Easter cake for kids. Signs and customs for Easter. Signs of Easter week

Bright, beautiful, and most importantly, delicious cupcakes will undoubtedly decorate the holiday table and delight our children. These cupcakes can be baked not only for Easter, but also on weekdays. I hope you enjoy them.

Ingredients for Easter cakes for children:

Milk – 2 cups.

Yeast (dry) - 1 tbsp. l.

Flour - 7 cups.

Yolks – 7 pcs.

Sugar – 1.5 cups.

Salt -1 tsp.

Oil drain. (drained margarine) – 1 cup. (melted)

Cognac – 1 tbsp. l. (you can do without it)

Vanillin - to taste

Raisins -0.5 cup.

Nuts – to taste (optional without them)

For chocolate glaze:

Sugar – 4 tbsp. l.

Cocoa – 3 tbsp. l.

Water (milk) - 2 - 3 tbsp.

Drain. butter - 40 - 50 g

Recipe for Easter cakes for children.

In order for the Easter cakes to turn out lush and beautiful, it is necessary that there are no drafts in the kitchen, and that all products are at the same temperature (put the eggs out of the refrigerator in advance). Milk and margarine should be warm, but not hot. The flour needs to be sifted 2-3 times. I also prepare the molds in advance: I cut out circles from baking paper so that the edges of the paper extend beyond the edges of the mold and grease the paper with grease. oil is a guarantee that our Easter cakes will not stick.

Dissolve yeast in warm milk, add 3.5 cups. flour and 0.5 cup. sugar - stir it all until smooth with a mixer, blender or wooden spoon. Take larger dishes (at least two and a half liters), because this is a dough, and it will increase in size by 2-3 times. Place the dough in a warm place for 30 - 40 minutes. Beat (stir) it a couple of times with a wooden spoon.

Separately, while the dough is rising, grind 7 yolks until white with a glass of sugar (I do this with a mixer), add salt, vanillin, cognac and melted butter (t = 37*C no higher!) Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. Mix this mass with the suitable dough and add the rest of the flour. The dough should be very soft and slide off the palm of your hand. Knead it for at least 30-40 minutes until it stops sticking to your hands. If it still sticks, you need to dust the table with flour and continue kneading. At the end of kneading, add raisins, previously washed, steamed, dried and sprinkled with flour - this way they will be evenly distributed over the dough.

Place the dough in a warm place to rise for an hour and a half. I cover the pan with the dough with a wet towel, maybe this is wrong, but that’s what my mother did.

The dough has risen. Remove from the pan, knead again for 2-3 minutes and fill the molds 1/3 full with dough. Place it in a warm place again and let the dough rise to the edges. Now open the oven and keep it open for a minute, after which we put our Easter cakes in the oven at t = 180*C. Do not open the oven for the first 15 minutes! Bake until done. Baking time depends on the size of the cake. We check the readiness with a dry splinter, a toothpick or a match - we stick it into the middle of the product, take it out - it’s dry - that means it’s ready.

Take out the finished cupcakes and leave to cool directly in the molds. Once cooled, remove and cover with chocolate glaze: mix cocoa, sugar, put milk on low heat and bring to a boil so that the sugar dissolves. Cook the mixture, stirring constantly, for 2 - 3 minutes. Add oil and stir until smooth. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Pour glaze over the cakes and decorate as you wish.

Romanova T. M.

Children enter the hall, stop at the holiday icon and sing the holiday troparion. The lights turn off and the candles are lit.

Child reader 1 Yakov Polonsky.
The news is that people began to torment God,
Rooks brought us to the north.
The pine slums have darkened,
The keys began to cry quietly.
On the hillocks the stones were exposed
Bald spots covered in frost,
And tears began to fall on the stones
Evil winter of cleared birches.

The soloist performs the song “Legend”, lyrics by A. Pleshcheev, music by P. Tchaikovsky.

The music of J. Bach sounds quietly.

Child Reader 2
And other news, worse than the first,
The starlings brought them into the wilderness:
Crucified on the cross, forgiving everyone,
God, the Savior of our souls, has died.
From such news the clouds thickened,
The air began to rustle with stormy rain...
They rose and the rivers became seas
And the first thunder thundered in the mountains.

Sounds of thunder are heard (recording).

The light turns on.

Child Reader 3
The third message was extraordinary:
God has risen and death has been defeated!
This victorious news came rushing
God-resurrected spring...
And the forests all around turned green,
And the chest of the earth breathed warmth,
And, listening to the nightingale’s trills,
Lilies of the valley and roses bloomed.

Children line up scattered around the hall, singing “Christ is Risen!”

Child reader 1
Praise the Lord from heaven,
And sing incessantly
The world is filled with His miracles
And glory unspeakable.

Child Reader 2
Praise the Lord from heaven,
Hills, cliffs, mountains,
Praise, the fear of death has disappeared
Our eyes brighten.

All children
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!
And trampled death forever.

Child Reader 3
Christ is risen! A.N. Maikov.
Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,
People are pouring out of all the churches;
The dawn is already looking from the sky...

All children

Child Reader 4
The snow has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers break from their shackles,
And the nearby forest turns green...

All children
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Child Reader 5
The earth is waking up
And the fields are getting dressed...
Spring is coming, full of miracles!

All children
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The children sit down.

Easter is the biggest and brightest holiday. This is a celebration of the victory of life over death, the triumph of good over evil. On Easter, Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. By His death He atoned for the sins of all people and by His resurrection He gave hope for eternal life in paradise. Christ is risen! And over the darkness of life the sun rose, which will never go out, will never go down. Christ is risen! And the evil of the world is bound. Everything in our life has become lively, renewed, and blossomed.

Girl reader 1 Konstantin Fofanov.
To the tune of Easter prayers
And to the sound of bells
Spring is flying to us from far away,
From the midday regions.

Girl Reader 2
In green attire
The dark forests are gloomy,
The sky shines like the sea,
The sea is like heaven.

Girl Reader 3
Pines in green velvet,
And fragrant resin
Along the scaly columns
It flowed like amber.

Girl Reader 4
And in our garden today
I noticed how secretly
The lily of the valley made Christ
With a white-winged moth.

These are the jubilant feelings with which the romantic poet K. Fofanov and with him the entire baptized world greeted this holiday.

The song “Drops are dripping loudly.”

While various services are performed in our small and man-made temples and we move from holiday to holiday, the great and man-made temple of nature also does not remain without changes. And various celebrations are held in it for the glory of the Lord. So look at the current spring decoration of nature, at the developing greenery everywhere, at the scattering flowers everywhere, who will not say that now, having slept in a winter sleep, nature has, as it were, awakened from sleep and, imitating the Holy Church, began to celebrate the Day of the Resurrection.

Nature slides.

How laboriously everything in nature is renewed at this time.
"Christ is risen! Christ is risen!" - the free, liberated waters gurgle...
"Christ is risen!" - whispers the awakened forest...
"Christ is risen! - is heard from the green shoots of the fields and the emerging spikes of new green grass.
And the birds that have flown from afar to praise spring and the rays of the sun playing in the clean, warm air repeat one life-giving message that cannot be heard enough: “Christ is Risen!”
And our awakened heart happily echoes nature.

Children perform a dance sketch “The Awakening of Nature” to the music of Vivaldi (chicks in the nest; snowdrops, moths).

A child reader reads near a nest
Larks hover under the sun,
They sing: Christ is Risen!
All over the robin bushes
They sing: Christ is Risen!
There are swallows in all the windows
They shout: Christ is Risen!
Hearts of girls and boys
They sing: Christ is Risen!

Christ is Risen - you listen and cannot stop listening, because neither on earth nor in heaven itself are there any more holy and more powerful words than these two words. The joys of a happy spring are only slightly reminiscent of the rejoicing that every believing soul experiences at the thought of the Resurrection of Christ.

Children sing the song “Bell for Vespers.”

Child reader 1 N. Orolbaum
Antique copper bell
On the centuries-old tower,
Overgrown with dark moss
And skinny grass,
Buzzing, raising the bell
To the joy of heaven,
Spring, bright, festive,
Sings: “Christ is Risen!”

Child Reader 2
And the sharp-snouted birds
Above the century-old tower
Fluttering and swimming
Flying crowd
And each one in response
On the day of holiday miracles
The greeting rings:
“Truly He is Risen!”

The song “Ringing” is performed by a children's choir (recording).

Easter cakes are baked for the holiday and Easter is prepared. What is the symbol of this holiday? The egg is a small miracle, it contains life that yearns for awakening. He was and is treated with special reverence. Everyone's soul desires to share Easter joy with loved ones and friends. Let us please each other with the fairy tale “Easter Easter cake”.

Easter cake"
For children of middle and senior preschool age
Bausova O. S.


Presenters: a girl and a boy.
Presenter (adult) of a shadow theater.

The hall is designed in the form of a grandparent's hut and a forest clearing.

The presenters appear: a girl and a boy.

Once upon a time there lived a poor grandfather and woman

They didn't have Ryaba's chicken.

She didn't lay any eggs on them.

And they couldn’t bake an Easter cake.

Grandfather and Baba come out.

How, grandma, should we break our fast on Easter?

Oh, I don’t know, grandfather. After all, we ran out of flour a long time ago.

They sit and are sad.

Once upon a time there lived a poor grandfather and woman.

They didn't have Ryaba's chicken.

But they had a granddaughter Mashenka.

Mashenka runs out.

Grandfather, grandmother, let’s not be discouraged, but let’s pray to God and sweep the barn, scrape the bottom of the tree, maybe we’ll even get enough flour for a ball of flour.

They go home and work.

That's what they did: they swept the barn, scraped the bottom of the tree, and kneaded flour with some water.

They baked a Lenten bun, set it to cool, and went to bed.

And the next morning Mashenka woke up before everyone else.

I can't hear my grandparents. They're still asleep, I guess. We had a hard time with the kolobok yesterday. I’ll quickly take it and run to church and sprinkle the bun with holy water at the priest’s. Grandma and grandpa will be happy. Easter is just around the corner.

He puts the bun in the basket and runs into the clearing.

What a wonderful morning! And the sun shines in a special way! And how the birds sing!

The Swallow flies out and sings:
Swift flight of swallows;
Like light thoughts, we take off
Into the blue of cloudless heights.
We glorify God best of all.

Hello, Swallow! What beautiful songs you sing in the morning!



Have a nice trip!

The nightingale sings:
My song flows
Joyfully and loudly
The voice of a nightingale is heard,
Affectionate and subtle.

Hello, Nightingale! What beautiful songs you sing in the morning!

Easter is just around the corner. In the morning I hasten to glorify God. And you, Mashenka, where are you in a hurry so early?

I run to church to light the bun for my grandparents.

Have a nice trip!

The presenter (adult) conducts the show in accordance with the text.
Mashenka ran to the church and immediately to the priest. The priest sprinkled the bun with holy water and asked: “Masha, where is your little red egg?”

I don't have a red testicle, father. My grandparents are poor.

Take, Mashenka, Easter eggs. This is for you, grandparents.

And then the parishioners heard the conversation and began to give Mashenka testicles. It turned out to be a whole basket. Mashenka thanked everyone and ran joyfully home to her grandparents.

Mashenka comes running home.

Where have you been, Mashenka?

We were very worried about you.

I, my grandparents, was in church, sprinkled the bun with holy water and brought you red eggs. There will be something to break your fast on Easter. Christ is Risen!

Grandfather and Baba
Truly Risen!

And during Easter week, it is customary to visit each other, give each other gifts, and send greeting cards. In these bright days, not a single soul should feel lonely and forgotten (bell ringing). And this solemn announcement invites you all to a children's Easter exhibition.

Family breakfast turns into a fun game with a battle of colorful eggs, with a treat of Easter cottage cheese and fragrant Easter cakes. Let's make our children even more happy on this day and bake a creamy Easter cake especially for them, I would even say a children's cake. This Easter cake is especially for them, recipe with photos step by step.

The taste of children's ones will not differ from, we will also try to make them very tasty, we will just make them small and elegant.

Our ancestors paid much more attention to baking than we do. After all, it is much easier to buy fresh or not so fresh pastries, or cookies, or Easter cakes in the store, rather than fiddling with the dough yourself. After looking through old recipes, I had a hard time choosing a suitable recipe for Easter cake, the most delicious, airy one that would fit exactly. Because there were a lot of recipes and they were all so interesting, and, naturally, they all involved using only high-quality natural products. In the end, I settled on this recipe and was not disappointed! The cakes turned out amazingly delicious.


It is better to knead the dough in a large saucepan with a glass lid. Because it will increase significantly in volume, and it will “fit” better if we close the pan with a lid.

We need to disturb the dough, including removing the lid, as little as possible, it doesn’t like it and can “sit”, but through the glass lid we can monitor it without any sad consequences.


Let's start. You need to melt the butter, heat it to a boil and pour it into a glass of hot cream. Add a handful of wheat flour there, stir everything well.

Wait until the mixture cools slightly and becomes noticeably warm. Then drive one in there and pour in the yeast. To do this, one tablespoon of dry, quick yeast must be diluted with two tablespoons of milk and this mixture must be added to our dough.

Close the pan with a lid and leave the dough for two hours so that it increases in volume by 2.5 times and our Easter cake recipe for children will be fluffy and beautiful.

While the dough is “rising,” grind four yolks white with one glass of sugar. When the dough is ready, add the yolks with sugar, the remaining flour, knead well, close the pan with a lid and leave the dough for another 2 hours so that it “fits.” .

Layout according to molds

When the dough has doubled in volume, add almonds crushed in a mortar or minced through a meat grinder and chopped dried apricots, which we first pour boiling water over for five minutes, then rinse with cold water and chop. Knead the dough again and place it in the Easter cake molds, or fill the molds no more than a third.

Place the molds in the oven. Let's wait until the dough rises to the top of the molds, turn on the oven to one hundred and eighty degrees and bake our Easter cakes for about half an hour, until they... Let's check the readiness of the cake with wooden chopsticks.

Cover the finished hot cakes with sugar icing and sprinkle with confectionery decorations. You can see how to prepare sugar glaze in recipes or. Children's cakes will be wonderful. Bon appetit!


  • Melted butter – ½ cup;
  • Cream – 1 glass;
  • Milk – 2 tablespoons;
  • Flour – 2 cups;
  • Chicken eggs – 5 pieces;
  • “Quick” yeast - 1 tablespoon;
  • Almonds – 100 grams;
  • Dried apricots – 100 grams.

Easter is a bright holiday for Orthodox Christians, the most long-awaited and revered. An important attribute of Easter is an icon depicting Jesus Christ; his resurrection on this day symbolizes eternal life. Easter is celebrated cheerfully and generously, with folk festivities. This day means cleansing from everything bad and unkind, liberation from offenses and forgiveness of sins to others. The day of Easter is determined according to the church calendar and changes annually.

Orthodox believers observe Great Lent for forty days before Easter. Some foods cannot be consumed for 40 days; fun and noisy feasts are also not recommended. All prohibitions are lifted on the day of the holiday.

Since ancient times, there have been many folk signs and beliefs associated with the celebration. Signs for Easter cover the holiday itself, and the seven days after it -. Since ancient times, Easter rituals were performed on these days: for marriage, for health, for beauty and for speedy pregnancy.

Easter signs are a whole ritual that is performed throughout Holy Week. Monday. On this day, believers carry out general cleaning. Unnecessary bulky things are taken out of the house, windows are washed, curtains are washed. Tuesday is dedicated to purchasing food for the holiday table. On this day, useful medicinal potions and tinctures are prepared.

Wednesday is laundry day, you need to wash everything, clean the floors and carpets. On this day, they remembered the ritual of healing from illnesses and illnesses. You need to get a glass of water from a river or well on the street. If there is no well nearby, then an ordinary barrel will do. After crossing the water three times, you need to cover it with a clean napkin. Before 3 a.m., you need to pour water on yourself from a glass, leaving a few drops at the bottom. Without drying yourself, put on clean, dry clothes. Pour the rest of the water under the flowers. A body washed in this way will remain healthy for a whole year.

Thursday - on Maundy Thursday, the heads of one-year-old children are cut for the first time (haircuts cannot be given before this age). Girls also cut the ends of their hair for better growth and thickness. During the day, medicinal Thursday salt is prepared. Each family member takes a handful of salt and puts it in a bag. The salt is mixed and heated in a frying pan. It is advisable to consecrate it in a temple; it is believed that the salt will then acquire medicinal properties; it can be applied to a sore back, knees, and to treat sore throats and headaches.

Friday. The strictest day of fasting. Believers refuse to eat and do not do housework, with the exception of cooking. Easter cakes baked on Friday will never spoil and will protect the house from bad weather. On Friday, they sweep the corners of the house with a rag; the rag is not thrown away, but is used to get rid of joint pain in the lower back and knees. On Friday you need to bring 12 candles from the service, light them in the house and wait until the candles burn out completely. The cinders are kept all year round - this brings good luck, prosperity and good dreams to the house.

Saturday. Preparations for the holiday are being completed: you need to finish cleaning and prepare the main dishes. On this day you cannot do heavy housework, but you can help friends and do charity work. On Saturday evening, believers bring eggs, pies and Easter to the temple. Before leaving, it is customary to set the table so that upon returning home you can immediately break your fast. We ate a little and then went to rest.

On Sunday morning the real feast began, which lasted for the next seven days.

Customs and rituals on Easter Sunday

On Sunday morning, the people's celebration of the bright celebration begins. All relatives and friends gather at the table, people rejoice and glorify the Resurrection of the Lord. Working all day is strictly prohibited, but you can use Easter signs and perform rituals.

Rituals Carrying out
Ritual for money. On the night of Easter, you need to put a silver coin in the water left from Maundy Thursday. Anyone who washes their face with this water three times will have good luck with money all next year.
Marriage ceremony. Girls who passionately want to get married should wash and dry themselves with a new towel on Maundy Thursday. This towel, along with Easter cakes and eggs, should be given to the poor near the temple on Easter Sunday.
Ritual for pregnancy. If a woman really wants to get pregnant, then she should place an additional plate next to her device, put a small piece of blessed Easter cake in it and say: “Easter cake for children.” After breakfast, the Easter cake should be fed to the birds.
A ritual for beauty. Place a red egg in a basin and roll it along the bottom. After crossing yourself three times, wash with “red” water. According to legend, this ritual makes young girls even more beautiful.

Easter must be celebrated in new clothes, you cannot swear or slander. Thoughts on this day should be devoted only to God. Try to do seven good deeds or give seven small gifts this Easter. The Lord will not forget your kindness all year long.

Signs of Easter week

Folk festivities continue for seven days after Holy Easter. It is customary to start the daily meal with a piece of blessed Easter cake, this adds health and strength. Ancestors were attentive to various signs and beliefs these days.

If a child is born on one of the days of Easter week, untold wealth, recognition and universal love await him. Dying on Easter was also considered a good omen. These days, the gates of heaven remain open, and no sins will prevent the soul from entering heaven. A red egg was placed in the deceased's left hand. All other eggs of this color had to be taken out of the house and distributed to passersby.

You should pay attention to dreams in. If someone from the family dreams of a dead person, then no deaths are expected among relatives this year.

Professionals also have their own signs for Easter.

  1. Fishermen spend seven days greeting: “Christ is risen!” They answer: “There is fish!”
  2. After the service, hunters shoot in the air near the church for a fruitful hunt.
  3. On Easter, swindlers try to steal something small from parishioners during the service; this will bring good luck in thievery for the whole year.

Easter and Easter week are a time of real miracles. These days, everything is possible: prophetic dreams, truthful fortune-telling, and the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. And adherence to ancient folk rules and beliefs will help make life better, cleaner and kinder.
