Apple charlotte with walnuts and cinnamon. Sour cream charlotte with apples and walnuts Charlotte with grated apples and walnuts

Honey charlotte with apples and nuts

Tomorrow I want to give myself a day off, not work and not even go near the computer. If it works, although it’s quite difficult to do. Therefore, I baked my Sunday pie today, Saturday, for the honey holiday, my new baked goods - honey charlotte with apples and nuts. I really liked the pie, I hope you will like it too. Charlotte turned out to be lush, tall, and beautiful. I baked it in a slow cooker, but you can bake it in a regular oven, if you like. The honey aroma mixes with the smell of apples and floats around the apartment, forcing you not to think about work and affairs, but to completely disconnect from all your worries. Baking is simple and does not require any special hassle or labor.

Ingredients for honey charlotte with apples and nuts:

honey 1 glass

apples 6 pieces

walnuts 0.5 cups

flour 3 cups

3 eggs (large)

soda 1 teaspoon

vinegar 1 tablespoon

vegetable oil 3 tablespoons

sugar 1 cup

1 teaspoon butter for greasing the pan

1 glass = 250 grams


Before starting cooking, chop the nuts and apples. Of course, you can grind the nuts with a blender, but there is a chance of getting nut crumbs; it will be better if the nuts retain the appearance of pieces. I chopped it up, greased the multicooker pan, put apples on the bottom, sprinkled some nuts so that the finished pie would look nice.

I started preparing the dough. It cooks quickly, you don’t need to beat anything too hard, so if you don’t have a mixer, you can get by with a whisk. I worked with a mixer, I always have it ready on the table, just insert the attachments...

Beat eggs with sugar until sugar dissolves.

Add honey, vegetable oil, quench soda with vinegar. My honey immediately drowned.” You can melt it first, but I didn’t do that.

Gradually add flour. You don’t need to pour out all 3 glasses at once, but it will take exactly 3, no less and no more.

The dough will be thick if you don’t melt the honey first, and the consistency of pancake dough if you melt the honey.

I didn’t add salt, I just forgot about it, but it turned out delicious. Add apples and remaining nuts.

Stir with a spoon until the apple pieces are evenly distributed.

Having finished preparing the dough, carefully transfer the dough into the mold so as not to destroy the beauty created at the bottom. Level it out and set it to bake in a multi-cooker - BAKING mode for 65 minutes.

When the multicooker beeps that the pie is ready, do not rush to take it out immediately, let it sit in the HEAT mode for 15 minutes, then safely turn it off and remove the pan. When you open the lid of the multi-cooker, you will gasp: how much the pie has grown! He became twice as tall!

We turn the pie over onto a plate, it is 10 cm out!!! Handsome!

The cake looks great, but I still sprinkled it with powdered sugar, it deserves it!

You can cut and eat, although it’s such a pity to cut such a beauty!

Enjoy your tea! Be sure to try this pie!

Help yourself! Happy Honey!

Charlotte with apples and nuts is a great occasion to treat yourself and your loved ones to a delicious dessert. It will take a lot of time to prepare, but the recipe for this sweet pie is so easy that you can cook it every day. There are a huge variety of different types of charlotte; in addition to apples, dried apricots and bananas are also added to the dessert. For those who watch their figure and often go on a diet, there is charlotte with sour cream. It has few calories, the pie itself is airy and tender, which is what attracts you. Let's tell you in more detail about how to prepare different variations of charlotte with nuts, and what is needed for this.

Classic recipe for apple charlotte with nuts

It is considered the favorite pie of many people. It’s easy to prepare, and if you experiment, you can get very interesting and tasty results. Charlotte with apples and walnuts has a very unusual taste due to the addition of a new component to it.

You will need:

  • two apples;
  • 250 grams of sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 250 grams of flour;
  • 30 grams of baking powder;
  • 100 grams of walnuts;
  • butter;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • powdered sugar.

Let's move on to step-by-step instructions, thanks to which you can make charlotte with nuts and apples.

Step one. Let's start preparing the dough. Sift the flour through a sieve, this is necessary to saturate it with oxygen. In a separate container, mix the eggs and sugar until the consistency increases, and all particles of granulated sugar should dissolve. Mix baking powder with flour and also add to the mixture of eggs and sugar. Mix everything with a mixer.

Step two. Preparing fruits and nuts. Wash the apples, then remove the peel and seeds. Of course, you don’t have to get rid of the peel, however, without it the charlotte turns out lighter. Slice the fruit thinly. The nuts must be crushed to coarse crumbs; a mixer will help you with this. After these steps, add nuts and apples to the dough and mix.

Step three. Let's start baking. Before pouring the dough into the baking dish, it should be processed. Namely, coat the bottom and walls with butter and cover with crackers, flour or semolina. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Pour the dough into a baking dish and leave for 50 minutes. We recommend checking after the time has passed to see if the pie is ready. This can be done with a toothpick. Stick it into the dough, if the toothpick comes out dry, then the charlotte is ready.

You can find out the recipe for charlotte with cinnamon by watching the video:

Quick recipe for apple charlotte with bread nuts

If guests suddenly decide to come over and there is nothing to serve for dessert, then charlotte with nuts will be a wonderful way out of this situation.

Ingredients for instant pie:

  • dried out loaf;
  • 3 sweet and sour apples;
  • 30 grams of butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • raisin;
  • nuts;
  • 0.5 liters of 3% pasteurized milk;
  • 100 grams of refined sugar.

Let's start preparing the charlotte.

Step one. Preparation. Fruits must be peeled and cored, and then cut into slices. Raisins must be poured with boiling water and dried. Chop the nuts until crumbly. We process the loaf, removing all the crusts from it, and cutting the bread crumb. The slices should be thin, one cm thick. Cut them again into four pieces.

Step two. Prepare the dough. Add two eggs to a deep container and mix them with a mixer. The resulting consistency must be diluted with milk.

Step three. Fry the bread. Place parchment paper in a baking pan and grease it with butter. Soak the resulting bread crumbs in the egg-milk mixture and place in the mold. Remember that there is no need to leave any distance between the pieces; they fit snugly against each other. Place apple slices on the resulting crust. Sprinkle it all with 50 grams of sugar.

Step four. Place raisins and nut crumbs on the apples in a baking dish and cover again with bread crumb, which has been soaked in the egg-milk mixture. Everything received must be covered with the remaining sugar.

Step five. Let's move on to baking. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a mold with charlotte there. In about 40 minutes it will be ready. Once you take the cake out, give it time to cool.

Delicious charlotte with nuts and dried apricots

In addition to apples, you can also add dried apricots to the nut charlotte. Experiment and make charlotte with raisins and nuts, it’s so satisfying and tasty!

What does this dessert consist of:

  • 3 eggs;
  • walnut – 0.5 cups;
  • 120 grams of flour;
  • 3 grams of baking powder;
  • 1.4 cups dried apricots;
  • butter;
  • granulated sugar.

Let's share the algorithm for making charlotte.

Step one. Let's start with dried fruits and nuts. Selected dried apricots must be soaked for 10 minutes, then rinsed thoroughly, dried, and then chopped very finely. We recommend that you roast the walnuts a little and chop them finely.

Step two. Prepare the dough. Carefully separate the yolk from the white of the eggs and place them in separate bowls. Add sugar to the container with the yolk and beat everything until white. As for the protein, add a pinch of salt to it and mix too, you should get a white foam. Pour nut crumbs into the whites. Mix baking powder with flour and chopped dried apricots. Mix all the resulting masses in a free bowl.

Step three. Before starting, grease the mold with butter and sprinkle with flour. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Pour the dough into the mold and place in the oven for 60 minutes. Charlotte with dried apricots is ready!

Banana charlotte with nuts and apples on sour cream

A hearty pie with the aromatic scent of bananas. In addition to bananas, this charlotte with apples and walnuts contains a fermented milk product, which makes it light and airy.


  • butter;
  • sugar – 3 spoons;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 250 grams of flour;
  • salt;
  • 250 grams 20% sour cream;
  • apple;
  • 150 grams of walnuts;
  • 2 bananas.

How to bake charlotte with banana?

Step one. Cut the banana lengthwise into 4 parts, thinly. Grind the nuts very finely. We cut the apples, initially getting rid of the peel and removing the core.

Step two. Mix eggs and sugar in a bowl, add sour cream to them. Mix all three ingredients with a mixer until the sand is completely dissolved. Add flour to the container and beat everything again. In a small bowl, mix baking soda and vinegar and pour into the mixture. Mix the entire mixture for a minute. Now it's time to add banana and nuts to the resulting dough. Finally mix everything in a large bowl.

Step three. Place parchment paper on the pan and grease it with butter. After that, pour the dough onto it and decorate it with apple slices. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the charlotte for 30 minutes. After you complete all these steps, you can confidently say that the charlotte with nuts and apples in sour cream was a success!

Delicious chocolate charlotte with nuts and apples

For chocolate lovers, we present apple charlotte with nuts, the dough of which contains cocoa.

The composition of charlotte with chocolate includes:

  • 150 grams of cane sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • apple;
  • baking powder;
  • vanilla;
  • cocoa – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • flour – 250 grams;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • 60 grams of nuts;
  • 30 grams of butter;
  • cinnamon.

So, let's prepare chocolate charlotte.

Step one. Peel all excess apples and cut into cubes. Chop the nuts.

Step two. After breaking the egg, separate the white from the yolk. Sugar should be mixed with the yolk until white, and the white just until foamy. All this must be combined again and mixed thoroughly. Add three tablespoons of flour, cocoa and a pinch of cinnamon, a spoonful of vanilla and baking powder to a bowl with the yolk-white mixture. All this needs to be mixed together. Then it’s time to add apples and nuts. Mix all the ingredients.

Step three. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. We prepare a baking dish, namely, put parchment there, grease it with oil and pour out the dough. Place in the oven for about 30-40 minutes and that’s it, the chocolate charlotte is ready to be on your table!

We offer another charlotte recipe:


  • Eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • Flour - 4 tablespoons;
  • Soda - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Vinegar - to repay;
  • Sour cream - 500 g;
  • Apples - 2 pieces (large);
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Baking powder.

Cooking time is 95 minutes, of which 20 minutes for preparing the dough, 30 minutes for baking the crust, 5 minutes for decorating and 20 minutes for finishing in the oven.

Yield: 8 servings (1000 g)

The recipe for sour cream charlotte with apples and walnuts is a delicate creamy dessert, with a slight hint of sourness that apples and sour cream give. A quick and easy pie made from sponge dough.

How to cook charlotte with sour cream, apples and walnuts

Prepare the biscuit for the base. It requires fluffiness and lightness, which only well-beaten eggs can give to the cake. To do this, separate the whites from the yolks, place them on different plates, and take a deeper container for the whites.

Add 2 tablespoons of sugar to the whites, beat with a mixer until a thick white foam that does not flow down the whisks. Grind the yolks with 1 spoon of sugar into a white mass.

Mix the eggs together and add 250 g of sour cream, mix thoroughly.

Sift the flour (4 tablespoons) and be sure to add baking powder to make the dough light and airy.

We extinguish half a spoonful of soda with table vinegar and add it to the dough.

Mix everything thoroughly. If the dough is a little runny in your opinion, add a spoonful of flour; if, on the contrary, it’s a little thick, add a spoonful of sour cream.

We coat the baking dish with oil - the bottom and edges and pour the dough into it, put it in the oven at 150 degrees for 30 minutes. The main thing is not to disturb the biscuit dough while it is baking, otherwise the cake will not rise, and the apple charlotte with sour cream and walnuts will not be so airy.

While the cake is baking, add a tablespoon of sugar to the sour cream and rub until it is completely dissolved.

Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into thin slices.

When the pie is browned, remove it from the oven.

We put apples on it with the pattern you like. For example, like in this photo.

Pour sour cream over everything and sprinkle with walnuts. Place in the oven again for 20-25 minutes on low heat so that the pie is soaked in sour cream and it hardens a little.

After cooking, carefully separate the edges from the mold and decorate the cake with vanilla or powdered sugar.

Everyone remembers Charlotte from childhood. I remember that my mother prepared this pie very quickly. It would seem that as soon as I asked her for something tasty, “at the behest of a pike” the pie was already waiting for me in the kitchen.
Already having my own family, I understand that this is truly one of the fastest and easiest pies. It’s also good that charlotte does not have its own standard recipe. You can always experiment with it, getting a new pie each time, one tastier than the other. Last time I made charlotte with apples, adding walnuts to the dough. It would seem such a small detail, but what a taste the charlotte acquired! See for yourself!

Ingredients for charlotte with nuts and apples.

Apples – 2 pcs.
Sugar – 1 tbsp.
Eggs – 3 pcs.
Flour – 1 tbsp.
Baking powder – 1 tsp.
Walnuts – 100 g
For greasing and sprinkling the mold.
For decoration.
Powdered sugar

How to cook charlotte with nuts and apples.

1. First, let's prepare all the ingredients. Sift the flour together with baking powder through a sieve to enrich it with oxygen. Wash the apples, cut them in half and remove the core and seeds. I did not peel the skin, but if you wish, you can peel it, then the pie will be more tender. Cut the apples into thin slices. Place the walnuts in a food processor and chop them into coarse crumbs (in the absence of any electric chopper, you can chop the nuts with a knife or rolling pin, wrapping them in a towel first).
2. Combine the eggs with sugar and beat with a mixer until the mass increases several times and all the sugar has dissolved. Then add flour with baking powder and mix well. Add prepared apples and nuts to the dough. Mix carefully.
3. Prepare a baking dish for the pie. I used a round shape. Grease the bottom and sides with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs (flour or semolina). We put the dough into the mold and put it in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Bake the charlotte for 30-40 minutes until it turns golden brown. You can check the readiness of the charlotte using a toothpick. If it comes out of the dough clean, then the pie can be removed from the oven.
4. Cool the finished charlotte slightly, then place it on a dish, cut into portions and serve, sprinkled with powdered sugar. This charlotte is very tasty with tea, coffee or warm milk.

Charlotte turns out simply fantastically delicious! But if you are watching your weight and counting every calorie in your dish, oatmeal-based meals will be just the thing for you.

Bon appetit!

The material belongs to the site
Recipe author: Yana Krasnikova

Wash the apples and cut them into large cubes. You can cut it into slices, into large strips, or in any way you like. We peel the nuts and chop them coarsely with a knife.
The secret to a fluffy sponge cake is well-beaten eggs. To do this, break the eggs into a bowl and add sugar to them. Using a blender or mixer, beat the sugar-egg mixture into a fluffy white foam for about 5-7 minutes.

Gently add flour to the resulting egg mass. Add flour little by little, stir the dough with a spoon from bottom to top. We do not beat the dough additionally.

Combine the dough with the filling. I just pour chopped fruits and nuts into the dough and mix.

If you invited guests to a tea party, you can decorate our Charlotte with a pattern of apples. To do this, place the apple slices on the bottom of the mold in the shape of a flower and fill it with dough - you will get an original holiday pie.

You can also divide the dough into two parts, pour one part into the mold, put the filling on top and pour the second part. As a result, the biscuit comes with a filling in the middle.
Place the pie in an oven preheated to 180° for 40 minutes.

Enjoy your tea!
