A simple cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin. Pumpkin with cottage cheese is an excellent solution for casseroles. Making Zebra Cheesecake

For those who monitor their health, figure, or are on a diet, there are many recipes for delicious low-calorie desserts. Pumpkin and cottage cheese are the basis of one of them - an easy dish that can be prepared quickly, at no cost. Only benefits, no extra calories. Offer pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese and semolina to your family; it’s unlikely that anyone will refuse such a dessert for tea.

Everyone in our family loves cottage cheese, I often prepare various desserts with it, we really like it, donuts, healthy candies with dried fruits, but with pumpkin the situation is more complicated. Until recently, I ate this healthy vegetable alone. I am gradually mastering new recipes for dishes (entrées, side dishes, desserts, baked goods), where pumpkin is used as the basis.

Pumpkin is useful for cardiovascular diseases, diseases of veins and blood vessels. Those who simply don’t want to eat baked pumpkin or don’t like its taste will certainly like main courses with bright vitamin-packed, appetizing vegetables, soups and cereals.

In the fall, it often appeared on our table, I decided to combine two healthy products (plus cottage cheese) in one dish and prepare a new dessert. Semolina in the recipe has a binding function. The result exceeded expectations, I am happy to share a healthy, delicious recipe! It will take about an hour to prepare, per 100 grams. 105 Kcal.

Pumpkin casserole with semolina and cottage cheese: recipe 1

What we cook from:

  • pumpkin pulp (peeled) – 600 g;
  • cottage cheese (I use homemade cottage cheese, but store-bought will work too, just don’t take completely low-fat, dry, crumbly cottage cheese) – 300 g;
  • milk – 1 cup;
  • semolina – 3 tablespoons;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • salt, sugar - to taste (I used a pinch and 3 tablespoons, respectively);
  • vanillin – 1 sachet;
  • soda - a pinch;
  • oil (vegetable or butter to grease the baking sheet);
  • sesame (seeds) – 1 teaspoon.

How to prepare pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese and semolina

It happens that casseroles (not only pumpkin with cottage cheese, but also others) do not want to come out of the mold. The baked goods can be easily removed by holding the pan over steam, briefly wrapping it in a wet towel, or dipping it in cold water for a couple of minutes.

Another recipe for pumpkin-curd casserole without eggs (125 Kcal per 100 g).

Pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese and semolina: recipe 2


  • pumpkin pulp – 200 g;
  • water or milk - 2 glasses;
  • semolina – 3/4 cup;
  • cottage cheese – 500 g
  • kefir or sour cream – 3/4 cup;
  • sugar – 1 cup (less possible);
  • soft butter - 2 tablespoons.

Pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese and semolina

Cooking process:

  • Pour water or milk into a saucepan, add semolina, cook semolina porridge until viscosity.
  • Cut the pumpkin into cubes, put it in a frying pan, and simmer with butter until half cooked. We do not add any liquid.
  • Add sugar, sour cream or kefir to the cottage cheese and beat with a blender. Next, combine the grated cottage cheese with semolina porridge and pumpkin.
  • I have a baking dish with a diameter of 20 cm) grease with sunflower oil, put in the pumpkin-curd mixture with semolina, level the surface, bake in the oven for 45-50 minutes at 180 degrees.

This pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese and semolina tastes better when completely cooled. Bon appetit!

Cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole is a quick dish; it is perfect for breakfast, afternoon snack or light dinner. And this casserole is simply irreplaceable in children's and dietary nutrition, because it is made from very healthy and low-calorie products: pumpkin and cottage cheese. You can add other ingredients to the dish: raisins, dried apricots, chopped nuts, apples, oranges, apricots or rice. In addition, cottage cheese casserole with bright, juicy pumpkin has a special, very subtle and delicate aroma.

Cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin and orange zest

Cooking time – 45-60 minutes.

Servings – 4-5 pcs.

Using this recipe we will prepare cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole with orange flavor. To make the dish sunny and bright, choose a pumpkin with dark flesh; a pale yellow pumpkin will not create this effect. Sprinkle the pumpkin and cottage cheese casserole with powdered sugar, coconut flakes or crushed nuts. Or you can simply pour sweet sour cream sauce or honey over the food.

45 min. Seal

Bon appetit!

Cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin and raisins in layers

No less tasty than the previous recipe is a casserole made from cottage cheese and pumpkin with the addition of raisins and lemon zest. The baked goods smell like lemon and have a moderately thick consistency. The casserole is beautiful when cut, because the layers of curd here alternate with pumpkin layers. The recipe is time-tested, cook and enjoy!


  • Pumpkin pulp – 500-600 gr.
  • Cottage cheese – 350 gr.
  • Raisins – 150 gr.
  • Zest of 1 lemon – 1 pc.
  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.
  • Vanillin - to taste.
  • Sour cream – 2 tbsp.
  • Salt – a pinch.
  • Sugar – 5-6 tbsp.
  • Semolina – 5-6 tbsp.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the peeled pumpkin pulp into small cubes and bake in the oven until tender (30-40 minutes at 180 degrees). Cool completely.
  2. Let's prepare the curd mass for the casserole. Mix cottage cheese with 3 tablespoons of sugar. If you wish, you can add less sugar.
  3. Add 1 egg, vanillin on the tip of a knife, 2-3 tablespoons of semolina, 2 tablespoons of sour cream to the curd mass. Puree the ingredients with a blender until smooth. Add raisins and stir.
  4. Using a fine grater, remove the zest from one lemon.
  5. Let's prepare the pumpkin mixture for the casserole. Place the pumpkin pieces in a blender or in the bowl of a food processor, add 3 tablespoons of semolina, 3 tablespoons of sugar (or less), 1 egg, vanilla on the tip of a knife, lemon zest. Blend all ingredients until smooth.
  6. Cover the bowls with the curd and pumpkin mixtures and put them in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  7. After 30 minutes, turn on the oven to preheat at 180 degrees. Grease and sprinkle with semolina a baking dish.
  8. Place the mixture in the mold in 5 layers: the first layer is pumpkin, then the curd layer, then again the pumpkin and curd layers. There should be a thin layer of pumpkin on top of the casserole. Smooth the top with a spoon.
  9. Bake for about 50 minutes at 180 degrees.
  10. Eat the cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole when it has cooled.

Bon appetit!

Advice: If you do not use a blender, a puree masher or sieve will help to puree all the ingredients until smooth.

If you are using a glass pan for baking, then place the casserole in a cold oven to prevent the glass from cracking due to temperature changes.

Cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin and apples

Usually, cottage cheese casseroles become much tastier when cooled, which is why they are prepared in advance. However, please note: a casserole with apples, pumpkin and cottage cheese, baked according to this simple and quick recipe, will be delicious even warm. It turns out sweet or slightly sour, depending on what apples are added to it.


  • Pumpkin pulp – 250 gr.
  • Apples – 250 gr.
  • Cottage cheese – 500 gr.
  • Raisins – 50 gr.
  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.
  • Milk – 100 ml.
  • Salt – a pinch.
  • Sugar – 50 gr.
  • Semolina – 5-6 tbsp.
  • Butter – for greasing the mold.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour boiling water over the raisins and warm milk over the semolina so that both swell.
  2. Place cottage cheese, sugar and eggs in a bowl and mash thoroughly with a fork or blend with a blender.
  3. Peel and seed apples and pumpkin. The weight of the peeled pumpkin should match the weight of the peeled apples.
  4. Grate the pumpkin and apples on a fine grater or chop with a blender.
  5. Strain the raisins through a sieve and dry well with a paper towel.
  6. Add swollen semolina to the cottage cheese, stir until smooth.
  7. Then add pumpkin, apples and dried raisins to the mixture. Stir well again.
  8. Place the curd-apple-pumpkin mixture into a mold greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. The top of the future casserole can be lightly sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and also laid out with small pieces of butter to create a beautiful, golden-brown crust.
  9. Bake the casserole in a preheated oven for 50-60 minutes until done. Temperature – 190-200 degrees.
  10. Serve warm or chilled.

Bon appetit!

Cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin and rice

Cottage cheese casserole with rice and pumpkin, prepared according to this recipe, is very useful for dietary nutrition. Pumpkin mass is added to the casserole not raw, but baked or stewed. You can cook pumpkin, cut into small pieces, in a double boiler, or simmer in a frying pan with butter. Also, the recipe contains a little sugar. If you like sweets, increase the amount of sugar or eat the casserole with jam or sweet sauce.


  • Pumpkin pulp – 250-300 gr.
  • Cottage cheese – 300 gr.
  • Rice – 0.5 tbsp. in dry form.
  • Semolina – 3 tbsp.
  • Premium flour – 1-2 tbsp.
  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.
  • Salt – 1/3 tsp.
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp.
  • Cinnamon – 0.5 tsp.
  • Vanillin – 0.5 tsp.
  • Nutmeg – 0.5 tsp.
  • Butter – for greasing the mold.
  • Breadcrumbs - for filling the mold.

Cooking process:

  1. First of all, boil the rice. To do this, place half a glass of rice in a saucepan and add a glass of water, add a little salt and cook over low heat, so that the rice remains slightly hard.
  2. While the rice is cooking, prepare the pumpkin. Cut it into small cubes and simmer in a frying pan under a lid with a small piece of butter. If possible, simmer the pumpkin until tender in a slow cooker (double boiler).
  3. If you cook pumpkin in a frying pan, do not forget to stir it. At the beginning of simmering, you can add a little water, and at the end of simmering, turn up the heat so that all the excess liquid evaporates.
  4. Mash the well-stewed pumpkin together with cottage cheese, add rice, sugar and stir as best as possible.
  5. Beat the eggs with a whisk until light foam with a pinch of salt.
  6. Add semolina to the beaten eggs, stir and leave for 10-20 minutes to allow the semolina to swell.
  7. Add semolina with eggs to the overall casserole mixture, season with nutmeg, vanilla and cinnamon and stir well.
  8. If the mass turns out to be a little liquid, add a couple of tablespoons of premium flour to it and stir.
  9. Prepare the casserole in small molds, greased with butter and sprinkled with ground breadcrumbs, or in one large mold.
  10. Baking time in small molds is approximately 25 minutes (temperature 180-190 degrees). In large form – about 50 minutes.
  11. Cool the finished casserole with rice and pumpkin and serve.

Bon appetit!

Advice: To prevent the bottom of the baked goods from burning in the oven, it is recommended to place the casserole dish on a baking sheet with sides, and add a little water to the baking sheet.

Cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin and banana

This tender pumpkin-curd casserole with sweet banana turns out very tasty. Even if your children do not like cottage cheese or pumpkin, a banana will correct this situation! Its sweet taste and wonderful aroma will add originality to a familiar dish, and no one will even guess what exactly this culinary masterpiece is made from!


  • Pumpkin pulp – 300 gr.
  • Cottage cheese – 400 gr.
  • Banana – 1-2 pcs.
  • Semolina – 2-3 tbsp.
  • Sour cream – 2 tbsp.
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Salt – 1/3 tsp.
  • Sugar – 1-2 tbsp.
  • Vanillin – 0.5 tsp.
  • Butter – for greasing the mold.
  • Breadcrumbs - for filling the mold.

Cooking process:

  1. First, let's make pumpkin puree. The peeled pumpkin should be cut into small cubes so that it cooks faster. If you want, you can cook the pumpkin in a slow cooker (steamer), thoroughly stewing it. Grind the finished pumpkin pieces into a puree using a blender or masher.
  2. Combine cottage cheese with egg, sour cream, vanilla and semolina, mash well.
  3. Add pumpkin puree and banana slices and blend in a blender until fluffy and smooth. Add the ripest bananas you can find to the casserole (1 or 2 if they are small) - they will have the strongest flavor and highest sugar content.
  4. Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle with ground breadcrumbs, transfer the prepared mass into it.
  5. Bake a casserole of cottage cheese, pumpkin and banana for 40-50 minutes at a temperature of 180-190 degrees.
  6. Cool the finished casserole and serve with sour cream or jam.

Bon appetit!

Tip: any casserole will turn out tastier and more beautiful if it has a golden brown crust. To do this, sprinkle the baking mixture, laid out in a mold, on top with breadcrumbs and lay out small pieces of butter. In the oven, the butter will melt and bind with the breadcrumbs - this will create an appetizing crust.

What to cook from the orange gift of autumn? Try the cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole. Pumpkin goes well with cottage cheese and serves as the basis for healthy and nutritious desserts. The treat takes a long time to prepare, but it will definitely appeal to even the most picky sweet tooth.

Recipe 1. Pumpkin-curd casserole in layers

An easy way to make pumpkin and cottage cheese casserole.


  • pumpkin - 0.5 kg;
  • non-acidic cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • semolina - 60 g;
  • sugar -100 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • raisins (any) - 50 g;
  • butter for the mold.


  1. Peel and seed the pumpkin and cut into large pieces.
  2. Cover a baking sheet with parchment, place the pumpkin on it and place in a preheated oven (180° C). Bake for 40-45 minutes.
  3. We take out the pumpkin and cool it. Place in a glass of blender and puree.
  4. Add half the sugar, one egg and half the semolina to the pumpkin puree. Mix everything in the blender again.
  5. Now let's make cottage cheese. In a bowl, combine it with the egg, remaining sugar and semolina. Add raisins and stir.
  6. Grease the round shape with butter.
  7. We begin to lay out layers of the casserole: first the pumpkin mixture, then the curd mixture. Distribute the dough evenly. You should get 2 layers.
  8. Place in a preheated oven (180°C) and bake for 40-50 minutes until done.

Advice! Using an immersion blender to blend the cottage cheese and pumpkin batter will create air bubbles and make the casserole more tender.

Recipe 2. Pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese and poppy seeds with sour cream filling

Cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole with poppy seeds and sour cream filling looks like a holiday cake, is easy to prepare and eaten instantly.


  • Pumpkin - half a kilo (+ 50-100 g);
  • zest of one orange;
  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - 150 g + 20 g for filling;
  • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • starch - 1 + 2 tbsp;
  • poppy - 25 g;
  • butter (for the mold);
  • 100 g liquid sour cream.


  1. Bake the pumpkin on a baking sheet in the oven for an hour.
  2. Puree the pumpkin in a blender. Immediately set aside a couple of tablespoons for pouring.
  3. Grate the orange. We remove only the yellow skin, do not touch the white fibers, they will give bitterness.
  4. In a blender bowl, mix pumpkin puree, orange zest, 2 eggs, sugar (half) and a pinch of salt.
  5. Place the mixture in a bowl, add a spoonful of starch and stir.
  6. Now combine cottage cheese, one egg, the remaining sugar and a little salt.
  7. Add two tablespoons of starch and stir.
  8. Boil poppy seeds: pour into a saucepan, add boiling water and stir. Place on the stove and bring to a boil several times until the poppy seeds swell.
  9. Add poppy seeds to the curd mass (optional).
  10. Line a springform pan with parchment paper and grease the bottom and sides with oil.
  11. We begin to form the layers of the casserole: using a tablespoon, place a little cottage cheese in the center of the form, then a spoonful of pumpkin puree on top, then another spoonful of cottage cheese, and so on. The mass will gradually spread and fill the mold.
  12. When all the dough is laid out, a small mound will form in the center. To even it out, gently tap the pan on the table; don’t even it out with a spoon - you’ll just smear it.
  13. Decorate the casserole: use a wooden skewer to draw several strips from the center to the edge, as if cutting into pieces. You will get several rays. Now draw a few more stripes between them, from the edge to the center. The result is a beautiful pattern that looks like a cobweb.
  14. Place the pan in a preheated oven (180-200) for 50-60 minutes. It all depends on the features of your oven; the more powerful it is, the faster the casserole will be ready.
  15. While the pie is baking, make the filling. Combine the mashed potatoes that were set aside, 20 g of sugar, egg and sour cream. Add a pinch of salt (it enhances the sweet taste).
  16. Using a whisk, turn the products into a homogeneous mass.
  17. We take the casserole out of the oven. While hot, cover it with filling and return to the oven for another 10 minutes.
  18. Let the casserole cool and only then remove the pan. To make it come away easier, we run a knife along the edge of the pie.
  19. Even when warm, this cake holds its shape well. But when it cools, it will set even more. Serve with tea.

Advice! Pumpkin and curd masses should be the same consistency. If the pumpkin turns out watery, squeeze the pulp through cheesecloth (in 4 layers), or add a spoonful of liquid sour cream to the cottage cheese.

Recipe 3. Cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole with apples

A dietary version of cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole without flour. Apple and cinnamon are the secret to the success of many desserts.


  • low-fat cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • pumpkin pulp - 400 g;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp;
  • starch - 1 tbsp;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • apple;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • semolina - 2 tbsp;
  • cinnamon;
  • vanillin.


  1. Place the peeled pumpkin pieces into a pan of boiling water. Boil until soft (usually 7-8 minutes is enough). To make sure it is ready, pierce a piece of pumpkin with a fork - the tips should go in easily.
  2. In a deep bowl, mix cottage cheese, eggs, 2 tbsp. sugar, starch and vanillin. We rub everything thoroughly.
  3. Peel the apple, cut into cubes, and remove the seeds.
  4. Melt butter in a frying pan.
  5. Fry the apples for 3-4 minutes until soft. Sprinkle with cinnamon and set aside.
  6. Grind the boiled pumpkin into puree using a blender.
  7. If it turns out too liquid, place it on a sieve lined with two to four layers of gauze and let the excess juice drain.
  8. Add the remaining sugar and semolina.
  9. We combine everything and leave for a few minutes so that the semolina swells.
  10. We put layers in the mold: first pumpkin puree, then apples, the last layer is cottage cheese.
  11. Heat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the dietary dessert for 30-35 minutes.
  12. Serve when it has cooled down a little.

This casserole can be prepared in a slow cooker using the “Baking” program.

On a note

  1. Another way to bake pumpkin: cut it, but do not remove the skin, but place it directly on it. Before baking, cover with foil, then steam the pumpkin for 40 minutes. And then remove the foil and dry the juice in the oven for another 20-30 minutes.
  2. To make sure the casserole is ready, pierce it in 2-3 places with a wooden skewer. The dough should not stick.
  3. Cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin in the oven is included in the children's menu. Both cottage cheese and pumpkin are beneficial for a growing body.
  4. Pumpkin contains more carotene than carrots.

Preparing cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole takes about 1.5 hours, with 30-60 minutes spent on baking itself. While the oven is working, the hostess can go about her business or set the table. The dessert is prepared quickly and without hassle, and it always turns out delicious.

People love casseroles because they can be prepared quickly and easily. The main thing is that there is a binding component, for example, eggs. You can prepare them from any products that are currently in the refrigerator. To prepare them, you can use cottage cheese, potatoes, cabbage, and pasta. Even from the porridge left over from the evening, be it semolina, millet or rice, you can also prepare a delicious dish. And you can diversify the taste by adding raisins, apples, bananas, that is, you can add any fruits and vegetables to it. By the way, you can cook equally delicious dishes with pumpkin.

The name of the dish comes from the method of its preparation - baking in the oven. It is enough to mix all the ingredients, and before putting it in the oven, pour the egg-milk mixture on top or grease it with butter. It is the filling that gives the finished dish a beautiful golden brown crust, which evokes an irresistible desire to quickly taste a piece.

Today I propose to cook cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin with me. This will be a very healthy dish. In itself, it turns out to be dietary, light and at the same time satisfying. Cottage cheese is a source of calcium, which means it will be useful for strengthening bones and promoting the growth of healthy teeth. And pumpkin is a source of a large amount of vitamins. It is especially rich in beta-carotene, which is very important for vision and skin health. And vitamin D promotes better absorption of calcium. Therefore, such a dish will be very useful, first of all, for kids.

How to cook cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin in the oven

A step-by-step recipe with photos will help you quickly prepare this dish. Of course, it will still take time to bake. You can prepare and then mix all the ingredients in literally 5 minutes. And the cooking itself in the oven will take about forty minutes. But at this time you can start preparing another dish.

So, for preparation we will need:

  • cottage cheese – 500 g,
  • pumpkin, peeled and seeded – 300 g.
  • 3 eggs,
  • 100 ml cream or milk,
  • vanillin 1 sachet,
  • sugar – 1-1.5 tbsp. l.,
  • salt – 0.5 tsp,
  • a piece of butter for greasing the pan
  • and the baking dish itself,

How to cook

Place the cottage cheese in a deep dish, add 1 egg, salt, sugar, vanillin.

Mix everything thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass.

We clean the pumpkin from peel and seeds. Of course, I didn’t weigh out exactly 300 g. If you have a large one, then separate the fourth part. I had 1 small, or rather small, pumpkin, and that’s what I used. Grate the peeled vegetable on a coarse grater.

Add the grated pumpkin to the curd mass and mix everything thoroughly again.

Grease the bottom and sides of the mold with a piece of butter.

Transfer the pumpkin-curd mixture into the prepared pan.

Break 2 eggs into a plate, add a pinch of salt and stir until smooth. Then add cream or milk there.

Stir thoroughly and pour the future casserole on top.

Place the pan in the oven, preheated to 200ºC. Bake for 30-40 minutes.

Because every oven bakes differently, be sure to monitor the process.

Casserole with cottage cheese and pumpkin is ready!

The appearance of a beautiful golden brown crust will indicate readiness. Carefully remove the casserole from the oven so as not to burn yourself. It is better to let it cool and serve it already chilled.

Cut into portions and add sour cream or aromatic jam to the casserole. Enjoy your meal!

I found another recipe for a very tasty cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole. Perhaps you will like it too.

The other day I bought a 4-kilogram pumpkin at the store, so in the near future I’m going to cook about 5-6 delicious dishes from it. Unfortunately, many people underestimate or are simply unfamiliar with this valuable vegetable, but pumpkin is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Let the casserole made from cottage cheese with this wonderful orange vegetable be the first pumpkin dish that I share with you.

Chop 400 grams of pumpkin and peel it.

Grate the pumpkin pieces on a medium grater.

In a deep dish, mash the cottage cheese with butter with a fork.

Add 2 chicken eggs, sugar, sour cream and semolina to the cottage cheese. Add a little lemon juice to a teaspoon with soda and also add to the base for our cottage cheese casserole. Mix everything.

Add grated pumpkin to the dish and mix thoroughly.

We will have a ready-made base for baking cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole.

Fill the baking dish with the previously prepared liquid casserole base. Preheat the oven to 200-220 degrees and put the mold in it for about 50 minutes.

After 50 minutes, our cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin is ready. It can be served with tea with sour cream, jam or just like that.

Bon appetit!
