Useful properties of cottage cheese for children and adults. The benefits and harms of cottage cheese, rules for a daily diet with cottage cheese dishes. Cottage cheese for breakfast: benefits and harm. Can it be eaten on an empty stomach? The benefits and harms of cottage cheese for human health

Cottage cheese is one of the most popular fermented milk products. It has a pleasant taste, an abundance of vitamins and microelements, and is recommended for use by absolutely everyone, from one-year-old babies to older people. In addition, cottage cheese does not have to be cooked before eating, perhaps this explains its popularity as one of the main dishes for a healthy breakfast.

Benefits of cottage cheese for breakfast

Indeed, many nutritionists believe that starting the day with cottage cheese is the right decision. It contains amino acids, protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B and many other useful components. This breakfast is very light, it does not harm the figure, while charging the body with the necessary energy for the whole coming day. The calorie content of a product is determined by its fat content, the minimum indicators are about 80 calories, and the maximum is no more than 220 calories.

Cottage cheese perfectly satisfies hunger, gives the body the necessary vitality, stimulating not only physical, but also mental activity. It fits perfectly into the menu of any diet and does not lead to excess weight gain, being absorbed almost in full.

Regular use of the product helps strengthen bones and muscles, improve vision, and prevent dental and heart diseases. It also helps normalize the nervous system, prevent fatty liver and the development of various gastrointestinal ailments. It is believed that cottage cheese is necessary for nursing mothers to improve the quality of milk, and for pregnant women - for the correct and complete development of the child in the womb.

Cottage cheese can be consumed in its pure form, added to fruit salads, and used to make cheesecakes.

Why is cottage cheese harmful for breakfast?

Cottage cheese for breakfast or at any other time of the day can be not only healthy, but also harmful. The thing is that when consumed regularly and excessively, it leads to excess protein, which can ultimately provoke various kidney diseases. Also, close attention should be paid to the fat content of the cottage cheese. This product can be one of the reasons for the increase in cholesterol levels.

Only fresh cottage cheese can be beneficial for the body; a product stored in violation of standards is extremely dangerous to health. E. coli are bred in it in a very short time and provoke severe poisoning. To avoid such excesses, you should purchase proven, natural cottage cheese and store it in the refrigerator.


Cottage cheese is one of the popular fermented milk products. It is an indispensable component of the diet of people of all ages. Its beneficial properties have interested people since the times of Ancient Rome.

So many medicinal properties of this product are known that it can rightfully be considered unique.

What are the harms and benefits of cottage cheese, is it healthy to eat it every day, is regular cottage cheese healthier than low-fat cottage cheese, when is it better to eat it - in the morning for breakfast, during the day or at night? Let's find out!

Beneficial features

For men

The benefits of this fermented milk product for men are obvious, because protein. This is true during active strength training.

Eating cottage cheese has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps cope with stress and overload.

Dairy products are good for potency, therefore they should be present on the table of any man.

For children

In the first years of life, protein acts as a building material for the child’s body, therefore Cottage cheese is indispensable in baby food.

The minerals in which it is so rich are promotes growth and strengthening of bones and teeth.

Lactic acid bacteria help form microflora and local immunity.

For babies who are breastfed, curds should be given starting from 9 months. If the child is fed formula, you can start at 7 months.

Complementary feeding begins with one teaspoon, increasing the portion daily.

Benefits for pregnant and lactating women

What are the benefits of cottage cheese during pregnancy? While carrying a child, the expectant mother gives the child vitamins and calcium, the lack of which has a detrimental effect on her body.

Therefore, pregnant women need to eat cottage cheese. Its use has a positive effect on the development of the fetus.

However, from him will have to refuse if the child has an allergic reaction.

The program “Live Healthy!” talks about the dangers and benefits of cottage cheese for the body:

We eat right

Let's try to answer the most frequently asked questions: which cottage cheese is the healthiest - low-fat or full-fat, and when is it healthier to eat it - in the morning, in the evening or at night?

Fresh cottage cheese is most useful. Casseroles, cheesecakes, and other dishes also contain vitamins, but some of the lactic acid bacteria, proteins and amino acids die during heat treatment.

You should not overuse glazed cheeses, sweet curds, or curds with additives. They will not bring any benefits, and the high calorie content will affect the figure.

Cottage cheese will be beneficial for both breakfast and dinner, but you shouldn’t eat it later than 2 hours before bedtime. If you like it more fatty, then eat it in the morning - it will bring more benefits.

Contraindications, precautions

Harm is determined by individual intolerance or lack of freshness of the product. Intolerance refers to the inability to digest lactose found in dairy products.

In such people, consuming lactose causes diarrhea, pain, and bloating.

Cottage cheese can cause a similar reaction in a healthy person who has consumed a stale product, since it becomes a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

Buying from the market is a big risk: it may contain E. coli. Especially if you choose a fermented milk product for a child.

For an adult, 100-200 g per day three times a week is enough.. Excessive consumption can sometimes have a negative effect on the liver and blood vessels.

This fermented milk product often causes allergic reactions, which manifest themselves in the form of a skin rash, runny nose, tearfulness, and sometimes swelling of the skin.

Use for cosmetic purposes

Cottage cheese is not only a food product. It is used to prepare creams and masks that help fight the following problems:

  • dry skin, peeling;
  • inflammation, black spots;
  • wrinkles, pigmentation.

For intense hydration and cleansing The following mask is prepared for dead cells: 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese are ground with half a teaspoon of honey and.

The skin must first be cleaned. Then apply the mask in several layers, taking breaks between applications for 5 minutes.

After the last layer has dried, rinse off the remaining mask with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

To get rid of freckles, mix the main ingredient with lemon juice and yolk and leave on your face for 10 minutes.

A mask helps fight acne with the addition of herbs, egg whites, honey and lemon juice.

In folk medicine such a useful product is also used. To make the burn go away faster, apply warm cottage cheese to the sore spot three times a day. A compress with honey works well for bruises.

Types of cottage cheese diets for weight loss

Cottage cheese diets are very effective. They are easily tolerated, characterized by good results and lack of hunger.

Here are several ways to lose weight.

Curd-kefir diet. The daily diet consists of 500 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 2 glasses. Food is divided into 5 meals. You can drink water, tea without sugar. Duration – 3 days.

You are allowed to eat 400 g of low-fat cottage cheese per day with the addition of bran, brewed in boiling water. You can eat berries, fruits and vegetables. A glass of kefir or fermented baked milk is allowed in the morning and evening. Observed for 5-7 days.

Diets made from cottage cheese with addition to the diet are popular, eggs, yogurt, or . On average, a mono-diet helps you lose 500 g of excess weight per day.

About what a diet during pregnancy can be for weight loss,

  • the packaging should say “cottage cheese” and not “curd product” or “cottage cheese”;
  • the composition cannot include vegetable fats, hardeners, thickeners. Only milk and sourdough;
  • the consistency should be loose, uniform, and the color white or cream;
  • look at the expiration date;
  • give preference to plastic containers, which guarantee protection from bacteria and extend shelf life.

Stored cottage cheese in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days at a temperature of +2 to +6 degrees. It is advisable to transfer it to a plastic or enamel container with a tight-fitting lid.

Homemade is stored in foil or parchment and no more than 3 days.

When a product is hard, dry, or yellow in color, has a bitter or sour taste, it is expired and should not be eaten.

To extend shelf life, the product can be frozen. It will not lose its beneficial properties within a week. If the shelf life is running out, make cheesecakes, casserole, dumplings or pancakes from the leftovers.

Cooking at home

A high-quality product is obtained from natural homemade milk. Store-bought pasteurized ones are not suitable; you need to find fresh, whole ones.

First you need to wait for the milk to sour. To do this, add a crust of black bread or a couple of spoons of good sour cream to it and leave for a day in a warm place.

Average from three liters of milk you can get about 1 kg crumbly useful substance.

When the milk turns sour, thick lumps form on the surface, pour the milk into a saucepan and put on fire. Heat the resulting curdled milk for 10-15 minutes to separate the whey.

Remove the pan from the heat, drain the contents into a colander or cheesecloth folded in several layers. Wait until all the whey has drained away. This takes several hours.

You can enjoy delicious and fresh fermented milk product. By eating fresh cottage cheese several times a week, you will forget about many diseases. And the variety of dishes that can be prepared from this valuable product will significantly diversify your daily menu.

Breakfast is considered the healthiest meal of the day. The healthier and more satisfying it is, the better for both health and figure. This, unfortunately, cannot be said about snacks at night, which can provoke quite serious problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Cottage cheese is considered the safest product to eat before going to bed.

To make cottage cheese, milk is allowed to ferment into kefir. This process is accompanied by the release of lactic acid bacteria. After heating, a curd mass is obtained. The latter is brought to condition by removing the whey. To obtain 200 grams of cottage cheese, you need at least 500 milliliters of milk.

In addition, the dairy product sold on store shelves contains quite a lot of preservatives. Another feature of cottage cheese is that it has varying degrees of fat content. Athletes are recommended to eat only the low-fat version. Otherwise, the diet will be disrupted, which will lead to an increase in body fat.

You should choose this dairy product as a snack before going to bed for two reasons:

  1. Cottage cheese perfectly neutralizes excess insulin, which is formed when eating any other food containing proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
  2. The protein present in the curd mass is of great value for bodybuilders and athletes involved in any other sports disciplines, since it can nourish muscles for several hours. In other words, the protein obtained from cottage cheese acts similarly to pharmaceutical casein.

Thus, cottage cheese consumed at night acts on the body as a sports nutrition. If you eat it as an evening snack, your muscles will receive the necessary building material for muscle fibers.

Dairy products are recommended for all those who want to lose weight. This, of course, is only true for the low-fat version. Don't rely on nutrition alone. To lose extra pounds, you need to not only adjust your diet, but also perform appropriate physical exercise. Without sports, no diet will help.

Weight will decrease after eating cottage cheese before bed, but only in cases where several important nuances are observed:

  • They don't overeat. The portion of cottage cheese should be such that it fits comfortably in a saucer. No additional components may be added to the product. Cottage cheese must be unsweetened and low-fat.
  • Eat low-calorie foods. Low energy value does not mean that foods can be eaten without restrictions. There must be a measure.
  • Drink at least two liters of unboiled clean water per day.
  • Have a snack with cottage cheese no later than two hours before going to bed. This is only true for low-fat products. Fat cottage cheese takes at least five hours to digest. It is not recommended to eat it at night, as it overloads the digestive system and leads to the formation of fat on the sides.

Cottage cheese is especially useful for people who not only want to lose weight, but are actively involved in sports. The product is also valuable for those who are deficient in protein due to their nutrition and diet. Low-fat cottage cheese compensates for the lack of protein and calcium, but does not have a negative effect on the figure.

In other words, cottage cheese suits absolutely everyone. It allows athletes to get protein to maintain muscle mass, and for people who want to lose weight to overcome hunger. The main thing is to snack on cottage cheese no later than two hours before going to bed. Otherwise, it will not have time to be absorbed into the body.

Can cottage cheese cause harm?

Any product has both positive and negative properties. Cottage cheese is considered harmless for both adults and children. It is quite valuable for the body, but not always. The product may cause harm if:

  1. a person has an individual intolerance to this product;
  2. cottage cheese is of low quality or not fresh.

A certain category of people have serious problems with consuming dairy products. They are not digested or absorbed normally, but cause indigestion, bloating, and pain in the lower abdomen because gases accumulate there.

You should always carefully monitor the condition of your body after eating cottage cheese. If any feeling of discomfort arises, but there have been no intolerances or problems with dairy products before, it means the product is of poor quality or not the freshest.

To purchase good cottage cheese, you should remember that it cannot be very cheap. For 400 grams of product you need to pay no less than for a liter of milk. The shelf life of the product should be no more than one week. If the packaging indicates a longer time, it means that the cottage cheese contains a lot of preservatives.

Every person has heard about the benefits of milk from early childhood. This is especially true for breastfeeding. The baby develops and grows thanks to the nutrients and valuable substances obtained from it. With age, only plain milk and its derivatives remain in the human diet. The latter adults eat much more willingly, but even they, being present on the daily menu, quickly get bored. This is also true for cottage cheese.

To give the product a new taste, it is softened with a blender into a curd mass, to which a banana, apple, nuts, oranges or bananas are added. Bodybuilders are recommended to add glutamine or protein. Eating such a mass is much more pleasant, and the variety of additives allows you to give the cottage cheese a new taste every time.

The basis of the product is casein. This protein is absorbed in the body in about five hours. Healthy carbohydrates and fats present in cottage cheese are an excellent source of energy. Therefore, it is recommended to use it several hours before the actual workout. You can eat both curd mass and cottage cheese. One glass of product is enough. There is no need to eat more.

Low-fat cottage cheese contains at least 50% casein. The higher the fat content of the product, the more casein it contains. Along with it, cottage cheese contains fast protein, which is necessary for recovery after a workout, as well as a large amount of microelements such as zinc, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These substances support and restore muscle tissue, nerve fibers, hair, bone and dental tissue, and the cardiovascular system.

How much cottage cheese can you eat before bed?

To compensate for the lack of protein, just one glass of the product is enough. If you need to build muscle mass, prepare curd mass with glutamine, protein, and amino acids. Specific supplements depend on the sporting discipline. Cottage cheese mixed with sour cream and sugar has excellent taste, but eating such a dish is prohibited on a diet.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


Many adults and children love cottage cheese very much. It is known that it has a lot of beneficial properties and is very often found in diet menus or simply healthy foods. You should learn more about how regular consumption of this dairy product affects the body.

Chemical composition of cottage cheese

The list of beneficial properties of any product directly depends on what vitamins, minerals, microelements are included in the composition, and what effect their presence has on the body. As for cottage cheese, the level of fat content and calorie content play a huge role here. The type of product and the production method through which it is obtained also have an impact.

Calorie content

The indicator is affected by the degree of fat content. Per 100 g is:

  1. Calorie content of low-fat cottage cheese (0-0.6%) is 80-100 kcal. As a rule, this is a store product.
  2. The calorie content of 5 percent is 145-155 calories. Basically, this level of fat content is inherent in grain products.
  3. The calorie content of cottage cheese is 9 percent - up to 160 kcal. Called bold.
  4. The calorie content of 18 percent is up to 260 kcal for a store product. If it is homemade, it may be fattier.

What is contained in cottage cheese

Energy value of 100 g of product by fat content level:

Cottage cheese is rich:

  • vitamins of group B, C, H, A, PP, E;
  • beta-carotene;
  • casein;
  • gray;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • chlorine;
  • choline;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • selenium;
  • fluorine

The benefits and harms of cottage cheese for the body

Each fermented milk product is perceived differently by the body. One type will be more useful for an adult, another for a child, and a third for the elderly. The effect on human health depends on many factors. Thinking about the benefits of cottage cheese, one cannot help but remember that the production method plays a key role here, because the product can be made either in a factory or with your own hands with the addition of completely different ingredients.


From this the body can get a lot of calcium, which is necessary to strengthen bones, teeth, improve the condition of hair and nails. Therefore, it is recommended to include it in children's diets. When making homemade cottage cheese from both cow's and goat's milk, the maximum amount of useful substances is released. It is easily absorbed by the body and has a positive effect on the digestive and nervous systems.

Remember a few precautions when consuming a homemade product:

  1. Try to eat no more than 0.2 kg per day.
  2. Do not try to freeze cottage cheese that has been sitting for three days. It spoils very quickly.
  3. People who have kidney problems should use it with caution.
  4. The homemade product has a high fat content. If you are on a weight loss diet, try lower calorie options.


This is recommended for use for hypertension, ischemia, and other heart diseases. Experts advise eating this granular product for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract to replenish protein and calcium reserves in the body. If you are obese, you should eat cottage cheese raw, without mixing it with other foods. The same applies to people who have problems with the liver and gall bladder. During pregnancy, the grain product is simply necessary for the full development of the fetus.

Curd mass

You already know why pure cottage cheese is useful, but it’s worth mentioning separately about products in which it is used as a basis. The natural soft mass has the same degree of usefulness as the product itself. However, when choosing it, you must carefully study the composition. Make sure that the list of ingredients does not contain dangerous preservatives, dyes, or chemicals. A product containing them will not benefit the body. It is also important to remember that curd mass cannot be considered dietary.


The liquid that remains after the production of cottage cheese also has beneficial properties and is suitable for consumption. It helps improve liver function and intestinal motility. The serum is diuretic, so it helps cleanse the kidneys. Has a calming effect. The serum can be used to relieve inflammation and cleanse the skin. She has practically no contraindications. The only one of them is individual intolerance.

Useful properties of cottage cheese

The product has different effects on women's and men's bodies, the health of pregnant women and those on a diet. It all depends on what goals a person pursues when using it, and what type he prefers. A separate advantage is that it does not contain lactose and is not contraindicated even for those who are prohibited from drinking milk. You should learn more about whether the product will be useful specifically in your case, when it is best to eat it and what to combine it with.

For weight loss

Cottage cheese with zero or low fat content will help you effectively lose weight. It helps speed up metabolism, cleans blood vessels, stabilizes intestinal function, and prevents fats from being absorbed by the body. It is recommended in many special weight loss systems, because it helps strengthen the immune system and reduce the negative impact of diet on the emotional state. Using the product for pregnant women is a good option to ensure the normal development of the fetus and quickly get into shape after childbirth.

For women

If the fair sex wants to look young and beautiful, they definitely need to include cottage cheese in their diet. The product helps strengthen nails and hair, improves skin condition. Girls who regularly eat cottage cheese with sour cream or pancakes endure pregnancy more easily because there is no calcium deficiency in their body. Women during menopause and old age should definitely use the product.

For men

Cottage cheese is great for building muscle mass because it contains slowly digestible protein. Men who work physically or engage in sports, especially bodybuilding, should definitely eat it. A serving before bed will provide nutrients to muscle tissue and bones throughout the night that other protein foods will not provide.

When and with what to eat cottage cheese

The product goes perfectly with regular and dry fruits, especially bananas and raisins, nuts, condensed milk, kefir, and jam. You can eat cottage cheese for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but make sure that the total daily portion does not exceed 200 g. The product is considered an ideal filling for desserts, sweet and savory pastries. You can easily prepare delicious pancakes with cottage cheese, pies, cheesecakes, casseroles and many other delicious dishes.

Video: is it possible to eat cottage cheese at night?

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Cottage cheese is “solid milk”, a traditional fermented milk dish with high value for human health. It is produced by removing the whey from fermented milk. In some countries it is considered to be a type of soft young cheese, and they really have a lot in common. In Russian culture, cottage cheese is a separate product, revered for its healing properties and high nutritional value.

By methods of product production

The product is produced in two main ways: traditional and separate. Traditional production allows you to get two types of cottage cheese:

  1. Acidic, usually prepared from skim milk by introducing starter cultures into it. Formed under the influence of lactic acid.
  2. Acid-rennet is produced by using rennet or pepsin together with cultures of lactic acid bacteria to coagulate milk protein.

The separate production method means that purified milk is separated into skim milk and cream with a fat content of 50-55%. Using the acid-rennet coagulation process, skim milk is produced from milk, which is then cooled and mixed with cream. Using this method, you can obtain a product with any fat content, for example, soft dietary and peasant cottage cheese.

Types of cottage cheese with different properties

Based on the lipid content of the product, it is divided into four categories:

  • low fat (up to 1.8%);
  • low-fat or semi-bold (2-3.8%);
  • classic (4-18%);
  • fat (19-23%).

Cottage cheese is prepared using cream and table salt. The addition of consistency stabilizers is not allowed; rennet imparts hardness to large grains. It is added to pasteurized milk pre-fermented with lactic acid streptococci along with calcium chloride.

Dietary cottage cheese is produced by adding a solution of citric acid, calcium chloride and starter culture to skim milk. To obtain table cottage cheese, a mixture of buttermilk and skim milk is fermented with a pure culture of lactic acid streptococci. The product may also have additives (raisins, candied fruits, nuts, dried fruits, chocolate), and be produced in the form of sweet mass, cheese curds, creams and cakes.

The production of calcined cottage cheese involves adding a 10% calcium chloride solution to fermented milk, which makes it possible to artificially increase the proportion of the mineral in the product and, accordingly, the benefits of cottage cheese for the human skeleton. It has a uniform consistency and a relatively bland taste due to low acidity.

Warning: The daily intake of calcined product should not exceed 100 g for an adult; large doses can be harmful to the body. Its introduction into the children's diet must be agreed with the pediatrician.

Types of product by origin

The origin of the product is determined by the type of animal from which the milk for fermentation is obtained. The most popular is curd made from cow's milk, followed by goat's milk, and other varieties are much less common. Cottage cheese made from sheep's milk is tasty, unusual and very healthy.

Albumin curd

A special type of product is albumin curd. It is produced from whey, its main protein is not casein, like any “regular” cottage cheese, but albumin, whey protein. It goes well with fruits and herbs, and is widely used for the production of confectionery products.

Homemade cottage cheese

The benefits of homemade cottage cheese and its taste are difficult to overestimate. It is fresh, natural, and does not contain stabilizers or other foreign substances. It can be purchased from small private farms or prepared independently from raw or pasteurized milk.

Homemade cottage cheese recipe

Pour fresh whole milk into an enamel pan and place in a dark place to sour (the process takes about 24 hours). Heat the curdled milk in a water bath until the whey separates and curd clots appear, let it cool. Place the resulting mixture in a colander or hang it in a gauze bag to drain the liquid.

Video: Homemade cottage cheese recipe

Useful properties and contraindications

Cottage cheese brings great benefits as a source of complete protein, which is easily absorbed by the human body. It requires significantly less effort from the digestive system than whole milk or yogurt. The dish is used as part of diets in the treatment of obesity, heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, disorders of the stomach, liver, kidneys, and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Cottage cheese diets are recommended for athletes to gain muscle mass, especially during intense training. The product has a beneficial effect on fat metabolism and produces a diuretic effect. Regular consumption of cottage cheese for 6 months helps increase the amount of testosterone in men by 50%.

Cottage cheese calcium is indispensable for children during periods of active growth and formation of teeth and bones, for older people - in order to prevent osteoporosis. It is well processed by the body. The product also promotes hemoglobin synthesis and restoration of the nervous system.

The benefits of albumin cottage cheese for the body include maintaining immunity and stimulating metabolism, cleaning the bile ducts and restoring liver tissue. It improves vision, removes cholesterol, improves the quality of milk of nursing mothers, and is useful for pregnant women and diabetics.

Video: “Living healthy!”: Elena Malysheva’s opinion on the benefits of cottage cheese

Using cottage cheese for weight loss

Cottage cheese, especially albumin cottage cheese, is indispensable for people suffering from excess body weight. It helps remove excess fluid from the body and speed up metabolism. The large amount of protein in the product makes it easy to satisfy hunger, preserve and build muscle tissue, while getting rid of fat.

Warning: To lose weight, you should use a product with a fat content of no more than 5%, otherwise it will not bring the expected benefits.

Recipe for high-protein dish "Belip" ("without lipids")

Cod (fillet without skin)
Low-fat cottage cheese without salt
Bulb onions
Raw egg white

Mix cod, cottage cheese and onion in equal proportions and pass through a meat grinder, add the white of a raw egg, and prepare meatballs or casserole from the resulting mixture.

Contraindications to the use of cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is harmful to health in case of an allergy to its components or individual intolerance to the product. You should include it in the menu with caution in case of kidney disease, and avoid excesses. Regular consumption of cottage cheese slightly reduces the level of serotonin in the brain. You can compensate for it with dates, bananas, soybeans and lentils, eggs and tomatoes.

Cottage cheese: rules for selecting and storing the product

Fresh cottage cheese usually has a slightly spreadable, crumbly and soft consistency. Whey may be present in small quantities, and milk protein particles of different diameters may be present. The taste and smell should be pure, characteristic of fermented milk products, and the color should be uniformly white, with a slight creamy tint.

A slight bitterness of the product, especially in winter, and a woody taste are acceptable. Attention should be drawn to signs that indicate damage to the product or a violation of the technological process of its production and that can cause harm to the human body:

  1. A musty, unclean smell and taste are evidence of the work of putrefactive bacteria that have multiplied as a result of violation of storage rules, production conditions, or the use of inactive starter.
  2. Too sour taste is the result of lactic fermentation; its causes may be insufficient and untimely cooling, excessively long pressing, the content of disinfectants or detergents, or antibiotics in the milk.
  3. The smell and taste of vinegar arises from the activity of acetic acid bacteria and is a consequence of storing the product at elevated temperatures.
  4. A rancid taste means the presence of mold and microorganisms in the food, which can happen with fatty cottage cheese if the milk is not pasteurized at an insufficient temperature.
  5. A bitter tint is a clear sign that the cow ate grass or hay of a peculiar taste (wormwood); it can also indicate the presence of putrefactive bacteria and an increased content of pepsin.
  6. A yeasty taste, “blowing” of the lid of a container or package are consequences of the action of yeast during long-term storage of an insufficiently cooled product. The cause of swelling can also be E. coli.
  7. The “rubber” consistency of grained cottage cheese suggests the introduction of an excessive dose of rennet during its production or fermentation of milk at elevated temperatures.
  8. A large amount of whey is released from the curd when it is not pressed sufficiently.
  9. Mold and mucus in the product appears as a result of its storage in damp conditions and loose packaging.
  10. The bland taste of cottage cheese is caused by the use of low-active sourdough.

Long-term storage of cottage cheese is impossible even at a low temperature of 0-2°C. If frozen, it can be stored for 6-7 months at a constant temperature of -18°C.

At a temperature of 2-6°C in the refrigerator, cottage cheese and curd products are stored for 36 hours; for a low-fat product with stabilizers, the shelf life is 7 days, for heat-treated products - 2 weeks. Increasing the shelf life in this case reduces its benefit to the body.

Advice: If the quality of cottage cheese has deteriorated during storage or freezing, it can be improved by mixing it with cream. Soaking it in milk for 2 hours and then squeezing it out also helps to refine the product.

Composition of the product

Cottage cheese is rich in micro- and macroelements, contains some vitamins and a lot of protein. Depending on the fat content, the composition of the product varies, as does its calorie content. The energy value of cottage cheese 0.6% is 88 kcal, soft dietary cottage cheese 4% is 136 kcal, 9% is 169 kcal, 18% is 232 kcal.

Fatty types of cottage cheese are rich in vitamins A and E, but contain less B vitamins than low-fat varieties. There is slightly less calcium and phosphorus in the low-fat product, and the amount of other mineral salts also varies slightly.

Nutritional value of low-fat cottage cheese 0.6% (per 100 g of product)