Gift photo frame in the shape of an apple, which means. Everything you wanted to know about fruits for bouquets. Three-day apple diet

You can make such a bouquet of apples with your own hands for absolutely any holiday. This is a truly extraordinary and memorable gift in a good way, which is guaranteed to be appreciated!

You can make such a luxurious bouquet of apples with your own hands for a birthday, for March 8, for a wedding, and so on. A woman will certainly be happy with such an unusual and creative gift. The choice of colors, ribbon, mesh or paper (as well as apples) is up to your taste.

Number of servings: 1

A very simple homemade apple bouquet recipe step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 1 hour. Contains only 145 kilocalories. Author's recipe for home cooking.

  • Preparation time: 7 minutes
  • Cooking time: 1 hour
  • Calorie Amount: 145 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 1 serving
  • Occasion: For a holiday table
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Miscellaneous

Ingredients for one serving

  • Apples - 7-9 Pieces
  • Decorations and flowers for floristry - 1 piece

Step-by-step preparation

  1. The bouquet can consist of different flowers and varieties of apples. I decided to take green apples, orchids, a sprig of cotton, sisal fiber, greenery, floral tape, flower cones, different colored ribbons and three types of wire.
  2. The wire needs to be decorated with tape and made into a frame for our bouquet. You will need to insert apples into one of the sticks. To avoid confusion about which sticks are for what, take them in three colors, but in different quantities. For example, I strung green apples on green sticks.
  3. We connect all the wire into one bundle. The lower part needs to be wrapped with tape, and the upper wire should be turned in different directions.
  4. The shape of the frame depends on your imagination.
  5. Since I have orchids, I put them in special green flasks with water and decorate the middle of the future bouquet with them.
  6. I plant the apples on the wire and continue decorating the bouquet.
  7. At the very end, I glue on cotton boxes, which will give my composition a special contrast.
  8. Red apples would also look good in this composition. The size of the bouquet is determined by the frame. The more apples, the stiffer the wire should be.

A bouquet of fruits is an original decoration for a festive table, a tasty delicacy and an unusual gift, a worthy replacement for traditional flower arrangements. It is a picturesque bunch of beautifully cut fruits that match in shape and color. The bouquet can also use greenery, candy or toys if it is intended for a child. In addition, creating a fruit bouquet with your own hands is a very interesting activity that can turn into a hobby for the whole family if you involve children in culinary creativity. A bright and stylish dessert will surprise guests and decorate any feast.

Secrets of creating fruit bouquets with your own hands

Even a novice cook will easily understand how to make a fruit bouquet with his own hands if he uses our instructions.

Preparing fruits for a spectacular bouquet

To create bouquets, you will need any berries - for example, strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, melon, grapes and all the fruits that you or the hero of the occasion like. The fruits must be beautiful, ripe, without stains or damage, and most importantly, not too juicy, otherwise the pieces will not stick to the skewers. Naturally, the fruits need to be washed well, dried and peeled (if we are talking about pineapple and citrus fruits), seeds and stalks, so to make the process easier, buy seedless grapes. It is best to cut the fruit just before serving so that it does not darken and retains its attractive appearance, and if this is not possible, sprinkle it with lemon juice, which will preserve the natural color of the fruit. By the way, banana darkens in any case, so it can be used in fruit bouquets only if it is glazed.

For greater preservation and a pleasant gloss, pieces of fruit and berries can be dipped in an acidified gelatin solution of water, lemon juice, gelatin and a small amount of cognac. After hardening in the cold, you can make a second layer of jelly.

When stringing pieces of fruit onto skewers, sharp ends are sometimes visible, which can be covered with grape halves. Grapes are also used to support large elements - such as pineapple flowers. If they slide down the skewer, they need to be strengthened with grapes, placing the berries under the “flowers”. If you are preparing a bouquet for an adult, you can inject a few drops of alcohol into the grapes with a syringe - for piquancy and an unforgettable taste. Pieces of fruit are also sometimes soaked in wine or strong alcohol.

Devices for beautiful cutting

You can beautifully cut fruits with a regular knife, as well as using a slicer, a slicer knife for curly slicing vegetables and fruits, special graters, a Thai knife for cutting out patterns and other carving devices. Stores sell universal and multifunctional sets, which feature a whole arsenal of knives for creating relief patterns on fruits, as well as a variety of carvings for removing fruit cores, seeds and pulp from citrus fruits.

There are kitchen tools that help you cut out flowers, petals and animal figures from fruits - it all depends on the designer’s design idea. To work with pineapple, for example, metal cookie cutters with sharp edges are used, and melon balls are formed using an ice cream scoop. Figured pieces of fruit are strung on long wooden skewers - one at a time or several pieces, depending on your imagination.

Choosing a vase for a fruit arrangement

Fruit bouquets are usually served in a wide and low vase or basket, in which a soft base is placed, into which skewers with fruit are stuck. This can be a piece of tight dough, a head of lettuce, or an “oasis” for flowers, from which the base is cut out to fit the shape of the container. Such an “oasis” can be bought at any flower shop; the most important thing is to cover it with cling film so that this material does not come into contact with the edible elements of the composition. When making fruit bouquets, you can do without a base, using tall vases and very long skewers.

If you decide to use a clear vase, hide the unsightly dough or “oasis” at the bottom of the container by wrapping the base in a pretty napkin. You can string grapes onto the lower end of wooden skewers placed in a tall transparent container, and then the bottom of the container does not need to be covered - the bouquet will look stylish and unusual. You can do it even simpler - put a vase or glass on a napkin, lift its edges and tie a bright ribbon around the container.

Additional decorating techniques

Vegetables, flowers, herbs, candies, chocolate, cookies, toys, ribbons and bows are often used to create fruit bouquets. Such compositions are created for weddings and other celebrations. Chocolate glaze is often used, into which pieces of fruit are dipped on skewers, then they are dried in air using a special stand.

Before glazing, the berries can be soaked for 10 minutes in cognac or rum, rolled in powdered sugar and only then dipped in chocolate glaze. Try dipping part of the fruit in white chocolate and the other part in dark chocolate, it will turn out very original. After dipping fruits and berries into the glaze, they are often sprinkled with coconut, poppy seeds, chopped nuts or other toppings, but this must be done immediately before the glaze hardens.

A fruit bouquet is very beautiful, in which pieces of fruit and berries are decorated with patterns of chocolate, cream or fondant - such patterns can be made using a cornet, a cone-shaped paper tube.

When composing a bouquet, evenly alternate long and short skewers, different shapes and shades so that the bouquet looks harmonious. The gaps between the elements of the bouquet and the wooden skewers are covered with greenery, so the composition looks more natural.

A miniature fruit bouquet on one skewer looks very stylish for decorating cocktails, juices, compotes, jelly and fruit drinks.

DIY fruit bouquets: step-by-step instructions

At the master class on making fruit bouquets, you will see how simple and beautiful fruit bouquets are created, which are then arranged into a single composition. So, we will learn how to make a fruit bouquet with our own hands step by step.

For the bouquet you will need: large pineapple with greenish spots on the skin. Such fruits are denser and do not fall apart in the bouquet, round seedless grapes, strawberries, oranges, green and red apples, lemon for juice, grapefruit, lettuce, long wooden skewers for kebabs, flour, water, salt, vegetable oil for unleavened dough .

Tools: sharp knife, slicer, basket, long wooden skewers for kebabs, cookie cutters or carving cutters.


1. Wash the fruit well.

2. Knead a tight dough, similar in consistency to plasticine, so that the skewers hold steady in it. Let the dough rest for a while under a towel.

3. Form the dough into a ball and place it in the bottom of the basket.

4. Cut the pineapple into circles approximately 1.5 cm thick and cut out flowers and hearts from them using cutters.

5. Place pineapple flowers on skewers, paired with a grape, which will become the center of the flower.

6. Pierce the pineapple hearts with skewers not across, but lengthwise.

7. Cut green and red apples with a knife or slicer, sprinkle them with lemon juice and place on skewers.

8. Place 5-6 grapes on each skewer.

9. Cut the orange and grapefruit into slices and rings directly in the peel and also put them on skewers.

10. Place the strawberries on skewers without removing the green stems - they will give the bouquet a more interesting look.

11. Assemble the fruit composition by inserting skewers into the dough, experimenting with their length.

12. Decorate the free space between the skewers with lettuce leaves.

Fruit carving bouquets are short-lived, so you will have to eat them as quickly as possible, and usually this is not a problem, especially if there are many children in the house. And to ensure that luxurious fruit compositions “live” until tasting, after cooking, sprinkle them with ice water mixed with lemon juice. This DIY fruit bouquet master class will teach you the basic rules of how to create stylish and appetizing fruit arrangements, and you can use these techniques to create your own unique arrangements. Use your imagination and let your holiday table always look spectacular!

So many new things appear every day! It's even hard to imagine what will happen tomorrow. Our planet, with its huge number of creative and talented people, is simply teeming with interesting and amazing ideas. One of these ideas is bouquets of apples, oranges, onions, and garlic, which appear every now and then in information columns, striking in their originality.

Straight from the garden

This whole trend began relatively recently, but has already amazed the whole world so much that the expression “fruit bouquet” will no longer surprise anyone. Why did they become so popular? The fact is that, thanks to the composition of the bouquet, it can be useful not only in a glass vase: from all the components you can make any dish, be it a salad or a delicious soup.

In addition, the choice of ingredients is so huge that such a gift will be able to please everyone, from lovers of berries and fruits to connoisseurs of overseas exotics.

What's on our list?

And in fact, to make such a miracle yourself, it’s worth visiting a regular hypermarket: in our case, apples of any color and size will be used. If you want to receive a small and neat gift, then a bouquet of small apples will simply fit perfectly into this setting. This option will also look good at a wedding, like a fruit bouquet for the bride, with which she can surprise all the guests.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, there is also no need to worry about the color palette, because the choice is not limited to the green harvest from the garden. In addition, bouquets of red apples look very good at any celebration.

Vegetable garden on a shelf

Before we tell you how to make a bouquet of apples, you should carefully prepare all the components. You can find most of it in a regular grocery store or market, and the rest of the materials should be looked for in craft or floristry stores.

Apples. It’s worth taking a little longer to choose them, as they will be the main part of the bouquet. The variety of varieties is so great that it is difficult to decide on just one, and it is worth studying the properties of each variety separately. So, the perfect bouquet of apples with your own hands can be made only from hard and juicy apples, which will definitely last for some time as a gift without losing their attractive appearance. It is also worth paying attention to the external qualities of the fruit, since bouquets of apples that have seen the world are unlikely to please anyone.

Other vegetables and fruits. But it should be noted that it is best to opt for fruits, since apples in combination, for example, with potatoes will look, at least, strange. Pomegranates, oranges, tangerines and other foods that have a bright color that attracts the eye are best suited.

In addition, if you want to make a bouquet of apples and flowers together, you will have to purchase green plant species. More than ever, they are combined with the fruit components of the bouquet. Persistent species, such as spruce or coniferous, do the best job, as they not only add elegance to the bouquet, but also give it a wonderful aroma.

What does the world rest on?

It is clear that we are unlikely to cope without strong reinforcement, so it is also worth stocking up on gluing and fastening materials that any florist has.

Skewers. Their selection in stores is not limited, but only thick and strong options intended for kebabs or something like that are suitable for us. It is best if they are made of wood, since they come into direct contact with products that will subsequently be consumed.

Scotch. We will need a little of it, but its thin version is definitely not suitable for this case, as it will pull the pile of skewers together.

Good scissors or knife. We will use them when we have to trim the tips of skewers, branches and flowers.

Packaging paper. In this case, there is enormous scope for your imagination, since the choice of packaging has long been not limited to newspapers. You can skillfully combine the idea of ​​a gift, the color of the bouquet filler and its wrapping. However, we will opt for vintage craft paper, which still remains popular.

Thread, ribbon or cord for tying a bouquet.


Since bouquets of apples imply their further use, it is worth following small rules that will protect you from accidental surprises. Of course, be sure to wash your hands before starting the process, thereby protecting yourself from germs.

In addition, thoroughly wash all fruits, vegetables, skewers and twigs that will become the base for the gift. So, you will simply protect yourself from unexpected troubles. Also be careful when working with skewers and cutting tools, which can cause harm to you and others due to sudden movement.

Bouquet of apples: master class

Let's get down to the manufacturing process itself. Since this article is aimed not only at experienced craftsmen, but also at beginners in this matter, we will carefully consider the entire process, paying great attention to all important points.

First, let's take living components: apples and pomegranates, in our case. Gently holding the fruit in your hand, we stick a skewer into it, inserting it until it sits tightly. So, you need to insert about 3-4 skewers into one object, slightly intertwining their bases, giving the object stability. In this way we “process” all the fruits that are included in our homemade bouquet. Carefully place the prepared components for further work.

We begin to connect the fruit and berry parts of the bouquet, alternately replacing them with each other. For example, we take one apple and tightly match a pomegranate to it, securing their skewers with several layers of tape. Then, you can add a couple of pine branches, another layer of pomegranates and apples. Do not forget that as soon as you form a new level, you need to carefully wrap it with tape to make it strong and immovable.

It is most convenient to hold the bouquet in your left hand, and with your right hand to continuously wrap the bases with adhesive tape, without stopping to unnecessary trimming and searching for the beginning of the tape. In addition, a clean surface with neatly laid out bouquet components will make the work a little easier, reducing the time spent on confusion and searching for necessary items.

Wrapped in beautiful paper

When all the pomegranate apples have already been collected in the bouquet, you can move on to its external decoration - packaging. It is also easy to make, but thanks to it, bouquets of apples become many times more beautiful, since all the flaws in the work process are hidden under the rustling packaging.

First, cut off all protruding branches. So, if the skewers have approximately the same length, then the branches and flowers can have long stems. Gently holding the gift itself with your hand, we shorten the stems, putting as little pressure on the bouquet itself as possible. This means that you should not, in fits of perfectionism, press the bouquet to the table surface, shake it and wrinkle it, thereby spoiling its appearance.

When the top item is ready, you can start making paper decorations. To do this, take the paper, giving it the shape of an elongated rectangle, and attach it to one side of the bouquet. Then, as if stretching the paper, wrap the entire base of the bouquet. And there’s nothing to worry about if it doesn’t work out the first time: it’s absolutely normal. You just have to unfold the whole paper and start over. Also, don’t worry about dents in the paper that form every now and then when trying to wrap a bouquet. All these details will only emphasize the originality and individuality of your gift.

Decoration options

Now that the entire bouquet is ready, you can slightly decorate it. To do this, take a twine or satin ribbon and carefully tie it to the base of our homemade gift. In addition, you can tie a tag to the thread where wishes, your names or something else will be written.

A tag or card can also be placed between the delicious filling of the bouquet, as florists usually do with real flower bouquets.

Why him?

And now the main question, which is probably of interest to many adherents of ordinary bouquets of bright flower arrangements. Why a bouquet of apples? In fact, the answer is simple: it has many advantages, pushing the classics of past centuries back.

The fact is that it is easier to maintain, since such a gift does not need to be placed in a vase with water, into which it is necessary to add some special additives so that the flowers retain their color and aroma longer. Then, you don’t need to clean up after it, like a bouquet of roses that sheds a couple of leaves every day, hinting at its expiring life. And in the final result, in the case of a delicious bouquet, only the wrapper and skewers will go into the trash. Another thing is flowers, which even in dried form are a pity to throw away.

And if you remember the variety of food supplies that a person has, then this question quickly disappears. After all, when choosing flowers, you often don’t even know what is best suited in a given situation, what preferences a person has, or maybe he is even allergic to plant pollen.

Then a bouquet of apples with your own hands is what is ideal for any celebration, for a person of any age and income. Your job is only to skillfully combine products, using them wisely, because the impression of the gift will last for a long time.

What to give for the holiday? Every person has faced this problem at least once in their life. And those who have not encountered this will definitely have to do so. Difficulties are caused by various aspects - not enough time to choose, little acquaintance with the person, everything necessary is already available, lack of finances.

How to resolve the issue? After all, coming empty-handed is the height of indecency, and giving a figurine from the nearest supermarket is a clear sign of disinterest in the person.

You can take a nice package with a bottle of expensive booze and a box of chocolates, but this is banal and not always appropriate. In an attempt to solve the situation, “edible bouquets” began to appear on the Internet.

Master class step by step

What do you need:

  1. Skewers. Be sure to be long, not short. Products will be strung on them.
  2. Rope. Preferably sealing wax - it is unnoticeable and quite strong.
  3. Floral ribbon.
  4. Secateurs or wire cutters (cut off excess length of skewers).
  5. Products.

The sequence of assembling a bouquet of vegetables and fruits with your own hands:

  1. Prepare fruits and vegetables - remove any branches, leaves, and wash them from dirt. Sometimes cut fruits are used in bouquets - this way they look more beautiful. For example, remove the “cap” from a pomegranate or cut corn, because a whole cob is too large and will not look good in a bouquet. Grapes are not used in bunches. It is divided into branches.
  2. Thread vegetables and fruits onto skewers, and secure a ribbon underneath them, lowering it to the middle. This will prevent food from sliding down. The grapes are tied to a skewer by the root of the branch.
  3. Collect prepared vegetables into a bouquet. The process occurs in a spiral, on weight. It is recommended to collect them in front of a mirror in order to see the work from all sides, because the more elements in the bouquet, the heavier it is and it is difficult to twist it in your hands. And the design is easy to break.
  4. The collected bouquet is secured at the base with a rope.
  5. The next step is to trim off the excess length. If you don't have tools, you can carefully break it off, but this is a difficult task.
  6. At the end, the bouquet is wrapped, like a flower bouquet, in a bright wrapper and decorated with a ribbon.

How to make a bouquet of whole vegetables and fruits

Combining sweet, juicy fruits with bland-tasting vegetables is a good idea. After all, a bouquet is a delight for the eyes, not a salad. They will eat it afterwards. It is important to maintain color and dimensional proportions. It is advisable to select elements of the bouquet of similar sizes.

Step-by-step master class:

Autumn composition

When creating bouquets with a seasonal theme, the color association and products characteristic of a specific time of year are taken as a basis.

How to make an autumn bouquet of flowers, vegetables and fruits:

  1. We choose products. Give preference to yellow, red, purple fruits and vegetables - apples, plums, onions, peppers, grapes. It is advisable to avoid green shades.
  2. Take a few sprigs of autumn flowers - chrysanthemums, asters, September flowers. The color scheme is at your discretion, but it is advisable to choose one close to the tone of the products.
  3. Preparation follows the standard - wash and dry.
  4. Next is the stringing stage. For large fruits, it is recommended to use several skewers.
  5. Assembly. A place for imagination. There is no need to rush to throw everything into a pile. Choose any one fruit/vegetable that “looks” at you, making it the center of the composition, and then try on the rest of the set with it. New elements are added in a spiral.
  6. During the assembly process, flower branches are inserted into the bouquet, but there should not be many of them. It is almost impossible to insert flowers into a ready-made bouquet.
  7. The finished bouquet is tied with twine and wrapped in wrapping paper, tied with ribbon.

Gift for a child

The child will not be touched by the gift for a long time, he will want to eat it! If he has to wait for his mother to unpack and peel, all the excitement will instantly fade away. This point is worth paying attention to and creating a composition that is ready for use without lengthy ceremonies.

If everything is relatively simple with fruits, then vegetables may raise suspicions. For example, what to do with onions? When choosing vegetables, think about which ones your child can eat right away. The simplest example is a cucumber. Lettuce leaves will act as a decorative element, but you can also use them. Let's start creating.

How to collect a children's bouquet of vegetables and fruits as a gift:

  1. We choose products. Everything must be in season, fresh and not spoiled. Strawberries in May will cause an attack of acetone, and watermelons and melons in June will cause intestinal problems. Remember this!
  2. How to apply? It’s not just fruits that will cause an enthusiastic squeal, but fruits cut into shapes. Take a metal cutter and cut large fruits (for example, pineapple) into stars/flowers. Grapes can be used as a core for flowers. Citruses and apples will look good in triangular crescent slices. Fruits covered in chocolate will bring you the highest bliss - melt the bar in a water bath, dip the fruit into the liquid mixture and let it freeze in the refrigerator. Grapes can be strung several pieces on one skewer, and their color can also be alternated. Cucumber slices will look great in the form of leaves, which can also be easily made using molds or a simple knife. They are strung on skewers along the entire plane.
  3. Assembly. You can use the classic version, or you can stretch yourself and make a “magic basket”. Buy a small deep basket at the market. In it, at the bottom, place a simple dough - flour, water, salt. Knead it until it becomes plasticine, letting it lie under a towel. In the future, skewers will be inserted into it, so there should be enough of it to hold the structure. It’s better to knead more and make plasticine from the rest by adding food coloring.
  4. The prepared products are strung on skewers, which are inserted into the basket. It is better to make the length different, creating a slide effect. Lettuce leaves are placed below, framing the bouquet.

When choosing a product for a bouquet, always give preference to solid! Soft, ripe fruits will not hold up and will fall apart in your hands before the holiday.

Appearance is the key to success. Buy the most expensive and most beautiful apple. It’s one thing, not a kilogram.

Sliced ​​fruits can be coated with chocolate, fondant or gelatin. This will create additional taste and give the bouquet a touch of sophistication.

Grapes are used to support large slices on skewers or to hide protruding ends.

In bouquets for adults, alcohol is injected into the grapes through a syringe to add a piquant taste. Fruit slices can be soaked in wine, cognac or liqueur, but not all, but only some.

Do not overdo it with the decor - there should be no more flowers and lettuce leaves than the edible part.

When buying groceries, you shouldn’t fill a whole basket. If according to the plan there are 2 apples in the bouquet, take 3, in case of force majeure, but no more.

A bouquet of vegetables and fruits is a unique gift. It is appropriate for both adults and children, for birthdays, name days, and office celebrations. It can be eaten overnight, or it can last the entire celebration. It has a lot of stylistic varieties and decorative elements.

99 ideas for giving an apple

Instructions for use of apple

1. Apple is the fruit of the apple tree, which is eaten fresh and serves as a raw material in cooking and for making drinks.

2. It is recommended to take apples orally, during meals, with food, or instead of food with plenty of water. Adults - 1 slice or 1 apple (as many as you can eat) 1 time per day (preferably at night) “When you eat an apple at night, you leave your doctor out of work” - that’s what our ancestors said.

3. Chemical composition of the product “apples”

Nutrients, vitamins, microelements per 100 g:

Calorie content: 42.0 kcal

Water: 86.3 g

Proteins: 0.4 g

Fat: 0.4 g

Carbohydrates: 9.8 g

Unsaturated fatty acids: 0.1 g

Mono- and disaccharides: 9.0 g

Starch: 0.8 g

Dietary fiber: 1.8 g

Organic acids: 0.8 g

Ash: 0.5 g

Vitamin A: 0.03 mg

Vitamin B1: 0.03 mg

Vitamin B2: 0.02 mg

Vitamin B3: 0.07 mg

Vitamin B6: 0.08 mg

Vitamin B9: 2.0 mcg

Vitamin C: 10.0 mg

Vitamin E: 0.6 mg

Vitamin H: 0.3 mcg

Vitamin PP: 0.3 mg

Iron: 2.2 mg

Potassium: 278.0 mg

Calcium: 16.0 mg

Magnesium: 9.0 mg

Sodium: 26.0 mg

Sulfur: 5.0 mg

Phosphorus: 11.0 mg

Chlorine: 2.0 mg

Aluminum: 110.0 mcg

Boron: 245.0 mcg

Vanadium: 4.0 mcg

Iodine: 2.0 mcg

Cobalt: 1.0 mcg

Manganese: 47.0 mcg

Copper: 110.0 mcg

Molybdenum: 6.0 mcg

Nickel: 17.0 mcg

Rubidium: 63.0 mcg

Fluoride: 8.0 mcg

Chromium: 4.0 mcg

Zinc: 150.0 mcg


Piece: 165.0 g

Tea glass: 250.0 g

Faceted glass: 200.0 g

Teaspoon: 7.0 g

Tablespoon: 20.0 g

4. Apple prevents constipation by promoting healthy digestion.


6. Interpretation of the dream about “Apples”

Apples are a very good dream for most people. Seeing red apples on trees in green foliage is extremely favorable for the one who sees this dream.

If you dream that you are eating spoiled apples, this dream does not bode well.

Ripe apples on the tree mean that the time has come for your hopes to come true, it’s time to think carefully about what you are going to do and boldly move forward.

Ripe apples at the top of the tree warn you not to get too high in your desires. Apples on the ground mean that you will be harmed by false friends and flatterers. Rotten apples promise fruitless efforts.

7. Apple reduces intoxication and has antiviral activity. By eating just 100 g of this fruit, you will get the same antioxidant effect as consuming 1500 mg of ascorbic acid. Drinking freshly squeezed apple juice three times a day is an effective preventive antiviral remedy.

8. Apples - time-tested.

During excavations, archaeologists find evidence that people collected and stored apples five thousand years ago, and most likely grew them since Neolithic times.

9. Apples are excellent at removing toxins from the human body.

10. Apples prepare favorable soil for the production of their own beneficial bacteria in the intestines.” This is important and relevant, given the prevalence of dysbiosis and the increase in diseases associated with digestive disorders. In order to solve the problem of indigestion, it is enough to eat an apple before meals.

11. Choose our, domestic apples. Even if it contains a worm, this speaks only in favor of the product and proves its naturalness. Imported apples, in the pursuit of producers for four to five harvests per year, unfortunately, do not meet the required composition of either vitamins or microelements


Apples can relieve stress and calm you down. Apple tea is best suited for this purpose.

To prepare tea, you need to rinse 3-5 apples well, cut them into pieces along with the peel, add 1 liter of water, boil for 10 minutes, add honey or sugar to taste. Drink 1-2 glasses 3-4 times a day.

13. Regular consumption of this fruit helps heal people from gout and rheumatism.

14. Like the apple tree, so are the apples.

15. Do not buy apples that are stored at room temperature, because they become overripe and lose many of their healing properties.

16.Apples must be firm. Do not buy apples that leave a fingerprint on them when pressed.

17. Store apples in the refrigerator, this way they retain their beneficial properties longer.

18.To prevent darkening of the apple pulp, treat the cut areas with a mixture of lemon juice and water.

19.Canadian researchers have found that red apples are tastier and healthier than others, so try to eat them.

20. You need to eat two apples a day to keep your heart healthy and protect yourself from stroke

21. An apple cleans your teeth and strengthens your gums.

22. Apple fiber also has a stimulating and tightening effect, which helps prevent sagging tissue when losing extra pounds.

23. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree - says a Russian proverb about the connection between generations.

In addition to a positive symbol of health, fertility, prosperity, marital love and healthy offspring, spring rebirth, apples among the ancient Slavs personified the mystery of life and death. According to Russian tradition, an apple was a mandatory offering at the grave of ancestors. It was believed that the fruit would help preserve in the memory of the living the image of those who had already passed away. It also symbolized the infinity of the cycle of life.

24. A healthy apple does not fall from the branch.

25. The apple is ripe, red, sweet,

The apple is crunchy, with a smooth skin.

I'll break the apple in half

I'll share an apple with my friend.

26. Apple pectins, together with tannins, accelerate the removal of harmful substances from the colon, such as lead and arsenic. If a cut apple has a tart taste and quickly darkens, then it is useful for people who have increased fragility of blood vessels

27 The tree is crooked, but the apples are sweet.

28. One large apple compensates for about 30% of a person’s daily fiber requirement. Apples contain the highest amount of fiber and pectin compared to other fruits

29. Apple has a diuretic and cleansing effect and facilitates the process of removing water and toxins from the body.

30. Apple cider vinegar is different from regular vinegar: it does not contain irritating acetic acid, but contains a whole range of amino acids and trace elements. A mixture of it and olive oil can be used to dress salads for those who want to lose weight - such a dressing is not only light, but also very tasty.

31. You can’t fence an apple with fear.

32. A little poetry

The collective farm garden calmed down and fell asleep again.

The excitement of the fast chase is gone.

Oh apple! I'm infinitely happy -

Well, finally you are in the palm of my hand!

Your features are lovely and tender,

And how easy and how beautiful

The light of the moon plays on the wet skin

With its unique overflow!

Desires stir the mind...

With a sharply short movement

I sink my teeth into the wonderful aroma,

And the juice flows like a stream down your chin.

And happiness in this sweet silence

Overwhelms by a violent wave.

How much you awaken in me,

Divine eyeball...

33. A wormy apple on a branch until the first wind.

34. Grated apple mixed with yogurt helps with diarrhea.

36. Don’t shake the apple while it’s green; when it’s ripe, it will fall on its own; (Life experience and instructions)

37. Don’t grow an apple on a Christmas tree.

38. Rejuvenating apple

Myths and fairy tales of the peoples of the world contain a large number of references to the power of apple tree fruits to give eternal youth and prolong life.

The hero Hercules stole the golden apples of the Hesperides, which promised the owner eternal youth.

The Scandinavian god Locky also stole the rejuvenating apples.

Numerous Russian fairy tales tell about the ability of apples to restore and protect youth.

39. The apple represents the fullness of life, the joy of love and spring rebirth.

40. Like the gardener, like the apple.



43. Apple lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the body, reducing the risk of blockages in blood vessels and heart attacks. If you eat just two apples a day, you will reduce cholesterol levels in your body by 10%.

44. Apple of discord

Peleus and Thetis, the parents of the Trojan War hero Achilles, forgot to invite the goddess of discord Eris to their wedding. Eris was very offended and secretly threw a golden apple onto the table at which gods and mortals were feasting; on it was written: “To the most beautiful.” A terrible dispute arose between three goddesses: the wife of Zeus - Hero, Athena - the maiden, goddess of wisdom, and the beautiful goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite.

“The young man Paris, the son of the Trojan king Priam, was chosen as judge between them. Paris awarded the apple to the goddess of beauty. Grateful Aphrodite helped Paris kidnap the wife of the Greek king Menelaus, the beautiful Helen. To take revenge for such an insult, the Greeks went to war against Troy. As you can see, the apple of Eris actually led to discord.

The memory of this remains the expression “apple of discord,” meaning any cause of disputes and strife. They also sometimes say “apple of Eris”, “apple of Paris”. You can often hear the words “throw a bone of discord between several people.” The meaning of this is completely clear.

45. Apples reduce warts; for inflammatory diseases of the skin of the face, they are widely used for masks due to their high content of tannins.

46. ​​The most widespread is the domestic apple tree. Today, there are many varieties of this type of apple tree growing in different climatic conditions.

47. Choose only the Antonovka variety to get enough iron. Apples are very useful for hypertension, prevent and cure anemia, thanks to the iron they contain.

48. The fruit in folklore is also a symbol of hope for a successful marriage for future spouses, and also personifies family ties

49. An apple is the fruit of a lost paradise, a symbol of lost unearthly bliss. At the same time, earthly rulers rest their right hand on an apple-shaped orb, so the fruit is a symbol of worldly power.

50. Apple - forbidden fruit

The forbidden fruit, as you know, is always sweet, which cannot be said about all varieties of apples. However, the first translators of the Bible blamed the apple for the fall of the first man, although the Book of Books itself does not specifically name the fruit with which Eve seduced Adam. Why did the apple become a symbol of original sin? Probably the reason was the incredible popularity of this tasty and healthy fruit.

At the same time, the apple personifies heavenly bliss before the Fall. It is no coincidence that the name of the mythical city of Avalon comes from the Welsh name for the fruit.

51. All of Europe is talking about the Michurin hybrid

52. The fruits of the apple tree played a large role in wedding ceremonies and in rituals associated with the birth of children. Accepting an apple as a gift meant for the girl consent to marriage. Apple tree branches decorated the festive wedding table. The apple is a symbol of the bride's chastity. One half of it was eaten by the bride and groom before their wedding night. During the wedding, the bride had to throw an apple over the altar in order to have many children. A pregnant woman had to hold on to a branch of an apple tree so that the child would be born beautiful and healthy. According to tradition, apples were given to women in labor. They came to christenings with them, caroled with them and invited them to the wedding.

53. It is believed that the birthplace of the apple tree is Central Asia.

54. Apple - a symbol of precision

“To the bull’s eye” is a catchphrase meaning amazing accuracy of a hit. The legendary archer William Tell, as well as other heroes and robbers, most often chose an apple as a target for archery competitions.

55. One of the most favorite holidays in Rus' is Apple Savior,

Honey Spas, Apple Spas.

Mid-August is rich in folk and religious holidays. Experts in folk traditions never swim after the Savior on the Water, and do not eat apples before the Apple Savior. The wisdom of folk customs helps to maintain health and live in harmony with nature.

Apple Savior is the name of the holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Russian folk tradition. At the end of the festive liturgy on this day, the blessing of apples takes place. Apple Spas opens the apple season. In accordance with folk traditions and customs, apples were not eaten until this day.

56. Apple diets

The apple mono-diet, like many other mono-diets, is good as an addition to full-fledged diets. There are several options for the apple mono-diet and all of them must be used no more than once a week, preferably after the weekend.

1st version of the apple mono-diet

Throughout the day you need to eat only fresh apples; you can consume them in any quantity. From the liquid you can drink non-carbonated mineral water and various weak herbal teas without adding sugar.

2nd version of the apple mono-diet

During the day you can eat no more than 1.5 kg of apples. Apples can be consumed in any form - baked, grated, finely chopped, whole. You can’t drink anything on this apple mono-diet.

3rd version of the apple mono-diet

Consumption of fresh apples with kefir is allowed. For the whole day you need to eat 5-6 apples, washing each with half a glass of low-fat kefir. This apple mono-diet helps not only to lose weight and relieve the body, but also to make it easier to survive toxicosis during pregnancy.

4th version of the apple mono-diet

This apple mono-diet is quite strict, so it is not so easy to endure; such a diet lasts six days. In addition to fresh apples, you can eat unsalted rye crackers in small quantities and drink weak green tea without sugar. Throughout the diet, you need to eat apples in the following order:

1st day - 1 kg of apples;

2nd day - 1.5 kg of apples;

3rd day - 2 kg of apples;

4th day - 2 kg of apples;

5th day - 1.5 kg of apples;

Day 6 - 1 kg of apples.

Apple-kefir diet

The apple-kefir diet has two options, each of which is quite satisfying, nutritious and contains a large number of vital micro- and macroelements. But, despite this, it is recommended to use both versions of the apple-kefir diet for no longer than 2-4 days, because These diets are considered inferior; they do not provide the body with all the necessary nutrients.

1st version of the apple-kefir diet

Breakfast: one grated apple, seasoned with 2-3 tablespoons of low-fat kefir. The dish can be supplemented with one tablespoon of oatmeal or one teaspoon of honey.

Second breakfast: one glass of low-fat kefir.

Lunch: 2-3 large fresh apples.

Afternoon snack: one glass of kefir.

Dinner: two baked apples.

An hour before bed, drink one glass of low-fat kefir.

Option 2 of the apple-kefir diet

Breakfast: one baked apple with a teaspoon of honey, one glass of kefir.

Second breakfast: one fresh apple.

Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese mixed with kefir and seasoned with one tablespoon of jam or marmalade.

Afternoon snack: grated apple mixed with finely ground walnuts and seasoned with one teaspoon of honey. One glass of low-fat kefir.

Dinner: two baked apples (can be sprinkled with powdered sugar if desired).

An hour before bedtime, you need to drink one glass of bifidokefir.

Three-day apple diet

An apple diet for 3 days effectively cleanses the intestines and, by reducing the caloric content of the diet, allows you to lose 1-2 kg of excess weight. The three-day apple diet is recommended for people who quit smoking and do not want to gain excess weight.

The principle of the three-day apple diet is very simple - every day you need to eat up to two kilograms of fresh (preferably green) apples, washing them down with plain or still mineral water; on the second day of the diet, the diet can be supplemented with 200 grams of low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese.

Apple-honey diet

When following the apple-honey diet, you need to eat up to 1.5 kilograms of fresh apples per day. In the evening and before going to bed, you need to eat apples baked in the oven with honey. This weight loss diet allows you to lose up to 4 kg in a week.

Apple diets cleanse the intestines well and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Apples contain a lot of nickel, iron, potassium salt, manganese and vitamins A, B, C, PP, and apple seeds contain iodine, so be sure to eat them too. Honey is considered a dietary product that contains a large amount of substances beneficial to the body, but when on a diet, it is undesirable to consume a lot of honey, because. it is very high in calories.

Apples and honey are valuable foods, but they do not have all the necessary nutrients. These products do not contain fats and amino acids that are vital for humans, and they do not contain many vitamins and minerals. In addition, vitamins A, E and K, which are found in apples, are fat-soluble and cannot be absorbed without fat.

The conclusion follows from this: if you do not want problems with your health, this diet should be followed for only a few days.

Before “going on” the apple diet, we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor.

57. A humorous story about apples

The father pushed his son into a corner:

You have two apples. I threw one away. How much do you have left?

Quiet whining.

You had two apples. I cut one into pieces. How much do you have left?

Whining, poking, pressing against the wall.

You had two apples. I ate one! ...I ate one! How much do you have left?

Crying, roaring, hitting.

You held two unwashed apples in your dirty hands. I snatched one from you and ate it. How much do you have left?

Scream, cry:

Dad, don't.

No, it's necessary. You had two apples. I snatched one from you and trampled on it! I trampled one of the two underfoot! How much do you have left?

Trembling, howling, screaming. Mom's squeal:

Leave the child!

He is idiot! I'm changing the condition. You had two apples. You ate one! You ate one yourself!

How many apples do you have left, idiot?!

Ah-ah-ah! Don't hit me! Dad!

No zoo! No guests! You will never have a birthday! I'll spend the whole holiday with this idiot. You had two apples... Zina, do we have apples? A? What?! Give me some carrots... You had two carrots, you son of a bitch! I took it away... Give it... Give it, idiot... This is arithmetic. I took one from you and ate it.

Here: grunt, grunt... Ha! Look: grunt, grunt...

Grisha, she's unwashed.

Nothing! Let him see. I ate one carrot with the ground. How many carrots do you have left?


Look!!! How many dirty carrots are left in your stinking hands?!


That's right, son. Now back to the apples...



Don't cry! Reply! You had two apples...

Grisha, I beg you.

We must! This idiot with carrots answered correctly. So there is hope. I develop abstract thinking in him... You had two apples...

Ah-ah-ah! No need!

Grisha, don't!

No! Either he won't be an idiot, or he won't grow up at all! You had two apples...

Silence! The whole house is silent! Nobody gives any advice. I, your dad, took away from you... one apple out of two.


I, your father, took one of your two apples from you... Stop! Be silent! You had one apple. I sneaked up and gave you... Don't cry! I snuck up behind...

No, I sneaked up in front and gave you a second apple... How many do you have left? I'm changing the terms. You don't have any apples at all, you're standing there like an idiot. I creep up unnoticed and give you, my beloved son, one apple. How many apples do you have now? No, you bastard! No! Better keep quiet. Don't say anything... Where did you get the second apple? Where did you get the second one? I gave you one. Let's go first...

You, my beloved son, stand there like an idiot and look... You have no apples. Nothing at all! Wind; "Aaah!" Wolves: "Oooh!" Here I crawl out of the forest. I sneak up unnoticed. I creep up quietly. And you stand alone.

You have nothing. Wind, wolves... Here I am quietly from the black forest

sneaking up. I come in from behind... And... Bang-bang! I’m already giving you two apples.

Dad, don't!

Who are you telling this to? You didn't have anything. I gave you two apples. How much do you have now? How can you not take this?!! Forest! Winter! Are you alone and don't want to take apples? Zina, go away... Close the door! No one. You are alone. Only the wolves howl and somewhere a policeman whistles. Here I unnoticed... The roar became unbearable, the neighbors started knocking on the floor.

Well okay. You yourself gave me one. How much do you have left?

Low whisper:

So how many apples do I have now?

How many apples do you have?

Let's eat them.

But there are no apples. There's nothing to eat. This is abstract thinking.

58.An apple tree produces an apple, and a spruce tree produces cones.


It has been established that apples are truly a rejuvenating fruit - they prevent premature aging. Regular consumption of apples ensures normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (and this in turn affects the figure and skin) and minimizes the number of colds.

So, apples are good for everyone. They give strength, prolong youth, and help fight diseases. Is this why the British - great connoisseurs of these fruits - say: “An apple a day, and you won’t need a doctor.” Eat apples and be healthy!

60. GOOD

Apples can also be successfully used externally - in the form of cosmetic masks, and for any skin. For example, the following masks remove oily shine and tighten enlarged pores:

Grate the apple on a fine grater, add a little clay or bran to thicken. Apply the mixture to your face for 15-20 minutes.

Mix 1-2 finely grated apples with whipped egg white. Keep on face for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.

1 tbsp. baked apple + 1 tbsp. beaten egg. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with cool water.

And the apple-milk mask softens, nourishes and rejuvenates any skin: boil an apple in milk and grind. Apply the warm mass to clean skin lubricated with nourishing cream for 20 minutes.

61. Apples to soothe cold cough and hoarseness:

1 tbsp. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over a spoonful of apple peels and infuse like tea. Take 1/2 cup 5-6 times a day before meals or 2-3 unpeeled apples, pour 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Take 1 glass 3 times a day before meals.

62.Apples - a powerful healing property for healing cracked lips, nipples and hands:

Grate 100 g of apples and mix with animal fat, pork fat, goose fat or butter in a 1:1 ratio. Use at night, after washing the skin area with toilet soap.

63. Externally grated apples are used for burns to cover the affected areas of the skin, reduce inflammation and pain.

64. JOKE

During a math lesson, the teacher asks Vovochka a question:

Vovochka, if 3 kg of apples cost 30 rubles, then what do you need to do to find out how much 1 kg of apples costs?

He, without hesitation, answers:

Look at the price tag!

65. Mystery

A peasant came to the king and asked: “Tsar, let me take one apple from your garden.”

The king allowed it. The peasant went to the garden and saw: the whole garden is surrounded by a triple fence, each has only one gate, and there is a watchman near each gate.

“The king allowed me to take one apple from the garden,” the peasant said to the first watchman.

“Take it, but when you leave you will give me half of the apples you have, and one more,” answered the watchman. The other guards guarding the gate said the same thing.

How many apples should a peasant take so that, after giving the required parts to three watchmen, he can take home one apple?

66. Another mystery

There were 90 apples growing on a birch tree. A strong wind blew and 10 apples fell. How much is left?

There were six apples in the basket, and there were six children in the room. Each child took an apple, but one apple remained in the basket. Why?

Answer: one of the children took the apple along with the basket.

68. Another problem

It is necessary to divide 5 apples between five people so that everyone gets an apple and one apple remains in the basket.

69. Joke

Pinocchio was given three apples. He ate two. How many apples does Pinocchio have left? Do you think one thing? Nothing like this. Nobody knows how many apples he already had before this. Moral: always set your variables to zero!

70. Apples can be used to make skin masks. So, a mask made from grated apple perfectly moisturizes the driest skin, just before applying the mixture to your face, lubricate it with any vegetable oil. For normal skin, grate an apple, mix with 1 teaspoon of sour cream or olive oil and 1 teaspoon of starch. Apply to face and neck for 20 minutes and rinse with warm boiled water.

For oily skin, cut the apple into pieces and boil them in a small amount of milk. Mix 2 tablespoons of pureed apple with the white of a chicken egg. Apply the resulting paste to the skin for 20 minutes, then rinse.

For dry skin, mix a finely grated apple, 1 teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of oatmeal crushed in a coffee grinder. Apply to face and neck for 20 minutes, then rinse.

If freckles bother you, grate horseradish and apple in equal proportions. Apply to face for 15 minutes, rinse. Freckles and age spots will fade.

Massage the rough skin vigorously with a piece of peeled apple for 2-3 minutes. Wash your hands and lubricate them with cream.

If your lips are chapped, mix a pureed apple with 1 teaspoon of butter and apply the mixture to them.

71. Chlorogenic acid contained in apples helps remove oxalic acid from the body and also normalizes liver function.

72. Half-minute joke “APPLE”


The role is played by an adult:

The roles are played by children:


Where is the apple, Andryusha?

I ate an apple a long time ago.

Looks like you didn't wash it?

I peeled the skin off of it.

Well done you have become!

I've been like this for a long time.

Where to clean things up?

Oh, cleaning... ate it too.

(Based on a poem by L. Mironova)

73. There are no apples on a pine tree

74. Newton's apple

According to legend, the greatest English physicist Isaac Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation, which governs the movement of all stars, under the influence of random observation.

He saw a ripe apple fall to the ground, and for the first time it occurred to him that, obviously, the earth attracts all objects to itself. From this, everything began to become clearer in his thoughts.

Whether this was true or not is unknown; most likely not quite so. But a legend was created, and the expression “Newton’s apple” began to mean any incident that, quite unexpectedly, prompted a person to the correct solution to a difficult problem, to a discovery or invention.

75. Hit the (very) bull's eye

Legend says that in 1307, the Austrian governor in Switzerland, Tesler, wanting to trample on the sense of national dignity of the Swiss people he enslaved, ordered honor to be paid to his hat, mounted on a pole in the center of the square.

The peasant William Tell, returning home with his son, passed by the hat without bowing to it. As punishment for disobedience, Tesler ordered Tell to shoot an apple from his son's head with a bow. Surrounded by cruel enslavers who watched the execution of this inhumane order with gloating, Tell was forced to shoot. The presence of mind did not change the courageous shooter - he hit the very core of the apple. The next arrow was fired by Tell into Tesler's heart. Thus, according to legend, began the uprising of Swiss peasants for the liberation of their country from foreign oppression.

It is possible that the echo of this legend about a well-aimed shooter knocking down an apple served as the reason for the creation of a figurative expression in some languages.

76. Sizes and calibers of apples

Unlike apples grown in other regions, Washington State apples are packaged by volume rather than by weight. Apples are separated by size based on the approximate number of apples that can fit into a standard box (so they are measured by total volume, not weight). The size of apples is determined by the number of apples in a standard bushel-sized box. Since the weight of a carton can vary depending on the water and sugar content of the apples, volume is the most accurate measurement. In Washington State, maximum fruit sizes are typically 100 and 113. The differences in size (or caliber) between sizes are approximately 1/8 inch or 3.175 mm.

Size Weight Diameter

48 14.0 oz (397 g) 3.64" (9.25 cm)

56 12.0 oz (340 g) 3.52" (8.94 cm)

64 10.5 oz (298 g) 3.40" (8.64 cm)

72 9.3 oz (264 g) 3.29" (8.36 cm)

80 8.4 oz (238 g) 3.19" (8.10 cm)

88 7.6 oz (215 g) 3.05" (7.75 cm)

100 6.7 oz (190 g) 2.93" (7.44 cm)

113 5.9 oz (167 g) 2.84" (7.21 cm)

125 5.4 oz (153 g) 2.75" (6.99 cm)

138 4.8 oz (136 g) 2.68" (6.81 cm)

150 4.5 oz (128 g) 2.62" (6.65 cm)

163 4.1 oz (116 g) 2.54" (6.45 cm)

175 3.8 oz (108 g) 2.46" (6.25 cm)

198 3.4 oz (96 g) 2.39" (6.07 cm)

216 3.1 oz (88 g) 2.31" (5.87 cm)

Apples are placed in cardboard boxes (each box is designed to hold 40 pounds (18.2 kg) of fruit, but most packers, given that apples evaporate some of their moisture during transportation and, therefore, lose some weight by the end of the journey, usually , put 42 pounds (19 kg) of apples in a box instead of 40). At the same time, a note is made on each box about how many apples it contains - the exact number of pieces.

The largest apples in the size classification are numbered 48. This number means that 48 apples of this “caliber” fit into a standard box. Not too many, but these are truly gigantic apples. The table above shows the approximate relationship between weight, size and diameter for apples of various categories.

77. MARKED APPLES. If you have apple trees in your garden that produce red fruit, this is what you should do. Choose an apple that grows on the sunny side - already quite large, but not yet reddened. Cut out your initials from foil and glue them to the apple. (You can use not foil, but any paper that does not allow sunlight to pass through, for example, black paper in which photographic materials are packaged.)

When it's time to harvest, you pick an apple from the branch, remove the foil - your initials will be clearly visible. You can give such an apple to a good person - let him eat it for his health.

And if you don’t have a garden and don’t have an apple tree, take a green tomato, again glue your initials from foil or paper and put it on the window in the sun.

78. Parable of the Apples

Igor Korsar

And, to be honest -

Alas, the Bible did not reveal everything to us:

There were apple trees in bloom

Another year before the creation of the world.

And Eva was not the first lady there,

And the Lord God knew this very well -

So how many ribs did Adam have?

And who actually counted them for him?..

But the clue would be very close,

I would open both the beginning and the ending,

When would I find that apple core?

And to identify who bit him.

But the apple tree is silent,

Adam is drawn to new exploits.

And at that moment Eve appeared,

And with it came accounting.

And even the garden was not enough for Eve,

It became extremely difficult for Adam.

God intervened and the apple fell

Not far from the apple tree...

Days, centuries and eras flash by,

Fruits whet your appetite.

The pioneers are running headlong with a basket,

They run, and the apple flies...

But before that moment came,

When the cannery is on alert, -

Newton managed to notice his flight,

Without getting smeared in apple juice.

Since then, a passion for science has arisen,

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness,

And there’s nowhere for even an apple to fall

Among a continuous bright mind.

And the lighter, the more extraordinary,

It can take different forms.

There is a mind both own and behind,

And even the intermediate one is open!

But if the hair in your thoughts is thinning,

Then maybe it started everyone

It's not a bad idea to come up with an idea

Let someone shake the apple tree for us.

Don't diminish the possibilities of nature,

Even if you are on a space journey, -

For half a century gardeners have been promising

That apple trees will bloom on Mars too.

79 Apple Monument

A monument to an apple was unveiled in Kursk

This is one of the last works of sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov

The monument to the famous Kursk Antonovka stands in the city center on Lenin Street. It is this apple variety that has been the symbol of Kursk for many years. Therefore, when a few years ago the city began to hold the “Person of the Year” public recognition competition, the winners were given small gilded apples as a reward. So the monument turned out to be doubly symbolic.

The author of the monument is the famous sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov, who passed away two years ago (among the famous works of the master are monuments to Cyril and Methodius, Marshal Zhukov in Moscow, Pushkin in Tiraspol and Arzamas, Andrei Rublev in Radonezh, etc.) Kursk Antonovka became one of his latest works. The master completed it in 2004.

For a long time they could not find a place in the city for the monument, made of copper sheet using the hammering method (that is, it is hollow inside - Author). At first they wanted to install it next to Kursk State University, then next to the House of Knowledge. And they installed it on the square in front of Kurskoprombank, which, by the way, bought the sculpture-symbol from the author.

The opening of the monument was timed to coincide with the Orthodox holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord, widely known among the people as “Apple Savior.” Everyone who came to see the monumental symbol of the city was entertained with Russian folk songs and treated to sweet Antonovka, naturally from Kursk!

Apple performance characteristics:

Height - 2 meters

Diameter - 1.5 meters

Weight - 150 kg.

Baldwin Apple Monument, Wilmington, Massachusetts, USA

Baldwin apples are bright red winter apples that are easy to transport. For many years, these apples were the most popular variety in New England and New York and were exported from the United States. Today this variety is much less common.

According to local legend, the apple was found near Wood Hill by William Butters (1665–1746), son of Will Butters, the first white settler of Wilmington, Massachusetts. William Butters grew the tree in his yard, exactly where the Baldwin Apple Monument is now located.

According to the book S.A. Beach's Apples of New York (State of New York - Department of Agriculture (1905)), the origin of the Baldwin variety dates back to the early 1740s. It is believed that the variety originated from an accidental wild seedling on the farm of John Ball of Wilmington, Massachusetts. Over the next 40 years, this The variety was cultivated only in the neighborhood. The farm then became the property of Butters, who gave the variety the name "Woodpecker" because the apple tree was often visited by woodpeckers. The variety was long known locally as "Woodpecker" or simply "pecker". Butters Deacon Samuel Thompson of the town of Woburn gave these apples to Colonel Loammi Baldwin, a resident of the same town. Colonel Baldwin became an ardent admirer and promoter of this variety and helped spread it more widely in Massachusetts. In his honor this variety of apples received its the current name is Baldwin.

The Baldwin Apple Monument is located on Chesnut Street in Wilmington. The inscription on the pedestal reads: “This monument marks the site in the vicinity of which the wild apple tree that gave rise to the Baldwin variety was discovered. It fell during a storm in 1815. The apple variety, first known as Butters, Woodpecker or Pecker, was then named after Colonel Loammy Baldwin of Woburn. The monument was erected in 1895 by the Rumfoord Historical Association.”

The cold winter of 1934 destroyed many apple orchards in New England, and the popularity of Baldwin apples declined significantly and non-Baldwin apple trees were not replanted. However, the extremely popular West County Cider still uses apples from Baldwin apple trees planted in the early 1900s.

80. the apple has nowhere to fall


extremely crowded, crowded ◆There was such a crush that there was no room for an apple to fall. N.V. Gogol ◆There were people in the church, there was nowhere for an apple to fall. A.F. Pisemsky ◆On Sunday, June 26, in the Kremlin, on Cathedral Square, there was nowhere for an apple to fall: so it was filled with black people. A. Volkov

81. the word apple has been translated into the following languages:

Azerbaijani. English. Armenian. Belorussian. Spanish. Italian. German. Dutch. Norwegian. Polish. Tatar. Turkish. French. Swedish. edo. Esperanto.

Azerbaijani alma. Alma

English apple . [ʹæp(ə)l]

Armenian խնձոր. xndzor. xnjor

Belarusian apple

Spanish poma

Italian mela

German Apfel

Dutch appel

Norwegian eple

Polish jabłko

Tatar Alma. alma

Turkish Elma

French pomme (pomm)

Swedish äpple

83. Methods for preparing apples

Fresh - whole or in a salad (for example, in the Turtle salad).

Dried - dried fruit obtained by drying in the sun or in the oven.

Soaked - in these preparations there are three types of soaking: simple, sour and sugar.

Pickled. In pickles, the salt concentration in brines is at least 6-8%, in urinations - 1.5-2%.


Baked - sweet (with honey, nuts, cranberries, etc.) and as a side dish for meat and poultry. In Russia, goose with apples is a traditional Christmas dish.

Apples can be used as a raw material for making preserves, jams, and mousses. Small-fruited apples can be used whole in jam. To enhance the aroma, cinnamon is usually added to apple dishes and preparations.

Fresh apples and in the form of jam are used as a filling for pies (for example, charlotte). In Hungarian, German and Czech cuisines, a popular roll is strudel (German: Strudel) made from puff pastry and filled with fresh apples or cherries.

84. Apple drinks

Apple juice.

Fresh and dried apples are used to prepare compotes and jelly.

Cider is made from apple juice through fermentation and champagne. The brandy produced by distilling cider is called Calvados.

Processing waste from apples and other fruits and berries was also used in the preparation of low-quality fruit and berry wines.

Apple vinegar.

Apple kvass.

85. Apple as a symbol

The apple can symbolize bliss, especially sexual bliss, which is probably due to the fact that in a longitudinal section the apple core resembles a vulva. The apple also symbolizes health and vitality (“An apple for lunch and all diseases are gone”), youth, love, marriage and spring.

86. Apple in folklore and literature

The apple as a symbol of eternal youth (rejuvenating apples) appears in many fairy tales:

“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A. S. Pushkin

"The Legend of William Tell"

"The Apple" - a story by H.G. Wells

"Mr. Peabody's Apples" - a story by Madonna

87. Apple in music

“Apples in the Snow” - words by A. Dementyev, music by M. Muromov.

“Apple” is a folk song.

Apple Records is a British record label founded by The Beatles in 1968.

“Yay-ya (ate apples)” - song by the group “Propaganda”, album “Super Detka” (2004). Words and music: Victoria Voronina.

“Father of Apples” is a song by the Aquarium group from the album Favorite Songs of Ramses IV (1983) written in Alma-Ata (direct translation from the Kazakh language “Father of Apples”).

“Apple Days” - song by the group Aquarium from the album Ten Arrows (1986)

“Rejuvenating Apples” is a song by the group Orgasm of Nostradamus from the album Kill a Teenager.

“Paradise Apples” is a song by Vladimir Vysotsky, and this is also the name of one of his records “At the concerts of Vladimir Vysotsky (17) - Paradise Apples (1991)”

88. Apple in cinema

“Rejuvenating Apples”, (Soyuzmultfilm, 1974).

“Fire, Water and... Copper Pipes” (comedy-fairy tale directed by A. Rowe, 1968). In the film, Baba Yaga says to her fiancé, Kashchei the Immortal: “Kosha, eat an apple and you will become young!” Subsequently, this expression became popular.

In Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the main character's stepmother poisoned her with an apple.

The title sequence of the American television series Desperate Housewives uses an apple as an allusion to the biblical legend of the Fall.

In the movie "The Da Vinci Code" the key to the map was the word "apple", that is, apple.

In the cartoon “Martynko,” the main character was able to take revenge on Raiska (the Tsar’s daughter) by treating her to an apple, which caused her to grow horns because she stole the golden cards.

In the series Heavenly Apples, a thread of symbols ran through the plot

89. Apple in heraldry

In heraldry, the apple is a symbol of peace. One of the signs of the monarch’s power is the power, the “sovereign apple.” The apple is also part of many coats of arms.

Zyablikovo (Moscow region) Rossozh (Voronezh region)

Verkhnesadovoe (Ukraine) Coat of arms of the Aseleben commune in Germany

90. Apple in science

According to a well-known legend, the Law of Universal Gravitation was discovered by Newton, who watched apples falling in an orchard.

Alchemists, noticing that the core of an apple cut crosswise resembled a five-pointed star, used the apple as a symbol of knowledge.

Karl Wilhelm Scheele isolated a new organic acid from unripe apples in 1785, which he called malic acid.

The bulge on the front of the neck in men is called Adam's apple.

91. Apple in place names

The name "Almaty" is translated as "Apple Tree". The city is located at the foot of the Trans-Ili Alatau mountains in the extreme southeast of Kazakhstan.

There is the Yablonsky ridge, next to which the city of Aginskoye is located.

92. Apple is a corporation that produces personal computers and software.

93. “The Big Apple” is the most famous nickname of New York. Originated in the 1920s. At the beginning of the 21st century it is almost not used. The natives of the city call their city "New".

94.Russian United Democratic Party "Yabloko" is a political party.

95. Production and trade

World apple production amounted to 55 million tons. in 2005, worth $10 billion. China produced two-fifths of this. The USA is the second largest producer of apples, 7.5% of world production

60% of apples grown in the United States are grown in Washington state. Imports of apples from New Zealand and other countries with more temperate climates compete with American production and are increasing year by year.

The largest exporters of apples, according to 2006 data: China, Chile, Italy, France and the USA, the largest importers, according to 2006 data, Russia, Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands.

Country Production (tons)

PRC 27,507,000

USA 4,237,730

Iran 2,660,000

Türkiye 2,266,437

Russia 2,211,000

Italy 2,072,500

India 2,001,400

France 1,800,000

Chile 1,390,000

Argentina 1,300,000

Total in the world 64,255,520

96. Slavic mythology

In Slavic mythology, the apple was a symbol of fertility, health, love, beauty; was an emblem of a marriage union and healthy offspring. Apple fruits, shoots and apple blossoms played an important role in wedding ceremonies. The exchange of apples between a guy and a girl symbolized mutual sympathy. By accepting an apple from the wooing guy, the girl seemed to be giving consent to the marriage. Among the southern Slavs, apples acted as a wedding invitation.

Apple tree branches decorated the wedding banner and the bride's wreath, and were also used to decorate the festive table. Thus, Belarusians, Ukrainians and Poles stuck an apple tree branch into a loaf, and Russians - into a wedding chicken. The Southern Slavs sent the bride to the wedding with an apple, and after that she had to throw the fruit behind the altar in order to have children. Newlyweds were given apples, wishing for large offspring. Before the first wedding night, they performed the following ritual: one apple was hidden under a feather bed, and the other was broken into two parts, and each of the newlyweds ate half. The apple is an ancient Slavic symbol of the bride’s chastity: it was left on the wedding shirt. Southern Slavs traditionally shaved the groom before the wedding under an apple tree. And when performing the ritual of changing the headdress from a girl’s to a woman’s, the first one, with the help of an apple tree branch, was removed from the bride’s head and thrown onto the apple tree.

In Slavic symbolism, the apple has a positive meaning. The Western Slavs believed that to ensure the health of the whole family, it was necessary to wash oneself with water containing an apple on Christmas and New Year. For the future health and beauty of her children, the pregnant woman needed to hold onto the apple tree and look at its branches in winter or at the fruits in summer. For the health and strength of the unborn child, the woman in labor was visited with an apple. In Ukraine, it was customary for the midwife to hand out apples to everyone at christenings. In Slovakia and Moravia, water was thrown under a sweet apple tree after bathing a newborn. The Western and Southern Slavs believed that before drawing water from a source, an apple should be thrown into it as a sacrifice. On Christmas and New Year's Eve, all household members and livestock were hit with an apple tree rod, and then thrown onto the apple tree.

The apple was a gift for carolers invited to weddings and christenings. Participants in roundabout rituals brought an apple to the owners’ house and left it on the hearth. In Serbia, Macedonia and Croatia, a young wife, entering a new house, “gave” an apple with a coin stuck into it to the hearth; and in Slovakia she turned over a full basket of apples so that there would be abundance on the farm.

The Serbs of Vojvodina saw the apple as the embodiment of fertility: it was dipped into the seed grain so that the wheat would grow large, like apples. And the Bulgarians protected their crops in this way. On Christmas Eve, Czechs threw nuts and apples under fruit trees. The last fruit from the tree was not picked: it was left on the branch so that the harvest would be rich the next year. According to beliefs, the apple helped against infertility. The Bulgarians believed that it should arise after the secondary flowering of the apple tree. The Serbs believed that the first apple on a young tree would help with this, and the Ukrainians believed that the fruit that had been hanging on the apple tree for a long time would help.

How to determine your body type? Take this test!


1. Undress and look at yourself in the mirror from the front. What is your body shape:

a) shoulders and hips of the same width, the waist is slightly noticeable or not at all— B

b) shoulders and hips are the same width, the waist is clearly defined - B

c) shoulders narrower than hips, waist thin - A

d) broad shoulders, cone-shaped hips and waist - D

1a. Now take a look at your profile. Let's start with the buttocks:

a) they are flat, retracted - C and D

b) more rounded, curved - A and B

2. Stay facing the mirror in profile. Where is the weight concentrated?

a) front: bust, belly, “spare tire” (fat belt above the waist) - C and D

b) behind, in the gluteal region - A

c) evenly: front and back, bust and buttocks - B

3. Stand with your back to the mirror and look around. Do you have noticeable saddlebags (deposits of fat in the upper thighs)?

a) no - C and D

b) yes - A and B

4. Measure your waist and hips at the widest part with a tape measure. Your hips:

a) more than 25 cm wider than the waist - L and B

b) less than 25 cm wider than the waist - C and D


5. Stay in front of the mirror. Look at yourself from the front, then in profile. When you gain weight, it's most noticeable:

a) when you stand facing the mirror? So you are getting wider— A and B

b) when you stand sideways to the mirror? This means that you are increasing, so to speak, “in depth” - C and D

6. At first you were very graceful, but then for the first time you gained 3 kg of excess weight. Where was this most noticeable?

a) in the lower thighs, slightly in the abdominal area - B

b) in the abdomen and “spare tire” area - B

c) in the lower thighs - A

d) stomach, shoulder girdle, face - G

7. When your excess weight exceeds 3 kg, where is it most noticeable?

a) stomach, shoulder girdle, arms above the elbow, upper thighs, i.e. under the waist, inside the thighs; however, the waist remains the same - G

b) mainly in the lower thighs, less in the upper torso - A

c) everywhere: chest, hips (more there), but the waist still remains - B

d) stomach, “spare tire”, chest, back, upper thighs; from the waist, already barely noticeable, nothing remains - B

8. If you gained another 3 kg, would your face look noticeably fuller?

a) yes - C and D

b) no - A and B

9. If you gained another 3 kg, would your arms and legs look noticeably fuller?

a) yes - B and C

b) no - A and D


10. Regardless of children, work, etc., when you have the most mental energy:

a) I slowly disperse, the greatest creative energy overcomes me in the evening - B

b) physically I am equally energetic all day, but creatively - in the afternoon - A

c) insights come to me in the morning, I go to bed early - D

d) the ebb and flow of creative energy throughout the day - B

11. Regardless of the environment and work (and when you are not on a diet), how to better determine your eating habits:

a) I intercept something all day - B

b) I eat irregularly, as necessary, I don’t eat heavily in the evening - D

c) brutal appetite: once I start eating, I can’t stop—B

d) I can go for a long time without eating, I rarely overeat - A


12. How athletic were you during your school years?

a) did not like gymnastics and fierce team games. Preferred tennis and quiet games to competitions - A

b) was a great sports enthusiast, loved gymnastics, team games, and tried to participate in all sports at sports competitions - B

c) was athletic, loved competition, but not in team events, but in individual events, tennis for points, gymnastics, dancing - D

d) succeeded in everything, but more in team events; I was more attracted not by the competition, but by the camaraderie in the team - B

13. If you want to lose weight, then you:

a) go on a diet without increasing physical activity - A

b) go on a diet and wouldn’t mind increasing your physical activity, but you don’t show the proper enthusiasm for it - B

c) you maintain a diet, exercise regularly and do not intend to give it up—B

d) you were athletic before, but now you supplement sports with diet and increased exercise - D

14. If you actively engage in sports, will you become depressed? Do you start to gain weight if you stop working out?

a) yes - C and D

b) no - A and B

Now count which letter you typed more than others

When predominant in answers:

“A” - You belong to the Pear category;

“B” - Hourglass;

“B” - Rectangles;

"G" - Triangles.

If no letter predominates, then limit yourself to summing up the letters in the “Figure Shape” and “Weight Distribution” sections as the most indicative. Finally, check your characteristics with the following control ones to finally decide on your body type (note that not everyone will find every single parameter of their type). The four body types apply to women of all races and ethnicities.


These explanations will tell you where fat deposits are usually concentrated in a woman of a particular type.

- shoulders narrower than hips;

- there is less fat on the waist than on the sides;

- the waist is always present, the stomach is flat;

- hips are curved. If you: - are gaining weight, gaining weight mainly in the lower thighs and buttocks;

- have a small bust compared to your hips;

- you have narrow shoulders and a thin neck;

- If you are getting fatter and rarely gain weight in your shoulders and face, then you belong to the Pear category. This type includes: Christina Aguilera, Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, Kate Winslet, Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Shakira, Selma Hayek.


- shoulders and hips of the same width;

- fat is equally distributed in the chest and hips;

— with any fullness, the waist is preserved;

- Your hips remain curved no matter how much weight you lose. If you: - gain weight everywhere evenly, but especially in the lower thighs and buttocks;

- have a rounded bust and equally rounded buttocks;

- never lose your waist;

- you have more or less rounded arms and legs, then you belong to the Hourglass category.

This type included Marilyn Monroe and Brigitte Bardot, bright representatives of this type were the magnificent Sophia Loren and Gina Lollobrigida. Vivid examples of an hourglass figure are Jessica Lange, Melanie Griffith, Catherine Zeta Jones, Scarlett Johansson, Halle Berry, Jessica Simpson, Kelly Brook, Monica Bellucci.
