Plum lozenges correct sweets reviews. The right sweets

We want so badly to have a slim figure, but our hand still reaches for sweets. We convince ourselves that sweets are harmful, but we cannot imagine our meal without dessert. A person absorbs his love for sweets with his mother's milk. Mother's milk tastes very sweet. In early infancy, being close to our mother, we feel calm, protected and complete harmony. Subsequently, when we become adults, we store these sensations in memory. When we feel bad and problems overcome us, we want something sweet. I want to feel that serene calm again, to relive the pleasant memories of infancy again. During this period, taste preferences are formed.

It is impossible to get rid of the love for sweets. All kinds of diets and abstinence drive us into depression. You need to learn to replace cakes, chocolate and other sweets with healthier products. Raisins and dried apricots have a big advantage. Because they will not only help you maintain your figure, but also have many useful vitamins and microelements in their composition. In addition, they have a pleasant sweetish taste. You can deceive our body if you eat 2-3 pieces of dried apricots instead of candy. However, if you worry less and give yourself time to rest and relax from time to time, you may not have to eat away your stress with candy.

The most dangerous sweets

The most harmful desserts (not only for your figure, but also for your health) are those with a high content of sugar and fat. They are difficult to digest, negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and, in the end, are deposited in the form of excess weight.

Cheesecake. One of the most beloved, but also the most high-calorie desserts. It combines butter, shortbread crumbs, cheese, sour cream, eggs, cream. As a result, the calorie content is almost equal to chocolate - 600-700 calories.

Layered cakes. The main component of puff pastry is butter, as well as flour and eggs. It itself is extremely high in calories and fat. If you layer it with butter cream, as in the famous Napoleon cake, jam or any other sweet filling, you get a heavy dessert containing 400-500 calories and 40-45% fat, which is better to avoid for a long time.

Shortbread dough. It is also a very heavy, fatty and difficult-to-digest dough containing butter, sugar, and egg yolks. Most often it is combined with chocolate or other butter cream, which gives it a calorie content of 420-450 calories and a fat content of 30-40%.

Ready-made flour confectionery products (cookies, waffles, muffins). Not only are shelf-stable confectionery products replete with sugar, they also almost necessarily include trans fats - the most harmful type of fat obtained artificially. Being integrated into the cells of the body, trans fats prevent the cells from being properly nourished and contribute to the accumulation of toxins in them. The calorie content of such confectionery products is 450-500 calories. Fat content - 25-40%.

Sweets you can afford

Unleavened dough (phyllo). This dough is based on flour, water and a little vegetable oil. It is rolled out very thin, so products made from this dough are less dangerous for the figure than other types of dough. The calorie content of filo does not exceed 200 calories, it contains 2-5% fat.

Marshmallows and marmalade. They are based on egg white or fruit puree. These sweets have virtually no fat, so they are generally not harmful to your figure, although they are quite high in calories - about 300 calories.

Jelly and puddings. Also one of the safest types of desserts for your figure. They are based on gelatin or agar-agar. Jelly based on natural juices and purees contain pectin, a substance that lowers cholesterol levels and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And milk and yoghurt puddings are an excellent source of calcium. Calorie content: 150-200 calories, 0-5% fat.

Ice cream and milkshakes. Low-fat varieties of ice cream are not only not harmful to your figure, but in moderation they even promote weight loss. After all, ice cream is an excellent source of calcium, and calcium plays an important role in losing weight, as it encourages the body to burn excess fat faster. A serving of low-calorie ice cream or frozen yogurt has a nutritional value of about 80-120 calories, 3-5% fat and provides 20-30% of your daily calcium requirement. For even greater benefits, complement the ice cream not with chocolate or caramel, but with natural or frozen fruits, nuts, and puffed rice.

Just like ice cream, milkshakes have a smooth flavor and are an excellent source of energy and calcium. They are quite high in calories (100-150 calories), but they are low in fat. Cocktails are rich in microelements, proteins, minerals and vitamins, so they are ideal as a light dessert. Just make them with milk, not cream, and milk ice cream, not ice cream. You can add fresh and frozen fruits, natural juice, nuts, and a little grated dark chocolate to milkshakes.

A huge number of girls, in pursuit of a beautiful and slender figure, exhaust themselves with the most severe diets based on the refusal of flour, fatty, salty, and most importantly, sweets. In most cases, this restriction leads to nothing other than breakdown and overeating. So I once encountered this problem. Frequent conversations about proper nutrition and programs about a healthy lifestyle prompted me to think: “What tasty things can replace “harmful” sweets?”.

  1. Abruptly giving up your usual food will not lead to success. Everything should be gradual. While still a schoolgirl, I gave up sweet coffee and tea. If you are still putting 3 spoons in a cup, then eliminating this will be your first step.
  2. Also, do not forget about excluding sweet carbonated water. Initially, it can be replaced with juice from baby food, which is not added. And then generally give preference to the usual one. After all, we drink when we are thirsty, and sweet drinks only stimulate it.

If you don’t like boiled or tap water, and there is no way to constantly collect spring water, then I will offer you several options for improving the taste of tap, filtered or boiled water: 1) add chopped or (and) ; 2) squeeze or (and) , ; 3) put a spoon; 4) you can pour a little decoction of it into the water (a good way to quench your thirst in the heat), you can also add or (and) (analogous to the well-known Mojito cocktail); 5) can be cut, in Ancient Rus' this was considered the best means of quenching thirst, etc.

I am sure that everyone has their own version of the “transformation” of water.

Let's continue to consider what else to replace unhealthy sweets with:

  1. Fresh fruits will help you give up unhealthy sweets, but you should remember that you need to eat them in the first half of the day (before 16:00), because... Their consumption in the evening hours harms the figure several times more than everyone’s favorite. If you eat little or no fruit, then, for starters, try to replace ½ of the sweets you eat daily with them. Then replace the other half with fresh vegetables. If you get tired of simply eating them, then you can prepare smoothies, for which there are a large number of recipes on the Internet.
  2. You can diversify your diet, but you shouldn’t get carried away with these delicacies, as they are rich in carbohydrates, the excess of which can cause us to gain excess weight.
  3. Recently, I became aware of another substitute for harmful sweets - pollen. It is one of the most important beekeeping products, along with. Pollen contains a whole “bouquet” of vitamins, amino acids and microelements necessary for the body. She's rich, and... This is not just a tasty, but a truly healthy product.
  4. If you still cannot give up your favorite chocolate, then I would advise you to replace it with, or better yet, with chocolate without adding, which you can find in the section for diabetics.
  5. What can be replaced? The sweetener (s/z) that I use can be found in large hypermarkets: for example, in terms of sweetness, 1 gram replaces 1 teaspoon. It is based on sweet, which can be purchased at any pharmacy and without wasting your time looking for sweets. Also, as a natural supplement, often recommended by doctors and nutritionists, you can use. It is made from the tubers of a plant of the same name, which residents of our latitudes more often call “earthen pear.” It is worth noting that it saturates the human body with useful minerals, as well as macro- and microelements, for example, silicon, and.
  6. You should also not forget about the correctness of your diet: the body should not starve. It is the feeling of hunger that prompts us to quickly and incorrectly snack on liver, gingerbread and other things. Therefore, you should stock up in advance on the “right goodies” that will save you in difficult times.

This is probably the most basic advice. However, knowing from myself, you can quickly get tired of such simple substitutes, so for this case I have many delicious, correct recipes, some of them I come up with myself, many of them I find on the Internet. I'll share a few of them:


  • 200 g
  • 1 package
  • 10 cores
  • 2 sachets s/z

Preparation: Mix cottage cheese, ½ package of coconut flakes, s/w and lemon juice. Pour the second part of the coconut flakes into a saucer. From the resulting curd mass we form balls, with almonds in the center, and roll them in shavings. Place the prepared sweets on a plate and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Do you want to lose weight, but just can’t give up sweets? It's okay - small weaknesses are completely acceptable. Even models allow themselves sweets from time to time. It is only important to choose the right dessert, which will not leave extra centimeters on your hips or folds on your stomach.

In order to understand how dangerous a particular dessert is for your figure, you need to focus not only on the calorie content, but also on the fat content in it.

The most dangerous

The most harmful desserts (not only for your figure, but also for your health) are those with a high content of sugar and fat. They are difficult to digest, negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and, in the end, are deposited in the form of excess weight.

Cheesecake. One of the most beloved, but also the most high-calorie desserts. It combines butter, shortbread crumbs, cheese, sour cream, eggs, cream. As a result, the calorie content is almost equal to chocolate - 600-700 calories.

Layered cakes. The main component of puff pastry is butter, as well as flour and eggs. It itself is extremely high in calories and fat. If you layer it with butter cream, as in the famous “” cake, jam or any other sweet filling, you get a heavy one, containing 400-500 calories and 40-45% fat, which is better to avoid for a long time.

Shortbread dough. It is also a very heavy, fatty and difficult-to-digest dough containing butter, sugar, and egg yolks. Most often it is combined with chocolate or other butter cream, which gives it a calorie content of 420-450 calories and a fat content of 30-40%.

Ready-made flour confectionery products (cookies, waffles, muffins). Not only are shelf-stable confectionery products replete with sugar, they also almost necessarily include trans fats - the most harmful type of fat obtained artificially. Being integrated into the cells of the body, trans fats prevent the cells from being properly nourished and contribute to the accumulation of toxins in them. The calorie content of such confectionery products is 450-500 calories. Fat content – ​​25-40%.

You can sometimes allow

Tiramisu. Another world-famous dessert is quite high in calories - 450 calories - but contains some fat (15-20%). Therefore, it is easily absorbed and is not deposited in the body. But it is rich in potassium and magnesium, which is useful for people with cardiovascular diseases.

Custard cakes. The choux pastry itself, which underlies a large number of Eclair-type cakes, is quite light. It all depends on the filling. The least harmful to the figure are unsweetened and low-fat fillings - curd, fruit, sour cream or condensed milk. The calorie content of choux pastry is 250-300 calories. The fat content in cakes varies depending on the filling from 25 to 35%.

Biscuit dough. It is quite light because it does not include butter. If you layer it not with butter cream, but with jam or condensed milk, for example, you can get a completely acceptable dessert with a calorie content of 250-280 calories and a fat content of 5-15%.

Enjoy light desserts

Unleavened dough (phyllo). This dough is based on flour, water and a little vegetable oil. It is rolled out very thin, so products made from this dough are less dangerous for the figure than other types of dough. The calorie content of filo does not exceed 200 calories, it contains 2-5% fat.

Marshmallows and marmalade. They are based on egg white or fruit puree. These sweets have virtually no fat, so they are generally not harmful to your figure, although they are quite high in calories - about 300 calories.

Jelly and puddings. Also one of the safest types of desserts for your figure. They are based on gelatin or agar-agar. Jelly based on natural juices and purees contain pectin, a substance that lowers cholesterol levels and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And milk and yoghurt puddings are an excellent source of calcium. Calorie content: 150-200 calories, 0-5% fat.

Ice cream and milkshakes. Low-fat varieties of ice cream are not only not harmful to your figure, but in moderation they even promote weight loss. After all, it is an excellent source of calcium, and calcium plays an important role in losing weight, since it encourages the body to burn excess fat faster. A serving of low-calorie ice cream or frozen yogurt has a nutritional value of about 80-120 calories, 3-5% fat and provides 20-30% of your daily calcium requirement. For even greater benefits, complement the ice cream not with chocolate or caramel, but with natural or frozen fruits, nuts, and puffed rice.

Just like ice cream, milkshakes have a smooth flavor and are an excellent source of energy and calcium. They are quite high in calories (100-150 calories), but they are low in fat. rich in trace elements, proteins, minerals and vitamins, making them ideal as a light dessert. Just make them with milk, not cream, and milk ice cream, not ice cream. You can add fresh and frozen fruits, natural juice, nuts, and a little grated dark chocolate to milkshakes.

Well, what about chocolate?

It’s not for nothing that I put this type of dessert in a separate item. We women love this sweetness so much that we cannot deny ourselves it, even if we realize the damage chocolate does to our figure. But is it really that harmful?

It turns out that chocolate in moderate doses is not only harmful, but also beneficial for. Chocolate contains many antioxidants that reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. In addition, chocolate contains microelements that prevent the development of osteoporosis, flavonoids that regulate blood clotting, polyphenols that improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, caffeine, which has tonic properties, theobromine, which stimulates the functioning of the heart and central nervous system, as well as tannin, fluorine and phosphates, preventing the appearance of tartar and caries.

And although chocolate is high in fat, studies have shown that stearic acid, the main source of fat in chocolate, does not increase blood cholesterol levels. And if you especially crave chocolate when you're in a bad mood, then you're right: chocolate contains phenylethylamine, an antidepressant that is produced in the body, for example, during the period of love and promotes the production of serotonin in the brain, a substance that improves mood.

The least calorie-rich and healthy are dark and bitter, since the higher the content of cocoa beans in chocolate, the less cocoa butter it contains. Milk and white chocolate are higher in calories, so you should enjoy them less often. And it’s better not to eat chocolate bars with caramel, marmalade, nuts and other high-calorie foods.

Please also note that the more components a dessert contains, the more harmful it is, as a rule, for your figure. In addition, any dessert should be eaten before 16-17 hours, because the body must have time to process all these extra calories and fats.

All the best for your figure! Do you enjoy losing weight?

1. prune candies, only 3 ingredients!

Diet sweets are a wonderful nutritious snack!


  • * prunes - 250 g.
  • * almonds - 200 g.
  • * coconut flakes - 50 g.


Pour boiling water over the prunes and mash them in a blender. Dry and chop the nuts. Combine the mixture with coconut flakes.
Roll into balls and refrigerate.

Bon appetit!

2. useful fitness candies.


  • - 200 g oatmeal;.
  • - 50 g of nuts (we have walnuts);
  • - 100 g dried apricots (or dates);
  • - 20 g honey;
  • - 20 g vegetable oil.


1. chop nuts and dried apricots.
2. mix. Add flakes, honey and butter to them. Mix thoroughly.
3. Form balls and place in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees until the candies turn golden. On average, 15-20 minutes, but it all depends on the oven and the size of the candies.

3. PP chocolate candies with a hint of coffee.


  • * 60 ml brewed natural coffee.
  • * 60 g soft low-fat cottage cheese.
  • * 90 g skimmed milk powder.
  • * 14 g cocoa 0%.
  • * 2.5 g gelatin.
  • * stevia to taste.


Soak gelatin in cold coffee according to instructions.
Heat the coffee until the gelatin dissolves (do not boil).
Mix cottage cheese with coffee and gelatin.
Combine both mixtures and beat in a glass with a blender until smooth.
Place 1 tsp in silicone molds.
Cover with cling film and place in the freezer until completely frozen. The mass begins to harden even when unfolding.
Store in the freezer in a tightly sealed container.

4. extremely healthy truffles.

Treat yourself with sweets, and with health benefits too. Dream? But no! Now is it very simple?


  • * 250 g pitted dates.
  • * 125 g walnuts.
  • * 2 tbsp. l. water (if required).
  • * 4 tbsp. l. unsweetened cocoa powder.
  • * 1 orange.
  • * 1 lemon.
  • * a pinch of sea salt.


1. Soak dates and walnuts for 30-60 minutes, then drain. Grind them in a blender. If desired, add a little water - the cream should not turn out loose.
2. Grate the lemon and orange zest into separate bowls. 2 tbsp. l. orange zest, 3 tbsp. l. Add cocoa powder and salt to the nuts, beat with a blender again. Place the truffle dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour. During this time, dry the lemon zest in the oven and grind it with a pestle and mortar to a powder (optional).
3. Roll the dough into balls, roll them in the remaining cocoa powder, sprinkle lemon zest on top. Store sweets in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit!

5. homemade fitness candies with strawberries

Strawberry season is just around the corner! - Save it on your wall so as not to lose it?


  • Strawberries - 200 g.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l. (30 g) or sweetener to taste.
  • Cottage cheese - 250 g.
  • Oatmeal - 1 cup (plus a little more for sprinkling).
  • Coconut shavings for sprinkling (a couple of tablespoons).


1. beat the egg and, continuing to beat, add honey and cottage cheese.
2. then grind the oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder, leaving 2-3 tbsp. l. for breading, and add the rest to the curd mass. Knead a light dough.
3. pinch off small pieces from the dough and make flat cakes from them.
4. put a whole strawberry inside.
5. Roll into balls (to prevent the dough from sticking, wet your hands first.

6. Throw them into boiling water and after they float, cook for 3 minutes. Fish out with a slotted spoon. Roll in a mixture of ground flakes and coconut flakes.

7. When serving, decorate with strawberries.

Even such healthy sweets are not recommended to be consumed later than six o'clock in the evening. Their calorie content should not exceed 10% of the daily value. The lowest-calorie sweets are fruits and berries. Their energy value per 100 g of product is very low. For example, an apple contains only 77 calories, but it contains so many useful minerals and trace elements. Another fruit is banana. Although it is not the lowest in calories, it is also allowed for consumption. Banana satisfies hunger, saturates with potassium and fiber, which cleanses the intestines. You can eat any other fruits - pears, kiwis, oranges, grapefruits, pineapples, apricots, pomegranates, peaches. Berries can be a good alternative to sweets, although almost all of them taste slightly sour. Strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, cherries, currants, and gooseberries are suitable.

“Raffaello” candies made from cottage cheese are a wonderful dietary dessert that is very quick and easy to make at home, eat for pleasure, without harming your figure. Such dietary desserts can be consumed while following a diet for weight loss and even some therapeutic diets.

Curd candies Low-fat and low-fat cottage cheese make excellent and varied sweet dishes and desserts; there are many casseroles alone. Cottage cheese goes very well with fruits and berries, and

cottage cheese casserole with fruit (any kind to your taste) is the best confirmation of this. In the case of weight loss, the main thing is to know when to stop, so that weight loss is successful, you should make do with small portions, no matter how tasty your dessert turns out. What do we use to make Raffaello candies? In order to prepare such a dietary dessert from cottage cheese, you need to stock up on the following minimum set of products:

There are a lot of recipes for desserts based on cottage cheese. In addition, such a treat is convenient to use when children refuse to eat cottage cheese. Without a doubt, they will definitely like the original “dessert” serving. The light curd dessert “Raffaello” candies will be a wonderful decoration for the holiday table, and you can often pamper yourself with it without a special holiday occasion, because you don’t have to worry about having an ideally slim figure.

What sweets are fashionable to eat with proper nutrition? What are PP sweets and how to prepare them?

Many people believe that sweets are not part of a healthy diet. But this is not at all true; there is a whole list of low-calorie sweets that people on a diet can eat. We offer you the most delicious and healthy pp sweets recipes that can be easily and quickly prepared at home.

PP sweets, what is it? There are many recipes for making sweets at home, and this will undoubtedly be useful and not harmful to your figure. Some sweets can be bought ready-made in the store - marmalade, dried fruit, ice cream, etc. The main thing when purchasing is to pay attention to the composition and calorie content of such products.

Sweets made from dates and coconut flakes will be an excellent treat if you are fasting, following a diet or proper nutrition. They consist only of plant ingredients, and we will also do without adding sugar, which will make the candies healthy for children. It must be said that the main ingredient - dates, will not be felt at all in the candies, so even those who do not usually add them to their food will like it. menu.

Print the recipe for Date and Coconut Candies. Recipe with step-by-step photos Date and coconut candies can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, so you can make them for future use. But, as a rule, they don’t stay there for more than a couple of days, no matter how much you cook them...


Dietary cocoa candies. Homemade truffle recipe

Ingredients of dietary sweets:

  • 5 tbsp. low fat cocoa,
  • 7 tbsp milk,
  • 50 g whey protein (preferably chocolate flavored),
  • 4 tbsp. ground almonds,
  • 2-3 tbsp. coconut oil

How to prepare dietary truffles at home.

All ingredients must be combined in a deep bowl, leaving out only the cocoa powder. Mix them - you will get a thick sticky mass. Now you need to form small balls out of it. To do this, dip your fingers in dry cocoa every time you create another candy. Roll the finished balls in this powder. Keep the treat in the refrigerator until completely frozen.

To make delicious homemade sweets from dried fruits, we recommend that you carefully select the ingredients for preparing the delicacy. It is advisable to buy dried fruits in bulk at the market, from sellers whom you trust and are confident in the quality of the product.

It is worth paying attention to their appearance; you should not choose too bright colors, as there is a high probability that they have been treated with chemicals.

You can get healthy sweets without sugar if you use the following to prepare them:

Dates. This wonderful natural product is a good remedy for the prevention of heart, stomach, kidney diseases, as well as oncology. Dates should be eaten by women who are preparing for the birth of a child, to facilitate childbirth, and by nursing mothers to increase lactation. This healthy fruit will give men energy and strength.

Raisin. It is valued for the fact that it contains a lot of iron; it is very dangerous to use raisins for anemia, heart disease, and anemia. It should also be included in the diet if there are problems with the respiratory system.

Dried apricots. It is very useful for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Pregnant women should also eat dried apricots to avoid a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood and anemia.

Prunes. Dried plums are recommended for stomach problems, constipation, and help in losing weight and improving the health of the whole body. In addition, prunes have good antimicrobial properties and will help cope with infectious diseases.

Video Diet candy | Quick and easy recipe
