Ttk tiramisu ready. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products. For the dish: “Biscuit cake”

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Search for recipes

To open the recipe search form, click the button Find the recipe located on the top panel of the site.

In the window that opens, you must specify the recipe parameters that it must comply with.

  1. Name of the dish- a word or phrase included in the name of the dish
  2. Menu group- select from the list the menu group that includes the dish.
  3. By the way...

    When selecting this option, selection will be made only from the specified section group Portioned dishes our Collection of Recipes.

    If you need to include all sections of the Collection of Recipes in the search, set the flag Search in blanks and semi-finished products. In this case, there is no need to specify a menu group!

  4. Highlight additional properties of recipes:
  5. Free TTK Recipes and ready-made TTK (technical and technological maps), access to which is provided free of charge (without a subscription). Only for authorized users!!! School meals Recipes and ready-made technical instructions (technological maps) for kindergartens (preschool educational institutions) and schools. Medical nutrition Recipes and ready-made technical instructions (technological maps) for medical nutrition. Lenten dishes Recipes and ready-made TTK (technical and technological maps) and TC (technological maps) of dishes and culinary products, in the preparation of which no products of animal origin are used.
  6. Composition of the dish- if necessary, select from the list the main products from which the dish is prepared.
  7. National cuisine- from the list you can select the cuisine to which the dish belongs.

After specifying all the necessary parameters, click the button Find the recipe.

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If, when creating a request, you specified Menu section, the group you selected from the section will open Portioned dishes and a list of dishes that meet the previously specified properties.

If you used the search in all sections (checked the Search in blanks and semi-finished products property), you will see common list recipes for dishes and culinary products that meet the previously stated properties.

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Rationale for use

The collection of recipes was compiled on the basis of control studies and compares favorably with other analogues in that it contains the most frequently used recipes in modern practice.

The recipes published in the Collection can be successfully and absolutely legally used in public catering establishments, because they comply with all currently valid laws and regulations.

Regulatory documents on certification and standardization in force on the territory of the Russian Federation include industry standards (a set of business entities, regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership, developing or producing certain types of products that have a homogeneous consumer purpose); enterprise standards; scientific and technical and a number of other standards.

Standards are developed and approved by enterprises independently, based on the need for their application in order to ensure the safety of life, human health and the environment. When producing the products described in the Collection, the manufacturer has the right to make some changes to the recipes of dishes, expand the lists of components, while avoiding violations of sanitary rules, the technological regime of product production, or deterioration of its consumer properties and qualities.

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Learning to work with FOODCOST services is not difficult, but it will require attention and a certain amount of perseverance. Various types of reference information will help with this, links to which are located in the User Support Center.

Reference information includes.

For the dish: “Biscuit cake”

1 area of ​​use

1.1. This technical and technological map applies to “Biscuit” cake.

2. Raw materials used

2.1. For the preparation of cakes, raw materials are used that meet the requirements of regulatory documentation and have certificates of conformity or a declaration of conformity, veterinary certificates for livestock products, and quality certificates.

3. Recipe

3.1. Recipe for “Biscuit” cakes

Name of raw materials

Mass fraction of dry substances, %

Raw material consumption per 10 kg of semi-finished product, g

Consumption of raw materials per 10 kg of finished products, g

In dry matter

In dry matter

Egg yolks

Egg whites


Citric acid

Test output:

Whole condensed milk with sugar


Powdered sugar

Cream yield:

4. Technological process

Melange with granulated sugar without heating or (to speed up whipping) with preheating to 40 0 ​​C is beaten in a beater, first at low, then at high speed for 30-40 minutes until the volume increases by 2.5-3 times. Before the end of beating, add flour and essence and mix for no more than 15 seconds. Flour should be introduced in 2-3 doses.

The dough is poured onto prepared pastry sheets and spread with a layer of 2-3 mm.

Baking duration is 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 0 C. The baked biscuit is kept at a temperature of 15-20 0 C until use. After this, the paper is removed and the biscuit is cleaned.

5. Registration, submission, sale, storage

5.1 Served on a dessert plate.

6. Quality and safety

Appearance: sponge cake in the form of a thin layer 6-9 mm thick; the top crust is smooth.

Consistency: porous, elastic.

Color: crust – light brown; crumb - yellow.

Taste: characteristic of the products used.

Odor: characteristic of the products used.

7. Indicators of nutritional composition and energy value

3.3 “Basket” cake

Technology system

Processing the recipe of a new or signature dish and cooking technology

Name of products and indicators

Net weight according to recipe, g

Processing data per portion, g

Average data, g

Accepted recipe, g

1st grade wheat flour

Granulated sugar


Sodium bicarbonate

Ammonium carbonate

Weight of product set

Product weight

Production losses, %

Weight of the finished dish



Heat loss



"__" ___________20__


  • 1.1 This technical and technological map applies to the produced dish “Strudel”, produced in the restaurant “”
  • 2.1 To prepare the Strudel dish, the following raw materials are used:

Apples…………………………………………….. GOST R 54697-201

Cinnamon……………………………………………………………GOST 29049-91

Sugar……………………………………………………….. GOST R 53396-2009

Vegetable oil…………………………………..GOST R 52465-2005

Walnut……………………………………… …….GOST 16833-71

Raisins……………………………………………………GOST 6882-88

Flour…………………………….GOST R 52189-2003

Filo dough…………………………………………………… TU 9110-001-92475805-12

2.2 Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare this dish comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and have certificates of conformity and quality certificates.



  • 4.2 The dough is rolled out into a large square, then the apples are peeled, cut into cubes, combined with raisins and poured with boiling water for 10-15 minutes. The water is drained. Sour cream and cinnamon are added to the resulting mixture. Spread on the dough. Bake at 200 C for 10 minutes.
  • 5.1 The “Strudel” dish is served with ice cream, topped with topping and sprinkled with powdered sugar.
  • 5.2 Supply temperature 60-65o C

Appearance - Served on a round platter with a scoop of ice cream topped and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

The taste and smell are apple.

The consistency is soft.


DIRECTOR _______________

"__" ___________20__


  • 1.1 This technical and technological map applies to the produced dish "Panacotta" produced in the restaurant ""
  • 2.1 To prepare the Panacotta dish, the following raw materials are used:

Milk cream………………………………….. GOST R 54697-2011

Gelatin……………………………………………………… ….GOST 31452-2012

Milk……………………………………………………GOST 29049-91

Vanillin………………………….. GOST R 53396-2009

Sugar……………………………..GOST R 52465-2005

Powdered sugar………………………………….GOST 16833-71

Physalis……………………………………………………GOST 6882-88

Topping…………………………….GOST R 52189-2003

Or products from foreign companies that have certificates and quality certificates of the Russian Federation.



  • 4.1 Preparation of raw materials for the production of dishes is carried out in compliance with sanitary standards and rules for a public catering establishment “SP 2.3.6. 1079-01".
  • 4.2 Take 350 milliliters of cream, add vanillin and sugar to it, put on fire and heat, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil, but do not boil. At the same time, mix the rest of the cream (50 milliliters) with milk and prepared gelatin. Add this mixture to the heated cream, stir and continue heating on the stove, stirring constantly, bring the liquid to a boil, but do not boil. Then leave the liquid to cool for 15 minutes at room temperature. Then beat with a mixer at high power.
  • 5.1 The “Panacotta” dish is served with physalis, topped with topping and sprinkled with powdered sugar.
  • 5.3 Shelf life during storage - 2 hours.
  • 6.1 Organoleptic characteristics.

Appearance - appropriate shape, decorated with physalis, topping and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Color - corresponding to these products.

The consistency is jelly.



DIRECTOR ________________

"__" ___________20__


  • 1.1 This technical and technological map applies to the produced dish “Cheesecake with cherries” produced in the restaurant “”
  • 2.1 To prepare the “Cherry Cheesecake” dish, use the following raw materials:

Sour cream…………………………………………………………… ….GOST 31452-2012

Starch…………………………………………………………… ….GOST R 53876-2010

Cottage cheese…………………………………………………………… GOST 31453-2013

Vanillin……………………………………………..GOST R 53396-2009

Sugar………………………………………… ………..GOST R 52465-2005

Dairy cream……………………… ………….. GOST R 54697-2011

Processed cheese……………………………………………………… GOST 31690-2013

Cherry cm…………………………… ….GOST R 53956-2010

Cookies………………………………………………………….. ..GOST 24901-89

Butter……………………… ... GOST R 52969-2008

Or products from foreign companies that have certificates and quality certificates of the Russian Federation.

2.2 Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare this dish comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and have certificates of conformity and quality certificates.



  • 4.1 Preparation of raw materials for the production of dishes is carried out in compliance with sanitary standards and rules for a public catering establishment “SP 2.3.6. 1079-01".
  • 4.2 Grind the cookies to crumbs, mix with butter, sugar, mix thoroughly. Place the resulting mixture in the mold, compact it over the entire mold (and edges). Cool for 20-30 minutes. Beat processed cheese, sugar, flour, add vanillin, sour cream, continue beating for 5-7 minutes. The resulting cream is placed in a prepared cookie pan. Bake at 290-300 °C for 10 minutes, reduce to 100 °C and bake for 50 minutes. Cool. When serving, spread the cherry filling on the cheesecake (bring water to a boil, add cherries, sugar, starch, bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes until thick, cool.).
  • 5.1 The “Cherry Cheesecake” dish is decorated with cherries and sprinkled with powdered sugar.
  • 5.2 Supply temperature 12-15o C
  • 5.3 Shelf life during storage - 2 hours.
  • 6.1 Organoleptic characteristics.

Appearance - appropriate shape, decorated with cherries, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Color - corresponding to these products.

The taste and smell are creamy and milky.

Consistency - soft, dense.


Topic: Drawing up technological maps for hot complex desserts.

Lesson objectives:
Educational: learn to draw up technical and technological maps, guided by data from Collections of recipes and regulatory documents, taking into account compatibility and interchangeability;



Acquired skills:

Competently compile documentation;

OK 1 .

Standard time - 2 hours

Form of work organization:


Review questions:

1.What is a technical and technological map?

4. Who draws up the technical and technological map?

Tools used:

"I affirm"

Restaurant director

Full name

« « __________20__
Name of the dish: “Vanilla soufflé”

Recipe No. 915 “Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products,” 2012.



Product norm for 1 serving, g

Calculation of the number of servings












Wheat flour



Refined powder


Yield: 300 g

Head production
"I affirm"

Restaurant director

Full name

« « __________20__
Name of the dish: “Crusk pudding”

Recipe No. 917 “Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products,” 2012.



Product norm for 1 serving, g

Calculation of the number of servings









Number of products, kg net

Vanilla crackers






Candied fruit

Dried apricots


Yield: 180 g

Head production
Control questions

  1. What regulatory documents are used when drawing up a technological map?

  2. How to calculate the amount of food for a certain number of servings?


Create a report.
Practical work No. 12.

Topic: Calculation of the amount of ingredients for preparing hot complex desserts.

Lesson objectives:
Educational: learn to calculate the number of products required for a given number of servings, guided by data from Collections of recipes and regulatory documents, taking into account compatibility and interchangeability;

learn to calculate the number of servings of sweet dishes from available products.

Developmental: developing the ability to analyze information, highlight the main thing, developing the ability to find competent solutions to situational problems using professional knowledge and skills;

developing the ability to work in groups and microgroups

Educational: formation of awareness of the practical significance of the acquired skills for further professional activity,

Acquired skills:

Carry out calculations using formulas;

Competently solve situational problems

Formed professional and general competencies:

PC 2. Organize and prepare complex hot desserts.

OK 1 . Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

OK 2. Organize your own activities, determine methods and means of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3. Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations.

OK 4. Search, analyze and evaluate information necessary for setting and solving professional problems, professional and personal development.

OK 6. Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers.

OK8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development
Standard time - 2 hours

Form of work organization: individual, micro groups of 2-3 people.


1.Golunov L.E., Labazina M.T. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments. - M.: Profi, 2012.

2. Mogilny M.P. Collection of recipes for public catering products. - M.: DeLi plus, 2012.

Review questions:

1.What is the main/additional raw material for making desserts?

2. What refers to conditionally substandard raw materials? .

3.How is the gross weight of raw materials determined?

4. How is the number of servings determined?

Tools used:

Collection of recipes, calculator.
Sequence of work:
When calculating the amount of products required for preparing sweet dishes, you should pay attention to the yield of the finished product indicated in the recipe. This is necessary due to the fact that some of the recipes are based on 1 kg of the finished product, and some are based on the yield of 1 serving.
Task 1. Calculation of the amount of products for preparing hot sweetsdishes
Sample solution to a problem

Determine how much milk is needed to prepare 50 servings of vanilla soufflé. Replace natural milk with condensed milk.
1. Find the amount of milk for 1 serving of soufflé according to recipe No. 915: 40 ml; convert to liters: 0.04 l.

2. We calculate the required amount of milk for 50 servings: 0.04⋅50 = 2 l.

3. Find the equivalent of replacing 1 liter of natural milk with condensed milk according to the table “Norms for the interchangeability of products when preparing dishes”: 0.38 (with a decrease in sugar in the recipe by 0.17 kg).

4. Determine the required amount of condensed milk for 50 servings of soufflé, kg: 2⋅0.38 = 0.76 kg.

5. Find the amount of sugar for 1 serving of soufflé: 40g = 0.04 kg.

6. Determine the amount of sugar for 50 servings: 0.04 50 == 2 kg.

7. We determine the amount of reduction in the sugar intake rate due to the replacement of whole milk with condensed milk with sugar: 0.760.17 = 0.13 kg.

We calculate the required amount of sugar: 2-0.13 = 1.87 kg.

Answer: to prepare 50 servings of soufflé you will need 2 l whole milk or 0.76 kg of sweetened condensed milk with 1.87 kg of sugar.
Task 2. Calculation of the number of servings of hot sweet dishesfrom available products

Sample solution to a problem
Determine how many servings of charlotte with apples with a yield of 170 g can be prepared if you have 5 liters of milk.
Find the amount of milk required to prepare 1000 g of ready-made charlotte, according to recipe No. 926: 150 ml; convert to kg: 0.15 l.

We determine the amount of finished charlotte from the available 5 liters of milk: 5: 0.15 = 33.3 kg.

We determine the number of servings with a yield of 170 g (i.e. 0.17 kg) from the available amount of gelatin: 33.3:0.17 = 195 (servings).

Answer: from 5 liters of milk you can prepare 195 servings of charlotte weighing 170 g.

Note. If you further need to list out the remaining products necessary for preparing the dish, calculations are made using the general method for determining gross weight; in this case we put it in the table (see table 1):
Table 1 - Calculation of raw materials


Product Name

Weight per 1000 g, g

Weight at 33.3 kg, kg





Form and content of the report:

The report is drawn up on an A4 sheet (or in a notebook) and is the basis for completing the calculation part of the creative project.

  1. Completing a practical lesson involves competently solving situational problems using professional knowledge and skills at a level accessible to each student. (OK1,OK3,OK4)

  2. Everyone has the opportunity to use the help of other group members and consult with the teacher. (OK6)

  3. Completing a practical lesson also involves evaluating the results of your activities, their effectiveness and quality, by performing self-analysis and correcting your own activities based on the results achieved (GC 3)


Complete the work, draw up a flow chart for one of the hot desserts, fill out the following table:

Table 2-Assessment-self-assessment of activities

Problems for practical lesson No. 1
Option 1

1. Determine the rate of consumption of products to make 300 servings of rusk pudding. Replace natural milk with condensed milk.

2. Determine how many servings of charlotte with apples with a yield of 170 g can be prepared if you have 2 kg of apples
Option 2

1. Determine the rate of consumption of products for the production of 400 servings of category II chocolate soufflé. Replace natural milk with skim milk.

2. Determine how many servings of charlotte with apples with a yield of 170 g can be prepared if you have 6 kg of apples.
Option 3

1. Determine the rate of consumption of products to make 150 servings of nut soufflé in a cafe. Replace natural milk with sterilized condensed milk in cans.

2. Determine how many servings of charlotte can be prepared with 2 liters of milk.

Option 4

1. Determine the rate of consumption of products for the production of 80 servings of rusk pudding in a category III canteen. Replace whole milk with condensed milk, sterilized in cans.

2. Determine how many servings of apples with rice can be prepared if you have 700g of rice.

Option 5

1. Determine the rate of consumption of products for making 57 servings of charlotte, if the serving weight is 170 g. Replace fresh apples with whole, frozen apples in halves.

2Determine how many servings of apples in the dough can be prepared if you have 0.8 cd of apples.

Option 6

1Calculate the amount of food required to prepare 150 servings of 200 each of the “Charlotte with Apples” dish in a category II dining room. Replace granulated sugar with natural honey.

2. Determine how many servings of apples in a puff paste can be prepared with 2 kg of flour.

Option 1

1. Calculate the amount of ingredients needed to prepare 18 servings of the “Fruit or berry soufflé” dish in a cafe. Replace sugar with powdered sugar.

2. Determine how many servings of apples in the dough can be prepared with 0.7 kg of milk. Draw up a technological scheme for preparing the dish.

Option 2

1. Calculate the amount of ingredients needed to prepare 23 servings of the “Vanilla Soufflé” dish in a cafe. Replace whole milk with powdered milk.

2. Determine how many servings of fried apples in dough can be prepared if you have 40 kg of apples. Draw up a technological scheme for preparing the dish.

.Option 3

1. Determine how many and what products will be needed to prepare 70 servings of rusk pudding. Replace sugar with honey.

2. Determine how many servings of baskets of apples can be prepared if you have 0.15 kg of apples. Draw up a technological scheme for preparing a dish

Option 4

1. Determine how many products will be needed to prepare 120 servings of apples fried in dough.

2. How much natural honey (in the absence of sugar) will be required to prepare 5 kg of baked apples? Draw up a technological scheme for preparing the dish

Option 5

1. Determine how many servings of apple pudding can be prepared if you have 0.05 kg of nuts.

2. Determine how many products will be needed to prepare 70 servings of the “Vanilla Soufflé” dish in a cafe. Draw up a technological diagram.
Option 6

2. Determine how many servings of apples with rice can be prepared given 0.25 kg of rice

Option 7

1. Calculate the number of products required to prepare 75 servings of the “Chocolate Soufflé” dish in a category II dining room. Replace whole cow's milk with skim milk powder.

2. Determine how many servings of apples with rice can be prepared if you have 0.78 kg of raisins. Draw up a technological scheme for preparing a dish

Option 8

1. Calculate the amount of ingredients needed to prepare 18 servings of croutons with fruits and berries in a cafe. Replace margarine with butter.

2. Determine how many servings of chocolate soufflé can be prepared with 5 liters of milk. Draw up a technological scheme for preparing a dish

Option 9

1. Calculate the amount of food required to prepare 60 servings weighing 100 g of the “Charlotte” dish in a category II dining room. Replace whole cow's milk with whole condensed milk with sugar.

2. Determine how many servings of croutons with apples can be prepared if you have 8 kg of bread. Draw up a technological scheme for preparing a dish

Option 10

1. Calculate the amount of food required to prepare 75 servings weighing 200 g of the “charlotte with apples” dish in a category II dining room. Replace granulated sugar with refined powder. Make a technological diagram.

2. Determine how many servings of vanilla soufflé can be prepared if you have 6 liters of milk.

Option 11

1. Calculate the amount of ingredients needed to prepare 76 servings of the “chocolate soufflé” dish. Replace egg whites with powder.

2. Determine how many servings of apples in a puff paste can be prepared with 2 kg of flour. Draw up a technological scheme for preparing the dish.
Option 12

1.Calculate the amount of ingredients needed to prepare 30 servings of apples in a puff paste. Replace granulated sugar with refined powder. Make a technological diagram

2. Determine how many servings of fruit pudding can be prepared if you have 0.7 kg of eggs.

Practical work No. 13.

Technical and technological maps (TTK) are developed for new and branded dishes and culinary products - those that are produced and sold only at a given enterprise. The validity period of the TTK is determined by the enterprise itself.

TTK includes sections:

  • 1. Product name and scope of application of TTK. Indicate the exact name of the dish, which cannot be changed without approval; provide a specific list of enterprises (branches) that are given the right to produce and sell this dish.
  • 2. List of raw materials for making a dish (product).
  • 3. Requirements for the quality of raw materials. Be sure to make a record that raw materials, food products, semi-finished products for a given dish (product) comply with regulatory documents (GOST, OST, TU) and have certificates and quality certificates.

Norms for laying raw materials by gross and net weight, norms for the yield of semi-finished products and finished products.

  • 4. Description of the technological process. They give a detailed description of this process, the cold and heat treatment modes that ensure the safety of the dish (product), give the food additives used, dyes, etc.
  • 5. Requirements for registration, submission, sale and storage. The design features, rules for serving the dish, the order of sale, and storage should be reflected (in accordance with GOST R 503105-08.
  • 6. Quality and safety indicators. Indicate the organoleptic characteristics of the dish (taste, smell, color, consistency), physicochemical and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish.
  • 7. Indicators of nutritional composition and energy value. Provide data on the nutritional and energy value of the dish (according to the “Chemical Composition of Food Products” tables, approved by the Ministry of Health), which are important for organizing nutrition for certain consumer groups (dietary, therapeutic and preventive, baby food, etc.).

Each technical and technological map receives a serial number and is stored in the enterprise file cabinet. The responsible developer signs the TTK.


Director __________





This technical and technological regulation applies to children's ice cream made from cottage cheese with bananas.


Food raw materials, food products used for the preparation of children's ice cream from cottage cheese with bananas must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary-epidemiological report, safety and quality certificate, etc. ).



  • 1. Place ingredients in a blender: cottage cheese, chopped bananas, 1/2 cream, vanilla sugar, powdered sugar. Mix everything well in a blender until smooth. If the consistency of the mass turns out to be very thick, then add more cream and mix well again. The consistency should be similar to very thick sour cream.
  • 2. Place the ice cream in a container and put it in the freezer.

After about 3 hours we get soft ice cream, and after 5 hours it’s possible to serve full-fledged ice cream.


Children's ice cream made from cottage cheese with bananas is sold immediately after preparation. The permissible shelf life of ice cream before sale is no more than 10 minutes at a serving temperature of 14°C. According to the company's corporate standard. The shelf life of ice cream according to SanPiN is 12 hours at a temperature of (-4;- 2) °C.


Appearance - ice cream is placed in ice cream bowls and can be sprinkled with chocolate chips.

Color - cream.

Taste and smell - a pleasant smell of banana and vanilla, the taste is sweet, without any foreign tastes or odors.

  • 6.2. Microbiological indicators of ice cream must comply with the requirements of SanPiN

Cottage cheese ice cream with bananas for going out - 150 g

Production manager ________ ______ Full name

Responsible for registration of the TTC ______ _______Full name.


Director __________





This technical and technological level applies to the dish of curd donuts.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for the preparation of curd donuts must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological report, safety and quality certificate, etc.).



Preparation of raw materials for the production of dishes is carried out in accordance with the collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments.

Flour, egg yolks ground with sugar, beaten egg whites, salt are added to the pureed cottage cheese, dissolve citric acid in water, mix everything, the resulting mass is divided into pieces weighing 79 g, shaped into balls and fried in fat at t = 160, at within 10-15 minutes. When ready, donuts are sprinkled with powder.


Ready-made donuts are used as dessert and served with hot non-alcoholic drinks. The shelf life of the Curd Donuts dish according to SanPiN is 8 hours at a storage temperature of +2°C to +6°C.

  • 6.1. Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance - product of correct shape, without kinks, dents or torn parts

Color: golden, uniform

Consistency - porous, not sticky, without traces of unmixing or foreign inclusions

The taste and smell are pleasant, without foreign impurities, when adding yeast to the recipe - with a light, pleasant aroma of fermentation.

  • 6.2. Microbiological indicators of “Curd donuts” must meet the requirements. SanPiN, index

Curd donuts -150g.

Responsible for registration of TTC in the diner ______________

Head snack bar production _________________
