Dishes for the Lenten table during the holidays. Lenten menu for every day. Delicious recipes for dishes during Lent

It often happens that a birthday falls on a fast. Those who adhere to the requirements of fasting are faced with the problem of celebrating, and even more so with the selection of dishes. Despite the fact that many consider Lenten dishes tasteless and boring, there are many interesting recipes that you can proudly present to your guests.

When preparing for the holiday, do not forget about the entertainment program: use the sections of the site Scenarios, Toasts, Congratulations, Competitions for bright ideas.

Potatoes with baked fish

This dish is perfect as a first course. You can make fluffy mashed potatoes or deep fry them. Fish, for example, catfish or pike perch, can be cut into portions and separated from the bone, baked with onions and carrots, sprinkled with lemon juice and seasoned with sunflower oil.

Salad with croutons

Canned beans 200 g, 4 medium tomatoes, 3 slices of rye bread, 1 onion, herbs, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt and freshly ground pepper.

The bread must be cut into small cubes and placed on a baking sheet, put in the oven to dry at a temperature of 170 0C for 7 minutes. Place seeded tomato slices, onion and beans in half rings in a bowl. Before placing the tomatoes, you need to salt them and leave them for a while so that the excess juice drains; there is no need for excess liquid. Then add the greens, add a little pepper, and season with olive oil. You don’t have to stir the salad; just before serving, add the croutons. Beans and rye bread make a satisfying snack.

lean salad with beans and croutons

Potato salad

To prepare you need: 6 boiled potatoes, lettuce, 1 onion, canned corn, 2 fresh cucumbers, salt and pepper, 2 tablespoons of aromatic sunflower oil.

Cucumber and potatoes are cut into thin slices, onion is added in thin half rings, lettuce leaves torn into strips, and corn. Before serving, add oil, salt, pepper and mix.

Lenten salad with potatoes and corn

Quick salted pink salmon

The fish is separated from the bone and skin, cut into portions, generously sprinkled with salt, you can use ready-made seasoning for salting fish. After 45 minutes of salting, the fish is washed from salt particles under water, placed on a plate along with pre-pickled onions (cut into half rings, left in a weak solution of vinegar, salt and sugar). Drizzle the fish with sunflower oil and pepper.

quick salted pink salmon

Layered salad with mushrooms

For preparation you need: boiled potatoes - 3 medium-sized ones, 600 grams of overcooked champignons with 2 cloves of garlic, overcooked onions and carrots, green onions and shrimp for decoration.

The first layer is champignons with garlic; add salt when frying. It is better to first fry the garlic and immediately remove it from the oil, and then add the mushrooms. The second layer is finely grated potatoes, be sure to add a little salt. The third layer is carrots fried with onions. Form a neat “cake”. Sprinkle chopped herbs and a few boiled shrimp on top.

There are so many snacks that include vegetables. But these recipes are not lean due to the presence of mayonnaise. This ingredient can easily be replaced with homemade sauce.

layered salad decorated with shrimps

Homemade Lenten Mayonnaise Recipe

Half a glass of flour is diluted with one and a half glasses of water, stirred thoroughly and put on fire. Heat until thick and cool. Separately beat 4 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. lemon juice, 2 tbsp. mustard, one teaspoon each of sugar and salt. Next, adding a little flour tea leaves, whisking continues. The thicker the brew, the thicker the mayonnaise will be.

For dessert, serve baked apples with spices.

For this treat, you need to take medium apples according to the number of guests, ½ spoon of honey per 1 apple, one piece of allspice and cloves, a couple of walnut kernels, 2 tbsp. seedless raisins, a pinch of ground cinnamon. A hole is made in the apple with the bottom preserved (it is convenient to use a spoon for this), cloves and pepper are placed on the bottom, then a walnut is placed, then a mixture of thoroughly washed raisins, cinnamon and honey. Place the apples on a baking sheet and place in the oven at 160 degrees for 20 minutes. Serve warm.

dessert for Lenten holiday table

Food during fasting: recipes should be formulated in such a way that the food contains many vitamins, the main sources of which are fruit juices and compotes with honey.

The Time of Lent is a period of intense work on one’s internal state. And by abstaining from food, together with prayer, you can help your soul go through the path of purification. During the period of Lent, it is better to give up all kinds of entertainment, gossip and quarrels, which is considered a greater sin than non-compliance.

In 2019, Lent lasts from March 11 to April 27, Peter's Fast from June 24 to July 11, Assumption Fast from August 14 to 27, and the next Nativity Fast from November 28, 2019 to January 6, 2020. Also, do not forget about one-day fasts - throughout the year, every Wednesday and Friday, special days in nutrition, also: September 11 - Beheading of John the Baptist, September 27 - Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. Continuous Trinity Week - June 7 to June 23.

Food during Lent: recipes

How to survive fasting in a tasty and healthy way? During fasting, recipes must contain plant products. These can be potatoes, cabbage of all kinds, pumpkin, zucchini, mushrooms, beans, lentils. The consumption of pickles, cereals cooked in water, nuts and crackers is encouraged. Smoking and alcohol are prohibited during fasting.

Food during Lent is significantly different from vegetarian food, although many do not see much of a difference. In the vegetarian table, fish dishes are prohibited, and all dairy products are allowed. Then when during fasting dairy products are not consumed. And on certain days of fasting, fish is allowed.

When creating a menu, you need to take into account the need to introduce foods high in vegetable protein and fiber into the diet due to the complete refusal to eat meat products. We should not forget that food is a person’s source of energy, and the balance of nutrients in it and the correct selection of the menu determine one’s performance, positive thinking, attitude to prayer and the desire to become better, not to lead a sinful lifestyle and not to violate God’s commandments .

Everyone chooses a fast that they are able to observe, because restrictions should be a joy. And delicious recipes during Lent will help solve this issue.

The importance of first courses is not exaggerated; they must be present on the lunch menu. Their meaning is to stimulate digestion and help digest everything eaten during the day due to the juice action caused by special substances contained in vegetable and mushroom broths. You should not remove first courses from your diet, especially during fasting. Because they will help cope with diseases of the digestive system, saturate the body with mineral salts and essential microelements.

Spices for Lent

To improve the taste of Lenten food during Lent, it is worth considering the use of food additives in the form of spices. They improve taste and stimulate the protective functions of the human body. There are two types of spices - classic and local. Classic ones are widely used food additives, such as bay leaf, black pepper, allspice, saffron, ginger and many others. Local spices are used by individual peoples and are common only in the cuisine of their people. All spices can be combined. The main thing is to do it with taste.

For those who are fasting, soup, borscht, okroshka, rassolnik, and beetroot soup, prepared with mushroom or vegetable broth, can be recommended as first courses. In okroshka, unlike its classic version, meat can be replaced with mushrooms, and kvass can be used as broth. To improve the satiety of dishes, you can add beans, peas, soy or lentils, which contain plant fiber, help maintain intestinal microflora, prevent cancer, saturate the body with substances and practically replace meat products in their value. However, it is worth remembering to limit the consumption of legumes due to their difficulty in digestion by the body, the ability to increase gas formation in the intestines and the formation of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder.

You can add various cereals and noodles to soups

Particular attention should be paid to properly handling foods before cooking to preserve their nutritional value. Vegetables and fruits need to be prepared for consumption; washed, peeled, and cut only immediately before cooking. Pre-cleaned foods should not be soaked in cold water due to the loss of most of the vitamins they contain.

Vegetables should be cooked in a saucepan with a closed lid to prevent oxidation of vitamin C in the air. When cooking, potatoes are poured with cold water to preserve vitamins. But cabbage is immersed in hot water to avoid the destruction of fiber, as a result of which the taste of the prepared dish may deteriorate.

It is best to soak the beans overnight in cold water to swell, which will reduce the cooking time. Peas and soybeans can be soaked for 3 hours, and lentils cook quickly and do not require pre-treatment.

Mushrooms can be used fresh, pickled or dry to prepare all kinds of dishes. Fresh ones are cooked over low heat so that their taste does not deteriorate, the smell does not disappear, and the cooked product does not become flabby and hard. They usually don’t add a lot of spices to ready-made mushroom dishes, so as not to overwhelm the individual’s specific, aromatic and irreplaceable smell. Dried mushrooms are soaked immediately before cooking until completely swollen (to their original size).

Main courses during Lent

A special feature of second courses is the combination of raw and boiled vegetables and fruits with cereals, which contain a large amount of carbohydrates. In some cases, porridge can be replaced with potato dishes, mashed peas or lentils.

Moreover, you need to combine the products of the first and second courses so that they are not repeated.

If, for example, you serve borscht with beans for the first course, then you should no longer serve legumes for the second course. The same applies to all products. Various salads are a good addition to main courses. They can also be made from fresh vegetables, fruits, salted, pickled, boiled vegetables. You can season them with soy sauce, ketchup, lean mayonnaise, vinegar or vegetable oil. An idea for preparing salads during Lent could be an ordinary vinaigrette, Korean salads of carrots, cabbage, Jerusalem artichoke, seaweed salad, and radish.

One of the main sources of energy during fasting is sugar. You can pamper yourself by preparing sweet dishes in the form of pumpkin and millet porridge with honey or sugar, dried fruit pilaf or apples. In pilaf, use rice, millet, and barley as cereal.

The dough for pies and dumplings during this period of time is prepared on the basis of water. The effect of the pies is achieved through the filling, which can be apple, mushroom or, in the Italian style, vegetables. As a filling for dumplings, you can use boiled and fried potatoes with onions, sauerkraut and rice with green onions.

Food during Lent should contain many vitamins, the sources of which are fruit juices and compotes with honey. You can add ginger or mint for flavor.

Food during Lent, even scheduled by day, is not at all as boring and monotonous as it seems at first glance. In it you can find many pleasant joys in the form of all kinds of delicious and satisfying dishes. The main thing is to remember the true purpose of fasting. Then any food will be received with gratitude and joy.

Lenten holiday table recipes

The last days of December. The Christmas post has reached the home stretch. It seems that we are already accustomed to fasting and have become accustomed to the Lenten menu. But in the coming days, housewives will again have a headache about what to put on the table? For the festive New Year's table. Which for many of us has been and remains a good tradition. But for the sake of which I would not want to break my fast.

On the eve of the holiday holidays, we have prepared for you a selection of Lenten dishes for the New Year.

Salads and snacks

White cabbage for quick consumption


cabbage - 3 kg.

carrots - 1 kg.

onions - 1 kg.

sweet pepper - 0.5 kg.

vegetable oil - 400 g.

9% vinegar - ¾ tbsp

sugar - ½ cup

salt - 1 tbsp


Cut the cabbage into large pieces, carrots into slices, onions into rings, pepper into strips and place everything in a large bowl. Bring vegetable oil, salt, sugar, vinegar to a boil, pour this mixture over the cooked vegetables and cook everything for 10 minutes. Place the finished salad in liter jars and store in the refrigerator.


When selecting cabbage, look for heads that appear heavy for their size with fresh leaves.

Before serving or before cooking, you should not rinse sauerkraut; when rinsing, many valuable nutrients dissolved in the juice are lost.

Cabbage salad with apples


cabbage - 160 g.

apples - 3-4 pcs.

onion - 40 g.

sugar - 2 teaspoons

3% vinegar - 1 tbsp

vegetable oil

salt - to taste


Shredded cabbage is placed in a saucepan, sugar, salt, vinegar are added and, stirring continuously, heated until it settles and becomes soft, but does not lose its elasticity. Chilled cabbage is mixed with butter, chopped apples and onions.

Cabbage salad with rice and raisins


cabbage - 160 g.

boiled rice - 4 tablespoons

raisins - 5 tablespoons

dressing: ½ cup (3 parts vegetable oil and 1 part 3% vinegar),

salt to taste


Place the boiled rice in a heap in the middle of the salad bowl, around it is shredded cabbage into small strips, sprinkle with seedless raisins (pre-wash the raisins, pour over boiling water, let stand for 1 hour) and pour over the dressing.

Salad with onions and corn


onions - 4 pcs.

corn grains - 280 g.

salt, black pepper


Boiled corn grains are passed through a meat grinder, blanched onions, salt, pepper, and oil are added and mixed thoroughly. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Parsley root salad


parsley root - 250 g.

apples - 1-2 pcs.

onions - ½ pcs.

vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

lemon juice - 1-2 teaspoons

salt - to taste

finely chopped parsley - 1 teaspoon


Parsley roots are cut into thin strips, apples (without the core) into large strips, chop the onion, mix everything, season with lemon juice or vinegar, oil, salt and mix.

Roasted sweet pepper


sweet pepper - 8 pods

sunflower oil - 2-3 tablespoons

3% vinegar - 1-2 tablespoons

salt - to taste


Cut the pepper pods into 4 parts, rinse, drain, and fry in oil until golden brown. Place the fried peppers on a plate, pour over vinegar, sprinkle with salt, cover and let stand for 10-15 minutes. After this, remove the skin from the pepper. Serve fried peppers with fresh tomatoes.

Carrot salad with pickled cucumber


carrots - 800 g.

pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.

tomato juice - 200 g.


Remove the thin skin from the pickled cucumbers and cut them in half lengthwise. If the seeds are large, remove them. Cut the cucumbers into small cubes, pour in tomato juice, season with pepper and let it brew. Finely chop the carrots, pour in the prepared dressing and serve.

Salad of grated carrots, beets, cabbage and onions


carrots - 200 g.

cabbage - 200 g.

beets - 200 g.

bunch of green onions

honey, lemon juice


Grate the vegetables separately, without mixing them by color. Place a mound of white cabbage in a round salad bowl. Place grated carrots in a ring around it and, finally, red grated beets in an outer ring. Pour lemon juice mixed with honey over everything. Place finely chopped green onions between the rings.

Shrimp cocktail with tomato dressing

Ingredients (for 6 servings):

❆ 350 g boiled frozen
peeled tiger prawns
❆ 2 small heads of lettuce
❆ 1 ripe avocado
❆ 1 red chili pepper
❆ 1 clove of garlic
❆ 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped cilantro
❆ 4 cherry tomatoes
❆ 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice
❆ 1 tsp. honey
❆ 3 tbsp. l. olive oil


Thaw the shrimp and pat dry with a towel. Peel the garlic clove and chop finely. Cut the chili in half, remove the seeds and chop finely. Mix garlic, chili and shrimp. Heat 1 tbsp in a frying pan. l. oil, fry the shrimp until pink (2-3 minutes), stirring constantly, then transfer to a deep plate and let cool.

Prepare the dressing:

Cut the cherry tomatoes into 4 parts, remove the seeds, and finely chop the pulp. Place on a plate, add lemon juice, honey and 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Add chopped cilantro, add salt and spices to taste, stir.

To submit:

Tear the lettuce leaves into small pieces, finely chop the avocado pulp. Arrange lettuce leaves and avocado slices among the glasses in which the dish is served. Place shrimp on top and drizzle with dressing. Garnish with chicory leaves or herbs to taste. Serve with ciabatta or toasted pita bread.

Second courses

Stuffed pike


❆ pike 1.5-1.8 kg
❆ 2-3 small onions
❆ 4-5 tbsp. l. boiled rice
❆ 50 g parsley

❆ juice of half a lemon
❆ salt, ground black pepper - to taste
❆ 0.5 tbsp. water - for extinguishing
❆ vegetable oil -
for frying and greasing


Wash the pike, remove scales and dry on a towel. Using a knife or scissors, cut out the gills. Make cuts along the gill bones on both sides, leaving intact the strip of skin connecting the back of the fish to the head. Turn the head back and, using a long, sharp and thin knife, carefully, trying not to tear the skin, separate it from the pulp. (If by chance the skin is slightly torn during cutting, then after stuffing you can sew up the tears with thread, which should be removed after baking; you can also fasten the tears with a toothpick). Cut the fins with scissors from the inside from the flesh of the carcass (not from the outside from the skin). Cut the spinal bone, 1-2 cm short of the tail. You should get a fish skin with a head, fins and tail and a fish carcass with pulp and bones.

Pass the fish carcass with bones through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil. Add cooked rice, chopped parsley, salt and pepper, stir, then mix with minced fish. Stuff the fish skin with the resulting filling.
Cover a small deep baking sheet (or frying pan) with foil, grease with vegetable oil, and place the fish. Grease the top of the fish with oil as well. Pour lemon juice, add half a glass of water, cover tightly with foil and place in an oven preheated to 180-200°C for 40-50 minutes. During cooking, it is advisable to pour the resulting juice from the baking sheet over the fish 2-3 times. 15 minutes before cooking, open the foil slightly to allow excess moisture to evaporate.

To submit:

Cool the finished fish (10-15 minutes), transfer to a dish, garnish with lemon and parsley leaves. You can serve mashed potatoes or baked potatoes as a side dish.

Bishop's style potatoes


potatoes - 1.5 kg.

vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons

flour - 2 tablespoons


Boil the potatoes, cool, cut into thick slices and fry in vegetable oil. At the end of frying, add flour, stir vigorously and let a crispy crust form.


To make the potatoes cook faster, you need to add a little oil to the water.

Even when boiling potatoes, add a little garlic, bay leaf and a little vinegar, salt of course, then the potatoes turn out very tasty even when cold.

Mashed potatoes should not be diluted with cold milk, as this will cause the mashed potatoes to turn gray and form lumps. Before diluting the puree, you need to heat the milk to a boil and add gradually, stirring constantly.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with vegetables and rice in marinade


cabbage - 500 g.

rice - 4-5 tablespoons

carrots - 1 pc.

bulbs - 2 pcs.

For the marinade:

carrots - 3 pcs.

bulbs - 2 pcs.

tomato paste - 2 tablespoons

vinegar - 50 g.

water - 200 g.

sugar -1 teaspoon


Boil white cabbage without the stalk in salted water until half cooked, then remove from the water, cool and separate the leaves, lightly beat off the stalks with a hoe. To prepare the minced meat, sauté onions with finely chopped carrots, mix with boiled fluffy rice and chopped herbs. Place minced meat on the prepared leaves, roll the leaf into an envelope shape, place on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, grease with vegetable oil and fry in the oven until golden brown. Pour the fried cabbage rolls with vegetable marinade with tomato, adding hot water and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Then cool. For the marinade, grate the carrots, finely chop the onion, sauté in vegetable oil, then add tomato paste and fry for another 3-5 minutes. Dilute the sautéed vegetables with water, add vinegar, sugar, spices and simmer in a sealed container for 15-20 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt to taste to the marinade.

Cod marinated with garlic


fish - 1000 g.

vegetable oil - 100 g.

garlic - 50 g.

vinegar - 300 g.

Bay leaf




Cut the fish into pieces, fry in vegetable oil, cool. Place the prepared fish in a saucepan or enamel pan, pour over the marinade. Leave for 24 hours. Can be served with boiled potatoes and pickled vegetables. For the marinade: add crushed garlic, salt, pepper, bay leaf, cloves, sugar to hot boiled vinegar and cool.

Potatoes, fried chips


potatoes - 1 kg

vegetable fat - 100 g.

salt - to taste


Cut the peeled large potato tubers into circles 2 cm thick and cut each circle in a spiral into a thin long ribbon (strip). Wash, dry, roll into shavings and deep-fry. When the potato ribbons acquire a golden color, remove them from the fat with a slotted spoon, salt them while hot and dry them. Fried potato chips can be served as a separate dish or side dish.

Tomatoes stuffed with fish and apples


tomatoes - 8 pcs.

fillet - 400 g.

apples - 2 pcs.

pickled cucumbers - 1 pc.

vegetable oil - 1 tbsp

mustard - ½ teaspoon

finely chopped greens - 1 teaspoon


Boneless fish fillets are lowered, cooled and chopped. Cored and peeled apples and cucumbers are cut into small cubes, mixed with butter, mustard, fish, and sugar and salt are added to taste. The tomatoes are stuffed with the resulting filling, the pulp being removed. Stuffed tomatoes are placed on a plate and sprinkled with herbs

Potato and rice cutlets


potatoes - 500 g.

rice - 0.5 cups

bulbs - 2 pcs.

carrots - 2-3 pcs.

vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons


Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel and mash. Cook the rice. Sauté chopped onions and carrots in vegetable oil, combine with potatoes and rice, add salt to taste, add finely chopped parsley and dill, mix. Form cutlets and fry.

Desserts and baked goods

Lenten cake with raisins and nuts


raisins - 2 cups

vegetable oil - 1 cup

salt - to taste

raisins - 1 cup

walnuts - 1 cup

apple broth -2 cups

soda - 1 teaspoon

flour - 4 cups

cinnamon - 25 g.

vinegar - 2 tablespoons


Grind sugar, vegetable oil, add salt, seedless raisins, finely chopped nuts minced through a meat grinder, dilute with apple broth from dried apples, add a teaspoon of soda. Mix everything thoroughly, adding flour little by little, add ground cinnamon. Just before putting it in the oven, add vinegar. Roll out the crust and bake for 1 hour in a well-heated oven.

When choosing raisins, pay attention to two signs of quality: raisins from light grapes should be brown. If it is uniformly yellow and soft, it is not worth purchasing.

Raisins produced from dark grapes are black with a bluish tint.



semolina - 2 cups

cinnamon for sprinkling

For the syrup:

water - 4 cups

sugar - 2 cups

light raisins - 1 cup

almonds (grated coarsely) - 1 cup


Pour semolina onto a baking sheet and heat in the oven at 150℃.

Before putting it in the oven, add a tablespoon of semolina. 10 minutes after you put the baking sheet with semolina in the oven, stir it, then scoop up a little semolina with a spoon and compare its color with the color of raw semolina. if there is a difference in color, you can remove the baking sheet; if not, then fry the semolina in the oven until its color changes significantly compared to raw cereal. Do not overheat the semolina. The cereal should be fried for no more than 15 minutes in total. When the semolina acquires the proper color, you need to prepare a syrup from water and sugar in a saucepan. As soon as it boils, remove from heat, add raisins, almonds or walnuts, stir and add semolina. Place the pan back on the heat and stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained that does not stick to the walls of the pan. Immediately remove from heat, cover the pan with a napkin for a few minutes or, if desired, place in a mold. Serve by sprinkling each serving with cinnamon and sugar.

Orange sweetness


oranges - 6 pcs.

sugar - 1500 g.

raisins - 200 g.

salt - ½ teaspoon

sugar - to taste

grated nuts


Peel the oranges, put them in a saucepan with water and cook them whole. Check readiness with a toothpick - nothing should stick to it. Cut each orange into 8 slices, separate the white peel and seeds. Boil the sugar syrup with water until the syrup thickens. Add lemon juice and add a little vanilla.

Fried apples


apples - 5-6 pcs.

wheat flour - 2 tablespoons

sugar -2 tbsp

juice of 1 lemon

vegetable oil - 3 ½ tablespoons


Apples without skin and core are cut into 4 parts, breaded in flour and fried in heated oil. Fried apples are sprinkled with granulated sugar and sprinkled with lemon juice.


Sbiten hot


water - 1 l.

sugar - 150 g.

honey - 150 g.

spices (cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger - to taste)


Dissolve 150 grams of sugar and honey in 1 liter of water, add spices - cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger. Boil for 5-10 minutes, skimming off the foam. After half an hour, strain the drink. Heat the finished sbiten and drink it hot.

Advice: The honey you use for the drink should smell pleasant, not have a sour taste, and there should be no white foam on it.

Sbiten festive


water - 1.5 l.

honey - 500 g.

yeast - 50 g.

spices (ginger, cloves, allspice, cinnamon)


Boil 500 grams of honey and 1.5 liters of water, constantly removing the foam, add ginger, cloves, allspice, cinnamon, boil again, cool. Dilute 50 grams of yeast, mix with honey infusion, pour into bottles, and place in a warm place for 12 hours. After this, close the bottles tightly and leave in a cool place for 2-3 weeks to mature. You can add 500 grams of cranberry juice to the prepared drink.

Kissel made from dried blueberries or dried rose hips


dried blueberries or dried rose hips - 50 g.

sugar - ¾ cup

starch - 2 tablespoons


Pour dried blueberries (or dried rosehips) washed in hot water into 2 cups of cold water and cook for 15-20 minutes. When the blueberries become soft, strain the broth into another pan, and mash the berries well with a wooden pestle or spoon. Pour 1 glass of water again, boil and, squeezing, strain into a saucepan with the broth. Then add sugar, boil again and pour in the diluted starch.

Orange juice


oranges - 110 g.

sugar - 120 g.

water - 1 l.


Finely chop the orange zest, add hot water, boil for 5 minutes. Then leave for 3-4 hours. After straining, add sugar to the broth, bring to a boil, pour in the squeezed orange juice and cool.

Lemon juice with burnt sugar


lemon - 1-2 pcs.

water - 1 l.

granulated sugar - 0.5 cups


Squeeze juice from lemons. Boil water with sugar and a thin slice of lemon peel (yellow part only). Add lemon juice to the cooled water, and if desired, also a little burnt sugar, which will give the drink a beautiful color. You can serve it with lemon slices.

19/04/2017 19:49

Great Lent is 40 days of both spiritual and dietary abstinence. However, this is not the only post of the year. There are also Peter's Fast, the Assumption Fast, and the Nativity Fast. And each of them requires certain dietary restrictions.

During the weeks of fasting, many housewives are happy to limit themselves in food, following a diet for the sake of losing weight, but at the same time they are seriously worried about the diet of the rest of the family members. And for good reason - after all, many men and children resist the Lenten table and may reject another lunch consisting of porridge and boiled beets.

Contrary to the established opinion about crackers and water, meals during fasting can and should be varied and nutritious. To do this, meat, eggs and dairy products should be replaced with lean counterparts, and then lunch will no longer look unappetizing.

Here are 15 delicious dishes that you can prepare during Lent.

1. Oatmeal jelly - a replacement for yogurt

Not everyone likes oatmeal jelly, and almost no one prepares such a dish during Lent. Because of this, few people know that sour jelly is very similar to yogurt.

To prepare, you need to take a standard package of oatmeal (400 g) and a crust of rye bread. Place the ingredients in a two-liter jar and fill with cold water. The jar should be left for 12-24 hours, stirring occasionally.

Then strain the oatmeal through a sieve, pour the liquid into a saucepan and cook over low or medium heat. The mixture must be stirred constantly to prevent it from burning. Pour the hot jelly into jars and place in the refrigerator.

2. Rice with honey and nuts with lean milk

Lenten porridge can be made very tasty and nutritious without adding sugar to it. You can also cook porridge in water - the taste will not suffer much from this. If you are used to cereals with milk, you can take soy or peanut milk.

Peanut milk is easy to prepare – grind the nuts into very fine crumbs, add water, mix and strain.

Rice porridge needs to be salted (after cooking) and add honey and your favorite nuts. You can please your loved ones on holiday with such a healthy and tasty dish.

Even Lenten cookies can be tasty, healthy and satisfying.

For cookies you need oatmeal, frozen cranberries or jam, and vegetable oil. Oatmeal should be fried in sunflower or coconut oil, then placed in a sieve and allowed to drain off excess fat.

Grind the oatmeal in a blender (you don’t have to grind everything, depending on your taste), mix with the berries. Form the dough into flat cakes, place on a baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven until golden brown.

4. Broccoli stew with peas and avocado

This “green” stew will come in very handy during Lent. It will help replenish energy, as well as vitamins.

Take fresh broccoli, you can also add cauliflower to the dish. To add variety to the stew, add green beans.

When the broccoli, beans and green peas are cooked, you can add the avocado and season the dish with garlic sauce. Serve hot.

5. Nutella

What would breakfast be without Nutella? The classic version of this delicacy is not lean, as it contains milk powder. We offer an alternative recipe without the use of animal products.

To prepare, you will need whole hazelnuts, honey, cocoa powder and coconut oil. Hazelnuts need to be soaked overnight in cold water. In a blender, grind the hazelnuts into fine crumbs, add cocoa powder to taste, a little butter, just a little honey (or maple syrup) and vanilla if desired.

Grind to a paste and add to lean pancakes mixed with soy milk, or spread on a loaf. Yummy! Try it!

6. Sandwich with lean bean mayonnaise

Let's get back to our sandwich. A meatless sandwich should be satisfying to satisfy your hunger for a long time.

For the sandwich we will need lettuce, rye or whole grain bread, canned beans, cucumber, and tomato to taste. Cut the vegetables into small slices, mash the beans in a plate and add butter and salt. Now the beans will act as lean mayonnaise.

Grease the bun itself with bean mayonnaise, and place all the vegetables evenly on top. Cover with the second part of the bun (or bread). Bon appetit!

7. Kale chips

Lent has begun and you want some chips? Regular potato chips are considered lean, but they have little benefit.

You can make chips from white cabbage that you can eat without worrying about your health. To do this, you need to disassemble the head of cabbage into sheets, cut into pieces and grease with oil. Season the future chips with salt and pepper and place on a baking sheet. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and dry the chips until done.

This idea is popular not only during fasting, but also during weight loss. These candies are very sweet, they are perfect for tea, and will not harm your figure.

The easiest option is to grind nuts and dried fruits, and then roll the balls in coconut flakes. There is another option, no less tasty.

Take a dried fruit without a pit (for example, dried tangerines will not work, but prunes are just right) and cut a hole with a knife. Place a small nut like hazelnut, almond or peanut inside. The future candy should be coated with honey and then rolled in coconut flakes, sesame seeds or poppy seeds.

Such Lenten sweets will appeal to both adults and children. Be careful - the candy is too sweet!

In Rus', many different pies were prepared during Lent. The peasants added to the filling everything that was left from the meal: porridge, pickles and mushrooms. Pies were eaten instead of bread with soup and main courses.

Salty pies can be prepared with cucumbers, stewed fresh or sauerkraut, mushrooms, potatoes, buckwheat or rice. To make the pies tastier, the filling should be fried in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

Apples, pumpkin, carrots with honey, jam or frozen berries go great in sweet pies. Pumpkin pies are especially delicious, even though many people don’t like this vegetable.

Pie dough should be yeast: Put a teaspoon of yeast in a bowl, grind it with sugar, add a glass of water and knead into a thin dough. When it rises, you can add salt and flour to the desired thickness.

10. Lenten borscht

Lent is a time of restrictions, and many, especially men, want hearty food. Unfortunately, the classic borscht recipe contains meat and is not suitable for Lent. But what happens if you replace meat with mushrooms?

Borscht with mushrooms is more reminiscent of mushroom soup, and therefore it is necessary to add beets, parsley and beans to it. You need to prepare borscht in the same way as classic, removing only the stage of cooking the beef.

11. Dumplings

Meat and completely non-lean dumplings can be replaced with dumplings. They can be with anything: potatoes, mushrooms, cranberries or raspberries. On some major holidays, fish is allowed, so on such days you can cook dumplings with fish.

For the dumpling dough you only need flour, water, oil and salt. This dough does not require yeast.

All ingredients must be mixed carefully and thoroughly, gradually adding flour to salted water. You need to mix flour into the resulting dough until it stops “absorbing” it into itself.

This dish came to us from Lithuania. It has a very unusual taste and fills you up quickly. Be sure that you will like this porridge!

First you need to boil the pearl barley. Before cooking, pearl barley is soaked overnight. In the morning you can drain the water and cook it. Please note that this process will take a long time.

Next you need to grate the raw potatoes. Place barley and grated potatoes in a hot frying pan greased with vegetable oil. Fry the glass porridge until golden brown.

The Lithuanian dish must be served warm, first garnished with fresh herbs.

13. Salad with mushrooms and pine nuts

To prevent vitamin deficiency from taking away all your strength during fasting, you need to fortify yourself with a vitamin salad. The mushrooms in its composition will be saturated with healthy and high-quality vegetable protein.

To prepare the salad you will need blue onions, mushrooms, spinach and pine nuts. Finely chop the onion, pour boiling water over it and place in a bowl. Finely chop the spinach and mushrooms, add pine nuts. The salad can be dressed with garlic sauce or olive oil. You can also garnish it with arugula or basil.

14. Potato pancakes (cutlets)

Potatoes have long been used to prepare a variety of dishes: chips, French fries, casseroles. You can make cutlets from this product during Lent.

To prepare the cutlets you will need potatoes, flour, onions and carrots. Carrots need to be fried together with onions in a frying pan. Please note that these ingredients must be chopped very finely so that whole pieces of onion do not end up in the cutlets.

The fried mixture must be mixed either with mashed potatoes (make sure there are no lumps in it), to which no water has been added, or with finely grated raw potatoes. In the first case you will get pancakes (cutlets), in the second - classic potato pancakes.

From this “dough” you need to make small cutlets, then place them in a hot frying pan and fry until golden brown.

15. Salad with crab meat and corn

On some days, a fasting person can afford fish. Mostly such days are Sundays and holidays.

And as you know, crab sticks are made from surimi - minced white fish meat. Corn and sweet peppers are ideal for this product. The salad is perfect for a second course and will fill you up for a long time.

To prepare the salad you need crab meat or sticks, canned corn, red or yellow pepper and herbs. You can season the salad with mashed ripe avocado paste.

The main meaning of fasting is not a restriction in food, but a cleansing of the soul. However, the health of the soul and the health of the body are closely related.

Therefore, you should not go to extremes and create your Lenten menu for every day from water and bread.

We offer a menu that excludes foods prohibited during Lent. Recipe ingredients does not include meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, fish, eggs.

At the same time, the diet remains varied and healthy: it contains a lot of vegetables, fruits, legumes, and cereals. The menu even includes Lenten baked goods, but if you decide to do without sweets during Lent, you can exclude them. All links are clickable and lead to pages with Lenten recipes. At the very end there is also a list of menu items for each day.


Afternoon snack.

Nutritionist's comment:

Wheat porridge. Wheat is an excellent source of dietary fiber and gives a feeling of fullness. It also contains vitamin E, F, B1, B2, B6, C, PP, carotene, niacin, choline, biotin, folacin and trace elements (potassium, magnesium, sulfur, selenium, chromium, zinc).

Pea soup. Legumes as a source of protein are an essential component of the Lenten menu.

Fruit basket cake is a fairly high-calorie dessert, but if you lead an active lifestyle, then you can treat yourself. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, then this dessert can be transferred to the second breakfast.

Sauerkraut salad with potatoes and mushrooms. To avoid gaining excess weight, it is preferable not to eat more than 50 g of potatoes in the evening.


Afternoon snack. Fruits of your choice
Dinner.(without butter and eggs) +


Afternoon snack.Fruits of your choice


Afternoon snack.


Afternoon snack.
Dinner. +


Afternoon snack.


Afternoon snack.
Dinner. +

The proposed menu must be supplemented with fresh vegetables and fruits in sufficient quantities.

List of necessary products for the Lenten menu

Vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, greens

Zucchini - 3 pcs.
Zucchini - 1 pc.
Onions - 1 kg
Tomato - 2 kg
Garlic - 3 heads
Chili pepper - 1/2 pod
White cabbage - 1 kg
Sauerkraut - 200 g
Potatoes - 2 kg
Carrots - 500 g
Sun-dried tomatoes - 15-20 pieces
Cucumber - 3 pcs.
Eggplant - 1 pc.
Sweet pepper - 4 pcs.
Banana - 1 piece
Apple - 3 pcs.
Orange - 3 pcs.
Lemon - 3 pcs.
Pomegranate - 1/2 pcs.
Pear - 3 pcs
Strawberries - 100 g
Raspberries - 100 g
Blueberries - 100 g
Fruits - according to taste and availability for baskets
Parsley - 4 bunches + to taste
Mint - 1 bunch
Cilantro - 1 bunch
Dill - 2 tbsp. l. + to taste
Basil - 1 bunch
Forest mushrooms - 550 g
Champignons - 12 pcs. (large)
Dry mushrooms - 30 g
Any fruit - as much as you want for snacks

Cereals, pasta, legumes

Wheat - 350 g (coarsely ground, medium-ground wheat, bulgur will also work)
Peas - 1 tbsp.
Oat flakes - 160 g
Rice - 0.5 tbsp.
Bulgur - 0.5 tbsp.
Pearl barley - 200 g
Noodles - 40 g (or vermicelli, or other small pasta)
Chickpeas - 200 g
Pasta - 300 g
Buckwheat - 1 tbsp.

Nuts, dried fruits, seeds

Dried apricots - 6-8 pcs.
Almonds - 70 g
Pine nuts - 30 g
Walnuts - 50 g
Cashew nuts - 190 g
Pumpkin seeds - 3 tbsp. l.

Groceries and other products

Tomato paste - 300 g
Tomatoes in their own juice - 150 g
Brown sugar - 200 g
Sugar - 250 g
Powdered sugar - for sprinkling
Vegetable oil - 600 g
Olive oil - 500 g
Grapeseed oil - 150 g
Honey - 125 g
Wheat flour - 1 kg 750 g
Whole grain flour - 140 g (wheat)
Flaxseed flour - 1 tbsp. (ground flaxseed)
Baking powder - 1.5 tsp.
Dry yeast - 10 g
Live yeast - 20 g
Vinegar - 1 tsp.
Apple cider vinegar - 1 tsp.
Red wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
Balsamic vinegar - 1.5 tbsp. l.
Canned beans - 650 g
Soda - 0.5 tsp.
Coconut flakes - 40 g
Black tea - 1 tbsp.
Capers - 1 tbsp. l.
Rye bread for croutons and sandwiches
Coconut milk - 1 dessert spoon
Vegetable broth - 2.5 l
Dry white wine - 70 g
Apple juice - 420 ml
Soy milk - 255 ml

Condiments, spices

Salt – 15 g + to taste
Cinnamon - 2 tsp. ground + 2 sticks
Cumin - 1 tsp. (seeds)
Bay leaf - 3 leaves
Black pepper - to taste
Star anise - 1 star
Ground nutmeg - 1 tsp.
Sweet paprika - 1 pinch
Khmeli-suneli - 1/2 tsp.
Sesame paste - 1 tbsp. l. (Tahina)
Zira - to taste
Thyme - 0.5 tsp. dried
Oregano - 0.5 tsp. dried
Rosemary - 2-3 sprigs
Grain mustard - 1 tsp.
Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.
Set of spices - to taste

Be healthy in body and soul!

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