How much alcohol can you drink? Lethal dose of alcohol. Russian secrets: Drink a bottle of vodka and not get drunk

An opus has appeared on the Internet, which they say is given to all Americans traveling to Russia in the second half of December, as instructions on behavior at Russian parties. It seems that our readers will also find these recommendations useful.

“Russians' abilities with vodka are not explained by their special biology. This is due to their traditions. Russians believe that foreigners do not know how to drink - they do not snack, mix cocktails, do not drink vodka, but sip. This is due to the high cost of alcohol and innate greed. Russians drink as much as they can and stay alive. Here are the principles of drinking vodka for the uninitiated.

One hour before the party (options)

Eat a couple of boiled potatoes.

Drink two raw eggs (this will guarantee that you will be sober even if you drink a bottle of vodka).

Drink two tablespoons of vegetable oil.

During the party

If you start drinking vodka, drink only that. No beer or wine. No juices. No soda.

We don’t strain the vodka, but drink it in one gulp.

After the salvo, have a snack. It is important to neutralize the alcohol. It is better if the food is salty or sour. It can be pickled tomatoes, cucumbers, caviar on bread and butter, herring with boiled cold potatoes and onions or with boiled beets and mayonnaise... If this is not available, you can have a salad, they call it Olivier. (All the food in the house is mixed and covered with a layer of mayonnaise.)

The first three glasses of vodka are required. You will show people that you are outgoing and friendly. You can skip the next two glasses. It is necessary to say: Ya propuskayu. This doesn't mean you won't have to drink anymore. You, as a “weak” foreigner, are allowed to gain new strength.

In Russia it is customary for everyone to drink at the same time. Before this, a toast is made. They drink at the same table, on which there are glasses of vodka and snacks (zakuskis). The one who makes the toast pours vodka for everyone. Pour yourself a glass and drink it yourself - tactless. If you want to say a toast yourself, then stores sell special books - there are many options.

Snacks (zakuskis) are eaten during the first hour. During this time you will drink 200 g of vodka, or 4 glasses. After this, hot food (goryacheye) will be served, and you must eat it. This is the only way you can avoid getting drunk.

Participate in intellectual conversations, this will keep your head in working order. You won't be completely sober, but you won't be drunk.

– At the end you will be served tea and cake. Don't skip this meal. This way you show the hosts that you are quite sober and appreciate their hospitality.

So, in four hours you have drunk a bottle of vodka (500 g), and you are not only alive, you are almost sober.

After the party, leave a bottle of beer in the refrigerator. At five in the morning, drink it and go to bed to get some sleep. This will save you from a morning hangover.

If that doesn’t help, drink water with salt; Russians drink pickle juice from canned vegetables.

So drink vodka and stay sober like the Russians do!

A guy from Smolensk runs a video blog where he forces an alcoholic named Sanya to do various strange and, for most people, impossible things on camera: drink three bottles of vodka in one gulp in five minutes, eat a jar of hot sauce or drink a liter of sunflower oil. He claims that in this way he wants to help the man “get up,” but viewers accuse the author of the videos of cruelty.

Most of the videos on the channel called “First Step to YouTube” are dedicated to Sanya drinking alcoholic drinks at speed. The description of the channel says that in this way the author is trying to help a man cope with a difficult life situation. But in reality, the presentation turns out to be entertaining: almost all the videos contain in the title the phrase “What a man is ready for for 500 rubles,” and in the comments, the channel owners, together with subscribers, discuss what other tasks can be entrusted to Sanya.

The most popular video, which received 100 thousand views in three weeks, is dedicated to how Sanya drinks three bottles of vodka in five minutes. Each one comes to him as easily, as if the bottle contains water and not vodka, although in the end the effect of alcohol becomes noticeable. At the end of the video, the operator asks the man if he is drunk. “No, there is a little. The first one hit,” Sanya replies, demonstrating that she can still walk and not stagger.

The tests are becoming more and more difficult. In the very first video, recorded on March 21, Sanya drank only one bottle of vodka (albeit in 20 seconds) and washed it down with two liters of Pepsi. Soda was given to him with great difficulty, but the guy filming the video hurried the man, reminding him of the money promised to him.

Other heroes star in the blog, but it seems impossible to surpass Sanya. IN one of the videos the competitor drinks a bottle of cognac in one gulp and washes it down with sunflower oil.

How's it going?
- X**** (extremely difficult).

But in the end, he fails to keep the drink inside, and Sanya copes with his task. In another video, Sanya and his friend Beard quickly eat a loaf of sausage and a can of adjika. Sausage is not vodka, and it comes much heavier. Sanya wins, of course.

Over the course of a month, the man managed to eat and drink the following sets of products on camera: 20 eggs and soy sauce, a spoonful of cinnamon, vodka with champagne, a jar of hot sauce, 30 eggs, several lemons, ginger.

In one of the videos, Sanya talks about his life, starting in 1989, when he ended up in the army. Even then, an addiction to alcohol took its toll - because of it, a man who served near Kharkov was demoted and transferred to the Far East.

Came from the army, got married. First one child appeared, then another. It so happened that they ran away. Well, when this mess started, I started drinking. I drank a lot. There were binges for six months. But I went out myself.

Then another tragedy happened in his life. The second wife, who was born with a heart defect, died after three years of marriage. And Sanya started drinking again. He claims that over the past month he has begun to drink much less.

In the comments, the blog owner says that Sanya lives “practically on the street,” and in all videos he appears in the same jacket. The channel description states that the purpose of all this is to show “that a person who is at the very bottom can fix everything in his life.”

IN video, published on April 1, the operator announces that a stream will soon be organized, during which he will raise money for clothes for the hero. Under each video there are details where you can transfer money. But it is unknown whether Sanya gets anything, and commentators often accuse the creator of the videos of cruelty and trying to profit from someone else’s misfortune.

It is unknown who exactly runs the blog. Judging by the phone number, its author lives in Smolensk, like Sanya, and the contacts indicate a mailbox in the name of a certain Evgeniy.

Briefly: Toxicologist S. Radchenko: 750 ml of vodka for non-drinkers and three bottles of vodka for non-drinkers and non-alcoholics is a lethal dose of alcohol for the human body. In addition to overdose, dangerous diseases that worsen or first appear under the influence of alcohol can lead to death.

Alcohol can kill a person in two ways:

  • 1. Alcohol and snacks provoke an attack of an existing disease, and the person dies;
  • 2. Alcohol kills by itself simply because a lethal dose is drunk, in other words, an overdose has occurred.

Lethal dose of alcohol

For a non-drinking white male weighing 70 kg:

  • 300 ml pure alcohol
  • how much alcohol is in 750 ml vodka, drunk within five hours or less.

For regular non-alcoholic drinkers:

  • approximately 600 ml of pure alcohol or 3 bottles vodka , drunk within five hours or less.

Lethal dose of alcohol.

In fatal alcohol poisoning, death occurs in an unconscious state from cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest. A fatal overdose of alcohol can be suspected if the unconscious state lasts more than six hours after drinking alcohol. As a rule, nothing can be done at such a time.

Please note that it is almost impossible to drink a lethal dose of alcohol without hearty snack. Most often, an alcohol overdose is caused by eating too heavy and plentiful snacks at the table. If a man snacks in moderation and wisely, and at the same time drinks a lot - then before reaching a fatal dose he simply loses consciousness, and this saves his life. The body manages to react in time when nothing prevents the timely absorption and processing of alcohol.

A plentiful snack accumulates in intestines Together with the alcohol consumed, the alcohol does not have time to be absorbed, and the person thinks that he drank much less than he actually did. He feels the strength to drink more. And when the drunk alcohol is finally absorbed and enters the bloodstream, the body is unable to cope with so many toxic substances.

Death from alcohol-related diseases

In addition to a possible overdose, alcohol can cause other serious harm to the body. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause diseases of the liver, heart and other organs: for example, a deadly attack of pancreatic necrosis (death of pancreatic tissue), acute urinary retention, liver failure, alcoholic hallucinosis and delirium delirium. The presence of alcohol in the body can aggravate existing diseases in a person and cause their exacerbations, and exacerbations of particularly serious diseases can have irreversible consequences, including death.

Among the diseases that can be aggravated by alcohol intake are acute pancreatitis, renal colic, cardiac arrhythmia, bronchospastic syndrome (an attack of suffocation for various reasons: allergic, toxic, neurovegetative), cardiac edema and pulmonary edema. Under the influence of alcohol, a person may experience a stroke, myocardial infarction or Quincke's edema for the first time.

Moreover, in many of these deadly conditions the main symptoms are similar to standard hangover symptoms- therefore, there is a risk of not noticing the seriousness of the situation in time. A special article about how to recognize warning signs among hangover symptoms will help you recognize
