How long to cook store-bought dumplings. How long to cook dumplings is an interesting question! How and how much to cook dumplings with potatoes, cherries, cottage cheese, cabbage. How to cook dumplings with raw potatoes

Very often, when we cook dumplings, they are overcooked or undercooked. In this case, the main thing is to know how long to cook the dumplings. Cooking dumplings depends on the filling. How long to cook dumplings with potatoes? 7-8 minutes is enough. The cooking time increases in the case of a “raw” dumpling filling, and it also needs time to cook. We also must not forget that if the dumplings are frozen, then after you have thrown them into the water, you must very carefully stir them several times until they float. The cooking time for such dumplings is a couple of minutes longer, since the time period for them to float to the surface of the water increases.

Ukrainian cuisine is very rich in dumpling recipes, but Russian cuisine also has very interesting dumpling recipes. I will tell you one of them.

Recipe for dumplings with raw potatoes and lard

To prepare you will need:

  • Half a kilogram of potatoes, peel, wash, grind into a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice;
  • Lard, cut off the skin (the lard should be dense, preferably from the back or back), cut into small pieces and also grind into a meat grinder;
  • Mix it all together, add salt and pepper to taste. If you like it, you can add a little garlic.

All the filling is ready.

Let's start preparing the dough. It is prepared exactly the same as for ordinary dumplings.

  • We take the necessary ingredients: 2-3 cups of flour, half a glass of milk and a third of water, one egg, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and 1 one teaspoon of salt;
  • Pour flour into a bowl, make a well in the middle, pour in milk, water and salt;
  • Mix thoroughly;
  • Again, make a small depression in the dough and pour vegetable oil into it. Mix thoroughly again. Let the dough rest for 10-15 minutes and you can start sculpting.

We make dumplings with the prepared filling. Pour water and put the pan on the fire. We are waiting for it to boil. Then throw in the dumplings and cook for 10-12 minutes. These dumplings taste best when chilled, but hot ones are also delicious.

How long to cook dumplings with potatoes?

The time for cooking dumplings in boiling water will depend on the size of the dumplings, as well as on the thickness of the dough and its quality. But on average we can say that after boiling, the dumplings cook for about 5 minutes. This time will be enough for the dough to cook and the dumpling itself not to become overcooked. Another good signal that the dumplings are cooked is that they begin to float.

If the dumplings are homemade and prepared with your own hands, then their cooking time is very short. Usually, this is about 2-3 minutes after the dumplings have already floated. Frozen semi-finished products are another matter. It needs to cook longer. As a rule, packages of frozen dumplings already indicate their cooking time. On average it takes about 10 minutes. This is necessary so that the filling in the dumplings has time to cook. After this, just add a little oil, herbs and the delicious dish will be ready to eat.

Cook homemade dumplings stuffed with boiled potatoes in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Pour in water and bring to a boil, then add salt. Add the dumplings and wait for the boiling process to continue, and cook for 3 minutes.

Dumplings with potatoes need to be cooked for the same amount of time as regular dumplings. Place the dumplings in boiling salted water, add spices to taste, bay leaf and cook over medium or low heat. We don't cover it with a lid. cook until the dumplings float to the surface. this is a clear signal that everything is ready. try one dumpling and you will understand the degree of readiness of the dumplings.

The cooking time for homemade, fresh (not frozen) dumplings with potatoes depends on the thickness of the dough and usually ranges from 3 to 5 minutes. Frozen dumplings - homemade or store-bought - take longer to cook - about 10 minutes, as they need time to warm up.

To prevent the dumplings from falling apart or losing their shape, they are cooked in a spacious pan, where the dumplings will not be crowded.

If the dumplings are store-bought, then you usually need to throw them into boiling salted water and cook for 6-8 minutes (usually 6 minutes after they float).

But homemade dumplings usually cook much faster, depending on the dough. I usually cook for 2-3 minutes after floating.

They wrote it correctly here - homemade dumplings will cook much faster.

But, unfortunately, I haven’t cooked for a long time myself. Somehow there is no time. We usually buy in the store, it’s faster.

Store-bought ones will cook for 7-8 minutes after they float to the surface. Focus on the maximum time - 10 minutes. In any case, they will be overcooked.

Boil dumplings with potatoes It doesn’t take long, about five minutes after they surface. The filling is already boiled potatoes, so only the dough should have time to cook in the dumplings. By the way, not so long ago I adapted not to boil dumplings, but to fry them like dumplings. It turns out quickly and tasty, although some may find the fried dumplings a bit dry.

This is how I cook. I pour them into boiling salted water, the main thing is that the volume of water is sufficient - more than the volume of dumplings. Then I wait for them to pop up and then another 5 - 7 minutes. This time is usually enough for me to cook the dumplings.

Regular store-bought dumplings take about 10 minutes to cook. Throw them into boiling water and stir them lightly so they don’t stick. Wait until they float up, then wait another 1-3 minutes and you can take them out.

Dumplings, like dumplings, are one of the most beloved instant semi-finished products that many housewives buy or make on their own, so in this article we will look at how long and how to cook dumplings (store-bought and homemade) correctly so that they do not boil over and turn out delicious.

How many minutes should you cook the dumplings until they are done?

The cooking time for dumplings depends on their filling (with raw potatoes inside or with meat they will take longer to cook), on the size of the dumplings themselves and on the type of production (usually homemade ones take longer to cook than store-bought ones). Let's take a closer look at how long it takes to cook dumplings with different fillings:

Having found out how many minutes to cook the dumplings until they are done, we will next consider the cooking process itself in order to know how to cook the dumplings in a saucepan and a slow cooker so that they do not get overcooked.

How to cook dumplings with potatoes (cherries, cottage cheese) in a saucepan?

The traditional way of preparing dumplings is to boil them in a saucepan, so let’s take a closer look at how to cook homemade and store-bought dumplings in a saucepan on the stove:

  • Choose a pan of a suitable size (it is better to give preference to a wide pan and if there are a lot of dumplings, cook them in several approaches, and not all at once).
  • Pour cold water into the pan (2/3 of the pan's volume), add salt (half a teaspoon per 1-1.5 liters of water) and bring the water in the pan to a boil over high heat.
  • We put prepared frozen or just molded homemade dumplings into boiling water and, stirring gently so that they do not stick to each other and do not stick to the bottom and walls of the pan, wait until the dumplings float and the water in the pan boils again. There is no need to stir constantly (several times during the period after the dumplings are placed in boiling water and they float to the surface of the water).
  • Reduce the heat so that the water does not boil too much and after the dumplings float to the surface, cook them for 3-5 minutes.
  • We test the dumplings for readiness (the main thing is that the dough is cooked at the seams and they do not start to come apart), after which we drain the water with the dumplings through a colander.
  • We serve the cooked dumplings to the table, dividing them into portions (butter goes well with all types of dumplings, sugar and sour cream can be added to dumplings with berries, and dumplings with unsweetened filling are served with sour cream and, if desired, chopped herbs).

Note: the water in the pan is salted even when dumplings with sweet filling are cooked, so that the dumplings do not stick together during cooking and the dough is tastier.

How to steam dumplings in a slow cooker?

Dumplings can also be cooked in a slow cooker, and they can be boiled not only in water, but also steamed. Let's take a closer look at how to cook dumplings in a slow cooker:

  • Pour water into the multicooker bowl (on average 2-3 glasses).
  • Place the dumplings in one layer on a special steaming stand so that they do not touch each other.
  • We set the multicooker to the “Steam” mode and the cooking time is 10-15 minutes (cooking time depends on the thickness of the dough layer on the dumplings), after which we turn on the multicooker.
  • After the beep, carefully transfer the cooked dumplings to a plate and serve.

Note: you can also cook dumplings in a slow cooker, as in a saucepan, by placing them in the main bowl and pouring boiling water so that the water completely covers them, add salt to taste, then cook them for 4-7 minutes after floating to the surface of the water ( The cooking time depends on whether the dumplings are molded or frozen).

How to cook dumplings in the microwave?

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to cook dumplings in the microwave? The answer is yes! Cooking dumplings in a microwave oven proceeds in the following sequence:

  • Place the frozen dumplings in a deep plate in one layer (one that can be used in the microwave) and pour boiling water so that the water covers the dumplings halfway, then add a little salt to the dumplings themselves.
  • Cover the plate with a special lid (or a smaller plate) and put it in the microwave. At maximum power, bring the water in the plate to a boil (set the timer for 1 minute), then reduce the power to 70% of the maximum and cook the dumplings for 7-8 minutes until tender.

Note: you can also cook dumplings in the microwave without water; to do this, grease a deep plate and the prepared dumplings with vegetable oil, place the dumplings in a plate in one layer, cover with a lid and cook in the microwave at maximum power for 6-7 minutes.

You might also be interested in knowing how long to cook dumplings?

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that after reading this article, you will know how to cook homemade and store-bought dumplings in a saucepan, slow cooker and microwave so that they do not crack or stick together during cooking, and also turn out more tasty. We leave our reviews and useful tips on how to cook dumplings with potatoes, cherries, cottage cheese and other fillings in the comments to this article and don’t forget to share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

Dumplings are a dish that can be served with any meal. It all depends on what filling they have. To prevent the dumplings from spreading in the water during cooking, you need to know some simple tricks for preparing them and cooking them.

How to cook dumplings correctly

Ready dumplings should be cooked in a large saucepan with enough water poured into it so that the dumplings are not crowded. The water must be salted by taking a teaspoon of salt per three glasses of water.

Vareniki put into very boiling water in small batches. There is no need to cover the pan with a lid, because the water should boil well, and under the lid it will definitely “run away”. Until the dumplings begin to rise to the surface, stir them gently so that they do not stick to the bottom, being careful not to tear the thin dough.

Dumplings are cooked for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the filling. As soon as everything varenikisurfaced to the surface, remove them onto a wide dish using a slotted spoon and pour over melted butter. Some cooks pour vegetable oil over them, but this spoils the taste of the dumplings.

Dumplings can be frozen for future use and stored in the freezer, but not for long, since long-term storage also spoils their taste. Frozen dumplings cook in the same way as freshly molded: put in boiling salted water and cook at moderate boil for 7-10 minutes.

How to make dumplings

Dumplings are made from unleavened elastic dough. Flour must be of the highest quality, and the water must be very cold to increase the stickiness of the dough.

Ingredients for the dough:

flour - 3 tbsp
water - 0.5 cups
eggs - 2 pcs.
salt - 0.5 tsp.

Place flour in a bowl and make a well in the middle. Add lightly beaten eggs, salt and water. Begin to knead the dough gently, stirring the flour in one direction only. When the dough absorbs flour and becomes elastic, place it on the table and knead well with your hands. Cover it with a bowl or slightly damp clean cloth and leave to rest for half an hour. The dough for dumplings is not as stiff as for dumplings.

Roll out the dough into a sausage, cut into pieces, which roll into thin flat cakes. Place the minced meat in the middle, seal the edges, making a flat pie. You need to take enough filling for dumplings so that the edges of the dough do not stretch. The seam should not be very large and thick, otherwise it will not have time to cook and will remain tough.

Dumplings are made with any filling, except meat. Unsweetened dumplings are made with potatoes, cabbage, salted cottage cheese, mushrooms, beans, chopped onions with added.

How to cook dumplings with potatoes photo

Having all the necessary ingredients and using our tips from this article, you will prepare this wonderful dish without much difficulty and (we hope) with pleasure.

Even more delicious recipes:

How to quickly cook condensed milk. Potatoes fried in oil. How to quickly cook barley for a side dish.

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properly cook dumplings, how to make them, how long, amount of water,

Dumplings are a dish that has no equal in terms of quantity and variety of fillings!

They come sweet and salty, with vegetables, berries, and fruits.

Sometimes lard, meat and even sausages are added to them.

They can be served for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

But how much and how to cook dumplings with different fillings?

How long to cook dumplings - general cooking principles

It is important to boil the products, but so that they do not fall apart and retain their shape. Very often, housewives observe a mess of pieces of dough and floating filling in the pan. Why is this happening? You could be guilty of poor-quality joining of the edges. But in fact, the reasons are most often different.

Five basic rules for cooking dumplings:

1. Dumplings are always cooked in a large amount of liquid. They should float freely, then they will not stick together and stick to the bottom of the pan.

2. You need to bring the dumplings to a boil on maximum heat so that they do not have time to become soggy.

3. But you need to cook the products at a moderate boil. You cannot reduce the heat to a minimum and allow the dish to ferment or become limp in the broth.

4. Water for cooking dumplings is always salted, even if they have a sweet filling, for example, berries.

5. Ready dumplings are always greased with oil. Only products with berries or fruit fillings may not be greased. But in this case, they are laid out in one layer and sprinkled with granulated sugar.

You also need to know that frozen dumplings do not need to be thawed before cooking. They are immediately thrown into boiling water and there they leave. Products from the freezer take 2-3 minutes longer to cook than freshly made ones. Here it is very important not to spare water so that they boil as quickly as possible and do not stick together, since the dough becomes more sticky after thawing.

How long to cook dumplings with potatoes (mashed potatoes)

Dumplings with mashed potatoes are one of the most delicious dishes you can delight your family with. They are easy to prepare and require the most primitive ingredients. But how and how much to cook dumplings with potatoes?

About 600 g of flour;

800 grams of potatoes;

1. Beat the egg with water, add salt and add flour. Make a tough lump of dough; knead thoroughly. Then we put it in a bag and let it rest.

2. Prepare regular mashed potatoes of medium consistency from peeled potatoes.

3. Cut the peeled onions into cubes, add to the puree, and stir. Add spices.

4. Take out the dough. Divide into two lumps. Roll each one out into a layer, cut out circles with a glass, add the filling and form dumplings. But you can mold them in any other way, for example, as in the recipe below.

5. Place a pan of water on the stove; the liquid should be approximately 2/3 of the volume and for every 250 grams of dumplings there should be at least a liter.

6. Let the water boil, salt and lower our products. Cook for 2 minutes after boiling. Remove with a slotted spoon, grease with oil, and you can add fried onions.

How to cook dumplings with raw potatoes

Dumplings with raw potatoes are more capricious than with mashed potatoes. But for many they are much tastier. So how are these potato dumplings made and how long do they cook?

A glass of water or milk;

100 grams of raw or salted lard;

1. In a glass of liquid, add a pinch of salt, break an egg into it, add flour and knead into an elastic, stiff dough. Let it rest for half an hour.

2. Peel the vegetables for the filling. Cut potatoes and onions into small cubes.

3. Grind the lard and add to the vegetables. To make it easier to cut, you can freeze it slightly. But you can just run it with a blender.

4. Salt and pepper the minced meat. You can also put greens in it.

5. Take out the dough. Cut in half, and then in half again lengthwise. Roll out each sausage into an even log. Cut crosswise into 1-1.5 centimeter washers. Then we dip each piece in flour and roll it out into a flat cake. We make dumplings.

6. Place the products in boiling and salted water, cook for 10-12 minutes after boiling.

7. Remove from the pan and grease with oil.

How long to cook dumplings with cottage cheese

There are different types of dumplings with cottage cheese. In some families the filling is made salty, in other houses they prefer sweet stuffing. Often herbs, garlic or raisins, vanilla, and berries are added to cottage cheese. We use any dough, you can knead it according to one of the recipes above. But how to make and cook dumplings with cottage cheese?

For a sweet filling, instead of salt, add sugar, vanilla, and maybe a little raisins.

1. To make the filling tender, you need to grind the cottage cheese. If it is not dry, then you can simply mash it well with a fork.

2. Add raw egg and salt. Or an egg and granulated sugar. You can put some greens in the salty filling.

3. Take out the dough, roll out the flatbreads, and form dumplings.

4. Place a pan of water on the stove, add salt and let it boil.

5. Lower the cooked products, turn up the heat to maximum and let it boil. Then turn down the heat, but not to the minimum. There should be a boil.

6. How long does it take to cook dumplings with cottage cheese? It is believed that they are ready after surfacing, that is, completely boiling. But it’s better to boil them for half a minute.

How long to cook dumplings with cabbage

Dumplings with cabbage are less popular than with potatoes. But they are no less tasty. You can use fresh cabbage or sauerkraut. Let's prepare them from an unusual dough with sour cream. How to cook such dumplings and for how long?

3 spoons of sour cream;

Salt and a pinch of soda;

1. Combine sour cream with a pinch of soda, add salt and water. Add flour, mix thoroughly and make a tough ball of dough.

2. Cut the onion, fry until transparent in a frying pan with oil. Add shredded cabbage, fry together, add salt at the end and add a spoonful of tomato for taste. Let the filling cool.

3. Take out our dough and form regular medium-sized dumplings.

4. Boil the water, don’t forget to add salt.

5. Add the dumplings, let them boil well and you’re done! We take it out, grease it with butter and you can put it on the table.

How long to cook dumplings with cherries

Cherry is the favorite and most popular filling in dumplings. Well, what summer would it be without this wonderful dish! How and how long to cook dumplings with cherries?

0.5 kg unleavened dough;

1. Remove the seeds from the cherries; the berries can be immediately placed in a colander on a cup, allowing the excess juice to drain.

2. Take out the dough prepared according to any recipe. Roll out the flatbreads. Dumplings with berries are prepared a little larger than with other fillings. About a third.

3. Place approximately 4-6 berries in each dumpling, sprinkle sugar on top and join the edges. Add sugar according to your taste and taking into account the acidity of the cherries.

4. Place a pan of water on the stove, add a little salt and bring to a boil.

5. Let's make dumplings. Cook with berries in small batches as they cook. There is no need for the molded products to stand on the table, since under the influence of sugar the active release of juices begins.

6. How long does it take to cook dumplings with cherries? Many people simply let them float and consider them ready. But it's better to cook longer. Let the dumplings boil well, boil for two minutes and immediately remove.

7. Place the dumplings in one layer on a tray or flat dish and sprinkle granulated sugar on top. Served with sour cream, you can use cream or condensed milk. Or make a sauce by adding cherry juice.

How to steam dumplings

Steaming dumplings is a great way to preserve their shape. The taste of such products is also different. They are richer because nothing goes into the water. For cooking, you can use a double boiler, pressure cooker, colander, some housewives simply stretch gauze over the pan or put a sieve.

1. Lubricate the trays with oil.

2. Pour water into the container. It needs to be salted to make the steaming more active. Let's cook.

3. Place the dumplings on trays so that they do not touch each other. They also need to ensure normal steam circulation.

4. How long should you cook dumplings? If they contain berries, then 4-5 minutes is enough. Dumplings with boiled fillings and cottage cheese are prepared for the same amount of time. But for dumplings with raw potatoes it will take about 15 minutes.

5. Take out the dumplings, grease them with oil and you’re done!

Dumplings with savory filling will taste better if you add a little butter or ghee to the water. The following spices are also welcome: peppercorns, bay leaves, and herbs. You can add other seasonings, but it is very important that the filling matches them.

Are there any half-eaten dumplings left? Just put them in the refrigerator. Products with savory filling can be fried in a frying pan with butter. Sweet dumplings are delicious cold. If dumplings are made with potatoes, then you can cook wonderful dishes from them in the oven, adding mushrooms, vegetables, cheese and various sauces.

Dumplings can be frozen not only raw, but also boiled. In any case, you need to identify the products while they are fresh, and not when the dumplings have lain in a warm place for several hours.

You can often find recipes for cooking dumplings in a slow cooker. But in fact, this process is so simple and fast that there is no point in downloading the assistant. Save her energy for other dishes that really need attention.

How long to cook dumplings with potatoes
How long should you cook dumplings with potatoes? How long should you cook dumplings with potatoes? The time for cooking dumplings in boiling water will depend on the size of the dumplings, as well as on the thickness of the dough and its quality. But

Dumplings are a traditional dish for the modern Russian table. Delicate dough and a wide variety of fillings allow you to reveal the taste of this dish in a new way every time.

The secret of delicious dumplings is simple - the dough must be made with your own hands and strictly according to a recipe that has been perfected by many generations, and the filling depends on your taste preferences and currently available ingredients.

Recipe and secrets of making dough

It is very difficult to find high-quality and tasty dough on store shelves, so housewives most often prepare it with their own hands at home. A good dough for dumplings should have certain properties - not fall apart during cooking, roll out well into thin layers, be elastic and delicate in taste.

A very important condition is the high quality of the ingredients; you should not buy the cheapest flour from an unknown manufacturer in the hope that it will turn out to be a tasty dish. Only the highest grade, good eggs that you usually buy for food, and finely ground salt.


  1. Wheat flour – 500 g;
  2. Milk – 200 ml;
  3. Water – 200 ml;
  4. Chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  5. Vegetable oil 1 tsp;
  6. Salt - 1 tsp.

Cooking time: 40 min.

Calorie content of the dough: 205 Kcal per 100 g.

According to traditional recipes, the dough is flour, eggs and water. This composition can be called classic for any test, however, the main issue is balance and proportions. The count is usually taken from the size of the egg.

Medium egg - 2 cups flour (225 ml per measuring cup).

Next add 200 ml of water and 200 ml of milk. It is with the help of liquid that we can control the viscosity of the dough. Vegetable oil is added to make the dough more elastic and tender. Be sure to add salt so that the dough fully reveals its taste.

Pour the flour into a large saucepan, make a well in the middle, break the egg and place it on top and fill it with water and milk. Knead the dough with your hands for 5-7 minutes. Add a spoonful of vegetable oil and stir for another 7 minutes.

You should get an elastic, but not sticky dough of uniform consistency for dumplings. Stickiness can be controlled by adding flour. Cover the dough with a cloth or cling film and put it in the refrigerator. It should sit and calm down for about 30-40 minutes.

Recipe for filling for dumplings with potatoes

To make the filling we will need the following ingredients:

  1. Red or white onion - 1.5 pcs.;
  2. Medium potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  3. Salt - 1 tsp.

Cooking time: 50 - 60 min.

Calorie content of filling: 265 Kcal per 100 g.

While the dough is in the refrigerator, and this process takes about 40 minutes, it’s time to start filling. Take two potatoes, peel and cut into medium-sized slices.

Place a pan of cold water on the fire, add salt and immediately add the potatoes. Leave to boil. As soon as the water boils, set it aside for 30 minutes, wait, then take out the potatoes and mash them. It is most convenient to use a blender with a special attachment.

Next, take the onion, peel it and finely chop it. Take a small frying pan, heat it up, sprinkle with vegetable oil and fry over medium heat for 6 minutes until a barely brown crust appears. Place the puree in the pan, fry for another couple of minutes and set aside.

How to make delicious dumplings with potatoes? We take the dough out of the refrigerator and, using a rolling pin or rolling machine, make layers no more than 2 mm thick. Using a glass or any other similar shaped tool, cut out circles.

Place a teaspoon of filling on each circle and pinch the edges. Don't rush, the edges may not be completely straight at first, that's okay, soon you'll get the hang of it and all the dumplings will turn out beautiful one to one.

How many minutes to cook dumplings with potatoes?

This will be the last step in preparing the dish: boil water, add 1 teaspoon of salt and cook.

Many housewives do not know how long to cook dumplings with potatoes so that they turn out tasty, do not fall apart and the filling does not fall into the water. The answer is simple - dumplings with potatoes need to be cooked for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

You just need to remember this and never exceed this “threshold” of time, otherwise the result will not be very happy.

An ideal addition to a ready-made dish would be sour cream and fresh herbs. However, this is not for everybody. Some people prefer onions or cracklings fried until golden brown.

First, let's look at the simplest method - cooking dumplings with potatoes in a saucepan. Take the lowest and widest pan, so the water will boil faster and the dumplings will have more space.

Fill the pan 2/3 full with water. Be sure to salt the water, even if you have a sweet filling, this will enhance the taste and prevent sticking. After boiling, add the required amount of dumplings and mix immediately. Stir occasionally until the liquid boils again. Then leave the dumplings for 3 minutes.

Now let’s figure out how and for how long to cook dumplings with potatoes in a slow cooker, microwave and steam.

In a multicooker you can cook both by steam and water. Place the defrosted dumplings on a bowl and start the “Steam” mode. Freshly baked ones will be ready in 10 minutes, and frozen ones in about 15 minutes.

You can also simply boil water in a slow cooker using the normal mode and cook them in the same way as if we were doing it in a saucepan over an open fire. Don't forget to salt the water.

In the microwave, you can either warm up ready-made dumplings or cook them. Take a plastic container, fill it 2/3 with water, add salt and cover with a lid or a suitable plate.

We set the power to maximum (1000 W is enough), the timer is for 1.5 minutes, during which time the water in the bowl should boil. Then turn it down by 700 W and leave it until ready for 7 minutes.

There is only one question we have not yet answered - how to properly cook frozen dumplings with potatoes.

So, we answer: to cook frozen dumplings with potatoes, you can use any of the above recipes, adding 3 minutes to the last stage of cooking.

This is the time it takes for the dough and filling to melt. Then they will be cooked in the same way as a freshly molded product. The result is 2-3 minutes before re-boiling and 4-5 minutes after.

Dumplings with potatoes are a delicious and simple dish for every day. Any housewife can prepare it, because the ingredients are always available. The dish has a great taste that has been familiar to us since childhood.

Dumplings are a unique semi-finished product, which has no equal in the number of fillings used. It seems that even a child knows how to cook dumplings - you just need to put them in boiling water and wait a few minutes until the products float above the surface of the water. In fact, it's not that simple. It is quite possible to get a truly prepared and tasty dish and at the same time not allow its elements to boil over, but you will have to take into account a number of nuances. Everything plays a role here: the type of processing (in the microwave, in a saucepan, in a slow cooker or steamed), the composition of the filling, the origin of the product and its current condition.

Basic rules for working with semi-finished products

If you don’t want to see an incomprehensible mess of dough and filling on your plate, you need to not only know how long to cook the dumplings, but also how to do it correctly. When starting to process components, you must always remember the following rules and recommendations:

  1. There should be a lot of water in the pan, multicooker bowl or container that will be in the microwave. Only if the elements float freely will they not stick to each other. Preference should be given to low and wide dishes rather than tall and narrow ones.
  2. Do not turn down the heat immediately after the products are lowered into the water. The mass must be brought to a boil at maximum temperature so that they do not become sour.
  3. It is correct to cook the elements over medium heat. It is strictly forbidden to reduce the heat to a minimum. Due to this effect, the dough will begin to limp rather than cook.
  4. Frozen and fresh products are prepared according to the same procedure, but in the case of the former, add from 1 (in the microwave) to 2 (in a slow cooker or saucepan) minutes to the processing time.
  5. Before cooking dumplings, be sure to add a little salt to the water. This is done even when processing products with a sweet filling.
  6. Ready-made dumplings with strawberries, other berries or fruits as a filling, are laid out in one layer on a plate and sprinkled with sugar. Products with unsweetened filling must be greased with oil to prevent them from sticking together.
  7. Bay leaves, herbs or butter are added to the water in which homemade dumplings with unsweetened filling are boiled for taste. It’s better not to take risks with store-bought semi-finished products.
  8. Dumplings can be frozen not only raw, but also already boiled. But not if they have already been kept warm for more than 4-6 hours.

If after a meal there are still uneaten dumplings, they should be put in the refrigerator. Sweet products are very tasty when cold, but products with unsweetened fillings are best heated. This is best done in the microwave, oven or frying pan.

How long should dumplings be boiled in water, depending on the filling?

To understand how long to cook dumplings, you need to determine the type of filling. The time difference in some cases can be very impressive:

  • With puree. After boiling, just wait a couple of minutes and the dumplings can be taken out. These are best served with fried onion rings and butter.

Tip: If you need to boil a frozen product, you need to either use more water than usual or put fewer products in the pan. After thawing in water, the dough can become very sticky and these precautions will help avoid problems.

  • With raw potatoes. Such products are best cooked in the microwave, steamed or slow cooker. In this case, the processing will be about 10 minutes (for a couple - up to 15, but the processing will be uniform). If you use the traditional method, then after boiling the water you need to wait at least 12 minutes.
  • With cottage cheese. Some people think that it is enough to wait for the products to float. Still, it’s better to cook them after that for at least a minute.
  • With cabbage. It is correct to fill such dumplings with ready-made filling, so it is enough to bring the mixture to a boil and let it boil for half a minute.
  • With cherries. Here a lot depends on what kind of result you need. If you want cherry juice to literally drip from the products, then just cook them after boiling for just two minutes. Tem. For those who like a thicker filling, it is better to double the holding time.

Particular attention should be paid to dumplings with strawberries. This is one of the most delicious and at the same time capricious fillings.

How to cook dumplings in a slow cooker, steamed or microwave?

Today, in order to cook dumplings, it is not necessary to resort to the traditional method of influence. Now this can be done in a slow cooker, double boiler or microwave.

  • In a steamer. During this processing, nothing comes out of the dumplings into the water, so they have a richer taste. Grease the tray with butter. Fill the steamer container with water with the addition of a small amount of salt, which will ensure more abundant steam release. The elements must be laid out so that they do not touch each other, otherwise they will stick together. For complete readiness, the products need to be kept for about 4-5 minutes (the exception is products with raw potatoes).

  • In a slow cooker. Grease the bowl of the device with oil, pour water into it and bring to a boil. Place the dumplings in, close the lid and leave in the “Stew” mode for 3 to 5 minutes. Some housewives cook products in a slow cooker with the lid open, simulating the operation of a stove.

  • In the microwave. Place the products on a plate, fill halfway with water and place in the microwave oven. First, cook for a minute at maximum, then reduce the power and “cook” for another 6-7 minutes. In addition, dumplings can be cooked in the microwave in sour cream or cream with the addition of spices in accordance with the filling. Only elements with cherries or strawberries should not be subjected to such a test, they can burst and stain all surfaces of the device.

True, these approaches in practice turn out to be even more troublesome than the usual option with a saucepan. Therefore, many housewives prefer to do things the old fashioned way, leaving more complex tasks to advanced household appliances.

Features of boiling dumplings with strawberry filling

When making strawberry dumplings, you need to follow a number of rules that will allow you to preserve the product in the desired form and enjoy its taste:

  1. The dough should be thicker than for other fillings. Otherwise, it may split or burst, causing the contents to leak.
  2. You need to mix the products with strawberries very carefully, but you cannot refuse this manipulation, otherwise the product will stick to the walls and bottom.
  3. It is better not to cook products with strawberries, regardless of their degree of filling, in a slow cooker or microwave oven. Preference should be given to the steam approach or the traditional method. In both cases, the procedure will not take more than 3-4 minutes.

Only if everything is done correctly can you expect to get the desired result. The dumplings will turn out whole, aromatic, juicy and non-slippery.

The preparation of which may vary depending on the filling, has long become a favorite dish on the table not only of Ukrainians. Ukrainians mainly prefer dumplings with sweet fillings. In Italy, dough products with various fillings are called “ravioli”, in Uzbekistan - “manti”, in Russia, of course, they prefer dough with meat filling - “dumplings”.

Dumplings can be prepared with any filling. It can be fruits, berries, mushrooms, vegetables, cottage cheese and much more. How to cook dumplings? Very simple! Take the usual stuff, put any filling in it, boil the dumplings in slightly salted water and serve hot to the table with sour cream, butter, and various sauces. Flour for dumplings is taken from premium wheat flour, and the dough is kneaded in several ways - without oil (lean) with kefir or with yeast. By the way, yeast dumplings can even be baked in the oven. For lazy people who really love this dish, there is a wonderful recipe: How to cook “lazy” dumplings? Probably even a child can do this. The dough is immediately mixed with cottage cheese and original dumplings are made, which are also boiled in salted water and served with sugar and sour cream - an excellent breakfast dish.

It’s impossible not to love dumplings; everyone will find a recipe for their favorite dumplings. Dumplings with sweet fillings of cherries, apricots, cottage cheese, cheese; Salted dumplings - with cabbage, potatoes, mushrooms, buckwheat and even lard and herring! This dish is also good because it can be prepared for future use by freezing the molded products in the freezer. The most popular dish is, of course, dumplings with cottage cheese. They are served in the best restaurants in Ukraine and are loved for their delicate combination of sweet cottage cheese and thin dough.

How to cook dumplings with cottage cheese?

To prepare (60-70 pieces) you will need the following products:

For the dough - ½ kg of flour, one egg, one teaspoon of salt, a glass of water;

For the filling - 700 grams of cottage cheese, 150 grams of sugar, one teaspoon of salt, two eggs, 150 grams of sour cream, 100 grams of raisins and 50 grams of butter.

First, of course, let's prepare the dough. Mix flour with water, salt and egg with a mixer. Then, adding flour, knead the dough by hand. Form a ball, cover with a cup and leave to “rest” for half an hour. While there is time, let's prepare the filling. Place cottage cheese in a bowl, add eggs, salt, sugar, raisins and sour cream, stir evenly and very thoroughly.

We proceed directly to sculpting the dumplings. Roll out the dough into a thin layer (no more than 1 mm thick), use a glass to make circles with a diameter of 8-10 cm, put the filling on the circles with a teaspoon and pinch the edges. You can do this with a fork. Place the finished dumplings on a wooden kitchen board sprinkled with flour to prevent them from sticking. Boil water (about 3 liters), add a good amount of salt (3 tsp) and throw the dumplings in there in portions so that they are not crowded. Stir them with a slotted spoon so that the dumplings do not stick to each other and to the bottom of the pan. As soon as they float up, they are ready. Carefully, so as not to damage them, take them out onto a dish and add melted butter. Dumplings should be served hot with sour cream or berry syrup.

How to cook “lazy” dumplings?

“Lazy” dumplings will be a wonderful breakfast or even dessert, and their preparation does not require any special skills or a lot of time. To prepare dumplings, you will need: a glass of flour, half a kilo of cottage cheese, two eggs, sugar to taste, about 70 g of butter and sour cream. The cottage cheese needs to be removed from large lumps. To do this, it is better to rub it through a sieve, add eggs, melted butter and sugar, and a pinch of salt. Stir thoroughly and add flour. Roll out thin “sausages” with a diameter of no more than 3 cm, cut into equal pieces, lightly squeeze into a dumpling shape, and throw into boiling salted water. As soon as the curd dumplings float to the surface, remove them with a slotted spoon and pour oil over them. They can also be baked in the oven with sour cream filling.

You can choose any method, choose your favorite filling: sweet or salty, but in any case this dish turns out very tasty and homemade. Bon appetit!
