Kefir muffins with berry filling. Muffins with berries Recipe for kefir muffins with berries

Muffins are like small buns. And the origin of this word makes muffins closer to bread than to cakes (from the French word moufflet- soft bread).

The traditions of preparing this dish differ among different nations. Americans prepare such baked goods using baking powder or baking soda. In the UK, muffins are made with yeast. American and English muffins are very different in appearance. The former look like muffins, and the latter look like sandwich buns.

You can make delicious kefir muffins using baking powder or baking soda.

Products for cooking:

  • vanilla sugar ¼ teaspoon;
  • baking powder one sachet;
  • eighty grams of sunflower or butter;
  • egg 2 pieces;
  • kefir one glass;
  • flour two hundred eighty grams;
  • sugar one hundred and twenty grams.


  1. Prepare baking pans by greasing them with vegetable oil. Heat the oven to 190 degrees.
  2. Mix flour with baking powder in one large bowl. Beat the eggs in another bowl with a mixer or whisk, gradually adding butter, sugar, vanillin and kefir. Mix all ingredients very well. Pour the liquid dough base into the flour and baking powder, mixing everything well and quickly. The dough should have a creamy consistency.
  3. Pour the batter into the molds, filling them 2/3 full (the baked goods will rise). Place in a hot oven for 20 minutes. We check readiness with a toothpick (it should come out dry from the dough).
  4. Sprinkle the finished muffins with powdered sugar and wait for them to cool. They taste much better when cold.

Kefir muffins recipe with berries

Product Set

Products for 12 servings:

  • baking powder two teaspoons;
  • low-fat kefir 250 g;
  • egg 1 piece;
  • blueberries 220 g (can be replaced with cherries, cherries, currants, etc.);
  • flour 270 g;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • soft butter 100g;
  • sugar 200 g;


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 - 200 degrees.
  2. Beat butter and sugar in a bowl with a mixer until smooth. Add kefir egg and a pinch of salt. Beat everything well.
  3. In a separate container, mix baking powder and flour. Pour the liquid dough base into the flour, stirring quickly and well.
  4. Wash the berries, dry on a paper towel and add to the finished dough.
  5. Place the dough in paper molds greased with vegetable oil. Place in a hot oven for twenty minutes. Check the readiness of the products before removing them from the oven.
  6. Serve with tea or coffee, topped with condensed milk.

Kefir muffins recipe with chocolate and dried apricots

Product Set

Products for 6 servings:

  • sugar 1 glass;
  • egg 2 pieces;
  • kefir 1 glass;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • one and a half cups flour;
  • soft butter 125 g;
  • dried apricots 4 pieces;
  • thirty grams of chocolate;
  • zest of one orange.


  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Prepare paper muffin cups.
  2. Beat soft butter, sugar and eggs well with a mixer. Add kefir. Beat everything well.
  3. In a separate container, mix flour with baking powder and salt.
  4. Finely chop the chocolate bar into pieces, mix with chopped orange zest (the uppermost orange layer of the orange peel without white fibers). Chop the dried apricots.
  5. Add chocolate, dried apricots and orange zest to one container to quickly incorporate these additional ingredients when kneading the dough. When baking muffins, it is recommended to place the finished dough in the oven as quickly as possible so that the products turn out tender and soft.
  6. Add the mixture of eggs, sugar and kefir to the flour with baking powder and quickly mix until smooth. Add toppings – dried apricots, zest and chocolate. Pour the creamy dough into the molds, filling them 1/3 full. Place in a hot oven for 20 - 30 minutes.
  7. Serve cool with tea, milk, coffee or fruit juice.

Muffins recipe with nuts and white chocolate

Product Set

Products for 10 servings:

  • baking powder 1 teaspoon;
  • butter 100 g;
  • kefir 100 ml;
  • milk 125 ml;
  • white chocolate 100 g;
  • egg 1 piece;
  • raisins 60 g;
  • sugar 100 g;
  • flour 300 g;
  • vanilla sugar 1 teaspoon;
  • roasted peanuts.


  1. Prepare the oven for baking by preheating it to 200 degrees;
  2. Place paper molds in a baking dish; if the dough is poured directly into the mold, grease it with vegetable oil.
  3. Finely chop the nuts. Wash the raisins and dry on a paper towel. Finely chop the chocolate.
  4. In a large bowl, mix flour, baking powder, vanilla sugar. Pour chocolate, raisins, and nuts into a bowl with flour (leaving a little for sprinkles on top).
  5. Beat butter and sugar, add milk, kefir, egg. Pour liquid ingredients into bowl with flour. Mix everything quickly. Pour into molds and place in the oven, sprinkling the remaining nuts and chocolate on top.
  6. Sprinkle the tops of the finished muffins with powdered sugar.

You can make muffins with any filling that your imagination suggests. Although many people prefer the usual cupcakes, muffins are interesting precisely because of the variety of additional ingredients that are added to the dough during cooking. It is highly controversial that muffin batter can and should even be mixed so quickly that lumps of flour remain when baked. As if this is precisely their peculiarity. A well-kneaded dough will make the finished muffins much tastier. And the difference will be more likely in the more modest content of the baked goods than in the muffins.

Bon appetit and creative success!

Good day, dear friends and guests of the site. I want to share with you a wonderful recipe that you can prepare to please your loved ones. Berry muffins are prepared quite simply and quickly.

For muffins I will need margarine, which can be replaced with butter. This is for those who don't like to use margarine in their baking.

You can wait for the margarine to melt on its own, or you can melt it in the microwave. This will not affect the final result.

I use margarine for eggs.

That's where the sugar goes.

I mix all these ingredients with a whisk and add kefir to the bowl.

The flour needs to be sifted. This is necessary so that it is saturated with oxygen.

The dough turns out moderately thick.

I will use two types of frozen berries. I have black currants and meadow strawberries. It seems to me that the combination is not bad.

I add slightly defrosted berries to the dough. I try to do this very carefully so that the juice does not leak for years.

For baking, I use paper molds that are not quite convenient for me. Carefully place the dough in them. As it turned out, I went a little overboard with the amount of dough. Should have added a little less.

I baked the muffins in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. I checked the readiness with a dry wooden stick. Ready-made berry muffins can be sprinkled with powder.

The combination of black currants and meadow strawberries turned out to be great. The dough also turned out to be tasty and soft.

Bon appetit!

Cooking time: PT00H45M 45 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 30 rub.

Muffins These are sweet small pastries (cupcakes) with filling. Most often with fruits or berries. The muffins fit into the palm of an adult. Muffins have a fairly large number of varieties, for example, this includes. Since baking muffins is quite simple and quick, they are convenient to prepare for breakfast or when you have unexpected guests. This is a quick and practical treat. Let's have a tea party! Cooking muffins with berries on kefir.

What you need to bake muffins:

For the dry part of the dough:

  • 250 g flour
  • 200 g sugar
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • vanillin

Liquid part:

  • 1 egg
  • 1 glass of fresh kefir
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil

For filling:

berries or pieces of fruit (fresh, canned or frozen). Our recipe contains muffins with cherries and currants.

Kefir muffins recipe

How to make muffins:

Making the dough is very quick and easy. I advise you to turn on the oven before starting to prepare the dough. Let it heat up to 180 degrees.

Mix the liquid ingredients in one bowl and the dry ingredients in another.

Mix dry and liquid ingredients in separate containers

Pour the liquid part into the dry part and mix until smooth.

Pour the liquid part into the dry part.

Stir until smooth

How to bake muffins

The dough can be immediately poured into molds. I use silicone molds, you can use paper baking molds or those you have in the house. Unlike other types of dough, there is no need to leave the dough to “ripen”. Pour 1 full tablespoon of dough into the molds. Add the filling. I took frozen blackcurrants and cherries.

Pour 1 full tablespoon into the molds and add the filling.

Top with another 1 full tablespoon of dough. Do not fill the molds to the brim as the dough will rise well. With this in mind, we leave room in the molds for this.

Top with 1 more tablespoon of dough, but not all the way to the edges.
