Egg with caviar. Eggs stuffed with red caviar. Note to the hostess

A recipe variation worth trying!

Stuffed eggs with red caviar is an appetizer that is served in our house on my mother’s birthday, as it seemed to me almost all my life. True, this year it turned out that it wasn’t that long, but still 18 years. I can almost remember when it was a surprise and an element of luxury. Then it became a subject of jokes, now it’s probably already a tradition. Its presence on the menu for mother’s birthday is considered mandatory and is not discussed.

For about 7 years, my mother regularly tells the story of how one of her friends decided to make eggs with red caviar and was surprised that they didn’t turn out so tasty. It turns out that she simply cut the eggs and spread caviar on top. This story initially slightly surprised me; it seemed that everyone knew how to cook eggs.

While preparing this snack for my mother’s birthday this year, I decided to take a photo to post it on the website. My daughter asked in surprise, do I really think that there are people who don’t know how to cook eggs stuffed with red caviar? I reminded my grandmother of a story about her friend (this is probably also a family story now)).

Eggs with red caviar, stuffed, nuances:

While posting this recipe, I looked through the Internet and, to my surprise, found that people mix the yolk with everything, but almost all of them have mayonnaise, but no butter. So, I strongly recommend that you try it with butter. It’s not for nothing that it’s customary to spread butter under the caviar on sandwiches. Caviar, if it is really tasty, only requires that it be highlighted favorably and served beautifully)).

Preparation Time:10 minutes

Cooking time:10 minutes

Total time: 20 minutes

Dish: Fish appetizers

Cuisine: Russian

Servings: 12 pieces

Thirdly, it is convenient and compact to place such a snack on the table. It is easy and quick to prepare, its appearance attracts the attention of guests and stimulates the appetite. Let's focus on the simplest, most delicious and nutritious option.

Recipe for chicken eggs stuffed with red caviar

(but you can also stuff quail)


  • chicken eggs,
  • red granular caviar,
  • a little fresh dill for the filling,
  • two or three green onions for serving,
  • mayonnaise,
  • ground black pepper.


1. To boil hard-boiled eggs, remove them from the refrigerator in advance, rinse thoroughly under warm running water (there are dirty spots on homemade eggs, rub them with salt to clean them). Boil water, dip the eggs into it, it is better to do this with a spoon or slotted spoon. Lightly salt the water in which the eggs are boiled to prevent the shell from breaking. Cook for 8-10 minutes. Then quickly transfer them to cold water. The heat from the eggs will be transferred to the water, so change it to cold water several times. This simple process will allow you to easily peel the eggs later.

2. Cut boiled and peeled eggs along their entire length into two equal halves. Set the whites aside for now, and place the yolks in a separate bowl.

3. Chop the fresh dill very finely. Using a fork, mash the egg yolks, add dill to them, add mayonnaise, sprinkle with ground black pepper to your taste and mix well. Regulate the amount of mayonnaise yourself - the main thing is that the mass is of medium thickness (not liquid, otherwise it will spread, and not very dense, then it will be inconvenient to fill egg whites with it).

4. Fill the egg halves with the resulting mixture. You can do this with a teaspoon.

If you want to give your stuffed eggs more sophistication and a festive look, use a pastry syringe or a pastry bag with a shaped nozzle. Pipe the filling in an original pattern into the indentations of the egg whites.

5. Arrange the eggs beautifully on top, decorate everything with a sprig of fresh dill or sprinkle with chopped green onions.

6. Place the finished eggs stuffed with red caviar on a large festive dish, decorated with fresh lettuce leaves. Just imagine how attractive and seductive it will look due to the bright riot of colors.


  • so that the egg halves do not roll around on the dish, but stand straight, trim their bottoms a little;
  • so that the caviar does not stick to the spoon and lies well on the stuffed egg, before scooping it from the jar, wet the spoon in cool water each time;
  • Both eggs and red caviar are nutritious protein foods. Therefore, during a holiday feast, serve this appetizer first, but do not cook it a lot. Based on the calculation - two stuffed egg halves for each guest (after all, there is still a whole holiday ahead and there are so many delicious temptations).

You can use both chicken and quail eggs, adding various ingredients to red caviar. The shelf life of stuffed eggs in the cold is about a day, but this delicious dish is the first to disappear from the holiday table. We will tell you how to cook eggs stuffed with red caviar in our article.

Royal snack

Stuffed eggs became a popular dish on holiday tables at the beginning of the 20th century. This appetizer quickly fell in love with many gourmets, since you can use a huge number of different fillings to prepare it - it all depends on the imagination of the cook and the available ingredients.

With the advent of buffets, deviled eggs have become an indispensable dish at any special event. However, from the variety of possible fillings for them, preference is usually given to stuffed eggs with red caviar, the recipe for which is quite simple.

Appetizer option with red caviar and cucumber

This dish looks quite presentable and solemn thanks to the bright filling, as well as the impressive presentation. If desired, stuffed eggs with red caviar and cucumber can be served as an appetizer on skewers, which will be very useful when it comes to a buffet table.

  • quail eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • red caviar - 90 g;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • greenery - a sprig.

Practical part

You should start preparing the snack by preparing the eggs. To do this, they need to be boiled, peeled and cut into halves. After this, apply a small amount of sour cream or homemade mayonnaise to the flat surface of half an egg.

The next stage is laying red caviar on halves of quail eggs. This must be done carefully, using a teaspoon, so that the filling does not slip off and end up somewhere on the side. Then you need to wash the cucumber and cut it into slices, using for decoration a part corresponding to the size of a quail egg. You can also use dill, parsley or basil for decoration if desired.

Recipe for eggs with red caviar and olives

This dish can please both household members and visiting guests. You can add slices of tomatoes, fresh cucumber, olives and green onions to the stuffed eggs.

For cooking you will need the following products:

  • chicken eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • red caviar - 70 g;
  • olives - 80 g;
  • greenery - a sprig.

You should start preparing eggs with red caviar by preparing the main ingredient. To do this, they need to be boiled for 10-12 minutes, then immersed in cold water. This must be done so that the egg shell is removed without pieces of protein.

The peeled egg should be cut horizontally, thus forming two boats. Egg yolks should be laid out and placed in a separate bowl. Prepared olives must be cut into small cubes and added to the yolks. Mix everything thoroughly, add salt and season with soy sauce, and, if desired, mayonnaise.

The next stage is filling the proteins. Place the yolk mixture at the bottom of the boat, and place red caviar on top of it. Before serving, the exquisite aristocratic appetizer must be placed in the refrigerator.

When decorating this delicious appetizer with sprigs of herbs, the top layer of stuffing should be left on display, placing the parsley not on top of the caviar, but along the edge of the serving dish, which, if desired, can be decorated with lettuce leaves.

Stuffed eggs with sprats and red caviar

This version of an elegant snack will decorate any holiday table. The recipe is simple, and the result is always luxurious. When stuffing eggs with red caviar, experienced chefs recommend mixing the yolk not with mayonnaise, but with softened butter.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • eggs - 8 pcs.;
  • sprats - 100 g;
  • red caviar - 80 g;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • greenery - a sprig.

Preparing an original snack must begin with preparing the eggs. To do this, they should be boiled and peeled. Then the eggs need to be cut into two equal parts and the yolks separated from the whites. Mash the yolks with a fork and add pre-chopped dill, chopped garlic, ground black pepper and salt to the mixture. Also, softened butter should be added to the yolk mass, which will simplify the mixing procedure.

After this, the egg halves should be stuffed with a yolk mixture, on top of which red caviar is laid out. Before decorating the appetizer with sprats, place the fish on a paper towel to drain excess fat. Next, place one fish and a leaf of greenery on each half of the egg.

If the egg halves are gone, but the yolk mixture remains, you can add mayonnaise and chopped herbs to it. Makes a delicious and nutritious pasta for sandwiches for breakfast or lunch for the whole family.

There are so many different fillings for stuffed eggs - sometimes you just get confused and don’t know what to choose. Considering that this appetizer is one of my favorites, I cook it quite often, and I try to try new recipes every time. My latest experiment was very successful, so I am happy to share the result with you. Meet eggs with red caviar and cheese, very tender, very beautiful and no less tasty.

This appetizer will be especially appropriate for a festive feast, because it is an excellent alternative to banal sandwiches with red caviar. Eggs stuffed with caviar will be good on any occasion - be it New Year, March 8, birthday or just friendly get-togethers. They are very simple to prepare, so you will certainly succeed in the best possible way. Shall we get started?


  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • 50-70 g hard cheese;
  • mayonnaise (preferably homemade);
  • salt, black pepper to taste;
  • 70-80 g red caviar;
  • Greens for decoration.

How to cook eggs stuffed with caviar:

Boil the eggs hard - that is, cook them in boiling water for 10 minutes: during this time, both the white and the yolk will become hard. Carefully peel the eggs, being careful not to damage the surface of the white.

Three hard cheeses on a medium grater.

Cut the eggs into halves and remove the yolks. Add grated hard cheese and mayonnaise to the yolks. There shouldn’t be too much sauce, we need to get a mass that will hold its shape well. Therefore, do not add a large amount of mayonnaise at once; it is better to add the required amount later. I usually use a little less than 1 tbsp. spoons.

Stir, add salt and black pepper to taste. Don’t overdo it, remember that we will also use caviar for the eggs, and it is also quite salty.

Fill the egg white halves with the cheese and yolk mixture. At the same time, you shouldn’t make too big a mound, as you usually do with stuffed eggs, because we still need to add the caviar.
