Chinese rice flour dumplings recipe. Traditional Chinese dumpling recipes. Gravy ingredients

As I already said, the recipe was given to me by a Chinese woman. Therefore, we couldn’t do without soy sauce. The only thing is that I took my own dough recipe, from which I usually make dumplings. If you know any other good recipe for dough, write in the comments, I will be glad!

It's all very simple to do, although it does take a little time. But like I said, it's worth it. So here we go...

With dough everything is very simple: mix flour, milk, water, salt and vegetable matter. oil. The only thing I can advise is to dissolve the salt in water, then there will certainly be no lumps of salt (otherwise you never know). You need to knead well and efficiently so that there are no lumps of flour. The dough turns out elastic.

Leave the finished dough to rest for a while (it’s better to cover it so it doesn’t dry out on top). And we are still doing stuffing. The most difficult thing at this stage is to chop the Chinese cabbage very finely. It is better to cut off parts of the sheet that are too thick at the bottom and not use them. Chop the rest finely (with devices like a blender it turns out to be a mess, which is not desirable).

Place everything in a bowl and sprinkle with salt (don’t overdo it! Salt is only needed so that the cabbage releases its juice). The cabbage will release juice, you will need to squeeze it out thoroughly, but what is left (without juice should be about 200 grams) should be mixed with minced meat. Sprinkle with pepper (the Chinese added special Shehuan pepper - it is more fragrant, and I also found it; if not, regular one will do).

Add soy sauce to taste instead of salt. I had 2 types of soy sauce: light and dark. Dark, accordingly, is darker than what we are used to seeing in supermarkets, and thicker. Therefore, you only need a little of it, about a teaspoon. It will give the minced meat color and aroma. Well, at the end, add finely chopped green onion. The minced meat is ready!

Next in the scenario we have the making of dumplings. And here’s the most interesting thing, because their shape is different from ours. You can either roll out the dough and then cut out circles with a glass (a little larger than for regular dumplings), or make a “sausage”, cut off pieces from it and roll each one out. Here whoever likes it.

The shape of the dumplings will be like dumplings, only “assembled” like curtains
To make it clearer, I am attaching a photo:

With this amount of dough and minced meat I can make... I don’t know how many pieces, I didn’t count, honestly, but it’s enough for two meals for two people. You can also freeze them, and if guests come, you can quickly cook them.

You need to cook them like regular dumplings, that is, throw them into boiling water and cook for about 10 minutes. They eat them without broth, we dipped them in soy sauce, it was very tasty!

Advice: To prevent the dumplings from losing their shape and becoming mushy during cooking, take a larger pan and spare no water. If they lie on top of each other during cooking, do not expect good dumplings. It’s better that they all float freely. If you don’t have a large saucepan, and you need to cook a lot of dumplings, it’s better to divide them into 2 batches.

Here's what I got:

Bon appetit!

Have you ever tried Chinese dumplings? If you are hearing about such a dish for the first time, then in this article we will tell you how you can make them yourself at home. It should be noted that there is nothing complicated in the preparation of these products and cannot be.

general information

Before we tell you how Chinese dumplings are made, we should tell you what these products are.

Almost every nation has its own traditional dish in the form of boiled or fried small pies with minced meat or other fillings. In our country they are usually called dumplings, in Georgia - khinkali, in Central Asia - manti, and in Italy - ravioli.

There is an opinion that the birthplace of this dish is China. After all, it is in this country that it has been extremely popular since time immemorial. Chinese dumplings are prepared both on weekdays and on holidays. Some chefs even organize banquets at which guests are served the mentioned dish of different types.

It should be noted that each region of the Celestial Empire has its own peculiarities in the preparation of such products. There are a lot of them, and they can be called differently.

Chinese dumplings: Jiaozi recipe

If you need to prepare a hearty and nutritious dish, it is recommended to cook it together with minced meat. But to make it piquant, you should definitely add some spices to the filling.

So, to make dumplings in Chinese, you need to prepare:

  • pork pulp without bones and fat - approximately 400 g;
  • fresh dill - 2 large bunches;
  • ginger (root about 2-5 centimeters) - about 50 g;

Knead the dough

The dough for Chinese dumplings is practically no different from the base that is kneaded for the Russian dish. To prepare it, you need to combine potato starch and wheat flour, and then add cold drinking water to them. By kneading the ingredients for a long time, you should get a homogeneous dough, which should be placed in a bag and left aside for 20-35 minutes.

Making the filling

The Chinese dumplings, the recipe for which we are considering, involve the use of meat filling. To make such minced meat, you need to rinse the pork and grind it in a meat grinder along with the onion. Next, add chopped fresh dill, grated ginger root, as well as salt and pepper to the ingredients. Finally, all products should be thoroughly mixed.

We form products

Chinese dumplings, whose name sounds like “Jiaozi,” are very easy to form. To do this, you need to separate the base into small pieces, and then roll them into thin flat cakes with a diameter of 7-10 centimeters. Next, you need to place a spoonful of minced meat in the center of the product. After this, the edges of the base should be carefully lifted, connected like a flower, and pinched well.

Heat treatment

After the Chinese dumplings are formed, they must be placed in a double boiler and cooked for 40 minutes. If desired, such products can be boiled in ordinary lightly salted water. In this case, the heat treatment time should not exceed 20 minutes. Otherwise, the products will boil over and the filling will go beyond the dough.

How to properly present dumplings to the table?

Now you know how Chinese dumplings are prepared. After they have been cooked, they should be removed from the steamer or pan and arranged beautifully on a plate. It is recommended to present such products to the table with a salad of finely chopped green onions and fresh cucumber, sprinkled with lemon juice and flavored with sweet paprika. You can also serve bread and thick sour cream for lunch.

Chinese dumplings: recipe, photo of dish

We talked above about how to make an oriental dish with meat filling. Now I would like to tell you how to cook Chinese dumplings, the name of which sounds like “Wontons”. Unlike Jiaozi, their dough is thinner and softer. Moreover, it is advisable to cook such products only by steaming.

So, to make a Chinese dish, we need:

Making the base

Chinese vegetable dumplings, the recipe for which we are considering, turn out very tasty and healthy. To prepare them, you should knead the base thoroughly.

Thus, you need to mix wheat flour with salt, and then put it on the table in a heap and make a depression in the center. You need to pour boiling water into it and then mix everything. Next, add cold water and sunflower oil to the dough. All ingredients must be kneaded until you have a homogeneous base.

Preparing the filling

To make the vegetable filling for the Wontons, grind celery, cilantro, parsley and onion, as well as ginger root in a blender. After this, you need to fry the green beans in sunflower oil, and then add previously processed products to it. It is advisable to cook all the ingredients together for about five minutes. Finally, remove the dishes and contents from the stove, and then add potato starch, brown sugar and soy sauce. After mixing the ingredients, they should be left aside until they cool completely.

Making dumplings

After preparing the filling, as well as kneading the base, you should begin to directly sculpt the products. To do this, you need to pinch off a small piece of dough from the base, and then roll it into a thin flat cake with a diameter of 6 centimeters. Next, you need to place the vegetable filling in the center of the product and pinch the edges nicely at the top.

By analogy, all other dumplings should be sculpted. By the way, for beauty, the original bags can be additionally tied with onion feathers.

Cooking a dish in a steamer

Before placing all formed products into this device, the bottom of the container should be generously greased with sunflower or butter. Next, place the dumplings in a steamer and set the timer for 30 minutes. During this time, the vegetable wontons will be fully cooked, soft, juicy and very tasty.

Properly presented to the dinner table

After cooking the Chinese vegetable dumplings, they should be carefully removed from the steamer and beautifully placed on a wide plate. It is recommended to present them to the table hot along with some sauce and fresh bread.

Cooking tender and tasty dumplings with cabbage

Chinese dumplings with cabbage are quite unusual. After all, most people are accustomed to the fact that such products are prepared exclusively from meat and herbs. But, as mentioned above, they can be sculpted with completely different fillings.

So, to create the presented dish we will need:

  • white cabbage - a small elastic fork;
  • carrots - 2 medium pieces;
  • large onion - 1 head;
  • ginger (root about 2-3 centimeters) - about 30 g;
  • any aromatic spices - use to taste;
  • wheat flour - 2 full cups;
  • potato starch - 1/3 cup;
  • sunflower oil - for frying vegetables;
  • cold tap water - 250 ml.

Preparing the base

The dough for this dish is made exactly the same as in previous recipes. Potato starch is mixed with wheat flour, and then added to water and mixed thoroughly. As a result of such actions, you should get a very dense and elastic dough, which must be placed in a bag and kept at room temperature for about ¼ hour.

Preparing the filling

To prepare the filling, rinse the cabbage thoroughly, cut off all its surface leaves, and then chop it into very thin strips. Next you need to peel the carrots and onions. The last component must be cut into cubes, and the first must be grated.

After preparing the vegetables, you need to put them in a saucepan, add a little water and simmer for about half an hour. When all the liquid has evaporated, add oil and spices to the ingredients. Fry them over medium heat until they acquire a golden hue.

The process of forming Chinese dumplings

To make such a dish, you need to pinch off a piece of dough from the base, and then roll it into a round and thin cake. Next, you need to place a spoonful of cabbage filling in its center and pinch the edges nicely. All other dumplings should be made in the same way.

How to cook on the stove?

Some housewives prefer to cook Chinese dumplings in lightly layered water. But if you decide to cook products with cabbage, then it is better to steam them. To do this, all previously formed dumplings must be placed in a double boiler, the container of which should be greased with any cooking fat in advance. Next, you need to set the timer for exactly 25 minutes. This time is enough for the dough to fully cook.

We present a delicious oriental dish to the table

After cooking the Chinese dumplings, they should be carefully removed from the steamer and placed on a plate. After seasoning all hot products with butter, serve immediately to family members. In addition to this lunch, it is recommended to make a fresh vegetable salad and present white bread. Enjoy your meal!

For thousands of years, residents of the Celestial Empire have been preparing different types of dumplings. In terms of cuisine, the Chinese here are great dreamers, so Chinese dumplings can be of different shapes and colors; they are boiled, fried and steamed; meat, vegetables, seafood delicacies and even sweet mixtures are added to the filling. This dish can be enjoyed in Chinese restaurants, or you can prepare it yourself.

Many historians claim that it was Marco Polo who brought round lumps of dough with filling inside from China to Europe in the 14th century. In our country they are called dumplings, in Uzbekistan - manti, in Georgia - khinkali, in Italy - ravioli. There are several types of Chinese dumplings; they can be filled with meat, fish, vegetables and seafood. In each region of the Celestial Empire they are prepared differently and also called differently. We will tell you below what the various Chinese dumplings are called.

  1. The first type of Chinese dumplings is wontons. They come in triangular or round shape. They are boiled, fried or steamed. Pork, chicken, shrimp, mushrooms or Chinese cabbage are used for the filling. In some provinces you can taste sweet wontons with fruit filling.
  2. Jiaozi is prepared with vegetable and pork filling. They are similar in shape to wontons, but they are usually simply boiled and occasionally fried. Zaozi is not salty or spicy to taste, so these dumplings are served with pickles and soy sauce.
  3. Baozi is made from yeast dough filled with vegetables, meat, chicken or mushrooms. They are only steamed and served for breakfast in China. There are also sweet baozi stuffed with red beans and sugar.
  4. Dim sum is another Chinese dish. They are steamed from starch or simple dough. Seafood, vegetables, chicken or meat are used for filling.

Traditional Chinese wonton recipe

Wontons are the most popular type of dish not only in China, but throughout the world.

Their main feature is the filling of juicy pork, bamboo and shrimp. This combination makes the dish delicious and literally melts in your mouth.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • three glasses of flour;
  • two glasses of water;
  • salt, oil.

For filling:

  • 300 g minced pork;
  • 300 g shrimp;
  • 100 g bamboo shoots;
  • two tablespoons of rice flour;
  • egg white;
  • two tablespoons of rice wine;
  • two spoons of soy sauce;
  • three tablespoons of sesame oil;
  • sugar, pepper to taste.

Bamboo shoots can be replaced with pickled champignons, rice wine with dry white wine, sesame oil with sunflower oil, and rice flour with starch.

Cooking method:

  1. We winnow the flour into a bowl, make a well in it and pour in half the hot water. Then add the remaining water, oil and salt. Knead the dough and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Mash the shrimp with a fork and chop the bamboo shoots. Add these ingredients to the ground pork along with the rest of the filling ingredients and mix everything well.
  3. Roll out the dough into a layer no more than 2 mm thick and cut out circles with a diameter of 5 cm. Place a spoonful of filling on each piece of dough and wrap it so that you get a bag with an open “neck”.

Dumplings can be boiled, steamed or fried until crispy.

Fried goti dumplings

A traditional New Year's treat in the Middle Kingdom is fried goti dumplings. These are dumplings filled with meat (minced pork) and vegetables (Chinese cabbage). In China, goti is served with a dipping sauce in which the finished dumplings are dipped.


  • a glass of flour;
  • ½ glass of water;
  • 400 g minced pork;
  • 250 g of Chinese cabbage;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • two tablespoons of rice (dry white) wine;
  • three tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • a circle of fresh ginger;
  • two tablespoons of rice vinegar;
  • salt, pepper, sesame (vegetable) oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix the sifted flour with water until the dough is smooth. Wrap in a bag and leave for 20 minutes.
  2. Add chopped garlic and ginger to the minced pork, 2 teaspoons of sesame oil, tbsp. a spoonful of soy sauce, wine, salt and pepper. Mix everything and put the minced meat in the refrigerator.
  3. Cut the Chinese cabbage leaves into thin strips and place them in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Then dry, chop and add to the minced meat.
  4. Divide the dough into convenient parts, roll each into “sausages” and cut into equal pieces. From each piece we form a thin circle, place the filling in the center and pinch the edges so that the seam is at the top.
  5. Place the dumplings in a heated frying pan with oil and fry over medium heat. As soon as they brown, add a little water, cover with a lid and continue cooking. After 5 minutes, remove the lid and wait for the water to evaporate, then add sesame oil and fry under the lid for another couple of minutes.

With shrimps in a slow cooker for steaming

Chinese dumplings with xiajiao shrimp are an unusual dish for Russians, but very tasty and original. In China, such dumplings are also called “crystal” due to the interesting way of preparing the dough.

Wheat and corn starch are brewed with boiling water, resulting in a translucent, or “crystal”, wrapper for dumplings.

For the filling, minced pork is used with the addition of shrimp. These dumplings are steamed and served with a special sauce.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 180 g wheat starch;
  • two tablespoons of corn starch;
  • glass of water;
  • teaspoon melted lard
  • a pinch of salt.

For filling:

  • 150 g minced meat (pork);
  • 350 g shrimp;
  • 2 slices fresh ginger;
  • three tablespoons of sesame oil;
  • two tablespoons of rice (dry white) wine;
  • green onions, pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour wheat and corn starch, salt into a container, mix and carefully add boiling water. Knead the dough until smooth, adding melted lard, and mix everything well again. The dough should be elastic, soft, and unnaturally white. Place the base in the bag and leave to rest for 20 minutes.
  2. Take the shrimp and remove the shells. Grind one part to the state of minced meat, cut the other into 1 cm pieces.
  3. Add shrimp, wine, chopped green onions, pepper, salt, sugar and sesame oil to the minced pork. Mix the minced meat. If it turns out too dry, you can add ginger infusion to it. To do this, cut fresh ginger into thin strips and pour boiling water over it. Cover the finished minced meat with cling film and place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  4. Divide the dough into equal parts and roll into rolls. We cut them into pieces and roll each into a flat cake with a diameter of 8 cm and a thickness of 1 - 2 mm. We spread the filling, form dumplings and place them on the base of the steamer. Cook over high steam for 5 minutes.

Since the dough is very thin, the dumplings may stick to the bottom of the steamer. In order not to spoil the dish, you can put a clean cloth or lettuce leaves on the bottom of the device.

Chinese jiaozi dumplings

The Chinese celebrate New Year holidays for two whole weeks. They visit each other and treat them to a traditional dish - jiaozi. These are Chinese dumplings that differ from ours in dough, shape and filling. The dough here is the simplest, and the filling must contain meat, cabbage and various spices.


  • ½ kg flour;
  • 300 ml water;
  • 450 g minced meat (pork);
  • 60 g fresh ginger;
  • 250 g Chinese cabbage;
  • three tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • salt, pepper, green onions.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water into the sifted flour, add a pinch of salt and knead the dough as for regular dumplings. Cover with a napkin and give it time to rest.
  2. Add chopped ginger, green onions and cabbage to the minced pork. We also send spices, soy sauce and a little vegetable oil here. Mix and start making dumplings.
  3. Divide the dough into several parts, roll each into a “sausage” and cut into pieces. We make balls and use a rolling pin to make cakes from them. Place the minced meat in the center of each, lift the edges of the dough and fold them like a flower. Steam jiaozi or simply boil it in salted water.

With Chinese cabbage

Chinese dumplings are prepared with different fillings, but their main component is vegetables. Most often, Chinese cabbage, garlic, celery, green onions and regular onions are added. True, the onions grown in China are different from ours; they are not so spicy.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • 450 g wheat flour;
  • 70 g rice (corn) starch;
  • egg;
  • two tablespoons of sesame oil;
  • water.

For filling:

  • 300 g minced meat;
  • 300 g cabbage (Peking or white cabbage);
  • onions and green onions;
  • soy sauce, spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Knead the dough from flour, starch, butter and eggs. Carefully add water - the dough should not be too stiff, but watery.
  2. Add chopped cabbage, herbs, spices, onions and soy sauce to the minced meat. Seasonings you can use are ginger, pepper and coriander.
  3. Roll out the dough into a layer, make a glass of the workpiece and place the filling in the center of each. Lightly pinch the edges of the dough - you should end up with dumplings in the shape of an open flower.
  4. Boil dumplings with cabbage for 5 minutes or cook over high steam.

Dim sum with pork

Dim sum is a popular dish in Catonian cuisine. These dumplings are made from thin rice dough with a wide variety of fillings. Eating dim sum in China is a ritual. In restaurants they are served from morning until lunch, and then they are replaced by the lunch menu. Dim sum is fried in oil, boiled, but most often steamed in bamboo boxes. They can be different in shape and color. Ready dim sum is decorated with vegetables, caviar or pieces of crab.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • two glasses of rice (wheat) flour;
  • glass of water;
  • a pinch of salt.

For filling:

  • ½ kg minced pork;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • spoon of fresh ginger;
  • two tablespoons of sesame oil;
  • bulb;
  • two tablespoons of rice vinegar.

Cooking method:

  1. In a bowl, mix flour, water and salt. Knead the dough until it becomes smooth. Cover with a damp cloth and let it rest.
  2. Now mix all the ingredients for the filling.
  3. Roll out the dough and make squares out of it. Place the filling in the center and gather the edges so that the filling on top remains open.
  4. We will steam the dumplings, but first you need to put parchment with holes or a simple clean cloth on the bottom of the steamer so that the products do not stick. Cook on strong steam for 8 – 10 minutes.
  5. Dim sum is best served with sauce. To prepare it, you need to mix four tablespoons of soy sauce and two tablespoons of rice vinegar, add a little chopped ginger and two tablespoons of brown sugar.

Chinese lamb dumplings

In China, lamb dumplings are prepared at all times of the year. You can enjoy this delicious dish at home.

The main thing is to know some of the subtleties of preparation, namely, make sure that the dough does not overcook, and the meat should not be twisted through a meat grinder.

Chopped pieces of lamb retain their taste better, which means the dish will turn out appetizing and aromatic.


  • ½ kg flour;
  • a glass of cool water;
  • 200 g lamb;
  • 200 g daikon;
  • three tablespoons of sesame oil;
  • spoon of fresh ginger;
  • three tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Knead the dough from water, flour and salt, as for regular dumplings.
  2. Chop the lamb into small pieces, add ginger, soy sauce, butter and grated daikon.
  3. We make flat cakes 3 mm thick from the dough, put the filling in the center and fasten their edges. Cook the dumplings over medium heat for 7 - 8 minutes.

With cucumbers, shrimp and sea cucumbers

If you have the opportunity to buy sea cucumbers, be sure to cook Chinese dumplings with them. Dishes made from seafood always have a delicate and original taste.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • two glasses of flour;
  • glass of water.

For filling:

  • 50 g sea cucumbers;
  • 350 g shrimp;
  • two cucumbers;
  • two tablespoons of sesame oil;
  • spoon of fresh ginger;
  • salt, black pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water into the sifted flour and knead the dough. We roll it into a long rope, which we divide into small pieces and roll each one out with a rolling pin, forming circles.
  2. For the filling, grind the sea cucumbers and shrimp to a puree. Cucumbers need to be chopped and squeezed out of excess liquid. Add cucumbers, ginger, oil, salt and pepper to the minced seafood.
  3. Place minced meat in small portions on the dough pieces and make knot-shaped dumplings. Boil them for 5 – 7 minutes in boiling salted water.

Traditionally, Chinese dumplings are served with a dressing of soy sauce and dark rice vinegar. But in Russia it is difficult to find such vinegar, so we recommend simply adding a little chopped garlic to the soy sauce. Bite the dumpling and pour the prepared sauce into it. Believe me, it's very tasty!

Chinese leaders did not attend the International Economic Forum in Davos this year because it coincided with Chinese New Year. If the Chinese make such sacrifices to celebrate the arrival of spring according to the lunar calendar, then it’s not a sin for me to work a little, I thought. In general, I made Chinese dumplings to the great delight of my family, including my grandchildren.

Dumplings, as you know, are the main decoration of the Chinese New Year table, at least in the northern part of China and, above all, in Beijing. From there, there is a long-standing tradition of mixing Chinese cabbage into minced meat. I have been preparing Chinese dishes for a long time, but this was the first time I used this simple recipe. As usual, I made some adjustments taking into account the products available in the refrigerator.

I bought the dough a long time ago for Japanese gyoza dumplings. The dough is cut into circles 8 cm in diameter. I made the filling real Chinese with soy sauce and sesame oil. There were 50 circles of dough, so there were 50 dumplings. According to the recipe, there should be twice as much cabbage and green onions, but, sorry, we are not in China.

What you need:

  • 3 cups Chinese cabbage, very finely chopped;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 500 gr. minced pork;
  • 1 cup green onions, finely chopped;
  • dressing for filling:
  • 1 tbsp. soy sauce;
  • 1 tbsp. sesame oil;
  • 1 tbsp. rice wine or sake (I used sweet white wine);
  • 1 tbsp. ginger, grated on a fine grater;
  • 1.5 tsp. garlic, grated on a fine grater or using a garlic press;
  • 1 tbsp. starch (or more if the mixture seems runny);
  • 50 sheets of dumpling dough (if you want to make the dough yourself, I give the recipe below).

1 cup – 240 ml

Place finely chopped Chinese cabbage in a bowl, sprinkle with salt, stir and leave for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, pour cold water over the cabbage and squeeze very hard.
In a bowl, combine cabbage, ground pork, green onions and add dressing. You need to stir vigorously in one direction. If the filling seems very wet, add a little starch, otherwise the minced meat will soften the dough.
Place about a teaspoon of filling on each circle of dough and pinch, brushing the edges of the dough with a little water - this will make it easier for them to stick together.

There is also a special method for cooking Chinese dumplings.

Boil 1.5 liters of water in a saucepan, when it boils, add half of the cooked dumplings, stirring so as not to stick together, and heat until the water boils again.
As soon as the water boils, pour in half a cup of cold water, bring it to a boil again and pour in another half cup of cold water. When the water boils for the last time, the dumplings can be removed from the water.
You do this whole operation with the second half of the dumplings - this is the traditional way of cooking Chinese dumplings. If you want to cook them the usual way, just cook the dumplings over high heat for 8 minutes with the lid open.

Dumplings should be served with one of two sauces.

1 sauce: 1/2 cup soy sauce, 3 tbsp. black Chinese vinegar or Worcestershire sauce.
2 sauce: 1/2 cup soy sauce, 2 tbsp. black Chinese vinegar or Worcestershire sauce and 1 tbsp. chili oils.
You can optionally add chopped garlic or ginger to any of the sauces.

Dough for Chinese dumplings:

What you need:

  • 2.5 cups flour;
  • 11/4 cups boiling water.

1 cup – 240 ml

Place flour in a bowl and pour in boiling water. Stir using a wooden spatula. If very hot, let cool slightly, then turn out onto a floured board and knead for 5 minutes until the dough is elastic. If the dough sticks, add a couple more tablespoons of flour.
Cover the dough with a towel and let it rest for 25 minutes.
Divide the dough into two parts. Roll each part into a long sausage with a diameter of 2.5 cm and cut into 25 pieces. Now roll out each piece of dough into a circle 8 cm in diameter.
Lightly sprinkle the dough with flour and cover with a towel to prevent it from drying out.

The Chinese have been preparing various types of dumplings for thousands of years. Chinese dumplings can be round or crescent-shaped, boiled and fried, filled with meat and vegetables, seafood and sweet mixtures.

Types of Chinese dumplings

The most famous Chinese dumplings are jiaozi. Most often they contain minced meat or vegetables, although sometimes there are recipes with shrimp or even melon. Jiaozi is shaped into crescents by pinching the edges together, pleating them, and steamed, boiled or fried. Postikers or Chinese ravioli are first fried and then steamed until cooked. Har Gow are plump dumplings filled with minced shrimp and bamboo shoots. The secret of the har gow dough is starch, which makes the shell shiny and translucent. Shu Moi - dumplings similar to khinkali, rolled into a bag, they are steamed in special baskets. Traditionally they are filled with pork or shrimp.

Jiaozi is a must for traditional Chinese New Year.

Ingredients for Jiaozi

In order to prepare one of the most famous Chinese dumplings, you will need: - 1 and ½ cups of wheat flour; - 2 cups finely chopped Chinese cabbage; - 400 g pork (ham, neck); - 250 g of peeled raw large shrimp; - 3 feathers of green onions; - 3 large cloves of garlic; - 2 tablespoons of rice wine; - 1 and ½ tablespoons of grated fresh ginger root; - 1 tablespoon of soy sauce; - 2 teaspoons of sesame oil; - ½ teaspoon granulated sugar; - freshly ground black pepper.

Many people believe that Chinese dumplings are called dim sum, but this is the general name of national snacks, among which various dumplings are most often found

Jiaozi recipe

Start preparing dumplings with dough. Sift the flour onto a work surface, make a well in the center and pour in ½ cup cold water. Begin kneading the dough by combining the liquid and flour with your fingers. Knead the dough into a smooth, elastic dough, roll it into a ball and divide it into two sausages, cover them with cling film and leave for 30 minutes. Make the filling.

Using two heavy knives, chop the washed and dried meat into juicy mince. Also cut large shrimp into small pieces. Cut the green onions into small pieces and chop the garlic. In a medium bowl, toss the cabbage, season with 2 teaspoons salt, and let sit for 30 minutes. In a large, deep bowl, combine cabbage, ground pork, shrimp, onion, garlic, ginger, rice wine, soy sauce and sesame oil, sugar and ¼ teaspoon pepper. Knead the filling well, cover with cling film and place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Cut the dough into 36 even pieces, roll them in flour and cover with a towel to prevent the dough from drying out. Roll each piece into a circle and place 1-2 teaspoons of minced meat in the center. Seal the edges. Repeat with remaining ingredients.

How to cook jiaozi

To boil Chinese dumplings, fill a large, wide saucepan with lightly salted water and bring to a boil. Cook the jiaozi in several batches over medium heat, stirring gently until the dumplings float.

To toast jiaozi, heat 2 tablespoons in a heavy, wide skillet until lightly smoking. Fry the dumplings until golden brown, add about ½ cup of water so that it reaches 1/3 of the jiaozi, bring to a boil and cover with a lid. Cook until liquid is absorbed, 2 to 3 minutes. Remove the lid and cook over medium heat for another 1 to 2 minutes until the jiaozi is dry. Serve with special sauces of vinegar and ginger or soy sauce and shallots.
