the blade at a sharp angle. You need to make an oblique incision all the way to the spine.
  • Now make another slanting cut, cutting through the spine of the fish, turning it over to the other side on the cutting board. You will get pulp that you could have simply thrown away along with the herring head.
  • The lower ventral part and ventral fins should be cut half a centimeter wide. Clean the fatty cut belly and use it as a cold snack.
  • Remove all the entrails and remove the skin, picking it up near the head. You won't be able to skin both sides at once because of the dorsal fin, so skin one side at a time.
  • Remove the dorsal fin and clean the belly of the herring.
  • Remove one of the fillets. Starting from the head, cut the carcass along the back. Do not tear the ribs from the spine, pull out the flesh from them. From the other half of the fillet, separate the tail with the spine.
  • Pull out the remaining bones using tweezers. Now you know how to fillet fish.

Chicken legs are one of the most affordable products; they are accessible, cheap and tasty.
Usually they are simply fried. But, after spending just a few minutes, you can cut the bones out of the legs, and then the range of dishes prepared from this product will expand significantly. From the resulting chicken fillet you can make chops, rolls, and stuff them with some kind of filling. Yes, even just fried leg fillet is much tastier than an ordinary chicken leg.

It is not difficult to obtain fillets from chicken legs.
First of all, we cut off the spinal part. It is almost always present on chicken legs. There is little meat on it and you should not waste time trimming it; it is better to cook soup from these bones. Or give it to the dog.

Cut the meat from the bottom joint

And completely cut out the bones

As a result, we get a piece of chicken fillet and an almost bare bone.

You just need to feel the meat for any remaining small bones and cut them out.

You can make a bunch of dishes from the resulting semi-finished product. Here are some chicken recipes:

It's made from a whole chicken, but you can make mushroom rolls from the legs in the same way. It will turn out no less tasty, and less fuss.

Here, for taste, instead of wings, we put a piece of spinal bone, cut off at the very beginning of cutting.

To prepare this dish, legs cut up in this way were used.

Leg fillets are also suitable for preparing pilaf, stews, kebabs, and various dishes in pots. You don’t have to invent anything, but fry the fillet just like that, with minimal addition of seasonings.

And it will be much more appetizing and festive than ordinary, uncut legs. I don’t know what’s the matter, but meat removed from chicken legs is much tastier than the same meat cooked with the bone. So don’t be afraid to spend a little time and effort on cutting, I assure you, you won’t regret it.

We have already proven more than once how positively it affects the bird. The trick of soaking the chicken in a brine solution before cooking will help keep the meat juicy and even prevent it from overcooking.

This time, instead of the usual saline solution with water, we will prepare an analogue with kefir. You can limit yourself to 0.5 liters of kefir mixed with a couple of heaped tablespoons of table salt, you can supplement everything with mustard, thyme leaves or other aromatic herbs, you can use a universal mixture of spices for poultry.

Marinate the chicken and leave it for at least three hours, or up to overnight.

Heat a frying pan over medium heat, add a little vegetable oil. Place the chicken in the pan and cook for about a minute on each side until slightly browned.

After flipping, immediately cover the pan, reduce the heat to low and cook for 8-10 minutes depending on the size of the pieces.

Transfer the finished fillet to a warm plate and cover with foil so that the residual heat brings the meat to full readiness. The fillet should remain in this form for another 5 minutes, after which you can start slicing.

Perfectly fried and juicy pieces are good both in the company of a vegetable side dish, and on a sandwich, in pasta or.
