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Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone or phytomenadione) is a group of chemical substances of plant origin that have similar features and properties.

This vitamin plays the role of protector of the skin, blood and internal organs. At the beginning of the 20th century, Danish scientist Henrik Dam conducted studies on chickens to determine the effect of low cholesterol in chicks. After some time, due to poor nutrition, the experimental subjects suffered hemorrhage into the muscles and tissues.

Research has shown that there is a substance that stops bleeding. The new compound is called vitamin K (in Latin Koagulationsvitamin). In 1943, the scientist received the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the coagulative group of vitamins.

Let's look at the benefits of nutreint, signs of hypo- and hypervitaminosis, and what products it contains.

General information

Phylloquinone is a viscous yellow substance, highly soluble in chloroform, petroleum ether, insoluble in. The boiling point of the compound reaches 145 degrees, the melting point is 20. Atoms 7 and 11 in the side chain have an R configuration. In this case, the trans position is occupied by substituents on the double bond.

By chemical nature, the nutrient is 2-methyl-3-phentyl-1,4-naphthoquinone. Vitamin K1 decomposes under the influence of oxygen, ultraviolet radiation, acids and alkalis.

The chemical formula of the compound is C31H46O2.

Synthetic vitamin K1 is a combination of cis and trans isomers, with a substance ratio of 3:7.

When taken orally, phytomenadione is rapidly absorbed and is found in the blood within half an hour after consumption. The maximum concentration of the vitamin in plasma is observed after 2–8 hours. Metabolic products are excreted from the body with urine and bile. The absorption of phytomenadione slows down when bile secretion is impaired.

The influence of K1 on the human body.

  1. Due to its chemical formula, the vitamin improves blood clotting. This property is very important, since it is the coagulability that stops bleeding and heals wounds. However, you should not consume the substance in excessive quantities. An excess of blood becomes too viscous, which contributes to the development of thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis. People at risk should consume foods rich in vitamin K1 in minimal quantities.
  2. Protects bones from possible destruction. This property is important for women experiencing menopause. At this time, the bone frame becomes less elastic, and vitamin K1 promotes the production of cells involved in bone mineralization.
  3. Prevents calcification of blood vessels and heart valves. An excess of calcium in the body destroys the elasticity of tissues and reduces their level of performance. Vitamin K1 eliminates atherosclerotic lesions from the walls of blood vessels. Thanks to this property, the substance is considered the best means for preventing the development of thrombosis and atherosclerosis.
  4. Protects nerve cells from damage by free radicals.
  5. Increases the stability of the immune system, improves its response to traumatic factors such as infectious diseases. Phylloquinone is of particular value for older people, as it suppresses inflammatory reactions in the body that develop with age. In addition, the nutrient neutralizes substances that lead to rapid aging, destruction of the body and loss of youth.
  6. Supports the functioning of the central nervous system and brain through synthesis.
  7. Removes toxins from the body, preventing the development of malignant tumors.
  8. Maintains kidney health: the nutrient is involved in the synthesis of urinary protein, which prevents the formation of oxalate kidney stones.

K1 improves interaction with, needed for synthesis. If phylloquinone is supplied through food in sufficient quantities, the human body is able to synthesize it into menaquinone (K2) when necessary.

Daily norm

According to data approved in 2000 by the American National Academy of Sciences, the human body needs natural vitamin K1 daily from food.

As you can see, the body’s need for vitamin K1 increases many times over with age. If a six-month-old baby needs two micrograms of the nutrient per day to fill the daily deficiency, an adult man needs to eat 60 times more daily - 120 micrograms of the compound.

The average human diet contains 400 micrograms of phylloquinone, so deficiency of the nutrient in the body is rare.

Causes of vitamin K1 deficiency

  1. Poor nutrition.
  2. Following strict diets.
  3. Malabsorption.
  4. Cystic fibrosis.
  5. Use of anticoagulants and blood thinning medications.
  6. Dysbacteriosis.
  7. Liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis).
  8. Blockage of the bile ducts (impaired bile secretion).
  9. Resection of the small intestine.
  10. Use of anticonvulsants.
  11. Chemotherapy of cancer.
  12. Taken in high doses - 2200 international units per day.

With a lack of phylloquinone, a person experiences poor blood clotting. The consequences of hematopoietic dysfunction are the following symptoms:

  • nosebleeds, internal bleeding (bleeding stomach ulcer);
  • heavy, painful menstruation, lasting more than 5 days;
  • anemia;
  • ease of hematoma formation;
  • bleeding gums;
  • rectal fissures;
  • blood in urine analysis.

If these signs are ignored, the second most important “focus” of damage is the bone frame.
Patients experience the following conditions and problems:

  • age-related fractures of the limbs, and bone fragility also occurs in women during menopause;
  • development of osteopenia – a pathological condition characterized by loss of strength and elasticity of bone tissue;
  • the appearance, progression of osteoporosis, the disease leads to loss of bone mineral density;
  • bloody vomiting;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome.

A lack of vitamin K1 in the body over a long period of time causes the gradual development of atherosclerosis due to hardening of blood vessels, disruption of the heart valve, and hypoprothrombinemia.

Newborns experience phylloquinone deficiency if errors were made in the woman’s diet during pregnancy.

Remember, liver failure, overdose of vitamin E, antibiotics (cephalosporin), salicylates increase the risk of bleeding among people suffering from vitamin K deficiency.

The lack of nutrients in the body is determined by studying the phases of blood clotting. If, with intravenous administration of one milligram of phytonadione, the prothrombin time for 2-6 hours decreases significantly, this indicates a deficiency of the vitamin in the body. Deficiency of a compound can be determined by measuring its level in the blood plasma. In healthy people, this figure is in the range of 0.2 - 1.0 nanograms per milliliter. Deviations from the norm indicate a disease of the body, the development of pathological conditions.

To reduce the likelihood of intracranial hemorrhage due to birth trauma, it is recommended that all newborns be administered intramuscularly with phytonadione in the first hour after birth at a dose of 0.5 - 1 milligram. Today, this method is successfully used before surgery for patients for prophylactic purposes.

Excess vitamin K1 is non-toxic and appears extremely rarely in people who abuse medications, the main component of which is synthesized phylloquinone. Signs of an overdose appear only after prolonged use of the compound in quantities tens of times higher than the norm. They are expressed in:

  • stomach upsets;
  • redness of the skin;
  • increasing blood viscosity;
  • excessive sweating;
  • damage to brain tissue, liver;
  • the appearance of thrombosis, atherosclerotic disorders, migraines;
  • development of hyperprothrombinemia.

Today, health workers find it difficult to announce the dose, exceeding which is considered excessive.

Sources of phylloquinone

The largest amount of vitamin K1 is concentrated in foods of plant origin.

Systematic intake of phyllochonine with food (or food additives) in an amount covering the daily norm prevents the development of malignant tumors, kidney, heart, and vascular diseases.

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Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin stored in small quantities in the liver; it is destroyed by light and alkaline solutions.

The presence of a factor influencing blood clotting was first suggested in 1929. Danish biochemist Henrik Dam isolated a fat-soluble vitamin, which in 1935 was called vitamin K (coagulations vitamin) because of its role in blood clotting. For this work he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1943.

We can say that vitamin K is an antihemorrhagic or coagulation vitamin.

Vitamin K also plays an important role in the formation and restoration of bones and ensures the synthesis of osteocalcin, a bone tissue protein on which calcium crystallizes. It helps prevent osteoporosis and participates in the regulation of redox processes in the body.

Vitamin K enters the body mainly from food, and is partially formed by intestinal microorganisms. Absorption of the vitamin from food occurs with the participation of bile.

In terms of biological activity, the synthetic preparation retains the properties of natural vitamin K 1.

The general name vitamin K unites a large group of substances that are similar in their chemical composition and effect on the body (from vitamin K 1 to K 7).

Of this group, the two main forms of vitamin K that exist in nature are of greatest interest: vitamin K 1 and vitamin K 2 .

  • Vitamin K 1 is a substance that is synthesized in plants and is found in leaves.
  • Vitamin K 2 is a substance that is predominantly synthesized in the human body by microorganisms (saprophytic bacteria) in the small intestine, as well as by animal liver cells. Vitamin K can be found in all animal tissues.

By chemical nature, both types of natural vitamin K are naphthoquinones. Vitamin K 1 is 2-methyl-3-phenthyl-1,4-naphthoquinone, vitamin K 2 is 2-methyl-3-difarnesyl-1,4-naphthoquinone.


In 1929, Danish scientist Carl Peter Henrik Dam studied the effects of cholesterol deficiency in chickens fed a cholesterol-free diet. After a few weeks, the chickens developed hemorrhage - bleeding into the subcutaneous tissue, muscles and other tissues. The addition of purified cholesterol did not eliminate the pathological phenomena. It turned out that cereal grains and other plant products have a healing effect. Along with cholesterol, substances were isolated from foods that helped increase blood clotting. This group of vitamins was given the name vitamin K, since the first report on these compounds was made in a German journal, where they were called Koagulationsvitamin (coagulation vitamins).

In 1939, in the laboratory of the Swiss scientist Carrer, vitamin K was first isolated from alfalfa and was named phylloquinone.

In the same year, American biochemists Binkley and Doisy obtained a substance with an antihemorrhagic effect from rotting fishmeal, but with different properties than the drug isolated from alfalfa. This substance is called vitamin K 2, in contrast to the vitamin from alfalfa, called vitamin K 1.

In 1943, Dahm and Doisy received the Nobel Prize for their discovery and determination of the chemical structure of vitamin K.

The role of vitamin in the human body

  1. Blood system: The liver uses vitamin K to synthesize prothrombin (forms a blood clot) and other proteins that help blood clot. Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) coordinates blood clotting processes, stops its flow, and promotes rapid healing of wounds. Vitamin deficiency reduces the synthesis of many blood components that take part in coagulation processes, and capillary permeability increases.
  2. Bone metabolism: Vitamin K is involved in the conversion of osteocalcin to its active form. Osteocalcin is a bone protein that regulates the functions of calcium in bones during the process of renewal and mineralization.
  3. Kidneys: Vitamin K is involved in the synthesis of urinary protein, which prevents the formation of oxalate kidney stones.

Deficiency Symptoms

  • bleeding gums
  • hypoprothrombinemia
  • liquid, tarry stool (in newborns)
  • bleeding (in newborns)
  • gastrointestinal bleeding
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages
  • bloody vomiting (in newborns)

Overdose symptoms

Taking extremely large doses of vitamin K over long periods of time allows it to accumulate in the body, which can lead to excessive sweating, disorders and poisoning, and liver or brain damage.

What medical conditions require supplemental vitamin K?

Vitamin K may play a role in:

  • anticoagulant therapy
  • fractures
  • chronic liver diseases
  • cystic fibrosis
  • hardening of the arteries
  • inflammatory bowel diseases
  • liver cancer
  • pancreatic cancer
  • kidney stones
  • nausea and vomiting during pregnancy
  • osteopenia (bone loss)
  • osteoporosis (decreased bone mineral density)
  • thrombosis

Daily norm

The need for vitamin K is partially satisfied - through the biosynthesis of the compound by intestinal microflora and through intake from food. The amount of phylloquinone and menaquinone required for mandatory daily intake has not been precisely established. This indicator is calculated individually and depends on the person’s weight: 1 microgram of nutrient per 1 kilogram of body weight. Typically, food supplies 300 micrograms of a beneficial compound per day, which is slightly more than the daily norm, but this does not lead to signs of overdose or the development of adverse reactions.

According to literature data, in the first days of life the recommended daily requirement for newborns is 2 micrograms, for infants up to one year the norm increases to 2.5, for children from 1 to 3 years old - 20, from 4 to 8 years old - 30, from 9 to 13 years - 40, for teenagers from 14 to 18 years old - 50, for adults - 60 - 90.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is recommended to consume no more than 140 micrograms of synthetic vitamin K per day. In the last trimester, the amount of the nutrient (with medications) must be reduced to 80 - 120 micrograms per day, otherwise an excess of the substance in the mother’s body can cause the development of toxic reactions in the newborn.

Remember, human breast milk contains little vitamin K. To prevent the development of vitamin K deficiency in newborns, artificial nutritional supplements should be introduced into the infant's diet. The sooner beneficial intestinal bacteria enter the baby’s digestive tract, the faster his body will begin to produce the nutrient in the required quantity.


Excess K1 and K2 in the human body causes allergic reactions: redness of the skin, increased sweating.

Hypervitaminosis, as a rule, is observed only in babies; this disease is accompanied by the appearance of hemolytic syndrome and is characterized by damage to the baby’s blood. The introduction of large doses of vitamin K into a child’s diet (over 15 micrograms per day) can lead to the development of hyperbilirubinemia, kernicterus, and hemolytic anemia.

Symptoms of phylloquinone overdose:

  • enlarged liver, spleen;
  • bone pain;
  • anemia;
  • yellowing of the white membrane of the eyes and skin;
  • crooked teeth;
  • skin rashes;
  • headache;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • changes in red blood cells;
  • high blood pressure;
  • the appearance of gallstones;
  • high location of the sky;
  • formation of ulcers.

Treatment of hypervitaminosis K is based on the complete abolition of medications containing phylloquinone and involves excluding foods rich in the beneficial compound (fruits, meat, eggs, cabbage, wheat) from the child’s diet until the symptoms of the disease are eliminated.

Vitamin K deficiency: causes and consequences

The need for vitamin K has not been precisely established, since, in addition to food, the body receives it as a result of the vital activity of intestinal microflora. With vitamin K deficiency, usually resulting from a violation of its reabsorption by the intestines due to impaired bile secretion (natural vitamin K is fat-soluble), a typical picture of hemorrhagic diathesis develops, manifested by bleeding from the mucous membranes and hemorrhages into the skin. In newborns, there is a physiological deficiency of vitamin K, since during the 1st week of life the intestines are gradually colonized by microbes, which only later begin to synthesize vitamin K.

In adults, vitamin K deficiency can develop due to impaired absorption of food in the intestine (for example, due to blockage of the bile duct), therapeutic or accidental absorption of vitamin K antagonists, and also due to its deficiency in the diet. The result of acquired vitamin K deficiency can be excessive internal hemorrhages, ossification of cartilage, deformation of developing bones, or salt deposits on the walls of arterial vessels. In particular, vitamin K deficiency increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, and inhibition of its synthesis by the indirect anticoagulant warfarin leads to calcium deposition in the arteries.

Sources of Vitamin K

The human body obtains a significant portion of vitamin K from food, while the rest is synthesized by intestinal microflora. In order for vitamin K in food to be well absorbed, normal functioning of the liver and gall bladder is necessary.

Up to 1.5 mg of vitamin K is synthesized in the intestines of an adult per day. This happens mainly due to Escherichia coli, which actively secretes it. Vitamin K deficiency or vitamin deficiency can be either primary or secondary.

Vegetable: Green vegetables, rose hips, spinach, tomato, asparagus, potatoes, cabbage, green tea, oatmeal, bananas, alfalfa, seaweed, grains, avocado, kiwi, olive oil, soybeans and soy products.

Animals: Beef liver, eggs, milk and dairy products.

Synthesis in the body: Most vitamin K is produced by bacteria in the intestines.

Preparation, storage and processing of products containing vitamin K

As a rule, vitamin K is preserved quite well during food processing and storage. Some websites warn that freezing certain vegetables containing vitamin E has a potential loss of vitamin E, but research does not document this risk. In fact, the vast majority of studies show that the range of vitamin K values ​​for fresh and frozen foods varies by about 20-30%.

When it comes to cooking, laboratory data has confirmed that cooking causes a serious loss of vitamin K in vegetables. In some cases, cooking increases the amount of vitamin K. Researchers believe that this increase in vitamin K may be due to the localization of vitamin K in vegetables. Because phylloquinone, a form of vitamin K, is located in chloroplasts, components of plant cells when cooking food can release some of the vitamin K. Thus, cooking vegetables does not negatively affect vitamin K levels.

Industrial recycling is a different matter. Especially in relation to fruits and their processing into fruit juices. There is evidence that the final product is deprived of a significant amount of vitamin K. While when preparing fresh juices at home, vitamin K is lost to a much lesser extent.

Thus, freezing and storing vegetables and fruits, as well as their heat treatment, does not cause a significant loss of vitamin K.

  • The discovery of vitamin K in the twentieth century was preceded by many years of research by scientists on chickens.
  • The vitamin got its name from the English word coagulation - coagulation.
  • Bile takes an active part in the absorption of vitamin K in the body.
  • Most of vitamin K is produced by microorganisms contained in the intestines, and only 20% enters the body with food.
  • 20 g of parsley contains 1.5 times the daily value of vitamin K.
  • Long-term low-fat diets and consumption of foods containing preservatives sharply reduce the level of vitamin K in the body.
  • Athletes really need vitamin K because... it significantly reduces the risk of bleeding after traumatic injuries and enhances muscle contraction.
  • Vitamin K belongs to a group of compounds that the body is able to provide itself.
  • As a result of a lack of vitamin K in the body, symptoms of damage to the integrity of blood vessels arise - bruising, bleeding, hemorrhagic diathesis.
  • Most vitamin K is found in plant foods, especially green leafy vegetables.
  • Vitamin K improves the metabolism of calcium in the body, thereby promoting the restoration of bone tissue and preventing the development of diseases of the skeletal system.
  • An indicative test for the amount of vitamin K in the body is the level of prothrombin in the blood.
  • Most medications impair the body's absorption of vitamin K.

Vitamin K can have a neutralizing effect on some poisonous and poisonous substances.

Good day, dear visitors of the project “Good IS!” ", section " "!

I am pleased to present to your attention information about vitamin K.

Vitamin K - a group of fat-soluble (lipophilic) and hydrophobic vitamins necessary for the synthesis of proteins that ensure a sufficient level of blood clotting (coagulation).

Chemically, vitamin K is a derivative of 2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone.

Vitamin K plays a significant role in bone and connective tissue metabolism, as well as healthy kidney function. In all these cases, the vitamin is involved in the absorption and interaction of calcium and. In other tissues, for example, in the lungs and heart, protein structures have also been discovered that can only be synthesized with the participation of vitamin K.

Vitamin K is also called the "antihemorrhagic vitamin."

Vitamins of group K include:

Vitamin K 1 or Phylloquinone (lat. Phytonadione), (2-methyl-3-[(2E)-3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadec-2-en-1-yl]naphthoquinone).

Vitamin K 2 or Menaquinone, Menatetrenone.

Vitamin K 3 or Menadione (English menadione, synonym of English Menaphtone), (2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone)
Vitamin K 4 or Acetyl menadione (2-methyl-1,4-naphthohydroquinone).
Vitamin K 5(2-methyl-4-amino-1-naphthohydroquinone).
Vitamin K 6(2-methyl-1,4-diaminonaphthoquinone).
Vitamin K 7(3-methyl-4-amino-1-naphthohydroquinone).

Vitamin K in history

In 1929, Danish scientist Carl Peter Henrik Dam studied the effects of cholesterol deficiency in chickens fed a cholesterol-free diet. After a few weeks, the chickens developed hemorrhage - bleeding into the subcutaneous tissue, muscles and other tissues. The addition of purified cholesterol did not eliminate the pathological phenomena. It turned out that cereal grains and other plant products have a healing effect. Along with cholesterol, substances were isolated from foods that helped increase blood clotting. This group of vitamins was given the name vitamin K, since the first report on these compounds was made in a German journal, where they were called Koagulationsvitamin (coagulation vitamins).

In 1939, in the laboratory of the Swiss scientist Carrer, vitamin K was first isolated from alfalfa and was named phylloquinone.

In the same year, American biochemists Binkley and Doisy obtained a substance with an antihemorrhagic effect from rotting fishmeal, but with different properties than the drug isolated from alfalfa. This substance is called vitamin K 2 in contrast to the vitamin from alfalfa, called vitamin K 1.

In 1943, Dahm and Doisy received the Nobel Prize for their discovery and determination of the chemical structure of vitamin K.

Vitamins of group K are involved in many processes occurring in the body.

The main ones are:

- blood clotting;
— strengthening the skeletal system;
— construction of tissues of the heart and lungs;
- providing all cells with energy due to anabolic action;
- neutralizing effect.

Vitamin K is called antihemorrhagic because it regulates the blood clotting mechanism, which protects a person from internal and external bleeding in case of injury. It is because of this function that vitamin K is often given to women during childbirth and newborn babies to prevent possible bleeding. At the same time, despite its ability to have a beneficial effect on the blood coagulation system, vitamin K is useless in the treatment of hemophilia (a congenital disorder characterized by increased tissue bleeding).

Vitamin K is also involved in the synthesis of the protein osteocalcin, thereby ensuring the formation and restoration of bone tissue in the body, prevents, ensures kidney function, regulates the passage of many redox processes in the body, and has an antibacterial and analgesic effect. Ensures the formation of proteins, which in turn are necessary for the development and normal functioning of the heart and lungs.

In addition, vitamin K is involved in the absorption of calcium and in ensuring the interaction of calcium and.

This vitamin is an anabolic in its function, i.e. this compound normalizes the body's energy supply.

If spoiled foods enter the intestines, their toxins damage the liver. Some toxic substances partially accumulate and continue to damage the body's cells. Vitamin K has the ability to remove these accumulated toxic substances, thus saving tissues and organs from damage.

Vitamin K is also important for regulating blood sugar. With its deficiency, symptoms characteristic of.

It is important to note that vitamin K is also a preventative against inflammation associated with old age. It has the ability to reduce the level of special substances that are perceived by the immune system as a signal of aging. With sufficient levels of vitamin K in the body, life expectancy increases and youth remains longer. According to these properties, it is similar to, which is also called the “vitamin of youth”.

Some bacteria, such as E. coli, found in the large intestine, are able to synthesize vitamin K2 (but not vitamin K1).

In these bacteria, vitamin K2 serves as an electron carrier in a process called anaerobic respiration. For example, molecules such as lactates, formates or NADH, which are electron donors, donate two electrons to K 2 with the help of an enzyme. Vitamin K2 in turn transfers these electrons to electron acceptor molecules such as fumarates or nitrates, which are respectively reduced to succinates or nitrites. As a result of such reactions, the cellular energy source ATP is synthesized, similar to how it is synthesized in eukaryotic cells with aerobic respiration. Escherichia coli is capable of performing both aerobic and anaerobic respiration, which involves the intermediates menaquinones.

General indications for the use of vitamin K preparations for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes are pathological conditions accompanied by hemorrhagic syndrome and hypoprothrombinemia.

Medical indications for the use of vitamin K:

- pregnant women during the last month of pregnancy to prevent bleeding in newborns;
— , ;
- obstructive jaundice;
- pulmonary hemorrhages in the lungs;
- dysproteinemia;
- long;
- hemorrhagic disease of newborns;
— prevention of bleeding in preparation for planned surgery;
- bleeding after injuries or surgical interventions;
— postoperative period with the threat of bleeding;
- septic diseases accompanied by hemorrhagic phenomena;
- bleeding and hemorrhagic diathesis;
- uterine juvenile and promenopausal bleeding;
- bleeding associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer, etc.);
— bleeding due to radiation sickness;
- intestinal atony;
- increased fragility of blood vessels;
- muscular;
- hemorrhages associated with an overdose of indirect anticoagulants and certain drugs (antibiotics, salicylates, sulfonamides, tranquilizers, antituberculosis and antiepileptic drugs).

Important! The use of vitamin K for hemophilia and Werlhof's disease is not effective.

Contraindications to the use of vitamin K

- thrombosis, embolism,
- increased blood clotting,
- hypersensitivity to the drug.

The vitamin K requirement, that is, the amount needed to prevent deficiency under normal conditions, is 1 mcg per kilogram of body weight per day. A person weighing 60 kg requires 60 mcg of vitamin K per day. A typical diet contains 300 to 500 mcg of vitamin K per day. Vitamin deficiency is rare except in cases where diet is severely restricted or when drug interactions affect vitamin absorption. Even without dietary sources, a normally functioning gut bacterial population can produce sufficient vitamin K.

Breastfed newborns are at risk of developing vitamin K deficiency because human milk does not contain enough of the vitamin and their intestinal flora is not yet mature enough to produce it in sufficient quantities.

The requirement for vitamin K in newborns is 10-12 mcg in the first days of life.

Category Age (years) Vitamin K (mcg)
Infants 0 — 0.5 5
0.5 — 1 10
Children 1 — 3 15
4 — 6 20
7 — 10 30
Men 11 — 14 45
15 — 18 65
19 — 24 70
25 — 50 80
51 and older 80
Women 11 — 14 45
15 — 18 55
19 — 24 60
25 — 50 65
51 and older 65
During pregnancy 65
During lactation 65

Important! Antibiotics increase the required intake of vitamin K supplements. Taking antibiotics that kill bacteria affects the process of its synthesis by intestinal bacteria. Antibiotics also affect the absorption of vitamin K.

Vitamin K is sometimes used for treatment as part of a combination treatment, with individual dosage determined.

For medicinal purposes, the drug “,” which is a synthetic analogue of vitamin K, is often used and is considered vitamin K 3.

Unlike natural vitamin K preparations (phytomenadione, etc.), vikasol is a water-soluble compound and can be used not only orally, but also parenterally.

Drug dose:
- newborns - no more than 0.004 g (orally),
- children under one year - 0.002-0.005 g,
- up to 2 years - 0.006 g,
- 3-4 years - 0.008 g,
– 5-9 years – 0.01 g,
— 10-14 years — 0.015 g.

For intramuscular administration:
— single dose — 0.015 g,
— daily — 0.03 g.

- powders;
- tablets of 0.015 g,
- ampoules of 1 ml of 1% solution.

Important! In the last trimester of pregnancy, taking large doses of synthetic vitamin K is not recommended, as this can lead to toxic reactions in the newborn.

Signs of an overdose (hypervitaminosis) of vitamin K

Taking extremely large doses of vitamin K over long periods of time allows it to accumulate in the body, which can lead to flushing, excessive sweating, upset and poisoning, and liver or brain damage.

Symptoms of deficiency (hypovitaminosis) of vitamin K

A deficiency of vitamins K in the body leads to the development of hemorrhagic syndrome.

In newborns, vitamin K deficiency is manifested by bleeding from the mouth, nose, navel, and urinary tract. Gastrointestinal bleeding, bloody, liquid, tarry feces, as well as intradermal and subcutaneous bleeding appear.

In adults, manifestations depend on the severity of vitamin deficiency and include intradermal and subcutaneous hemorrhages, bleeding gums, nasal and gastrointestinal bleeding.

An early sign of hypovitaminosis K is a low level of prothrombin in the blood (hypoprothrombinemia). When the prothrombin content decreases to 35%, there is a danger of hemorrhage in injuries. When the prothrombin level decreases to 15-20%, severe bleeding may develop.

Vitamin K deficiency can develop with prolonged intravenous nutrition, with disorders of the formation and secretion of bile (infectious and toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, cholelithiasis, pancreatic tumors, biliary dyskinesia), as well as with long-term use of antibiotics or sulfa drugs , capable of inhibiting intestinal microflora that synthesizes vitamin K.

One of the main causes of hypovitaminosis is also the use of anticoagulants.

Traditional medical treatments for cardiovascular disease often include the use of warfarin (Coumadin) and similar blood thinners, which destroy virtually all of the vitamin K in the body.

Long-term intravenous nutrition can also destroy this vitamin (the bacteria in the intestines have nothing to eat and die).

Vitamin K deficiency is also caused by cancer chemotherapy, antibiotic therapy and the use of anticonvulsants. Deficiency may be due to gastrointestinal disorders. Since most of the vitamin K in the body is synthesized by intestinal microflora, its deficiency is often found in people with.

Hypo- and vitamin deficiency K can also be caused by diseases accompanied by impaired absorption of fats by the intestinal wall (ulcerative colitis, pancreatic diseases).

It is important to remember that taking enough calcium to achieve a calcium to calcium ratio greater than 2:1 will interfere with vitamin K synthesis or absorption and may cause internal bleeding.

Large intakes (about 2,200 IU per day) may reduce the absorption of vitamin K from the gastrointestinal tract and affect normal blood clotting.

The human body obtains a significant portion of vitamin K from food, while the rest is synthesized by intestinal microflora. In order for vitamin K in food to be well absorbed, normal functioning of the liver and gall bladder is necessary.

Up to 1.5 mg of vitamin K is synthesized in the intestines of an adult per day. This happens mainly due to Escherichia coli, which actively secretes it. Vitamin K deficiency or vitamin deficiency can be either primary or secondary.


Vegetable: Green vegetables, spinach, tomato, asparagus, cabbage potatoes, green tea, oatmeal, bananas, alfalfa, seaweed, grains, avocados, kiwi, olive oil, soybeans and soy products.

Animals: Beef liver, eggs, milk and dairy products.

Synthesis in the body: Most vitamin K is produced by bacteria in the intestines.


Vitamin K (phylloquinone, an antihemorrhagic vitamin) is the general name for a group of fat-soluble substances.

Groups K: vitamin K1 (phylloquinone, produced in plants), vitamin K2 (menaquinone - synthesized by microorganisms in the intestines), vitamin K3 (menadione - synthetic), K4, K5, K6, K7. Of greatest interest are K1 and K2.

In 1929, vitamin K was isolated by the Danish biochemist Henrik Dahn, for which the researcher was awarded the Nobel Prize. The name of the vitamin is associated with its inherent property - the ability to coagulate - blood clotting - “coagulation factor” or also called antihemorrhagic.

The bulk of the vitamin enters the body with food and is partially synthesized by bacteria in the intestines. Bile is involved in the absorption of the vitamin, and for normal absorption there must be a certain amount of fat in the intestines.

Vitamin K is quite resistant to heat. But it is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet rays and in alkaline (soda) solutions.

Vitamin K in food

The main sources are cabbage (cauliflower, Brussels sprouts), nettle, oats, zucchini, green leafy vegetables, green tomatoes, rose hips, spinach, carrots, rowan berries, green tea, soybeans, fish meal, vegetable oils, rye, wheat, alfalfa, pork liver, eggs.


dry liver


wheat germ

Milk, meat, fruits contain less vitamin.

The role of vitamin in the human body:

  1. Blood system: The liver uses vitamin K to synthesize prothrombin (forms a blood clot) and other proteins that help blood clot. Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) coordinates blood clotting processes, stops its flow, and promotes rapid healing of wounds. Vitamin deficiency reduces the synthesis of many blood components that take part in coagulation processes, and capillary permeability increases.
  2. Bone metabolism: Vitamin K is involved in converting osteocalcin to its active form. Osteocalcin is a bone protein that regulates functions in bones during the process of renewal and mineralization.
  3. Kidneys: Vitamin K is involved in the synthesis of urinary protein, which prevents the formation of oxalate kidney stones.

Vitamin K norm

Average daily vitamin K norm c - 50-120 mcg, maximum allowable amount - 360 mcg. Under dietary conditions, the need for the vitamin is 0.12 - 0.36 mg per day. No toxic effects were observed with an excess of the substance. But huge doses of the vitamin can accumulate in the body, causing sweating and redness.

Vitamin K norm for different categories:

vitamin K norm, mcg


male part of the population

25-over 51

female part of the population

25-over 51

period of pregnancy and lactation

Also, the daily requirement for the vitamin can be calculated using the following formula: 1 mcg per 1 kg of weight. A standard diet typically contains 300 to 500 mcg of the vitamin per day, so deficiency is quite rare.

A diet that contains vegetables, salad, milk, eggs, and cheese provides the required amount of vitamin K. However, the use of a wide range of medications, rancid fat, as well as preservatives in food and polluted air interfere with the absorption and destroy the vitamin.

Vitamin K deficiency

Free bleeding (hemorrhage) is the only documented symptom vitamin K deficiency. Deficiency occurs extremely rarely, since small quantities of the vitamin are constantly produced by intestinal microorganisms. In addition, it is found in many vegetables. But for its absorption, a small amount of fat is needed in the intestines.

Vitamin K deficiency occurs, as a rule, as a result of impaired absorption in the digestive tract due to chronic inflammatory pathologies of the intestines (dysbacteriosis, ulcerative colitis, diarrhea, dysentery) and liver (hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, biliary dyskinesia - impaired formation and secretion bile).

Also, vitamin deficiency can appear as a result of a long antibacterial course, the ones that produce it are destroyed, as well as with prolonged intravenous nutrition, chemotherapy, and the use of anticonvulsants. Some medications can block the effects of vitamin K.

One of the main reasons for vitamin deficiency is the use of anticoagulants. To treat cardiovascular diseases, “blood-thinning” drugs that destroy vitamin K are prescribed.

An early symptom is a decreased level of prothrombin in the blood. If its content decreases to 35%, there is a possibility of hemorrhage due to injuries, and severe bleeding develops up to 15-20%.

Common initial signs: bowel dysfunction, painful menstruation, slow-healing bleeding wounds, nosebleeds, excessive fatigue.

Vitamin K deficiency symptoms:

  1. In newborns, vitamin deficiency causes bleeding from the nose, mouth, urinary tract, navel, gastrointestinal, subcutaneous, intradermal.
  2. In adults, the symptoms are determined by the degree of deficiency; subcutaneous and intradermal bruising, bleeding gums, bleeding from the digestive tract, and nosebleeds occur.

Excess Vitamin K

Toxic side effects from excessive doses of vitamin K are rare.

The synthetic form of the vitamin (vicasol) can cause the development of hemolytic anemia, high bilirubin in the blood, yellowing of the eyes and skin.

Vitamin K is a lipophilic (fat-soluble) and hydrophobic compound necessary for the synthesis, which ensures a sufficient level of blood clotting - coagulation. The substance plays a primary role in the course of metabolic reactions in connective tissue, bones and is necessary for maintaining healthy kidney function. Vitamin K ensures the absorption of calcium and the interaction of the macronutrient with and. The nutrient is destroyed under the influence of direct sunlight and an alkaline environment.

The structural formula of the compound is C31H46O2.

Compared to other nutrients (,), little is known about vitamin K, but the benefits and importance of the substance should not be diminished. Part of the reason for the lack of research on the compound is that its deficiency in the body is rare. Therefore, manufacturers rarely introduce the nutrient into vitamin preparations, and as a result, the name of the substance is not widely known.

Historical information

In 1929, while studying cholesterol metabolism in birds, scientists discovered that chickens fed artificial low-fat foods (starch, casein, salt mixture, yeast extract) developed hemorrhages on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, in the skin and muscles, which were not prevented even when introducing vitamin C (lemon juice) into the diet. After exhaustion of the body, the experimental animals died. High mortality rates were also observed when feeding chickens with extracted ether and fish/meat meal.

During research in 1934, scientists came to the conclusion that the reason for the development of hemorrhagic syndrome in birds is the absence of an unknown factor “X” in the feed, which differs from vitamins A, C, D.

In 1935, a Danish biochemist and physiologist reported the presence of a new compound in tomatoes, kale, and pork liver. The scientist named the synthesized antihemorrhagic vitamin, due to its participation in blood clotting, from the word “coagulation” - Coagulations vitamin or “K” for short. Subsequently, during development, concentrates of the fat-soluble compound were extracted. Over the next 3 years, it was found that a lack of vitamin K in the body of animals and humans is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of prothrombin in the blood. A year later, the compound was obtained in its pure form: from alfalfa and rotting fishmeal in the Dam and Doisy laboratories, respectively. The chemical nature of the discovered drugs differed from each other. Therefore, the first substance is given the name K1, the second - K2. At speed 3, laboratories synthesized vitamin K1. Then after this, quinones with different vitamin K antihemorrhagic activities were derived.

Physical and chemical properties

In living organisms, K-vitamins are produced, which differ from each other in the nature of their side chains.

Phylloquinone is 4-naphthoquinone and 2-methyl-1. The first element contains a side chain at position 3, represented by a wick radical with 20 carbon atoms.

Compound K1 is a viscous light yellow liquid, highly soluble in chloroform, diethyl ether, hexane, acetone, benzene, ethyl alcohol, insoluble in water, and fluoresces. The boiling point is 115 - 145 degrees, crystallization -20. Phylloquinone is resistant to infrared rays, but decomposes under ultraviolet radiation. The presence of 2 asymmetric carbon atoms determines the optical activity of the substance.

Menaquinone (obsolete name - farnoquinone) has 35 carbon atoms in the side chain with 7 double bonds, which is represented as a farnesyl digeranyl residue.

Vitamin K2 – 2-methyl-3-difarnesyl-1,4-naphthoquinone – yellow crystalline powder. The compound intensively absorbs ultraviolet rays, dissolves in organic solvents, and melts at a temperature of 54 degrees.

In the human body, K1 and K2 can be transformed into each other, and in birds, K2 (10) into K2 (20).

Menadione or vitamin K3 is a lemon-yellow crystalline substance with a characteristic odor. The compound is poorly soluble in water, the melting point reaches 160 degrees. By its nature, K3 is a precursor to vitamin K2. Today, menadione sodium bisulfite (“Viskol”) is used in medical practice in the form of a medicinal product, an analogue of vitamin K. The drug has a hemostatic effect, increases blood clotting, promotes the synthesis of prothrombin, proconvertin, and stimulates vitamin K reductase.

Let's consider what the benefits of the nutrient are, signs of hypo- and hypervitaminosis, indications and contraindications for use, food sources of the compound (list).

The main biological role of the antihemorrhagic factor is participation in the synthesis of blood proteins, which are involved in its coagulation. Thanks to this component, when a blood vessel is damaged, the plasma rapidly coagulates to form a clot.

In addition, vitamin K regulates the content of formed elements in the blood: it promotes the constant synthesis of new platelets, which, if necessary, can “clog” the wound at any time.

With the participation of the compound, special transport proteins are formed, which ensure the movement of nutrients between internal organs and tissues. Vitamin K supports the structure and structure of cartilage and bone tissue.

Let's look at what else it is needed for:

  1. Ensures normal skeletal development in children and adolescents and protects older people from osteoporosis.
  2. Participates in anaerobic respiration, which occurs in nervous tissue during oxygen starvation, and in muscles during intense physical activity.
  3. Creates conditions for mutual metabolism and vitamin D.
  4. Takes part in redox reactions, the synthesis of sphingolipids in the brain and enzymatic processes that lead to the formation of γ-carboxylglutamic acid residues.
  5. Neutralizes the strongest poisons: coumarin, aflatoxin. When entering the human body, toxic substances can cause malignant formations and destroy liver cells, and phylloquinone neutralizes these toxins.
  6. Regulates blood sugar levels.
  7. Normalizes the body's energy supply.
  8. Prevents age-related inflammation, reduces interleukin-6 levels. The appearance of this chemical in the body is a sign of aging for the immune system.
  9. Has antibacterial and analgesic effects.
  10. Helps reduce muscle spasms and relax the uterus, eliminating discomfort during the menstrual cycle.

What else is phylloquinone useful for?

In addition, vitamin K in the human body performs the following functions: maintains kidney health, ensures the normal functioning of intestinal microflora in oxygen-free respiration, and prevents bleeding during the birth of a child. Nutrient antagonists (warfarin, phenindione, acenocoumarol) are drugs prescribed for thrombosis.

Vitamin K is used for the treatment and prevention of disorders of motor activity of the intestines and stomach.

Daily norm

The need for vitamin K is partially satisfied - through the biosynthesis of the compound by intestinal microflora and through intake from food. The amount of phylloquinone and menaquinone required for mandatory daily intake has not been precisely established. This indicator is calculated individually and depends on the person’s weight: 1 microgram of nutrient per 1 kilogram of body weight. Typically, food supplies 300 micrograms of a beneficial compound per day, which is slightly more than the daily norm, but this does not lead to signs of overdose or the development of adverse reactions.

According to literature data, in the first days of life the recommended daily requirement for newborns is 2 micrograms, for infants up to one year the norm increases to 2.5, for children from 1 to 3 years old - 20, from 4 to 8 years old - 30, from 9 to 13 years - 40, for teenagers from 14 to 18 years old - 50, for adults - 60 - 90.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is recommended to consume no more than 140 micrograms of synthetic vitamin K per day. In the last trimester, the amount of the nutrient (with medications) must be reduced to 80 - 120 micrograms per day, otherwise an excess of the substance in the mother’s body can cause the development of toxic reactions in the newborn.

Remember, human breast milk contains little vitamin K. To prevent the development of vitamin K deficiency in newborns, artificial nutritional supplements should be introduced into the infant's diet. The sooner beneficial intestinal bacteria enter the baby’s digestive tract, the faster his body will begin to produce the nutrient in the required quantity.

Metabolism of vitamin compounds in the body

Vitamin K absorption occurs in the upper parts of the small intestine. Moreover, fat-soluble forms of the nutrient, unlike water-soluble ones, are absorbed in the presence of bile acids. In view of this, the transportation of these substances occurs in various ways. The first group of “phylloquinones” is absorbed primarily through the bloodstream, and the second through the lymphatic ducts. The bulk of vitamin K binds to albumin and accumulates in the liver, spleen and heart. However, blockade of the reticuloendothelial system reduces the absorption of nutrients by organs several times.

Antihemorrhagic vitamin controls K-dependent factors of the blood coagulation system - prothrombin, factors VII, IX and X, proteins S, C and Z.

Doctors have found that vitamin K is present in the liver in three forms. At the same time, the nutrient itself does not have biological activity. The transition to the active state occurs only after the substance is transformed into the form of hydroquinone. This reaction occurs under the influence of quinone reductase (in liver microsomes). Then hydroquinone, in the process of carboxylation of K-dependent factors, is synthesized into an intermediate metabolite of vitamin K - epoxide. This protein, in turn, is again reduced to vitamin K - quinone under the influence of epoxide reductase. Thus, the known forms of the nutrient are sequentially transformed into one another, forming a closed vitamin K cycle.

The end products of metabolism are excreted along with feces.

Deficiency of phylloquinone and menaquinone in the body is a rare phenomenon, which in most cases occurs as a result of severe dietary restrictions or due to interactions with medications that reduce the absorption of the nutrient. In a healthy person, the population of intestinal bacteria is normally capable of synthesizing sufficient levels of vitamin K, covering the daily requirement for the beneficial compound, even without food sources. However, with diseases of the digestive tract, the production and absorption of the element is disrupted, and as a result, hypovitaminosis develops. At the same time, most symptoms are associated with disorders in the circulatory system.

The most pronounced manifestation of vitamin K deficiency in the human body is hemorrhagic syndrome, which develops against the background of changes in the blood coagulation system. Initially, scientists believed that bleeding was associated with a decrease in prothrombin activity. Later it was found that nutrient deficiency is not limited to hypoprothrombinemia.

Vitamin K stimulates the biosynthesis of enzyme proteins (prothrombin, antihemophilic globulin, proconvertin, Stewart-Prower factor) in the liver, which are involved in blood clotting and are required for the production of active thrombin and thromboplastin.

The sequence of manifestations of hypovitaminosis.

  1. The first stage is characterized by a decrease in the level of prothrombin (up to 35%), which, when the vessel is damaged, quickly changes its structure, forming a clot. Insufficient protein production can lead to increased bleeding from wounds when the skin is damaged. This symptom is called prothrombinemia.
  2. At the second stage, if the deficiency of vitamin K is not corrected, a further decrease in prothrombin occurs (20%). This disorder (hemorrhagic syndrome) leads to the opening of severe internal and external bleeding. Typical symptoms of moderate hypovitaminosis in children are bleeding from the navel, urinary tract, nose, mouth; in adults - liquid feces mixed with blood, subcutaneous bruising, hematomas in the area of ​​venous puncture, hematemesis, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, bleeding gums.
  3. The third stage, called “severe vitamin deficiency - hemorrhagic diathesis with hematuria,” poses a danger to human life. The patient's condition worsens every day, blood circulation is disrupted, and peptic ulcers develop. In this case, a person may die from kidney failure, heart failure, blood poisoning or blood loss.

Chronic lack of vitamin compounds causes ossification of cartilage tissue and the development of osteoporosis. As a result, a person already at a young age begins to suffer from typical aging diseases.

Without treatment for vitamin K deficiency, 30% of sick people die from hemorrhage in the adrenal glands and liver.

Nutrient deficiency in the body leads to the following changes in the body:

  • weakens the biosynthesis of serotine, histamine, acetylcholine;
  • impairs the functioning of the tonic, rhythmic function of smooth muscles;
  • reduces the activity of amylase, intestinal alkaline phosphatase, enterokinase, pancreatic lipase, alanine aminotransferase/aspartate aminotransferase of the heart muscle, small/large intestine, stomach walls, skeletal muscle proteinase.

Recognition of vitamin K hypovitaminosis is based on the determination of dependent blood coagulation factors, in particular prothrombin. Normally, the protein level is 95-105% according to Quick, prothrombin time is 9 - 12.6 seconds. A decrease or increase in the prothrombin index (PTI) indicates increased or decreased blood clotting, which occurs due to a lack of vitamin K, the formation of malignant tumors, pre-infarction conditions, problems with the liver, gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis or taking diuretics, corticosteroids, anabolic steroids, Aspirin, hormonal contraceptives, laxatives.

It is possible to normalize protein levels, but the treatment course depends on the cause of the problem. Often, recovery requires a special diet and drug therapy.

Despite the ability of phyllioquinone and menaquinone to influence blood clotting, the use of these nutrients in the treatment of hemophilia (increased tissue bleeding) is useless and will not bring the desired effect.

What is the danger of vitamin K deficiency for a pregnant woman?

  1. The risk of internal bleeding and hemorrhage increases.
  2. Insufficient production of energy and strength.
  3. The duration of wound healing increases.
  4. The process of bone tissue formation in the baby worsens.
  5. Muscle contraction and the strength of vascular walls are weakened.
  6. Disorders of the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract occur.

Vitamin K helps prevent bleeding during pregnancy, during childbirth and after childbirth. Despite the fact that for the full intrauterine development of the baby, it is necessary to take additionally, the intake of tocopherol in large doses (over 300 micrograms per day) impairs the absorption of phylloquinone.

Causes of deficiency in the body

When leading a healthy lifestyle, vitamin K deficiency is a rare occurrence, since a lot of the nutrient comes from food and is synthesized by intestinal microflora. However, some factors disrupt the normal absorption of the substance in the body, provoking the development of K - hypovitaminosis.

Causes of “blood-forming” vitamin deficiency:

  • taking medications that reduce vitamin K reserves in the body (for example, antacids);
  • acute deficiency of healthy fats in the daily menu;
  • impaired absorption of lipids by the intestinal wall;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (chronic colitis, enteritis, neoplasms, ulcers, dyskinesia, dysbacteriosis, dysentery, helminthic infestations);
  • taking large portions of mineral oils;
  • poisoning with third generation cephalosporins or coumarin anticoagulants;
  • disruption of the production and secretion of bile due to drug poisoning (chloroform, phosphorus), pathologies affecting the liver parenchyma (cirrhosis, hepatitis, acute yellow atrophy, Botkin’s disease, pancreatic tumor, cholelithiasis);
  • prolonged intravenous nutrition;
  • long-term use of medications, in particular antibiotics, that inhibit intestinal microflora;
  • cancer chemotherapy.

In addition, breastfed babies are at risk of developing hypovitaminosis due to partial colonization of intestinal flora and low concentration of the nutrient in breast milk (2.5 micrograms per liter).

Since a lack of vitamin K leads to a deficiency of blood clotting factors, infants with phylloquinone deficiency may develop hemorrhagic syndrome (bleeding from the umbilical remnant, melena, metrorrhagia), and in some cases, hemorrhage in the lungs, liver, adrenal glands and brain.

If hypovitaminosis is suspected, a biochemical blood test for prothrombin (a factor formed with the participation of vitamin K) is prescribed. A low prothrombin index (less than 50%) may indicate a lack of antihemorrhagic nutrients in the body, serious pathologies of the digestive tract, or the risk of bleeding during childbirth. To establish an accurate medical history, against the background of laboratory tests, medications that inhibit the normal absorption of “phylloquinones” are discontinued. If, after a vitamin injection, the level of prothrombin in the blood increased within 2–4 hours, and the bleeding stopped after 3–6 hours, this indicates that K deficiency has developed in the human body. Along with this, with a lack of nutrients, the blood clotting characteristic exceeds the permissible limit.

The normal period for the formation of a fibrin clot after contact with a foreign surface is 3–5 minutes.

Excess K1 and K2 in the human body causes allergic reactions: redness of the skin, increased sweating.

Hypervitaminosis, as a rule, is observed only in babies; this disease is accompanied by the appearance of hemolytic syndrome and is characterized by damage to the baby’s blood. The introduction of large doses of vitamin K into a child’s diet (over 15 micrograms per day) can lead to the development of hyperbilirubinemia, kernicterus, and hemolytic anemia.

Symptoms of phylloquinone overdose:

  • enlarged liver, spleen;
  • bone pain;
  • anemia;
  • yellowing of the white membrane of the eyes and skin;
  • crooked teeth;
  • skin rashes;
  • headache;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • changes in red blood cells;
  • high blood pressure;
  • the appearance of gallstones;
  • high location of the sky;
  • formation of ulcers.

Treatment of hypervitaminosis K is based on the complete abolition of medications containing phylloquinone and involves excluding foods rich in the beneficial compound (fruits, meat, eggs, cabbage) from the child’s diet until the symptoms of the disease are eliminated.

General indications for use

Vitamin K is used for the prevention and treatment of conditions accompanied by hypoprothrombinemia and hemorrhagic syndrome.

Medical indications for use of the nutrient:

  • pulmonary bleeding due to tuberculosis of the bronchi and lungs;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • dysproteinemia;
  • hepatitis;
  • bleeding due to radiation sickness;
  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • hemorrhagic disease in newborns;
  • last month of pregnancy (to prevent bleeding in newborns);
  • septic pathologies accompanied by hemorrhagic phenomena;
  • heavy menstrual bleeding;
  • prevention of osteoporosis;
  • bleeding resulting from surgery or injury;
  • intestinal atony;
  • obstructive jaundice;
  • bleeding that occurs against the background of pathologies of the digestive tract (colitis, ulcers, diverticulum, hemorrhoids, neoplasms, hernias);
  • muscle weakness;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • increased fragility of blood vessels;
  • uterine promenopausal and juvenile bleeding;
  • postoperative rehabilitation in case of risk of bleeding;
  • hemorrhages resulting from an overdose of medications and “indirect” anticoagulants (sulfonamides, salicylates, tranquilizers, antibiotics, antiepileptic and antituberculosis drugs);
  • preparation for planned surgery (to prevent bleeding).

In addition, vitamin K is used as part of complex therapy for intestinal inflammation, hardening of the arteries, cystic fibrosis, kidney stones, osteoporosis, toxicosis in pregnant women, pancreatic and liver tumors.


  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • embolism, thrombosis;
  • increased blood clotting.

Vitamin K is prescribed with caution for hypertension, an allergic “mood” of the body, in the first trimester of pregnancy, in childhood and old age.

For therapeutic purposes, a synthetic analogue of folloquinone, Vikasol, is used.

How to take the drug

For oral administration, Vikasol is used in the form of tablets and powder, and for intramuscular injections - injections in ampoules (1%). A solution for parenteral administration is prepared using isotonic sodium chloride brine.

The daily requirement for the nutrient for adults (when taken orally) is 15–30 milligrams, for children – 2–15 milligrams (depending on the age of the child). At the same time, a single dose for intramuscular administration should not exceed 10 - 15 milligrams, the maximum daily dose is 30 milligrams.

Each ampoule of the drug (1 milliliter) contains 10 milligrams of vitamin K.

For therapeutic purposes, Vikasol is used for 3–4 days, dividing the daily dose into 2–3 doses. After this, take a four-day break and repeat the course of treatment.

Mothers in labor are prescribed vitamin K upon arrival at the maternity hospital, in a dosage of 15–30 milligrams (orally). If labor has not occurred after 12 hours, this drug is taken again. However, in the last trimester of pregnancy and during lactation, Vikasol is consumed with caution, under the supervision of a doctor, since taking the medicine in large quantities can provoke the development of allergies in the child.

For newborns, the therapeutic dose of the nutrient is 2–4 milligrams per day.

Before surgery (to prevent parenchymal bleeding), a vitamin K analogue is prescribed 2–3 days before surgery.

Remember, when taken orally, the effect of Vikasol appears after 14 - 18 hours, and when administered intramuscularly - after 5 - 6 hours.

Distribution of vitamin K in nature

The largest amount of phylloquinone is found in chloroplasts, which are found in the cells of green plants. Vegetables synthesize the vitamin through their photochemical function. At the same time, the amount of the nutrient depends on the amount of chlorophyll. The most vitamin K is found in tea leaves, leafy vegetables, green tomatoes, cabbage, the least is in root vegetables and fruits (bananas, kiwi, avocado).

K2, unlike K1, is present in products of animal origin: eggs, fish oil, liver.

Table No. 1 “Which foods contain vitamin K”
Source Vitamin K content per 100 grams of product, micrograms
Green tea leaves 964
Liver 600
Green cabbage 500
Spinach 450
Black tea leaves 345
Pink cabbage 230
Broccoli 210
Red leaf lettuce 210
Watercress salad 200
Valerian oleracea 200
Soybean oil 193
Green onion 190
Bulb onions 160
Mutton 150
Veal 150
Head lettuce 120
Horseradish 108
Beef 100
Cod 100
Cauliflower 80
Seaweed 66
Beans 45
Kiwi 40
Celery 30
Zucchini 30
cucumbers 30
Chicken egg 20
Hot pepper 14
Carrot 13
Chicken meat 10
Tomatoes 10
Pear 4
Apple 2
Garlic 1,7
Bananas 0,5

Decoctions of herbs: linden, rosehip, nettle, birch leaves, shepherd's purse, raspberry well replenish the reserves of phylloquinone and menanquinone.

Vitamin K is well preserved after heat treatment of products; as a rule, the loss of the beneficial compound when exposed to high temperatures does not exceed 5%; when frozen, it reaches 30%.

In the course of research, scientists discovered that the plant cells of vegetables, which are rich in phylloquinone, release part of the nutrient during cooking, which leads to an increase in the amount of K1 in food. Based on laboratory data, the researchers concluded that cooking foods did not affect the level of the compound in them. Industrial processing of vegetables and fruits (for example, into juices), on the contrary, reduces the vitamin K content by 50–90%. As a result, the final product does not provide value to the human body.

Effervescent alcoholic drinks, flavorings, dyes, and preservatives prevent the complete absorption of phylloquinone and menanquinone. For normal absorption of the compound, you need to ensure a systematic supply of healthy fats and exclude deep-fried foods from your daily diet.

Vitamin K, maintaining stable viscosity and blood circulation, strengthens the inner wall of small vessels and normalizes the condition of surface capillaries. In view of this, the nutrient (phytonadione) is used as a cosmetic ingredient in the creation of skin care products.

Indications for use of vitamin cosmetics:

  • periorbital pigmentation (for lightening);
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • “broken” capillaries and redness due to rosacea;
  • excessive insolation (to reduce the negative manifestations of sunburn);
  • Bateman's purpura;
  • after a course of hardware procedures (laser peeling or ablation);
  • spider veins with rosacea;
  • bruises, hematomas (for resorption);
  • telangiectasia;
  • chemical peeling (as the final stage);
  • rehabilitation period after plastic surgery (rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, liposuction).

In cosmetology, products containing antihemorrhagic vitamin are the “highlight” of branded professional cosmetics companies.

However, it is important to understand that vitamin K is a cosmetic ingredient and not a drug. In view of this, it is advisable to combine the “hematopoietic” element with other anti-inflammatory ingredients: green tea extract, superoxide dismutase, alpha-lipoic acid, licorice root, curcumin, tocopherols, carotenoids, plant antioxidants, vitamin C.

In addition to these components, vitamin preparations should contain phospholipids (lecithin) and fats. However, some people do not know what vitamin K is called in cosmetics. Phytonadione is designated on the labels of professional products as “phylloquinone”. Moreover, the closer the substance is to the beginning of the list of ingredients, the more of it there is in the drug.

Consider popular cosmetics with vitamin K.

  1. Bionic Eye Cream (NeoStrata) – eye cream based on phytonadione and gluconolactone. The composition is used as an anti-age agent to eliminate swelling and dark circles under the eyes.
  2. Vitamin K Cream (Reviva Labs) is a fortified composition for facial skin that is prone to rosacea.
  3. Evening Primrose Eye Cream (Korres) is a night cream for eyelid skin care containing vitamin K and evening primrose oil.
  4. Amazing Cream (Aroma Naturals) is a multifunctional organic face cream with vitamin K, cocoa butter and medicinal plant extracts.

Despite the fact that these products are intended for local use, the compositions can be used for daily care of problem and aging skin.

Chemical intoxication in dogs, in 80% of cases, occurs when eating rat poison or a poisoned rodent. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, the consequences may be irreversible. Therefore, it is important for every owner to know what happens in a dog’s body when poisoned, and how to prevent death.

What does poison do in a pet's body?

Rat poisons (rodencitides) are anticoagulants that suppress the production of vitamin K, which is “responsible” for blood clotting. As a result, the capillary walls are damaged and the time for fibrin clot formation increases. These phenomena lead to the development of bleeding from natural orifices, including the flow of blood into the peritoneum and brain.

After the poison enters the body, the pet’s health remains normal for some time (until its own reserves of vitamin K are exhausted). The typical period for the development of clinical symptoms of intoxication (in adults) is 3–5 days after eating the rodenticide.

Signs of poisoning:

  • foamy vomiting with inclusions of blood and bile;
  • lethargy;
  • shortness of breath;
  • high temperature (39 – 40 degrees);
  • change in urine color;
  • bloody diarrhea;
  • convulsions;
  • loss of appetite;
  • salivation;
  • photophobia;
  • anemia of the mucous membranes;
  • bleeding from the rectum;
  • takicardia.

In severe intoxication, prolonged convulsions may occur that are not relieved by anticonvulsants.

First aid for dog poisoning (before the doctor arrives)

  1. Give the animal an adsorbent (enterosgel, activated carbon, polypefam, sorbex). If the pet is in a comatose state and cannot swallow, then these activities are canceled.
  2. Cleanse the digestive tract by inducing vomiting and enema irrigation. If more than 4 hours have passed since eating poison, then it is better to abandon the first flushing method, since the food bolus has descended into the intestines.
  3. Give an injection of vitamin K 1, having first checked the dosage with your veterinarian by phone. In case of poisoning with “strong” anticoagulants (bromadiolone, ratsid, brodifacoum, flocumafen), a single portion of the antidote for dogs is 2.5 - 5 milligrams per kilogram of the animal’s weight (administered subcutaneously). If poisoning with a first generation rodenticide (warfarin, triphenacin, isopropylphenacin, ethylphenacin) is determined, then the dosage is reduced to 0.25 - 2.5 milligrams.
  4. Give water or mucous decoctions (rolled oatmeal, flaxseed, rice). At the same time, it is forbidden to feed the animal milk, castor oil, eggs and vegetable oil, due to increased absorption of toxins into the blood. After the animal’s condition has stabilized, vitamin K1 (in tablets) is added to the food for 1 to 6 weeks. The duration of rehabilitation therapy depends on the condition of the pet and the chemical type of poison.

Medicines used as antidotes for poisoning

  1. Konakion, Mefiton, Konavit, Monodion are “human” vitamin K1 preparations used to treat dogs to restore blood clotting factors.
  2. Veta – K1, Aqua – Mephyton, Mephyton, Veda – K1 – veterinary drugs in capsules, tablets and ampoules for the treatment of bleeding in pets.
  3. Unitol is a medicine used to treat animals with acute and chronic poisoning with compounds of mercury, arsenic, silver, antimony, chromium, and bismuth.
  4. Atropine is a tropane alkaloid prescribed for poisoning with nerve agents, carbamate and organophosphorus insecticides.

These medications are used as antidotes for dogs affected by rat poison. At the same time, the type of medication depends on the chemical structure of the toxic compound and the severity of the pathology.

Remember, if your pet is poisoned, it is important to immediately contact a veterinary clinic to prevent possible complications.

Use for uterine bleeding

Women of reproductive age often face the problem of uterine bleeding. The normal duration of the menstrual cycle is 5–7 days, and the total volume of discharge is 60–80 milliliters. If any disease develops in the genitourinary organs, the woman begins to experience uterine bleeding. Today, gynecological pathologies are eliminated using therapeutic agents or surgical intervention through diagnostic curettage. However, in most cases, they manage with standard hemostatic therapy using vitamin K preparations. In gynecological practice, in 80% of cases, a synthetic analogue of “phyllaquinones” is used - Vikasol. This drug is used as an “express” remedy to stop bleeding due to excessive contractions of the uterus during menstruation. In this case, the optimal form of release of the substance is an injection solution. A single therapeutic dose for intramuscular administration is 10 - 15 milligrams. The maximum allowable portion of the substance is 30 milligrams per day.

Vitamin K3 injections help relax the uterus and weaken the strength of muscle spasms, resulting in a decrease in the feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen and a decrease in the need to take painkillers (in women aged 13 to 25 years). However, it is important to understand that Vikasol will not stop the bleeding immediately, since it will begin to “work” effectively only after 18 hours.

Along with this, phyllaquinone is of great importance during the postmenopausal period in women, since it potentiates the production of sex hormones in the body. To reduce the amount of discharge, vitamin K (in tablets) is taken 7 days before the start of menstruation. A single portion of the substance is 3 milligrams, and a daily dose is 6 milligrams. However, remember, it is important to use vitamin K preparations only under the supervision of a doctor.

What are the dangers of uncontrolled use of Vikasol?

  1. Development of liver or kidney failure.
  2. The occurrence of allergic reactions.
  3. Incomplete emptying of the uterus from exfoliated endometrium.
  4. Formation of blood clots.
  5. Progression of varicose veins.

Remember, independent regulation of the menstrual cycle with the help of Vikasol is fraught with the development of hormonal imbalance in the body.

Interaction with other substances

The mechanism of action of vitamin K is its participation in the processes of modifying proteins of the blood coagulation system and bone tissue. However, some substances inhibit the absorption of nutrients in the intestines, as a result of which the full course of biochemical reactions is disrupted.

Let's look at what interferes with the absorption of "phylloquinones" and how vitamin K is compatible with certain compounds.

  1. Daily intake of significant portions of tocopherol (more than 2200 IU) leads to a decrease in the absorption of the “hematopoietic” factor in the intestine.
  2. Drugs with a high calcium content inhibit the synthesis and absorption of vitamin K, and in some cases provoke the development of internal bleeding.
  3. Phylloquinone prevents hemorrhagic phenomena that occur with the administration of high doses of beta-carotene.
  4. Preparations containing vitamin K enhance the negative effect of X-rays on mitosis in tissue culture of fibroblasts.
  5. Synthetic (retinol acetate) inhibits the absorption of the antihemorrhagic substance in the intestine.
  6. The “blood-forming” nutrient enhances the pharmacological properties of steroid hormones.
  7. Vitamin K inhibits the proliferation of pathogenic microflora in the stomach and intestines (mycobacteria, staphylococci, streptococci, corynobacteria).
  8. Indirect anticoagulants, antibiotics and sulfonamides disrupt the endogenous synthesis of a beneficial compound.
  9. Tetracycline accelerates the removal of nutrients from the body.
  10. Under the influence of alcohol, fizzy drinks, barbiturates, preservatives, flavorings and dyes, the concentration of vitamin K in the body is reduced by half.
  11. Lipid foods promote the absorption of fat-soluble forms of phylloquinones.
  12. Sesamin preparations increase the half-life of vitamin K metabolites in the body (MK-4 and phylloquinone).

It is important to take the above data on nutrient compatibility into account when drawing up a medication regimen.


Thus, vitamins of group K are chemically bound substances that ensure the formation of bone tissue, blood clotting within normal limits, proper functioning of the kidneys, maintaining the nervous structure of the body and the function of blood vessels and the brain at the proper level. In addition, phylloquinone and menaquinone protect nerve cells from oxidative damage and regulate the course of inflammatory reactions. Thus, with a sufficient amount of vitamin K in the body, the release of interleukin-6 decreases.

Today in the UK, Canada and the USA, newborns receive a prophylactic injection of phylloquinone and menanquinone, which prevents the possibility of bleeding, particularly in the brain.
