Dishes made from natural chopped mass. Natural and chopped cutlets, differences. List of used literature

Section I. Introduction. Stages of development of public catering. 2

Section II. Technology for preparing products from natural chopped mass. 6

1. Chemical composition of dishes made from naturally chopped mass. 6

2. Assortment of dishes. 7

3. Cooking technology. 8

4.Layout of the workshop and placement of equipment. 24

Section III. Organization of labor in the production of meat dishes from natural minced mass. 24

1. Organization of the workshop and workplaces 24

2. Organization of work in the workshop. 27

3. Safety precautions in the workshop. 27

Section IV. List of used literature. thirty

Introduction. Stages of development of public catering.

On November 8 (October 27), 1917, V.I. Lenin signed a decree on the organization of public canteens, control over their activities and distribution of food funds. The first canteens appeared at the Putilov plant in Petrograd, and then in Moscow and other cities. In conditions of acute food shortages and economic devastation during the civil war and foreign intervention, public canteens played a major role in providing food to the population.

During the NEP period, public canteens were transferred to the management of consumer cooperatives and transferred to economic accounting. By the beginning of 1921, over 8 million people ate there.

Until the thirties, the industry did not receive proper development, since the country's attention was directed to industrialization and the organization of collective farms.

Having created the material basis for the development of public catering in the country, on August 19, 1931, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks) adopted a resolution “On measures to improve public catering”, in which it noted the importance of public catering and provided for a number of measures aimed at improving the quality and expanding the range of dishes, improving sanitary conditions and strengthening the material and technical base of enterprises, to increase the interest of workers in the results of their work. The first culinary schools, technical schools, and institutes came into operation. Trade engineering factories produced the first domestic equipment. To improve the supply of raw materials, public catering enterprises received the right to procure agricultural products and organize subsidiary farms. Rejection of finished products and culinary products was introduced.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945. The public catering system contributed to a more even distribution of food among the population, depending on the quality and quantity of their labor, and helped provide additional food to workers in leading sectors of the national economy and, primarily, the defense industry.

In the post-war years, the network of public catering establishments expanded at a significant pace and by 1955 reached 118 thousand units (in 1940 there were 87.6 thousand enterprises); the range of dishes has increased and the provision of enterprises with technological and refrigeration equipment has improved, and the culture of serving the population has improved.

On February 20, 1959, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution “On the further development and improvement of public catering,” which provided for the transition of the industry to industrial footing in connection with the transition of canteens, restaurants, cafes and snack bars to working with semi-finished products. It was planned to organize the production of semi-finished products in large kitchen factories, procurement factories, as well as in meat and dairy, fish and food industries. Centralized production of semi-finished products makes it possible to organize their production more rationally, increase the productivity of cooks, create production lines, make better use of production space and waste, and reduce cooking costs.

After the September (1965) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, public catering enterprises began to gradually switch to a new planning system based on three or two indicators - trade turnover, highlighting turnover for the sale of their own products and profit, or only for the sale of their own products and profit. Particular attention was paid to the quality of dishes and forms of service to the population.

Public catering, which has become an important sector of the national economy, is closely connected with the development of the entire economy of a socialist state and with the solution of major social problems. In 1977, the turnover of public catering amounted to 21.1 billion rubles, 2,333 thousand people were employed in the industry, and 97 million people used the services of enterprises daily. Many new enterprises have been opened, and food services for workers, schools and students have been especially strengthened and improved. Progressive forms of service have been introduced and have received wide approval (set meals, food delivery to workplaces, a subscription payment system, mechanized lines for distributing set meals, etc.), and the nutrition of people working on evening and night shifts has improved.

By 1980, public catering turnover reached 24.4 billion rubles, which was 25% higher than in 1975. The output of domestic products increased by 27%.

The industry has increased production of quick-frozen meals. In this regard, electrophysical methods of food processing are being introduced, periodic and continuous devices with infrared and microwave heating are being created and produced.

Automated washing departments are being created, including a number of specialized machines and transport vehicles. Particular attention was paid to rational nutrition and the introduction of set meals prepared on a scientific basis. Diets were developed for various professional groups depending on the nature of work, taking into account energy costs and physiological needs for basic nutrients (for example, at the Research Institute of Public Nutrition using a computer).

Industry leadership is carried out by the Ministry of Trade of the USSR, the Ministry of Trade of the Union and Autonomous Republics, the department of trade and public catering of the executive committees of the Soviets of Working People's Deputies.

In cities with a wide network of public catering establishments, there are trusts of canteens, cafes, and restaurants. In small towns, management of the public catering system and trade is combined into trade. Ministries and departments develop and implement measures for the development, location and specialization of a network of enterprises, introduce progressive forms of service, improve the culture of production and the quality of dishes, train personnel, monitor compliance by enterprises with sanitary rules, prices and markups, the standing of scales, etc.

At the end of the 80s, many public catering establishments began to operate on the basis of economic calculation, i.e. have an independent balance. Many cooperative catering establishments opened, although most of them continued to remain part of state trade associations. They supplied enterprises with raw materials, semi-finished products and material and technical items, directed the work of all enterprises to carry out the instructions of higher levels, recruited and trained personnel, set the operating hours of enterprises, introduced new equipment and progressive forms of service, new technology, organized equipment repairs and laundry linen

In those planned in 1986. In the main directions of economic and social development of our country, noticeable attention was paid to improving the public catering system. It was planned to further comprehensive automation of food preparation processes and serving the population, the introduction of large procurement enterprises and centralized supply of semi-finished products to enterprises, and the introduction of new progressive technologies.

However, the change from planned relations in the economy to market ones in the early 90s determined a sharp turn in the development of public catering enterprises. It followed the path of creating small, compact, self-sustaining enterprises with a high level of services and quality of food preparation, i.e. The priority was not quantity, but quality.

Of course, large catering establishments still exist today. But the level of their equipment, the quality of food preparation, and the culture of service are entering into increasingly tough competition with the McDonald's that have appeared in our country, various cafes, snack bars and other enterprises opened in our country by foreign companies.

The creation of public catering establishments in Russia with high quality prepared products, a level of service that is as convenient as possible for visitors is one of the most important tasks facing the public catering system today.

Section II. Technological process of preparing meat dishes from minced mass.

1. Chemical composition.

Meat is the carcass of killed animals in which the skins, head, lower limbs and internal organs have been removed.

The pulpy part of the meat-muscle, adipose and connective tissues includes organic (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, extractives, vitamins, enzymes) and inorganic substances (water and mineral salts). The quantitative ratio of these substances depends on the type, breed, sex, age, fatness of the animal, as well as on the part of the carcass and other factors.

Protein in the meat of various animals contains from 15 to 20%. The bulk (75 - 85%) consists of complete proteins, including the entire complex of amino acids necessary for building the tissues of the human body.

Complete, easily digestible proteins (myosin, actin, actoliosin, myogen, myoalgushin, globulin x, myoglobin) are found mainly in muscle tissue, which determines its greatest nutritional value compared to other tissues.

Myosin is the most important protein in muscle tissue, accounting for 40–45% of all proteins included in it. Myosin is characterized by a high ability to swell, is insoluble in water, and its coagulation temperature is 45 – 50 0 C.

Actin makes up about 15% of all proteins in muscle tissue. When combined with myosin, it forms the complex protein actomyosin, which is insoluble in water and, unlike myosin and actin, has high viscosity.

Myogen is contained in muscle tissue about 20% of the total amount of proteins. Myogen easily dissolves in water, at a temperature of 55 - 65 0 C it coagulates, forming a brown foam on the surface of the broth.

Myoalbumin makes up 1–2% of all muscle tissue proteins, dissolves in water, and coagulates at a temperature of 45–47 0 C.

Globulin X in muscle tissue accounts for ¾ of the total amount of proteins; it dissolves in saline solution.

Myoglobin is a complex protein consisting of the globin protein and the non-protein substance gelg, which contains iron. Myoglobin accounts for only up to 1% of the total protein in muscle tissue. Myoglobin is capable of reacting with atmospheric oxygen, hydrogen sulfide and other gases.

Collagen is found in all types of connective tissue, but it is especially abundant in tendons and bones. In cold water it swells but does not dissolve. When heated for a long time in water at a temperature of 60 - 95 0 C, collagen is boiled and turns into glutin, which, when cooled below 40 0 ​​C, forms jelly.

Elastin is found in significant quantities in the occipital-cervical ligament, the walls of blood vessels, and abdominal muscles. The amount of fat in the meat of various types of animals varies greatly - from 2% (for veal) to 40% (for pork) of the carcass weight and depends mainly on the fatness of the animal. Meat carbohydrates consist mainly of glycogen, or animal starch, which is a reserve nutritional material and plays an important role in the ripening process of meat. In meat it is up to 0.8%, in liver - from 2 to 5%.

Meat extractives are divided into nitrogen-free and nitrogenous. Nitrogen-free substances include glycogen and its breakdown products - maltose, glucose, lactic acid, etc. The most important nitrogenous substances are creatine, creatine phosphate, carnosine and adenosine phosphates - adenosine triphosphoric, adenosine diphosphoric and adenosine monophosphoric acids.

Meat vitamins are represented by water-soluble and fat-soluble groups. Water-soluble vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 are found in the muscle tissue of slaughtered animals. Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E are concentrated in adipose tissue.

Enzymes are protein substances that accelerate the synthesis and breakdown of substances in the animal’s body, and in the carcasses of killed animals - only the breakdown of these substances. Water content in meat ranges from 47 to 78%, depending on the fatness and age of the animal.

Mineral substances in meat can range from 0.8 to 1.3%.

The calorie content of meat is determined by its chemical composition and digestibility, which mainly depend on the type, age and fatness of the animal, as well as on the part of the carcass.

2. Assortment of dishes.

The range of dishes made from natural minced meat is quite wide and varied. There are many types of steaks, schnitzels, zraz, meatballs, and rolls made from various types of meat. Lula kebab is prepared from lamb, and kupaty from pork.

For further description, I have chosen 5 main dishes most often used in catering establishments.

1. Natural chopped schnitzel

2. Meatballs in sauce

3. Chopped beefsteak

4. Lula kebab

5. Natural chopped cutlet.

3. Cooking technology.

3.1. Instructional and technological map.

Natural chopped schnitzel.

To prepare the semi-finished product, chopped cutlet meat of beef, lamb or pork is combined with raw fat, ground in a meat grinder, water (or milk), salt, pepper are added, mixed, after which semi-finished products are formed into oval shapes 1-1.5 cm thick.

In the process of preparing chopped semi-finished products, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the bacterial contamination of raw materials and finished semi-finished products (cutlet meat is washed with cold running water; chopped meat and cutlet mass are cooled by adding cold water or food ice).

The formed semi-finished products are immediately sent for heat treatment or placed in a refrigerator for cooling to + 6°C.

II. Preparing the side dish.

For side dishes, use crumbly porridge, boiled pasta, fried potatoes (boiled), fried potatoes (raw), boiled vegetables with fat, vegetables poached with fat, pumpkin, zucchini, fried eggplant, as well as complex side dishes.

Garnish Nos. 744, 750, 753, 757, 760,761, 765, 766, 784, 785,798, 805 (According to the Collection).

III.Preparing the sauce.

When leaving, the schnitzel is garnished and poured with the juice released during frying.

IV. Frying the semi-finished product.

The semi-finished products are moistened in a lezone, rolled in breadcrumbs, then placed in a frying pan or baking sheet with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160 C, and fried for 3-5 minutes on both sides until a crispy crust forms, and then brought to readiness in an oven at a temperature 250-280°C (5-7 min).

V. Dispensing of the finished dish.

A side dish is placed on a plate, a schnitzel is placed next to it, and the fat from frying is poured over it.

Ready-made schnitzels must be completely fried: the temperature in the center of the finished products must be no lower than 85°C, for products made from cutlet mass - no lower than 90°C. Organoleptic signs of product readiness are the release of colorless juice at the puncture site and a gray color on the cut.

Pork (cutlet meat) or lamb (cutlet meat) 156 133
Raw mutton fat 18 18
or beef (boiler meat) 156 115
Raw beef or pork fat 18 18
Water 12 12
Eggs 1/5 pcs. 8
Crackers 20 20
Weight semi-finished - 171
Animal fat fuel. 12 12
Mass of fried schnitzel - 125
Garnish - 150
Table margarine or butter 8 8
Exit - 283

Technology system.

Meatballs in sauce.

I. Preparation of semi-finished product.

In the process of preparing the semi-finished product, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the bacterial contamination of raw materials and finished semi-finished products (cutlet meat is washed with cold running water; chopped meat and cutlet mass are cooled by adding cold water or food ice).

The prepared minced meat is cut into balls weighing 10-12 g.

II. Preparing the side dish.

Side dishes - crumbly porridge, boiled rice, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes (boiled), fried potatoes (raw), boiled vegetables with fat. Garnish No. 744, 750, 753, 757, 759-761, 765, 773, 793

III.Preparing the sauce.

Sauces – red with roots, tomato, sour cream, sour cream with tomato, sour cream with onions. Sauce No. 824, 827, 828, 829, 863-865

IV. Bringing the dish to readiness.

Bread the semi-finished product in the form of balls in flour, place in a frying pan or baking sheet with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160 C, and fry for 3-5 minutes on both sides until a crispy crust forms, and then place in a shallow dish in 1-2 rows, pour in the sauce and simmer for 10-15 minutes. until ready.

V. Dispensing of the finished dish.

Place the side dish on a plate, next to the meatballs, then pour over the sauce in which they were stewed.

VI. Quality requirements or organoleptic evaluation of finished food.

VII.Dish diagram and calculation of raw materials.

Beef (cutlet meat) 103 76
Or veal (cauldron meat) 115 76
Or pork (cauldron meat) 89 76
Or lamb (boiler meat) 106 76
Wheat bread 16 16
Milk or water 22 22
Bulb onions 7 6
Flour 10 10
Weight semi-finished - 129
Animal fat fuel food 7 7
Weight of ready-made meatballs - 110
Sauce - 75
Garnish - 100
Exit - 285

Chopped beefsteak.

I. Preparation of semi-finished product.

To prepare the semi-finished product, beef, lamb or pork cutlet meat cut into pieces is crushed in a meat grinder, pork lard, cut into 5x5 mm cubes, water (or milk), salt, pepper are added and mixed.

The prepared minced meat is cut into oval-shaped products.

II. Preparing the side dish.

Side dishes - crumbly porridge, boiled pasta, boiled potatoes, fried potatoes (raw), fried potatoes (boiled), fried potatoes, boiled vegetables with fat, vegetables poached with fat, vegetables in milk sauce, pumpkin, zucchini, fried eggplants.

IV. Frying the semi-finished product.

Semi-finished products in the form of oval-shaped products are breaded (or not breaded) in flour, put in a frying pan or baking sheet with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160 C, and fry for 3-5 minutes on both sides until a crispy crust forms.

V. Dispensing of the finished dish.

There are many ways to serve steaks, but there are three main ones: 1) along with a side dish - fried potatoes or a complex side dish, pouring over the juice in which the steak itself was fried; 2) with onions, i.e. Place fried onion rings on top, garnish with fried potatoes, sprinkle with dill or parsley (country style); 3) with egg, i.e. When on holiday, a fried egg from one egg is placed on the steak (Hamburg style).

VI. Quality requirements or organoleptic evaluation of finished food.

The surface is smooth, without cracks or tears, evenly colored.

The cut appearance is a homogeneous mass, without visible individual pieces of meat, bread, or tendons. Pink-red tint is not allowed. The taste of bread, rancid fat and other foreign tastes and odors is not allowed. The consistency is juicy and soft.

VII.Dish diagram and calculation of raw materials.

Beef (boiler meat) 155 114
Lard 18 17
Milk or water 10,5 10,5
Ground black pepper 0,06 0,06
Salt 1,7 1,7
Weight semi-finished - 143
Animal fat fuel 10 10
Weight of fried steak - 100
Garnish - 150
Exit - 250

Lula kebab.

I. Preparation of semi-finished product.

To prepare the semi-finished product, lamb cutlet meat cut into pieces, onions, raw fat are crushed in a meat grinder, salt and pepper are added, and mixed.

The prepared minced meat is formed into sausages.

II. Preparing the side dish.

To prepare the side dish, use green onions, herbs, and pita bread.

To prepare it, knead a stiff dough from flour and water, roll out pita bread 1mm thick, and bake on a baking sheet without fat.

IV. Frying the semi-finished product.

Semi-finished products are strung on a skewer and fried over coals until cooked.

V. Dispensing of the finished dish.

When serving, lula kebab is placed on pita bread, garnished with onions, herbs, and sprinkled with sumac. Lula kebab can be served without pita bread.

VI. Quality requirements or organoleptic evaluation of finished food.

The surface is smooth, without cracks or tears, evenly colored.

The cut appearance is a homogeneous mass, without visible individual pieces of meat, bread, or tendons. Pink-red tint is not allowed. The taste of rancid fat and other foreign tastes and odors is not allowed.

VII.Dish diagram and calculation of raw materials.

Lamb (boiler meat) 331 237
Raw fat (tail fat) 20 20
Bulb onions 20 17
Salt 5 5
Pepper 0,1 0,1
Weight semi-finished - 27-
Mass of fried lula kebab - 170
Wheat flour For lavash 45 45
Water - 12
Weight of finished lavash - 50
Green onion 40 32
Parsley (greens) 15 11
Sumac 3 3
Exit - 265

Natural chopped cutlet.

I. Preparation of semi-finished product.

To prepare the semi-finished product, chopped cutlet meat of beef, lamb or pork is combined with raw fat, stale wheat bread of the 1st or highest grade, previously soaked in milk or water, raw onions, chopped in a meat grinder, water (or milk) is added. , salt, pepper, mix.

The prepared minced meat is cut into oval-flattened products with one pointed end, 1-2 cm thick.

II. Preparing the side dish.

Side dishes - crumbly porridge, boiled beans, boiled pasta, boiled potatoes, fried potatoes (raw), fried potatoes (boiled), fried potatoes, boiled vegetables with fat, fried tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, fried eggplant.

№№ 744, 750, 753, 757, 760-761, 765-766, 784, 785

IV. Frying the semi-finished product.

Bread the semi-finished product in the form of oval-shaped products in flour or breadcrumbs, place in a frying pan or baking tray with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160 C, and fry for 3-5 minutes on both sides until a crispy crust forms.

V. Dispensing of the finished dish.

Place the side dish and cutlet on a plate and pour over the meat juice formed during frying.

VI. Quality requirements or organoleptic evaluation of finished food.

The products are evenly coated with breading, the surface is smooth, without cracks or tears, evenly colored, light brown.

The cut appearance is a homogeneous mass, without visible individual pieces of meat, bread, or tendons. Pink-red tint is not allowed. The taste of bread, rancid fat and other foreign tastes and odors is not allowed. The consistency is juicy and soft.

VII.Dish diagram and calculation of raw materials.

Lamb (boiler meat) 159 114
Raw mutton fat 17 17
Or pork (cauldron meat) 154 131
Water 14 14
Weight semi-finished - 143
Animal fat fuel. 10 10
Mass of fried cutlets - 100
Garnish - 150

4.Layout and placement of equipment.

The requirements for the placement of equipment are as follows: it must be optimally located in such a way as to ensure the consistency of the technological process, separate the areas for processing raw materials from the areas for preparing semi-finished products, and at the same time minimize the amount of time for transferring semi-finished products from one workplace to another, make the work as convenient and convenient as possible. equipped.

1- cutting chair

2- ladder with sides


4- hooks on the bracket

5-table for deboning meat

6- work tables

7- universal machine

8- stand

9- rack

10- refrigerated cabinet

Decorate with greens. Work for the day: 1. Prepared Greek salad 2. Prepared Tuna Salad 3. Made preparations for Veal Olivier 4. Prepared Voyage Salad Lesson No. 19 January 29, 2010 Topic: Cooking baked fish dishes. Baking fish is as follows. Fish products are placed in a shallow dish with a small amount of fat, but without preheating until...

To prepare the minced mass, meat from the neck, flank, hem, as well as trimmings obtained from cutting and deboning meat are used. If category II meat is used, then lard (raw) is added to it for juiciness and improved taste. The cleaned meat is cut into pieces, combined with lard, passed through a meat grinder with a double grid once, and with a single grid - twice, add water or milk, salt, pepper and mix everything well. When preparing minced mass from fatty meat, lard is not used, and the amount of meat is increased.

For 1 kg of minced mass take (net weight in g): meat - 800, bacon - 120, water or milk - 70.

The following semi-finished products are prepared from the chopped mass.

Chopped beefsteak - the bacon is cut into small cubes, combined with the chopped mass, portioned and the product is given a flattened round shape 2 cm thick. Use 1 piece. per serving.

Natural chopped cutlets - the mass is prepared from lamb, portioned, the products are given an oval shape, a bone is inserted, moistened in lezone and breaded in breadcrumbs.

Poltava cutlets - the mass is prepared from beef, add bacon, cut into small cubes, chopped garlic and mix. Then portion, shape into cutlets, bread in breadcrumbs, use 2 pieces each. per serving.

Natural chopped schnitzel - the mass is prepared from pork, lamb or beef, portioned, given an oval shape 1 cm thick, dipped in leison and breaded in breadcrumbs.

Meatballs - the meat is cut into pieces, passed through a meat grinder, combined with finely chopped raw onions, raw eggs, ground pepper, salt, water is added and everything is mixed well, then cut into portions in the form of balls of 7-10 g .

Lula kebab is prepared from minced lamb. Lamb cutlet meat is cut into pieces, combined with raw onions, lamb fat (tail fat), passed through a meat grinder 2-3 times, add salt and ground pepper and mix well. You can add citric acid. Then put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to marinate. After this, portion it, shape it into small sausages, attach it to a skewer and use 2-3 pieces at a time. per serving.


To prepare the cutlet mass, use: beef - neck flesh, flank and trimmings, pork - trimmings that are obtained when cutting carcasses, and less often lamb - neck pulp, trimmings. It is better to use meat from well-fed animals with a fat content of up to 10%, and the cutlet mass will be of good quality. If the meat is lean, then add bacon or natural lard (5-10%).

The meat is cleaned of tendons, bruises, and coarse connective tissue, cut into pieces and passed through a meat grinder. Wheat stale bread made from flour of at least 1st grade is soaked in cold water or milk. The chopped meat is combined with soaked bread, salt and ground pepper are added, mixed well, passed through a meat grinder and beaten. At the same time, the mass is enriched with air, becomes more homogeneous, and the products turn out fluffy. However, it is not recommended to beat for a long time, as the fat is separated and the products turn out less juicy and tasty. For 1 kg of meat take (net weight in g): wheat bread - 250, water or milk - 300, salt - 20, ground pepper - 1. The following semi-finished products are obtained from the cutlet mass.

Chopped cutlets - the cutlet mass is hung into portions of 57 g, breaded in red breading, and given an oval-flattened shape with one pointed end (2-2.5 cm thick, 10-12 cm long, 5 cm wide). Use 1-2 pcs. per serving.

Chopped meatballs - the cutlet mass is hung into 57 g portions, breaded and given a flattened round shape (2-2.5 cm thick, 6 cm in diameter). Use 2 pcs. per serving. Cutlets and meatballs can be prepared with the addition of onions or garlic (5-8 g of raw onion or 0.5-0.8 g of garlic). In this case, the products are immediately subjected to heat treatment, since the cutlet mass becomes gray in color, and the structure and quality of the products deteriorate.

Chopped schnitzel - the cutlet mass is portioned, breaded, and given an oval-flattened shape 1 cm thick. Use 1 pc. per serving.

Chopped zrazy - the cutlet mass is prepared with a smaller amount of bread, portioned, shaped into a circle 1 cm thick, minced meat is placed in the middle, the edges of the circle are connected, breaded in red breading and shaped into a brick with oval edges. Use 1-2 pcs. per serving.

For minced meat, take sauteed onions, which are combined with boiled chopped eggs, parsley, add salt, ground pepper and mix. You can also stuff it with omelette, cut into small pieces.

Meatballs - cutlet mass is prepared with a smaller amount of bread, sautéed onions are added, then portioned, shaped into balls and breaded in flour. Use 2-4 pcs. per serving.

Roll - less bread is used to prepare the cutlet mass. On a moistened napkin or gauze, lay out the mass in the form of a rectangle 1.5-2 cm thick, in the middle; minced meat is placed along the length.

The mass is combined using a napkin so that one edge of the mass is slightly over the other, it is shaped into a loaf and transferred, seam down, from the napkin onto a greased baking sheet. The surface of the roll is smeared with ice cream, sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and punctures are made so that cracks do not form during heat treatment.

For minced meat, use boiled pasta seasoned with oil, boiled chopped eggs, or sautéed onions. You can combine boiled eggs with sautéed onions.


Food waste generated during meat processing includes bones and tendons. The amount of waste depends on the type of meat and its fatness* Bones are used to prepare broths. Before use, the cleaned bones are cut so that the food substances are better digested during heat treatment. The bones are cut with an ax on a cutting chair. Large enterprises use bone crushers or saw bones on bone saws. For tubular bones, the thickened part is sawed off at both ends, and the tube is left intact. Vertebral bones are cut into vertebrae and crosswise, large bones are cut into pieces 5-7 cm in size. After grinding, they are washed.

The costal and scapular bones are used for technical purposes.


Supplying public catering establishments with semi-finished meat products produced at large procurement enterprises and meat processing plants makes it possible to use equipment more efficiently and increase labor productivity.

Enterprises receive semi-finished products: large pieces, portioned small pieces and chopped products. Semi-finished products must comply with technical specifications.

Signs of spoilage and tanning are not allowed. Natural semi-finished products must have a non-weathered surface, moist, but not sticky. Breaded semi-finished products must have smooth edges and a breading layer thickness of no more than 2 mm. Pieces of small-sized semi-finished products must be of the correct shape, have the smell and color characteristic of this type of meat. Semi-finished minced meat products have a uniformly breaded surface, without cracks or broken edges.

Large-piece semi-finished products are made from beef, lamb, veal and pork. They are separate parts of meat, trimmed of excess fat, films, and tendons.

The following semi-finished products are produced from beef:

Tenderloin is a muscle covered with a shiny tendon;

The thick edge is a rectangular layer of pulp, covered on the outside with shiny tendon; without muscles and tendons adjacent directly to the spine;

The thin edge is a rectangular layer of pulp, covered on the outside with shiny tendon;

The top piece is round-shaped pulp, from which the rough tendons have been removed;

The inner piece is large, round-shaped muscles covered with a thin surface film;

Lateral piece - large square-flat muscles;

The outer piece is a layer of meat made from two fused muscles and has an elongated flat shape;

The scapular part - the flesh is divided into two parts: the shoulder is wedge-shaped and the shoulder - consisting of two oblong-shaped muscles connected together by a film;

The subscapular part is a square-shaped flesh;

Brisket - flesh removed from the breast bone and the adjacent lower third of the rib; edge—a rectangular-shaped layer of meat;

Cutlet meat - pieces of meat of various sizes from the neck, flank and trimmings, as well as trimmings from meat carcasses of category II.

The following semi-finished products come from lamb, veal and pork:

Loin - dorsal and lumbar parts with rib bones no more than 8 cm long, without vertebrae;

The hip part is the flesh of the hind leg without stringy meat;

The scapula is the pulp removed in one layer from the scapula and humerus bones, without the meat adjacent to the ulna and radius bones;

Brisket - the rib portion of the flesh with the rib bones, without the breast bone and flank;

Neck - pulp removed in one layer from the neck of pork;

Cutlet meat is pieces of meat of various sizes from the neck part (except pork) and trimmings obtained by stripping large-sized semi-finished products.

Large-piece semi-finished products are delivered packed in metal or wooden boxes weighing 20 kg. The lids of the boxes have holes for air access. Large cattle semi-finished products from one type of meat, manufactured at the same time, should be placed in the boxes. They are stored at a temperature not exceeding 6°C for no more than 48 hours from the date of manufacture. Tenderloin can be supplied frozen in blocks weighing no more than 20 kg. At the enterprise, large-piece semi-finished products are removed from the container, washed and used to prepare portioned semi-finished products.

Portioned semi-finished products

The following semi-finished products are made from beef: beefsteak, braised beef, languette, entrecote, sliced ​​weighing 80 or 125 g, rump steak without breading weighing 70 or 110 g and breaded rump steak weighing 80 or 125 g.

The following are produced from lamb and pork: natural cutlets, lamb or oven-baked pork, escalope weighing 80 or 125 g, cutlets and schnitzel without breading weighing 70 or 1 g, cutlets and breaded schnitzel weighing 80 or 125 g.

Natural and breaded semi-finished products are placed on board or metal inserts in one row obliquely so that one semi-finished product is partially under the other and no more than three inserts are installed in boxes.

Portioned semi-finished products are stored at a temperature of 6°C, the shelf life from the moment of production of natural semi-finished products is 36 hours, breaded ones - 24 hours.

Small-piece semi-finished products

The following semi-finished products are made from beef: beef stroganoff, roast, azu, goulash, shash-lyk, soup set.

Comes from lamb and pork: shish kebab, pilaf, stew, goulash, roast (pork), soup set. Small-piece semi-finished products are delivered packed in metal boxes weighing up to 20 kg. For retail trade, they are packaged in cellophane or polyethylene bags of 500 and 100 and placed on inserts.

Chopped products

The enterprises receive cutlets weighing 50 g, meatballs, and chopped steaks.

Moscow cutlets are prepared from beef with the addition of raw fat and onions.

Homemade cutlets are made from beef and pork with the addition of raw fat and onions.

Kyiv cutlets are prepared from pork with the addition of raw fat and onions.

Chopped cutlets and steaks are round in shape. Semi-finished products are placed in one row on liners sprinkled with breading; steaks are placed without breading.

Semi-finished chilled minced meat products come in the following assortment: natural minced schnitzel, ruble schnitzel. ny, natural chopped lula-kebab cutlets. They are placed in odsch row into functional containers, greased, close the lid, place in containers and subject to intensive cooling. reduction to a temperature of 6-8°C inside the product. Store in refrigerators at temperatures from 4 to 8°C for no more than 14 hours.


Catering establishments may receive meat from wild animals. The carcasses of wild goats are cut up like lamb, wild boar and honey. driving - like pigs, elk and deer - like cattle carcasses. The meat of wild animals contains a significant amount of connective tissue, it is very tough and does not soften when fried. Therefore, to improve the taste, remove the specific odor and soften the connective tissue, the meat of wild animals is marinated.

After deboning and trimming, the meat is cut into large, portioned or small pieces, placed in a ceramic or stainless steel dish, marinade is poured in, and kept in a cold place for 1 to 3 days, depending on the size of the pieces and the type of animal. , age. During the marinating process, the meat is turned over several times.

To prepare the marinade, add salt, sugar, bay leaf, peppercorns, finely chopped parsley, carrots, celery, and onions to boiling water, pour in vinegar, boil for 10-15 minutes and cool. Products for 1 liter of marinade (in g): salt - 20, sugar - 20, 3% vinegar - 500, bay leaf - 2, peppercorns - 1, carrots - 50, onions - 5, parsley - 25 , celery - 25.


Depending on their nutritional value and industrial processing, by-products are divided into two categories. KI categories include: liver, kidneys, tongues, brains, heart, beef udder, beef meat and bone tails.

By-products belong to the group of especially perishable products, since they have a wet surface and are highly contaminated with microorganisms. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully check their quality and process it quickly. By-products are supplied to enterprises chilled and frozen.

Frozen offal is defrosted in the meat shop at a temperature of 15-18°C. To do this, they are placed in one row on a baking sheet or oven. Brains, scars, kidneys can be thawed in water.

Beef, pork, and lamb heads are supplied processed. They are soaked in cold water, the skin is peeled with a knife, then the pulp is cut off along with the skin.

from heads that arrive with tongue and brains, the tongues are first cut out, the flesh and skin are cut off, the frontal part is removed and the brains are taken out. If the heads arrive without skin, but with lips, then the lips are cut off and singed. The treated heads are washed.

Beef and pork legs are supplied without horn shoes, hair and bristles. They are cut lengthwise into two parts and soaked for 2-3 hours in cold water.

The brains are soaked in cold water for 1-2 hours to remove blood from the blood vessels and swell the film. Then, without removing the brains from the water, carefully remove the film.

The blood vessels of the liver are cut out, washed and the film is removed. Before use, the liver can be scalded so that a lot of protein does not release during frying, and cooled quickly, since the liver may turn green when frying.

The kidneys arrive without a fat capsule and external ureters. Color - from light to dark brown. Beef kidneys are soaked in water for 2-3 hours to remove the specific odor. Pork and lamb kidneys are not soaked.

Tongues are cleaned of dirt and washed well with cold water.

The scars are soaked in cold water for 8-12 hours, periodically changing the water, then scalded several times, changing the water each time, and washed again with cold water. Before use, roll it up and tie it with twine.

The heart and throat are soaked in cold water for 1-3 hours and washed several times.

The lung is washed, cut into pieces along the bronchi and washed again.

The udder is cut into pieces of 1-1.5 kg, washed, soaked in cold water for 5-6 hours, large vessels are cut out.

Lamb and beef tails are cut into pieces along the spine, washed and soaked in cold water for 5-6 hours.

Semi-finished products from by-products. For the “fried liver” dish, the processed liver is cut into portions, sprinkled with salt and pepper before frying, breaded in flour and immediately fried. Use 1-2 pieces per serving.

Liver Stroganoff style - the peeled liver is cut into portions 0.5 cm thick and cut into bars length A- 5 cm.

Fried brains - the processed brains are pre-boiled, then cooled, cut into slices, sprinkled with salt and pepper, breaded in flour.

Brain fries - boiled and cooled whole or halved brains are sprinkled with salt, pepper, breaded in flour, moistened in a lie-zone and breaded in ground breadcrumbs.


Section I. Introduction. Stages of development of public catering. 2

Section II. Technology for preparing products from natural chopped mass. 6

1. Chemical composition of dishes made from naturally chopped mass. 6

2. Assortment of dishes. 7

3. Cooking technology. 8

4.Layout of the workshop and placement of equipment. 24

Section III. Organization of labor in the production of meat dishes from natural minced mass. 24

1. Organization of the workshop and workplaces 24

2. Organization of work in the workshop. 27

3. Safety precautions in the workshop. 27

Section IV. List of used literature. thirty

Introduction. Stages of development of public catering.

On November 8 (October 27), 1917, V.I. Lenin signed a decree on the organization of public canteens, control over their activities and distribution of food funds. The first canteens appeared at the Putilov plant in Petrograd, and then in Moscow and other cities. In conditions of acute food shortages and economic devastation during the civil war and foreign intervention, public canteens played a major role in providing food to the population.

During the NEP period, public canteens were transferred to the management of consumer cooperatives and transferred to economic accounting. By the beginning of 1921, over 8 million people ate there.

Until the thirties, the industry did not receive proper development, since the country's attention was directed to industrialization and the organization of collective farms.

Having created the material basis for the development of public catering in the country, on August 19, 1931, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolsheviks) adopted a resolution “On measures to improve public catering”, in which it noted the importance of public catering and provided for a number of measures aimed at improving the quality and expanding the range of dishes, improving sanitary conditions and strengthening the material and technical base of enterprises, to increase the interest of workers in the results of their work. The first culinary schools, technical schools, and institutes came into operation. Trade engineering factories produced the first domestic equipment. To improve the supply of raw materials, public catering enterprises received the right to procure agricultural products and organize subsidiary farms. Rejection of finished products and culinary products was introduced.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945. The public catering system contributed to a more even distribution of food among the population, depending on the quality and quantity of their labor, and helped provide additional food to workers in leading sectors of the national economy and, primarily, the defense industry.

In the post-war years, the network of public catering establishments expanded at a significant pace and by 1955 reached 118 thousand units (in 1940 there were 87.6 thousand enterprises); the range of dishes has increased and the provision of enterprises with technological and refrigeration equipment has improved, and the culture of serving the population has improved.

On February 20, 1959, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution “On the further development and improvement of public catering,” which provided for the transition of the industry to industrial footing in connection with the transition of canteens, restaurants, cafes and snack bars to working with semi-finished products. It was planned to organize the production of semi-finished products in large kitchen factories, procurement factories, as well as in meat and dairy, fish and food industries. Centralized production of semi-finished products makes it possible to organize their production more rationally, increase the productivity of cooks, create production lines, make better use of production space and waste, and reduce cooking costs.

After the September (1965) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, public catering enterprises began to gradually switch to a new planning system based on three or two indicators - trade turnover, highlighting turnover for the sale of their own products and profit, or only for the sale of their own products and profit. Particular attention was paid to the quality of dishes and forms of service to the population.

Public catering, which has become an important sector of the national economy, is closely connected with the development of the entire economy of a socialist state and with the solution of major social problems. In 1977, the turnover of public catering amounted to 21.1 billion rubles, 2,333 thousand people were employed in the industry, and 97 million people used the services of enterprises daily. Many new enterprises have been opened, and food services for workers, schools and students have been especially strengthened and improved. Progressive forms of service have been introduced and have received wide approval (set meals, food delivery to workplaces, a subscription payment system, mechanized lines for distributing set meals, etc.), and the nutrition of people working on evening and night shifts has improved.

By 1980, public catering turnover reached 24.4 billion rubles, which was 25% higher than in 1975. The output of domestic products increased by 27%.

The industry has increased production of quick-frozen meals. In this regard, electrophysical methods of food processing are being introduced, periodic and continuous devices with infrared and microwave heating are being created and produced.

Automated washing departments are being created, including a number of specialized machines and transport vehicles. Particular attention was paid to rational nutrition and the introduction of set meals prepared on a scientific basis. Diets were developed for various professional groups depending on the nature of work, taking into account energy costs and physiological needs for basic nutrients (for example, at the Research Institute of Public Nutrition using a computer).

Industry leadership is carried out by the Ministry of Trade of the USSR, the Ministry of Trade of the Union and Autonomous Republics, the department of trade and public catering of the executive committees of the Soviets of Working People's Deputies.

In cities with a wide network of public catering establishments, there are trusts of canteens, cafes, and restaurants. In small towns, management of the public catering system and trade is combined into trade. Ministries and departments develop and implement measures for the development, location and specialization of a network of enterprises, introduce progressive forms of service, improve the culture of production and the quality of dishes, train personnel, monitor compliance by enterprises with sanitary rules, prices and markups, the standing of scales, etc.

At the end of the 80s, many public catering establishments began to operate on the basis of economic calculation, i.e. have an independent balance. Many cooperative catering establishments opened, although most of them continued to remain part of state trade associations. They supplied enterprises with raw materials, semi-finished products and material and technical items, directed the work of all enterprises to carry out the instructions of higher levels, recruited and trained personnel, set the operating hours of enterprises, introduced new equipment and progressive forms of service, new technology, organized equipment repairs and laundry linen

In those planned in 1986. In the main directions of economic and social development of our country, noticeable attention was paid to improving the public catering system. It was planned to further comprehensive automation of food preparation processes and serving the population, the introduction of large procurement enterprises and centralized supply of semi-finished products to enterprises, and the introduction of new progressive technologies.

However, the change from planned relations in the economy to market ones in the early 90s determined a sharp turn in the development of public catering enterprises. It followed the path of creating small, compact, self-sustaining enterprises with a high level of services and quality of food preparation, i.e. The priority was not quantity, but quality.

Of course, large catering establishments still exist today. But the level of their equipment, the quality of food preparation, and the culture of service are entering into increasingly tough competition with the McDonald's that have appeared in our country, various cafes, snack bars and other enterprises opened in our country by foreign companies.

The creation of public catering establishments in Russia with high quality prepared products, a level of service that is as convenient as possible for visitors is one of the most important tasks facing the public catering system today.

Section II. Technological process of preparing meat dishes from minced mass.

1. Chemical composition.

Meat is the carcass of killed animals in which the skins, head, lower limbs and internal organs have been removed.

The pulpy part of the meat-muscle, adipose and connective tissues includes organic (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, extractives, vitamins, enzymes) and inorganic substances (water and mineral salts). The quantitative ratio of these substances depends on the type, breed, sex, age, fatness of the animal, as well as on the part of the carcass and other factors.

Protein in the meat of various animals contains from 15 to 20%. The bulk (75 - 85%) consists of complete proteins, including the entire complex of amino acids necessary for building the tissues of the human body.

Complete, easily digestible proteins (myosin, actin, actoliosin, myogen, myoalgushin, globulin x, myoglobin) are found mainly in muscle tissue, which determines its greatest nutritional value compared to other tissues.

Myosin is the most important protein in muscle tissue, accounting for 40–45% of all proteins included in it. Myosin is characterized by a high ability to swell, is insoluble in water, and its coagulation temperature is 45 – 50 0 C.

Actin makes up about 15% of all proteins in muscle tissue. When combined with myosin, it forms the complex protein actomyosin, which is insoluble in water and, unlike myosin and actin, has high viscosity.

Myogen is contained in muscle tissue about 20% of the total amount of proteins. Myogen easily dissolves in water, at a temperature of 55 - 65 0 C it coagulates, forming a brown foam on the surface of the broth.

Myoalbumin makes up 1–2% of all muscle tissue proteins, dissolves in water, and coagulates at a temperature of 45–47 0 C.

Globulin X in muscle tissue accounts for ¾ of the total amount of proteins; it dissolves in saline solution.

Myoglobin is a complex protein consisting of the globin protein and the non-protein substance gelg, which contains iron. Myoglobin accounts for only up to 1% of the total protein in muscle tissue. Myoglobin is capable of reacting with atmospheric oxygen, hydrogen sulfide and other gases.

Collagen is found in all types of connective tissue, but it is especially abundant in tendons and bones. In cold water it swells but does not dissolve. When heated for a long time in water at a temperature of 60 - 95 0 C, collagen is boiled and turns into glutin, which, when cooled below 40 0 ​​C, forms jelly.

Elastin is found in significant quantities in the occipital-cervical ligament, the walls of blood vessels, and abdominal muscles. Amount of fat in the meat of animals of various species varies greatly - from 2% (for veal) to 40% (for pork) of the carcass weight and depends mainly on the fatness of the animal. Carbohydrates meat consists mainly of glycogen, or animal starch, which is a reserve nutritional material and plays an important role in the process of ripening meat. In meat it is up to 0.8%, in liver - from 2 to 5%.

Meat extractives are divided into nitrogen-free and nitrogenous. Nitrogen-free substances include glycogen and its breakdown products - maltose, glucose, lactic acid, etc. The most important nitrogenous substances are creatine, creatine phosphate, carnosine and adenosine phosphates - adenosine triphosphoric, adenosine diphosphoric and adenosine monophosphoric acids.

Meat vitamins are represented by water-soluble and fat-soluble groups. Water-soluble vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 are found in the muscle tissue of slaughtered animals. Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E are concentrated in adipose tissue.

Enzymes are protein substances that accelerate the synthesis and breakdown of substances in the animal’s body, and in the carcasses of killed animals - only the breakdown of these substances. Water content in meat ranges from 47 to 78%, depending on the fatness and age of the animal.

Mineral substances in meat can range from 0.8 to 1.3%.

The calorie content of meat is determined by its chemical composition and digestibility, which mainly depend on the type, age and fatness of the animal, as well as on the part of the carcass.

2. Assortment of dishes .

The range of dishes made from natural minced meat is quite wide and varied. There are many types of steaks, schnitzels, zraz, meatballs, and rolls made from various types of meat. Lula kebab is prepared from lamb, and kupaty from pork.

For further description, I have chosen 5 main dishes most often used in catering establishments.

1. Natural chopped schnitzel

2. Meatballs in sauce

3. Chopped beefsteak

4. Lula kebab

5. Natural chopped cutlet.

3. Cooking technology.

3.1. Instructional and technological map.

Natural chopped schnitzel.

To prepare the semi-finished product, chopped cutlet meat of beef, lamb or pork is combined with raw fat, ground in a meat grinder, water (or milk), salt, pepper are added, mixed, after which semi-finished products are formed into oval shapes 1-1.5 cm thick.

In the process of preparing chopped semi-finished products, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the bacterial contamination of raw materials and finished semi-finished products (cutlet meat is washed with cold running water; chopped meat and cutlet mass are cooled by adding cold water or food ice).

The formed semi-finished products are immediately sent to heat treatment or placed in a refrigerator to cool to 6°C.

II. Preparing the side dish.

For side dishes, use crumbly porridge, boiled pasta, fried potatoes (boiled), fried potatoes (raw), boiled vegetables with fat, vegetables poached with fat, pumpkin, zucchini, fried eggplant, as well as complex side dishes.

IV. Frying the semi-finished product.

The semi-finished products are moistened in a lezone, rolled in breadcrumbs, then placed in a frying pan or baking tray with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160 C, and fried for 3-5 minutes on both sides until a crispy crust forms, and then brought to readiness in fryer cabinet at a temperature of 250-280°C (5-7 min).

V. Dispensing of the finished dish.

A side dish is placed on a plate, a schnitzel is placed next to it, and the fat from frying is poured over it.

Ready-made schnitzels must be completely fried: the temperature in the center of the finished products must be no lower than 5°C, for products made from cutlet mass - not lower than 90°C. Organoleptic signs of product readiness are the release of colorless juice at the puncture site and a gray color on the cut.

Technology system.

Meatballs in sauce.

I. Preparation of semi-finished product.

In the process of preparing the semi-finished product, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the bacterial contamination of raw materials and finished semi-finished products (cutlet meat is washed with cold running water; chopped meat and cutlet mass are cooled by adding cold water or food ice).

The prepared minced meat is cut into balls weighing 10-12 g.

II. Preparing the side dish.

Side dishes - crumbly porridge, boiled rice, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes (boiled), fried potatoes (raw), boiled vegetables with fat. Garnish №№ 744, 750, 753, 757, 759-761, 765, 773, 793

III.Preparing the sauce.

Sauces – red with roots, tomato, sour cream, sour cream with tomato, sour cream with onions. Sauce №№ 824, 827, 828, 829, 863-865

IV. Bringing the dish to readiness.

Bread the semi-finished product in the form of balls in flour, place in a frying pan or baking sheet with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160 C, and fry for 3-5 minutes on both sides until a crispy crust forms, and then place in a shallow dish in 1-2 rows, pour in the sauce and simmer for 10-15 minutes. until ready.

V. Dispensing of the finished dish.

Place the side dish on a plate, next to the meatballs, then pour over the sauce in which they were stewed.

VI. Quality requirements or organoleptic evaluation of finished food.

VII.Dish diagram and calculation of raw materials.

Chopped beefsteak.

I. Preparation of semi-finished product.

To prepare the semi-finished product, beef, lamb or pork cutlet meat cut into pieces is crushed in a meat grinder, pork lard, cut into 5x5 mm cubes, water (or milk), salt, pepper are added and mixed.

The prepared minced meat is cut into oval-shaped products.

II. Preparing the side dish.

Side dishes - crumbly porridge, boiled pasta, boiled potatoes, fried potatoes (raw), fried potatoes (boiled), fried potatoes, boiled vegetables with fat, vegetables poached with fat, vegetables in milk sauce, pumpkin, zucchini, fried eggplants.

IV. Frying the semi-finished product.

Semi-finished products in the form of oval-shaped products are breaded (or not breaded) in flour, put in a frying pan or baking sheet with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160 C, and fry for 3-5 minutes on both sides until a crispy crust forms.

V. Dispensing of the finished dish.

There are many ways to serve steaks, but there are three main ones: 1) along with a side dish - fried potatoes or a complex side dish, pouring over the juice in which the steak itself was fried; 2) with onions, i.e. Place fried onion rings on top, garnish with fried potatoes, sprinkle with dill or parsley (country style); 3) with egg, i.e. When on holiday, a fried egg from one egg is placed on the steak (Hamburg style).

VI. Quality requirements or organoleptic evaluation of finished food.

The surface is smooth, without cracks or tears, evenly colored.

The cut appearance is a homogeneous mass, without visible individual pieces of meat, bread, or tendons. Pink-red tint is not allowed. The taste of bread, rancid fat and other foreign tastes and odors is not allowed. The consistency is juicy and soft.

VII.Dish diagram and calculation of raw materials.

Lula kebab.

I. Preparation of semi-finished product.

To prepare the semi-finished product, lamb cutlet meat cut into pieces, onions, raw fat are crushed in a meat grinder, salt and pepper are added, and mixed.

The prepared minced meat is formed into sausages.

II. Preparing the side dish.

To prepare the side dish, use green onions, herbs, and pita bread.

To prepare it, knead a stiff dough from flour and water, roll out pita bread 1mm thick, and bake on a baking sheet without fat.

IV. Frying the semi-finished product.

Semi-finished products are strung on a skewer and fried over coals until cooked.

V. Dispensing of the finished dish.

When serving, lula kebab is placed on pita bread, garnished with onions, herbs, and sprinkled with sumac. Lula kebab can be served without pita bread.

VI. Quality requirements or organoleptic evaluation of finished food.

The surface is smooth, without cracks or tears, evenly colored.

The cut appearance is a homogeneous mass, without visible individual pieces of meat, bread, or tendons. Pink-red tint is not allowed. The taste of rancid fat and other foreign tastes and odors is not allowed.

VII.Dish diagram and calculation of raw materials.

Natural chopped cutlet.

I. Preparation of semi-finished product.

To prepare the semi-finished product, chopped cutlet meat of beef, lamb or pork is combined with raw fat, stale wheat bread of the 1st or highest grade, previously soaked in milk or water, raw onions, chopped in a meat grinder, water (or milk) is added. , salt, pepper, mix.

The prepared minced meat is cut into oval-flattened products with one pointed end, 1-2 cm thick.

II. Preparing the side dish.

Side dishes - crumbly porridge, boiled beans, boiled pasta, boiled potatoes, fried potatoes (raw), fried potatoes (boiled), fried potatoes, boiled vegetables with fat, fried tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, fried eggplant.

№№ 744, 750, 753, 757, 760-761, 765-766, 784, 785

IV. Frying the semi-finished product.

Bread the semi-finished product in the form of oval-shaped products in flour or breadcrumbs, place in a frying pan or baking tray with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160 C, and fry for 3-5 minutes on both sides until a crispy crust forms.

V. Dispensing of the finished dish.

Place the side dish and cutlet on a plate and pour over the meat juice formed during frying.

VI. Quality requirements or organoleptic evaluation of finished food.

The products are evenly coated with breading, the surface is smooth, without cracks or tears, evenly colored, light brown.

The cut appearance is a homogeneous mass, without visible individual pieces of meat, bread, or tendons. Pink-red tint is not allowed. The taste of bread, rancid fat and other foreign tastes and odors is not allowed. The consistency is juicy and soft.

VII.Dish diagram and calculation of raw materials.

4.Layout and placement of equipment.

The requirements for the placement of equipment are as follows: it must be optimally located in such a way as to ensure the consistency of the technological process, separate the areas for processing raw materials from the areas for preparing semi-finished products, and at the same time minimize the amount of time for transferring semi-finished products from one workplace to another, make the work as convenient and convenient as possible. equipped.

Picture 1.

Section II. Labour Organization.

1. Organization of workplaces in the workshop .

For the primary processing of beef, lamb, veal, pork, poultry, game, offal and the preparation of semi-finished products from them, which are then used to prepare dishes from natural chopped mass, a meat shop is organized at public catering establishments.

Workplaces in the meat shop are organized for two technological processes: for processing cattle meat, pork, lamb and veal; for processing poultry, game and meat by-products.

The meat must arrive at the workshop already thawed. In medium and small enterprises it is washed with brushes, for which a special bath must be provided in the meat shop.

To divide carcasses into parts, a special cutting chair must be provided in the workshop (a round block of hard wood with a diameter of 600-650 mm and a height of 800 mm); in large enterprises, a band saw is used. For cutting and chopping, the workplace must be equipped with a butcher's ax and chopping knives.

Further, during the technological process in the workshop, a cutting table is needed for deboning, stripping and slicing meat, and each worker must be provided with at least 1.5 meters of table length with a table width of 1 m (table height should be 0.9 m). Metal table tops should have edges to prevent meat juice from dripping onto the floor. Install drawers under table covers for easy storage of tools and equipment.

For slicing, beating and breading portioned semi-finished products, separate workplaces are organized, also equipped with production tables, the total length of which is determined based on the table length of 1.25 m for each cook. Tables can be used ordinary and specialized. Next to regular tables, it is necessary to install a refrigerated cabinet for storing meat and lemonade. In a specialized table, the lower part of the table is provided for these purposes, and the upper part is a shelf for storing spices and breading. For short-term storage and transportation of semi-finished products, mobile racks of various sizes can be provided.

The workplace for preparing minced meat and semi-finished products from it is equipped taking into account the performance of several technological operations: preparing minced meat, dosing it into portions and molding various semi-finished products.

In large enterprises for preparing minced meat, meat grinders, cutters, and minced meat mixers with individual drives are installed; in small workshops, universal drives with replaceable mechanisms are installed. Small businesses use tabletop meat grinders. They are installed on the same table where meat is deboned and semi-finished products are prepared.

The workplace for preparing semi-finished products should have table scales, medium knives, cutting boards and grates for meat grinders, a mortar and pestle, utensils for breading, and containers for semi-finished products.

At the workplace for mechanized forming of cutlets, a cutlet-forming machine is installed, to the right of it is a mobile bath with the finished cutlet mass, and to the left is a table for receiving and placing cutlets on a baking sheet, as well as a mobile rack. Workplace for manual dosing and shaping of minced meat products - schnitzels, cutlets, meatballs, etc. are organized on an ordinary or specialized production table of the same type as for cutting lumpy semi-finished products.

To store ready-made semi-finished meat products, refrigerated cabinets must be provided in the workshop.

An approximate view of a chef’s workplace when processing meat and shaping semi-finished minced meat products is shown in Figure 1.

The amount of equipment in the workshop and the need to equip it with equipment is determined by the amount of raw materials processed per shift. The required number of workers is calculated based on production rates of approximately 20 kg/hour. Based on the required number of workers in one shift, the length of the work tables is determined, as already indicated.

To prepare dishes from semi-finished products, it is necessary to provide a hot shop, which should be located in close proximity to the cold shop and dispensing room, since it is connected to them.

For the most perfect organization of workplaces in a hot shop, modular equipment is considered the best. Its linear arrangement along the walls ensures the necessary sequence of technological process operations, which saves production space and labor costs for cooks.

Ventilation pumps must be installed above the heating equipment to remove vapors and combustion products, as well as grease filters.

The equipment can be assembled from the required number of standard modules produced by industry, depending on the capacity of the enterprise and the expected output of finished products. Electric or gas stoves, ovens, a kebab oven with skewers, a deep fryer for frying potatoes, electric frying pans with thermostats to maintain the desired temperature, and food boilers may be provided.

The correct selection of cookware according to volume and purpose is also important. The utensils must meet the following requirements: be made of non-oxidizing metal, have a flat bottom, smooth walls, firmly attached handles, and markings indicating the container. For cooking, it is necessary to provide pans of various capacities, for sautéing, stewing, and poaching - cylindrical and conical saucepans, for frying - braziers and frying pans.

In addition, it is necessary to be sufficiently equipped with various scoops, spatulas, sauce spoons, skimmers, forks and other small equipment.

To serve food, it is convenient to install dispensing stands with table heating and a warming cabinet and a food warmer for sauces.

Production tables must be equipped with racks, shelves, built-in baths, and a mobile bath for washing cereals may be provided.

2. Organization of labor in the workshop.

The work of the workshop in large enterprises is managed by the workshop manager, and in small and medium-sized enterprises by the cook-foreman.

The shop manager distributes work among team members, determines the required amount of raw materials, types of semi-finished products and the timing of their release.

When assigning tasks, the qualifications and experience of the cooks should be taken into account.

Slicing semi-finished products, seasoning poultry and game, and making portioned semi-finished products are entrusted to more highly qualified cooks.

The foreman (or shop manager) is obliged to monitor compliance with the rules of the technological process, the output of semi-finished products, the serviceability and correct use of equipment, tools, and inventory. He is also responsible for the sanitary condition of the workshop, compliance by employees with labor discipline and internal regulations.

With a centralized supply of semi-finished products in pre-production enterprises there is no need to organize procurement workshops with primary processing of raw materials.

However, many semi-finished products require further processing before they enter the hot shop. For execution pre-training operations: preparing minced cutlet meat; seasoning minced meat; molding and breading of cutlets, meatballs and other operations - a workshop for finishing semi-finished products can be organized. The organization of such a workshop is advisable in large and medium-sized pre-training enterprises. In small pre-training Enterprises allocate special workers for this purpose in the cold shop.

When organizing work in a hot shop, the most important conditions are the availability of sufficient lighting, the correct distribution of cooks by qualification, the correct selection and location of equipment in the workshop.

3. Occupational health and safety

When working in a meat and fish workshop, the following rules must be observed:

It is prohibited to operate a meat grinder without a safety ring; You can only push meat into the machine with a wooden pestle;

it is forbidden to work on cutter with a faulty microswitch;

Removing or connecting replacement machines to the universal drive is possible only when it is completely turned off;

Before work, the universal drive trolley should be secured with screws;

for searing poultry and offal, it is necessary to use special plates with an exhaust hood;

It is forbidden to remove fish from the baths with your hands; wire scoops should be used for this purpose;

workers involved in meat deboning. must wear protective chain mail;

it is necessary to install foot grates on the floor next to the production tables;

knives must have well-secured handles and be stored in a certain place;

production baths and tables must have rounded corners.

During work, it is necessary to promptly remove and process waste, monitor the sanitary condition of the workshop and each workplace, thoroughly rinse and wipe all machines after finishing work, scald the cutting chair with boiling water and cover it with salt.

Hooks for hanging meat should be located no more than 2m from the floor.

When working in a hot shop, workers must study the rules for operating mechanical and thermal equipment and receive practical instructions from the production manager. Operating instructions must be posted at the equipment locations.

The floor in the workshop must be level, without protrusions, and not slippery.

The temperature in the workshop should not exceed 26 degrees C.

Disassembly, cleaning, and lubrication of any equipment can only be done when the machines are completely stopped and disconnected from sources of electricity, steam and gas.

Electrical equipment must be grounded.

Aisles near workplaces should not be cluttered with dishes and containers.

The lids of stationary digester boilers are allowed to be opened only after 5 minutes. after the supply of steam or electricity is stopped; Before opening, raise the turbine valve and make sure there is no steam. Open the lids of stove-top boilers towards you.

Finished products weighing more than 20 kg should be transported on trolleys.

It is prohibited to heat stoves with flammable liquids (kerosene, gasoline).

When frying in a fryer, the products should be dried and placed in fat away from you.

The workshop must have a first aid kit with a set of medications.

In case of accidents associated with loss of ability to work, a report should be drawn up in the form.

Section III.

List of used literature.

Buteykis N.G. Organization of production of public catering enterprises. M., 1985.

Gernatovskaya V.V., Shneider B.L. Fundamentals of organization and economics of production of public catering enterprises. M., 1968.

Grishin P.D., Kovalev N.I. Cooking technology. M., 1972.

Catering Technologist's Handbook. M., 1984.

Uspenskaya N.R. A practical guide for the cook. M., 1982.

A training manual for the cook. M., 1965.

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Technological process for preparing “Natural Chopped Schnitzel” and sponge roll “Fairy Tale”






















The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that meat dishes for men, but also girls, are an integral part of their diet.

Probably not a single person will refuse a delicious piece of meat.

What is the “Schnitzel” worth?

But, unfortunately, not everyone knows that the name “Schnitzel” originally referred to a Viennese dish made from veal that spread in the second half of the 19th century.

In German, "Schnitzel" means "shavings"

The purpose of my work is to describe the technological process of preparing “Natural Chopped Schnitzel”



Meat is an important source of proteins and fats. It contains a lot of complete proteins - 14.5...23%, fat - from 2 to 37%, minerals - 0.5...1.3% (of which the most valuable are phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium and iron salts). Meat contains vitamins A, D, PP and group B.

The main tissues of meat are: muscle, connective, fat and bone.

When accepting meat, first of all, the presence of a fatness mark and veterinary and sanitary control are checked, and the good quality of the meat is determined organoleptically. According to fatness, pork can be divided into meat, trim and fat. Good-quality chilled meat has a dry crust on the surface of the carcass, the color is from pale pink to red, the consistency is dense, elastic (when pressed, the dimple quickly evens out). Frozen meat on the surface and cuts has a pink-red color with a grayish tint due to ice crystals, the consistency is solid (it makes a sound when tapped); It has no smell, but when it thaws, the smell of meat and dampness appears. You can check the quality of frozen meat using a heated knife blade or by test cooking. Meat received at the enterprise is subjected to preliminary culinary processing.

1. 2

The main raw material for the production of minced semi-finished products is cutlet meat.

The range of chopped semi-finished products includes natural chopped - chopped steak, natural chopped cutlets, natural chopped schnitzel, poselyanski meatballs, kupaty, lula-kebab, as well as semi-finished products from cutlet mass (filled with bread) - cutlets, meatballs, schnitzels, zrazy, meatballs , rolls, meatballs, quenelles

Chopped semi-finished products are prepared breaded (cutlets, meatballs, zrazy, schnitzels, meatballs) or without breading (steak, lula kebab, natural chopped cutlets). Mainly breadcrumbs and less often wheat flour are used as breading.

The general technological scheme for the production of chopped semi-finished products includes the following operations: preparation of raw materials and auxiliary materials; cooking minced meat; portioning and shaping of semi-finished products; refrigeration or freezing; packaging, labeling, storage and transportation.

Preparation of raw materials and auxiliary materials. For natural chopped semi-finished products, cutlet meat and raw fat, if it is included in the recipe of the semi-finished product (natural lamb cutlets, natural chopped lamb and beef schnitzel, Moscow and homemade cutlets), are ground in a meat grinder with a grid hole diameter of 3 mm. Pork lard (for steaks) is cut into cubes (5x5 mm).


I. Preparation of semi-finished product.

To prepare the semi-finished product, chopped cutlet meat of beef, lamb or pork is combined with raw fat, ground in a meat grinder, water (or milk), salt, pepper are added, mixed, after which semi-finished products are formed into oval shapes 1-1.5 cm thick.

In the process of preparing chopped semi-finished products, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the bacterial contamination of raw materials and finished semi-finished products (cutlet meat is washed with cold running water; chopped meat and cutlet mass are cooled by adding cold water or food ice).

The formed semi-finished products are immediately sent for heat treatment or placed in a refrigerator for cooling to + 6°C.

II. Preparing the side dish.

For side dishes, use crumbly porridge, boiled pasta, fried potatoes (boiled), fried potatoes (raw), boiled vegetables with fat, vegetables poached with fat, pumpkin, zucchini, fried eggplant, as well as complex side dishes.

Garnish Nos. 744, 750, 753, 757, 760,761, 765, 766, 784, 785,798, 805 (According to the Collection).

III.Preparing the sauce.

When leaving, the schnitzel is garnished and poured with the juice released during frying.

IV. Frying the semi-finished product.

Semi-finished products are moistened in lezone, rolled in breadcrumbs, then placed in a frying pan or baking sheet with fat heated to a temperature of 150-160 C, and fried for 3-5 minutes on both sides until a crispy crust forms, and then brought to readiness in an oven at a temperature of 250 - 280°C (5-7 min).

V.Dispensing the finished dish.

A side dish is placed on a plate, a schnitzel is placed next to it, and the fat from frying is poured over it.

VI. Quality requirements or organoleptic evaluation of finished food.

Ready-made schnitzels must be completely fried: the temperature in the center of the finished products must be no lower than 85°C, for products made from cutlet mass - no lower than 90°C. Organoleptic signs of product readiness are the release of colorless juice at the puncture site and a gray color on the cut.


Meat shops are organized at large procurement enterprises and medium-sized enterprises that process raw materials for their production.

At large procurement enterprises, meat shops are more mechanized; conveyors, overhead and production lines, etc. are used.

Semi-finished meat products are produced in the following assortment: large-piece semi-finished beef products (thick, thin edge, upper and internal pieces of the posterior pelvic part); from pork and lamb (loin, ham, shoulder, brisket); bones; portioned semi-finished products from beef, pork, lamb (entrecote, steak, escalope); small-sized semi-finished products from beef (beef stroganoff, frying, azu, goulash); from lamb and pork (kebab, stew); from minced meat (steak, cutlets, schnitzels); peppers, zucchini stuffed with meat and rice.

The technological process of meat processing consists of the following operations: defrosting frozen meat, cleaning the surface and cutting off veterinary marks, washing, drying, dividing into cuts, boning cuts and separating large pieces, trimming meat and preparing semi-finished natural and minced products.



Defroster, washing department of carcasses, rooms for drying, rooms for deboning, trimming, preparation of semi-finished products, baths for soaking bread, meat grinders with a capacity of 600-800 kg/h, minced meat mixers, cutlet-forming machines MFK-2240 or AK 2M-40, refrigeration cabinet.


Cutting boards, cutting chair, production tables with drawers for tools, scales.


Slasher knife, butcher's axe, chain mail mesh, boning knives (large and small).


The surface of the pieces of semi-finished products should not be weathered, the color and smell should be characteristic of good-quality meat. There should be no rough tendons, cartilage, pieces of flesh with bruises, or bones.

Portioned semi-finished products should be cut across the muscle fibers. Semi-finished products from chopped mass must have the correct shape (Depending on the type of semi-finished product). The surface is evenly covered with breading; torn and broken edges are not allowed. The mass when cut is homogeneous, with a smell characteristic of benign meat with spices. Signs of deterioration and tanning are not allowed.

In order to ensure the safety of maintaining the nutritional value of products, sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations have been established (SanPiN 2. 3. 2. 1324 - 03).

Prepared semi-finished products are stored at a temperature of 2...4 0 C. Large-piece semi-finished products are placed in one row on an edge at an angle of 30 0 and stored for no more than 48 hours, breaded - no more than 36 hours.

Small-piece semi-finished products are placed on baking sheets in a layer of 5 cm and stored for no more than 36 hours, marinated, with sauces - no more than 24 hours.

Minced meat produced by meat processing enterprises - no more than 24 hours, by public catering enterprises - no more than 12 hours.

Semi-finished cutlet and minced meat products are placed in one row on a baking sheet sprinkled with breading and stored for no more than 24 hours.


The work of the meat shop of a procurement enterprise is organized in one or two shifts, depending on capacity. In large workshops, separate teams of deboners, trimmers, and manufacturers of semi-finished products can be organized. Boners of III, IV and V categories are engaged in meat deboning. Meat trimming is carried out by trimmers of the I, II and III categories. Slicing of semi-finished products is carried out by workers of the III and IV categories. Cooks of the III and IV categories work in the meat shops of restaurants and canteens.

In large meat shops, workers are engaged in homogeneous work during the working day, and an operational division of labor is used. In small meat shops, the cook performs several operations in turn.

When working in workshops, the following rules must be observed:

It is prohibited to operate a meat grinder without a safety ring; You can only push meat into the machine with a wooden pestle;

It is forbidden to operate a cutter with a faulty micro switch;

Removing or connecting replacement machines to the universal drive is only possible when it is completely turned off;

Before work, the universal drive trolley should be secured with screws;



The main types of raw materials in confectionery production are flour, sugar, eggs, butter. In addition, dairy products, berries, nuts, essences, and baking powder are widely used. The quality of finished products largely depends on the raw materials supplied to production; they must meet the requirements established by state standards and technical specifications.

High-grade flour is very soft, finely ground, white in color with a slight creamy tint, and has a sweetish taste.

Granulated sugar is a white crystalline powder that is produced from sugar beets and sugar cane. In confectionery products, sugar changes the structure of the dough, gives it taste and increases calorie content. Sugar reduces the water absorption capacity of flour and the elasticity of dough.

Vanillin, a synthetic product, is a white crystalline powder with a strong aroma that imparts aroma to products.

Eggs are a high-calorie product, containing proteins, fats, minerals and other substances. Due to their properties, eggs improve the taste of products and give them porosity.

Butter is produced from cream; it contains up to 82.5% fat, vitamins A, D, E. Butter should be free of foreign odors and tastes, evenly colored (from white to cream). Butter increases the calorie content of products and improves taste.


Before use, flour is sifted in special sifters or manually, removing lumps and foreign impurities; At the same time, the flour is enriched with oxygen, which makes kneading the dough easier, improves its quality and promotes better rise.

Sugar is sifted through a sieve with a mesh size of 2...3 mm, or pre-dissolved in water and filtered.

Before use, vanillin is sifted through a sieve with a mesh size of 1...2 mm, or pre-dissolved in water and filtered.

Before use, eggs are processed in accordance with the current Sanitary Rules for public catering establishments. technological workshop schnitzel biscuit

The butter introduced in melted form is filtered through a sieve, and the butter used in the solid state is cut and softened.


Beat the prepared eggs into a cup and beat with a mixer, when the mass becomes slightly fluffy, while continuing to beat, gradually add prepared sugar, mixed with prepared vanilla, beat until fluffy. Then add the prepared flour at the slowest speed.

We line the pastry sheet with baking paper, pour the finished dough onto it and level it out. Place in a baking cabinet preheated to 1800 C for 10 - 15 minutes.

Take out the finished cake, turn it over onto a towel and carefully remove the paper. After removing the paper, quickly roll the cake together with a towel, and leave it in this state until it cools completely.

After it has cooled completely, unwrap it and grease it with pre-prepared cream, and roll it again.

Pour sugar into a small saucepan, pour in half a glass of milk and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Beat the egg with a mixer until fluffy and add milk syrup in a thin stream. Allow to cool to 15-200C. Place the prepared butter in a cup and beat it until slightly fluffy, while continuing to beat, add milk syrup in portions. Beat the mass well.


The technological process in the confectionery shop is carried out according to the following scheme: preparation of products => preparation and baking of dough and products from it => cooling => finishing => laying => cooling and storage => transportation.

Raw materials are unloaded into daily supply storerooms. After sifting the flour and preparing the products, dough of all types is prepared and products from shortbread, puff pastry, choux and biscuit dough are cut and baked. The cooled products are finished with creams, jam or other finishing semi-finished products, placed in containers, cooled and stored in refrigerated and uncooled chambers of the finished products until sent on an expedition.

To prepare biscuit dough, set up a separate workplace near the universal drive, since the dough is beaten in a mechanical beater included in the kit of this drive. In addition, it is necessary to have a separate table or tables for preparing eggs, sugar, pouring dough onto pastry sheets or molds.

Products made from liquid dough - choux, biscuit, boucher, almond, puffed - are “pipeted” using a pastry bag with a nozzle. The operation is labor-intensive, so in some confectionery shops, depositing is mechanized. Confectionery sheets pass through a chain conveyor belt under the depositor. A certain dose of dough is automatically squeezed out of four cone-shaped tips. The weight of deposited dough can be adjusted.

Creams are prepared in a separate room, in which whipping machines of various capacities and different capacities of bowls and boilers are installed. Creams are cooked in special tilting boilers with a steam jacket or on stove boilers. They provide a special table with drawers for storing tools.


A whipping machine is installed at the workplace for preparing biscuit dough. There are different types of beaters used, for example? MV-6M, MV-35M (kneading and whipping). In a machine, beat sugar with egg mass or melange and combine with flour; A production table is installed next to the machine. The prepared mass is poured into baking sheets lined with parchment or molds that are sent for baking.

Pastry sheet, baking paper, towel, spoon.


At food establishments, when producing cream confectionery products, a number of sanitary rules must be followed:

Protect cream products from microbial contamination - allocate separate rooms equipped with refrigerated cabinets for their preparation and finishing;

Remember that finishing products with cream is the final operation in the technological process of preparing pastries and cakes, therefore it is necessary to ensure that kitchen utensils, finishing equipment (pastry bags, tips) are kept clean and that personal hygiene rules are strictly observed;

The raw materials used to prepare creams (eggs, milk, butter) must meet the quality standards. Raw materials must be subjected to careful mechanical processing;

Carry out the process of preparing creams and finishing cakes and pastries at a temperature not exceeding 17*C; store finished cakes and pastries at a temperature of 2 to 6°C; products with custard and whipped cream intended for consumption in catering establishments - 6 hours, with curd cream - 24 hours, with butter cream - 36 hours, with protein cream - 72 hours; confectionery products without finishing - at a temperature of 18 “C.

Biscuit products with various creams are stored for 36 hours after production.


Occupational safety includes a whole range of measures on safety precautions, industrial sanitation and hygiene, as well as fire-fighting equipment.

Safety engineering studies technological processes and equipment used in production, analyzes the causes that give rise to accidents and occupational diseases, and develops specific measures to prevent and eliminate them.

Fire-fighting equipment prevents and eliminates fires.

Industrial sanitation studies the influence of the external environment and working conditions on the human body and its performance.

The layout of a public catering establishment, the size of the premises of all production shops, including the confectionery shop, are determined according to current standards that ensure safe and optimal working conditions for confectioners.

Correct and sufficient lighting plays an important role. Natural light is the most favorable for vision. The ratio of window area to floor area should be 1:6, and the greatest distance from windows can be up to 8 m. Artificial lighting is used in rooms that do not require constant monitoring of the process (warehouses, engine room, expedition). The workshop requires emergency lighting to provide minimal illumination in the event of an emergency.

At large public catering enterprises, management of occupational safety is assigned to the deputy director (if there is a position of chief engineer, then to him), at other enterprises - to the director. In confectionery shops, management of occupational safety is also assigned to the head of the shop.


Having described this topic, I came to the conclusion that biscuit rolls are in great demand among a large number of people. That's why I chose this topic. And also another factor why I chose this topic: eggs, which are the basis for this product, are very healthy; they are high in calories, contain proteins, fats and minerals, which improves the taste of the products and gives them porosity.

All tasks were completed and described. Target revealed.


1. A. F. Shepelev, A. S. Turov Technology of food products production. Publishing house "Phoenix" Rostov-on-Don 2010.

2. Primary vocational education by N. A. Anfimova “Cooking” Moscow publishing house “Academy” 2012.

Internet resources of the site “Collective abstract. RU"

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Composition, technology for preparing minced and cutlet mass from meat

The main raw material for the production of minced semi-finished products is cutlet meat. It is ground in a meat grinder or cutter. Natural semi-finished products and semi-finished products with the addition of bread and other ingredients are prepared from minced meat (beef, lamb, pork). Pieces of cutlet meat (for beef - the flesh of the neck, flank, trimmings, trimmings from carcasses of the 1st fatness category; for lamb - the flesh of the neck and trimmings; for pork - trimmings) must be cleaned of tendons and coarse connective tissue. To improve the taste and juiciness of the finished products, raw fat (5-20% of the meat weight) is included in the composition of lean cutlet meat. Pork cutlet meat is allowed to contain no more than 30% fatty tissue and no more than 5% connective tissue. In cutlet meat made from beef, lamb, and veal, the content of both fat and connective tissue should not exceed 10%.

To prepare the minced mass, the meat is cut into pieces, combined with raw lard and chopped in a meat grinder and cutter. Water (8-12% of the mass of meat), salt, pepper are added to the prepared mass, mixed thoroughly and the semi-finished products are shaped, obtaining semi-finished minced meat products. For 1 kg of chopped mass (net weight) take: meat - 800 g, pork lard - 120 g, water or milk - 70 g. Semi-finished products can be unbreaded or breaded.

To prepare the cutlet mass, use: beef - neck, flank and trimmings; pork - trimmings that are obtained when cutting carcasses, and less often lamb - neck flesh, trimmings. It is better to use meat from well-fed animals with a fat content of up to 10%, while the cutlet mass is of good quality. If the meat is not fatty, then add bacon or lard - 5-10%.

The meat is cleaned of tendons, bruises, and coarse connective tissue, cut into pieces and passed through a meat grinder. Stale wheat bread made from flour of at least 1st grade is soaked in milk or water. The chopped meat is combined with soaked bread, salt and ground pepper are added, mixed well, passed through a meat grinder and beaten. At the same time, the mass is enriched with air, becomes more homogeneous and the products turn out fluffy. However, it is not recommended to beat for a long time, as the fat is separated and the products turn out less juicy and tasty.

For 1 kg of meat (net weight) take: wheat bread - 250 g, water or milk - 300 g, salt - 20 g, ground pepper - 1 g.

Semi-finished products from chopped mass.

Chopped beefsteak is made from beef. Add diced bacon (5x5 mm) to the chopped mass, portion it, give the products a flattened-round shape, the thickness of the products is 2 cm.

Natural chopped cutlets are prepared from lamb or pork, giving the products the shape of cutlets - oval-flattened with a pointed end.

Lula kebab is made from lamb cutlet meat. The pulp with lamb fat (tail fat), raw onions is passed through a meat grinder 2-3 times. Onions not only flavor the meat, but also soften it, as they contain proteolytic enzymes. Add pepper, salt, citric acid to the chop, mix well and put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to marinate. After this, they are portioned and shaped into small sausages.

Meatballs - add finely chopped onions, raw eggs, ground pepper, salt, water to the chopped meat, mix well and cut into balls of 7-10g. They are put in soups during holidays.

Natural chopped schnitzel is prepared from pork, lamb, and beef. The semi-finished product is given an oval-flattened shape, moistened in leison and breaded in breadcrumbs, the thickness of the product is 1 cm.

Semi-finished products from cutlet mass.

Cutlets are oval-flattened products with one pointed end, breaded in breadcrumbs (their thickness is 1-2 cm, width - 5, length 10-12 cm).

Bitochki are flattened-rounded products, 2-2.5 cm thick, 6 cm in diameter, breaded in breadcrumbs.

Schnitzels are oval-flattened products, 1 cm thick, breaded in breadcrumbs.

Meatballs are products in the form of balls with a diameter of 3 cm, breaded in flour. Add chopped sautéed onions to the cutlet mass. Instead of bread, crumbly rice (15% of the meat weight) can be added to the chopped meat.

Zrazy - minced meat is placed on a flatbread made of cutlet mass 1 cm thick, the edges are joined, breaded in breadcrumbs, and shaped into a brick with oval edges.

For minced meat, take sautéed onions, chopped eggs, parsley, salt, pepper and mix everything. You can also stuff it with omelette, cut into small slices.

Roll - without a moistened napkin (gauze or plastic wrap), lay out the cutlet mass in the form of a rectangle 1.5-2 cm thick, place the minced meat in the middle of it. The mass is combined using a napkin so that one edge slightly overlaps the other, after which the roll is rolled from the napkin onto a greased baking sheet, seam side down. The surface of the roll is brushed with egg, sprinkled with breadcrumbs, sprinkled with fat, and pierced in several places.

Meatballs - cutlet mass with the addition of raw onions is cut into balls weighing 10-12 g and breaded in flour.

Moscow cutlets are prepared from a cutlet mass of beef meat with the addition of raw fat and onions.

Kyiv cutlets are made from pork with the addition of raw fat and onions. Breaded in breadcrumbs.

Lamb cutlets are prepared from lamb cutlet meat with the addition of raw lamb fat and onions. Breaded in breadcrumbs.

Homemade cutlets are prepared from a mixture of beef and pork cutlet meat (64 and 36%, respectively), raw fat and onions.
