Fish with milk sauce recipe. Milk sauce for fish. Fish in milk

Fish stewed in milk- an easy to prepare but very tasty dish. The fish turns out incredibly tender, with an incomparable milk sauce. I cooked hake fillet, you can use any other similar fish. Can be served with mashed potatoes or rice. Delicious!


To prepare fish stewed in milk, you will need:

onions - 0.5 pcs.;

fish fillet (I prepared hake fillet) - 500 g;

butter - 2 tbsp. l.;

milk - 1 glass;

flour - 1 tbsp. l.;

salt, ground black pepper - to taste;

parsley (greens) - to taste;

bay leaf - 1 pc.

Cooking steps

Cut the defrosted fish fillet into small pieces.

Pour milk into the pan, add salt, bring the milk to a boil and add finely chopped onion.

Also add black pepper and bay leaf to the pan in the milk.

Boil milk and onions over low heat for 5 minutes, then add butter and fish pieces to the resulting milk sauce.

Simmer the fish in milk for 10-15 minutes over low heat, turning the pieces periodically (no need to cover the pan with a lid). At the end of stewing (if the sauce has not thickened too much), add flour diluted in a small amount (1-2 tablespoons) of water, mix well and cook for a few more minutes. Sprinkle the fish with chopped parsley and stir. Turn off the gas.

Serve hot, incredibly tender and tasty fish stewed in milk.

Does your family hate fish dishes? Does your husband say that the most delicious fish is the meat? Children cannot stand it because of the specific “sea” smell, the constant struggle with bones, and the very peculiar taste? Well, let's try to convince them of this.

Let's cook fish that will not just be a hearty dish for dinner, but also a real delicacy!

So, you will need perch or sole fillet, onions, milk and salt. You can also use herbs and spices, just remember that they may overpower the true flavor of the fish.

Defrost the fillet naturally, cut into pieces and rinse in cold water.

Fry the onion in a frying pan until golden-transparent, that is, exactly until the onion becomes sweet.

Dip the fish pieces in flour on both sides and place them in the pan with the onions.

Fry the fish until tender golden brown, first on one side, then on the other. Add milk to completely cover the fish and bring to a boil.

To soak the fish better, pour milk sauce over it from time to time, scooping it out of the pan with a spoon.

Remember that the more onions in the sauce, the sweeter and more tender your dish will be.

Ready fish can be served either hot or cold, with mashed potatoes, rice or vegetables. Bon appetit!

River, splashing in my frying pan. The milk sauce sits on the stove and bubbles up, stimulating the appetite. Everyone is looking forward to dinner, I caught it with great luck!

For fishermen, sometimes the fish don’t bite, but for me it’s always the opposite. I have respected fishing since childhood, eh. Even if there are a lot of fishing rods nearby, the inhabitants of all the reservoirs are taking my hook. That’s how it all happened yesterday, a neighbor on the river fell into the mercy of a fish. And I came, laid out the bit and immediately pulled out a beautiful carp.

A neighbor who had been suffering without a bite since the morning said: “Your fry will be cool today.” It won’t be difficult for me to fry fish; I want to cook carp with milk. The matter didn’t stop there, I don’t know how long it all lasted, but I pulled out more carp heels, my peasant neighbor was completely upset. I gave him the same bait as mine, but the poor fellow’s fish wouldn’t bite.

The unfortunate man quickly wound up his gear and moved to another place in a fit of passion. But even in the new place, that fisherman could not catch the carp. I was planning to go home soon, maybe he would end up with hemorrhoids like this. I can’t call it any other word when the carp doesn’t want to take corn. I came home and wrote about sausages and ran off to cook fish in milk. I cleaned the carp, went for milk and stewed it together with the onions in a frying pan.

Milk sauce

  • 1.5 cups milk
  • half a glass of water
  • two tablespoons butter
  • two tablespoons of flour
  • two onions
  • pepper
  • vegetable oil

First I'll prepare the milk sauce for the fish. Because it will be useful to us in the future when we start poaching carp in milk. Place flour and butter in one bowl.

I rub it well.

I don’t heat it much in a frying pan.

With continuous stirring, pour in hot milk diluted with half a glass of water. I cook for 5 minutes.

Fry finely chopped onion in vegetable oil and add to milk sauce. I continue to cook for 7-8 minutes.

Then I remove it from the stove. Salt, pepper, cool and rub through a sieve.

Fish in milk

  • one kilogram of fish
  • three onions
  • 1.5 cups milk
  • one glass of milk sauce

I start cooking the fish. In principle, not only carp is suitable for this dish. You can go “fishing” or to the store. or sea bass, which will be “biting” in your store at that time. Don’t be afraid, the store will always “bite” if the “bait” in your pocket is not gone. And the quantity and quality of the catch directly depends on its quantity. Yeah... it's a pity that I'm not as lucky in super markets as I am in fishing. Okay, back to my “friends” saucepans.

I chop the onion finely and fry it in oil. I throw pieces of fish into a saucepan, mix with onions and pour hot milk. Just a little bit of salt. I let it simmer for 25 minutes.

Pour one glass of milk sauce into the fish and bring to a boil. So both are on! And what about the question that I asked and no one answered or did no one need the money? Although not big, it’s still money. The answer is on the surface. You can ask leading questions, but not very leading ones. If you read the article carefully, it already contains a hint. I'm waiting for answers in the comments. And in conclusion, not a big epilogue.

So, for the classic bechamel recipe, we need the products that every housewife usually has in the refrigerator: milk, butter and flour. All! This is enough to make a base for the sauce.

Often in recipes there are such equivalent substitutions: butter - for margarine, flour - for starch.

Previously, I was calm about margarine, but over time, firstly, I realized that such fat often contains vegetable components, and secondly, no matter how much margarine makes a dish cheaper, you will still notice a difference in taste. It tastes better with butter, but I won’t insist too much.

As for starch, it can serve as a sauce thickener, but the technology for introducing it into the sauce is somewhat different (I will talk about this in more detail at the appropriate stage).

Before making the sauce, be sure to gather all the ingredients so you have them on hand. Because the sauce cooks very quickly and will require your constant attention. Therefore, let's start by measuring the required amount of flour and butter and grating the hard cheese.

For 1 glass of milk, take 2 tablespoons of flour and 2 tablespoons of butter if you plan to prepare a thick milk sauce. So thick that it sticks to a piece of fish, sliding heavily onto the plate. If you need a rarer sauce, then take 1.5 tablespoons of flour and butter. If desired, make rare sauce - 1 tablespoon. The rare sauce is often prepared for stewing or baking dishes.

You can use any cheese for the sauce. Whichever one you take, that’s the accent of taste you’ll get. I used regular hard cheese (Russian) because I wanted to enhance the creamy, milky notes of the sauce.

First of all, place the butter in a hot frying pan and melt it. Watch carefully - the oil should not boil. Enough to melt it.

Now gradually add the flour into the butter. Add little by little, stirring all the time. There is no need to overcook the flour. Let it be slightly golden in color; the entire butter-flour mixture should be the color of ripe wheat. We ended up with what is called a roux blanc (a French cuisine term).

It could have been done differently. In a dry, hot frying pan, heat the flour, stirring thoroughly, then add the melted butter into it. The end result should be the same in both cases.

If you use starch instead of flour as a thickener, then it does not need to be calcined or fried. The starch is immediately combined with milk, mixed and added to the melted butter.

Add milk to the butter-flour mixture. I've read different opinions about what temperature milk should be. For myself, I chose the simplest method - add milk at room temperature to the pan. It’s easier for me this way and I haven’t noticed any particular pitfalls in using cold milk.

After adding milk, stir the sauce all the time and cook for about 4-5 minutes. At first it will seem to you that the sauce is very liquid, but just a couple of minutes will pass and the sauce will begin to thicken rapidly. At this stage, you need to add flavor accents: salt, pepper, nutmeg, sugar and vanillin (for sweet dishes), etc. I limited myself to salt and grated cheese.

A very important point. There is no need to add acidic ingredients to the milk sauce. For example, such as: lemon juice, wine, vinegar and so on. The fact is that when adding acid, the sauce will almost certainly curdle. And then you will have to redo everything. In the case of fish, it is better to pour lemon juice over the prepared portioned piece, and then put a spoonful of ready-made bechamel milk sauce with cheese on top.

Also, when thinking about the thickness of the future sauce, do not forget that you will add cheese. The cheese will add thickness and volume, which means you need to reduce the amount of flour and butter in advance (although my family likes milk sauce to be thick, so I add a small piece of cheese to the same 2 tablespoons of flour and butter). In addition, cheese itself has a salty taste (especially blue cheeses), so be careful with salt.

It is often recommended to strain the finished sauce. I don’t have such a need - the sauce comes out homogeneous and beautiful. Therefore, I immediately serve it hot with pink salmon baked in a sleeve with spices and rose wine. I like to add unique flavor and aroma to my dishes, so I flavored the sauce with a sprig of fresh catnip (a type of mint with lemon essential oils).
