Dark rum with orange juice. Rum with orange juice. Rum with pineapple juice

Rum is a fairly strong drink that is difficult to drink in its pure form. That is why it is often mixed with different juices, making interesting and tasty cocktails. Some fresh juices go better with Bacardi, others less. Much depends on personal taste preferences. But checking out a few cocktail recipes never hurt anyone.


Traditionally, rum is divided into white, gold and dark. This is the simplest classification. Depending on the variety, the juice with which the alcohol will be mixed is determined.

Any citrus juice will work for light rum. You can take orange, lemon, grapefruit or any other option to your taste. Light rum is also combined with apple, cherry and pineapple juice. Some gourmets prefer to mix bacardi with coconut milk.

What fresh juice do you drink golden rum with?

  • Orange;
  • Citric;
  • Cherry;
  • Berry mousse.

The listed options have a sour taste. This is what gives the drink its rich taste. Pineapple and lime will help highlight the brightness of the drink. But these are experimental options.

Dark rum has the most pronounced flavor. The juice should highlight it perfectly. To do this, use pomegranate, currant, and cherry soft drinks. They can mix bacardi with plum juice or berry juice.

Important! It is better to mix rum and cherry drink in proportions of 1:4, respectively. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve an interesting mix with a soft aftertaste.

There are no rules for proportions. Each person determines the optimal amount of alcohol and juice. Usually they start from a 1:3 ratio of rum to soft drink, respectively. For a stronger taste, the non-alcoholic component is reduced and bacardi is added.

Cocktails: Rum with orange juice

Most often, strong alcohol is mixed with orange juice. Thanks to this, it is possible to create a pleasant, refreshing mix. The main thing is not to skimp on fresh juice when preparing a cocktail.

Required ingredients:

  • White rum – 50 ml;
  • Orange juice – 150 ml;
  • Orange slice;
  • Ice – 200 g.

First you need to load the highball glass with ice. Then alcohol and fresh juice are added. The cocktail is mixed well, poured into a glass and garnished with an orange slice.

The oldest cocktail is considered "Knickerbocker a la Monsieur". There are several variations of preparing the drink. For the classic recipe you will need:

  • 50 ml rum,
  • 15 ml orange juice,
  • 25 ml citrus liqueur,
  • several pineapple rings,
  • raspberries.

Separately, you need to mash the pineapple and raspberries. The first thing that goes into the highball is this mixture and ice. Then add rum, liqueur, juices. Everything is mixed well and filtered through a strainer. The cocktail is decorated with raspberries.

The cocktail based on golden rum is called "Desperate Tea". The drink is prepared in a large bowl for a group of people. To prepare you will need:

  • 500 ml Bacardi,
  • 500 ml orange juice,
  • 1.5 l black tea,
  • 100 ml lemon juice,
  • 100 ml sugar syrup.

You will first need to cool the tea and alcohol. Place ice in a large bowl. Then sugar syrup, rum, tea and juices are added. The cocktail is well mixed and garnished with orange slices.

Cocktails: Rum with apple juice

A cocktail with apple drink is light and fresh. This effect is achieved thanks to the peculiarities of fresh juice and a small amount of alcohol. The drink is called "Apple rum cooler". The cocktail will help cope with the heat in the sultry summer.

To prepare the drink you will need:

  • 50 ml white rum,
  • 100 ml juice,
  • 50 ml Sprite.
  • Be sure to use 200 g of ice.

For decoration, take a few apple slices.

The first thing to do is add ice to the highball glass. Then add juice, rum and sprite. The cocktail is well mixed and poured into a glass, garnished with apple slices.

Cocktails: Rum with pineapple juice

You can make a delicious exotic cocktail with pineapple juice. The highlight of the drink is cinnamon. For those who count calories, this drink will be ideal. Pineapple combined with cinnamon is considered a good antioxidant.

Required ingredients:

  • Rum – 50 ml;
  • Fresh pineapple – 150 ml;
  • Ground cinnamon – 1 g;
  • Ice – 200 g;
  • Lemon juice – 15 ml;
  • Sugar syrup – 10 ml;
  • A circle of fresh pineapple.

To make a cocktail, you need to place ice in a highball glass. Then add lemon juice and sugar syrup. Then Bacardi and pineapple juice are poured into the glass. The cocktail is thoroughly mixed. The drink is topped with cinnamon and garnished with fresh pineapple.

An interesting cocktail with a pineapple base is called "Blue Hawaii". To prepare it you will need to take:

  • 50 ml white rum,
  • 100 ml pineapple juice,
  • 25 ml coconut cream,
  • 25 ml Blue Curacao.

Ice, alcohol, juice and other ingredients are sent into the highball glass. Then everything is mixed and filtered through a strainer. You can garnish the drink with fresh or canned pineapple.

Cocktails: Rum with cherry juice

With cherry juice you will get a delicious sweet cocktail with a slight sourness. This effect is achieved due to the citrus in the drink. The rum is practically not felt. You can have dessert with this cocktail.

Important! The sweetest cocktail will be obtained if you mix rum with cherry juice. The fact is that the fresh juice itself contains a fairly large amount of sugar.

Required ingredients:

  • White rum – 50 ml;
  • Cherry juice – 150 ml;
  • Orange slice;
  • Ice – 200 g.

First, put ice cubes into a cocktail glass. Then rum and juice are added there. Everything is mixed well and decorated with a slice of orange.

A fairly strong cocktail can be made by mixing:

  • 20 ml rum,
  • 20 ml cherry juice,
  • 20 ml whiskey,
  • 20 ml Drambuie liqueur
  • 20 ml cherry liqueur.

Simply mix all the ingredients with ice. Men prefer this strong drink.

Cocktails: Rum with tomato juice

Rum and tomato juice are rarely mixed. This option is for gourmets. So there is a recipe for a drink called "Cubanita". This is the Cuban version of Bloody Mary.

Required ingredients:

  • Bacardi – 60 ml;
  • Tomato juice – 105 ml;
  • Fresh lemon – 30 ml;
  • Ice – 200 g;
  • Salt and pepper to taste;
  • Tabasco and Worcestershire sauce - 3 and 5 drops, respectively;
  • Celery stalk.

Preparation begins by pouring ice into a highball glass. Then alcohol, lemon and tomato juice are added. Then the cocktail is seasoned with sauces and spices. The drink is mixed and poured into a glass. The cocktail is decorated with celery. You can also add a slice of lemon or lime as a garnish.

Important! Celery can be cut in several places to release the juice. It goes perfectly with this cocktail.

It's time to put cola aside and forget about the pirate past of this drink, which now, unfortunately, only hinders the correct perception of the Caribbean distillate. From sipping neat to mixing cocktails and even pairing with snacks, here's everything you need to know about improving your relationship with rum and your rum drinking culture. In this material, we will finally figure out how to drink rum, with what and why.

Surely everyone who tries rum for the first time feels a little like a pirate. It's like Scotch whiskey, a sip of which makes many tasters feel more elegant and sophisticated, and a glass of cognac - more relaxed. It's amazing how something so simple can evoke such deep feelings and emotions. But pirates? Seriously? I don’t even want to imagine what the rum of the 17th century was like, it’s probably just swill. And when, with thoughts about the drink of those times, an uninformed person takes a sip of “Bacardi” or “Captain Morgan”, his hand involuntarily reaches for a bottle of cola and that’s it, we’ve arrived!

However, besides vodka, there is no alcoholic drink more versatile and popular around the world than rum. There are, of course, beer and wine, which are no less or even more popular, but they can hardly be called universal. The fact is that this distillate can be drunk in absolutely different ways, from leisurely sipping of aged versions in its pure form to mixing amazing cocktails, which can include up to 10 or more ingredients. Moreover, the rum in this chaotic mixture, if the right specimen is selected, will not only not fade, but will even retain the right to be considered the dominant component. So, first, let’s talk about this drink to understand what we’re talking about, and then read on. It's time to drink rum!

The first thing that comes to mind when you look at a bottle of light rum is to mix it into a cocktail. The combination of rum, lime juice and simple syrup mixed with ice is impeccable. is a theoretically simple cocktail, but in skillful hands it blooms with many bright flavors. Refreshing, feminine, naughty - these are all classics that need no introduction. And also a whole string of crazy, fruity, rich in ingredients, where next to the simple light, golden and spicy rum there is an aged, dense, rich rum.

Tiki cocktails are perhaps the only justification for using aged versions of rum in mixology. In other cases, you can get by with simpler and more budget-friendly names, but even for a good cocktail, “Bacardi” and “Captain Morgan” are not the best choice. They will perform well only at the next party with rum and cola, but they can even please a sophisticated cocktail fan if you take an expressive Jamaican (for example, Appleton Signature Blend) or a Barbadian (the same Mount Gay Eclipse) as the main component. The main thing is to do everything right! This is where the “unlucky” rums will definitely show themselves, especially their spicy and dark versions, is in.

What other cocktails with rum should you try? Take any bourbon cocktail and replace it with aged Jamaican or rhum agricole from Martinique, you won't regret it. Well, for those who are especially inquisitive, we suggest preparing several exclusive mixed ones:

Light rum makes an excellent aperitif, while dark rum makes an excellent digestif. But often rum, even aged rum, is consumed at dinner. The sugarcane-based drink pairs well with many dishes, from smoky and creamy to sour and bitter. What do you drink light, gold and dark rum with? This, in fact, depends on the Roma’s belonging to one class or another. Here are some excellent rum and food pairings:

  • Light rum: Sweet, lightly grilled coconut oatmeal cookies and an umami bowl of tamari almonds.
  • Dark rum: Cold smoked salmon or gravlax in rye whiskey (a delicious Swedish salmon dish).
  • Aged Rum: Spicy nduja paste (‘nduja, a type of salami) on toast or fried chicken wings.
  • For dessert: soft goat cheese (Crottin de Chavignol) or high-quality dark chocolate.

Excellent, it is excellent, but it sounds somehow incomprehensible and expensive, right? There is something simpler, for example, caramelized chicken breast, pre-marinated in dark rum, tortilla with beans, fried bananas, shrimp and other seafood. It’s definitely worth trying to pair a glass of your favorite rum with aged cheese.

Time to be an adult - drink rum neat

True connoisseurs of this drink buy aged rum and drink it neat. To do this correctly, it is enough to know and follow them - good aged rum is akin to good scotch tape aged several decades. If you are too lazy to read another extensive material, then just follow these recommendations:

  1. Choose the right glass. Any glass with a narrow neck will do, thanks to which the aroma will be concentrated and can be appreciated. The most affordable, but not the best (too high concentration of alcohol vapor) option is a snifter (cognac). It is better to pay attention to a grappa glass, glencairn (whisky glass), sherry copita, tumbler or a special glass for rum (for example, this is available in the Riedel line). The glass must be perfectly clean and free of foreign odors.
  2. Evaluate color and transparency. Pour 30-50 ml of rum into a glass and hold it up to a bright light to evaluate the color and clarity of the drink. In fact, color plays a secondary role, but the absence of any suspension is a very important parameter. No sediment is allowed in aged rum!
  3. Evaluate the aroma carefully. To do this, you need to swirl the liquid in a glass to release the aroma and fill the glass with it, and then let it drain, observing the viscousness of the “legs” (especially inquisitive ones should also read the article). After this, tilt the glass about 45 degrees and very carefully bring its upper part to your nose, assessing the initial impression of the smell of the drink. Then you can lower your nose to the bottom of the glass, while opening your mouth and inhaling - this way the alcohol fumes will not burn the receptors of your nose, and you will be able to feel even more nuances. The procedure should be repeated a couple more times, drinking a little warm water in between.
  4. Try it. First, drink some water to clear your taste buds. Rum that is too strong or too rich can be diluted with a small amount of clean water. After this, take a tiny sip so that the drink first hits the tip of your tongue and continues its way to its base. Evaluate your first impression. As a rule, after the first sip it is difficult to judge the drink, since the receptors and throat first experience alcohol shock - they need to get used to the new irritant. Therefore, do not rush to draw conclusions - all subsequent sips will bring much more pleasure.
  5. Assess finish and aftertaste. After each slow sip, listen to how you feel. What finish is long, medium or short? Warm or scalding? Spicy or peppery? Have new flavors appeared or not? Does your chest become warm? But the “finish” ends sooner or later and then only the aftertaste remains. Most aged rums leave behind a lingering sensation, almost a second wave of flavor, and a secondary aroma (this can be enhanced by slowly sniffing the air through your nose). They say that the aftertaste reveals the real aroma of rum, but not every aged specimen has it.
  6. Be reserved in judgment. We all have different receptors in our mouth and nose. All the wonderful flavor and aromatic shades that the drink received from the barrel will, to varying degrees of saturation, influence the overall impression of a particular taster. During the first tasting, try to assess the general flavor direction (for example, “fruity taste”), and next time be more specific (yup, there is, for example, “apricot”, and later - “I smell dried apricot here”). All comes with experience…

If you're a newbie but already know a thing or two about the culture of aged rum drinking, you'll probably want to read reviews about a particular aged rum. Such reviews usually contain a huge number of juicy epithets and comparisons, such as: “This rum has a deep copper color with hints of orange peel. The aroma is exceptionally intense caramel corn, nuts, chocolate truffle, dried cherry and marzipan aromas. The first sip is velvety, sweet and ethereal, with deep aromas of chocolate-covered cherry and fig, brown spice, cola, almond, rind and toffee. The finish is long and sweet, with rich colors of caramel, vanilla, spice, cigar box and dried fruit...” You take a sip of this very ambrosia and... no marzipan, no chocolate-covered cherry, no cigar box.

What's wrong? Where did I go wrong? Maybe a fake?

Now answer the question honestly: do you know what marzipan is and what it smells like? What aroma does a box of Cuban cigars contain? Have you tried chocolate covered cherries or figs? To look for such nuances in any alcoholic drink, you must first feel them personally, understand their essence, remember them, and only then compare them with aromas and taste sensations during tasting. Your tastes must evolve, and for this it is not enough just to drink good drinks. All our sensations are the result of experience!

Of course, recommending any drink to a beginner or an experienced reader is a risky undertaking (again, let’s remember the experience and uniqueness of each set of receptors). But we'll take the risk. Before you buy a bottle for 20-40 bucks (a wonderful feature of this drink: the price of a bottle of good 20-year-old rum starts at $40, while scotch of the same grade will cost from $100 and above), it would be a good idea to try it content. You can do this in a good themed bar. Start with this. If this is not possible, but you want to try good aged rum, try starting with the following copies (inexpensive for every day):

  • Cruzan 9SpicedRum from St. Croix ($13) is a great introduction to true aged spiced rum; Look for complex layers of vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, pepper and toasted wood on the palate.
  • PamperoRonAnejoEspecial from Venezuela ($17) – quite harsh, but very typical of Latin American rums; Look for lime, various spices, chocolate, tobacco, caramel in the taste.
  • Flor de CañaGold 4year from Nicaragua ($16) - an exceptional rum with a very low price tag; Look for various spices, caramel, toasted coconut and pepper in the taste; later, be sure to try the 12-year-old and 18-year-old versions of Flor de Caña.
  • SaintJamesRoyalAmbreRhumAgricole from Martinique ($22) – a typical “agricultural rum” with a pleasant price tag; Look for vanilla, woody notes, and nuts in the taste.
  • ElDorado 12YearOld from Guyana($24) – expressive notes of anise, coconut, pepper and a smooth, long finish; later, the 15 year old and 21 year old versions of the Guyanese rum are a must try.

TOP 5 aged rums for a closer acquaintance with the drink:

  • Edwin Charley The Virtue($140) is a rare rum that is very hard to come by and has an underwhelming price tag, but it is worth every dollar spent on it.
  • HavanaClubBarrelProof from Cuba (from $50) - strong rum, which is bottled directly from the barrel.
  • EnglishHarborAged 10YearsReserve from Antigua ($90) – a little overpriced and quite difficult to find, but worth a try.
  • SaintJamesHorsD'AgeRhumAgricole from Martinique ($35) – the best example of “agricultural rum”.
  • Plantation 20thAnniversaryExtraOld from Barbados ($40) – exceptional rum from cognac producer Claude Ferrand.

Let's say goodbye for now. Drink good drinks and do it right!

Making a fairly popular and tasty cocktail of rum and orange juice with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears! If you are planning a house party or friendly get-together, stock up on alcohol, juice and freeze ice. Don't forget to chill the liquor and juice in advance so that the ice in the glasses doesn't melt so quickly. Be sure to try the cocktail before drinking: some may find it a little sour, and then you can add a little sugar syrup or liquid honey to the glass.


You will need for 1 serving:

  • 4-5 ice cubes
  • 50 ml rum
  • 150–200 ml orange juice
  • spices and syrup - optional


1. Freeze the water in special molds in advance, placing them in the freezer for at least an hour. You can pour orange juice into the molds instead of water, and then your cocktail will not be diluted with melting water. By the way, the drink is much tastier with blood orange juice - it has a more pronounced taste. Place ice cubes in a glass or glass - the more ice there is in the glass, the less alcoholic the cocktail will be.

2. Pour in rum, a little more or a little less, to taste.

3. Add chilled orange juice almost to the edge of the glass. At the same stage, if desired, a sweetener is added: syrup or honey.

4. Cut the orange in half, one half into slices along with the peel and carefully place a slice on the edge of each glass as a decoration. If you wish, before starting to prepare the cocktail, you can dip the edges of the glass in water, shake lightly and then dip in granulated sugar, creating a light sweet rim on the container.

Serve the finished cocktail immediately before the ice melts.

Rum is an alcoholic drink made by fermenting sugar cane. In Russia it is not sold in every store, but every alcohol lover is obliged to drink rum.

The drink was first created by the inhabitants of Barbados. The ancient ancestor was called "cachaça". It is still popular in Brazil. According to ancient documents, cachaça was first prepared in the sixteenth century.

In the past, people used rum as currency. They paid merchants for goods. Rum was greatly loved by sailors and pirates. And it’s not surprising, because it is stored for a long time and retains its properties. At the same time, storing wine on a ship is problematic.

Rum produced on cane plantations was of poor quality until French missionaries improved production technology.

According to history, they were the first to use distillation pipes made of copper, which were then widely used in France. Due to this, a low-quality and cheap drink became an exquisite rum.

The beginning of the nineteenth century was marked by the emergence of several famous brands, including Bacardi and HavanaClub. The company's products occupy leading positions in the market.

Video tips

Today, rum has a large following, just like cognac or whiskey. Their number is growing every day. There are also compatriots among them.

How and with what to drink rum correctly

I note that drinking correctly depends on the “color” of the drink. White rum is characterized by the absence of many years of aging and a weakly expressed taste. Therefore, it is used to make cocktails.

Amber has a bright taste and rich color, as it is aged longer in wooden barrels. It is recommended to refrigerate before using at home. Drink neat.

As for the dark, due to the long exposure it has a pronounced color. Suitable for preparing dishes and cocktails, and for drinking neat.

There are four popular ways to drink this alcohol. In this case, the brand does not matter.

  • Undiluted . Men choose the method. They claim that this is the only way to enjoy the taste. It is recommended to consume it in its pure form before a meal from vodka glasses. If alcohol is served at the end of a meal, drink it like cognac.
  • Rum with ice . Ladies like it. Ice cools and softens the bitter taste. Although, according to men, ice has a bad effect on individuality, which is represented by taste and aromatic bouquet.
  • In the form of cocktails . Youth choice. It's no wonder that rum is present in every nightlife establishment. The real flavor is lost in the cocktail, but the resulting mixtures are worth it.
  • Diluted . It is used in diluted form by people who do not like strong alcohol. For these purposes they use water or juice. Experts recommend diluting with lemon juice or fresh water from a well.

You will find out which option to prefer through trials and experiments. I see no point in giving recommendations, since your tastes are unknown to me.

If you order rum in any establishment, it will be served with a slice of lemon and ice cubes. During the holidays, glasses are decorated with sparklers. If you are lucky enough to be at one of the Caribbean resorts, the local bartender will treat you to a drink in a split coconut.

There are three varieties of rum, each of which requires special attention. For this reason, drinking rules are different.

  1. White goes well with Cola and lemon juice. Cocktails are created based on this.
  2. Dark rum is served with fruits and berries sprinkled with cinnamon. Cherry, pineapple, melon and avocado are suitable. They can also be consumed with coffee.
  3. Without gold it is impossible to make a Daiquiri cocktail. Golden rum is an alternative to wine.

If you are going to treat your friends, serve it as impressively as possible. Brutal glasses with thick walls are suitable.

When it comes to snacks, use creativity to solve the problem. Just don’t forget that connoisseurs drink rum neat without any accompaniment. If you don’t want to find yourself in an unpleasant situation, prepare for a feast.

  • Wash down the rum with freshly squeezed juices, Cola and soda water. If you don't drink alcohol, put some ice in the glass.
  • Bread is considered the ideal snack at home. After each serving, eat a piece of bread. The aftertaste will not be affected.
  • Fruits and berries sprinkled with cinnamon are combined with rum. Serve pineapple, melon, cherries, papaya or orange.
  • Seafood is also appropriate on the table: mussels, fish, caviar, oysters or lobster. I recommend serving as salads or canapés.
  • They often snack on meat, sausages, herbs, cheese or chocolate.

Rum goes well with many foods. It is not necessary to put all the products on the table. Limit yourself to a few dishes and juice.

Rum Bacardi

Rum is the most popular drink in the West. There are many types of this alcohol, but Bacardi is considered the best, which is drunk neat or in cocktails.

Believe me, drinking Bacardi is not much different from drinking whiskey or cognac.

  1. Pour the rum into special 50 ml glasses or wide glasses. The main thing is that the dishes are thin-walled. It is recommended to fill it to a third.
  2. Warm up Bacardi before tasting. This is why thin-walled glasses are used. Usually a few minutes are enough to heat up, after which the temperature will reach the optimal level.
  3. I don’t recommend drinking Bacardi in one gulp. Inhale the aroma and take a sip. This will allow you to enjoy the exquisite taste.
  4. After satisfying your sense of smell, swallow the drink. At the same time, alternate sips with enjoying the aroma.
  5. Bacardi is allowed to be consumed with snacks. Goes great with cold cuts.
  6. If necessary, drink alcohol with water or natural juice. In general, rum is combined with pineapple, orange and hot chocolate.

How to make cocktails with Bacardi

Bacardi to the moon

  • Put some ice in a shaker, pour in fifteen milliliters each of Amaretto liqueur, Coffee liqueur, Bacardi rum and Irish cream. Mix everything.
  • Strain the finished liquid into a pre-cooled glass.
  • I recommend drinking the prepared cocktail through a straw. Just remember to set it on fire first. Do not prolong the pleasure, otherwise you will get burned by the overheated drink.

Bacardi apple

  • Pour 20 ml of Green Apple syrup into a small shot glass. Then pour the same amount of lemon juice on top through a knife.
  • Using a knife, pour 30 milliliters of rum on top. The result is a three-layer cocktail.
  • As in the first case, set the drink on fire and drink using a straw.

You know the intricacies of using Bacardi and how to prepare cocktails that will warm you up on a winter evening or relax you after a working day, just as well as mulled wine.

Rum Captain Morgan

When pirates were robbing the vast oceans of the world, they drank rum from bottles. In those days there was no talk about auxiliary utensils. Over time, everything changed. Let's look at the technique of drinking Captain Morgan rum.

Usually people drink rum in its pure form, because this is the only way to feel the exquisite and unique taste of the liquid treat. Drink in small portions, snacking on meat or lemon slices.

If you decide to order a glass of Captain Morgan at the bar, be prepared that instead of a straight drink they will serve a cocktail. The presence of other ingredients will not allow you to enjoy the taste. People who don't like the tart taste drink it with ice. If you want to become a connoisseur of the product, this method will not work.

Combines Captain Morgan with juices and water. According to experts, it is better to use lemon or coconut juice for these purposes. Each product allows you to balance taste and strength.

Now let's talk about the substance. Captain Morgan Rum is a pirate drink that is incredibly popular.

I note that several varieties of Captain Morgan are produced. I'll tell you how to drink each of them. Ready? Let's begin.

  1. Silver Spiced. White rum is characterized by a mild taste and pleasant aroma. The strength is 35 degrees. It is not drunk in its pure form, but there is no better base for a cocktail.
  2. 100 ProfSpiced. The variety is the youngest and strongest. The multifaceted taste brings true pleasure. Before drinking, dilute with Cola or water.
  3. Original SpicedGold. It has a delicate aroma and vanilla taste. Drink neat and use to make cocktails. If desired, dilute with water.

Video instructions

I will add that rum is included in the category of noble strong alcohol. It is popular with both gourmets and bartenders who use Captain Morgan to prepare “mixes.” Now you can enjoy the taste of a pure or diluted drink. Just don’t get carried away, because health is more important.

How to drink rum and cola

If you are a true connoisseur of alcohol, this part of the article will be useful, because you will learn the intricacies of drinking rum and Coke. Don't think that there is nothing special or complicated in making a cocktail. In reality this is not the case. It is enough not to maintain the proportions, and the taste will disappoint.

Rum and Coke is a drink without which it is difficult to imagine a party. Although, you can enjoy the taste at home. You will need white rum, cola, lemon, ice, glass and straw.

The listed ingredients are enough to prepare a unique and amazing cocktail. In addition, they are available, with the exception of rum, if we are talking about a quality product.

  • Mix the ingredients. Pour ice into a tall glass, squeeze out the juice of a quarter of a lemon and add 60 ml of rum. I recommend using high-quality alcohol, otherwise undesirable consequences will appear.
  • Add 150 ml of cola to a glass. To prepare, use cola, the bottle of which has just been opened.
  • Garnish with lemon slices, carefully placing on the glass. Be sure to follow the sequence of actions. Otherwise the taste will be distorted.
  • If you do everything right, you will be able to enjoy a cocktail whose recipe has been passed down through the decades thanks to its delicious taste.
  • All you have to do is insert a straw into the glass, and your homemade rum-cola is ready. Only a straw will allow you to appreciate the true aroma and taste of this wonderful drink.

Cuban rum “Havana Club” - 50 ml, pomegranate syrup - 1 teaspoon, grapefruit juice - to taste, ice - 1-2 pieces.

Pour syrup, rum into glasses, put ice cubes (garnish No. 1), add grapefruit juice.

Rum - 20 ml, orange liqueur - 20 ml, orange juice - 20 ml, sugar syrup - 10 ml, drunken cherries (garnish No. 26), lemon zest, ice - 2-2 pieces.

Stir rum, liqueur, juice, syrup in a glass with ice;

pour into a glass. Add 4-5 cherries, squeeze a little oil from the lemon zest onto the surface of the drink.

Rum - 20 ml, cherry liqueur - 20 ml, orange juice - 1 teaspoon, lemon juice - 1 teaspoon, ice.

In a tall wine glass, half filled with small pieces of ice (garnish No. 2), add cherry liqueur, rum, orange and lemon juices without stirring.

Rum - 30 ml, lemon juice - 10 ml, orange juice - 10 ml, sugar syrup - 1 teaspoon, red wine - to taste, ice - 10 g.

Mix rum, lemon and orange juice and sugar syrup. Fill a tall glass halfway with pieces of ice (garnish No. 2) and pour the prepared mixture into it. Then, without stirring, add red wine.

Rum - 40 ml, orange juice - 40 ml, cognac - 40 ml, vermouth - 20 ml.

Mix rum, orange juice, and cognac in equal proportions. Add vermouth. Serve chilled.

Rum - 40 ml, cherry liqueur - 20 ml, lemon juice - 20 ml, cherry syrup - 20 ml, drunken cherries - 6-8 pcs., red wine - 100 ml.

Mix rum, cherry liqueur, lemon juice and cherry syrup with ice. Add “drunk” cherries infused with cognac (garnish No. 26). Before serving, add red table wine to the glass.

Arabic rum - 20 ml, cherry plum liqueur - 20 ml, orange juice - 20 ml, lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.

Mix cherry plum liqueur, orange juice, Arabic rum in equal quantities, add lemon juice before serving. Garnish No. 19.

Cuban rum “Havana Club” - 50 ml, strawberry syrup - 1 teaspoon, grapefruit juice - to taste, ice - 1-2 pieces.

Pour syrup, rum into glasses, put ice cubes (garnish No. 1), add grapefruit juice.

Rum - 40 ml, sugar syrup - 10 ml, lemon juice - 20 ml, ground cinnamon - to taste, ice - 1-2 pieces.

Mix rum, sugar syrup, lemon juice, and ice in a glass with ice (garnish No. 1). Then pour into a glass and sprinkle with ground cinnamon. Garnish No. 4 "a".

Rum - 50 ml, lemon juice - 50 ml, Coca-Cola - 100 ml, lemon peel spiral, ice - 40 g.

Place a few pieces of ice (garnish No. 1) in a low glass, pour in Cuban rum, lemon juice, then add Coca-Cola and stir the mixture. Place a lemon peel spiral into the finished drink. Serve with stirrer and straw.

Rum - 20 ml, “Southern liqueur” - 20 ml, orange juice - 20 ml.

Mix rum, “Southern” or “Spicy” liqueur, orange juice. Garnish No. 13.

Cuban rum - 80 ml, lemon juice - 20 ml, sugar syrup - 15-20 ml.

Mix Egyptian or Cuban rum, lemon juice and sugar syrup. Side dishes No. 1, 24.

Rum - 70 ml, dry vermouth - 20 ml, cherry syrup - 10 ml.

Mix rum, dry vermouth, cherry syrup. Submit without registration.

Rum - 40 ml, gin - 20 ml, juice from 1/2 lemon.

Mix rum, gin and lemon juice. Garnish No. 13.

Rum - 2 glasses, juice from 1/2 lemon, ice - 2-3 pieces, lemon zest.

Place rum, lemon juice and ice (garnish No. 1) in a vessel and mix with a disk whisk for a minute at low speed. Before serving, sprinkle with grated lemon zest.

Rum - 60 ml, mint liqueur - 10 ml, orange liqueur - 10 ml, raspberry syrup - 20 ml.

Mix rum, orange and mint liqueurs, raspberry syrup. Serve chilled.

Rum - 40 ml, Martini vermouth - 20 ml.

Mix rum and dry Martini vermouth. Serve chilled, without decoration.

Rum - 40 ml, Mocha liqueur - 20 ml, ice - 1 piece.

Prepare as a layered cocktail. First, put 2 ice cubes in the glass (garnish No. 1).

Vodka - 75 ml, meat broth -150 ml, salt and pepper - to taste, a slice of lemon.

Prepare concentrated meat broth from beef, cool it, remove fat from the surface, strain well, mix with white rum or vodka, salt and pepper. Then squeeze and add a slice of lemon into the finished drink.

Rum - 40 ml, “Southern liqueur” - 20 ml, “Rowanberry on cognac” - 10 ml.

Mix rum, “Southern liqueur”, “Rowanberry on cognac”. Side dish No. 4.

White rum -60 ml, Calvados -15 ml, dessert red vermouth -15 ml, lemon zest.

Prepare in a mixer and serve without ice. Place a piece of squeezed lemon zest on top of the cocktail.

Rum - 20 ml, orange juice - 20 ml, raspberry liqueur - 20 ml, whipped cream - 5 ml, ice - 1 piece.

Mix rum, juice and liqueur in a glass with ice, pour into a cremant glass, and top with whipped cream. Garnish No. 24.

Rum - 0.5 glasses, red table wine "Cabernet" - 2 glasses, sugar syrup - 1-3 teaspoons, juice from 1/2 lemon, mineral water, ice - 1-2 cubes.

Mix red table wine Cabernet, Cuban rum, lemon juice, sugar syrup in a glass. Before serving, add cold mineral water to the glass. Side dishes No. 1, 24.

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