Kazakh dish. Kazakh national dishes. Drinks of Kazakh cuisine

On a hot day you just want to treat yourself to a cool drink. Therefore, today’s material is dedicated to those who want to know how to make truly delicious lemonade. By tradition, all manipulations are carried out at home. The drink is easy to make from lemon, water and sugar. Let's start!

Lemonade made from lemon, water and sugar: “a classic of the genre”

  • lemon - 4 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kg.
  • still water - 1 l.

Before making lemonade, make sure you have everything you need on hand at home. The recipe itself is very simple.

1. Prepare a container for cooking syrup. Combine granulated sugar with 200-300 ml. water. Place on low heat and wait for all the grains to dissolve. Stir the ingredients periodically.

2. When the syrup is cooked, cool it, leaving it at room temperature. During this time, squeeze the juice out of the citrus, combine with the remaining water and pour this mixture into syrup.

3. Leave the drink in the cold for a while. When serving, you can fill the glasses with crushed ice and garnish with mint if desired. For variety, many housewives use sparkling water.

Mint lemonade “Mojito non-alcoholic”

  • lemon - 1.5 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 150 gr.
  • mint - 90-100 gr.
  • still water - 1 l.

We tell you how to make Mojito lemonade at home. Similar to the previous recipe, the drink is prepared from lemon, water and sugar. Mint is also added (the highlight of the drink).

1. Rinse the mint, dry it, leaving only the leaves. Tear or chop into large pieces. Leave some of the mint to garnish the drink when serving.

2. Half a lemon is also left for serving. You need to squeeze out all the juice from a whole citrus, leave the zest, it will come in handy.

3. Prepare the dishes for cooking. Pour chopped mint into it, the remaining zest from one lemon, pour in water in the amount according to the recipe. Set the heat to medium and wait for it to start bubbling.

4. When bubbles appear, set the power to minimum, wait 3-5 minutes and turn off the heat. While the mixture is hot, add granulated sugar and stir until it dissolves.

5. Prepare a sieve or cheesecloth and pour the lemonade through the device. Pour in lemon juice and put the drink in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Before tasting, garnish with mint and lemon slices. Homemade lemonade is ready. This is such a simple recipe!

Lemonade with sea buckthorn and ginger

  • ginger root - 50-60 gr.
  • lemon juice - 40 ml.
  • chilled tea with bergamot - 175 ml.
  • sea ​​buckthorn (grind with sugar) - 40 gr.

1. Before making lemonade, wash the sea buckthorn berries and grind them with granulated sugar. At home, these manipulations can be done using a sieve. The drink is made from lemon (juice), tea (instead of water) and sugar.

2. When the sea buckthorn and granulated sugar are ground, grate the ginger root, place on cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Combine with sweet berry mixture. Pour in tea, add lemon juice.

3. Set the decanter aside for half an hour, after this time transfer it to the refrigerator. After 1-1.5 hours you can taste it.

Agree, the simplest lemonade recipe! At home, it can be made not only from lemon, but also from freshly squeezed citrus juice.

Lemonade “Fruit mix”

  • apple - 1 pc.
  • strawberries - 0.3 kg.
  • peach - 2 pcs.
  • large grapes - 10 pcs.
  • pear - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 0.3 kg.
  • mint leaves - 5 pcs.
  • filtered water - 1 l.
  • lemon - 2 pcs.

Before making lemonade, you should prepare all the ingredients at home. The drink turns out very tasty from lemon, water and sugar. Additional fruits add refined notes.

1. Use an enamel pan, add sugar and a small amount of water. Cook the syrup using classical technology. After cooling, add all the chopped fruits except the lemon.

2. Gently stir the ingredients using a wooden spoon. After this, pour in the remaining water and squeeze out the juice from the lemon.

3. After cooling, homemade lemonade should be poured into glasses and garnished with mint leaves. The recipe is quite simple, try it!

Lemonade for weight loss

  • mineral water with gas - 1 l.
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • purple basil - 4 sprigs
  • sugar - to your taste
  • lemon - 2 pcs.

It’s worth knowing how to make lemonade for weight loss at home.

Self-prepared homemade lemonade will appeal to both children and adults. Its benefits are obvious, and preparation does not take much time. Despite the name, you can make homemade lemonade not only from lemon: it is recommended to use berries, fruits, herbal infusions and even vegetables.

By placing the prepared drink in a beautiful jug or in sparkling glasses, decorating it with mint leaves, pieces of fruit, berries, you can get not only taste, but also aesthetic pleasure!

Homemade lemonade: recipes

Recipes for making homemade lemonade are not complicated, and even a child can handle them if desired.

"Classic" homemade lemonade

It would seem that nothing could be simpler than the recipe for making this lemonade. But there is a trick here too. It lies in the fact that you need to maintain a balance between the ingredients and end up with a drink that is neither too sour nor too sweet, can quench your thirst and taste good.


    Still drinking water -1000 ml;

    sugar -500 grams;

    large lemons - 3-4 pieces.

Cooking method:

Combine sugar and part of the water in a saucepan, place the mixture on low heat and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then the resulting sugar syrup is cooled and lemon juice and water are added to it. The drink is cooled in the refrigerator; if desired, ice is added when serving.

A little trick: you can reduce the preparation time of the drink if you use a blender and use it to mix lemon juice with sugar, then pour in water and leave to cool. You can add variety to classic lemonade with berries, fruits, etc. You can use sparkling water instead of regular water.

Homemade ginger lemonade

The resulting drink will surprise even the most sophisticated gourmet with its taste; In addition to taste, lemonade also has a refreshing effect, which will be a decisive point in favor of the drink on a hot day. Ginger root has a tonic effect on a person; drinking this drink in the morning can recharge you with vigor and energy for the whole day. In addition, ginger is extremely beneficial for the whole body: it supplies it with vitamins and improves the functioning of internal organs.


    lemon juice – 20 ml;

    grated and squeezed ginger through cheesecloth - a total amount of 20 ml;

    sea ​​buckthorn, pureed with sugar – 25 ml;

    chilled tea, with bergamot flavor - 150 ml.

Cooking method:

Mix all the ingredients in a large container and pour the drink into a jug. Cool, add ice as desired.

A little trick: to squeeze out as much juice as possible from a lemon, you need to heat it in the microwave for 20-30 seconds at maximum power. You can hold it in hot (not boiling!) water for a minute.

Non-alcoholic “Mojito” lemonade at home: recipe

The well-known Mojito cocktail does not necessarily contain alcohol. The refreshing taste of this lemonade with a hint of menthol - what could be more wonderful in the heat.


    lemon – 1 piece and 2-3 cups of fruit to decorate the drink;

    mint leaves and sprigs - 100 grams;

    granulated sugar – 5 tablespoons;

    purified drinking water, still – 1000 ml.

Cooking method:

Mint leaves and sprigs are washed under cold water and dried on a towel. Then the plant is torn into small segments by hand. If you cut the grass with a knife, there will be no strong aroma, since the aromatic substances will oxidize from contact with the metal. A few leaves should be left for decoration.

The lemon is cut into two parts. Each half is squeezed out; you can use a juicer. About 5 tablespoons of lemon juice should form. Don't throw away the lemon peel; it will still serve as a drink.

Chopped mint is poured into an enamel bowl (metal or aluminum will oxidize from the lemon juice, and the taste of the drink will be spoiled), and all the leaves are completely filled with water. Add lemon peel to the mixture and gradually heat it over low heat, waiting until the mixture boils. After this, the mass is cooked for another two to three minutes, and finally removed from the heat. Pour sugar into the mixture that has not yet cooled down and mix thoroughly.

Now the resulting infusion is filtered through a sieve, clearing it of particles of zest and mint “flakes” and resulting in a beautiful lemonade color. Pour lemon juice into the cooled and strained lemonade, and put the drink in the refrigerator to cool.

Pour the chilled mojito into tall glasses, garnish with a slice of lemon and mint leaves. If you add ice, then put two straws in the glass.

Homemade lemonade for a slim figure

Regular consumption of this lemonade will help keep your figure fit and slim, and the unusual combination of products will please even the most demanding lady.


    1000 ml sparkling mineral water;

    three to four sprigs of purple basil;

    two fresh medium-sized cucumbers;

    two lemons;

    granulated sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

Grate the cucumber on a grater with large holes, squeeze out the juice and put it aside. Cut the second cucumber into thin circles. We cut the lemon into two parts, squeeze and collect the juice from one half, and also cut the second into circles. Place lemon and cucumber slices into a jug or enamel container and fill with cucumber and lemon juice, which has been squeezed out in advance.

Add sugar to taste, tear up basil leaves and branches with your hands, and fill with the amount of water required by the recipe. Let the lemonade steep for about an hour and cool. Fill tall glasses one quarter full with ice and pour lemonade into them.

Homemade lemonade “Fruit Paradise”

This lemonade is good to make in the summer when there is a lot of fruit in the markets.


    strawberries - 300 grams;

    peaches -2 pieces;

    apple - 1 piece;

    pear - 1 piece;

    grapes - 6-7 large green and blue berries;

    water - 1000 ml;

    sugar – 300 grams;

    mint leaves – for decoration – 4-5 pcs;

    lemon - 2 pieces.

Cooking method:

In an enamel saucepan, cook sugar syrup from a small amount of water and sugar. Cool and add chopped strawberries, apple slices, chopped pears, grapes cut into two parts, peaches cut into quarters.

Mix gently with a wooden spoon. Fill with the remaining water and add lemon juice. Let cool. Pour into glasses and garnish with mint leaves. This lemonade has a high content of vitamin C and microelements, since there is no heat treatment of the drink.

Helpful tips for making lemonade at home:

    if you have diabetes, you can replace sugar in recipes with fructose;

    You can get more juice from a lemon by rolling it on a board (uncut);

    the remaining zest does not need to be thrown away during the preparation of the drink: dry it and put it in the cupboard where cereals are stored - this way you will protect them from pests;

    Instead of sugar, you can use the herb stevia. It tastes no less sweeter than sugar;

    Choose lemons with medium-sized peels - they should have an even combination of peel and pulp when cut. If there is more pulp and the crust is thin, then it is a stale lemon and it will be too sour;

    You can restore dried lemon by soaking it for a while in salty cold water;

    You can use the remaining zest to clean your shoes, and if you have a headache, apply a piece of lemon zest to your temples;

    You can make delicious candied fruits from the remaining lemon peels. To do this, the white inner layer of the zest is completely cut off, leaving only the yellow peel. Prepared crusts are soaked for two days in cold water; the water needs to be changed 1-2 times;

This is necessary to eliminate bitterness. Then the crusts are boiled with added sugar for 20-30 minutes. Place on a sieve and dry in the oven for 15 minutes. After this, the candied fruits are rolled in powdered sugar and stored in a cool, dry place. You can decorate cakes with these candied fruits, especially if you cut them into spirals.

Whatever recipe for making lemonade you choose, it is important to remember that it will be much healthier and tastier than store-bought “chemical” soda!

The most important thing is not to be lazy, but to develop a healthy habit of preparing healthy drinks. You can involve children in the process of making lemonades, and then culinary masterpieces “a la a homemade juice bar” will take the form of exciting family leisure time.

News of show business.

I welcome you, my dear visitors, to the pages of my culinary blog. Summer is a wonderful time when everything around you blooms and is very beautiful. But in the summer, not very pleasant things can happen, for example, heat, when you feel thirsty. And many people buy lemonade and other carbonated drinks to quench their thirst. But for some reason, few people realize that such drinks cause irreparable harm to the body. But all this can be easily replaced with something more beneficial for the body and no less tasty. And today I will tell you how to prepare a refreshing lemon drink at home and then a step-by-step recipe with photos. Take your time and be sure to make this miracle at home that helps quench your thirst.

How to Make Cold Lemon Drink "Turkish Lemonade"


  • Lemon – 3 pcs.
  • Sugar – 1 cup (or to your taste)
  • Water – 3 liters

Step-by-step recipe for making homemade lemon drink

Video recipe for making lemon drink:

In the evening, I put a saucepan of water on the fire and bring it to a boil. By morning the water will have cooled down and you can prepare this delicious drink from lemons.

Now wash the lemons thoroughly (I wash them with soap) and cut into small pieces. Be sure to remove the seeds.

We transfer the chopped lemons into a blender bowl, pour a little sugar into it and pour in a little water and grind everything with a blender until smooth.

Pour the lemon mixture into a saucepan with water, pour in the remaining sugar and mix everything thoroughly. Taste the liquid and add a little more sugar if necessary.

Place the saucepan with the lemon drink in the refrigerator for several hours (preferably overnight) to let it steep.

Strain the drink through a sieve and that’s it, the lemon drink is ready, now you can quench your thirst.

Bon appetit!!!

In the hot summer, you want to drink some kind of cooling drink, and then the classic summer trio comes to mind: kvass, fruit drink, lemonade. Lemonades are good because they not only relieve us of thirst, but also saturate the body with vitamins, which lemons are rich in.

In addition, you can show your creativity in creating homemade lemonade, then this refreshing drink will not get boring, because there are a huge number of recipes for it.

This means that every housewife will be able to surprise her household with new culinary masterpieces that will not contain chemical components that are harmful to the body.

Some interesting facts about lemonade

Today, lemonade is the name given to every carbonated sweet drink that refreshes and brings coolness in the heat, while lemonade appeared only in the 17th century. Back then, a special lemon tincture and freshly squeezed lemon juice were used to prepare it.

The very first lemonade in the world was prepared by accident when the cupbearer of King Louis I of France brought lemon juice into the hall instead of wine, having mixed up the barrels. He decided that he had nothing to lose and took a chance, adding mineral water to lemon juice. Surprisingly, Louis I liked the new and unusual drink.

After this, lemonade began to be made carbonated, using a special machine to saturate the water with oxygen. This moment became the peak for the popularity of lemonade, because it began to be produced on an industrial scale.

Classic lemonade recipe

This recipe is recognized not only as a standard and example for any lemon drink, but also as the easiest to prepare. To make about one and a half liters of homemade lemonade, you will need approximately 12 medium lemons.

Lemon juice can be obtained using a juicer or by peeling the lemons and grinding the seeds in a blender, and then strain through cheesecloth.

Add the resulting freshly squeezed juice to the water, stir and add sugar (to taste). After the sugar has completely dissolved, you can pour the drink into glasses, adding ice cubes (for freshness) and a slice of lemon (for decoration).

Homemade sparkling lemonade

  • 12 lemons;
  • Approximately 1 liter of sparkling water;
  • Sugar to taste.

Carbonated lemonade is nothing more than the same drink, only prepared with the addition of carbonated water.

But there are also secrets here. For example, to make the taste more intense, also use lemon zest, carefully peeling it off with a knife without touching the white skin (otherwise bitterness will appear).

The lemon pulp and zest must be ground in a blender or passed through a meat grinder several times, after removing the seeds. Place the resulting mass in a saucepan, add sugar to taste and pour 1 cup of boiling water.

Boil the mixture for one minute (no more), and then put it in the refrigerator to cool and infuse.

The resulting syrup must be filtered through cheesecloth (several times if necessary) and diluted to taste with sparkling water. The carbonated soft drink called lemonade is ready.

Ginger lemonade

  • Fresh ginger root;
  • 3 lemons;
  • 2 liters of clean drinking water;
  • Sugar or honey (to taste).

We are used to the fact that ginger drink is good in winter, because it will boost immunity, warm you up after frost and once again remind you why winter is wonderful. However, ginger can not only bring back winter memories, but also perfectly quenches thirst in the summer heat.

It is especially good in combination with lemon, since both of these products complement and enhance each other’s beneficial properties.

A little fresh ginger root needs to be peeled and grated. Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.

Add lemons, previously peeled and twisted in a meat grinder or chopped in a blender, and grated ginger to boiling water.

Boil the resulting mixture over low heat for about 10 minutes, and then add honey or sugar (to taste).

Cool the drink, strain it and serve chilled with ice cubes.

Raspberry lemonade

  • 1 cup raspberries;
  • 1-2 lemons;
  • A few fresh mint leaves;
  • 1 liter of mineral water.

It’s especially pleasant to drink such lemonade on a hot day at the dacha, sitting on a rocking chair in the shade of trees. Moreover, at any summer cottage there will be a glass of raspberries and a little mint.

Lemons must be thoroughly washed with a sponge, cut in half and squeeze the juice out of them. However, if you like lemonade with pulp, then using a knife, you can extract the pulp from the lemon halves and use it, for me it’s much tastier.

Crush the raspberries using a regular tablespoon and mix with the juice and pulp of the lemons. Place a few fresh mint leaves at the bottom of the glasses and crush it a little with a spoon so that it gives off the aroma.

Add mineral or regular drinking chilled water, ice cubes to the resulting mixture and pour into glasses with mint. This drink is best served garnished with raspberries.

Do you know it's simple and fast? Although it won’t happen quickly, it will be simple and accurate.

Apple lemonade

  • Apple juice from 2 apples;
  • Mineral water (2 times more than apple juice);
  • 1 lemon;
  • Sugar or honey (to taste).

We are all accustomed to the phrase “apple juice,” but most people are hearing for the first time that apple lemonade exists.

The benefits of apples were perfectly combined with the freshness that lemon brings to create a wonderful refreshing drink. You can use ready-made apple juice or make it yourself using a juicer.

Add mineral water to apple juice, observing the proportions: two parts water to one part juice, and then squeeze half a lemon into it.

Thinly slice the remaining lemon, or rather half of it, into slices and place in a jug. You can add sugar or honey to taste. The drink should be served chilled with ice cubes added.

Orange lemonade

  • 2 oranges;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 0.5 kg sugar;
  • 1 liter of regular drinking or mineral water.

Lemon's closest relative is orange, so why not add it to a lemon-based soft drink, refreshing the familiar taste and adding a touch of summer sunshine to the lemony mood.

We will need two medium oranges, one lemon and half a kilo of sugar. First you need to remove the zest from the lemon and orange, and it is better to remove the white skin from the fruit immediately and throw it away, as it can give a bitter taste.

Remove the seeds from the peeled fruit and grind in a meat grinder along with the zest, then pour boiling water over it, add sugar, and let it brew until it cools completely.

The resulting drink will not be yellow, but rather orange in color with a pleasant lemon-orange flavor.

And if you use carbonated water instead of plain drinking water, you will not be able to distinguish the taste from store-bought Fanta.

Only orange lemonade is much safer and healthier, and most importantly, tastier.

Cucumber lemonade

  • 12 lemons;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 liter of drinking water;
  • Sugar or honey (to taste).

This recipe is one of the most exotic lemonade recipes and is most typical for the Russian side, since we have so many cucumbers that there is simply nowhere to put them.

This is probably why craftswomen and housewives came up with cucumber lemonade. It turned out to be a simple, healthy and invigorating cooling drink and cucumbers were added.

In order to prepare half a liter of this wonderful drink, we need twelve lemons and one cucumber.

The cucumber will need to be peeled, then the lemonade will turn out more tender, then use a blender to get cucumber puree, which can be strained and added to lemon juice and water.

Add sugar to taste, you can also add honey. Before serving, you can decorate the drink with slices of cucumber and lemon, not forgetting about ice cubes and a straw.

  1. When preparing any lemonade, try to use only natural ingredients. If possible, then refuse to use canned store-bought juices. After all, the whole benefit of lemonade lies in its composition, and the composition, in turn, contains only fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, and purified drinking water;
  2. Water can be any kind, both carbonated and still. After all, water is half the success of any drink. It is important that it is cleaned, fresh and chilled. Lemons and other ingredients will do the rest;
  3. Do not forget about the aesthetic appearance of the prepared drink. The most pleasant thing is to sip lemonade through a straw, from a tall glass, decorated with slices of fresh fruit or berries;
  4. There is very rarely a need to store homemade lemonade in the refrigerator, because it is drunk in the blink of an eye. However, if there is still some left, then do not store it for a long time, because the fruits and berries that you used cannot be stored for a long time, since they do not contain preservatives and chemicals;
  5. For sweetness, sugar or honey is used in most cases. These are the simplest sweeteners, but fruit-flavored syrups can also be used. They will make your lemonade more unique, because you can create the taste of lemonade yourself by showing creativity and succumbing to the flight of thought.

Most recipes use large amounts of lemons and other fruits, which may make you think, “But this drink is expensive.” Feel free to throw it away and think about how much benefit you and your loved ones can get by drinking a refreshing drink made with your own hands, with soul, warmth and love, without preservatives or artificial colors.

If you want to please your family and friends with a delicious drink, then try making lemonade at home. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Having learned a couple of interesting recipes, you can always quench your thirst in the summer heat or surprise guests at any holiday. After all, the taste of a homemade drink is simply magical!

Another undoubted advantage of homemade lemonade is the natural composition. You choose the ingredients yourself, so there will definitely be no harmful additives in your drink.

The basis of all homemade drinks is juice, water or a mixture of these liquids. If you want to make carbonated lemonade, then use not plain water, but with “bubbles” (mineral). To give your drink a unique taste, experiment with syrups and herbs.

For decoration, use berries, pieces of fruit, mint leaves, etc. To make the drink sweet, use various syrups and granulated sugar.

Cooking recipes

The first lemonade recipe that I want to discuss is a drink with the addition of lemons. It can rightfully be called a traditional home drink, since almost everyone enjoyed sweet water with lemon in childhood. Therefore, this drink is the taste of childhood, and to make it truly tasty and invigorating, you need to know the correct proportions.

So, to make lemon lemonade you will need:

  • Water – 1 l;
  • Lemons (choose large fruits) – 3 pcs.;
  • Sugar – ½ cup.

In a deep saucepan, mix water and granulated sugar so that it dissolves better, place the container on the gas stove, turning on the minimum heat. When the sugar is completely dissolved in the liquid, remove the saucepan from the heat and cool the syrup slightly. Add juice squeezed from lemons.

Mix everything and try. If you find it too sweet, add water. Then place the lemonade in the refrigerator. Before serving, add ice to the jug, and for beauty, lemon slices and mint leaves.

If you want to prepare a drink according to an express recipe, then proceed as follows. Wash the lemons, peel them and mix with sugar using a blender. Add water to the resulting mixture and cool if necessary. To add a touch of variety to an already familiar recipe, add other fruits or, for example, berries to the lemon.

Along with lemons, oranges are also used in making lemonade.

To prepare a drink with juicy orange fruits you will need:

  • Chilled water – 2 l;
  • Oranges – 3 pcs. (take large fruits);
  • Granulated sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • Citric acid – 15 g.

To enjoy this drink, you need to prepare it in advance. To do this, pour boiling water over the oranges, and when they have cooled a little, remove the peel from them. Now place the peeled citrus fruits in the freezer for 8-12 hours. More is possible, it is important that the fruits are frozen. When this happens, grind them using a blender.

Pour water (1 liter) over the orange puree and let stand for 20–30 minutes. After a while, strain the drink, add another liter of water, sugar and lemon, stir everything and put it in the refrigerator for 60 minutes. After an hour, the orange lemonade is ready, you can enjoy the excellent taste.

It is worth saying that drinks using orange can have many variations. For example, you can add a little watermelon pulp, cherries, strawberries and other ingredients of your choice to the citrus fruit.

The basis for homemade lemonade can be not only citrus fruits, but also, for example, apples.

To prepare this drink you will need:

  • Apple juice (both self-produced and industrially produced);
  • Sparkling water (preferably unsalted) – 1 l;
  • Half a lemon.

If you want to make a drink quickly, then buy juice at the store, and if you have free time, prepare the apple base with your own hands. To do this, take the fruits, wash them thoroughly, cut them into 2–4 parts, remove the core and seeds and pass them through a juicer.

When you have squeezed out the required amount of juice, strain it so that excess pulp is not present in the drink. After this, place the apple base and sparkling water in the refrigerator. When the liquids have cooled to the desired temperature, combine them together and stir.

The ratio of juice and water can be varied as desired, but the recipe recommends 1 to 2, where the first number is the amount of juice. Now the apple lemonade is ready, before serving, add thinly sliced ​​lemon slices to the drink.

At home you can prepare not only tasty, but also healthy drinks, for example, tarragon lemonade. After all, tarragon is a tarragon herb known for its healing properties.

So, to prepare the drink you will need:

  • Fresh tarragon – 70 g;
  • Lemon and lime 2 pcs.;
  • Granulated sugar – 100–150 g;
  • Clean drinking water – 200 ml;
  • Sparkling water – 1.5 l.

Pour clean water into a small saucepan and dissolve granulated sugar in it. Place the mixture on low heat. Wash the tarragon, separate the leaves from the stems. Place the leaves in a saucepan with syrup and let the mixture boil. Gas should be minimal.

After the contents of the pan boil, turn off the gas, cover the dish with a lid and let it brew for at least 1 hour. When 60 minutes have passed, beat the mixture without removing the tarragon using a blender. Strain the resulting “puree” several times. As a result, you will get a fragrant syrup with a bright, rich color.

Squeeze lemon and lime juice into a large decanter, add chilled soda and prepared syrup, mix everything. The lemonade is ready to serve; if you wish, you can decorate the jug with tarragon leaves.

If you follow a healthy lifestyle and watch your diet, then you know that ginger is a storehouse of nutrients. This plant is used in many culinary recipes, including making drinks. So let's learn how to make ginger lemonade.

For this you need the following products:

  • Ginger root – 50–60 g;
  • Lemon – 2 pcs. medium size;
  • Honey - 3 tbsp. l. (it can be either liquid or with sugar crystals - there is no difference);
  • Boiled water – 700 ml.

Wash the lemon and squeeze the juice out of it, strain the resulting liquid to remove any pieces of pulp and seeds. Peel the ginger and cut into small pieces. Pour lemon juice, water into a blender, add ginger pieces and honey.
