Barefoot Contessa mocha cream cake. Mocha coffee cake. Cream ingredients

I prepared a small portion in a 20 cm mold to please my family and myself at Sunday breakfast. If you are planning guests or want to bake for the New Year, then double the portion (for a 26-28 cm mold).

Composition (shape 20 cm):

Flour - 1 tbsp.
eggs - 4 pcs.
instant coffee - 2-3 tbsp.
hot water - 1/3 tbsp.
sugar - 1 tbsp.
vegetable oil - 1/4 tbsp.
baking powder - 1/2 tbsp.
vanilla essence - 1/2 tbsp.
lemon juice - 1/4 tsp.
salt - a pinch.
Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Add sugar, vegetable oil, 3 yolks, vanilla and coffee dissolved in water and cooled! You can brew good espresso (if you don't mind)
Mix with a mixer and get this fragrant dough.
In another clean and dry bowl, beat 4 egg whites with lemon juice until stiff. Peaks are the protein sticking out on the beaters of the mixer. While beating the egg whites, increase the speed gradually: 1 minute - 1 speed, 2nd minute - 2 speed, etc. By 5 minutes I already have a well-beaten egg white.
Gently fold the egg whites into the coffee batter with a spatula. Pour into a lined pan (I just cover the bottom).
Bake at 180 degrees for about 60 minutes. We check readiness with a toothpick; it should be dry and not sticky! Cool the cake in the mold.
boiled condensed milk - 200 gr. (1/2 can) Cook for 2 hours
chilled sour cream 30-35% - 100 gr.
cream 30-35% - 100 ml.
cream fixer - 1 sachet

In separate containers, whip cream with 1/2 packet of fixative, well-chilled sour cream with 1/2 packet of fixative. Add boiled condensed milk to the sour cream and beat for 3-4 minutes. Then mix with cream and the cream is ready.
Cut the cake into 3 parts. If you like soaked cakes, you can mix 1 tsp as syrup. instant coffee, 3 tbsp. hot water and 2 tbsp. liqueur. We soak the cakes with this before greasing them with cream.
Assembling the cake: bottom layer, filling, cream, middle layer, etc. Then use a cutting board to turn the cake upside down. This is necessary to ensure that the cake is even. You don't have to do that. Spread the remaining cream over the entire surface of the cake and put it in the refrigerator overnight. The cream is very tasty and delicate, but they won’t be able to decorate the cake with roses.
The next day, sprinkle with grated chocolate and serve.
Enjoy your tea!

Step 1: Prepare the base of the cake.

Break the eggs into a bowl, stir a little with a whisk and set to heat in a water bath. Most recipes write that eggs with sugar need to be heated to 40-45 degrees, as if every home has a special thermometer. Can you determine the temperature by eye? Me not. It is enough for the egg-sugar mixture to become warm; it does not matter what temperature it will be. Eggs and sugar will heat up very quickly, so be careful, to check, drop a little on the back of your hand - you feel the heat, remove the bowl from the water bath. If you overheat the mixture, the eggs will curdle and you will have to start all over again.
Beat eggs with sugar until thick, light and fluffy. If the mixer broke down the day before, it is better not to associate it with this process. To beat the mixture by hand until it reaches this state, you will have to work with a whisk for at least 40 minutes without a break. If you are ready for such a feat - good luck!

Melt the butter until it becomes thick sour cream. Mix it very carefully into the mixture of eggs and sugar. Next, stir in the flour.

Then salt, cocoa, coffee, baking powder. To prevent the dough from settling, do not pour dry ingredients into it, but sift through a sieve.

Gently stir the dough with a spatula until smooth.

Transfer the dough into the mold, level it and bake in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. Cover the bottom of the pan with parchment to make it easier to remove the finished base later. While the dough is baking, do not look into the oven often and do not slam the door - the dough will not rise well. The base of the cake will bake in 20-30 minutes, depending on the diameter of the mold and the thickness of the dough. Check the doneness with a toothpick: pierce the cake in the center; if it comes out dry, it’s ready, you can remove it from the oven.

Leave the base to cool in the mold until it has cooled completely; it is better not to touch it.
When the baked base has cooled completely, remove it from the pan and cut crosswise into two or three layers.

Step 2: Make syrup for impregnation.

Place a saucepan of water over low heat, add sugar and heat until it is completely dissolved and then to a boil. Boil the syrup for about 5 minutes, then add coffee (which needs to be pre-brewed or made from instant), stir, boil for a couple of minutes and turn off the heat. Add liqueur, stir and leave to cool. What liquor? Amaretto, Baileys or Old Tallinn are best suited. To soak the cake, the syrup must be completely cooled.

Step 3: Make the cream for the cake.

Whip the chilled cream (fresh from the refrigerator), adding powdered sugar a little at a time, then coffee and cocoa. Continue whisking until you have a thick, fluffy mass. At the very end, add the liqueur and stir.

Step 4: Assembling the cake.

Place the bottom cake, pour the syrup over it and let it soak for a couple of minutes. Then brush the cake with cream and add the next cake. Just like the bottom cake, soak it in syrup. If you have three layers, repeat the whole process with the third cake, if only two, then put half of the remaining cream on the top, the rest will go on the sides, and smooth it out. Coat the sides of the cake with cream. Further optional: the cake does not need to be decorated with anything; you can sprinkle it with grated chocolate or crushed nuts.
Place the cake in the refrigerator to soak for at least 2 hours.

Step 5: Serve the cake.

What can you serve with a cake with a pronounced coffee and chocolate flavor? Of course, with black coffee or with cream. It doesn't go well with tea, but whatever you like, it's best.
Bon appetit!

The amount of coffee and cocoa in the recipe can be slightly increased or decreased as desired, for example, if you do not like heavily chocolate cakes. Some people don’t like the taste of alcohol - you can easily do without liqueur, although this will lose a lot of the taste of the cake.

It is better not to prepare this cake for children, given the amount of coffee and chocolate, as well as the presence of alcohol.

A cake for you, faithful readers, cooks and cooksby age 5yu existence. I can’t even believe that 5 years have already passed! How can you live without a birthday cake?!

This Mocha Coffee Cake is my take on the classic French cake of the same name. I wanted to bake it for a long time, but somehow I couldn’treasons and opportunities. And here it isthe reason comesol! It's ideal for cool, cloudy days. This is one of those rich, dense cakes to go with coffee or tea.Yu. It has a very coffee taste,which will probably please coffee lovers.

According to the classic version, Mocha coffee cake is baked on a butter sponge cake; it is heavier and denser than. But sincethe cakes are generously leaked with coffee and liqueur, it is very logical that the sponge cake should be dense in order to absorb more liquid and notget confused. Oil cream is used. Typically French, on yolks. I used my favorite, which is also called Swissy. Hemore airy and lighter in tastethan French. If you want to make it even lighter, after preparing the cream, add 300 ml of whipped 30% cream. But they are so densemFor cakes, thick cream is suitable.

All in all, everything is very simple in making Mocha cake. Ingredientsfor biscuitov are calculated based on the fact that the cakes are not high. After allfrom eachth viewbut you only need two layers. To bake a full-fledged tall sponge cake of the same diameter, you should increase the amount of ingredients by another 1/2, for example for another cake. Feature of oilcakesis that they hardly grow, but they don’t fall off either, and they are less whimsical in growingKaniya. How loose you can make the dough using proteins before bakingkanija, determines how tall and loose the sponge cake will be after bakingKaniya.

As for soaking the cakes, I soakedfreshly cooked cakesAmericano coffee with the addition of Kahlua coffee liqueur, which can be replaced with another coffee or even cream liqueur, for example , even cognac or rum. If you replace with strong alcoholic drinks, in the cake, of course, drinking will be more noticeablea soothing note. But this is rather not a disadvantage. After all, the cake, basically, very mature. If alcohol bothers you even in small quantities,don't use it, just increase the amount of coffee in the recipe, that's all.

Some decorating tips:

1) If you're making chocolate chips like I did, do them over the plate first before transferring them to the cake. This way it will be distributed more evenly. Such shavings can be obtained using a vegetable peeler, which cuts off the top layer of a chocolate bar.

2) The same applies to cream jewelry. Squeeze them outpastry syringe first onto a plate, and then transfer to the cake with a knife. If one of them doesn’t work out, you don’t have to post it and there will be no need to damage the top coating of the cake.

3) To make the cream smootherleveled on the surface, after completion of lubricationbaking a cake withall sides, you should run a wide hot knife over the surface of the cream. Use an iron to smooth the surface of the cream.

That's probably all I wanted to write about this coffee cake.

Good luck with your culinary experiments!

1 cake 24 cm in diameter

For the cakes:

  • 360 grams flour
  • 400 grams of sugar
  • 8 eggs
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 260 ml melted butter
  • 240 ml water at room temperature
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 40 grams cocoa

For soaking and transferring cakes:

  • 200 ml not strong coffee
  • 100 ml coffee liqueur (can be replaced with cream liqueur or cognac)

For cream and decoration:

  • 2 servings
  • 4 tsp instant coffee
  • 40 ml boiling water
  • 100g almond flakes
  • Dark chocolate for grating

I. For the cakes:

For light crust:

1) Preheat the oven to 160°C. Grease the walls of a springform pan with a diameter of 24 cm with butter, and cover the bottom of the pan with parchment. Separate the whites of 4 eggs from the yolks.

2) mix 200 grams of flour with 100 grams of sugar and 1 tsp. baking powder.

3) Beat the yolks with 100 grams of sugar. Continuing to beat, add melted butter and water. Next, add the mixed flour and sugar in batches, stirring the dough with a spatula.

5) Carefully fold the whites into the dough.

6) Transfer the dough into the prepared pan and place in the preheated oven. Bake until a toothpick inserted deep into the center of the cake comes out clean.

7) Remove the crust from the oven and leave to cool for 10 minutes. Next, transfer to a cooling rack or clean plate. Leave until completely cool.

8) In the same way, from the remaining ingredients, with the addition of cocoa to the flour, bake a chocolate cake. Bake at the same temperature and also place on a cooling rack.

II. Making coffee buttercream:

1) Prepare twice as much as indicated in the recipe.

2) Pour boiling water over instant coffee and stir until completely dissolved.

3) Continuing to whip the cream, add instant coffee, adding 1 tsp.

III. Prepare the impregnation:

1) Brew coffee and add liqueur. Mix.

Mind-blowing coffee cake? Easily!

With a special set of ingredients, even an amateur can prepare a confectionery masterpiece at home!

A delicious homemade cake with aromatic Mocha cream and decor in the form of coffee beans - for passionate coffee lovers.

  • Flour mixture " Homemade cake» S. Pudov
  • Custard " Mocha» S. Pudov
  • Chocolate decor " Coffee beans» S. Pudov

Mocha cake preparation:

The basis:

  1. To the finished flour mixture “Homemade Cake” by S. Pudov, add 2 eggs, 100 grams of softened butter (or margarine), 110 ml of water at room temperature. Knead the dough. Let it sit for 5 minutes.
  2. Divide the dough into 3 parts, roll out 3-5 mm thick.
  3. Place the dough in a greased mold with a diameter of 22-23 cm. Bake in a preheated oven at 170-180 C for 35-40 minutes until ready.


  1. To the finished mixture Custard " Mocha» S. Pudov add 350 ml of milk at room temperature, 1 egg yolk and mix.
  2. Stirring continuously, heat over medium heat until boiling. Cook for 2-4 minutes until thickened.

Cake assembly:

  1. Apply the cream onto the cooled cakes with a spoon and decorate with decor, chocolate " Coffee beans» S. Pudov.

Flour mixture " Homemade cake» S. Pudov. The basis for a homemade cake is your opportunity to quickly and without hassle prepare a delicious pie or a magnificent cake, original cookies or sweet baskets for dessert. The balanced composition of the mixture will allow you to obtain aromatic baked goods in the shortest possible time.

Custard " Mocha» S. Pudov. Mocha custard is prepared according to the classic recipe of the famous French dessert. This delicate custard is distinguished by an exquisite combination of aromas of a real Parisian cafe: coffee, cocoa and vanilla.

I was saving the recipe for this amazing chocolate Mocha cake for you for the holidays! My sister baked this delicious super chocolate cake; I have featured her work on my website more than once using Natalia Trikhina’s recipe. Mocha cake has become one of our favorite cakes. Tender, delicious, chocolatey! You can adjust the impregnation to suit you, whether you like a slightly dry or moist cake. The subtleties of preparation are that after baking the cake needs to stand for 10-12 hours (overnight), it must retain its shape so that it can be cut and be convenient to work with. And before the holidays, this is so convenient... The day before the main courses, your cake is almost ready, all that remains is to soak it and coat it with cream! And your delicious homemade chocolate mocha cake is ready!

Cake size 24 cm.


For the test:

  • Cocoa 1/2 tbsp
  • Water (boiling water) 9 tbsp.
  • Eggs 3 pcs
  • Flour (about) 1.5 tbsp
  • Starch 3 tbsp.
  • Baking powder 10 g
  • Butter 120 gr
  • Sugar 1 tbsp
  • Dark chocolate 100 gr
  • Salt (on the tip of a knife)
  • Vanilla
  • Butter 200 gr
  • Condensed milk (boiled) 1 can
  • Cocoa 3 tbsp.


  • Ground coffee 1 tbsp. with a slide
  • Boiling water is not a full glass
  • Sugar 2 tbsp.
  • Cognac, brandy or coffee liqueur 2 tbsp.


  • Dark chocolate 100 gr
  • Chocolate cookies.

How to cook

Turn on the oven at 180 degrees.
Combine cocoa with some sugar and salt, add boiling water and stir thoroughly.
Place the butter and chocolate pieces in a saucepan and put on the fire, stirring constantly to dissolve.
Mix the chocolate mixture and boiling water with cocoa.
Beat the eggs with the rest of the sugar and vanilla.
Sift flour, starch and baking powder. Add them to the eggs.
Now all the ingredients for the cake need to be mixed and beat very well with a mixer. The dough should be as thick as pancakes.
Line the bottom of the pan with parchment paper, grease with butter and sprinkle with flour. Place the dough in the pan and bake the biscuit for about 40 minutes. Willingness to check with a stick. I have my own way of determining the readiness of a biscuit. Only if the sides of the mold have been sprinkled with flour will the edges of the finished sponge cake move away from the mold. Remove the cake from the oven, leave in the pan for 15-20 minutes, then remove from the pan and cool on a wire rack. Leave the cake for 10-12 hours or overnight.
Then divide it carefully into 3 even horizontal parts. (for 3 laps) and soak.
To your taste, take from 1/2 tbsp to 1 cup of boiling water, add 1 or 1.5 tbsp to it. l. coffee, add sugar, mix well and cool completely. Add liqueur, brandy, etc. to cold coffee. (optional)
For the cream, beat the butter with boiled condensed milk and cocoa powder.
Coat the soaked cakes with cream. Coat the edges of the cake up and down with cream and decorate as desired. Place the cake in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours before serving.
Chocolate Mocha cake is ready to delight you with its truly unforgettable taste!
