What's the best way to eat fried bacon? Delicious fried bacon with onions - a step-by-step recipe with photos on how to cook in a frying pan at home. How to fry bacon in a frying pan

Not everyone is an eater and not always on a diet, so it is possible and even necessary to include hearty high-calorie dishes in the family menu. In cold weather, the body requires a lot of energy to warm up, so it will be useful to learn how to properly fry bacon in a frying pan until crispy and what to serve it with. Let's figure out how to choose the best cuts of pork with greasy streaks and easily turn them into the British favorite morning delicacy.

Not everyone knows that bacon is not pieces of fresh meat with greasy layers, but a completely finished product. Ideally, it should already be salted and lightly (or thoroughly) smoked.

When going to the store or market to buy it, you need to look for meat with white (not yellow!) greasy streaks. The texture and color of the deli meat should be uniform.

Too low a price for a product should alert you, since it cannot cost less than meat, but you shouldn’t take the most expensive one either - there is a high risk of overpaying.

The best choice is a piece with uniform layers of meat and fat, covered with a clean, uniform skin. You can cook a delicious fry from this, and the scrambled eggs will turn out excellent!

How to fry bacon in a frying pan: a classic recipe

It would seem that what could be simpler than preparing hearty and crispy bacon slices? But to turn them into a delicious crispy potato snack or a classic pizza topping, you need to know some secrets.

One of them is keeping the bacon part of the pork carcass in water. And it is better to take not too fatty bacon slices for these purposes, for example, Miratorg.


  • Bacon part – 200 g.
  • Purified water – 300 ml.
  • Black pepper – a pinch.
  • Salt - to taste.

How to fry bacon in a frying pan until crispy

  1. First of all, cut the bacon into small portions as thin as possible.
  2. Take a colander, place bacon strips in it, run it under running cold water and let sit for up to 5 minutes.
  3. After completing the cold shower for the pork, place it on a paper towel and dab it.
  4. Now we need a frying pan. We put it on fire (medium intensity) and heat it thoroughly.
  5. Place bacon strips in a single layer on the bottom of the container and fry until translucent.

  • There is no need to pour oil onto the bottom of the frying pan - bacon contains sufficient pure fat, which will be released during the melting process, lubricating the hot surface.
  • If too much fat is released, it must be carefully collected and removed from the pan during frying.

How long to fry bacon in a frying pan

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how long to fry a product in a frying pan. Much depends on its origin, freshness, and cooking method. In total, it takes 10-15 minutes of attention.

All this time you need to turn the bacon slices from one side to the other - then they will brown evenly. After the first turning, the juicy pieces need to be peppered and salted if the product is not salted enough initially.

To achieve the crispiness of fried bacon, you just need to keep it open on low heat longer.

Now we know how delicious it is to fry Miratorg bacon in a frying pan with your own hands. This appetizer is ideal served with scrambled eggs. This is exactly what is called the ideal breakfast - tasty, satisfying and always welcome!

How to deliciously fry bacon in a frying pan: recipe with egg


  • Bacon – 150 g + -
  • - 4 things. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - pinch + -
  • pinch or to taste + -
  • Dry ground paprika- 1/3 tsp. + -

How to fry bacon at home in a frying pan with an egg

To recharge your energy for the whole day, you need to start it with an energy-rich breakfast. A hearty piece of pork, fried with vegetables and eggs, is a great way to fuel yourself on the threshold of new achievements and victories.

  • Peel the onion and chop it into half rings, cut the bacon part into thin slices.
  • Place pieces of pork on the heated bottom of a frying pan (preferably non-stick) and brown each side for 3-4 minutes.
  • Next, add the onion half rings and fry in the rendered bacon fat. Cooking time over low heat without a lid is 3-4 minutes.
  • All that remains is to carefully beat the eggs, avoiding mixing the yolks with the whites, season the breakfast with seasonings and add salt.
  • As soon as the transparent part of the eggs turns white, you can remove the pan from the heat and send the hearty treat to the table, where aromatic coffee or herbal tea is already smoking.

Even when on a diet, from time to time you should allow yourself to “refuel” with a hearty breakfast. Having talked about how and how long you need to fry delicious bacon in a frying pan to make it juicy and aromatic, let’s rush to the kitchen to prepare a hearty treat. Men (and not only them) are always delighted with high-calorie excesses of this kind, so let’s not disappoint them...

It’s probably rare to meet a person who doesn’t love juicy, crispy, golden bacon. Unless this person is an avid vegetarian, a guardian of animal rights and nature conservation. What could be better than bacon for breakfast? And although everyone’s tastes are different, it’s unlikely that anyone can easily refuse fried eggs with pieces of smoked pork meat. No wonder this product has gained immense popularity all over the world, especially in the USA and Western European countries.

  • Subtleties and tricks

Subtleties and tricks

Since bacon became freely available, many “life hacks” for preparing it have been invented. For example, some chefs argue that you should fry bacon only after pre-soaking it in cold water - this way it shrinks almost three times less than usual. Cooking bacon is not difficult, but in order for a dish with its presence to turn out really tasty, it is important to follow some simple rules in frying or poaching technology.

Let's make a reservation right away - frying bacon with a high fat content is quite difficult. At least, beginners usually fail to do this efficiently. But there are less fatty products, for example, the well-known bacon from Miratorg, which can be cooked faster and easier in a frying pan. Still, full-fat bacon seems more satisfying and tasty. And it can be baked, which will make the product even more tasty and aromatic!

This delicious meat product is fried in order to give the dish with which it is served a deep piquancy, calorie content and satiety, as well as a real meat aroma. Bacon is not salted during cooking because it contains enough salt on its own. The best seasonings for this product are red pepper, garlic, dried basil, turmeric. So let's figure out how to fry bacon?

Frying bacon in a frying pan in three steps

Let's make a reservation right away - frying any bacon in a frying pan is quite difficult, and the result is not always
It turns out neat. But if you want to show off your colossal culinary abilities to someone, this option is just for you. If, on the contrary, you want to simplify your task, it is better to use a microwave oven. And bacon turns out even tastier in a regular oven: it is there that it acquires incredible juiciness, subtle aroma and clear texture.

As we already mentioned, culinary “life hackers” advise pre-soaking the bacon in cold running water. So it turns out large and almost does not shrink. And therefore, it retains all its most remarkable nutritional properties. So, cooking bacon (excluding side dishes) will take you no more than 10-15 minutes. The entire process will take place in three main steps.

How to deliciously and correctly fry bacon in a frying pan:

  • Step #1: Soak the meat. This will not require much time and effort on your part. Cut the bacon into slices the way you imagine the dish to be when serving. Place the product in the bottom of a colander. Now place it under cold running water and keep it in this position for about 2-3 minutes. Then place the meat on a clean, dry towel and pat dry with a napkin. It will be even better if you wait for it to dry on its own;
  • Step #2: Now heat the pan, but do not heat it too much. Our task is
    evaporate as much natural fat from the product as possible, and do not burn it to the state of coals! Therefore, the heat during cooking should be either medium or very low. We warned you that frying this product can be difficult and take some effort out of you. Place 3-4 pieces of your bacon on the heated surface of the pan. Make sure that they do not fit too tightly to each other;
  • Step No. 3. During the frying process, constantly turn the pieces of meat so that they brown evenly. If you notice that the bacon is starting to burn, remove it from the stove immediately! Also, you should not allow an abundance of fat: if too much of it is released, it is advisable to pour it into a nearby container. Of course, this product is fried using its own “resources”, without the additional use of vegetable oil or butter. How long does it take to fry bacon? As we already wrote, 10-15 minutes will be enough. But since the process is different for everyone, rely on your own “culinary intuition.” You will know the dish is ready when the pieces of meat turn a dark brown color.

So, we figured out exactly how to fry bacon in a frying pan. But the “adventures” don’t end there. It is important to eliminate excess fat that remains on the slices after frying, so you should not put the finished meat on a plate. Cover the dish with a dry, clean napkin and place the slices of meat on it. Cover them with another napkin on top. Allow the excess fat to be absorbed - this will give the pieces a distinct texture and make them even crispier.

How to properly fry Miratorg bacon, or any other product without a high content of natural fat? In principle, the essence remains the same. But the cooking time can be reduced by about 1.5-2 times. And it will be much better if you cook meat in dishes with a non-stick coating.

We have a delicious breakfast: scrambled eggs and bacon

It would seem that such food is not too heavy on the stomach, which is very important for breakfast, but at the same time it is high in calories to create a feeling of fullness for several hours in advance. So how about bacon fried eggs? Since we have successfully mastered its separate preparation, what prevents us from introducing a useful additional ingredient into it?

How to fry bacon and eggs correctly?

Naturally, there are many variations and individual recipes for this dish, and therefore it makes no sense to tailor the process to one thing. But there is a certain frying technology that you should not deviate from, regardless of whether you are frying an omelette or a fried egg.

So, you will need:

  • Bacon – 100-150 g;
  • Chicken eggs – 4 pieces;
  • Onion – medium sized head;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Paprika - to taste.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • First, peel the onions, wash them and chop them into small pieces;
  • Cut the meat into small slices of medium thickness (the thicker the pieces, the longer the meat will fry);
  • Heat a frying pan using the classic principle and place the bacon slices on it;
  • Fry the meat for 3-5 minutes, alternately turning it on one side or the other. Wait until a golden crust forms on the pieces;
  • Add chopped onion to the pan;
  • Stirring, fry for a few more minutes (heat should be below medium);
  • Carefully break the eggs into a bowl so that the yolks do not mix with the whites. Add just a little salt and season the eggs with black pepper and/or paprika. Wait until they are ready and immediately remove the dish from the stove. Serve with toast, fresh white bread or pita bread.

According to this principle, the dish is prepared very easily and quickly, which means it can be included in the everyday menu even on work or school days. Be sure that even the most capricious men will definitely like this breakfast. So if you do everything right and don't burn the bacon, you can be rightfully proud of your culinary skills.

We are sure that you will really like all the dishes that we have presented in this material. We strongly recommend that you also try baking bacon in the oven.

This will be a great addition to a formal meal or a simple family dinner.

How to fry bacon in a frying pan step by step video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand the step-by-step cooking process.

Having all the necessary ingredients and using our tips from this article, you will prepare this wonderful dish without much difficulty and (we hope) with pleasure.

Even more delicious recipes:

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Today we are cooking bacon. We ask pregnant women and the faint of heart, as well as vegans, to leave immediately, because there will be a lot of meat. Even more. Now, everyone who remains, sit back and get ready.

Let's say right away - the recipe is not at all complicated. Therefore, you don’t have to look for fairy tears, dragon claws and mandrake root in the nearest supermarket. Although, if you so want...

Methods and rules cooking bacon

There are several rules for cooking meat.
The first is the rule of three “Don’ts”:
Don't cook meat during the World Cup
Don't leave him unattended (the cat doesn't count)
Don't forget to buy meat

How to make bacon crispy
The second rule says that all libations should be after preparation, and not before or during. Otherwise, you will cook dumplings, fall asleep on the balcony with a cigarette, cope with the Poincaré theorem, but you will hardly be able to fry pork properly. Because it needs to be monitored and turned over regularly.

Remember one simple thing. You cook not for your mother-in-law, not according to government orders, but for yourself. Therefore, each piece should be well fried, but not too dry.

What is needed for this? Over medium heat, good pork is perfectly fried in about fifteen minutes. You need to turn it often enough so that it browns evenly. And don't overdo it. We are not preparing a railway track.

Excess fat can be poured into pre-prepared dishes. If the bacon slices are too thin, they may burn quickly. When you see something like this happening, evacuate the area within 24 hours. But first, do not forget to turn the slices over to the other side.

There are several ways to test the doneness of bacon. For example, using a special electronic bacon analyzer created by British scientists. But the easiest way to check for doneness is to make sure that each slice has acquired a nice brown tint on all sides.

Once fully cooked, turn off the heat and wrap the slices in paper towels. This is a special ritual created so that the negative energy of bacon will leave it forever... along with excess fat.

Oh, this is progress!

Many people prefer natural methods of cooking meat, but, nevertheless, there are many people who cook bacon in microwave ovens. The taste is a little different, but not worse at all.

If you are one of those people who believe that microwaves were invented by reptilians to enslave our race through radiation, keep frying in a frying pan. Maybe it will be possible to survive the invasion.

If you don't believe in aliens, then prepare paper towels. Place bacon slices on them. Usually three or four are enough. They should be placed on the paper in such a way that they do not touch each other. Next you have two options. The first is to cover the top with napkins. The second is to wash the microwave of grease for half a day. The main thing is not to press the napkin too tightly onto the meat.

The plate can now be placed in the microwave. Set the power to maximum. Usually three minutes is enough to get the desired result. When the oven turns off, check the doneness and let the meat sit for another thirty seconds. Settings may vary slightly among different microwave oven models.

Gammoning in the oven

Step one. In the evening, close the curtains tightly and turn off the lights. Place and light several large white candles near the stove. Take a deep breath and exhale through your nose, feel the inner strength and confidence. You are doing everything right. You save energy.

Step two. Now you need to preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Step three. Wrap a baking sheet with foil. Foil protects against radiation. You haven't forgotten about reptilians and terrible radiation yet, have you? No? Then forget it. You don't want your bacon to burn, do you? Now spread out bacon slices on the foil, evenly, parallel to each other. It is not necessary to lay out different words from the slices.

Step four. Watch out for the bacon. You can expect everything from him. If there is too much fat, carefully remove the pan and drain it.
Step five. After 15 minutes, the bacon slices will be crispy and ready to be removed from the oven. As with everything else, use the magic of paper towels to save the world from excess grease.

All the cooking methods we offer are good in their own way. And the bacon turns out equally tasty and nutritious. So don't be shy and experiment.

Crispy bacon- this is fire! I recommend to everyone! This is a real heavenly pleasure, and not some canned coconut with pseudo chocolate.

Bacon is a special meat product, a part of a pork carcass without bones and cartilage, from the side of a specially fattened animal. Layers of meat in bacon are interspersed with thin layers of lard. used for preparing various dishes: scrambled eggs, sandwiches, various snacks, salads, soups, etc.

You can buy ready-cooked smoked bacon or cook it at home, so you will be absolutely sure of the cooking methods and quality.

We'll tell you how to cook bacon at home; these recipes, one might say, are traditional for our rural residents, time-tested methods and technologies.

Homemade cured bacon


  • raw pork bacon with skin – about 2 kg;
  • table salt – about 500 g;
  • dry ground spices (coriander seeds, cloves, bay leaves, black pepper, etc.);
  • garlic;
  • – 10-20 pcs. (if you find it).


We will need a container the size of the piece, preferably with a lid (enamel or plastic). If necessary, cut the meat into smaller pieces so that they fit compactly in the container. Mix salt with spices, add crushed juniper berries. Sprinkle the bottom of the container and add pieces of bacon. Sprinkle them liberally on top with a mixture of salt and spices. Add chopped garlic, cover the container and place in the refrigerator. It will be even better if you put boards with pressure. After 24 hours, drain the released liquid. Once again add salt mixture. Repeat the cycle twice more, each time draining the released juice. After 4 days, salted homemade bacon is ready.

Making baked bacon at home

This recipe is great for family gatherings.


  • raw pork bacon with skin;
  • garlic;
  • dry ground spices (black and red pepper, coriander seed, etc.);
  • table salt.


Sprinkle bacon in the form of large pieces with a mixture of salt and dry spices, stuff with garlic and pack each piece separately in foil. Bake in the oven at a temperature of about 180-200°C for 40 minutes. Even during the cooking process, a wonderful, incomparable smell will spread throughout the house, your family will happily inhale and swallow saliva in anticipation of the meal. Baked homemade bacon will still need to cool at least a little before slicing. Cut it into thin, wide slices and place beautifully on a serving plate. We decorate with greenery. We eat with restraint - it flies away in a moment.

Boiled homemade bacon - recipe


  • raw pork bacon with skin (brisket, bacon, just lard);
  • dry spices;
  • onion peel;
  • aromatic herbs (parsley, cilantro, dill, etc.);
  • garlic;
  • salt.


Bacon (or whatever you are preparing), cut into large pieces, stuff with garlic and boil in a small amount of water with onion skins and salt (there should be 2-3 times more salt than in the soup). Cook for 40 minutes. 15 minutes before the end of the process, add spices and herbs. Cool in the broth, then remove and put under pressure for at least 2 hours.

Homemade marinated bacon



We fill the bacon in the form of large pieces with garlic, put it compactly in a tight container and fill it with marinade prepared from the remaining ingredients. Cover the container and place it in the refrigerator for 3 days. During the marinating process, turn the pieces over; when the bacon is ready, remove it and put it under pressure. To add a pan-Asian flavor, you can add a little soy sauce to the marinade. Marinated homemade bacon is already ready to eat, but if you want, you can now bake it (see above) or smoke it using natural fruit sawdust (smoking, in general, is a separate topic).

Fried bacon is an integral part of breakfast not only for the British, but also for the Russians. Because it combines three main factors that even the most avid gourmets will appreciate - taste, nutrition and satiety.

Before you begin the rules for choosing and preparing bacon, you need to understand what this product is.

Bacon is a salted pork fatty layer of meat. Pigs are fattened with special feed, as a result of which meat and fat are evenly layered on top of each other. Nutritionists highly recommend consuming this product, even despite its calorie content, since it contains a huge amount of substances and vitamins essential for the body, such as carotene or polyunsaturated fatty acids. It also contains arachidonic acid, which is necessary for the stable and proper functioning of the heart, kidneys and brain.

The benefits of such a product directly depend on the method of preparation, for example, when dried, bacon is considered the most useful, as it helps eliminate toxins and harmful substances from the body, and when consumed together with garlic, it helps cleanse the blood and blood vessels.

How to choose the right one

There are a number of criteria that must be adhered to when purchasing pork tenderloin in a store, for example:

  • the most important criterion for the quality of a product is its price, that is, it should not be lower than the cost of any fresh meat;
  • The second thing you should pay attention to is composition of the product, if the product is natural, then the composition can only contain meat and 10% brine;
  • external signs quality meat is that the veins in the meat should be white, not yellow;
  • when choosing a smoked product, you must also pay attention to product color, it should be a brown shade, it can be either light or dark, but not orange or, even worse, yellow.

How to cook bacon

Classic recipe

There are many recipes for making a layer. The most classic recipe: fry the slices with a crispy crust. To fry the pork layer until crispy, you need to soak it in water, and for this you need to take a cut that is not too fatty, for example, Miratorg.

Main ingredients for making crispy meat:

  • pork layer;
  • water;
  • black pepper, salt and other spices to taste.

First you need to cut the meat into thin pieces. The cut pieces must be kept under running cold water for about five minutes. After this, place them on a napkin or towel to allow excess liquid to drain out. While the meat is drying, place a frying pan over medium heat and heat it thoroughly. Then place the pieces in a frying pan and fry until translucent.

As for vegetable oil, there is no need to add it, since the layer contains fat, which begins to melt when heated, and it is in this fat that the bacon is fried. Excess fat released from the layer should be removed.

It is very difficult to determine the exact time for frying meat; or rather, the duration depends on the product, cooking method and recipe. However, the total duration of frying a product containing natural fat cannot exceed 15 minutes.

In order for the slices to cook completely and evenly, it is necessary constantly turn them over. When turning over, you can pepper and salt the slices if necessary. The bacon will turn out very crispy if you keep it on low heat without a lid for a while.. The finished meat should turn brown. To allow excess fat to drain out, Place the fried slices on a paper towel or napkin and cover with another napkin on top. Can be served with scrambled eggs. This is exactly what a traditional English hearty breakfast looks like, now popular among Russians.

See how you can cook bacon.

Bacon with egg and onion

Of course, the technology for frying bacon and the ingredient composition may vary depending on the method and recipe. In addition to the classic recipe, you can cook meat with scrambled eggs. For this recipe we will need:

  • layer of meat;
  • eggs;
  • bulb onions;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • black pepper and paprika to taste.

Onions need to be peeled, washed and finely chopped. Cut the meat into small pieces of medium thickness. Heat the frying pan thoroughly and place the bacon pieces on it. Fry the pieces of meat for five minutes and constantly turn until a crispy golden brown crust forms. Then you need to add the chopped onions and fry together with the bacon, stirring constantly for several minutes.

The eggs need to be broken in a bowl so that the yolks do not mix with the whites, then they need to be salted and peppered, and poured into the frying pan.

The finished dish can be served with toast or fresh bread or pita bread. Bon appetit!


In this video you will learn how to cook delicious crispy bacon.

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