The biggest banana. For everyone and about everything. How to distinguish fodder bananas

Romantic French is the official language (the only one, as in France, or one of four, as in Switzerland) in almost three dozen countries. According to various estimates, more than 270 million people around the world can speak French fluently.

  • For comparison: around the world, approximately 1.8 billion people speak English, about 1.3 billion people have mastered Chinese at various levels, and more than 0.5 billion people on Earth speak Russian.


Learning French is both difficult and exciting at the same time, since the student is constantly faced with numerous surprises with foreign grammar and vocabulary.

One of the simplest, and therefore most beloved by most students, are the lessons that cover the topic of numerals. It would seem that there could be something complicated here: 1, 2, 3... 8, 9, 10, 20... 70, 80 and so on. The main thing is to remember the names of units, tens, hundreds and combine them with each other.

But no, the system of French numerals has prepared a very unique approach for foreigners, which for some at first turns out to be quite difficult to understand. Most Russian-speaking students call the French number system difficult and inconvenient, since they have to memorize and adapt to a combination of ten and twenty systems.

But let's get to the point.


With numerals from one to ten in French everything is as clear as in Russian:

en, yun




In further counting in Slavic languages, the ending -tsat is added (that is, it is tied to the usual decimal system of counting). For example: one - eleven, two - twelve, then - twenty, thirty, five-ten, eight-ten, etc. Agree, remembering this order is not particularly difficult.

In French numerals, the same counting system is repeated up to the number 16 (the numerals here are simple monosyllabic words obtained by simplifying the Latin names that became the “progenitors” of French words):




But starting with the number “17”, a surprise awaits you. In theory, this number should look like this: septendecim(that is, 7 + 10). But in practice, this and the two subsequent numerals become two-syllable words in which the usual ending, meaning -twenty, or just ten, is put in first place, so it looks like this:




With the numerals from “20” to “60” inclusive, everything again looks logical. The names of the tens come from simplified Latin names:





All numbers in the range from 20 to 69 are formed according to the usual and extremely clear scheme: the required single number is added to the tens.

  • Let's say, if it is 33 (30 + 3), then the French call this number as follows: trente-trios (with a hyphen), or 45 (40 + 5) = quarante-cinq. A small exception is for numbers with one, in which case it is customary to use the conjunction “et” instead of a hyphen, for example, cinquanteetun(50 +1).


But, starting from the seventh decade, the French surprise us again. In their number system, the transition from decimal to decimal system begins, so 70 is no longer 7 × 10, as one might assume, but (6 × 10 + 10). For clarity, let’s present the numbers in tabular form:





These three tens also have their own rules for the formation of compound numerals.

For example, if you need to indicate the number 72, then you can do this by adding the number 12 to 60, that is, in writing it will look like this: soixante-douze(60 + 12). In other words, the number 70 does not seem to exist in French - you have to make do with the number “60”, adding the necessary numerals to it.

In the case of the numbers “80” and “90” the phrase “quatre-vingts” is used. If the number 81 is meant, then it will sound like “quatre-vingts-un” (4×20+1), if you need to say 91, then the French say “quatre-vingts-onze” (4×20+11).

  • It should be noted that in a number of French-speaking countries (Switzerland, Belgium), and even in some French regions, the “controversial” tens, namely 70 - 80 - 90, are pronounced and used according to a simplified system, that is, as septante, huitante (octante) , nonante. These are “newly formed” numerals, which are used along with “classical” ones.

In subsequent numerals in French, generally accepted rules are repeated. For example, the number 100 is translated as “cent”, and 200, in turn, will sound like deux cents (2 hundreds), etc. Well, if you want to name (write in words) a large number, for example, 1975, then you will have to remember all the features and intricacies of the ten + twenty numeral system of the French system, that is, it will look like this:

mille neuf cents soixante quinze(1000) + (900) + (6×10) + (15)

The decimal counting system was also reflected in the French monetary system: for example, 1 franc was not 10, but precisely 20 sous.


Perhaps, at first glance, such a system of calculus and the formation of numerals really seems complex and confusing, but in practice you get used to it quite quickly. The only question that arises is why did everything turn out this way in French?

Discussions about unusual, some even say “abnormal” French numerals are still ongoing, and there is no consensus among experts yet.

The main hypothesis is ancient historical roots. This is obviously due to relationships with other nationalities that influenced the development of the French language.

In particular, although the basis of the French language, which belongs to the Romance group, is Latin, in which, as is known, decimal calculation is accepted, Celtic tribes once lived in the territory of Provence. This, as well as active trade with the Vikings from Normandy, who, like the Celts, used the base-20 number system, apparently affected the French numerals.

  • The Mayan and Aztec tribes also used the decimal counting system.

Historians note that in the 17th century in France there was a “confrontation” between the decimal and twentieth systems of counting. In particular, the famous writers Moliere and La Bruyère took part in it, who used (read - popularized) one or another system in their works.

NB! words are read based on the rules of reading in French. Where there are exceptions, I have written down the pronunciation ie.

  1. PRESTIDIGITATEUR(magician, illusionist).
  2. ABASOURDIR(to stun, stun) - this verb is difficult to pronounce correctly even for Francophones, since there is a tendency to say it through the sound “s”, but to pronounce it correctly through the sound “z” (remember the rule: if “s” is located between two vowels, then it is voiced! ).
  3. CARROUSEL(carousel) – the same rule applies here as with the verb abasourdir. We pronounce it "carousel".
  4. AUTOCHTON(indigenous person, native) - pronounce “otokto” (at the end of the word there is a nasal “o”)
  5. ANTICONSTITUTIONNELEMENT(unconstitutional) is an adverb and is the longest in the French language.
  6. EXSANGUE(bloodless, pale, anemic) - since this word begins with the prefix ex-, you want to pronounce it with the sound “z”. However, after the prefix comes the base sang (blood) and the letter "s" gives the sound "s". Therefore, it is correct to pronounce “exang”.
  7. ANANAS(pineapple) – I really want to pronounce the “s” at the end out of habit. But in French the letter “s” at the end of a word is not readable! We say "anana".
  8. GROIN(snout, face, muzzle)
  9. SERRURERIE(metalwork, locksmith's workshop) - in this word we encounter a fluent “e”, which is dropped during pronunciation. Of course it’s difficult to say “serrur’rie”.
  10. ACCUEILLIR(accept, meet) - the combination of the letters i and two l in French gives the sound “th”. For some, it is very difficult to pronounce this verb (“akeyir”).
  11. GABEGIE(confusion, confusion, disorder) - here we also encounter a runaway “e”. The correct way to pronounce this word is " gabgie».
  12. AUJOURDHUI(Today)
  13. COQUELICOT(samosa poppy)
  14. ENTENDRE(hear, listen, listen) – this word has two nasal sounds “a”. If the indefinite form of this verb is not so difficult to pronounce, then difficulties may arise in a conversation. For example: Tu m'entends? -Je ne t’entends pas!
  15. STATISTICIEN(statistician)
  16. MAGNAT(tycoon, tycoon) - of course, we remember the rule that the combination of the letters “gn” gives the sound “n”, but not in this case. Correctly pronounce " magna»
  17. PUGNACE(pugnacious, combative, combat-ready) - the same tendency as in the previous word - everyone tries to follow the rule, but the sound “g” is pronounced clearly - “ pugnass»
  18. OIGNON(onion, onion) – the tendency to pronounce “ouanion” (I suffer from this myself), because the rule “o” + “i” gives the sound “ua” firmly in the head. Meanwhile, in this word, historically, the letter “i” serves simply to soften the combination of letters “gn”, so it is necessary to pronounce “ onion».
  19. Ré BELLION(rebellion, uprising)
  20. GAGEURE(bet, pledge, challenge) – as a general rule, the combination of letters “eu” is pronounced “ œ ”, however, in this word, the “e” serves to give the letter “g” the sound “zh”, so it is unpronounceable. The correct way to pronounce this word is " gajure" through the sound "u".
  21. GENè S.E.(genesis, genesis, origin) - I want to pronounce this word “zhenez”, but you should follow the spelling of this word and pronounce “zhenez” correctly.
  22. BOUILLOIRE(teapot, boiler) – too many vowel sounds in a row, “buoyar”.
  23. QUINCAILLERIE(hardware, hardware) – a combination of nasal and iotated sounds.
  24. MILLEFEUILLE(yarrow, also called Napoleon cake) - you need to remember that in the word “mille” the sound “l” is pronounced, and in the word “feuille” the combination of the letters “ill” makes the sound “th”. The correct pronunciation is mille-feuille.
  25. ENTHOUSIASME(inspiration, delight, enthusiasm) - very often this word is pronounced as “antousiazme” or as in Russian they use two sounds “z” - “antouziazme”, but it is correct to say “antouziasme” (through the sound “s” at the end of the word).

Is your word on the list? Write to us in the comments which words in French are difficult for you to pronounce!))

If you know the rules of reading well, train your diction with the help of tongue twisters and exercises, and take into account exceptions to the rules, then all difficulties will cease to be so. The main thing in speech is skill. And the more you speak French, the less difficulties you will experience. And our teachers will help you with this - come to us at We will be happy to take you under our wing and select for you an individual phonetics course that will bring you not only benefit, but also pleasure.

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The smallest and largest fruit in the world August 22nd, 2016

An amazing flowering plant called Wolfia globulus produces such small fruits (width from 0.4 to 0.8 mm) that More than 1,000 of these fruits can fit on one human finger.

One such fruit weighs about70 micrograms. It is also worth noting that Wolfia globulus also stands out for having the smallest flowers in the world among all flowering plants. Its natural habitat is tropical and subtropical Asia, however, the plant was also introduced into North and South America. Wolfia globulus grows near the shores of lakes, rivers, ponds, as well as ditches, where it spreads very quickly throughout the reservoir. It will also be interesting to note that this plant does not require roots for the stems or leaves to survive.

This smallest plant in the world blooms, and later emerges from the flower a tiny fruit called a "utricle" or "sac".

This plant blooms between June and September.

Wolffia globulus fruit is cultivated in Southeast Asia as it is rich in protein. This the fruit is considered an abundant source of food becauseWolffia reproduces very quickly. Wolffia tastes like watercress.

This microplant is also considered a great source of energy. If used as a biofuel, it would be carbon neutral since it removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

In addition, this plant can be used to filter water, balancing phosphorus and nitrogen levels.

Another benefit of wolfia is its ability reduce cadmium and arsenic levels in the environment.

Scientists are looking at wolfberry as a possible source of food and energy for long-term space travel.

The world's largest fruit

Among all the edible fruits, the largest are the jackfruits, which grow on trees. Their length can reach 110 cm, diameter - 20 cm, and weight - 34 kg.

Experts consider India (in particular the Eastern Ghats mountain range) and Bangladesh to be the birthplace of jackfruit. the fruit is considered national.

Today, jackfruit grows abundantly in Southeast Asia and the Philippines. This tree can also be found in eastern Africa, namely in Kenya and Uganda.

It is worth noting that this fruit is consumed both ripe and unripe. The latter is used as a vegetable - it is boiled, fried, and also stewed, but the ripe fruit is used fresh, especially when preparing salads and desserts.

Healthy jackfruit

Ripe jackfruit has a very strong aroma. The inside smells like a mixture of pineapple and banana, and it tastes like... apple, pineapple, mango and banana mixture.

Jackfruit is incredibly nutritious. It contains about 40% carbohydrates, and the seeds can contain 38% carbohydrates, 6.6% protein and 0.4% fat. As a rule, the seeds of this fruit are roasted like chestnuts.

Since jackfruit wood is not spoiled by termites and fungi, it is often used in construction, furniture production, and musical instruments.

List of beneficial substances contained in jackfruit:


A, beta-carotene, Thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamin B6, folic acid (vitamin B9), vitamin C, vitamin E.


Calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc.

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In the section on the question: Which varieties of Bananas are the largest and which are the smallest? given by the author Staff the best answer is The cultivated banana was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753, calling it Musa paradisisa (banana of paradise). Later he added another species to it - the Brahmin banana or the sage banana (Musa sapientum).
Banana is a perennial herbaceous plant of the banana family. In nature, there are up to 70 types of bananas: from short to tall (from 60 cm to 15 m in height). According to GOST, the longer the banana, the better quality it is. The longest fruits are considered the most delicious - at least 20 cm tall.
The most common garden varieties of bananas are: “sage” banana, or Indian banana, up to 10 m high; Chinese banana, or Cavendish banana, it is also called dwarf banana, or Canary banana, up to 2 m high.
The sage banana variety serves as a source of nutrition for millions of people in tropical countries. The Chinese banana variety, whose fruits are smaller, is more common due to its good tolerance to cool climates. The variety of paradise banana belongs to the group of mealy bananas, it is also called dessert banana. The fruits of this banana are very rich in starch, but they do not taste sweet. More often they are consumed boiled, baked or used to make flour.
Cavendish banana - its fruits, 10-15 cm long, are extremely tasty. This is the most famous variety in Russia and the world, since it best tolerates transportation and long-term storage.
Lady Finger - this variety has a second name - Lady Fingers, its fruits are very tiny, no more than 12 centimeters, but extremely tasty and tender. But if they get to Russia, then their taste changes not for the better - this variety does not tolerate transportation well.
BANANA VARIETIES follow the link - h ttp://

Banana ( Musa) is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the flowering department, monocot class, ginger family, banana genus.

Origin of the word "banana"

There is no exact information about the origin of the Latin definition Musa. Some researchers believe that the banana was named in memory of the court physician Antonio Musa, who served in the service of Octavian Augustus, the Roman emperor who ruled in the last decades BC. e and the first years of our era. According to another theory, it comes from the Arabic word “موز‎”, which sounds like “muz” - the name of the edible fruits produced on this plant. The concept of “banana” passed into the Russian language as a free transliteration of the word “banana” from the dictionaries of almost all European languages. Apparently, this definition was borrowed by Spanish or Portuguese sailors at the end of the 16th and beginning of the 17th centuries from the vocabulary of tribes living in West Africa.

Banana - description, structure, characteristics and photographs

Despite the fact that in appearance the banana resembles a tree, in fact the banana is a herb, namely a herbaceous plant with powerful roots, a short stem that does not reach the surface, and 6-20 large leaves. After bamboo, banana is the tallest grass in the world. The banana fruit is a berry.

Trunk and roots

Numerous fibrous roots that form the root system can spread out to the sides up to 5 meters and go deeper in search of moisture up to 1.5 meters. The false banana trunk, reaching a height of 2 to 12 meters and having a diameter of up to 40 cm, has dense and long leaves, layered on top of each other.

banana leaves

Banana leaves have an oblong or oval shape, their length can exceed 3 meters and their width can reach 1 meter. One large longitudinal vein clearly appears on their surface, from which many small perpendicular veins extend. The colors of banana leaves are varied. Depending on the species or variety, it can be completely green, with dark burgundy spots of various shapes, or two-tone - painted in crimson shades below and lush green tones above. As the banana matures, the old leaves die and fall to the ground, and the young ones develop inside the false trunk. The renewal rate of one banana leaf under favorable conditions occurs in 7 days.

How does a banana bloom?

Active growth of bananas lasts from 8 to 10 months, after which the flowering phase begins. At this time, a long peduncle grows from an underground tuberous stem up through the entire trunk. Having made its way out, it forms a complex inflorescence, which in its shape resembles a kind of large bud, colored in purple or green shades. At its base there are banana flowers in tiers. At the very top there are large female flowers that form fruits; below that grow medium-sized bisexual banana flowers, and even lower are small male flowers that have the smallest sizes.

Regardless of size, a banana flower consists of 3 tubular petals with 3 sepals. Most bananas have white petals, the leaves that cover them are purple on the outside and dark red on the inside. Depending on the type or variety of banana, there are two types of inflorescences: erect and drooping.

Pollination of female flowers occurs at night, and in the morning and day by small mammals or birds. As banana fruits develop, they resemble a hand with many fingers growing on it.

At its core, the banana fruit is a berry. Its appearance depends on the species and variety. It can be oblong cylindrical or triangular in shape and have a length from 3 to 40 centimeters. Banana skin color can be green, yellow, red and silvery. As it ripens, the hard flesh becomes soft and juicy. About 300 fruits with a total weight of up to 70 kg can develop from one inflorescence. Banana flesh is cream, white, orange or yellow. Banana seeds can be found in wild fruits, but are almost completely absent from cultivated species. After fruiting is completed, the false stem of the plant dies off, and a new one grows in its place.

Banana palm and banana tree. Do bananas grow on palm trees?

Sometimes a banana is called a banana palm, which is incorrect, since this plant does not belong to the palm family. The banana is a fairly tall plant, so it is not surprising that many people mistake it for a tree. The Greeks and Romans spoke of it as “the wonderful Indian fruit tree” - hence, by analogy with other fruit trees of the region, the expression “banana palm” spread.

The phrase "banana tree", which is sometimes used to describe banana, actually refers to plants from the genus pawpaw ( Asimina), the Annonaceae family and is associated with the similarity of the fruits of these trees with banana fruits.

A banana is not a fruit, a tree, or a palm tree. In fact, a banana is a herb (herbaceous plant), and the banana fruit is a berry!

Where do bananas grow?

Bananas grow in countries of the tropical and subtropical zone: in South Asia, Latin America, Malaysia, northeastern Australia, and also on some islands of Japan. The banana plant is grown on an industrial scale in Bhutan and Pakistan, China and India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, the Maldives and Nepal, Thailand and Brazil. In Russia, bananas grow naturally near Sochi, however, due to the fact that winter temperatures often fall below zero degrees, the fruits do not ripen. Moreover, under prolonged unfavorable conditions, some plants may die.

Banana composition, vitamins and minerals. What are the benefits of bananas?

Bananas are considered low-fat, but quite nutritious and energy-rich foods. The pulp of its raw fruits consists of a quarter of carbohydrates and sugars, and a third of dry substances. It contains starch, fiber, pectin, proteins and various essential oils, which give the fruit a characteristic aroma. Banana pulp contains minerals and vitamins that are useful and necessary for the human body: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium, copper, zinc, as well as vitamins B, E, C and PP. Thanks to its unique chemical composition, the plant has found application in medicine.

How many calories are in a banana?

Data per 100 grams of product:

  • calorie content of green banana – 89 kcal;
  • calorie content of a ripe banana – 110-120 kcal;
  • calorie content of an overripe banana – 170-180 kcal;
  • calorie content of dried banana – 320 kcal.

Since bananas vary in size, the calorie content of 1 banana varies between 70-135 kilocalories:

  • 1 small banana weighing up to 80 g and up to 15 cm long contains approximately 72 kcal;
  • 1 medium banana weighing up to 117 g and more than 18 cm long contains approximately 105 kcal;
  • 1 large banana weighing more than 150 g and more than 22 cm long contains about 135 kcal.

Energy value of a ripe banana (ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates) (data per 100 g):

  • proteins in banana – 1.5 g (~6 kcal);
  • fats in banana – 0.5 g (~5 kcal);
  • carbohydrates in a banana – 21 g (~84 kcal).

It is important to note that bananas do not cope well with hunger, increasing it after a short-term satiety. The reason lies in the significant sugar content, which rises in the blood and after a while increases appetite.

Beneficial properties of banana. Uses of bananas

So what are bananas good for?

  • Banana pulp is used to relieve inflammatory processes occurring in the oral cavity, and also as a dietary product in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers. In addition, banana is a laxative and is therefore used as a mild laxative. Due to the presence of tryptophan, an amino acid that prevents cell aging and has a beneficial effect on brain function, bananas are recommended for consumption by older people. The presence of potassium and magnesium allows them to be used as a means of preventing high blood pressure and stroke.
  • Banana flower infusion helps in the treatment of diabetes and bronchitis. The juice obtained from banana stems is a good anticonvulsant and sedative.
  • The invaluable benefits of bananas are concentrated in the peel. Banana skins are used for medicinal purposes. Compresses from young leaves or banana peels promote rapid healing of burns and abscesses on the skin.
  • Banana peels are used as fertilizer for both indoor and outdoor flowers. The fact is that it contains a large amount of phosphorus and potassium. With the help of banana peels you can also fight against, which does not tolerate excess potassium. To do this, you just need to make a tincture on banana skins and water the plants with it. The easiest way to use banana peels to fertilize flowers is to simply bury them in the ground. To do this, just cut the peel into small pieces. After this procedure, even the most tired plants begin to leaf out and bloom. Banana peels take 10 days to decompose in the ground, after which bacteria eat them.
  • The benefits of bananas are invaluable: even overripe bananas produce a very powerful antioxidant that prevents cancer.

Residents of countries located in temperate latitudes enjoy eating raw peeled bananas as a dessert and adding them to ice cream and confectionery. Some people prefer dried and canned bananas. This berry is also fried and boiled with or without the peel, adding salt, hot spices, olive oil, onion or garlic. Bananas can be used to make flour, chips, syrup, marmalade, honey and wine. In addition to the fruit, banana inflorescences are also eaten: raw inflorescences are dipped in sauce, and boiled ones are added to gravies or soups. Starch is prepared from unripe banana fruits. Boiled waste from vegetable and dessert bananas is used as feed for large and small livestock.

The fruits and other parts of the banana are used:

  • in the leather industry as a black dye;
  • in the textile industry for the production of fabrics;
  • for the production of especially strong marine ropes and ropes;
  • in the construction of rafts and the manufacture of seat cushions;
  • as plates and trays for serving traditional South Asian dishes in India and Sri Lanka.

Bananas: contraindications and harm

  • It is not advisable to eat bananas before bed, or combine them with milk, so as not to provoke fermentation in the stomach and cause intestinal dysfunction.
  • People suffering from diabetes are not allowed to eat bananas because they contain little glucose and fructose, but a lot of sugar.
  • Bananas can cause harm to people who suffer from thrombophlebitis, as these berries help thicken the blood.

Types and varieties of bananas, names and photographs

The genus includes about 70 species of bananas, which, depending on their use, are divided into 3 varieties:

  • Decorative bananas (inedible);
  • Plantains (platano);
  • Dessert bananas.

Decorative bananas

This group includes plants with very beautiful flowers and mostly inedible fruits. They can be wild or grown for beauty. Inedible bananas are also used to make various textile products, car seat cushions and fishing nets. The most famous types of decorative bananas are:

  • Pointed banana (Musa acuminata)

grown for its beautiful leaves up to one meter long with a large central vein and many small ones, along which the leaf blade divides over time, acquiring a resemblance to a bird’s feather. The leaves of the ornamental banana are dark green; specimens with a reddish tint are often found. In greenhouse conditions, the height of a pointed banana plant can reach 3.5 meters, although in room conditions it grows no more than 2 meters. The size of the fruits of this type of banana ranges from 5 to 30 centimeters, and their color can be green, yellow and even red. The pointed banana is edible and grows in Southeast Asia, southern China, India and Australia. In countries with colder climates, this type of banana is grown as an ornamental plant.

  • Blue Burmese banana (Musa itinerans)

grows in height from 2.5 to 4 meters. The banana trunk is painted in an unusual violet-green color with a silver-white coating. The color of the leaf blades is bright green, and their length on average reaches 0.7 meters. The thick skin of banana fruits is blue or purple in color. The fruits of this banana are unsuitable for food. In addition to its decorative value, blue banana is used as one of the components of the Asian diet. Banana grows in the following countries: China, India, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos. This plant can also be grown in a pot.

  • Musa velutina)

has a false trunk height of no more than 1.5 meters with a diameter of about 7 centimeters. Banana leaves, colored light green, grow up to 1 meter long and 30 centimeters wide. Many specimens have a red border along the edge of the leaf blade. The petals of the inflorescences, pleasing with their appearance for up to six months, are painted purple-pink. The pink banana peel is quite thick, and their number in a bunch does not exceed 9 pieces. The length of the fruit is 8 cm. When ripe, the skin of the fruit opens, revealing light pulp with seeds inside.

This variety of banana is used for decorative purposes. Can survive a not very cold winter. This banana is also unique in that it will bloom and bear fruit freely almost all year round at home.

  • Musa coccinea)

is a representative of low-growing plants. Its height rarely exceeds one meter. The shiny surface of the narrow bright green banana leaves emphasizes the beauty of the juicy scarlet or red inflorescences. The flowering period of banana lasts about 2 months. Grown as an ornamental plant to produce beautiful orange-red flowers. The homeland of the Indochinese banana is Southeast Asia.

  • Darjeeling banana (Musa sikkimensis)

grows up to 5.5 meters in height with a false trunk diameter at the base of about 45 cm. The color of this decorative banana can have a red tint. The length of the gray-green leaves with purple veins often exceeds 1.5-2 meters. Some varieties of Darjeeling banana have red leaf blades. Banana fruits are medium-sized, up to 13 cm in length, with a slightly sweet taste. This species is quite frost-resistant and can withstand temperatures down to -20 degrees. Bananas are grown in many European countries.

  • Japanese banana, Basho banana or Japanese textile banana ( Musa basjoo)

cold-resistant species, reaching a height of 2.5 meters. The surface of the banana false trunk is colored in greenish or yellowish shades and covered with a thin wax-like layer, on which black spots are visible. The length of the leaf blades does not exceed 1.5 meters in length and 60 centimeters in width. The color of banana leaves varies from rich dark green at the base of the leaf to pale green at the tip. The Japanese banana grows in Japan, as well as in Russia on the Black Sea coast. It is inedible and is grown mainly for its fiber, which is used for the production of clothing, screens, and book bindings.

  • Textile banana, abaca (Musa textilis)

grown to make strong fibers from leaf sheaths. The height of the false trunk does not exceed 3.5 meters, and the diameter is 20 cm. Narrow green leaves rarely reach a length of more than one meter. The fruits, which develop on a drooping raceme, have a triangular appearance and sizes up to 8 centimeters. Inside the pulp there are a large number of small seeds. The color changes from green to straw-yellow as it ripens. Textile banana is grown in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Central American countries to produce durable fiber from which baskets, furniture and other utensils are woven.

  • Banana Balbisa (fruit) ( Musa balbisiana)

This is a large plant with a false stem height of up to 8 meters and a diameter at the base of more than 30 centimeters. Its color varies from green to yellow-green. The length of banana leaves can exceed 3 meters with a width of about 50-60 centimeters. The leaf sheaths are colored bluish and are often covered with fine hairs. The fruit sizes reach 10 centimeters in length and 4 cm in width. Banana skin color changes with age from light yellow to dark brown or black. Banana fruits are used as food for. Unripe fruits are canned. The male flower buds are eaten as a vegetable. The Balbis banana grows in India, Sri Lanka and the Malay Archipelago.

Platano (plantains)

Plantain (from the French plantain) or platano (from the Spanish plátano) are quite large bananas, which are mainly (90%) eaten after heat treatment: they are fried in oil, boiled, baked in batter, steamed or cooked of which are chips. The peel of the sycamore tree is also used for food. Although there are types of sycamore that, when fully ripe, become softer, sweeter and edible even without prior heat treatment. The skin color of sycamores can be green or yellow (although they are usually sold greenish); ripe sycamores have a black skin.

Plantains differ from dessert bananas in their thicker skin, as well as in tougher and almost unsweetened pulp with a high starch content. Platano varieties have found application both in the human menu and in agriculture, where they are used as livestock feed. In many countries of the Caribbean, Africa, India and South America, dishes prepared from platano are served as side dishes for meat and fish or as a completely independent dish. Usually they are generously flavored with salt, herbs and hot chili pepper.

Types of sycamore intended for heat treatment are divided into 4 groups, each of which has different varieties:

  • French sycamores: varieties ‘Obino l’Ewai’ (Nigeria), ‘Nendran’ (India), ‘Dominico’ (Colombia).
  • French carob-shaped sycamores: varieties ‘Batard’ (Cameroon), ‘Mbang Okon’ (Nigeria).
  • False carob-shaped sycamores: varieties ‘Agbagda’ and ‘Orishele’ (Nigeria), ‘Dominico-Harton’ (Colombia).
  • Horn-shaped sycamores: varieties ‘Ishitim’ (Nigeria), ‘Pisang Tandok’ (Malaysia).

Below is a description of several varieties of sycamore:

  • Ground banana (banana da terra)

grows mainly in Brazil. The length of the fruit often reaches 25-27 cm, and the weight is 400-500 grams. The peel is ribbed, thick, and the flesh has an orange tint. In its raw form, platano is slightly astringent in taste, but after cooking it acquires excellent flavor characteristics. The leader among platanos in the content of vitamins A and C.

  • Plantain Burro (Burro, Orinoco, Horse, Hog)

herbaceous plant of medium height, resistant to cold. Sycamore fruits are 13-15 cm long, enclosed in a triangular peel. The pulp is dense, with a lemon flavor, and is edible raw only when overripe, so the variety is usually fried or baked.

plant with large fruits up to 20 cm in length. The peel is greenish in color, slightly rough to the touch, thick. In its raw form it is inedible due to its strongly astringent taste, but is perfect for preparing all kinds of dishes: chips, vegetable stews, mashed potatoes. This type of plane tree grows in India, where it is in unprecedented demand among buyers in ordinary fruit shops.
