Collection and storage of autumn varieties of apples: when to collect and what fruits to leave for the winter? Some autumn apple tree varieties

The Instagram account of food blogger from Kazan Inna Shcherbakova will be of interest to those housewives who love interesting and detailed recipes with seasonal vegetables and fruits. The range of photos and dishes on her microblog is very diverse: there you can find delicious baked goods and homemade preparations for the winter. Today we have selected 6 interesting recipes with apples for you. Enjoy cooking and fall!


250 g flour
1 egg
2 tbsp sour cream
110 g chilled butter
1 tsp quick dry yeast
2 tbsp sugar
a pinch of salt

500 g peeled apples
150 g grated pumpkin
1/2 tsp cinnamon
50 g sugar
2 tbsp lingonberry jam

80 g powdered sugar
1-2 tbsp cream 33% fat
1 tsp lemon juice

Cooking process:
1. Mix flour with sugar, salt and yeast. Add the butter in pieces and chop into crumbs, add the egg and sour cream and knead into a soft elastic dough. Leave for 20-30 minutes and start filling.
2. Peel and cut the apples into slices, grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater. Mix with sugar and cinnamon. 3. Divide the dough into 2 parts, roll out, sprinkle the table with flour. Place in a greased pan, add the filling, compacting it, cover the top with a second layer of dough, pinch the edges, make a cut to allow steam to escape and bake at 180 degrees for 45 minutes. Cool until warm and pour over the glaze. Serve chilled.


300 g wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon
A pinch of salt
4 eggs
160 ml vegetable oil
280 g sugar
2 tsp vanilla essence
220 g peeled, grated carrots
200 grams of apples, grated on a coarse grater
100 g coarsely chopped nuts
100 g raisins
50 g coconut flakes

Cooking process:
Sift flour along with baking powder, salt and cinnamon. Beat eggs with sugar, add butter, vanilla, add carrots and apples. Gently add nuts, raisins, coconut and flour mixture and stir quickly. Spoon the dough into the molds 2/3 full, place the oatmeal crumble on top and bake at 175 degrees for 25 minutes.

Mix for crumble
50 g cold butter pieces
75 g wheat flour
25 g brown sugar
50 g oatmeal
15 g sunflower seeds
25 g pumpkin seeds
1 tsp water
1 tsp vegetable oil
1.5 tbsp honey

or “Russian sweet” (from the book “My Kitchen” by V.V. Pokhlebkin)

3-4 Antonov apples
3 tbsp. granulated sugar with top
0.5 cups of baked milk 4% or 6%
You can add 4-5 more prunes, a tablespoon of dry or semi-sweet red wine, but this is not necessary and, most importantly, not important, but simply to further refine the taste. The main thing is that the apples are Antonov apples, cleanly washed, well peeled of all excess, cut into slices and baked either in foil or in a heat-resistant dish in the oven without adding water.
They need to be baked together with prunes (peeled) and sugar until soft. After baking, mix the whole mixture well with a spoon, put it into cups for two people and pour a small amount of baked milk into the cups.
In this case, you do not need to mix the contents, but take the baked applesauce in a cup with a spoon, scooping up the milk at the same time. To do this, it is better to use a dessert spoon rather than a teaspoon. The combination of sweet-sour and milky-creamy-fresh taste is extremely subtle, refined, rare and pleasant. Be sure to try it - you will enjoy it immensely!


For 2 kg of peeled and seeded apples you will need 1 can of condensed milk. The apples should be cut into slices, placed in a saucepan, and pour a little water so that they do not burn. Boil until soft, puree with a blender, add a can of condensed milk, stir, bring to a boil and place in sterilized jars, roll up, turn over. Store in a cool, dark place.


Cooking process:
Peel the apples, cut into slices, place in a saucepan, add a little water and cook until completely softened. Using an immersion blender, beat into the puree and boil for another 20-30 minutes (carefully, the puree “spits”). Let cool, place on baking paper, spread in a thin layer. Dry in the oven, dryer or in the sun. You can dry with convection 60-80 degrees, sometimes opening the oven door slightly and releasing moisture. The time depends on the temperature and thickness of the puree.


200 g flour
100 g cold butter
1 large egg (if not enough, add 1 tbsp water)
20 g grated cheese
1 pinch of salt
For filling
2 medium apples
1 large onion
2 tbsp brown sugar
20 g grated cheese
a little butter

Cooking process:
1. Mix flour with salt and cheese. Add butter and chop into crumbs. Add the egg and quickly knead the dough.
2. For the filling, melt the butter in a frying pan. Cut the onion into half rings, passivate in butter until transparent, add sugar and peeled and sliced ​​apples, simmer for 2-3 minutes. Cool.
3. Roll out the dough, lay out the apples and onions, retreating a few centimeters from the edges. Fold the edges towards the center, sprinkle with cheese and bake at 180 degrees for 35 minutes.

Apples are one of the oldest crops grown by people. Depending on the timing of fruit ripening, they are divided into three main groups: summer, autumn and winter. Medium (autumn) varieties have a positive effect on health and the general condition of the person.

They have a diuretic and choleretic effect and, due to their low calorie content, are used in dietary nutrition. Regular consumption of fruits high in fiber improves digestion and relieves constipation. Apples are rich in iron, potassium, glucose and sucrose, pectin.

Autumn varieties are an intermediate option between summer and winter. They almost have time to reach consumer maturity on the tree. Full ripening occurs 10-12 days after harvest. These fruits are medium in size, brightly colored, and have a pleasant dessert taste.

Shelf life varies slightly, depending on the conditions created. Average indicators – 2-4 months

The most common

  1. Streifling or autumn striped- one of the most common varieties. It has earned popularity for the high taste qualities of the fruit. The fruits are medium or large, the skin is thin, smooth, with a waxy coating. Coloring in the form of red stripes on a speckled background. The pulp is yellowish, juicy, sweet and sour. Ripens in September and lies until December.
  2. Oryol striped– the fruits are large, oblong, green in color with blurred crimson stripes. The pulp is white, aromatic, with sourness. You need to remove it in September and store it in the refrigerator for up to four months.
  3. Cinnamon Striped– apples are medium or small, the color is green or yellow when picked. Red stripes gradually appear. Valued for its delicate pulp, pleasant taste and aroma. Lasts up to two months.

Collection time

It is necessary to start harvesting on time; delay threatens over-ripening, and haste leads to a lack of rich taste. Autumn varieties traditionally ripen in late August - September. There is no strict harvesting schedule; the harvesting time is adjusted depending on the weather conditions of the season.

When is it necessary to remove all the fruits from a bush? One way to determine when to pick apples is to watch the falling fruits. If there are good whole fruits on the ground, it is time to harvest.

Knowing the signs of ripening will help you determine exactly when to pick apples.:

The degree of ripening is determined experimentally using a solution of iodine that reacts with starch:

  1. when half an apple is immersed, the cut turns blue - the fruit is unripe;
  2. the middle of the cut is yellow and the edge is blue - the optimal moment;
  3. The apple is yellow - it is overripe.

Gardeners believe that it is better to start collecting autumn varieties a little earlier than to miss the moment.

How to remove from a tree: instructions

Picking apples requires accuracy and knowledge of the specifics of the action.. The fruit is taken with the palm of your hand, clasping it with all your fingers. Carefully lifting and twisting, it is torn from the branch along with the stalk. You cannot pull the apple down, this will injure the branch and reduce next year’s yield.

The fruit is not thrown from the hands into a collection container (basket, bucket, box), but placed. Any impacts and mechanical damage negatively affect the shelf life.

The fruits have a natural protective layer in the form of a waxy coating. When it is erased, the surface of the apples becomes more vulnerable. Wax prevents the appearance of rot.

The work of picking apples takes place in a certain sequence.:

The harvested crop must be cooled and then transported or sent for storage.

How to remove fruits for storage: which ones are left?

When they begin to collect autumn apples from trees, they prepare two containers in advance: one for good and strong fruits, the other for wormy and rotten ones (including those picked from the ground). Withered fruits can be eaten immediately, and whole ones can be removed for storage for the winter.

Before storing the crop in boxes, it must be sorted. Sizing into small, medium and large will help distribute the fruit evenly in the rows. Apples are inspected and only those that meet the long-term storage criteria are retained:

  • have a stalk;
  • no damage to the cover, wormholes, dents;
  • waxy coating in place.

Several varieties can be grown in the garden, their storage time varies, so they are separated when sorting.

Boxes with apples should be signed, indicating the variety and time of laying. You don't have to waste time searching for the right fruits.

For long-term storage, it is necessary to slow down the processes in the fruit. This is facilitated by low temperature. It is best to store apples in the refrigerator or basement. The room must be dry, clean, free of foreign odors.

It is recommended to whitewash the basement with lime and vitriol. The optimal temperature for autumn varieties is 1-4°C. It is better to stack apples in a single layer, using racks or low wooden boxes stacked on top of each other.

Small fruits quickly lose their juiciness, and large ones are susceptible to disease, they spoil first.

For preservation, the fruits are wrapped in paper. This is a justified method, but labor-intensive. When there is a large amount of crop, it is difficult to wrap. Fruits can be sprinkled with dry, clean sawdust, onion peels, and sometimes sand is used.

At home, apples are stored in the pantry, on the balcony, in the cellar or in the refrigerator. Autumn varieties do not last more than three months in any conditions. Winter varieties are stored until spring.

Shrub care for the winter

Having finished picking apples, gardeners do not have to relax. It is necessary to prepare trees for wintering. Agrotechnical measures will help the tree survive low temperatures and produce a bountiful harvest next year. What is autumn care?:

If you follow all the necessary steps, the apple tree will easily survive the winter.

Autumn apples do not last until spring; these tasty and healthy fruits are eaten first. Fruits collected on time and placed in good conditions are stored until January. It is a constant source of pectin, microelements and other substances beneficial to health.

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Specialists from the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy conducted interesting tests on apples created by Russian breeders. For nine groups:
  • Summer:
    • Early;
    • Average;
    • Late.
  • Autumn:
    • Early;
    • Average;
    • Late.
  • Winter:
    • Early;
    • Average;
    • Late.

They were assessed based on selected five characteristics. Maximum score for each 5 points:

  • Winter hardiness;
  • Weight;
  • Productivity;
  • Taste;
  • Resistance to scab diseases.

This could be one approach to evaluate apple varieties. But there are conventions in this scheme too.

Autumn apple tree varieties

  • Bright and beautiful color of the skin of autumn apples;
  • Quite large sizes;
  • Terms of ripening. And this is in early September;
  • Shelf life:
    • Average between summer and winter;
    • 2-3 months even at room temperatures.
  • And I would add one more point - in which region it is grown.

Consider one more thing. The same variety can be called in different groups:

  • Late summer or early autumn;
  • Late autumn or early winter. Antonovka. Anise. Welsey. And others;
  • But for lovers of delicious apples there is no need to focus on this. They are called differently. But the ripening period is the same;
  • After all, even the climatic conditions of a particular year can shift the ripening time. As well as caring for cultivation.

Significant warming has occurred in recent decades. This has also shortened the ripening time of not only apples. But There are guidelines for ripening and storagefrom the beginning of September until the 23rd-25th. Your experience and knowledge will help determine their maturity. Very often a good reference point is a neighbor.

An amateur gardener can afford little on his 6-acre plot. And for planting apple trees, experts and experts recommend 1-2 early varieties, 1-2 autumn varieties, but 3-5 winter varieties. Larger plot - more opportunities.

They will also propose to allocate 2-3 recreation areas for decoration. Small-fruited (chinese, ranetki, weeping, etc.). Today, apple trees are also planted as ornamental trees to decorate areas around houses of varying sizes.

Decorative weeping apple tree.

But farmers are picky about autumn varieties. They already know how to count money.

Let's name some varieties of apples of this ripening period. No alphabet. And without recommendations for specific regions for more successful cultivation:

  • Mac;
  • Lobo;
  • Welsey;
  • Glory to the winners;
  • Bellefleur is Chinese;
  • For a long time;
  • Alkmene;
  • Radiant;
  • Minsk;
  • Streifling();
  • Sava;
  • Korean;

Now let's choose for a more detailed description.

Photos and descriptions of varieties

Glory to the winners

  • Year of birth – 1928;
  • Can be considered late summer. In the conditions of the Azov region, by the end of summer only a few of them remain on the tree. If you didn’t remove it on time;
  • Tall trees - up to 3.5 m. Round and slightly elongated apples attract with their appearance and beautiful color. And great taste;
  • Eat fresh and make juices;
  • They may not lie down for long– no more than 2 months in the cellar;
  • Different sizes - from 120 grams. There are even under 200 g;
  • You will often find it on market stalls. Whoever tries it takes it. Not a kilogram;
  • From an apple tree that is 2-3 years old you will taste the first apples. And from 10-15 years old you can have a harvest of 70 kg per tree;
  • A good one will allow you to avoid periodicity;
  • Not afraid of severe frosts. For many years.

  • I have been growing it for almost 20 years. These apples replace them very well.

Glory to the winners.

You will find more information about the Glory to the Winners apple tree.


  • Very popular in the Urals. And not just because of the name. More quality apples;
  • The taste is pleasant - sweet and sour. It even knits a little;
  • Powerful tree;
  • A begins to bear fruit after 4-5 years after landing. Apples are not surprising in size - only 50-60 grams. That's one thing. And you can collect more than 70 kg from a tree;
  • With a beautiful blush and scarlet stripes on the surface;
  • You will be able to save it for almost a month and a half after withdrawal in September. Better in rooms with humid air;
  • Everything related to resistance to frost will not bother you. Created by Sverdlovsk breeders for the Urals and Siberia. For a long time.

Read more about the Uralets variety in.


  • Brought out in 1985 using the Welsey variety;
  • The tree is not tall. On average up to 4 meters;
  • The presence of the Vf gene provides full . And you won’t have to treat other diseases;
  • Large sweet and sour fruits with a blush over the entire surface are already in demand on the market. And they don’t linger;
  • Their weight about 200 grams. And the largest weighed 450 g;
  • The first apples will appear 4 years after planting. They begin to ripen in the second half of September;
  • Harvests can be up to 180 centners per hectare;
  • Apples hang on the tree for a long time. Even before frost;
  • They are well preserved during transportation.

Remember and tell others! Withstands frosts up to 40 degrees


You will learn more about the Rozhdestvenskoye apple tree variety from.


  • You can also consider it early winter;
  • The result of open pollination of the McIntosh variety;
  • Gardeners have long known its excellent qualities:
    • Good and pleasant taste;
    • Large apples during storage slightly change their basic color - almost brownish-red;
    • You can transport it over long distances without loss;
    • Apple trees produce annual harvests. Decent. Not only for amateur gardeners in the middle zone. But also for farmers. The climate is suitable.

But consider the disadvantages:

  • Loves care and attention. After all, you need to deal with illnesses. Watering and;
  • may not be superfluous;
  • It hasn't been asked that often in recent years. And some advise choosing a more reliable variety. It's not the same for everybody.

You can read more about the Lobo apple tree variety.


  • Bred using the McIntosh variety. A dozen years ago, it was the only thing gardeners asked for for their plots. Less now;
  • After all, his can be classified as winter. Nowadays, many have a higher shelf life. And they don’t react to it that way. And that means a lot;
  • Vigorous crown also requires regular. So that it does not thicken;
  • After all, flattened apples are not surprising with their size and weight (120-140 grams);
  • But they have an attractive appearance with a beautiful intense color;
  • And taste. It’s not for nothing that they are classified as sweet varieties;
  • Productivity ranges from 10 to 100 kg per tree. Your agricultural practices will help you get closer to the maximum;
  • The second half of September will do... and remove the apples. Their consumer maturity begins in December.

You will learn more about the Spartan apple tree variety from.

Streifling (Autumn Striped)

  • Due to its unpretentiousness and adaptability to the difficult conditions of Central Russia is in demand among gardeners;
  • Medium height the tree is prone to thickening of the crown;
  • Consider its average winter hardiness and watering requirements. And the apples then grow to an average weight of 90-130 grams;
  • Although they begin to bear fruits with a pale pink tint rather late - 6-7 years after planting;
  • But the harvest increases every year. After 10 years – already up to 100 kg per tree. And by the age of 20 even 350 kg. Not everyone is willing to wait that long;
  • They can still be delicious to eat in December. If you shoot in early September. And then - as the weather dictates.


Read more about the Streifling variety in.

Mackintosh (Mekentosh, Autumn Khoroshevka, Autumn red-sided)

  • It has long been grown in Ukraine and central Russia;
  • A medium-height tree with a spreading crown;
  • Everyone likes both baked goods and sauces made from sweet and sour, even more sweet, candy-tasting apples;
  • After all, it must be processed into jams and juices. Even cider. Although they store it even until March 8;
  • Annual harvests do not satisfy everyone. From a 10-12 year old tree up to 90 kg. And some are completely satisfied;
  • The first apples do not appear so quickly - after 6-7 years;
  • But it is difficult to convince gardeners who have been growing it for a long time that the best years of the variety are behind them. Even the fact that they change it more often to new varieties;
  • Weakness and sensitivity to frost also add arguments against.


You will learn more about the McIntosh apple tree variety from.


  • This apple tree should be given attention only because this variety was bred by Michurin. For more than a hundred years it has been grown in the gardens of Russia, Ukraine, and Armenia;
  • Some specimens grow up to half a kilo. And on average 220-330 grams;
  • The variety is currently grown by amateur gardeners for exhibitions. To surprise visitors. Size and taste;
  • You can feel the acid. More of a spicy taste. Characteristic;
  • Beautiful blush with stripes;

Bellefleur is Chinese.

You can read more about the Bellefleur-Chinese apple tree variety.

Welsey (Abundant, Rose of Tartus, Harvest)

  • The American variety is famous. As well as a participant in the creation of new varieties;
  • Mature trees are medium in size. And a rounded crown;
  • The fruits are attractive with a red blush on a light green background. The taste of apples is what made them popular. Sweet with sourness;
  • High frost resistance;
  • Immunity to diseases, especially scab;
  • Appearance;
  • Rapid entry into fruiting;
  • All this contributed to its spread and cultivation in many regions of Russia. In Ukraine. In Belarus;
  • They are stored for quite a long time for an autumn variety - until January;
  • They also pay attention to the fact that The fruits themselves almost never fall. They are waiting for the owner to take it off.

Read more about the Welsie variety in.


A variety of Belarusian selection. Round apples are slightly elongated.

What you will notice:

  • Large fruit sizes, completely covered with a dark red blurry blush. The weight reaches 200 grams. And the average is about 170 grams;
  • Well adapted to the winter conditions of Central Russia;
  • Able to resist scab and other diseases;
  • Pleases with good harvests;
  • You can eat the harvested fruits in December. Just as tasty, juicy and aromatic;
  • Although tasters rate it only 4.2 points.


  • Belarusian variety;
  • Medium height tree has a rounded crown;
  • On a dwarf rootstock, the first fruits will appear already in the 3rd year. They also happen in the second year. And only on the 4th-5th. If the seedling is on a seed rootstock;
  • Raspberry-orange color over almost the entire surface of large fruits;
  • Their weight can be up to 200 grams;
  • Experts note regular fruiting and scab resistance;
  • Ripe fruits picked in September will be stored until November.


You will learn more about the Radiant apple tree variety from.


  • Successful work of Ukrainian breeders. I would say an achievement;
  • Large fruits look beautiful on low trees. About 200 grams;
  • Like the washed out orange-red blush on a light yellow background;
  • Gray subcutaneous dots stand out;
  • Sweet and sour apples. Add more excellent taste and ability to transport;
  • And here winter hardiness is average even for Ukraine.

You can read more about the Teremok apple tree variety.


  • Medium height pyramidal trees;
  • Amateur gardeners often mention this variety. Good words for their stable and good harvests. In 3-4 years. And in industrial gardens about two hundred kilograms per tree;
  • Large golden flattened apples have a striped blush;
  • Their weight is not the same. From 120 and even up to 200 grams;
  • You can save apples until winter. When creating good cool conditions;
  • As gardeners say, if only the winter hardiness was higher.


Read more about the Zhigulevskoye variety in.

Bessemyanka Michurinskaya

  • It is grown almost everywhere throughout Ukraine. In Russia even in Eastern Siberia;
  • Tall and wide trees;
  • You will taste the fruits even in the second year after planting. And by 6 years they produce a solid harvest.
  • And every year;
  • The fruits are not large in size. But they are notable for their wide scarlet stripes against a background of numerous dots;
  • As well as weight - about 100 grams. WITH you can collect up to 130 kg of one tree;

Advice! Harvesting must be done in several stages. After all, apples can fall off.

  • There were no complaints against this variety regarding diseases and frosts;
  • You can transport it over long distances. They won't stay there for long. No more than 2-3 months.

Bessemyanka Michurinskaya.

Read more about the Bessemyanka Michurinskaya variety in.

Pepin Lithuanian

  • The variety is for everyone. But very often in nurseries they ask. But they don’t know the exact name. After all, it has other names. Glogerovka. Pepinka. Sarepka;
  • Medium-sized barrel-shaped apples. Sweet and sour;
  • Light yellow. They may even be without blush;
  • It is especially popular among lovers of pickled apples. And baked;
  • Very convenient low tree crown for care and harvesting;
  • Begins to bear fruit early;
  • As a rule, they quickly find use for it. Although it can be stored right up to January;
  • Be prepared to take care of preparations for wintering and;
  • They grow them for themselves. And not for implementation.

Pepin Lithuanian.

Useful videos

Watch a video about autumn varieties of apple trees:

Watch the video about the apple tree. Glory to the winners:

Watch the video about the Uralets apple tree:

Watch a video about the Welsey apple tree:


  • With autumn apples, it is very important to determine their ripeness. To avoid cleaning up fallen and damaged fruits;
  • They are then completely incapable of being stored;
  • It is advised to apply light pressure and monitor the dent;
  • Apple seeds always unmistakably indicate ripeness;
  • And remember your neighbor.

In contact with

September has come, and the garden still smells of apples.

The time has come to collect autumn apples.

They differ in that they retain their taste for a longer time.

Some of them last well until December, others can become a decoration for the New Year's table.

The fruits of autumn apple trees must be removed from the branches, preventing them from falling to the ground.

After picking, most apples need to lie down and ripen to the so-called consumer ripeness.

Each region has its own favorites, let's find out in more detail which autumn varieties of apples (photo with name and description are attached) gardeners in different regions prefer to plant.

Autumn varieties of apples, photo with name and description

Autumn apple varieties are favorites in Belarus

  • Radiant. Apple trees of this variety grow very quickly, are not afraid of severe frosts and regularly produce abundant harvests. The fruits may partially crumble, and in high humidity or damp summers they are affected by fruit rot. The plant is resistant to scab and common cancer. The fruits are harvested in early September, and they retain their quality for a month.
  • Sava is a winter-hardy, high-yielding apple tree that is immune to scab. Trees are susceptible to bark and wood diseases and are also susceptible to spring frosts.
  • Golden pepinka is a high-yielding variety, winter-hardy and resistant to scab, and produces a harvest every year. Pollinators must be planted near apple trees. The best varieties for them are apple trees of such varieties as Spartan, Antonovka vulgaris, and Calvil snowy.
  • Belarusskoe sweet is a Belarusian variety with autumn-winter ripening period. Apple trees begin to bear fruit quite early, at 2–3 years. The fruits are quite large and are stored until December–February. The variety is winter-hardy and productive.
  • Imrus is considered an autumn variety on Belarusian soil. This is a winter-hardy, high-yielding apple tree that is immune to scab. It produces above-average-sized fruits with very thin skins, so they are carefully removed when harvesting. They retain their taste until the last days of February.

Autumn varieties of apple trees for the Leningrad region

  • Chosen One. Trees of this variety can be recognized by their rather spreading and strong crown. It safely tolerates severe frosts, but cannot boast of high resistance to scab. Apples retain their attractive appearance and taste until November.
  • Auxis. The fruits are harvested in September, but they ripen only in December. The variety is adapted to fairly low temperatures, but does not tolerate drought and heat, and requires regular watering in the summer. The fruits have a bad habit of crumbling very quickly, so the main task of the gardener is to harvest the crop in a timely manner. The plant is quite resistant to scab.
  • Baltika is a variety with large apples. The plant is resistant to scab and a number of fungal diseases. It safely tolerates severe frosts and regularly produces a bountiful harvest, which is stored for 30 days.
  • The Oryol garland is a real garden decoration. The branches are completely covered in mid-September with ripe, bright fruits, which, if properly stored, can last until mid-February. Disadvantages include average frost resistance and scab resistance. With a rich harvest, the fruits may become smaller.
  • Seedless Michurinskaya has only one drawback - fruit shedding. In terms of winter hardiness and yield, it shows distinctive results. The plant bears fruit regularly and is not susceptible to the disease - scab.

Autumn varieties of apples with photos, names and descriptions for Central Russia

  • Zhigulevskoye is a late-autumn high-yielding variety. The trees grow quite quickly. Young trees bear fruit annually, older trees periodically. The fruits ripen together. The apple tree is immune to scab, but is attacked by the codling moth. Minus - average winter hardiness.
  • Orlovskoe striped is another late-autumn variety that is frost-resistant. Not afraid of scab. When harvesting, the fruits must be carefully removed from the trees, as the skin is very thin and very easily damaged. In a cold place, the fruits do not lose their taste until the end of December.
  • Oryol Pioneer is a high-yielding variety that is immune to scab. Green fruits are picked from the branches, and by the time they ripen they acquire a light yellow color. Sometimes the fruits can be disappointing in size. Small apples can be seen on trees with improper pruning or with a bountiful harvest.
  • Antonovka vulgaris is one of the most common varieties. To what type according to ripening period can it be classified? In the northern regions, these vigorous apple trees are classified as late-autumn varieties; in the southern regions they are considered winter varieties. The disadvantages are the short shelf life of the fruit and periodic fruiting.
  • Borovinka. The trees begin to bear fruit early, are not afraid of severe frosts and adapt well to various conditions. During dry summers, the fruits fall off greatly.

Autumn varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region with photos and descriptions

  • Autumn Joy is a vigorous variety with fairly large fruits. Every year the trees bear fruit; they are not afraid of severe frosts and scab. The fruits are stored for up to 1.5 months. Disadvantages include poor branching of the apple tree and fragile wood.
  • Cinnamon striped - early autumn variety. The trees are quite vigorous, but bear fruit late. Apple trees have average frost resistance and scab resistance. Productivity is average.
  • Young naturalist - a vigorous apple tree. The only drawback of the variety is irregular fruiting. In terms of other characteristics - frost resistance, scab resistance, productivity - it has high indicators. Harvesting begins after September 10, the fruits reach consumer ripeness in 2 weeks.
  • Uslada is a semi-dwarf variety. The apple tree is practically not affected by scab and tolerates frost well. The fruits differ from other varieties in their rich chemical composition. They are collected unripe. In this case, subject to storage conditions, they will last until mid-winter. Ripe fruits do not last long; they should be consumed within a month.
  • Autumn striped, also known as Streifling or Striefel, is one of the popular and favorite varieties among gardeners. Vigorous apple trees with drooping branch tips shed their leaves prematurely at the end of August. The variety is moderately resistant to scab.

Varieties of autumn apple trees for the Urals

  • Uralets is an early autumn variety. This is one of the most frost-resistant apple trees. Vigorous trees are not afraid of scab and are unpretentious. However, the fruits are stored for only 1–1.5 months and are small in size.
  • Sverdlovsk anise is a late-autumn fruitful and winter-hardy variety. The fruits are medium-sized and have low shelf life, so they are often used for canning. Apple trees bear fruit regularly. If they freeze slightly during harsh winters, they recover very quickly. In rainy, damp summers they are susceptible to a disease - scab.
  • Rumyanka Sverdlovskaya is a variety with regular fruiting and medium-sized fruits. The trees tolerate frost well and are resistant to scab. The harvest lasts until January.
  • Ural liquid. Apple trees have high winter hardiness and productivity, and are immune to scab. The fruits are harvested in early September and stored for 2 months. For greater fruit production, it must be cross-pollinated with other varieties that coincide with it in terms of flowering time.
  • Screen is an unpretentious variety with good disease resistance and is not afraid of frost. It belongs to the self-sterile type, that is, it needs a pollinator. It is perfectly pollinated by other varieties common in this region. Do you want fresh apples for your New Year's table? Then be sure to plant this apple tree. Fruits, if properly stored, can be stored for up to 150 days, until January.

Autumn apple varieties for Siberia

  • A gift to gardeners - the variety has a high restorative ability, which is undoubtedly a plus, since the tree has average frost resistance. Small fruits are stored for quite a long time - up to 120 days. The variety is immune to scab, but is very sensitive to low soil moisture.
  • Altai scarlet is easily recognized by its very small fruits, which retain their quality for up to 2 months. Apple trees bear fruit annually, but yields are average. The trees withstand severe frosts well and are highly resistant to scab.
  • Bayana. The trees produce large fruits, which is not typical for the Siberian region. Perfectly adapted to severe frosts, they are not afraid of scab and powdery mildew. For the first time, the yield “pumps up”, but more mature trees delight with a bountiful harvest.
  • Souvenir of Altai - a significant drawback of the variety is the susceptibility of the apple tree to moniliosis. In terms of winter hardiness and yield, it has average indicators and bears fruit regularly. Beautiful apples are picked at the beginning of September and stored for 20 days. The plant is resistant to scab.
  • Shevchenko's favorite (Cornflower) is a self-sterile variety, so it is worth taking care of planting pollinating apple trees, for example, Tubinskoye, Martyanovskoye, Zaprotochnoye. Apples are harvested in early September. This is a highly winter-hardy variety, resistant to scab, with average drought resistance, but the fruits do not fall off. Its disadvantages include the rapid aging of wood.