Make your own rolls. How to cook rolls - step by step recipes. Rolls at home, photos and videos. How to make rolls from inexpensive fish

Thus, if you are struggling with the question “what is the difference between sushi and rolls?”, the answer is nothing. A few words about what types of rolls there are. Rolls are not necessarily Japanese cuisine. The roll recipe in one form or another is present in many Asian cuisines. How rolls are made is known not only in Japan. In China, Vietnam, and Indonesia they also prepare sushi and rolls; the recipes, of course, may differ. Rolls, or kimbals, are also characteristic of Korean cuisine. However, today the Japanese consider the recipe for making rolls to be the property of their culture. Japanese rolls are called makisushi. Usually rolls are cut into 6 pieces, but there are rolls of 8 or even 12 pieces. A variety of rolls are temaki - the same as any rolls, but large, which are not cut into pieces, but eaten in bites. There are also “colored” and “mosaic” rolls, and other types of rolls. The ingredients for rolls and the filling for rolls are most often seafood and processed vegetables. For example, they make shrimp rolls, rolls with crab sticks, salmon rolls, eel rolls, salmon rolls, tuna rolls, squid rolls, trout rolls. In addition, they often make egg rolls and rolls with vegetables or spring rolls. Chicken rolls, Caesar roll and other recipes for chicken rolls, pancake rolls, sweet pancake rolls and other sweet rolls at home are innovations of our days. Many people don’t know what kind of cheese is needed for rolls. The cheese used for the rolls is creamy. The most popular cream cheese for rolls is Philadelphia. Preparing Philadelphia rolls without this cheese is impossible. The traditional sauce for rolls is soy. Soy sauce for rolls can be of several types: Teriyaki, Tonkatsu, Unagi. The vinegar for rolls is also special – rice vinegar.

Today, sushi and rolls have become a noticeable element in our lives. Photos of this dish are a favorite subject of many food photographers, and a visit to a Japanese restaurant is a status event. Japanese cuisine has become so popular today that it has boldly stepped from restaurants into our homes, so many home cooks are asking questions like: How to cook rolls? How to prepare sushi and rolls? How to make rolls and sushi? What do you need for rolls? How to make rolls? How to make rolls yourself? How to prepare rolls correctly? How to make rolls correctly? How to make rolls at home? How to wrap rolls or how to wrap rolls? How to make rolls at home? How to spin rolls? How to roll rolls? How to properly wrap rolls? How to cook Philadelphia rolls? How to cook rice for rolls? How to prepare rolls correctly? How to make California rolls? How to make a hot roll? How to roll rolls? How to make Philadelphia rolls? How to make hot rolls? How to make a hot roll? How to prepare vinegar for rolls? How to prepare sushi and rolls? How to prepare hot rolls? And it’s not in vain that they ask, because making sushi and rolls with your own hands is interesting, and eating them is healthy.

The rolls are prepared using a bamboo makisu mat. This is what you need to make rolls. So if you are interested in making rolls at home, you will have to stock up on this device. Making rolls at home without a mat will be really difficult. Sometimes the rolls are rolled in such a way that the nori sheet is on the inside and the rice is on the outside. This is the so-called rolls with rice on the outside. This is exactly how the famous Philadelphia rolls are made. The recipe for this roll includes cream cheese, caviar, cucumber, salmon fillet. You can make these rolls yourself; Philadelphia recipes are not for nothing that are so popular. If you want to learn how to make Philadelphia rolls, or more precisely, how to make Philadelphia rolls at home, watch how our chefs do it. Maybe, rolls at home You will get even tastier than those prepared in a restaurant.

Despite the fact that, according to many, the most delicious rolls are made in Japan, the recipe for Philadelphia rolls does not originate in Japan. Rolls in general owe their popularity to a large extent to the United States, from where the fashion for sushi rolls and Japanese cuisine in general spread throughout the world. Today, one of the most popular are Philadelphia rolls and California rolls; the recipe for these rolls was invented in America. We have already mentioned that Philadelphia rolls can be made at home without any problems. So feel free to prepare Philadelphia rolls. Photos with step-by-step instructions make the cooking process much easier. The recipe, which describes the step-by-step preparation of rolls, will also save you from mistakes. And don't forget that these things are being done rolls with Philadelphia cheese. Rolls, the recipe with photos of which are often prepared and posted on the Internet, are California rolls. You can also make California rolls at home. The classic filling of California rolls is crab meat. These rolls are made with avocado, but you can also make these rolls with cucumber. So buy the necessary ingredients, equipment, and see on our website how to prepare California rolls correctly. Or any other rolls, because here you can find a variety of recipes for rolls at home.

Thanks to the popularity of rolls, today there are a variety of types of rolls, both in the method of preparation and in the composition of the products. These are fried rolls, baked rolls, hot rolls or warm rolls. There are also sweet rolls, lean rolls, pancake rolls, and vegetable rolls. Our chefs and I prepare rolls at home and will be happy to tell you how to prepare rolls at home. Many people associate preparing rolls and sushi with something mysterious and unattainable. This is probably how it should be. At the same time, you can also learn how to make rolls and join a new culture of cooking and eating food. On the pages of our website we have already told you how to eat rolls correctly, so now we will tell you how to prepare rolls at home. Sushi, rolls at home, or more precisely, preparing rolls at home will add exoticism to the usual cooking process. Homemade rolls will pleasantly diversify your usual menu or surprise guests at the festive table. After all, homemade rolls are delicious. Therefore, everyone who is interested in roll recipes with photos, sushi and roll recipes at home, roll recipes at home with photos, roll recipes at home, homemade roll recipes, homemade rolls, sushi roll recipes with photos, baked rolls at home , rolls recipes with photos, hot rolls recipes with photos, we invite you to cook them with us. We and our chefs prepare sushi and rolls at home, prepare rolls at home. At home, you can prepare both simple roll recipes and complex roll recipes. Rolls at home are sometimes prepared together with children, because making rolls at home is quite an exciting process. Rolls, the recipes for which you will find on our website, are usually prepared from products that are familiar to us. So you can buy products for making rolls in our stores. But with one condition: the ingredients for the rolls must be fresh. Of course, the recipe for rolls with crab sticks is inferior to the recipe for rolls with crabs, but what can you do?

So, let's move on to a very important point: how the rolls are prepared. Preparing rice for rolls is where you should start when preparing sushi and rolls at home. There is special rice for rolls, but ordinary round rice is also suitable for making rolls. In principle, every housewife knows how to cook rice for rolls, or more precisely, how to cook rice for rolls. The recipe for making rice for rolls is simple. The ratio of water and rice is 1:1, you should wait until all the water has boiled away. The rice should be well cooked, but at the same time not look like a porridge. When the rice for rolls is ready, rinse it with cold water. That's all, now you know how to prepare rice for rolls. A recipe for preparing rice for rolls may also contain a recommendation to pour apple or rice vinegar over the finished rice.

Recipes for making sushi and rolls are so varied that everyone can find a recipe for themselves among them. Roll recipes use a variety of ingredients. If you want to make rolls at home, the fillings can be very different. This is a recipe for shrimp rolls, a recipe for rolls with eel, a recipe for rolls with cucumber, a recipe for rolls with avocado, rolls with eel, a recipe for rolls with omelet, rolls with salmon and cucumber, sweet rolls, a recipe for rolls with salmon, rolls with salmon and cucumber, battered rolls recipe, salmon rolls, chicken rolls recipe, egg rolls recipe, warm rolls, cucumber rolls recipe, avocado rolls recipe, spring rolls recipe, vegetable rolls recipe. recipe for fried rolls, Caesar roll, rolls with shrimp, recipe for warm rolls at home, baked rolls, recipe for DIY rolls, fried rolls at home. Indeed, hot rolls have become especially popular in recent years. This method of preparing rolls will appeal to those who especially love hot snacks. You can prepare hot rolls at home without much hassle. Hot rolls, the recipe of which differs from ordinary ones, in fact only in that they are fried in vegetable oil, can be prepared at home. The batter for rolls is egg, water, flour, salt. So make your rolls at home. There are recipes, but they are ready rolls impossible not to eat!

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


Sushi is a Japanese traditional dish, but its oriental taste and aroma have long been present in our area, not only in sushi bars and Japanese restaurants. Almost every third modern housewife can boast of making her own homemade rolls. The ingredients for their preparation are easy to get at any large supermarket. The sushi products that you purchased for the first time will remain for the second or third time. From a financial point of view it will be inexpensive.

What do you need to make delicious sushi at home?

How to make real sushi at home? You must follow the step-by-step cooking instructions presented below. Properly selected ingredients will allow you to enjoy the unique, exquisite taste and aroma of the Thai delicacy. Don’t skimp on the quality of the ingredients, and you’ll quickly prepare a delicious Oriental restaurant dish at home.

Required Products

Be sure to use basic sushi ingredients. In the filling of the dish, rice, nori seaweed, fresh red fish (salmon, salmon), a piece of avocado, and cucumber are visually distinguishable. Often present as decoration are masago (flying fish roe) and salmon roe. Sushi also includes gari or pickled ginger, cream cheese, mayonnaise (preferably Japanese), rice vinegar, and soy sauce. Serving a traditional delicacy is unthinkable without the oriental spicy wasabi mustard.

The basis of the rolls is rice. You buy coarse-grained, round cereals with a sufficient amount of gluten, preferably with a special mark on the package “Rice for sushi.” You can buy dried nori seaweed at a large supermarket. The package usually contains 10-20 sheets. To prepare one serving, you need to divide each sheet in half, so a package of nori will be enough for subsequent sushi.

Rice vinegar is sold in the oriental cuisine department of large city hypermarkets or specialty stores. To give rice a specific food flavor and add spicy notes of oriental taste preferences, be sure to buy soy sauce. Pickled ginger is an essential attribute of the Japanese delicacy. Its delicate aroma with spicy notes will give the dish a special piquancy.

Sushi is a culinary creation that contains seafood, that is, red fish. Suitable fillets of salmon, salmon or other fatty sea fish. Another feature of the delicacy is that it is better to use fish fresh or lightly salted. Sushi is almost always served with the national mustard sauce, wasabi. Buy it in paste or dry powder form. The latter is easy to dilute to the desired consistency to make a sauce.

Cream cheese is an essential ingredient for roll filling. This creamy mixture makes the sushi tender and moist. The rolls melt easily in your mouth if the cheese is of high quality and not sour. Crab sticks are an additional ingredient for filling an oriental dish. They are used instead of sea fish fillet, but it is better together with it. Crab sticks should be juicy.

To fill the sushi, cut the cucumber, peeling it and removing the middle. Therefore, it is better to purchase young, thin cucumbers. Choose only ripe avocados. This vegetable, together with the cucumber, must be cut into slices for the filling and the core removed. So that the cooking process does not take you much time, and everything looks beautiful, you will need a bamboo mat - makisu and a sharp knife for cutting food.

Cooking sushi rice in a slow cooker

Rice is the main ingredient of a Japanese traditional dish. A special type of this cereal for rolls has a large amount of gluten, and therefore is suitable for a Thai delicacy. A multicooker is now not a rarity, but a necessary household appliance for a modern housewife. Use the services of this electrical equipment and cook rice according to the recipe below.

  1. Take the rice and rinse it thoroughly in several waters. The last time a clear, not cloudy liquid should be drained.
  2. Place the washed rice in the microwave bowl and fill it with water so that it covers the layer of cereal and is about 5 cm on top (at the rate of 250 ml per 200 g of cereal).
  3. Turn on the multicooker (Pilaf or Buckwheat mode). You need to cook for 30 minutes.
  4. After the miracle oven automatically turns off, the rice will be ready.
  5. Cover the bowl with rice and let it swell.

Slicing fish

While the rice is cooling, start eating the fish. Japanese cuisine chefs practice five types or techniques of cutting fish fillets, but let's consider a quick and accessible one - cutting fish at an angle. We prepare skinless fish fillets measuring 10 cm by 2.5 cm. Place a very sharp knife at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the surface of the kitchen table. Make a quick cut. In the same way, cut the fillet further into thin slices.

Preparing the vinegar dressing

Vinegar dressing gives the Thai dish a special piquancy and a delicate, sour-sweet taste. For it you will need:

  • rice vinegar – 2 tbsp. l.,
  • sugar – 1 tsp,
  • salt – 1 tsp.

Cooking process:

Prepare the dressing in a saucepan over medium heat by mixing the ingredients. Sugar and salt should dissolve, after which the vinegar dressing will be ready.

Recipe for homemade sushi nigiri (photo)

In Japanese restaurants, nigiri is usually served in pairs on a plate, as this type of sushi resembles compressed, oval-shaped lumps. The top layer of nigiri is thinly sliced ​​fish fillet sprinkled with sesame seeds.

To make nigiri at home, take:

  • rice for rolls – 350 g,
  • shrimp – 8 pcs.,
  • salmon – 150 g,
  • smoked eel – 150 g,
  • nori – ½ sheet,
  • sesame seeds – 1 tsp,
  • wasabi,
  • salt,
  • soy sauce,
  • pickled ginger,
  • soy sauce.

How to cook

  1. From rice, pre-cooked using the technology presented above, form oval blanks for nigiri. You need to work with rice with your hands moistened with a solution of water and rice vinegar. There will be approximately 24 ovals.
  2. Cut the salmon and eel fillets into eight thin pieces, holding the knife correctly at a 45-degree angle.
  3. Wash in salted water for no more than 2 minutes. Then place them in cold water.
  4. Lightly coat the fish slices with Japanese wasabi and soy sauce.
  5. Cut the nori into eight long strips, 6-7 mm wide.
  6. Divide the shrimp along the belly to straighten the halves relative to the backbone.
  7. Nigiri will look like this: a rice oval with a slice of fish or shrimp on it. Press the fillet onto the rice piece, giving it a boat shape.
  8. Nigiri sushi with eel should be wrapped in strips of nori and glued with water or several grains of rice.
  9. Place the finished rolls on a plate, sprinkle sesame seeds on top and serve with pickled ginger and wasabi.

Japanese sushi maki

The restaurant menu of Japanese cuisine includes not only nigiri in the form of oval lumps, but also traditional rolls wrapped in nori seaweed. They are also called maki or “rolled” sushi. Be sure to have a bamboo mat for cooking. The filling for maki can be varied, but seafood, nori and rice are required. Depending on the number of filling components, maki is made thin or thick, with the filling facing out and wrapped in a sheet of nori. The latter have more than two components.

Preparing regular rolls and other types of oriental delicacies is not difficult. But using the Midori set for rolls will help give Japanese “rolls” an interesting look. Special molds, machines and other devices significantly speed up the cooking process and allow you to create magnificent oriental masterpieces in raw, fried and baked form.

Video recipes for making sushi

It’s easy to learn how to cook interesting shrimp rolls, even if this is your first time making them. A video master class from an expert will help you follow all the subtleties of preparation and get an excellent result.

How to make your own baked sushi

Rolls are served not only raw as a cold appetizer, but also hot. Learn how to bake original rolls with caviar and shrimp filling at home by watching the video below.

Preparing nigiri and gunkan sushi

Delight your loved ones with Japanese eel and salmon rolls under the interesting names “nigiri” and “gunkan”. The original filling of the rolls will delight even the most fastidious gourmets. Details are in the video.

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Cooking rolls at home

How to make rolls at home, step-by-step recipe with photos. Homemade rolls- cooking secrets .Preparing rolls. Rice for rollo in, like wrap the rolls. How to do homemade rolls. Rolls at home conditions with photo. How cook rice for rolls. How to store nori seaweed.

By popular demand, I am posting a short step-by-step photo recipe for making rolls at home. I want to say that making rolls at home- it's simple, tasty and fast. After I started doing rolls at home myself, I stopped going to like Japanese eateries. Why pay 200-300 rubles for something that I can do without much difficulty at home. I'll give you some tips and recommendations. It takes me a little over an hour to prepare 12-15 servings of rolls, including cooking the rice. For me, preparing rolls at home is much easier than, for example, cooking shawarma at home.

What you need to buy to make rolls:

  1. Rice for sushi.
  2. Pressed nori seaweed for wrapping rolls.
  3. Rice vinegar.

There is no need to skimp on rice and seaweed - this is the basis. I always buy Blu Dragon rice, it is quite common in many chain stores. Do not buy excess sheets of nori; nori does not store well once opened. If you have any leftover sheets of nori, store them in an airtight container or plastic bag in a dry, dark place. Nori does not tolerate moisture. Poor quality nori may be difficult to chew.

You can use many ingredients for the filling, in this recipe we used:

  1. Lightly salted trout, salted in-house.
  2. Crab sticks
  3. Avocado
  4. Cucumber
  5. Philadelphia cheese

We didn't make it too complicated prepared rolls in the first recipe we prepare only rolls wrapped in nori sheets. In the following recipes we will talk about preparing more complex rolls, such as, Philadelphia roll and etc. Lightly salted trout we do it ourselves. I just love avocado, and I had crab sticks and cucumbers in the refrigerator. I definitely recommend adding Philadelphia cheese to the rolls, it adds a delicate taste to the roll. When it comes to the filling for rolls, you can experiment according to your taste.

Of course, you can order free delivery of rolls in Moscow, but for me, hand-made rolls taste better. And I am always confident in the quality of the products.

What else needs to be purchased for the rolls:

  1. Japanese horseradish wasabi
  2. Pickled ginger
  3. Soy sauce.
  4. Chuka seaweed salad

The list goes on and on: sake, Japanese beer, etc. But wasabi, ginger and soy sauce are a must. If you use kikkoman soy sauce, then take the sauce with a green lid - it is less salty than the one in the photo with a red lid.

We also can’t do without a bamboo mat. It is needed to wrap the roll into a roll.

Let's get to the main thing - cook rice for rolls.

I cook 500 grams of rice - this amount makes 12-15 servings of rolls. If you need less, reduce the amount of rice, water and vinegar proportionally.

Place the rice for the rolls in a colander and rinse under running cold water.

Place the rice in a saucepan, fill it with cold water and set aside for 20 minutes. After twenty minutes, drain the water.

Add water to the rice in the proportion of one cup of rice to two cups of water. Place on the stove, wait until it boils, reduce the heat and cook rice for rolls until ready.

Filming rice for rolls from the stove and remove to a warm place (under the pillow).

While the rice is cooking we cook filling for rolls. You need to cut everything into thin strips.

Cut the trout and crab sticks into strips.

Peel the cucumber and avocado and also cut into strips.

Now we need to finish the rice for the rolls. Pour 4 tablespoons of rice vinegar into a small ladle (this is for 500 grams of raw rice) and add four tablespoons of sugar to the vinegar. Place the saucepan on the fire and stirring constantly, dissolve the sugar in the rice vinegar.

Let's prepare a tray; in such a tray it is convenient to mix rice with vinegar. We will also need a spatula.

Place the rice in the tray in an even layer.

Water evenly rice for rolls with vinegar and sugar and mix the rice with cutting movements of the spatula. We do not stir the rice in the literal sense of the word, but rather cut it with a spatula.

We are ready for the wrapping process rolls. Rice should be at human body temperature.

We take out a sheet of nori. One side of the nori sheet is glossy, and the other is rough. Place the sheet with the glossy side down. There is also a corrugation on the nori sheet, frequent in one direction, sparse in the second. Rare corrugation allows us to place rice on a sheet of nori equally on all sheets and make identical rolls. You can make smaller rolls, then the nori sheet needs to be cut in half along the center line of the corrugation.

Place the sheet with the glossy side down. There is also a corrugation on the nori sheet, frequent in one direction, sparse in the second. Rare corrugation allows us to place rice on a sheet of nori equally on all sheets and make identical rolls. Can be done rolls smaller size, then the sheet of nori must be cut in half along the center line of the corrugation.

Place a container of warm water next to you and begin to distribute the rice over the nori sheet. Do not put a lot of rice, otherwise it will roll there will be a lot of rice and little filling. The layer of rice should be thin.

On one side, the rice should cover the sheet to the edge of the nori sheet, on the other hand, leave part of the nori sheet free.

Place the filling and some Philadelphia on the rice. We put the filling in various combinations, then decide for yourself which one you like best.

Let's start wrapping roll. Wet the rice-free part of the nori with water. We bend the mat and, little by little, crush the rice with the filling and wrap the roll.

After wrapping, add roll form and set aside on a plate. Let's move on to the next roll.

Let's spin rolls until we use up all the rice.

Now you need to carefully cut rolls. Take the sharpest knife. I recommend cutting the roll in half first, and then cutting the halves into three equal parts.

Cut into portions roll Place on a plate or dish. Decorate with chukka and ginger and serve the rolls.

Do not cut all the rolls at once. Not cut rolls cover with cling film and put in the refrigerator. Rolls Stored in the refrigerator for several days, practically without losing taste.

Traditional Japanese cuisine has long been firmly established in our diet.

Everyone eats sushi everywhere, it seems, more and more often than in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Many people prepare dishes at home, and with unforgivable mistakes.

We decided to rectify the situation: in this article we figure out how to make perfect rolls at home step by step with photo accompaniment and choose the most delicious filling options.

Necessary products for making homemade rolls

In Japan itself, it takes a long time to learn the art of making rolls and sushi, and they pay especially much attention not to the intricacies of correctly rolling a roll or bun, but to the choice of products.

Therefore, it is better to forget about the advice from the category “replace special rice and vinegar with regular ones” if we strive to get as close as possible to the taste “like theirs.”

Making perfect rolls at home

You will need:

  1. Sushi rice packaging- to prepare a traditional Japanese dish, starchy, coarse-grained varieties are used, which after cooking acquire a sticky consistency
  2. Rice vinegar- soft and not sharp, unlike our hot and sour
  3. Several sheets of nori seaweed- the darker its color, the more active the aroma
  4. Soy sauce- buy it exclusively in glass bottles and pay attention to the inscription "prepared by natural fermentation"
  5. Pickled ginger- white - softer, pink - sharper
  6. Wasabi- it is better to buy mustard in powder, since for preparation it is enough to mix it with water; ready-made paste sauce contains additional chemicals
  7. Bamboo mat for rolling- buy it separately or purchase a ready-made set for making rolls, if Japanese cuisine is your thing
  8. Filling ingredients- vegetables, mushrooms, avocado, soft cheese like Philadelphia, seafood, depending on which option you prefer - classic or vegetarian

Rolls have long been firmly established in our menu.

Tip: cheese in rolls can be replaced with Japanese mayonnaise - its taste is sweeter and softer than traditional one.

How to make sushi and rolls at home - 2 basic recipes

To prepare you will need:

  1. One and a half cups of rice
  2. 6-8 sheets of nori
  3. 1 carrot
  4. 1 cucumber
  5. 1 small avocado
  6. 150 g tofu or cream cheese
  7. 4 tablespoons rice vinegar
  8. Sugar, salt to taste
  9. Soy sauce
  10. Sesame
  11. Pickled ginger

You should approach both the choice of products and the preparation of Japanese dishes with special responsibility.

First option

Step 1: cook the rice

The basis of real rolls is properly cooked rice. Perfectionists by nature, the Japanese have turned this seemingly simple action into a whole science.

By the way, in the Land of the Rising Sun itself, the preparation of sushi is entrusted exclusively to men, since it is believed that women’s hands are warmer and can spoil the taste of the dish.

The basis of the rolls is properly cooked rice.
In the second option, we place the filling inside the nori

We start rolling the roll from the edge without rice. We lift the mat, covering the entire filling with a sheet of nori, after which we make another turn.

You should have a tight roll. Use a mat to give it a square or round shape.

Carefully roll up

If desired, ready-made rolls can be rolled in sesame seeds. Slice and serve in the same way as described above.

Roll in sesame seeds

With a little practice, you'll be able to handle rolls like a seasoned sushi chef.

With each new time your rolls will be more and more beautiful

How to make vegetarian rolls at home?

It is worth mentioning separately that Japanese cuisine is mainly based on: trout, salmon, caviar of various types of fish, and shrimp.

However, this does not mean at all that the door to her world is closed - today every self-respecting restaurant serves sushi without fish, including in the Land of the Rising Sun itself.

There are many filling options.

There are many fillings for vegetarian rolls.

You can use:

  1. Any combination of vegetables: bell pepper, cucumber, chives, green onions, lightly boiled broccoli, carrots, etc.
  2. Fried mushrooms
  3. Avocado
  4. Soy cheese tofu
  5. Sesame
  6. Vegetarian cheese and mayonnaise
  7. Vegetarian soy meat - seitan fits perfectly into baked rolls
  8. Seaweed caviar
  9. Olives

Vegetarian “Philadelphia” in sesame

How to make Philadelphia rolls at home - step-by-step recipe

Philadelphia rolls are especially popular among sushi lovers - the reason for this is the subtle combination of cream cheese of the same name and red fish, the slices of which cover the rice preparation.

If anyone still has questions about whether “Philadelphia” has anything to do with the American city, the answer is no.

So, let's learn how to make Philadelphia rolls at home along with our accessible step-by-step guide with a photo of the finished dish.

Classic Philadelphia rolls

You will need:

  1. 2 cups sushi rice
  2. 3 glasses of water
  3. 0.5 kg lightly salted salmon or trout
  4. Ripe cucumber and/or avocado
  5. Tablespoon salt
  6. 2 tablespoons sugar
  7. 3 sheets of nori
  8. 300 Philadelphia cheese
  9. Soy sauce, wasabi and pickled ginger to taste

At the end you will get 48 sushi - what's not a reason to throw an amazing Japanese-style party?

Step 1:cook the rice and prepare the dressing according to the basic recipe.

Step 2:cut vegetables into thin strips, fish into wide, long slices.

Step 3:Place half a sheet of nori on a mat covered with cling film and cover with a layer of rice no more than 0.7 cm, turn over the free edge to the other side.

Step 4:On top of the nori we place strips of cucumber or (can be used at the same time) and an even layer of cheese.

Step 5:Roll up the classic roll and set aside.

Step 6:We place thinly sliced ​​salmon slices on the mat, place the finished roll on top, lift the edges of the mat and roll it, then cut it into six even pieces.

Step 7:Serve with pickled soy sauce and wasabi.

And, of course, don’t forget to take care of the required number of chopsticks in advance!

Where else, if not at home, can you train yourself to eat Japanese food correctly?

Philadelphia rolls are considered the most popular

How to make baked rolls at home - step-by-step description with photos

The next stage in mastering Japanese cuisine is preparing baked rolls. It’s impossible not to fall in love with this incredibly simple and delicious dish.

You will need:

  1. 2 sheets of nori
  2. 100 g lightly salted salmon fillet
  3. 80 g grated hard cheese
  4. Half a glass of sushi rice
  5. Half a cucumber or avocado
  6. 3 tablespoons regular or Japanese mayonnaise
  7. 1 tablespoon rice vinegar
  8. Salt and sugar to taste

Baked rolls

Step 1:We prepare the rolls in the basic way, placing the rice inside the nori, coated with mayonnaise.

Step 2:cut into pieces and place on a baking pan lined with parchment, cut sides down. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.

Step 3:place in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees. The goal is for the cheese to melt and begin to resemble a brownish cap.

Step 4:We serve the rolls in the traditional way - with wasabi, pickled ginger and soy sauce.

Tip: if you are a convinced vegetarian and have completely given up eating fish, replace the salmon in the filling with mushrooms, cut into thin strips and fried in a minimum of oil.

Hot rolls

How to make hot rolls at home - step-by-step description with photos

The Japanese serve sushi both cold and hot, using a classic flour batter.

To make homemade hot rolls you will need:

  1. 4 ready-made rolls with any filling
  2. 5 tablespoons flour
  3. 150 ml ice water
  4. 3 tablespoons heavy cream or sour cream
  5. Vegetable oil for frying
  6. Curry to taste

Tip: the classic batter is made with an egg base, but sour cream or heavy cream would be an excellent alternative.

Rolls in batter

Step 1:We prepare the rolls according to the basic recipe so that the rice is located inside the nori. Cut it in half and put it in the refrigerator.

Step 2:Let's start making batter. Mix the water with sour cream/cream and cold water.

Step 3:Combine two more tablespoons of flour with a teaspoon for breading.

Step 4:Roll half of the long roll in flour, dip into batter, repeat the procedure with flour and place in a hot frying pan with enough oil.

Step 5:fry on all sides until golden brown. We do the same with the rest of the rolls.

Step 6:We cut the fried preparations into three more parts and serve them with traditional additives.

Bon appetit!

Making rolls at home couldn't be easier!

If you are a fan of Japanese cuisine and your imagination is not limited to rolls and sushi alone, in the article you can find 10+ recipes from the cuisine of the Land of the Rising Sun.

You will learn a step-by-step recipe on how to make sushi and rolls at home from this video:

What do you need to know to make rolls at home? First of all, you need to choose the right products for this dish. Let's figure out what you should pay attention to when choosing ingredients.

What kind of rice is best to use?

A special variety of Nishiki is used to prepare sushi. These are round, starchy grains that acquire a sticky consistency after cooking.

But it’s not always possible to buy Nishiki in our stores, so when choosing rice for rolls, give preference to the round-grain type.

Wasabi – paste or powder

Wasabi sauce, or Japanese horseradish, comes in two types - seyo and sawa. The most common is wasabi seyo. It is cheaper and therefore more accessible than sava.

It is best to buy powdered wasabi, which you just need to mix with water to the desired consistency. This way you will be sure that you have purchased a truly natural product without additional chemicals in the composition.

It is optimal to cook sushi with real Japanese rice vinegar. It's just perfect for flavoring and adding extra flavor.

How to choose the right nori

Nori is made from red edible seaweed. These leaves are divided into grades A, B and C. Grade A nori is considered the highest quality, it has a pleasant characteristic aroma and a strong elastic leaf structure.

Well, what kind of rolls and sushi can there be without spicy soy sauce? This product gives the dish a special rich taste, juiciness and softness. In addition, it is very beneficial for health. It is important to eat natural sauce, which is prepared by natural fermentation of soybeans and wheat.

Pay attention to the composition stated on the soy sauce label. Only soy, wheat, salt, vinegar and sugar (sometimes garlic) should be present.

The subtleties of making rolls at home

To make delicious rolls with your own hands, you need to have some skills in this matter and know some subtleties. Our article is designed to help you understand the features of the process of preparing delicious rolls with a variety of fillings!

Well-cooked sushi rice is the basis of a real Japanese dish. It is better to take cereals with round, short grains.

So, we start by rinsing the rice in cold water until that cherished moment when it becomes crystal clear. As practice shows, this should be done about 7-10 times. Then we remove all the husks and floating grains.

Place the rice in a thick-walled pan, fill with cold water in a ratio of 1.5 parts water to 1 part cereal, cover with a lid. Bring to a boil over medium heat, then turn the burner to low and cook for 10 minutes. Turn off the stove and let the product brew for the same amount of time. There is no need to open the lid!

Making real rice dressing

We bring to your attention two of the most popular recipes for seasoning sushi rice:

  1. Rice vinegar dressing. It’s not at all difficult to make a dressing for your rolls from rice vinegar and salt and sugar. For this you need 4 tbsp. Combine spoons of vinegar with two teaspoons of granulated sugar and the same amount of salt. Then the mixture should be heated over low heat so that the components dissolve in the vinegar. Sprinkle the warm mixture generously over the rice.
  2. Apple cider vinegar dressing. Many housewives ask whether it is possible to use apple cider vinegar instead of rice vinegar, which is not always available, to make rolls at home? Of course you can! True, this deviation will slightly change the taste of the finished dish. So, heat 50 ml of 6% apple cider vinegar over low heat to a temperature of 40-45 degrees, add a tablespoon of water, 70 g. sugar and one and a half dessert spoons of salt. Mix thoroughly and remove from heat. Now the gas station is ready!

How to wrap rolls

It is advisable to have a bamboo mat in your roll kit at home. This is a small mat that makes the process of rolling sushi much easier.

Our assistant is a bamboo mat

Place the sheet of nori on the mat with the matte side facing up. The shiny part of the sheet should be in contact with the surface of the mat. We wet our hands in a bowl of acidified water, take a handful of rice, distribute it in an even layer of 0.5 - 0.7 cm over the surface of the nori. You need to leave strips about a centimeter wide on the top and bottom edges. Then add the filling according to the recipe. It could be fish, cheese, cucumbers, avocados, seafood.

At the same time, grab the edge of the mat with the edge of the seaweed and begin to roll it into a tight cylinder. A correctly formed roll should be sufficiently elastic, the filling in it should hold firmly and not fall out. Cut the sausage into two parts, and then divide each half into three more pieces of the same size using a clean, sharp knife soaked in water.

Some types of rolls are prepared by folding them with the rice facing out. These are dishes with fillings from several components, for example, Caesar or Philadelphia.

Let's start folding. To prevent rice grains from sticking to the surface of the bamboo mat, wrap it with stretch film. We place a sheet of nori on top, as we already know, with the shiny part down. We wet our hands in a bowl of acidified water and place a handful of rice on the seaweed, spreading it over the entire surface in an even, fairly thin layer. We wait a few minutes until the sheet gets wet and sticks firmly to the rice grains.

Now, holding the edges of the nori with your fingers, with a smooth movement we turn our structure over with the back side up. Place the filling on the sheet and roll up the roll, picking up the mat along with the nori with your fingers. The outside of the workpiece can be sprinkled with toasted sesame seeds or flying fish roe. It is necessary to cut the finished products with a sharp knife, generously moistened with the same water from the bowl.

Now, knowing some tricks and secrets about the process of making rolls, you can easily make them. There are many recipes for making rolls at home.

Famous Philadelphia rolls

The most common Japanese dish has the American name Philadelphia, due to the cheese used in the recipe. Philadelphia rolls are quite easy to make at home. You just need to have a certain set of products and desire.


Want something interesting?

  • sushi rice – 0.5 kg;
  • nori leaves – 6 pcs.;
  • rice vinegar – 60 g;
  • salmon fillet – 350 g;
  • Philadelphia cheese - 200 g;
  • salt – 25 g;
  • sugar – 10 g;
  • water – 2.5 tbsp.;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • avocado.

Also in your arsenal you should have:

  • bamboo napkin;
  • cling film;
  • wasabi;
  • pickled ginger;
  • soy sauce;
  • wooden sticks.

Cooking method:

  1. We spread the rice prepared according to the technology in a thin layer on a sheet of seaweed, carefully turn the nori over, put cream cheese, cucumber slices and avocado on top. Raise the near edge of the mat at the same time as the sheet of seaweed and cover the filling, then smoothly roll the mat.
  2. Lay thinly sliced ​​salmon fillets in an even layer on a bamboo carpet. We wrap our roll in this layer of fish.
  3. Using a sharp knife dipped in acidified water, cut the workpiece into portions.
  4. Place the rolls on a plate and garnish with wasabi and ginger. Serve soy sauce separately in a gravy boat.

We already have an idea of ​​how to make Philadelphia rolls. Did you know that sushi can be baked and even fried?

An incredibly tasty dish is obtained if you cook it in the oven. Moreover, baked rolls at home are prepared very easily and quickly.


  • round rice – 300 g;
  • nori leaves – 4 pcs.;
  • cream cheese – 100 g;
  • rice vinegar – 20 ml;
  • cheese sauce – 25 g;
  • mustard sauce – 30 g;
  • mussels – 200 g.

Place the cooked rice on a sheet of nori and roll it into a tube. Chop the mussels with a knife, add mustard and cheese sauce. On top of each roll we place a spoonful of mussel filling and a square of cheese. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, place the baking sheet with the food and bake for 10 minutes until lightly browned.

Hot rolls or, as they are also called, Tempura, have a very original taste. Moreover, if you practice, your dish will turn out no worse than a restaurant one!

To prepare hot rolls at home, you need the following products:

  • sushi rice – 0.4 kg;
  • cream cheese – 200 g;
  • eel – 200 g;
  • salmon or salmon fillet (lightly salted) – 250 g;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • egg;
  • tempura flour;
  • nori sheet;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • Tobiko.

Cooking method:

  1. Place cooked rice on a sheet of nori, leveling it over the entire surface. Coat it well with cream cheese, sprinkle tobiko on top, lay out strips of fish and cucumber. Roll the roll using a bamboo mat.
  2. Next, prepare the batter by mixing the egg with tempura flour. Dip the finished roll into it, roll it well in breadcrumbs and place it in a frying pan heated with sunflower oil.
  3. Cut the roll fried on all sides into 5 pieces.

Preparing rolls with crab sticks

Usually salted and smoked fish, cucumbers and avocados, cheese, mussels, and shrimp are placed in sushi. But crab sticks are also used as an inexpensive and tasty filling. The dish with them turns out tender and juicy. Rolls with crab sticks can be prepared according to the recipe below.


  • nori seaweed;
  • sushi rice – 100 g;
  • rice vinegar – 35 g;
  • crab sticks – 3 pcs.;
  • soft cream cheese – 50 g;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • salt – 8 g;
  • sugar – 10 g.

Sprinkle the rice, laid out in an even layer on the surface of the nori, with dressing. Place cream cheese, sliced ​​fresh cucumbers and strips of crab sticks on top. Using a bamboo mat, roll the roll tighter and cut the workpiece into pieces 3–4 cm wide.

Do you think that only seaweed leaves are used to make rolls? You are wrong! This dish can even be prepared with pita bread! And a homemade Caesar roll recipe will tell you how to do it correctly.


  • thin pita bread;
  • chicken fillet – 300 g;
  • mayonnaise – 150 g;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • loaf - 2 slices;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • salad;
  • tomato;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, ground pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Fry chicken fillet cut into thin strips in sunflower oil until light golden brown.
  2. Divide the pita bread into four parts, grease each with a sauce made from mayonnaise and garlic.
  3. Sprinkle with grated cheese, add lettuce leaves and thinly sliced ​​tomato.
  4. Cut the loaf evenly into cubes and fry in a frying pan until crispy. We place it there, on the pita bread.
  5. Place the chicken on top and roll the sheets of pita bread into tubes. It turns out a rich and nutritious Caesar roll!

In Japan, the process of eating is a whole ritual that carries a positive charge. When starting to eat, the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun, with a smile on their lips, say the obligatory “itadakimas”, which means “I eat this to prolong my life”, and at the end of the meal, words of gratitude - “gochisosama”.

Let us sit down at the table, take wooden chopsticks in our hands and, with a peaceful and joyful face, try an exquisite oriental dish, homemade with our own hands! Enjoy your meal!
