Mexican taco recipe. Taco recipe with photos at home. Features of preparing Mexican tacos

Taco is a Mexican dish. Translated from Spanish, “taco” means “lump”, and the interpretation of the etymological dictionary is “tortilla filled with spicy meat.”

First you need to prepare the taco.

  1. In 40 g of kefir, dilute 2 g of salt and soda, add 50 g of maize flour and knead into a homogeneous mass. The resulting dough makes 4 tacos.
  2. Divide the dough into 4 parts and roll out thinly. Heat a frying pan and fry the tortillas on both sides until bubbles appear.

Now you can move on to the fillings.

For the salsa, you need 1.5 cups canned corn, 1 cup cherry tomatoes, 1/2 medium black beans, 1/2 green chile salsa, 1/4 cup chopped red onion and some celery. For the rest of the filling - 2 salmon steaks, a spoonful of olive oil and a pinch of ground pepper and salt. Enough filling for 8 servings.

Mix the above ingredients to make the salsa. Grease the steaks with oil and sprinkle with spices. Heat a frying pan and fry the salmon for 4 minutes on each side. Ready steaks should cool. Chop them with a fork. Place a couple of spoons of fish on each flatbread and pour the sauce over it. Then fold the taco in half.

Tacos according to Turkish recipe

For the filling you need half a kilo of turkey, twisted through a meat grinder, 30 g of chopped onion, 5 g of paprika and ground chili, a pinch of garlic powder, ground pepper, cumin, oregano and salt, as well as 10 tortillas. For the sauce, just take a couple of tomatoes, 160-170 g of English cheddar cheese and 700-750 g of green salad.

Heat a frying pan, fill the bottom with oil and fry the meat with the other filling ingredients, until cooked until it turns pink. Mix cheese, lettuce and tomatoes.

Place the filling on the finished tortillas (flatbread), place the sauce on top of it and fold the tacos.

Brazilian tacos

Fry 700 g of ground beef in a frying pan and stir, separating large lumps. Drain excess fat, add 1 chopped and. Continue stir-frying until they become soft. Add a couple of pinches of chili powder, pepper, cumin, salt and 100-120 g of tomato sauce. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Divide the filling among 6 tortillas and fold in half.

Tacos are one of the main dishes of Spanish cuisine. It is a flatbread, hollow inside, filled with a savory filling. The Spaniards joke that these flatbreads appeared in Spain before they did. In fact, the delicacy was invented by residents of the vicinity of Lake Mexico. They wrapped small fish in cakes. Over time, the taco recipe has been modernized to include all sorts of other fillings.

By preparing this stuffed flatbread at home, you will diversify your daily diet. How to cook tacos at home if your stomach requires something new, and you are not Spanish? We present to your attention the most interesting options.

Tacos - step by step recipe

To experience the real taste of the dish, you need to make the tacos yourself. This may sound like a sentence, but in practice the cooking process is very simple. You need:

  • a glass of corn flour;
  • 1/5 cup wheat flour;
  • a glass of hot water;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • sunflower oil (lubricate your hands).

Step-by-step recipe for making your own:

  1. Combine corn and wheat flour in a container, add salt.
  2. Pour the mixture with a glass of hot water.
  3. Mix well. The dough should be soft but elastic.
  4. If you find it necessary, add a little more water or flour to achieve the desired dough structure.
  5. It will be more convenient to knead by rubbing your hands with oil.
  6. Divide the resulting dough into 10 equal pieces.
  7. Make a ball out of each one. Next, while you work on one of them, cover the others with a towel. This way the dough will not dry out.
  8. Crush the ball into a thin cake with a handy “press”, in the form of a cutting board or frying pan. It’s easier to press if you put the dough between pieces of parchment. It will prevent the cake from sticking to the “press”. You can get by with a rolling pin. This way the dough will be rolled out much thinner.
  9. Fry the corn tortillas in a dry frying pan without oil. Frying time is a minute on each side. The main thing is not to overcook, otherwise the cakes will dry out.
  10. When removing, fold them in half.

The tacos are ready. Suitable as a base for snacks, and as bread for meat, soups, and vegetables.

Mexican taco with chicken

So, you already know how to make the base for the dish. Mexican chicken tacos will delight you with an interesting, unusual taste. You can vary the ingredients, customizing the recipe to suit your preferences. To prepare the original taco recipe at home, you need:

  • 1 kg. chicken fillet;
  • a couple of hot chili peppers;
  • a glass of fresh beans;
  • 3 small spoons of vegetable oil;
  • a glass of chili sauce;
  • a bunch of greens (preferably marjoram and cilantro);
  • salt, spices (to taste).

How to make chicken tacos at home:

  1. Beforehand, soak the beans in hot water overnight. In the morning, boil until done.
  2. Fry chicken fillet in vegetable oil.
  3. When the meat is cooked, add chili pepper and boiled beans to the pan. Season with salt and spices.
  4. Place the taco in the microwave for a couple of minutes. Spread the filling onto the flatbread melted in the microwave and pour over the sauce. Tear the greens with your hands and decorate the top of the dish.

The Mexican taco is ready. It is better to eat it warm, straight from the heat.

Veal taco

Tender meat generously seasoned with spices is the dream of every gourmet. Mexican cuisine has an answer to this request - veal tacos. To prepare it, you need:

  • 300 gr. veal;
  • 5 corn tortillas;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 ripe juicy tomato;
  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • a bunch of parsley or cilantro;
  • vegetable oil (for frying meat);
  • salt, Mexican spices (to taste)

Step-by-step recipe for preparing this delicious dish:

  1. Cut the meat into small pieces, the onion into half rings, and the tomato into cubes.
  2. In a frying pan with a heavy bottom, pour oil onto your finger and heat it. Place the meat in the frying pan, and when it is half-fried, add the onions and tomatoes. Season with spices.
  3. Fry until the meat is browned. Afterwards, remove the frying pan from the heat.
  4. Spread the filling onto the tortillas. Do it in layers. A layer of meat, a layer of chopped herbs.
  5. Sprinkle the last layer with lemon juice. This will give the dish a pleasant sourness.

This veal taco recipe claims to be sophisticated. Despite the simplicity of preparation, the dish will give you Mexican heat and piquancy of taste.

Taco with fish filling

Not a very common taco recipe. Although it is not clear for what reason Mexican cuisine relegates it to the rear. After all, this is how this fast food was originally prepared, with fish. Let's go back to basics. Ingredients:

  • 5-7 corn tortillas;
  • half a kilo of fish fillet (better if it is cod);
  • 3 chipotle peppers;
  • 6 cherry tomatoes;
  • 2 small limes;
  • 2 large spoons of mayonnaise;
  • a glass of yogurt;
  • 50 ml. vegetable oil for marinade;
  • spices, salt (to taste).

Cooking instructions:

  1. Prepare the marinade for the fish fillet. To do this, mix the oil with spices and squeeze lime juice into it.
  2. Cut the fish fillet into medium-thick pieces. Pour the marinade over them and leave them like this in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  3. Place the tomatoes on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.
  4. Remove the skin from them. Place the marinated fish fillet in a baking tray with the tomatoes, pouring the remaining marinade over it. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at the same temperature.
  5. Mix chipotle sauce: combine yogurt with mayonnaise, squeeze the remaining lime, add salt, and add your favorite spices.
  6. Place the filling on warm tortillas, pour chipotle sauce over everything, and sprinkle with a drop of lime juice.

Tacos are not just fast food, they are a whole culture of preparing delicious snacks. Once you learn how to cook them yourself, you can improvise and add your own touches.

Video: Mexican tacos - step by step recipe

Even when I was little, I had little idea how you could eat cutlets, pilaf, salad with your hands, without a knife and fork, without cutlery at all. And eating soup without a spoon is absolutely fantastic.

As it turned out later, in the Caucasus, unleavened flatbread - lavash - often serves as both a fork and a spoon, Asian chopsticks perfectly replace cutlery (I even learned how to use them), Mexican tortillas - flatbreads made from corn or wheat flour - replace a fork, spoon and knife for Mexicans .

With the help of these tortillas they pick up sauce or hold pieces of meat, pick up salads, and in general, tortillas are the basis for many dishes of Mexican cuisine - enchiladas, burritos, fajitas, etc. The flatbread is used to wrap the filling or serve as bread for many dishes. They eat with them.

Tortilla (Spanish Tortilla) is a “round flatbread”, a thin flatbread made from corn or wheat flour, eaten mainly in Mexico, the USA, Central America and Canada. Corn flour tortillas were baked by the ancient Mayans. And the Spanish conquerors gave them the name from the Spanish word tortilla, which means omelette, because... in appearance, tortillas made from yellow corn flour really resemble an omelette.

Tortillas are baked without oil over an open fire, on clay pans (comal) or flat baking sheets. And then, right from the blazing heat, they roll up the flatbreads with the filling, usually spicy, and lunch is ready. Recipe taken from a Mexican cookbook.

Tortilla. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (6 flatbreads)

  • Corn flour 1 cup (130 g)
  • Wheat flour 0.5 cups
  • Fine salt 0.5 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.
  1. The amount of ingredients is very arbitrary. Purely to show the proportions approximately. Usually up to 1 kg of flour is used.
  2. Corn flour, although little used in our traditional cuisine, is available in stores. Typically, corn flour is not as finely ground as regular wheat flour, it is more like bran. Pleasant light yellow color. It is worth taking finer ground flour.

    Corn flour

  3. Sift 1 cup (200 ml cut) cornmeal into a large bowl. Considering that cornmeal has much lower adhesive properties than wheat flour, and if you have never baked with cornmeal, it is worth adding 0.5 cups of regular wheat flour to the cornmeal. Adding wheat flour will give a certain “head start” in rolling out the tortillas; they will not fall apart.

    Mix corn and wheat flour, salt

  4. Add 0.5 tsp to flour. fine salt "extra". Thoroughly stir the flour and salt until the mixture becomes as homogeneous as possible.
  5. Pour 120 ml of warm water into a glass - 35-40 degrees. Add 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and shake with a fork. Next, pour the liquid into the flour and knead the dough. Most likely the dough will be a little liquid, so you need to add corn flour in small portions to achieve a very soft dough.

    Mix 120 ml warm water and vegetable oil

  6. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with a napkin and let stand for 30 minutes at room temperature.

    Roll the dough into a ball and leave for 30 minutes

  7. The dough will be approximately 350 grams. Divide the dough into 6 parts, rolling into balls.

    Divide the dough into 6 parts

  8. Place the frying pan on the fire. The pan must be dry, i.e. no need to pour oil. By the way, it’s very convenient to use a pancake frying pan.
  9. Next you will need plastic film or a regular bag.
  10. Place the dough ball on a piece of polyethylene and press it with your palm - flatten it to form a flat cake. Cover the dough with a second piece of polyethylene and roll out the dough using a rolling pin between two layers of polyethylene into a round cake with a diameter of 15 cm. Approximately like a compact disc.

    Roll out the dough into a thin flat cake

  11. Remove the top sheet of polyethylene, turn the cake over onto your palm and remove the bottom sheet of polyethylene. Next, carefully place the flatbread on a hot, dry (!) frying pan.
  12. Bake for 1.5-2 minutes on each side. The edges of the cake may curl up a little, this is normal. Light bloating is also acceptable. The tortilla will change color to deep yellow and cook well.

    Bake in a hot dry frying pan

  13. Place the finished tortillas in a stack, on top of each other and cover with a napkin to cool. Tortillas, if they are not too dry, bend perfectly and fold in half.

Taco (accent on the first syllable) is a traditional Mexican dish consisting of a corn tortilla wrapped in ready-to-eat ingredients. The rules and restrictions when preparing tacos are minimal, and therefore there are a huge number of recipes and there is room for your own imagination.

You can buy ready-made tortillas, but it’s better to take soft ones rather than hard ones, which have already been given the desired shape. But we can easily prepare them ourselves


For 6-8 tortillas we will need:

2 cups cornmeal

1 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons baking powder or 1 teaspoon baking soda

1 tablespoon margarine. In the picture called shortening, it is precisely this that is hidden, or rather, a kind of margarine for cooking.

Mix everything and prepare the dough. Regular dough that could be used, say, for dumplings.

Making small balls

Heat the frying pan over medium heat

We make a cake from one ball with a diameter of about 20 cm and a thickness of 2 mm.

Fry it without oil

This is what happens

The flour that falls off the cake will burn. After each scone, brush off the flour with a dry paper towel.

It is better to keep the finished tortillas on a paper towel. You can also bake them in bulk and then freeze them.


Basically, taco filling.

Basic Rules:

The filling should consist of several layers

Products for each layer should be finely chopped or minced

Taco meat should contain minimal fat. Therefore, the usual process of preparing meat consists of two parts: lightly fry and drain off the fat, then simmer with spices.

Layer one. Meat.

Today we'll take chicken

In addition to it they will go

Ground black pepper

Ground white pepper

Ground chili pepper

Garlic powder or two meko cloves, chopped

Two or three chili peppers. I only have one in the picture, but I used three. I have a long pepper, I need more small ones

Fry the chicken. Not ready, let it be a little raw inside and not brown at all

Finely chop the chili

Chili without grains is practically harmless, so we cut it all up without cleaning anything from the inside.

Finely chop the chicken, wash the pan and put the chili and chicken in it

Add water to just cover the chicken.

Add half a teaspoon of all spices, salt

Over medium heat, evaporate the liquid, stirring occasionally. Everything needs to be evaporated.

Layer two. Onion

Finely chop the onion

Cut the lime in half and squeeze all the juice into the onion.


Can be on the table

Layer three. Tomatoes

I only took two from this branch

Recipes for the simplest dishes from nothing

How to make Mexican chicken tacos at home. Classic recipe with photo and video instructions. Cook easily and enjoy the results

20 minutes

116 kcal

5/5 (1)

Taco is a traditional dish in Mexico. Mexican cuisine is famous its sharpness, which is why tacos are usually prepared with a very hot sauce for a spicy taste. This dish first appeared even before the discovery of the “New World” due to the fact that it is very simple to prepare, but satisfying.
The recipe for tacos in Mexican cuisine is corn or wheat tortillas(tortilla) filled with fried minced meat, vegetables and hot sauce. Although there are now many recipes for this dish that use other vegetables or a less spicy sauce, the Mexican taco recipe is considered a classic.
I tried tacos for the first time at a themed party at the office and now I often delight my guests with them too. simple and tasty dish. If you also decide to cook something unusual, then read how to cook chicken tacos according to the classic recipe.

What you need to know before cooking

Kitchen appliances: knife, frying pan, spoon.


How to choose the right ingredients:

  • Choose a sauce so spicy that it tastes good but you can eat it.
  • Take good lean minced meat or make it yourself from chicken fillet.
  • Find delicious flatbreads or make your own.

Cooking process

  1. Wash and finely chop the peppers and onions.
  2. Lightly fry them in hot oil and then add minced meat to them. Fry for 5 minutes, then add spices and hot sauce. Stir and pour in some water.
  3. Simmer the minced meat under a closed lid until all the water has evaporated.

  4. Take a tortilla and place a lettuce leaf on it.

  5. Then add 3-4 tablespoons of the prepared minced meat and fold the tortilla in half if it is soft.

  6. Enjoy!

Video recipe for making tacos

If you don't know what tacos look like or just want to make sure you get it right, watch this short video. The tacos look extremely appetizing on it, and their preparation is very simple.

Mexicans always eat tacos. They can eat it savory with soup or as a side dish, like bread, although in this case there is almost no filling. Tacos are eaten with a variety of sauces and generously sprinkle with lemon juice. If you decide to have a themed party, then buy tequila and limes with your tacos, and you are guaranteed success.
