Egg category 3. How to choose eggs: labeling, category of eggs, dietary and table eggs, eggs without salmonella. Which categories of chicken eggs are better?

The first thing we know about eggs is that they are a source of protein. The egg itself is already a complete dietary dish, which is consumed not only cooked, but also raw. It’s not without reason that supporters of a balanced plate will certainly recommend eggs as a substitute for meat or fish.

The egg white consists almost entirely of albumin, and the yolk, in addition to albumin, additionally contains six more proteins: ovoglobulin, albumin, ovomucoid, ovomucin, lysocin, avidin.

The claim that frequent consumption of eggs leads to increased levels has been refuted. The amount of cholesterol in them is not enough to cause any harm to the body. This is the correct cholesterol needed by the cells of the human body.

Egg yolk contains choline, which is necessary for normal brain function. This substance improves memory and liver function. The yolk of one large egg can provide the body with 30% of the daily requirement for this nutrient, a deficiency of which many feel.

One egg contains 7 grams of protein, 0.5 grams of carbohydrates, 6 grams of fat. With 100 grams of eggs you will eat only 44 calories.

At the same time, egg whites are especially useful for those who want to lose weight. After all, without adequate protein consumption, it is impossible to even talk about proper (due to fat) weight loss. And egg whites provide a whole klondike of building material for muscles. Egg whites are good for vision because they contain substances that help prevent age-related changes in vision and stop cataracts.

How many eggs can you eat?

Among people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, the same number of those who eat six or more eggs a week and those who allow themselves no more than once or twice a week. Eating a couple of eggs a day, even on a daily basis, cannot cause significant harm to health. At the same time, if problems with the heart and blood vessels have already been diagnosed, it is better to discuss the number of eggs that you plan to consume with your doctor.

Eggs are complete components and are based on the consumption of large quantities of foods containing protein.

Many fashionable express diets are designed to produce results in a short time. But nutrition experts urge giving preference to diets, the use of which does not give visible results in the first days or weeks. The result of using nutritious diets that are close to a balanced diet will be extended over time, but will bring less stress to the body. And it’s easier to maintain this result after leaving the diet.

Eggs in weight loss diets

A nutritious diet, including plenty of eggs and other protein-containing foods, can be spread over 4 weeks. The good thing is that during such a diet you will not be tormented by the feeling of hunger. The feeling of fullness will become a constant companion, but the grams and centimeters will quickly melt away. With this diet, weight is reduced by 300-400 grams per day. If you follow the rules, you can count on a comfortable loss of 9-10 kilograms or even a little more in a month.

Such a diet should include:

  • Boiled eggs. Chicken or quail;
  • Lean meat. Chicken, rabbit, turkey or beef. You should not eat pork because it is fatty meat.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese and low-fat varieties;
  • also low fat;
  • Vegetables. The exception is potatoes; their use is limited because they contain many simple carbohydrates;
  • Fruits. High-calorie foods and grapes should be excluded.

You will have to give up baked goods. The only exception is dietary bread made from whole grain flour, and not much.

  1. For breakfast, a couple of eggs and some types of fruit, such as citrus fruits. You can boil the eggs and steam them into an omelette.
  2. Lunch should be meat or fish with vegetables. Meat and fish can be boiled, baked or steamed. It is recommended to avoid fried foods since the food and the amount of fat are higher when processed this way. It is useful to steam, boil or stew vegetables. It is good to prepare a salad from raw vegetables and season with natural low-fat yogurt.
  3. For dinner you can cook eggs, vegetables, cottage cheese and fruits. It is recommended to boil vegetables or eat a salad from them. You should not eat baked goods in the evening.

There are a huge number of ways to prepare eggs: omelettes, poached, fried eggs and, of course, boiled eggs. In addition, they are components and additions to hundreds of dishes. However, with prolonged heat treatment, some beneficial properties of eggs are lost. The yolk of a hard-boiled egg takes about three hours to digest, while a liquid one takes half as long.

One of the healthiest ways to prepare eggs is to soft-boil them. So absorption in the stomach lasts about an hour and a half and the beneficial substances are absorbed almost one hundred percent.

The role of protein in dietary nutrition or weight loss can hardly be overestimated, but such a diet also has pitfalls. Protein keeps the body full for a long time. Therefore, it is often tempting to skip lunch or dinner, but you should never do this. The intake of food into the body must be regular. At least three full meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner. If you skip a meal, hunger suddenly occurs, and you want to snack on something, but you can’t do that. If, despite everything, hunger still strikes, it is recommended to snack on such a diet only with a small amount of raw vegetables.

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In stores we are offered white, brown, and also different freshness and categories of chicken eggs. According to current Russian standards, every egg produced at a poultry farm must be marked.

The first sign in the labeling indicates the permissible shelf life. The letter “D” stands for dietary egg; such eggs are sold within 7 days. The letter “C” stands for a table egg, which is sold within 25 days.
The second sign in the marking indicates the category of the egg depending on its weight. Highest category (B) - 75 g or more. Selected egg (O) - from 65 to 74.9 g. First category (1) - from 55 to 64.9 g. Second category (2) - from 45 to 54.9 g. Third category (3) - from 35 up to 44.9 g.
Thus, the marking “C2” is indicated on table eggs of the second category, and “DV” - on dietary eggs of the highest category.
When choosing chicken eggs, you need to pay attention to the size of the egg. The smaller the egg, the healthier it is. Chickens laying eggs are kept in cages with several floors, with artificial lighting and on combined feed with various additives. They age quickly, get sick, and various medications and antibiotics are often added to their feed. The older the chicken, the more and more often it is treated, the weaker and more painful its inheritance-egg is, respectively, young chickens are healthier, they are treated less, and they produce a healthier, but smaller egg. That is, an egg from a young chicken weighs on average up to 50-55 g, and these are the third and second categories; in extreme cases, the first category can also be from young chickens.
The third category is rarely found in retail trade, since consumers, often not understanding its usefulness, do not buy such an egg. Poultry factories are forced to process eggs of the third category into melange.
And eggs from young chickens are practically not infected with salmonellosis. Eggs with a brown color have a thicker shell and, therefore, the inside of the egg is less susceptible to infection.
Useful properties of chicken eggs
Eggs can be called a miracle product, a real storehouse of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. They are an accessible source of niacin, necessary for nourishing the brain and the formation of sex hormones, vitamin K, which ensures blood clotting, choline, which improves memory and removes poisons from the liver, and lecithin, which dissolves plaques in the walls of blood vessels. Eggs contain vitamins E, B2, B6, B12, biotin and folic acid, which prevent the development of birth defects in newborns, have high energy value and contain valuable proteins and bioregulators, a large number of minerals, including calcium and iron, as well as vitamin A and nicotinic acid.
Oddly enough, although the egg is a very nutritious product, it still does not make you fat. Moreover, eggs are included in many therapeutic diets, the goal of which is to reduce the amount of protein in the diet. For such diets, eggs with their 13% protein and only 80 kcal for the diet are simply a godsend.
But to say that eggs contain everything necessary for the body is incorrect. For example, eggs lack carbohydrates and vitamin C.

Chicken eggs and cholesterol
The statement that eating chicken eggs is unhealthy because they increase cholesterol levels in the blood is incorrect. The yolk of chicken eggs actually contains quite a lot of cholesterol. It contains up to 270 mg in a medium-sized egg, however, as numerous studies have shown, after eating eggs, the level of cholesterol in the blood almost does not increase. Egg lovers who have high cholesterol levels in the blood can be advised to eat 1 yolk with 2 or 3 whites. You can also eat scrambled eggs with herbs, but it is recommended to cook it from 1 yolk and 2 whites in a non-stick frying pan, greased with oil, or even better, an omelet with milk. Egg whites are an excellent source of proteins and are easier to digest than meat whites. It should also be noted that egg cholesterol is the least harmful, because it is balanced by lecithin contained in the yolk and plays an important role in the nutrition of nerve cells.
The American Society of Cardiology, although it does not eliminate the responsibility of cholesterol for cardiovascular disease, believes that the complete exclusion of eggs from the diet is no less dangerous. For a healthy person, 6-7 eggs per week are quite acceptable. A healthy and active person, if he does not consume other animal proteins during the day, can easily eat 1-2 eggs per day. Another thing is that it is still advisable to diversify your food and, in addition to eggs, eat other animal or plant proteins.
The opinion that chicken eggs are poorly digested is also not entirely true. Much depends on the degree of freshness of the egg and the method of its preparation. The longer an egg is cooked, the less digestible it will be. Soft-boiled eggs are completely digested after 1-2 hours, and hard-boiled or scrambled eggs after 3 hours.

Chicken eggs for hypertension
Scientists have discovered compounds in chicken eggs that have the same effect as weak doses of the antihypertensive drug captopril. So if you suffer from high blood pressure, take a dozen eggs for prevention.
A peptide found in egg whites may be effective against hypertension, according to a new study from Clemson University. And using eggs along with medications can be a double whammy for high blood pressure.
A peptide called RVPSL blocks the production of an enzyme that increases blood pressure. The researchers reported that feeding rats the RVPSL peptide found in six egg whites was as effective as low doses of the drug captopril. In addition, eating egg whites was also associated with better sugar control and lower cholesterol levels.
The researchers tested the peptide RVPSL, which was made by heating eggs to 100º C. Eggs cooked at higher temperatures may have an even more effective effect on blood pressure. Fried egg whites showed a higher hypotensive effect.
Of course, further research is needed to talk about specific results. However, you don't have to wait long to emphasize eggs in your everyday life. After all, you don’t need a recipe to eat eggs.
Chicken eggs against obesity
Obese adults can lose weight twice as fast by combining a low-calorie diet with eggs for breakfast.
Scientists tested the assumption that if you eat two eggs for breakfast instead of the usual American donuts, then for the same calorie content, such a breakfast may be more conducive to weight loss for those wishing to lose weight.
The experiment involved 152 volunteers - men and women from 25 to 60 years old with varying degrees of overweight or obesity, with a body mass index from 25 to 50 with a normal range of 18.5 to 25.
The subjects were divided into four groups. Two of them were put on a reduced-calorie diet. At the same time, one group consumed two eggs for breakfast, and the second group consumed a portion of donuts with the same energy parameters. The other two groups were left out of the diet but also ate eggs or donuts for breakfast.

After eight weeks of the experiment, the egg breakfast group lost 65% more weight than the donut diet group. However, no significant differences were found between the other two groups, whose members were not restricted in food.
“Eating eggs for breakfast promotes weight loss when combined with a low-calorie diet and does not affect body weight in the absence of a diet,” the scientists conclude.
Chicken eggs for the liver
It is quite widely believed that chicken eggs are harmful to the liver. This is not true, since in addition to vitamins, eggs contain a variety of substances, including choline and methionine - amino acids that are beneficial for the liver. In addition, the yolk has the unique property of causing contractions of the gallbladder, that is, stimulating the flow of bile into the intestines, which improves peristalsis and promotes the absorption of fats. However, it is worth mentioning that frying eggs or making eggs with mayonnaise or other similar sauce is not advisable for those with liver problems.
But for those who have gallstones, eggs are not really recommended.
This is explained by the fact that if there are stones in the gall bladder, then the process of its contraction under the influence of egg yolk, as well as many other foods, such as cream or butter, is painful and can sometimes turn into colic. Interestingly, this is the only valid reason to avoid eating eggs.

Scrambled eggs for breakfast
Scrambled eggs are the perfect breakfast dish. Regularly eating eggs for breakfast provides energy throughout the day and also helps maintain health. This conclusion was reached by American scientists who studied the nutritional properties of chicken eggs and their effects on the human body.
Scientists believe that eggs in the daily diet do not lead to the accumulation of excess weight, but they have excellent nutritional properties: they contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements that help maintain health, good physical shape and a high intellectual level. Contrary to popular belief, eating eggs daily does not raise cholesterol. Mexican scientists managed to dispel this myth of the 60s during a study.
A person who starts his working day with such a primitive dish as scrambled eggs receives a powerful biological impulse that helps him cope with work successfully. Eggs contain essential vitamins D and B12, proteins, selenium and choline, as well as a wide range of amino acids and antioxidants.
The substances contained in eggs prevent the formation of cataracts, protect the optic nerve, and neutralize the harmful effects of the environment. Eggs strengthen bones and joints, stimulate the immune system, and increase mental performance. Eggs are the only product that is absorbed by the body by 97-98%, leaving virtually no toxins in the intestines.
Chicken egg quality
The freshness of eggs largely depends on their storage conditions. If chicken eggs are not stored in the refrigerator, after a week they actually become stale. But if you immediately put them in a special refrigerator cell with the sharp end down, so that there is no pressure on the air chamber of the egg - the space between the white and the shell, then they can be stored for up to 3 weeks.

The color of the yolk of chicken eggs, from pale yellow to bright yellow and even reddish, depends on the composition of the chicken feed. The rich color of the yolk does not indicate a high carotene content, as some people think.
Duck and goose eggs
They are much more nutritious than chicken eggs. The only thing you should be wary of is harmful microorganisms, which are more abundant in the eggs of waterfowl. Experts note that they can be neutralized by boiling for 15 minutes.
Chicken eggs and salmonellosis
Eggs can cause salmonellosis. However, for this to happen several conditions must coincide. Firstly, the eggs must be infected, and statistics show that salmonella germs are present in only one out of 7 thousand fresh eggs. Secondly, they must be stored for a long time in unsuitable conditions. The coincidence of both does not happen very often, but in order to avoid troubles, it is advisable to wash the eggs well before eating. In addition, it is necessary to periodically wash the egg storage compartments in the refrigerator, since the shells are not airtight and bacteria can enter the egg.
We all know that eating raw eggs is dangerous - you can become infected with salmonellosis. However, soft-boiled eggs or poorly fried fried eggs are no less dangerous. Many people love delicate jelly-like protein - it is precisely this that poses the greatest risk. Therefore, it is better to either fry the eggs well or boil the eggs hard.

eggs s-0, s-1, s-2 what is the difference?

  1. in the room sort! first class or second!
  2. Egg marking

    According to current Russian standards, every egg produced at a poultry farm must be marked. The first character in the labeling indicates the permissible shelf life:
    The letter D stands for dietary egg; such eggs are sold within 7 days.
    The letter C stands for a table egg, which is sold within 25 days.
    The second sign in the marking indicates the category of the egg depending on its mass:

    Third category (3) from 35 to 44.9 g.
    Second category (2) from 45 to 54.9 g.
    First category (1) from 55 to 64.9 g.
    Selected egg (O) from 65 to 74.9 g.
    Highest category (B) 75 g or more.
    Thus, the CB marking is indicated on table eggs of the highest category, and D1 on dietary eggs of the first category.
    Regardless of the category of chicken egg, manufacturers can give it a number of interesting properties. For example, there are eggs on the market with a bright yolk and two yolks, enriched with selenium or iodine.

  3. It is believed that if an egg is heavier than 75 g, then it must be classified as the highest category (the letter “B” is printed on its shell). Eggs weighing 65-75 g are classified as selected; they can be recognized in the store by the letter “O” on the shell. Eggs belonging to the first category (number “1” on the shell) should weigh 55-65 g, respectively, the second category (number “2”) - 45-55 g, and, finally, eggs of the third category, weighing approximately 35-45 g (number “3” on the shell). Let's give an example: if in front of you is an egg with “C1” printed on it, it means it is a table egg of the first category, “D2” means a dietary egg of the second category.
    You should not believe that the larger the egg, the better and tastier it is. It turns out that such large eggs contain more water and less nutrients, and such large eggs are laid by older chickens. Buyers in stores try not to buy eggs of the second or third category, but in vain. Such eggs are laid by young chickens, and they are much tastier than eggs obtained from older chickens. However, eggs of the first category are considered the best in terms of balanced composition.
  4. this is the grade, size and period of sale of products
  5. It depends on the size of the eggs!
  6. In Russia, the SV category is Dietary egg, selected and large as indicated by “alysa”,
    proper storage for no more than 3 days, after which it goes into category 1.
    Category 2 - the egg is not ranked by size and weight with storage for no more than 7 days,
    after which it goes into category 3 “deep frozen” :)

  • 1 Chicken eggs: marking
  • 2 Organic eggs
  • 3 Functional foods: eggs with iodine and carotenoids
  • 4 White and dark eggs
  • 5 How to protect yourself from salmonella
  • 6
    • 6.1 Types of eggs
    • 6.2 Egg categories
  • 7 Benefits of chicken eggs
  • 8 Why are chicken eggs harmful?
    • 8.1 Which color eggs are healthier?
  • 9 What is the difference between dietary, table and small chicken eggs
  • 10 For which diseases should you limit your egg consumption?
  • 11 We recommend reading on the topic “Eggs: types of eggs, nutrients, cooking eggs”
  • 12 Best authors of the site
  • 13 Chicken eggs: marking
  • 14 Organic eggs
  • 15 Functional foods: eggs with iodine and carotenoids
  • 16 White and dark eggs
  • 17
    • 17.1 If you notice an error or inaccuracy, please write a comment, we will definitely respond.
    • 17.2 Eggs: Types of eggs, methods of boiling eggs, poached eggs, scrambled eggs. omelette
    • 17.3 Eggs in cooking: Homemade mayonnaise, lezon, poached egg. Egg freshness
    • 17.4 Omelettes
    • 17.5 Salads and snacks with eggs
    • 17.6 Scrambled eggs
    • 17.7 Hard-boiled, soft-boiled, poached, “in a bag” eggs
    • 17.8 Fragrant summer dishes with rosemary
    • 17.9 Berry to berry: dumplings and pancakes for the country table
    • 17.10 Prepare raspberry marmalade, jelly, vinegar and horseradish
    • 17.11 Travel to the Russian North
    • 17.12 What to cook from zucchini right now
    • 17.13 They are looking for antibiotics in products: there may be less milk, meat, fish, eggs and chicken on the shelves
    • 17.14 Import substitution is no longer relevant
    • 17.15 There will be a law on organic products in Russia!
    • 17.16 Chicken kebab
  • 18 What are the types and categories of eggs?
    • 18.1 Types of eggs
    • 18.2 Egg categories
  • 19 What are the benefits of chicken eggs?
  • 20 Why are chicken eggs harmful?
    • 20.1 Which color eggs are healthier?

Chicken eggs: marking

shelf lifedietary" or " dining room».


canteen category. Table eggs

best before date And date of manufacture

The eggs themselves may not be marked if they are packaged in container with label

Now let's deal with categories egg weight third category, second first categoryselected", designated letter « O highest giant categoryV».

S– less than 53 g
M– 53–63 g
L– 63–73 g
XL– 73 g and more

By the way

Organic eggs


In EU countries, USA and Japan

What do we have?

So for now inscription « organic doesn't guarantee us anything

functional foods».

White and dark eggs

white or dark? Which eggs are better only from the breed of chicken

How to protect yourself from salmonella

What are the types and categories of eggs?

Types of eggs

Egg categories

What are the benefits of chicken eggs?

Why are chicken eggs harmful?

What color eggs are healthier?

Eggs in medical nutrition: what type of eggs to choose

Date added: 2013-10-20

What is the difference between dietary, table and small chicken eggs?

Chicken eggs should be sorted into dietary, table and small. TO dietary include eggs that have a clean and strong shell, a motionless shell no larger than 4 mm in size, a strong, barely noticeable yolk that occupies a central position in the egg and an invisible germinal disc. The mass of such eggs must be at least 58 g (1st category) or at least 44 g (2nd category). Table eggs are also divided into 2 categories: the 1st includes eggs with a clean, strong and whole shell, a fixed air chamber. The yolk of such eggs is strong, inconspicuous, occupying a central position in the egg, the white is dense, translucent, the height of the puga is not more than 11 mm, the weight of one egg is not less than 47 g; Category 2 includes eggs with a clean, strong and whole shell, slight contamination in the form of individual dots is allowed, the shell moves easily and can have a height of up to 13 mm, the yolk is weakened, clearly visible when the egg is scanned, the weight of one egg is not less than 43 g Chicken eggs that have all the indicators of good quality, but weighing less than 43 g, are defined as small.

Diet eggs stored at temperatures from 0 to 20 °C - 7 days; dining rooms - at a temperature not higher than 20 °C - 25 days, at a temperature from 0 to 2 °C - no more than 120 days. If the shell is contaminated, the shelf life of eggs is significantly reduced.

For which diseases should you limit your egg consumption?

It is considered optimal to consume three egg yolks per week; egg whites can be eaten in larger quantities. Eggs in the diet go well with cucumbers, green onions, herbs, and salad.

The digestibility of heat-treated eggs is better than raw eggs., since under the influence of a temperature of about 80 ° C the antitryptic enzyme of the egg is destroyed, and the unfavorable avidin-biotin complex is also broken down. Boiled egg white is absorbed by 97-98%, leaving no waste in the intestines, and has a local healing effect in the inflammatory process and the acid-forming function of the stomach. Crude protein is more difficult to digest, but it is more effective in reducing the acidity of gastric juice. Soft-boiled eggs are best digested.

Whole egg recommended for gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastroduodenitis with increased secretion in the stomach. Egg white is used in therapeutic nutrition for diseases of the liver and gall bladder, intestines, gout, diabetes mellitus (see Diabetes mellitus), obesity.

For constipation and obesity (see Causes of obesity) are preferable hard-boiled eggs. However, eggs should not be boiled for long as Prolonged heat treatment destroys essential protein amino acids.

Egg yolk has a pronounced choleretic effect, causing contraction of the gallbladder. This property of the yolk is used for x-ray diagnosis of gallbladder disorders. And that is why the yolk is limited in the diet of patients with cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. In addition, yolk cholesterol may be involved in the formation of cholesterol stones during bile stagnation and biliary tract infections. It should also be noted that in case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, egg yolk is difficult to digest.

A large amount of lecithin, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, cobalt, vitamins B12, B6, folic acid (see Folacin (folic acid)) makes eggs especially valuable for anemia of various etiologies (see Anemia (anemia)). Retinol, which is part of the yolk, improves the regeneration of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and skin, which can be used in the treatment of their diseases.

Please be aware that eggs can cause food allergies (see Signs of a Food Allergy). At the same time, boiled eggs have a less pronounced sensitizing effect than raw eggs.

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We recommend reading on the topic “Eggs: types of eggs, nutrients, cooking eggs”

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Chicken eggs: marking

The hen laid an egg, and a stamp was immediately placed on its side. As a rule, every egg produced at a poultry farm is marked. The first character in the marking means shelf life, read – the age of the egg; the second is the category, that is, its size. The beginning of our cipher can be the letter “d” or “s”, which means, respectively, “ dietary" or " dining room».

Dietary an egg is considered to be one that will not be stored at sub-zero temperatures and must be sold within 7 days. The day of his “birth” is not counted. That is, “dietary” is not some special variety, but simply a very fresh egg.

The yolk in it is motionless, the white is dense, and the height of the space occupied by air is no more than 4 mm. The marking on a dietary egg is usually applied in red ink and includes the date and month of its “birth” - as confirmation of its “dietary status”. Time passes, the white in the egg dries out somewhat, the yolk shrinks, becomes mobile, and after a week the void increases to 7–9 mm.

And the diet egg goes into canteen category. Table eggs They are quite edible, but they live by different rules. You should know that the shelf life of table eggs at room temperature does not exceed 25 days from the date of laying, in the refrigerator - no more than 90 days. The shell of an egg that is initially destined to become table eggs is usually marked with a blue stamp indicating only the category.

A competent consumer always pays attention to best before date And date of manufacture product, including eggs. After all, a “red” testicle according to the passport may turn out to be “blue” according to age.

The eggs themselves may not be marked if they are packaged in container with label containing the necessary information. But the label must be placed in such a way that we have to tear it off when opening the container.

Now let's deal with categories– the second part of our cipher. She talks about egg weight. Let's start with the smallest - from 35 to 44.9 grams - this is third category, second– from 45 to 54.9 grams, large eggs weighing from 55 to 64.9 grams – first category. The largest ones - weighing from 65 to 74.9 grams - fall into the category " selected", designated letter « O" It is rare, but eggs weighing more than 75 grams are found - such giants are awarded highest giant category, they are entitled to the honorary letter “ V».

When purchasing imported eggs, you should pay attention to the fact that the packaging must indicate: the class of the product and its weight category, the number of eggs in the package; the name and address of the company that packed the eggs or for whose order they were packed; conditional number of the package; best before date; instructions for storage or use.

Hereweight categories for these eggs:
S– less than 53 g
M– 53–63 g
L– 63–73 g
XL– 73 g and more

The first digit of the number on the package indicates in which EU country the eggs were packed. Most often this is Belgium (number 1), Germany (2), France (3) or Holland (6). If you buy eggs individually and not in packaging, the same data should be indicated on the price tag.

By the way
In recipes, the weight of one egg is usually considered to be 40 grams, that is, a small egg of the third category is meant.

Organic eggs

A person who is accustomed to thinking about the meaning of words and concepts will face a difficult test in a modern supermarket. Here, for example, is what the word “ organic"on the packaging of eggs? Has a new method of artificially producing eggs without the participation of a laying hen already been discovered?

What about the prefixes “bio” and “eco”? How should we treat them? Do they contain any information about the contents of the shell or is it just a tribute to the fashion for everything natural?

In EU countries, USA and Japan Buyers have long been free from such speculation, because all these concepts are clearly defined and regulated by law. There are standards systems around the world that regulate the field of organic food production. There are some differences in the definition of the “degree of organicity” of a product in America and Europe, but the general principle is universal.

Only that product has the right to be called organic if all its components are produced and grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, bioengineering and ionizing radiation. In organic livestock farming, the use of growth stimulants and other hormones, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as feed is prohibited; The use of vitamins, antibiotics and other veterinary drugs is strictly limited. Special requirements are imposed on the conditions of detention and water.

Only with strict adherence to these rules (which is verified by a certification company) does the manufacturer receive a document allowing it to put the “organic” label. Certifying companies, in turn, are regularly inspected by inspection authorities for compliance and compliance with the law.

Thus, in Europe, America and Japan, the inscription “organic” on the packaging of eggs essentially means: these are eggs from chickens that have the opportunity to free-range in natural fields under the sun, which are fed exclusively with natural feed, rich in chlorophyll, and in winter - seaweed .

What do we have? Until mid-summer 2008, in our country, the degree of compliance of “organic” products with any standards was left to manufacturers and sellers. In this situation, consumers could only rely on their conscience. In July, Rospotrebnadzor issued a decree on sanitary and hygienic requirements for organic products. However, the newly born legislative framework in this area is not yet supported by either the certification or inspection systems. In addition, according to the rules, before a field or farm can be called “organic”, it must undergo “purification”, that is, last a certain period of time without chemical fertilizers and other substances prohibited in this system.

So for now inscription « organic» on the packaging of eggs in our supermarkets doesn't guarantee us anything. There are organizations that have developed their own voluntary environmental certification systems.

However, they approve standards for “organic” and “environmentally friendly” products independently, based on their own requirements. Some of the manufacturers send their products for voluntary laboratory research, for example, to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. What conclusion can we draw from all this?

Carefully read all the labels on the packaging, try to look for additional information about the manufacturer you are interested in. Be critical. Unfortunately, we also cannot give a recommendation to trust such markings on imported goods, because our country currently does not have a certification check for compliance with the stated standards.

Functional foods: eggs with iodine and carotenoids

Well, okay, in which basket should we put a variety of “smart” eggs with iodine, “village” eggs with carotenoids, “fitness” eggs with selenium, “vitamin” eggs with a high content of acids? Let's try in the basket with the inscription " functional foods».

According to the manufacturers, their place is there. Functional (or fortified) are products that have had their nutritional value increased or restored. In our case, the enrichment of eggs with various additives is carried out by adding appropriate preparations to the feed of laying hens. Manufacturers may call this “creating products with specified properties.”

Nutritionists do not have a common opinion about the effect of such products on the body, and our bodies are different: one benefits from iodine or acid, while another means death. We can only conclude that in this case the egg cannot be both “functional” and “organic”.

White and dark eggs

Finally, when we have more or less figured out the “formal characteristics”, we still need to answer the question once and for all: white or dark? Which eggs are better? What does the color of an eggshell indicate? Here experts agree: the color of the shell depends only from the breed of chicken. Giving preference to certain eggs based on shell color is a purely aesthetic choice.

Let all this help you choose the best eggs from the store variety. Because all doctors and nutritionists agree that a chicken egg is a unique and remarkable product in its composition and dietary properties.

How to protect yourself from salmonella

Not only do we love eggs, but also the causative agent of a serious infectious disease - the salmonella bacterium. Protecting yourself from this uninvited guest is not so difficult.

  • Dirt and dried droppings on the shell are not a sign of an “organic” egg; rather, they indicate insufficient hygiene in the poultry farm.
  • Eggs with damaged shells should not be eaten.
  • Before use, the egg should be washed under running water and soap. Remember to wash your hands, even if you just touched the egg.
  • Store eggs in a cool, but not too dry place, away from strong-smelling foods and raw meat; the best temperature is 0–5 °C.
  • Eggs can be pasteurized. To pasteurize, they are washed and then separated into sterilized containers. After combining the yolks with the whites, they are filtered and heated to +63 ° C for one minute, then quickly cooled.




Salads and snacks with eggs

Fried eggs


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Which eggs are more profitable to buy 1st grade or selected?

    Both sellers and buyers expect to receive benefits. Therefore, the question is also quite logical: which eggs are more profitable to trade? The answer, obviously, to such questions cannot be unambiguous. Every time before buying (selling) you need to take into account many factors and make a decision every time...

    Of course, this is entirely your choice. First of all, regardless of the type of egg, you should look at the egg itself and what it looks like. For frying in a pan, it is better to take first-quality eggs, as they burn less. Selected ones are more suitable if you cook them.

    Yes, natural, large, selected. The main thing is not to fall for artificial Chinese eggs. China is now producing artificial eggs. They generally have two yolks in the whole batch. They look absolutely like the real thing.

    I think that it is not profitable to buy selected ones, even though they are larger. If you have always cracked three fried eggs into a frying pan, you will continue to do this despite the increased size of the egg. The portion will increase imperceptibly, and financial expenses will increase significantly.

    Which eggs are best to buy? It's not that simple. Eggs are divided into categories based on their weight. But the difference is so borderline that if an egg weighs 1 gram more, it is already selected, and if it is 1 gram less, it is first grade. I always estimate egg size by eye. If there is a clear difference, then I buy the best ones, but if they look a millimeter larger than the first-class ones, what’s the point of paying more?

    Eggs are a very profitable product for deceiving the buyer, since they are sold not by weight, but by the dozen. However, it is believed that the larger the egg, the more profitable it is to buy. This means that it is better to purchase selected ones.

    The weight of selected eggs is approximately 10% higher than that of first grade eggs. Compare (as a percentage) the difference in prices, it will immediately become clear to you which is more profitable. With the caveat that we are talking about eggs from the same manufacturer and fresh (not marked down).

    1st grade and selected ones differ in weight by about 10 g. The price differs by the same percentage. So you won’t be able to save much on the difference in egg mass.

    But I always buy smaller eggs, if available, even 2nd grade. They are no worse in quality and composition. But the mutant-sized eggs, as well as the huge, pterodactyl-like legs, raise my doubts. The chickens are fed hormones and other growth enhancers that I wouldn't want to eat. And grandma always told me that small eggs come from young chickens, and big ones come from old ones. I don’t know if this is a myth, but out of habit I buy young ones.

    We always try to take the best eggs. It looks much larger than a 1st grade egg. In addition, when you start cooking, there are usually not enough small eggs and you have to break one more - an additional one.

    So the benefit here is extremely vague.

    We take 70 pieces, enough for 1.5 - 2 months. Small ones last for even less time; you have to go earlier to buy them.

    It seems to me that there is no benefit, because the price for 1 grade and for selected ones are different, and selected ones cost more accordingly.

    In principle, if you focus only on weight, then you must first compare the price of a dozen of these and other eggs.

    Many consumers believe that smaller eggs are laid by younger hens, and larger eggs by older ones. And what is healthier than eggs from young chickens? Recently, I began to take smaller ones, based on these considerations.

We welcome you, dearly beloved guests and regular readers of our site! Today we will analyze the categories of chicken eggs, what is their difference and what benefits or harm they contain. Chicken eggs are included in the diet from the first months of a person’s life in the form of complementary foods to provide a sufficient amount of vitamin D to the baby.

In subsequent years, the chicken delicacy is consumed raw, boiled, fried, and added to salads, creams and other dishes. This popularity of the product is due to its beneficial properties.

Eggs are readily used in cosmetology, adding a component to hair masks, shampoos, and other care products, which confirms the value and benefits of this product.

What are the types and categories of eggs?

Today the market offers 2 types of chicken eggs that meet the state standard. The division is based on the period and method of storage (age of the product). Both each copy and one package are stamped.

Attention! Both types of eggs are suitable for consumption, taking into account the indicated shelf life. This classification does not show the worst and the best.

Types of eggs

  • Diet egg – “Young”, i.e. very fresh. Can be eaten raw. It is considered dietary until the seventh day from the moment of laying. Not stored at sub-zero temperatures. Difficult to clean after cooking. Marked with the letter "D".
  • Table egg. Shelf life increased to 25 days at room temperature, up to 90 days in the refrigerator. It is not advisable to eat it raw; it should be cooked. Marked with the letter "C".

Information: how to check the freshness of eggs is described in detail in another article, so we will not dwell on this issue.

Egg categories

  • The highest category – unit weight from 75.0 grams, large. Giants among their own kind. Designation – “B”.
  • The first category - weigh from 55.0 grams to 64-65.0 grams, medium size. Designated as “C1”.
  • Second category. Weight ranges from 45.0 -54.8 g, marked “C2”.
  • Third category. Small testicles from 35.0 to 45.0 g, stamped “C3”.
  • Selected ones weigh 65 – 75g. Slightly smaller than a premium product. Designation – “O”.

Interesting: in recipes, the egg ingredient is meant to weigh 40.0 grams, which corresponds to the 3rd category.

Today, the range of chicken products surprises consumers with their diversity. They sell eggs enriched with selenium and iodine, with two yolks, and different shell colors.

The categories of chicken eggs “bio” and “eco” are assigned if the black whale grew and laid free-range and was fed with natural products. This characteristic is dubious and without guarantee in relation to the CIS countries, unlike its European neighbors.

What are the benefits of chicken eggs?

  1. Stimulates brain activity and the process of memorization.
  2. They help the liver function, cleanse it of waste and toxins.
  3. Prevents the appearance of cataracts.
  4. Participate in the normalization of the blood coagulation mechanism.
  5. Positively influence sex hormones. Male sperm become more active and of better quality.
  6. Calcium helps strengthen teeth, bones, and joints.
  7. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  8. Reduces the risk of breast cancer in women.
  9. Helps to lose weight due to the content of proteins that satisfy hunger.
  10. Recommended for pregnant women. Nutrients will protect the baby from developing certain developmental defects.

Why are chicken eggs harmful?

People suffering from diabetes should not eat this product - it will double the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Those who like to “drink” the delicacy run the risk of becoming infected with salmonella. You can avoid this by washing the product with soap under running water, or better yet, boiling it.

Excessive consumption of yolk increases cholesterol. It is not advisable to eat more than two units a day.

Middle-aged men should not eat more than seven testicles per week, as they contribute to the formation of plaques in the blood vessels: the risk of premature death.

What color eggs are healthier?

So what color shell indicates usefulness? Why are some light, white, others brown? There is no mystery, as well as the dependence of the color of the shell on the quality of the egg. The shade of the outer shell is related only to the breed of laying hen. Choosing light dark specimens is a matter of visual preference.

Preferences for the type, category, and color of a dietary delicacy are individual. They have one thing in common: their usefulness, confirmed by doctors and nutritionists.

Make decisions easily! Good luck!

How to choose chicken eggs in a store or market? What are their varieties, what types of eggs are there? What does egg marking mean, what weight categories are there for eggs? What, finally, is meant by the terms dietary eggs and table eggs? decided to look into the issue.

Chicken eggs: marking

The hen laid an egg, and a stamp was immediately placed on its side. As a rule, every egg produced at a poultry farm is marked. The first character in the marking means shelf life, read – the age of the egg; the second is the category, that is, its size. The beginning of our cipher can be the letter “d” or “s”, which means, respectively, “ dietary" or " dining room».

Dietary an egg is considered to be one that will not be stored at sub-zero temperatures and must be sold within 7 days. The day of his “birth” is not counted. That is, “dietary” is not some special variety, but simply a very fresh egg.

The yolk in it is motionless, the white is dense, and the height of the space occupied by air is no more than 4 mm. The marking on a dietary egg is usually applied in red ink and includes the date and month of its “birth” - as confirmation of its “dietary status”. Time passes, the white in the egg dries out somewhat, the yolk shrinks, becomes mobile, and after a week the void increases to 7–9 mm.

And the diet egg goes into canteen category. Table eggs They are quite edible, but they live by different rules. You should know that the shelf life of table eggs at room temperature does not exceed 25 days from the date of laying, in the refrigerator - no more than 90 days. The shell of an egg that is initially destined to become table eggs is usually marked with a blue stamp indicating only the category.

A competent consumer always pays attention to best before date And date of manufacture product, including eggs. After all, a “red” testicle according to the passport may turn out to be “blue” according to age.

The eggs themselves may not be marked if they are packaged in container with label containing the necessary information. But the label must be placed in such a way that we have to tear it off when opening the container.

Now let's deal with categories– the second part of our cipher. She talks about egg weight. Let's start with the smallest - from 35 to 44.9 grams - this is third category, second– from 45 to 54.9 grams, large eggs weighing from 55 to 64.9 grams – first category. The largest ones - weighing from 65 to 74.9 grams - fall into the category " selected", designated letter « O" It is rare, but eggs weighing more than 75 grams are found - such giants are awarded highest giant category, they are entitled to the honorary letter “ V».

When purchasing imported eggs, you should pay attention to the fact that the packaging must indicate: the class of the product and its weight category, the number of eggs in the package; the name and address of the company that packed the eggs or for whose order they were packed; conditional number of the package; best before date; instructions for storage or use.

Hereweight categories for these eggs:
S– less than 53 g
M– 53–63 g
L– 63–73 g
XL– 73 g and more

The first digit of the number on the package indicates in which EU country the eggs were packed. Most often this is Belgium (number 1), Germany (2), France (3) or Holland (6). If you buy eggs individually and not in packaging, the same data should be indicated on the price tag.

By the way
In recipes, the weight of one egg is usually considered to be 40 grams, that is, a small egg of the third category is meant.

Organic eggs

A person who is accustomed to thinking about the meaning of words and concepts will face a difficult test in a modern supermarket. Here, for example, is what the word “ organic"on the packaging of eggs? Has a new method of artificially producing eggs without the participation of a laying hen already been discovered?

What about the prefixes “bio” and “eco”? How should we treat them? Do they contain any information about the contents of the shell or is it just a tribute to the fashion for everything natural?

In EU countries, USA and Japan Buyers have long been free from such speculation, because all these concepts are clearly defined and regulated by law. There are standards systems around the world that regulate the field of organic food production. There are some differences in the definition of the “degree of organicity” of a product in America and Europe, but the general principle is universal.

Only that product has the right to be called organic if all its components are produced and grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, bioengineering and ionizing radiation. In organic livestock farming, the use of growth stimulants and other hormones, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as feed is prohibited; The use of vitamins, antibiotics and other veterinary drugs is strictly limited. Special requirements are imposed on the conditions of detention and water.

Only with strict adherence to these rules (which is verified by a certification company) does the manufacturer receive a document allowing it to put the “organic” label. Certifying companies, in turn, are regularly inspected by inspection authorities for compliance and compliance with the law.

Thus, in Europe, America and Japan, the inscription “organic” on the packaging of eggs essentially means: these are eggs from chickens that have the opportunity to free-range in natural fields under the sun, which are fed exclusively with natural feed, rich in chlorophyll, and in winter - seaweed .

What do we have? Until mid-summer 2008, in our country, the degree of compliance of “organic” products with any standards was left to manufacturers and sellers. In this situation, consumers could only rely on their conscience. In July, Rospotrebnadzor issued a decree on sanitary and hygienic requirements for organic products. However, the newly born legislative framework in this area is not yet supported by either the certification or inspection systems. In addition, according to the rules, before a field or farm can be called “organic”, it must undergo “purification”, that is, last a certain period of time without chemical fertilizers and other substances prohibited in this system.

So for now inscription « organic» on the packaging of eggs in our supermarkets doesn't guarantee us anything. There are organizations that have developed their own voluntary environmental certification systems.

However, they approve standards for “organic” and “environmentally friendly” products independently, based on their own requirements. Some of the manufacturers send their products for voluntary laboratory research, for example, to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. What conclusion can we draw from all this?

Carefully read all the labels on the packaging, try to look for additional information about the manufacturer you are interested in. Be critical. Unfortunately, we also cannot give a recommendation to trust such markings on imported goods, because our country currently does not have a certification check for compliance with the stated standards.

Functional foods: eggs with iodine and carotenoids

Well, okay, in which basket should we put a variety of “smart” eggs with iodine, “village” eggs with carotenoids, “fitness” eggs with selenium, “vitamin” eggs with a high content of acids? Let's try in the basket with the inscription " functional foods».

According to the manufacturers, their place is there. Functional (or fortified) are products that have had their nutritional value increased or restored. In our case, the enrichment of eggs with various additives is carried out by adding appropriate preparations to the feed of laying hens. Manufacturers may call this “creating products with specified properties.”

Nutritionists do not have a common opinion about the effect of such products on the body, and our bodies are different: one benefits from iodine or acid, while another means death. We can only conclude that in this case the egg cannot be both “functional” and “organic”.

White and dark eggs

Finally, when we have more or less figured out the “formal characteristics”, we still need to answer the question once and for all: white or dark? Which eggs are better? What does the color of an eggshell indicate? Here experts agree: the color of the shell depends only from the breed of chicken. Giving preference to certain eggs based on shell color is a purely aesthetic choice.

Let all this help you choose the best eggs from the store variety. Because all doctors and nutritionists agree that a chicken egg is a unique and remarkable product in its composition and dietary properties.

How to protect yourself from salmonella

Not only do we love eggs, but also the causative agent of a serious infectious disease - the salmonella bacterium. Protecting yourself from this uninvited guest is not so difficult.

  • Dirt and dried droppings on the shell are not a sign of an “organic” egg; rather, they indicate insufficient hygiene in the poultry farm.
  • Eggs with damaged shells should not be eaten.
  • Before use, the egg should be washed under running water and soap. Remember to wash your hands, even if you just touched the egg.
  • Store eggs in a cool, but not too dry place, away from strong-smelling foods and raw meat; the best temperature is 0–5 °C.
  • Eggs can be pasteurized. To pasteurize, they are washed and then separated into sterilized containers. After combining the yolks with the whites, they are filtered and heated to +63 ° C for one minute, then quickly cooled.


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Illustrations for the material: shutterstock


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Chicken eggs come in different categories

Choosing chicken eggs in a store is not an easy task. Eggs are not only table or dietary, but also divided into categories. To make the right choice, you need to understand this.

Categories of chicken eggs and their weight

Based on size and, accordingly, weight, chicken eggs are divided into 5 categories. The marking is displayed on the shell with numbers from 1 to 3 and the letters “B” and “O”.

  1. “3” - eggs of the 3rd category are marked. This includes the smallest ones, which weigh about 40 grams. Buyers don't like this size, but they differ in taste. Eggs of this size are usually obtained from young hens.
  2. “2” - eggs of the 2nd category weighing 50 grams (±5 grams). Without the shell they weigh about 40 grams.
  3. “1” - 1st category of eggs. On average they weigh 60 grams with weight fluctuations of 5 grams. They are most often found in stores and are considered the most balanced in composition. They are referred to in various recipes as “1 medium egg.”
  4. “O” - selected eggs are marked, weighing 70 grams.
  5. “B” - this marking is displayed on eggs of the highest category. The lower weight limit for one egg is not less than 75 grams. The upper value limit is not limited. In terms of price, this category of eggs is the most expensive. But their net weight is equal to a pair of category 3 or 2 eggs.

What are the differences between the categories of chicken eggs?

Let's figure out what are the differences between different categories of chicken eggs

Eggs are divided into categories based on weight. No other factors are at play. The shell of any category can be white or brown. Eggs are also enriched with various microelements. But this does not affect the categories.

Which categories of chicken eggs are better?

Diet eggs are usually marked in red. The category (for example, D1) and date of “birth” are indicated.

After 7 days, the egg becomes a table egg. But this does not mean that the egg has spoiled. At room temperature, eggs can be stored for up to 25 days, in the refrigerator - 90.

If eggs are to be stored or transported for a long time, a blue stamp is placed on them to indicate the marking.

When choosing eggs, be sure to look at the date. Dietary ones differ from canteens and have a higher price. The marking may be placed not on the eggs themselves, but on the container. In this case, the label should be positioned in such a way that it breaks when the package is opened.

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How can you tell if an egg is fresh?

We all often buy chicken eggs; they are needed for preparing most dishes, and especially baking. But how can you tell if an egg is fresh? We will help you with this a little with our advice.

Eggs are always a popular product, but before the bright holiday of Easter their popularity increases even more - after all, they are used both in Easter cakes and for dyeing. To make the holiday a success, we choose only quality ones!

What should you pay attention to when choosing eggs?

First, pay attention to the appearance of the eggs. Cracked or uneven surfaces are rejected immediately. Look through the egg into a bright light - there should be no microcracks on the shell.
Which egg is considered dietary? Diet egg expiration date.

The manufacturer also tells us the degree of freshness of the egg. On the packaging you may notice the markings “D” and “C”. If the letter “D” is indicated, this means that the egg is dietary. This egg is no more than 7 days old, that is, it is the freshest and healthiest, it contains all the vitamins and nutrients.

The egg is considered dietary, which is not stored at subzero temperatures and must be sold within 7 days. That is, a dietary egg is not an egg that has fewer calories, but is simply very fresh. The letter "C" means that the egg is a table egg. And it is from 7 to 25 days old, such an egg is already less useful.

Other valuable indicators for the buyer:

  • packing date
  • egg collection date
  • best before date

The packing date can be indicated both on the eggs and on the packaging. It carries practically no information for us. After all, it is unknown how long the eggs lay before they were packaged.

The date of egg collection is a completely different indicator. This is the day the chicken laid an egg. From this date, their expiration date is counted, which cannot be more than 25 days.
