Pozharsky cutlets made from minced chicken with croutons. We cook delicious Pozharsky cutlets. Cutlets with cheese

Classic cutlets are made from chicken breast fillet and thighs. But there are recipes that use turkey, veal, hazel grouse and game. The dish also includes butter, white wheat bread, heavy cream, onions, salt and spices. The classic recipe does not use an egg.

The five most commonly used ingredients in Pozharsky cutlet recipes:

The minced meat is used to form blanks and roll them in breadcrumbs. The cutlets are fried in vegetable or melted butter and then finished in the oven.

Pozharsky cutlets: cooking features

The history of the origin of this dish is quite interesting. The great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, the writer Théophile Gautier, and the traveler Mikhailo Zhdanov praised the amazing delicate taste in their poems.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the owner of the inn, Evdokim Pozharsky, offered visitors tender cutlets made from chopped veal. The heir to the family business, Daria Pozharskaya, improved the recipe for the dish and glorified her name for centuries. The innkeeper treated Emperor Nicholas I, who was passing through Torzhok, to the famous dish. The taste of the cutlets made such a strong impression on the king that he invited the innkeeper to the imperial court. Soon the dish became popular in Russia and abroad. During the Soviet years, the recipe was not forgotten, but you could only try it in a good restaurant.

Five of the lowest calorie recipes for Pozharsky cutlets:

  1. Chicken meat is ground in a food processor or blender. The minced meat is combined with soaked bread, onions and chilled butter are added. The preparation is brought to taste with salt and spices.
  2. Sometimes cutlets are prepared with filling. For it you need cheese, mushrooms, chopped garlic, grated butter.
  3. Cutlets are coated in breadcrumbs or breading. They are fried until golden brown, then placed in a preheated oven at 180°C for 15 minutes.

Before serving, the cutlets are decorated with fresh herbs.

The dish is served with mashed potatoes, boiled rice, and stewed vegetables.

How to cook delicious cutlets

The classic step-by-step recipe for preparing Pozharsky chicken cutlets at home with photo and video instructions is pre-revolutionary. Bon appetit!

2 hours 30 minutes

190 kcal

5/5 (5)

Pozharsky cutlets- a wonderfully tasty meat dish that is worth trying at least once in your life. Pozharsky cutlets are made from chicken, they are aromatic, with an inviting crispy crust and juicy inside.
If you decide to prepare this dish, then you need to be properly prepared for this issue, since preparing these cutlets is quite complicated. But knowing a few main secrets, you can cook them deliciously and correctly no worse than a restaurant chef.
In this article we will look at the most important aspects of preparing these cutlets, which are worth focusing your attention on. We will look at the most correct, classic and delicious recipe for making Pozharsky cutlets, and for a more comfortable perception, we will make it with a photo.

A little history of Pozharsky cutlets

These cutlets are generally believed to have their origins in the first half of the 19th century. The then famous innkeeper Daria Pozharskaya, the owner of a tavern in Torzhok, which was located on the way from St. Petersburg to Moscow, was the first to prepare them.
These cutlets glorified the tavern and Daria herself, after which a real pilgrimage to this place began. Guests came from all over the area, even from other countries came to taste these wonderful crispy cutlets. The original recipe became more and more famous, cutlets were no longer served only in Daria's tavern, but also in others, as well as in the best restaurants in the country. Gradually, the recipe became popular, and nothing stopped those who wanted to fry Pozharsky chicken cutlets at home. This pre-revolutionary recipe was very widespread throughout the world; Pozharsky cutlets were loved and prepared not only in Russia, but also abroad.

What you need to know before cooking

Kitchen appliances and utensils: bowl for kneading minced meat, stove, frying pan, oven, baking sheet, wooden spatula.


Secrets of cooking Pozharsky cutlets

  • First, you should forget everything you know about cheap ready-made minced meat and purchased breadcrumbs. Semi-finished products are a good thing, they often save us from routine and wasting precious time when preparing various dishes, but they will not help us here. We will make the minced meat ourselves.
  • The meat for Pozharsky cutlets is exclusively chicken. Take chicken breast and the fatty part of chicken legs. Be sure to follow the proportions and combine breast with legs 1:1. You can find many recipes for Pozharsky cutlets that use veal, but this is not a classic recipe, just a variation of it. It is best to master the traditional cooking method first and then experiment with ingredients and cooking techniques.
  • Forget about eggs, we don't need them in this recipe. Oddly enough, the absence of precisely this essential ingredient in the preparation of other cutlets is what makes Pozharsky cutlets special and unique in taste.
  • Follow the proportions. The proportions of the classic recipe will be indicated here; it is not recommended to change them, especially at first, until you master the traditional preparation of the dish.
  • We will not use a store-bought mixture for breading; we will prepare our own breadcrumbs. They are prepared only from white bread crusts. To make preparing breadcrumbs easier, the bread needs to be frozen a little in the freezer, then grate it on a coarse grater.
  • In order for the minced meat to acquire elasticity, uniformity and softness, it must be beaten and kneaded. We will dwell on this in more detail in the step-by-step guide for preparing Pozharsky cutlets.
  • Eat Pozharsky cutlets hot and fresh. This is exactly the dish that doesn't live to see tomorrow. The next day you will get a moist crust and rubbery pulp, and this, alas, is not the same at all.

Let's start cooking

  1. First of all, you need to finely chop the butter into cubes about half a centimeter in size, after which we put the chopped butter in the freezer. Following this are crusts of white bread, from which we will make the breading.

  2. We peel the onion and chop it as finely as possible on a cutting board (no meat grinders or blenders; during the entire preparation we chop all the ingredients exclusively with a knife).

  3. Place the frying pan over high heat and coat the bottom with vegetable oil. Once the pan is hot, add the chopped onion.
  4. We achieve a golden crust and let the onion cool.
  5. It's time to start eating meat. We take chicken legs and breast, peel them, finely chop the meat on a cutting board and put everything in a bowl where we will prepare the minced meat.
  6. Place the bread crumb in a large plate or bowl, pour a glass of heavy cream over it and let the bread soak thoroughly.
  7. Add the unsqueezed bread to the bowl that already contains the chopped meat. Following this, the completely cooled onion is sent there.

  8. Now you need to knead and beat the resulting mass. Mix the contents of the bowl thoroughly, tear off small pieces and throw them back into the bowl from a distance of 30 cm. We must achieve elasticity and uniformity from the minced meat, so we will have to beat it for about 10-15 minutes.
  9. Take the butter and crusts of bread out of the refrigerator. Place the butter cubes in a bowl with the minced meat. It is important to ensure that the butter does not melt in the minced meat, so the entire contents in the bowl must be completely cooled.
  10. Mix the entire contents of the bowl again and put the cutlet mass in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After this, it will become even more elastic due to the fact that the fat will solidify.
  11. We grate the bread crusts on a coarse grater, then pour our breading onto a flat dish.
  12. After the time has passed, take the minced meat out of the refrigerator, wet your hands under very hot water (as hot as you can stand), and begin to form the cutlets. Take as much minced meat as fits in your palm, without a slide. Form oval-shaped cutlets.
  13. Roll the cutlet in breadcrumbs, which will stick due to the moisture released from the cutlet, then place the cutlet on a cutting board. It is very important to do everything as quickly as possible so as not to allow the mass to cool or heat up.

  14. Turn on the oven to 180 degrees and leave it to heat up.
  15. Before putting the cutlets in the oven, they need to be fried in a frying pan to get a crispy crust. You can fry them using the leftover mixture after frying the onions. Quickly place all the cutlets on a hot frying pan and brown them on both sides for a few minutes. We achieve a hard, golden brown, crispy crust and place all the cutlets on a baking sheet covered with foil or baking paper.
  16. We send our cutlets to a heated oven and bring them to readiness there. Check readiness with a wooden stick.
  17. Place the finished cutlets in a dish, let cool for about 5 minutes, then call everyone to the table!

You can use this video recipe

Did you know?
If this recipe seemed too complicated for you, then we advise you to look at recipes for making easier cutlets. You will definitely like the recipe as well. Seafood lovers will not remain indifferent to the recipe for cutlets with squid, and vegetarians will appreciate it.

Our pozharsky cutlets are ready! Yes, the dish is not the easiest, you will have to devote a lot of time and fuss to it. But if you follow all the tips outlined above, then cooking will be enjoyable and interesting for any housewife. Pozharsky-style cutlets will be appropriate on a festive table or dinner party; your guests, family and friends will be pleased and will appreciate all your efforts. Serve the cutlets with fried potatoes or mashed potatoes, as well as with buckwheat or rice porridge. The result is a real yummy dish that will be snatched up from the table in a matter of minutes. Cook with love - this is a guaranteed half of the success of your dish.
Share your experiences and secrets with others, together we will make this world a little tastier!

Gastronomic tourism has recently begun to gain popularity all over the world. In some places, brands appeared out of nowhere, but in others they have long been loved and known.

The city of Torzhok was founded in the 10th century. In addition to historical fame, the city also has gastronomic fame. Torzhok- from such cities, it has existed here for several centuries your delicious symbol - Pozharsky cutlets.

History of Pozharsky cutlets

The cutlets got their name in honor of Evdokim Pozharsky, the owner of a tavern and hotel in Torzhok. The route from St. Petersburg to Moscow passed through Torzhok, so we often stopped here while passing through. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself visited Pozharsky, who then wrote a phrase in a message to a friend that later made the dish famous:

“Dine at your leisure,
At Pozharsky's in Torzhok,
Try the fried cutlets
And go light"

Portrait of Alexander Pushkin by Orest Kiprensky. 1827 (Tretyakov Gallery)

Actually, these are chopped cutlets from chicken (game), breaded in white bread crumbs. They are distinguished by their juiciness and crispy crust, but let's return to the 19th century tavern.

Who hasn't stopped here to taste delicious cutlets! And Turgenev, and Gogol, and Belinsky, and Bryullov, and Aksakov, and Ostrovsky. As a rule, everyone was happy, but there were also annoying misunderstandings, which over time turned into an anecdote.

Russian classic Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov in “Literary and Theatrical Memoirs” wrote about a joint journey with his friend, another Russian classic - Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol from Moscow to St. Petersburg: “ Gogol calculated that the next day, at about five in the afternoon, we should arrive in Torzhok, therefore, we should have lunch there and enjoy Pozharsky’s famous cutlets... Gogol ordered a dozen... cutlets, and in half an hour they were ready... Their appearance and smell alone aroused a strong appetite in hungry travelers... The cutlets were definitely unusually tasty, but suddenly we all stopped chewing and began pulling rather long blond hairs out of our mouths...“The situation was saved by the fact that Gogol was able to treat it with humor, describing in vivid colors how the cook, awakened early in the morning, tore his hair out of anger.

But even this story did not damage the reputation of the famous tavern, and guests were not transferred to the restaurant. But after the death of Evdokim Pozharsky, and Daria Pozharskaya, who inherited his business, as they say, both the hotel and the restaurant were no longer the same. And the cutlets, which continued to be prepared in the establishment, lost their delicate taste and airiness. But the dish from Torzhok managed to spread throughout Russia - it began to be served both in the capitals and in the provinces.

In Soviet times, the Pozharsky Hotel was both a fire station and a railway workers' club, although the memory of Pushkin's repeated visits to this place was preserved. When interest in the history of the city began to develop again, it was decided to restore the building, but at the same time it... burned down. Fortunately, the hotel has now been restored.

Now Pozharskie cutlets are a gastronomic brand in Torzhok. You can taste them in any cafe and restaurant, but the taste, like the appearance, is very different. Everyone cooks differently.

Initially, cutlets were made from veal. They acquired their modern appearance in the 1830-1840s already under Daria Pozharskaya. There are numerous references from contemporaries to both Pozharsky veal cutlets and their later versions made from minced chicken meat in breadcrumbs.

French romantic poet Victor d'Arlencourt spoke about “des côtelettes Pojarsky” in the most excellent terms, noting that they are made from calf meat.

Writer and poet Théophile Gautier in his “Travel to Russia” in 1867 he reported: “ The recipe for chicken cutlets was given to the owner of the inn by one unfortunate Frenchman who could not otherwise pay for the shelter and thus helped this woman make a fortune. Chicken cutlets are truly a delicious dish!”

And if you are not going to Torzhok yet, you can cook Pozharsky cutlets at home. It's not as difficult as it might seem.

Classic recipe for Pozharsky cutlets

500 grams of chicken fillet are passed through a meat grinder or chopped in a food processor. 2-3 slices of white bread are soaked in cream, then squeezed out and added to the minced meat along with melted butter (2 tablespoons), cream (2 tablespoons), very finely chopped onion and stewed in butter, spices and salt. You can do without eggs.

According to another version of the recipe, butter is added to the minced meat, frozen and crushed. After which the minced meat is thoroughly kneaded, almost in the same way as dough is kneaded. Using your hands, each time dipping them into hot water, you form oval cutlets, in the middle of each of which you can put a piece of butter for juiciness. Then they are rolled in a breading of white bread, previously frozen and grated on a coarse grater, and fried (usually in melted butter). After frying, it is recommended to finish cooking in the oven.

Other recipes for Pozharsky cutlets

Pozharsky cutlets made from a whole piece of hazel grouse or chicken fillet
(from the book “Model Kitchen and Practical School of Household Economy”, 1892)


3 hazel grouse or 1 chicken; 2 tbsp. l. crackers; 225 g butter; 2 eggs; 1 spoon of milk


After removing the skin from the poultry fillet and separating it from the carcass, lightly beat it with the blunt side of a knife, add salt and pepper to taste, dip it in a raw egg, scrambled with milk, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in a frying pan with plenty of butter. Hazel grouse cutlets will be ready in 10 minutes, chicken cutlets are fried for 15 minutes.
Garnish with boiled vegetables and finely chopped champignons. Serve with sauce for Pozharsky cutlets.

Sauce for Pozharsky cutlets

Ingredients: 2 small onions; 100 g bacon; 100 g butter; 100 g champignons; 60 g capers; 60 g olives; 1 cup beef broth

Chop the onion and bacon, put it in a saucepan, add poultry bones, champignon trimmings, beef broth, salt the mixture and boil well under the lid. When the onion and bacon are cooked, remove the bones, grind the sauce in a mortar and rub through a sieve. After this, add chopped champignons, lemon juice, sugar, capers, olives, butter to the sauce and cook until the champignons are ready.

Pozharsky veal or chicken cutlets
(from the book of the court cook Yu. Mikhailov “Healthy Table”, 1910)


450 g veal pulp or chicken meat; milk; 1 onion; a slice of bread; butter; salt; white pepper; bread crumbs


Clean the veal, remove fat and veins, cut into pieces and mince twice. Soak the bun in milk, combine with meat, add finely chopped onion, salt and white pepper sautéed in butter, stir and add milk for juiciness (enough so that the mass is not too liquid and can be formed into cutlets). Form small cutlets from the mixture and roll them in breadcrumbs. Fry until golden brown.

Pozharsky chicken cutlets are prepared in the same way as veal cutlets.

Pozharsky chicken cutlets on the bone
(from the book by P.P. Ignatieva-Alexandrova “Practical Fundamentals of Culinary Art”, 1927)

Ingredients (for 5 persons):

1 large chicken; butter (for meat) – 50-100 g; white bread – 2 slices (50 g); cream or milk - 1.5 cups; egg; breadcrumbs; butter for frying – 100 g.


Make a longitudinal cut along the skin of the chicken on the chest, separate all the meat from the bones and finely chop. Then add to the crushed mass the pulp of white bread soaked in milk or cream, and a piece of butter. Grind the mixture in a mortar and rub through a fine sieve to remove all the veins. Add salt, pepper to taste and, if the mass is not tender enough, add cream. Moisten the table with cold water and divide the whole mass into portions, two cutlets per person. When forming cutlets, a chicken bone is inserted into each of them (in the wide part). The cutlets are breaded in egg and breadcrumbs and fried in oil in a frying pan with a thick bottom over low heat. “Picant” sauce is served with Pozharsky cutlets.

“Picant” sauce for Pozharsky cutlets

Ingredients: 1 onion; 50 g butter; vinegar 1/4 cup; 100 g of tomato; bouillon; 50 g each of gherkins and pickled mushrooms; Cayenne pepper.

Peel a medium-sized onion and sauté in oil in a saucepan. When the onions are browned, add vinegar and let it evaporate, add pre-sautéed tomato puree, pour in a little broth and evaporate the sauce until it becomes thick like liquid sour cream, strain it and add chopped gherkins and pickled mushrooms, also sautéed separately in oil. Boil the sauce with them once, add cayenne pepper and serve in a gravy boat.

Pozharsky cutlets can rightfully be called a legendary dish, whose history begins in the 19th century. Everyone who has tried this dish says that it is very tasty and satisfying. In the article we will cover in as much detail as possible all the available information about the dish of Russian origin, we will present an old pre-revolutionary recipe with photographs and videos, step-by-step description, as well as other interesting cooking options that are used by chefs around the world.

Dishes mentioned in poetic works are rare. And those to whom Pushkin dedicated poems are completely rare. The great classic wrote a message to his friend back in 1826, in which he recommended having dinner with Pozharsky at the tavern. Emperor Nicholas I himself said that cutlets are a delicious meat delicacy.

The recipe was invented by innkeeper Evdokim Pozharsky from Torzhok, only there it was possible to eat cutlets, which got their name from the name of the inventor. Initially they were made from chopped beef and butter, but later they made changes to the recipe for the classic dish and began to make it from minced chicken or turkey. A mixture of eggs and milk was used, into which the finished cutlets were dipped and then rolled in breadcrumbs to form a crispy crust. The cutlets were fried in melted butter.

Today, with the advent of manuals and cooking instructions, every housewife can make the famous dish that Pushkin sang so well in his works. Traditional Pozharsky cutlets are usually made from chicken, wild bird or turkey, mixed with butter, cream and pepper. But it’s important to remember that this is a real culinary miracle, the preparation of which requires time, effort and truly enthusiastic approach. Below is a step-by-step correct and tasty recipe for cooking Pozharsky cutlets and all the subtleties of this process.

Almost a classic

The composition of this recipe is slightly different from the version of the great culinary experts Daria and Evdokim Pozharsky, it contains onions. Spend a couple of hours on such a culinary masterpiece and please your loved ones by offering them a tasty snack. To prepare Pozharsky cutlets, use:

  • 800 g chicken meat.
  • 400 g onions.
  • 360 g white bread without crust.
  • 1 cup cream 30% fat.
  • 150 g butter.
  • Olive oil for frying.

It is important to follow several rules for choosing products. Chicken meat for cutlets should be fatty; chicken legs (legs and thighs) are ideal. You can take 500–600 grams of meat from the leg for 100 grams of chicken breast.

Food preparation

The thighs are cut, the skin is removed and the bone is taken out. Grind the chicken in a blender or meat grinder. Peel the onion and chop it very finely. Fry in olive oil until translucent, being careful not to overcook. Cool the onion.

Divide the bread into two unequal parts. Cut the smaller part or break it into small pieces and put it in a deep container. Pour in the cream and press down lightly, dipping all the pieces into the liquid. Place most of the bread in a paper bag (or piece of parchment paper) and leave in the freezer for an hour. Cut the butter into cubes and place in the freezer.

Preparation of minced meat and breading

Mix ground chicken meat with fried onions. Add bread soaked in cream to it without squeezing. After adding salt and pepper, mix the minced meat with a spoon and beat it with your hands like dough. You can wrap the minced meat in a plastic bag and beat it on the table.

Remove the butter from the freezer and add it to the minced meat. Mix the mixture, cover with film and refrigerate for half an hour. Stir the mixture quickly so that the butter does not melt. In the refrigerator, the minced meat will become more homogeneous as the fat cools.

While the minced meat is cooling in the refrigerator, you can start breading. Remove the remaining part of the loaf from the freezer and grate it. Place the resulting petals on a plate.

Heat treatment

Remove the minced meat from the refrigerator. Fill a deep container with hot water - it will be useful when forming cutlets. With your hands soaked in hot water, form round-oblong patties. Roll with breadcrumbs (breaded) and place on a plate. Prepare all the ingredients in this way. Place the dish with cutlets in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

It is important to fry it correctly, because to make it tasty, you need to take into account several features. Prepare the oven and frying pan. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place a thick-walled frying pan over medium heat.

To fry, pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a tablespoon of butter into the pan. Place the cutlets in a frying pan and quickly fry until crisp. Most often, when the last one is placed on the frying pan, it’s time to turn the first one over.

Place the finished cutlets on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and place in the oven for 7–12 minutes. They will turn out crispy on the outside and tender and juicy on the inside - it’s very tasty.

It is better to serve baked potatoes or vegetable salad as a side dish. They should be served immediately; Pozharsky cutlets should not be reheated, as the balance between the crust and filling will be disrupted. An ordinary semi-finished product has approximately the same composition, but the cooking technology is completely different, which is why the taste is lost.

Cheese option

A new recipe for Pozharsky cutlets with cheese and garlic - piquant and original. These cutlets are made from chicken breasts and baked in the oven - thus creating a dish with significantly fewer calories. These cutlets are prepared using the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg chicken breast.
  • 200 g white bread without crust.
  • 0.5 cups of milk.
  • 150 g cheese.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • Salt and pepper.

Even a novice cook can master a recipe with a photo and a detailed description of the cooking process of a famous dish at home. Microwave the milk for 20 seconds. Cut the bread into arbitrary pieces, place in a bowl and fill with milk. Peel the garlic and pass through a press. Cut skinless chicken into pieces. Grind the meat and soaked bread in a meat grinder.

Mix the minced meat thoroughly, add salt, pepper, and garlic. Beat out the mass. Cut the cheese into 1x3 centimeter pieces. Pour the breading into a flat plate. Form into balls and place a piece of cheese in the middle. Make oblong cutlets and roll in a bowl with breadcrumbs.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or foil and place the prepared tortillas on it. Bake in the oven for 10–15 minutes (depending on the oven).

Ready-made Pozharsky cutlets are best eaten immediately, while the cheese inside is melted and soft. The side dish is served with products containing minimal calories, since this recipe is most often used for dietary nutrition.

Veal with mushrooms

This original recipe for Pozharsky cutlets contains veal instead of chicken, as well as original breading. Try making this dish for your family. You will need:

  • 400 g veal.
  • 100 g loaf without crust.
  • 250 g toast bread.
  • A glass of cream.
  • 100 g butter.
  • 400 g champignons.
  • 2 medium sized onions.
  • A glass of milk.
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Cut the toast bread into cubes and dry in the oven. Soak the loaf in a glass of cream for half an hour. Finely chop the butter and place it in the freezer.

Cut boneless veal (neck, shoulder or thigh) into pieces. Place the meat and soaked bread in a blender or food processor and grind. Salt and pepper the mixture. Move carefully. Add butter from the freezer. Place the resulting mass in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Place the dried crackers on a large flat plate. Form the minced meat into flat cakes and roll them in breadcrumbs. Place on large plates and refrigerate for another 10-15 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Heat the vegetable oil in a deep frying pan with a thick bottom and quickly fry the Pozharsky cutlets until golden brown. Place them on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 7-10 minutes.

At this time, you can prepare a side dish of mushrooms. Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan and fry onion cut into half rings. Add champignons, chopped into slices. Fry the vegetables and sprinkle them with flour. Stir, add milk, salt, pepper and place on low heat. Simmer for 6–10 minutes.

Pozharsky cutlets prepared according to the given recipes are not a strict technological map. The cooking method can be changed by adding chicken instead of veal - breast or legs, or a combination of both. But remember, the main rule is to serve the dish hot. The Pozharskaya cutlet in the photo will not be able to convey this wonderful taste, so try it and improve your culinary skills.

Fire cutlets! What is our dish associated with - a modest dinner or a restaurant evening? You can read so much about the history of Pozharsky cutlets fried in breadcrumbs. The most correct legend will remain far in the past. Although the option with Emperor Peter I, who accidentally ended up with the innkeeper Daria Pozharskaya, who knew how to cook the most delicious crispy chicken fillet cutlets, historians decided to recognize as the most plausible.

The secret cooking instructions remained beyond the past years, but we still managed to unearth part of it in the remaining culinary archives. An almost classic recipe for Pozharsky cutlets - for you.

So let's get started. Products are taken according to the list.

First, prepare the crackers for “sprinkling.” The loaf pulp is cut into small cubes and dried in the oven until light golden brown.

The finished crackers are removed from the baking sheet and cooled.

Chicken breast is taken without skin. You can cut chicken flesh from other parts of the bird and mix it with white meat. Large pieces of chicken are chopped into small pieces.

After which they are transformed into very homogeneous minced meat. In our case, the pieces are twisted in a blender to form a pate mass.

The loaf (three slices) is soaked in cream.

Added to chicken mixture. Mix in a blender. During the beating process, the minced meat for Pozharsky cutlets needs to be salt and pepper.

Hands are dipped into water, and only after that the cutlets are formed. First, the balls are rolled, and they, in turn, are sprinkled with crackers. You can put a piece of frozen butter in the middle of the ball.

The main thing is that the initial frying time does not drag on. 45 seconds on each side without a lid will be enough.

After which the cutlets are sent to a baking dish and into the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees until fully cooked (about 30-40 minutes).

Ruddy Pozharsky cutlets have a stunningly juicy, tender center and a very crispy crust. Served only when piping hot. Cooled Pozharsky cutlets lose this zest.

Pozharsky cutlets are ready! The imperial dinner was a success.

How tender they are inside, try them.
