How long to cook pork ears in a pressure cooker. How to cook pig ears. Pig ears for beer

Not everyone knows that offal such as pork ears contains a huge amount of nutrients beneficial to humans. They contain not only minerals, but also vitamins.

Although there is a negative side - ears contain quite a lot of cholesterol, so those who suffer from high levels of this substance in the blood are better off avoiding dishes with them.

Processing and preparing pork ears for cooking

First of all, after fresh ears are brought in, you need to put in a lot of effort to make them suitable for cooking. First you need to thoroughly clean the ears, ear canals, and tan (occurs when the ears are smoked with straw).

Treated ears have a soft pink color. So you need to scrape them thoroughly with a knife. Bristles and hairs are removed by burning over gas.

The next stage is heat treatment. Prepare a saucepan, pour water into it and wait until it boils. When this happens, put the ears there for 5 minutes, then immediately take them out under cold water. Then take a saucepan with water and put the ears in it. We leave them to “sour” in it for half a day.

After the allotted time, you can take out the ears and start cooking directly.

Bake ears in the oven

Ears in the oven are an incredibly tasty dish. It’s not for nothing that they are considered a delicacy in some countries. To create this masterpiece you will need:

  • Ears – 1 kg;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Butter – a small piece (about 40-50 g);
  • A couple of glasses of milk;
  • Coarse grain mustard – 50 g;
  • Flour – 75 g;
  • Ground pepper, peas, salt, cloves.

The first step in this recipe is boiling the ears. To do this, take a pan, fill it with water and place it on the burner. The ears must first be processed, after which each is cut into two or three parts and added to the saucepan.

While the water is still boiling, you need to peel and cut the onion. When it comes to a boil, you can kill the fire, add half the onion, cloves, peppercorns, and cook for about another 2-3 hours. You need to focus on the softness of the ears. As soon as they become soft, you can take them out.

While you have two to three hours to spare, you can start preparing the sauce. To do this, you will need to melt the butter in a small saucepan. Next, add flour (preferably sifted) a little at a time and pour in milk. Add a little pepper, moth, 2 tbsp. spoons of mustard. Keep it on low heat until it bubbles and thickens. After this, you can set it aside.

The boiled soft ears need to be cooled slightly and cut into thin strips (straws). Place them in a baking dish, then pour in the sauce and bake in

oven for half an hour at 180 degrees.

How to deliciously fry pig ears in Korean

For it you will need:

  • A pair of ears;
  • Onions - 2-3 pcs.;
  • 2-3 carrots;
  • Garlic – 4-5 cloves;
  • Soy sauce – 3 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • Vinegar (table) – 3 tablespoons;
  • Pepper, coriander, herbs, salt, bay leaf;
  • Water – 2.5 l.

Once the ears are prepared and properly processed, you can start cooking them. To do this, prepare a suitable container into which you need to add salt, one peeled onion and bay leaf. When the water boils, throw in the ears. Cook for at least one and a half hours.

After the allotted time, the ears are removed from the broth and placed on a plate to cool. At this time, you can peel and cut a couple of onions into small pieces. Place them in a frying pan and fry with vegetable oil until the onion turns golden brown.

While the onions are frying, quickly wash and grate the carrots. Add it to the onion and fry for about 5-7 minutes. After this, set the pan with onions and carrots aside.

The cooled ears need to be cut into long strips, then poured into a deep plate or bowl. Next, add onions and carrots, vinegar, salt, herbs, spices, and soy sauce. The garlic needs to be peeled and squeezed through a press, added to the rest of the ingredients.

However, this is not a finished dish yet. Now it needs to be sent to the refrigerator, where it will marinate for about an hour and a half. After the ears can be taken out, placed on plates and decorated with lemon, olives and herbs.

How to prepare pig ears for beer

The ears go incredibly well with beer. In addition, preparing a snack from them is not so difficult. Products you will need:

  • Ear - 1 pc.;
  • Salt;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Spices (to your taste: pepper, paprika, thyme, basil, rosemary);
  • Olive oil;
  • Apple cider vinegar;
  • Sugar.

The ear needs to be washed, cleaned and boiled. Cook for about an hour and a half with the addition of bay leaf. After an hour and a half has passed, remove the ear and set aside to cool.

Now you can start preparing the marinade. Take a bowl or a small bowl. Add spices, salt, sugar, a little olive oil (50 ml), apple cider vinegar (about half a teaspoon). Mix everything. While the marinade infuses a little, we return to the abalone.

The ear should not be cut into thin strips or small cubes. Pour them into a small bag, into which we then pour the marinade. Next, you need to mix them thoroughly and leave for half an hour. The procedure of mixing and resting for half an hour must be repeated at least twice. After this, the ears can be taken out and served with beer.

Pork chop fried in a frying pan in batter is one of the simplest dishes that can be found both on the everyday menu and on the holiday table. Read interesting recipes.

Learn how to properly fry pork in pieces in a frying pan.

How to cook pig ears in a slow cooker

Your household will be extremely happy with stewed abalone in a slow cooker. To prepare them you need the following components:

  • Ears – 3 pcs.;
  • Canned beans – 0.4 kg;
  • Olives – 250 g;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Smoked sausages (sausages) – 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic – a couple of cloves;
  • Tomatoes canned in their own juice – 350 g;
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • Chili (can be used either fresh or dried) – 2 pcs.;
  • Salt.

First of all, immediately prepare the multicooker bowl. Place the cleaned and processed ears in a bowl and fill with water. Select the “Stew” program and the standard cooking time for this program.

During this time, peel the onions and peppers. We cut sausages, peppers, onions, olives, chili. Place the beans in a colander to drain. The tomatoes also need to be chopped.

When the “Stewing” program ends, the ears need to be removed, cooled and cut into strips. The bowl where the ears were cooked must be washed, then the ears cut into strips, as well as all the prepared ingredients, are laid out there again. Turn on the “Baking” program. One hour is enough time.

The finished dish is sprinkled with chopped or pressed garlic.

What else can you cook from pig ears?

Pig ears can serve as more than just a snack. You can also make many delicious salads with this product.

For the pork ear salad you will need:

  • Ears – 2-3 pcs.;
  • Green beans – 200 g;
  • Onion – 2 pcs.;
  • Salt;
  • Vinegar - half a teaspoon;
  • Ground pepper;
  • Olive or sunflower oil.
  • The treated ears should be placed in a saucepan, filled with water and cooked for at least 3 hours over low heat. Half an hour before the end you need to add salt and spices. After this time, they are taken out of the water and cooled. After they have cooled, they are cut into strips or any other shape that you prefer.

    The onion needs to be washed and peeled. Cut into half rings and pour into the pan. Add oil and fry lightly. After a couple of minutes, add beans to it. It can be used both fresh and frozen. Close the lid. Vegetables should be fried for 7-10 minutes until each of them is cooked.

    In a convenient bowl, combine the chopped ears, fried onions and beans. Add spices, salt, vinegar. Add the liquid left over from frying the vegetables.

    This salad can be served either warm or chilled.

    Pig ears will decorate any table. Beer and gristle lovers will be especially pleased with them. There are also a few tips that will help when cooking:

    1. Today on the market you can buy not only fresh pig ears, but also already prepared ears, which will not take much time to process;
    2. It is very important to treat and prepare the ears before cooking. If stubble is found, it must be shaved;
    3. By and large, ears can be cut into strips before cooking. However, this is quite difficult, and you will also need a very sharp knife;
    4. After you boil the pig ears with onions and spices, what remains is the broth. It doesn't have to be poured out. It is better to use when preparing other dishes (for example, jellied meat);
    5. If the ears still have their characteristic reserve, onion, ginger and half a spoonful of wine will help remove it.

    Pig ears are a very tasty product and a big misconception for most housewives. Having prepared one of the dishes with abalone a couple of times, you will receive a lot of praise from your family.

    Boil pork ears for 3-4 hours

    Cook pig ears in a slow cooker for 3 hours

    Cook pork ears in a pressure cooker for 45 minutes

    How long does it take to cook pig ears?

    If you have frozen pig ears, start by thawing them first. Then wash the product well. Soak pork ears in cold water for 2 hours. Then rinse again. Fill with cold water so that the offal floats. Add salt, a pinch of sugar, bay leaf, black peppercorns. You can add any spices to your taste. Place on the stove. Bring to a boil. Cook the pork ears for 3-4 hours over medium heat, skimming off the foam periodically. An hour before the end of cooking, add the peeled onions and carrots. There is no need to chop vegetables.

    How long does it take to cook pig ears in a slow cooker?

    Defrost, wash and soak the offal. Place in the multicooker bowl. Fill with water. Then close the lid. Now select the “Baking” mode and set the timer for 2 hours. After the beep, add salt, a pinch of sugar, peeled carrots, onions and spices to taste. Close the lid again. Select the “Stew” mode and cook for another 1 hour. After this period of time, the product is ready. Cook the pig ears in the slow cooker for a total of 3 hours.

    How long does it take to cook pork ears in a pressure cooker?

    Thaw the pig ears, soak them, and wash them. Place the offal into the pressure cooker bowl. Then fill with cold water. Add salt, bay leaf, black peppercorns, a pinch of sugar and other spices to taste. Now close the lid. After this, cook the pig ears in a pressure cooker for 45 minutes.

    Pig ears are suitable for making jellied meat. They are cooked for soups. Can be used for salads and as a snack. In the latter case, cut the finished offal into thin strips, add a few drops of soy sauce and lemon juice, and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

    The offal is also smoked, fried, stewed and baked.

    Pig ears are a healthy and tasty offal

    Calorie content of boiled pig ears is 210.9 kcal. They contain: proteins - 21 grams, fats - 14.1 grams, carbohydrates - 0 grams.

    Pig ears contain a large amount of protein, which helps normalize metabolism. The offal also contains magnesium, zinc, calcium and collagen. Thanks to the use of this product, the condition of the skin, hair, nail plates improves, and there is a positive effect on the joints. It is not recommended to eat pork ears for people with cardiovascular problems.

    Pig ears don't sound very appetizing. But once you cook pig ears correctly, you won’t be able to turn your ears away from this dish. Jelly and so tender pig ears with small cartilages inside will definitely suit your taste. In addition, it is inexpensive, which will save your family budget.

    Total cooking time – 8 hours

    Active cooking time – 25 minutes

    Cost - very economical

    Calorie content per 100 g - 214 kcal

    Number of servings – 2 servings

    How to cook pig ears


    Pig ears – 700 g
    Onions – 2 PC. (or onion peel)
    Bay leaf – 5 pcs.
    Allspice – 3 peas
    Black pepper – 0.5 tsp.
    Vinegar 9% – 0.75 tbsp (or to taste)
    Sesame – 1 tbsp (or a little more)
    Red pepper - a pinch
    Turmeric – 1 tsp (or to taste)
    Salt - to taste
    Sugar – 0.5 tsp.
    Garlic – 3 cloves
    Coriander – 1 tsp (or to taste)
    Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp (or olive)


    1. Before preparing pork ears, they must be thoroughly rinsed, first in cool running water, and then in hot water. Scrape the skin with a small knife, clean well all the hidden places where it is too inaccessible - cut and clean.

    2. The most important thing is to boil the ears correctly and for a long enough time in the required amount of water with the addition of basic spices and seasonings.

    3. Place the pork ears in a saucepan and add cold water until they are covered with liquid by 4-5 cm.

    4. First, cook at maximum, or rather high, heat, removing the foam, then lower it to medium, and over time reduce it to minimum. The water will naturally boil away and should be added from time to time. Just add hot water, otherwise the broth will be cloudy.

    If you want the pork ears to crunch, cook them for 2 hours, and if you like them soft and tender, jelly-like after hardening, cook them for 3-4 hours. Cooking time also depends on the size and age of the animal. Ask the seller, maybe you will be able to find out such information and it will be easier to adjust the cooking time.

    One hour before the end of cooking, add salt, 2 small unpeeled onions, at the end - 1-2 small bay leaves and 3-4 peas of allspice or black pepper.

    5. Instead of unpeeled onions, you can use onion peels, which must be collected from 2-3 onions.

    6. It is the onion peel that will give the boiled ears a beautiful brown color and make them seem smoked. You can give your ears a brown color with strong black tea without flavoring, which should be brewed (for 200 ml of water - 2 tsp of tea) in a small amount of boiling water and poured into the broth. It’s up to you to decide which way you add color to your ears; I used onion skins.

    Cool the finished ears in the broth, then remove and let them drain.

    If you put whole onions in the broth, then do not rush to pour it out. Strain the broth through a very fine sieve or cheesecloth, and you will always have a flavorful broth nearby for making soups, borscht, or simply adding to stews or vegetables. Soups made with this broth will be very rich and aromatic. Just dilute the broth with water, because it is very concentrated and the soup may turn out too thick.

    8. Recipes for pig ears are amazing in their variety.
    Most often I cook Korean ears. Delicious, simple and fast.
    Cut the ears into thin slices. Where the auricle thickens, you can cut the strips in half again. Place in a bowl.

    9. In another bowl, mix a standard set of spices for Korean dishes, namely: ground coriander, turmeric, salt, red and black pepper, 2-3 bay leaves, garlic, a little sugar. Add vegetable oil (preferably odorless, olive oil if desired) and 9% vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice to your taste. I can’t say the exact proportions here, because some people love sour things, while others may find it too strong.

    10. Mix everything and fill the pork ear strips with dressing. Place in the refrigerator and let stand for about 3-4 hours or overnight. Before serving, generously sprinkle the ears with sesame seeds and enjoy the fragrant crispy strips.

    Pig ears are made of very soft cartilage covered with thick skin. This structure of the organs scares off many cooks, and they do not even try to somehow prepare the product. Those who decide to experiment literally fall in love with the unusual component and begin to cook it whenever possible. Of course, such a development of events is only possible if the correct approach to product processing is used. To do this, you need to know how to prepare a dense element and how long to heat treat it. As for the cooking time, on average it is 3-4 hours for the pan and 2-3 hours- for a multicooker.

    Rules for working with pig ears

    If you simply boil purchased and washed pig ears in boiling water, you should not expect to get the desired result. Everything is a little more complicated and is based on compliance with the following rules:

    • You need to carefully monitor how much salt is used when boiling products. The unique product actively absorbs the mineral component, which is why it is often over-salted.
    • Of course, it is better to buy peeled pig ears, they are less hassle. If such a product is not found, you can independently bring the workpiece to the desired state. To do this, the elements must be thoroughly scorched in an open flame, the resulting deposits must be scraped off, and then the treated surface must be cleaned and rinsed.

    Tip: Real gourmets who know a lot about cooking cartilage often use additional components when cooking. For example, by adding a few sour apples to the broth, you can achieve a pleasant sourness.

    • If you cook products with the addition of soy sauce, the dish will have a reddish tint and its taste will be more pronounced.
    • To make the pig ears as soft as possible, they do not need to be removed from the broth immediately after turning off the heat. It is better to keep them in it for another hour or even let them cool completely.
    • Before boiling, the component should be soaked for at least 2 hours. How long the product is kept in water has a significant impact on its final texture.

    The component has a rather impressive calorie content, so it cannot be considered dietary. It contains many substances that have a positive effect on the condition of human hair, bones, cartilage and tendons. But despite all the obvious benefits of the product, it is not recommended to use it too often. Lack of a sense of proportion can negatively affect the functioning of the liver and digestive organs.

    How to boil pig ears for salad?

    If pig ears are boiled for later addition to another dish, for example, a salad, the processing is carried out according to the following scheme:

    • For 5 ears we take an onion, 4 teaspoons of sugar, a few black peppercorns, a couple of bay leaves, spices for pork (you can mix it yourself), 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, a bunch of parsley and dill, salt. How much of which components are used can be adjusted depending on personal preference.
    • Fill the cleaned, washed and soaked pig ears with water, put on the fire and bring to a boil. Skim off the foam and reduce the heat to moderate. The component must be simmered for at least 2 hours, skimming off the foam regularly.
    • About half an hour before the end of cooking, add the peeled onion, sugar, a little salt, seasoning and chopped herbs into the broth.
    • Place the boiled products on a plate and pour over soy sauce, sprinkle with a little more spices. We wait 10 minutes, after which we put it in the microwave to bake for 5 minutes at medium power.
    • Cut the finished product into thin strips or cubes and add to the salad. This product can also be an excellent snack on its own.

    Pre-boiling the product can also be done in a slow cooker. This will even save you some time. Place the ingredients in the bowl of the device, accompanied by the selected additional ingredients, and set the “Stewing” mode. The processing time will be from 2 to 3 hours.

    Boiled pig ears with vegetables

    There is another wonderful option for preparing pig ears, which will allow you to get an independent dish. You need to cook them like this:

    • For 3 ears we take 3 cloves of garlic, an onion and a carrot, allspice and black peppercorns, a little red pepper and a few cloves, a couple of bay leaves, a bunch of dill and parsley stems, a couple of sour apples and a pinch of ground coriander.
    • Place the ears, processed according to all the rules, into a pan, which we put on high heat. We wait until the water boils, then we put the peeled but not chopped onions and garlic into the broth.

    • Remove the foam, if necessary, reduce the heat a little and add dill and parsley. The stems can even be tied into bundles to make them easier to pull out later.
    • Cut the apples into two parts, cut out the cores and lower them to the ears. We gradually add all the other components there. Lastly (about 20 minutes before turning off), add the peeled carrots.
    • In total, the mass needs to be cooked for 2-3 hours. After which it is infused for at least an hour under the lid, removed from the stove.

    Depending on how many vegetables are used in the approach (you can take more), the finished product will either be an excellent snack or an addition to a salad. Typically the seasonings, garlic and onions are removed from the entire mixture, leaving the ears, apples and carrots. All these components are cut into cubes, mixed and poured with a small amount of broth. For variety, fennel and even potatoes are often added.

    The pig is a unique domestic animal: almost all parts of its carcass are suitable for preparing some dishes. There are more popular pieces, some that are little used, and others that are not for everyone. The latter include pig ears. They have a unique taste, and not everyone likes the abundance of cartilage. However, we note that most nations where pork is not prohibited have invented their own recipe for how to cook pig ears. Moreover, often this is not a “poor man’s” dish, but quite an exquisite one, which is not neglected by both rich and noble people.

    Korean recipe

    In our country, the most popular method for preparing this part of the pork carcass is “developed” in Korea. Maybe because it is quite simple to make, or maybe because the result is soft (but not spreading!) and quite spicy. Probably all lovers of spicy foods know how to cook ears in Korean. And for those who are not yet in the know, we will now tell you everything. To be honest, even a completely inexperienced cook can handle this.

    Before that, they must be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. Still, these are not the cleanest organs. To make them edible, you first need to grease all the stubble, if it still remains on the ears. Then all the burning is cleaned off under a strong stream of water. Particular attention is paid to the ear canals.

    The next step will be boiling. The ears are placed in water, placed on the stove and cooked for about an hour. At the end of the allotted time, put an onion into the water (for 2 ears - one onion, whole, not chopped), a clove of garlic and spices: allspice, bay leaf, coriander, ground peppers (assorted) and salt - all according to your taste taste. With all the seasonings, the ears are cooked for another hour. During this time, you need to make a marinade from soy sauce, sunflower oil and vinegar (two tablespoons each), Korean seasoning for carrots (the whole package), a head of crushed garlic, a large spoon of coriander and a teaspoon each of salt and sugar. While the ears are cooked, the sugar and salt will have time to dissolve.

    Since cooking ears according to the Korean recipe means marinating them, the cooled ears are cut into strips and poured with marinade sauce. Before putting the pan in the refrigerator, its contents must be thoroughly mixed so that the straws do not stick together. After a day, the Korean dish is ready to eat.

    Chinese recipe

    It is in second place in popularity. Moreover, the ears here are not served as a snack, but as part of a salad. We have already told you how to prepare pig ears in advance so that they can be used in any dish, and we will not repeat ourselves; let’s turn to the recipe itself. To do this, you first need to marinate them raw in vinegar. It should be 6%; 3 tbsp is enough for two ears. spoons After an hour and a half, the vinegar is decanted, and the ears are boiled for 2 hours in lightly salted water. Then, when cooled, they are cut (again into strips), 1 cucumber and 1 carrot are grated, 3 cloves of garlic are finely chopped (it is better not to use a crush), everything is poured with olive oil heated to a boil and sprinkled with soy sauce. Take 4 tablespoons of both. Ready! Serve and feel like a Chinese.

    French recipe

    Recognized culinary favorites did not ignore this part of the pork carcass. They have their own idea of ​​how to prepare ears correctly. Products are calculated for 6 ears. For them, take 2 onions, 90 g of flour, half a glass of milk, 50 g of butter, 100 g of cheese (necessarily hard) and the favorite seasonings of the French - root parsley and celery.

    Cooking again begins with boiling. The ears are placed in cold water, and celery, parsley and onion immediately go there. After the water boils, the pan is kept on low heat for two hours. Then the ears are removed and, when cooled, cut into strips. The baking sheet is coated with oil, the resulting straws are laid out on it, and the remaining onion cut into rings is placed on top.

    Oil is heated in a separate vessel, flour is sifted into it and fried until golden brown. Milk is poured in - gradually and with constant whisking. Warm sauce is poured over the ears with onions, cheese is grated on top - and the dish is baked at 180 degrees for about twenty minutes. And then - if you want, make a side dish for them, if you want - eat it like that.

    Snack ears

    Fans of the foamy drink have found their own approach to the question. The recipe is extremely simple: for the same two ears, you will need the husks removed from four onions, a head of garlic, pepper and salt - as you like with beer. The main ingredient is boiled for forty minutes with the husks, again cooled and cut - in this case, not necessarily into strips, you can also use squares (but strips are prettier). Then the ears are salted and peppered, poured with the broth in which they were cooked, and mixed with crushed garlic. Let it sit overnight in the refrigerator and the beer snack can be consumed the next morning.

    Additional note: onion peels stain the enamel quite strongly, so cook the ears in a container that you don’t mind.

    A completely independent dish

    There is a way to deliciously cook pig ears so that you can eat them as a second course. Before cooking, they should be soaked overnight in cold water. They are then boiled for two hours; Before finishing, add a little bay leaf, salt, peppercorns and a head of garlic cut in half to the water. Cooked and cooled ears are cut into strips. A medium carrot is coarsely grated, the onion is cut into rings, which are then chopped into quarters. Vegetables are poached in vegetable oil; When the onion begins to translucent, add the ears and fry until soft. Squeeze the garlic into the pan, add pepper and salt.

    The sauce is made: 150 g of fat sour cream is whipped with a tablespoon of flour, half a glass of water is poured in and whipped again. The sauce is poured into a frying pan over very low heat while stirring in the thinnest stream. Do not remove the dishes from the heat until the mass thickens. This dish goes perfectly with potatoes.

    Smoked ears

    They can be made at home too. Take a kilogram of ears, an onion, a carrot, peppercorns, two tablespoons of salt and - the apotheosis of taste - juniper berries. To get smoked ears, you first need to cook them in 3 liters of water, boiled with spices. Before putting the ears in it, you need to boil the onions and carrots in water for 10 minutes. The ears themselves then remain on the stove for 2 hours - it depends on their size. They will smoke for about half an hour on the grill, and just put it on the grill; a smokehouse is not necessary. They are cut before serving.

    Happy experimenting!
