Chocolate cake with sour cream. Multilayer chocolate and sour cream cake - the most delicious cake! Chocolate sponge cake with sour cream

Recipes for making cakes at home with photos

1 hour 35 minutes

200 kcal

5/5 (2)

There is probably no cake more tender than sponge cake. Many people are afraid to take it on because they have heard that it doesn’t rise well or even falls. In fact, the main thing is to follow the recipe and recommendations exactly. An excellent combination with sponge cakes is sour cream, which soaks them well. I want to tell you how to make cakes and cream correctly.

Sponge cake with sour cream and fruit

Two bowls

List of ingredients

For the sponge cake:

For cream:

You will also need:

Baking sponge cake

  1. Proper preparation of a sponge cake begins with separating the whites and yolks into different bowls. Moreover, the eggs should be cold.

  2. Pour half the sugar and vanilla into the bowl with the yolks. Take a mixer and beat until the contents turn white and increase in volume.

  3. Sift flour together with baking powder. This way we will get rid of possible lumps and saturate the mixture with oxygen.

  4. In three or four additions, add the dry mixture to the yolks. To do this, replace the mixer with a silicone spatula and mix everything smoothly.

  5. Add a pinch of salt and lemon juice to the whites. Beat until there are five times more.

  6. Pour the remaining sugar into the foam of the whites and continue beating. Egg whites are considered perfectly whipped if they do not slide down the sides of the bowl when turned over.

  7. Again, take a silicone spatula and gradually fold the whites into the yolk mixture, one or two tablespoons at a time.

  8. As soon as the mass has become homogeneous, stop stirring so as not to tighten the dough.

  9. Line a springform pan (24 cm) with parchment. There is no need to lubricate it, otherwise the biscuit will simply fall along the slippery walls coated with oil. The silicone mold does not need to be covered.

  10. Distribute the dough evenly over the pan. If you hit the mold on the table several times, excess air will come out and the sponge cake will be smoother. This applies to the metal form. The silicone one can be rotated several times in different directions.

  11. Place the mold in a preheated oven at 180° for 25-35 minutes. During this time, do not open the oven door. The biscuit does not like changes in air and this causes it to fall.

  12. Pierce the cake with a wooden stick. If it comes out dry and without lumps of dough, then it is ready. Turn off the oven and leave the pan in it for another quarter of an hour.
  13. Place the biscuit on a wire rack in a secluded place to cool for several hours. I try to bake the crust the night before, and frost and decorate it in the morning.

You can bake e.g. using this recipe.

Making sour cream

Assembling and decorating the cake

  1. Mix the fruits with sugar and place them on a sieve. You must first remove the pits from the cherries. Place a sieve on a small container into which the juice will drain.

  2. Cut the biscuit into two layers. Soak them in the resulting juice or sugar syrup.

  3. Separate the larger half of the cream and mix it with the fruit or simply place them on top of the cream.

  4. Spread the fruit cream on one cake layer and cover with the other.

  5. Cover the entire cake with the remaining cream and leave it to soak for two to three hours at room temperature. Then we put it in the refrigerator for another two to three hours.

  6. After that, we start decorating. Grate the chocolate bar on a coarse grater and sprinkle on the sides of the cake. Decorate the top with fruits.

  7. We brew delicious tea or aromatic coffee and serve our sponge cake with sour cream.

You can do it in different ways, and the recipes on our site will also help you with this.

Video recipe for sponge cake with sour cream and fruit

Do you still doubt that you will make a delicious and beautiful sponge cake? Then be sure to watch the video, which explains the entire process in detail.

Sponge cake with sour cream

  • Cooking time: 95 minutes.
  • Quantity: 10-12 servings.
  • Kitchen utensils and appliances: silicone spatula, baking dish, mixer, sieve.

List of ingredients

For the sponge cake:

  • 240 g sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 200 g of any sour cream;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 270 g flour.

For cream:

  • 400-500 g sour cream, at least 20%;
  • 160-170 g sugar;
  • thickener for cream or sour cream.

Baking sponge cake

  1. Place a piece of soft butter in a mixer bowl or other container.

  2. Add sugar and beat until white.

  3. Without turning off the mixer, add one egg at a time. Beat everything until smooth.

  4. Add sour cream to the mixture and beat again.

  5. Mix flour with soda and sift. Pour the dry mixture into the egg mixture and beat a little more until it becomes a homogeneous, semi-thick dough.

  6. We cover the pan with parchment, but do not grease it so that the biscuit does not slide down the walls.

  7. Place in the oven preheated to 180° and wait 35-40 minutes. We pierce the cake with a wooden stick: if it is dry and clean, then the sponge cake is ready.

  8. Place the finished crust on a wire rack and cool completely.

Making sour cream

Assembling and decorating the cake

On our website you will find one that is easy and simple to prepare.

Chocolate sponge cake with sour cream

  • Kitchen appliances and supplies: silicone spatula, baking dish, mixer, sieve.
  • Quantity: 10-12 servings.
  • Cooking time: 95 minutes.

List of ingredients

For the sponge cake:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 180 g sugar;
  • 3 tbsp. without a slide of cocoa powder;
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • 300 ml kefir;
  • 1 tsp soda

For cream:

  • 180 g sugar;
  • 400 g sour cream;
  • 1-2 tsp. lemon juice;
  • .200 g butter.

We will need:

  • a glass of nuts.

Baking sponge cake

  1. Break the eggs into a bowl and beat just those first. To speed up the beating, add a pinch of salt.

  2. With the mixer running, add sugar.

  3. Beat until the sugar crystals dissolve and form a thick foam. This may take 8-10 minutes.

  4. Add oil and kefir. Beat again a little.

  5. Mix cocoa, soda and flour. We gradually introduce the dry mixture into the egg-kefir mass.

  6. Beat until smooth. The result is a thick biscuit dough.

  7. Preheat the oven to 200°.
  8. Cover the pan with parchment paper.

Very often the idea of ​​making a chocolate cake with sour cream comes to the housewife when this fermented milk product lingers in the refrigerator. Even at the expiration date, sour cream in the dough will not only not spoil the baked goods, but will also make the dessert more tender and tastier.

This set of products makes 8–10 servings of chocolate cake with sour cream with a total weight of 1.5 kg. It is optimal to use a baking dish with a diameter of 22 cm.


Servings: – + 7

  • Fine flour 160 g.
  • Granulated sugar 200 g.
  • Chicken egg 3 pcs.
  • Cocoa 45
  • baking powder 5 years
  • Soda 1 tsp.
  • sour cream (fat content more than 20%), 250 g (for dough) + 400 g (for cream) 650 g
  • Vanilla sugar 7 years
  • Powdered sugar 100 g.
  • Lemon juice ½ tsp.
  • Cream thickener 1 package.
  • Chocolate (for decoration) 50 g.

Per serving

Calories: 289 kcal

Proteins: 5.8 g

Fats: 13.7 g

Carbohydrates: 37.5 g

40 min. Seal

    Separate the whites from the yolks.

    Whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt. Use the mixer at low speed at first and then gradually increase to maximum speed. You should end up with a thick, firm foam that shows high peaks.

    Stir the yolks with granulated sugar, beat with a mixer until the mixture turns white. Add sour cream (1 cup), soda, and mix again with a mixer.

    Sift flour, cocoa, baking powder into a separate container - mix everything.

    Add about a third of the volume of protein foam to the yolks with sour cream, stir with a spatula from bottom to top.

    Stir in dry ingredient mixture. Carefully fold in the remaining whites.

    You should get an airy, fluffy mass that slides off the spoon. Immediately transfer the dough into the prepared pan. Bake the biscuit in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. When the cake has risen and smells like baking, reduce the heat to low. Approximate baking time is 45 minutes.

    To prevent sour cream for chocolate cake from being liquid, add a cream thickener, powdered sugar and lemon juice to the fermented milk product - beat everything with a mixer, put it in the refrigerator.

    Cool the finished biscuit on a wire rack and, wrapping it in cling film, put it in the refrigerator for a couple of days (if you are not in a hurry). The quality of baked goods will improve.

    Cut the chocolate cake into 3 pieces.

    Saturate each part evenly with syrup using a silicone brush or teaspoon. Lubricate with cream. Place the layers on top of each other, repeating soaking and spreading with each layer.

    Decorate the cake with grated chocolate (or any other method of your choice).

Magical, melt-in-your-mouth chocolate sour cream cake is ready! A soft, moist dessert that will impress your guests.

  • The sour cream for the cream and the whipping container should be cold. The sour cream in the container should first be kept in the freezer. And the dough needs ingredients at room temperature, so remove the portion of sour cream from the refrigerator half an hour before you start preparing the chocolate cake.
  • For cream, use sour cream with a high fat content (above 20%). If a suitable product is not found, the sour cream must be weighed out. To do this, place gauze folded in 2-3 layers on a sieve or colander. Place the fermented milk product on the cloth and cover with the free ends. Place the sieve on a smaller container and leave in the refrigerator overnight. During this time, excess moisture will drain, the fat content and thickness of sour cream will increase.
  • If, despite all efforts, the sour cream turns out to be too liquid, gelatin or a cream thickener will help correct the situation. Gelatin needs to be soaked in cold water for 15 minutes, and then melted until liquid in a water bath, then warm (but not too hot) added to the sour cream.
  • Be sure to add a pinch of salt to the dough - this will not only whip the egg whites better, but also the taste of chocolate baked goods will become more pronounced.
  • To make the cakes “more chocolatey,” in addition to cocoa, add melted dark chocolate to the dough.
  • Do not grease the walls of the mold for baking chocolate cake with sour cream with anything - this will make the sponge cake rise higher, and place a circle of parchment on the bottom of the container - this will make it easier to remove the finished baked goods.
  • To distribute the dough evenly, lightly tap the filled pan several times on the counter and rotate the container clockwise.
  • When you take the finished sour cream biscuit out of the oven, let it stand in the pan for about 15 minutes, and then free it from its “shackles,” transfer it to a wire rack and leave to cool completely.

To soak the cakes, use syrup made from 150 ml of water, 70 g of sugar and 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice. You can add cognac or liqueur to the syrup to taste (approximately 20 g).

A sponge cake with sour cream is best combined with sour cream, but you don’t have to limit yourself to it. For a chocolate-sour cream cake, a mixture of butter and boiled condensed milk is perfect.

Sponge cake with sour cream is used in many desserts, including regular sour cream, a type of Prague cake, Black Prince, and Curly.

Marble Zebra cake can also be classified as a sour cream and chocolate cake. Try making all the options one by one and you will find the best recipe for yourself.

The chocolate biscuit and snow-white sour cream look so beautiful when cut. But the chocolate color of a biscuit is most often given not by real chocolate, but by cocoa powder, which is present in the dough recipe.

But not only with cocoa you can make a dark sponge cake with sour cream; sometimes melted chocolate mass is added to the dough. But finding a complete recipe with chocolate is extremely difficult, since it is rare. In addition, chocolate greatly weighs down the dough and makes it less airy. But I will try to tell you about both types of sponge cakes, generously flavored with sour cream.

Chocolate cake with sour cream based on cocoa powder

To prepare a sponge cake with cocoa powder, you don’t have to worry too much, since only cocoa is added to the usual ingredients.

What you need to make chocolate cake with sour cream:

  • Premium quality flour – 200 – 220 gr.;
  • Cocoa powder – 1/3 cup;
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tbsp.;
  • Soda – 1 tsp;
  • Sour cream – 400 gr.;
  • Dark chocolate – 1 bar;
  • Strawberries – 200 gr. For decoration.

The night before baking, put sour cream in order to remove excess moisture on a structure made of a colander and gauze or thin cotton paper. This procedure is popularly called weighing out sour cream. The fattier the fermented milk product, the less liquid will be released from it. So when buying sour cream, be sure to pay attention to its fat content, which should be at least 25%. But at the same time, I don’t recommend using thick country sour cream for the cream, since whipping will result in butter, which is quite dense for any sponge cake and requires the addition of a more liquid product.

We start preparing chocolate cake, like any sponge cake, by separating the eggs into yolks and whites.

Beat the whites with a quarter cup of sugar until stiff peaks form, but you can simply grind the yolks with sugar until a white, airy mass forms. A quarter cup of sugar will also go into the yolks. Sift flour, cocoa and soda into the yolks. Beat everything thoroughly and begin to fold the whites into the dough. You can mix both masses only with a spoon or spatula from the bottom up; the use of a mixer is strictly prohibited.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and prepare a springform baking dish. It needs to be covered with parchment, but very carefully so that there are no paper creases visible on the cake. Place the dough in the mold and place in the oven for 25-30 minutes. During this time, you need to prepare sour cream and decoration for the cake.

We take the sour cream out of the refrigerator and turn it from the cheesecloth into a whipping cup.

First, at low speed of the mixer, beat the sour cream to the desired thickness, only then begin to add half a glass of sugar. At the moment when all the sugar that the recipe calls for has reached the sour cream, continue beating at high speed for another five minutes, after which we put the cream in the refrigerator.

We are preparing decoration for our cake.

We separate the berries from the stalks, wash and dry. Cut into thin slices and leave three to four whole berries. Grate the chocolate on a coarse grater and leave it until you assemble the finished dessert.

While we were preparing all the decorations, a chocolate sponge cake arrived. It must be cooled, and then cut into two separate cakes. We saturate the bottom layer with cream, put on the top layer and again pour over all the remaining cream. After which the decoration recipe is quite simple. We place large whole strawberries in the middle, and decorate the sides with slices, or rather plastics, pressing each plastic to the cream, as if gluing it.

Sprinkle the top with chocolate chips and put the prepared cake with sour cream in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, but it is better if the sponge cake is kept in the cold overnight. In the morning you will receive a beautiful dessert, high-quality sour cream.

Cake with sour cream based on dark chocolate

Oddly enough, even if we use chocolate in the dough, it cannot do without cocoa. Since if you still want to get an airy sponge cake, then any recipe will show that an abundance of chocolate mass from melted chocolate will make the cakes much heavier and they will be too dense. In addition, even the recipe that I would like to present to your judgment requires 100 grams. dark chocolate, and at current prices for this product the recipe will turn out almost golden if you increase the amount of chocolate mass.

As the recipe shows, the following ingredients are needed for preparation:

  • Chocolate 55-72% – 100 gr.;
  • Butter – 100 gr.;
  • Powdered sugar – 75 gr.;
  • Granulated sugar – 100 gr.;
  • Chicken eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • Premium flour – 100 gr.;
  • Salt – 1 pinch;
  • Lemon zest from half a lemon;
  • Soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • Cocoa – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Sour cream – 0.5 l.;
  • Sugar for cream – 0.5 tbsp.

Since the cream itself is standard, more precisely classic sour cream, the main problem in preparation will arise at the time of making the dough.

To prepare it, we begin by separating the eggs into the white and yolk parts.

As any sponge cake recipe shows, we start by beating the egg whites, add a little salt and beat them with a mixer until they form soft peaks, or rather until the mass stops increasing in volume. Then add 50 gr. sugar and continue beating until thick.

Beat the softened butter in another bowl, gradually adding powdered sugar to it, using the full amount of this product prescribed by the recipe. Next, beat the yolks with 50 g in a third bowl. Sahara. You should have three different bowls with three dough ingredients on your work surface. After this, finely break the chocolate and heat it in a water bath until it is soft, when all the pieces disperse and you get a plastic, almost liquid mass, add the zest of half a lemon, grated on a very fine grater. We remove the chocolate from the bath and begin to pour this mass into the oil component of the dough. Mix well, and then beat the chocolate and butter.

Prepare the dry mixture in another cup, to do this, sift the flour, cocoa and soda into the cup, mix all the dry ingredients. Next, the yolks and a quarter of the whites will follow into the oil. When you add the whites, put the mixer aside and knead the dough with a spatula or spoon so as not to destroy the airiness of the protein mass. After these manipulations, there should be three types of dishes left on the table. In one there is a dry mixture with flour, in the second there are whipped egg whites, and in the third there is the main preparation for the sponge cake.

Now add the dry ingredients to the dough, but not the whole mass at once, but in small portions, since you will have to mix the mass with a spatula, you need small portions that can easily be dispersed without the help of electric kitchen utensils. Finally, add the remaining whipped whites to the dough in several additions, also carefully mixing all the ingredients with a spatula from bottom to top.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, line the baking pan with parchment and place the dough in the pan. Chocolate cake with sour cream should be baked for 50-60 minutes with the oven closed. Since we have used too many dishes, it’s time to tidy up the kitchen and prepare the surface for making sour cream and leave room for a wire rack on which the cake will cool.

Sour cream for impregnation must be pre-weighed.

Place the prepared sour cream in a mixing bowl and, at low speed mixer, bring it to a thick state. Then you can add sugar and continue beating until the grains dissolve. Place the cream in the refrigerator, remove the finished cake from the oven and leave it to cool for an hour on a wire rack. Later, you need to cut the sponge cake into 3 equal layers and soak it with sour cream. We put the resulting cake in the refrigerator overnight, as the sponge cake turns out to be dense and needs time for thorough soaking. In the morning the cake will be ready and can be served with tea. Baking this biscuit requires not so much effort as a huge amount of utensils used. But all your efforts will be rewarded with a pleasant and tasty piece of dessert. You can decorate the top with ripe cherries, which go well with sour cream, as well as the chocolate flavor of the cake.

By the way, sour lemon slices and red wine go well with chocolate taste.

But wine can be served at the festive table along with a piece of chocolate cake.

Preparation: Of course, to make a chocolate cake, you need to bake a chocolate sponge cake. The first thing to do is turn on the oven and let it heat up. When we prepare the dough, the temperature in the oven should be 180 - 190 degrees. To make the cake more tender, we will prepare two sponge cakes with cocoa. Take half the ingredients for the dough. Preparation of the sponge cake: Place three eggs in a beating container. Add one glass of sugar. […]


Chicken eggs – 6 pieces

Granulated sugar – 2 cups

Cocoa – 4 tablespoons

Vinegar 9% – 2 teaspoons

Baking soda – 2/3 teaspoon

1st grade flour – 2 cups

Medium fat sour cream – 0.5 liters

Granulated sugar – 1 cup

Cocoa – 1 tablespoon


Of course, to make a chocolate cake, you need to bake a chocolate sponge cake.

The first thing to do is turn on the oven and let it heat up. When we prepare the dough, the oven temperature should be 180 - 190 degrees.

To make the cake more tender, we will prepare two sponge cakes with cocoa.

Take half the ingredients for the dough.

Preparing the biscuit:

Place three eggs in a beating container. Add one glass of sugar. The sugar should be fine so that it dissolves better.

Beat with a mixer for three to five minutes until thick. The volume will approximately double.

Now add two tablespoons of cocoa powder, soda quenched with vinegar and a glass of flour.

And carefully mix with a spoon until smooth.

Grease a baking pan with oil and pour the dough into it, smoothing the top. And put it in the oven for twenty-five to thirty minutes (depending on the temperature of the oven).

Before removing the biscuit, check its readiness using a toothpick, match or wooden kebab stick. We pierce the cake in the center; if there are no traces of dough on the stick, then the sponge cake is ready. If the dough still sticks, let it bake for some more time.

In the same way we will bake the second chocolate cake for our cake.

After the biscuit has cooled, cut it lengthwise with a sharp knife, each into two parts.

Let's start preparing the cream.

Our cream is sour cream with a little cocoa added. To make the cream fluffy and homogeneous, use fine sugar. You can also use powdered sugar.

Beat sour cream with sugar and one tablespoon of cocoa using a mixer. The main thing here is not to overdo it so that the whey does not separate. When the mixture becomes creamy, stop whipping.
