A quick way to sauerkraut at home. The most delicious instant sauerkraut is crispy and juicy: simple recipes with step-by-step guide

Hello dear readers and blog subscribers! Do you think that I usually make the last of the preparations? Of course, sauerkraut. Because the most delicious cabbage, as they say, should be cut from our gardens at the first frost, which means that it falls on such a time period as October, or November, depending on where you live.

Without this treasure, you can’t cook a single one, or rich cabbage soup, which my whole family simply adores. Therefore, today I dedicate this article to pickling sauerkraut for the winter.

Choose any recipe you like and make this dish, because compared to other types of preparations, it is the simplest and fastest to prepare. Minimum effort, maximum pleasure from such work. And then you can not only make soup from it, but also use it in pies; I also really like to make bigus or fry it with potatoes.

This is my favorite version of cabbage, since it was prepared according to the GOST technology of those times, namely 1956, back then in the USSR. Probably every home has such recipes, so I have this old book that I treasure, this is how my mother and grandmother cook.

The most important thing is that this option does not require much time from you, and a lot of different products. It perfectly combines only cabbage, carrots and salt. Without any seasonings and spices, and without adding vinegar.

We will need:

  • cabbage - 3 kg
  • carrots - 300 g
  • salt - 75 g

Cooking method:

1. Shred the cabbage by hand or on a special grater, depending on how much you are going to prepare.

2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Important! According to GOST carrots, 10 percent of the total mass of cabbage is taken. Therefore, consider for yourself that 1 kg of cabbage equals 100 g of carrots. Salt is taken at 2 - 2.5 percent by weight of cabbage; 1 kg of cabbage will require 25 g.

Mix the shredded cabbage with salt and mash it well with your hands.

4. Once the cabbage has released its juice and started to shine, it’s time to mix it with the carrots.

5. Now transfer all the vegetable mass into the pan. Take a lid with a diameter smaller than the pan itself. Place it in a plastic bag or bag and cover the cabbage with it.

6. Place a pressure on top of the plate or lid. Typically a three-liter jar of water is used.

7. In this form, the cabbage should stand for 3 days at room temperature.

Important! To make sauerkraut tasty, you need to release carbon dioxide with a wooden stick. That is, make punctures on the surface of the cabbage several times during the day. And most importantly, if you don't know why your cabbage tastes bitter, here's the solution, it's all because of this chemical process.

Therefore, it is very important that carbon dioxide escapes and the finished dish does not become bitter.

8. After three days, place the cabbage in a jar or jars. But remember that you must first stir the whole mass with your hands again so that the carbon dioxide is completely released.

Using a special funnel, pour into jars.

9. Fill the jars with the juice, or you can say brine, marinade that has separated.

10. Close with nylon lids and put in the refrigerator. You need to store such cabbage in a cool place, a cellar or refrigerator is best, so that the fermentation process does not resume and the finished sauerkraut does not become over-acidified.

This is such a simple and cool cooking option! Bon appetit!

Video: Cooking crispy and juicy sauerkraut at home

I found a similar cooking option in this video, so you can once again see live how and what is done. But, remember one more trick: if you take a lot of carrots, according to the wrong proportions, such as by eye, then the result may not upset you much. Because if you transfer carrots, the cabbage will lose its crispness, will not be as crunchy and will become soft.

Recipe for quick sauerkraut in a jar

So easy and one of the best options for pickling cabbage at home in a very quick and instant way. This, of course, does not take 15 minutes, but on the third day you can already use it, can you imagine?! Add your favorite spices to add variety and enhance flavors.

The secret and super trick here is that the brine will be prepared separately, but don’t be afraid there’s nothing difficult about it, everything is very simple and easy. Well, of course, as soon as the brine or marinade gets into the cabbage, the same phenomenon called fermentation or pickling will begin, with this method I speed up this process and the dosage of salt will be slightly higher than always. That's the whole trick of science))).

We will need:

  • cabbage - 2-3 kg per 1 three-liter jar
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • salt - 4 tbsp
  • dill seeds - optional
  • pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

1. First of all, do the prep work of the vegetables. Wash the cabbage and carrots well.

Next, shred the cabbage or cut it with a knife, usually it looks like a thin strip, although I have seen other options for pickling with petals and pieces, but it seems to me that this is not appropriate if used for general use somewhere in dishes, although anything is possible. It depends on what purpose you are making this blank for.

2. Next, grate the carrots using a grater or using a special attachment in a food processor.

3. Mix the cabbage with carrots, don’t be afraid to knead, the mass should be uniform so that the juice begins to appear.

It is in this that the cabbage will be fermented. Add allspice, bay leaf and dill seeds. The cabbage should lie quite tightly in the container. In this case, a 5 liter container is used.

Important! Use only rock salt, coarsely ground, and not fine.

Stir the jar of water until the salt is completely dissolved. And then pour this solution over the cabbage. Since all vegetables must be completely covered with brine, make another identical jar of brine. Or you could take a 2-liter jar at once and add 4 tablespoons of salt and water into it.

6. Well, the water completely covered the cabbage. Take a lid or plate and place a weight on it, place a jar of plain water. The next day, after it has been kept warm for a day, fermentation will begin.

And then you will need to use a spoon or stick to push the cabbage apart and release the gas so that it does not become bitter. This needs to be done several times during the day. So all the days until the end of fermentation.

7. On the third day it will completely ferment and gases will no longer be released.

Important! I also forgot to say, place another one under any container, since during the fermentation process it will additionally begin to release its brine, which means that the liquid will increase and it will run.

8. Here’s another interesting, original cooking option, try it, it’s very tasty! Store in a cool place in the refrigerator to prevent it from becoming sour and pungent.

Delicious sauerkraut in 3 liter jars for the winter

Do you want to make tender, juicy and crispy cabbage? Then here is a step-by-step description with photos that will just help you. The recipe is tried and true.

We will need:

  • cabbage - 1 head 2 kg
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • salt - 2 heaped tbsp
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp
  • water - 1.5 l

Cooking method:

1. First of all, cut the cabbage in half and remove the stalk. Chop very, very finely, at least try to cut it that way.

Important! If you take young cabbage, then the preparation will only be juicier and more tender. Because old cabbage tends to be tough.

Next, take carrots from the current harvest, not the old one, so that they are juicy. You can grate the carrots on a regular coarse grater, but in general it’s better to grate them on a Korean carrot grater so that it comes out fine. Mix the vegetables with your hands, squeezing the cabbage so that it releases its juice.

2. After this, take a 3 liter jar. And morning with the help of improvised means, such as a rolling pin))). So that there is a maximum of cabbage and carrots in the jar and a minimum of air.

3. Make a marinade or brine. Add 1.5 tbsp sugar and 2 tbsp salt to 1.5 liters of water. Stir with a spoon, or put a lid on the jar of water and stir until all the dry ingredients have dissolved.

4. Pour this mixture over the cabbage, just to the maximum, just like in the picture. Leave in a warm place, after one day bubbles will appear. This means that the fermentation process has begun.

5. Therefore, take and speed up this process yourself, pierce it with a stick or other object, in the form of a knife, to release the gas. You will immediately see that the brine is sinking.

Do this procedure at least 3-4 times a day. As soon as the bubbles appear, pierce it immediately))). After three days, close the lid and place in a cool place.

6. This is such a nice cabbage, then you can season it with vegetable oil and onions, and use dill as a decoration. Bon appetit!

Sauerkraut with apples

Well, this option, just a hero, so to speak, immediately brings to mind our Rus' and my great-grandmother’s stove. The cabbage will be fermented in a Russian barrel, like in the good old Slavic days, and even with apples.

We will need:

  • cabbage - almost 20 kg
  • Antonovka or Bogatyr apples - 2 kg
  • carrots - 1.5 kg
  • salt - 70 g per 3 kg of cabbage

Cooking method:

1. Finely chop the cabbage, cut the carrots into strips or grate. Then mix everything in a deep container and add salt, mash well to release the juice. Next, place it in a barrel.

2. Next, cut the apples into thin slices. Stir gently to avoid damaging the fruit.

Important! Before slicing apples, wash them well and remove the cores.

3. Then cover with a lid and put a stone or something like that.

4. Leave in a warm place, after a while you will see bubbles, this is how it should be.

Important! The main thing is not to miss this moment, because if you do not remove the bubbles in time, an unpleasant smell and aroma will appear, and, accordingly, taste.

5. To do this, remove the pressure and pierce the cabbage with a stick.

After three days, put the sauerkraut in a cool place in the cellar or on the balcony. And after two weeks you can eat it! Yum-yum, simply delicious! The longer it stands, the better it will ferment.

Cabbage, pickled with heads of cabbage

Impressed? When I first tried this thing, I said “cool!” This is Serbian technology, it is light and time-saving, you don’t need to chop anything, but you will have to wait much longer than usual for it to be ready. Then cabbage rolls are prepared from such whole cabbage; in Serbia they are called sarma.

As they say, live and learn, and that’s true))). For 20 kg of cabbage, take approximately 1.5 kg of salt. Carrots are not used in this form.

We will need:

  • cabbage - 12 kg
  • non-iodized salt - 800 g

Cooking method:

1. Wash the cabbage well, remove any bad dirty leaves.

2. Cut out the stalks. Take a head of cabbage and use a knife to cut this place as shown.

3. Hold the knife slightly at an angle to make a pyramid-shaped cut. You will not remove the entire stalk, just the top.

4. Place the head of cabbage in a tank or large pan and fill the cut area with salt. Do this with all the heads of cabbage. And leave them like this until tomorrow, until the next day.

5. After this time, the salt will change a little, it will absorb cabbage moisture.

6. Now cut the cabbage in half and place it in a bowl or pan. For 10 kg of cabbage, take 0.5 kg of salt, of which 300 g will be used to fill the holes in the stalk and 200-250 g for brine; fill the container with water (5 l). Place a weight (5 kg) on ​​top and let it stand for a couple of days (2 days) in a warm place.

Interesting! You can put a few apples in there too.

7. During this time, gurgling will begin in the pan and it will begin to ferment. Therefore, after two days, drain the brine into another container. This is done so that the brine is enriched with oxygen and fermentation occurs more actively. Next, place the cabbage again in the same poured brine and apply pressure. This procedure is done once a day. It will be completely ready in 2 weeks.

8. Store it in the cellar and you will need to eat it before spring.

Bonus: Sauerkraut with beets

Ecologically clean and very tasty cabbage without vinegar with beets and carrots. Well, just lick your fingers, and look how it looks on a plate, just fantastically beautiful and awesome:

I can also advise those who have very little space in the cellar to store cabbage not in jars, but in bags, but the air will need to be removed from them using a special device, that is, done under vacuum. That's all for me, I hope now you have learned how to properly make sauerkraut for the winter in different ways.

Have fun and delicious discoveries! See you all! Bye bye!

Cabbage is the most inexpensive and very popular product among the population. You can prepare quite a lot of very tasty and healthy dishes from vegetables. The most popular appetizer among cabbage dishes is, of course, sauerkraut: crispy, with the addition of various spices and vegetables.

It can be either an excellent appetizer for an aperitif or other alcoholic drinks, or an independent dish. It has long been believed that not a single table would be complete without this dish. There are a lot of cooking options and every housewife, when preparing it, is guided only by a proven method of sourdough.

Useful properties of sauerkraut

The most obvious and most positive quality of sauerkraut is the presence of vitamins and minerals in it:

  • Doctors have long established the presence of vitamin C in sauerkraut. And there is no need to even doubt that it brings benefits: the blood is cleansed, viruses infect the body with their bacteria less;
  • The presence of vitamin B in sauerkraut helps the feeling of hunger disappear. It also relieves the body of anemia and speeds up metabolism;
  • The presence of fiber in this snack coordinates the work of the heart;
  • Lactic acid, which is active only in sauerkraut, prevents bacteria from penetrating;
  • It also contains useful microelements: zinc, calcium, iron.

One of the interesting facts: not only is there a lot of valuable and useful substances in sauerkraut, but also in its brine. For many abnormalities or diseases, doctors recommend using sauerkraut brine.

If you have a poor appetite, you can drink just a few grams of this drink and you will noticeably quickly want to start eating. You can also drink the brine for those who are actively struggling with body fat (or obesity).

If you decide to start making sourdough, but don’t know where to start, then the first thing, of course, is to decide on the type of cabbage: since there are many varieties of this vegetable in nature, everyone should first of all rely on their own taste and eating habits.

It is worth noting that of all the types for sourdough, the most popular is white cabbage.

What is the reason for such popularity - the answer is different for everyone, but first of all it is the availability and ease of preparation of the vegetable.

To correctly choose the most successful heads of cabbage for sourdough, you need to know the following:

  1. The heads of cabbage should be dense and strong when squeezed in your hands;
  2. The presence of cracks, chips or other visible damage in the cabbage is unacceptable;
  3. The leaves of the heads of cabbage must be fresh and not wilted; this is the only way to achieve the best possible fermentation results;
  4. It is better to choose larger heads of cabbage in size to reduce the amount of waste.

Among the most popular varieties, preference is given to late ones, such as:

  • Wintering 1474;
  • Crewmont;
  • Kolobok;
  • Turkiz.

Mid-season varieties for pickling:

  • Glory;
  • Present;
  • Dobrovodsky.

Early varieties are less suitable for fermentation, because they do not have such high storage and preservation properties.

In addition to white cabbage, other types of cabbage are also fermented: Beijing, Brussels sprouts and even cauliflower. But they all have a rather specific taste and therefore are not as popular as white cabbage.

Traditional recipe for instant sauerkraut

The most obvious advantage of this recipe is that this vegetable, prepared in this way, will be ready in the shortest possible time. Another important factor in preparing this recipe will be ease of preparation.


Grate carrots;

Chop the heads of cabbage;

Prepare the brine. To do this: boil water, add all the spices, vinegar and oil;

Place vegetables in the container in which you will put everything, pour hot(!) brine;

Cover with weight on top.

Cabbage prepared in this way can be eaten within 4-5 hours. After the snack is ready, transfer it to a more convenient container - a jar, which you then put in the refrigerator for storage.

Sauerkraut with brine in a jar

This recipe is no worse than many others in preparation, but we can say with certainty that the dish ultimately turns out juicy and crispy.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • About 2 kilograms of white cabbage (whatever fits into the jar, more is possible);
  • Carrots – 2 pieces;
  • A few bay leaves;
  • Black peppercorns.

For the brine:

  • Water – 1.5 liters;
  • Coarse salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. l.

It’s all very simple: chop the cabbage at your discretion (some like it larger, some like it smaller), grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Mix all the vegetables and transfer to a 3-liter jar. To make the brine, mix all the ingredients with water and pour into a jar with cabbage.

It is recommended to put something (a cloth or a lid) on top of the jar, but do not close it. Next the fermentation process will begin. Depending on where the jar with its contents will be stored, this process will be regulated: speed up or slow down.

If the room is quite warm or hot, the cabbage will be ready within a few days (2-3). Well, if the room is much cooler, then the appetizer will ferment in any case, but with a noticeable delay; be sure to take this factor into account when fermenting.

After the final product is ready, it is better to store the cabbage in the refrigerator.

Instant recipe without vinegar

Many people prefer this particular recipe, because there are quite complex relationships with vinegar (medical indications, allergies or other reasons). Sometimes some people refuse to add vinegar simply to remove its rather pungent odor.

Main components of the dish:

  • Heads of white cabbage (quantity varies as desired);
  • Carrot.

Additional Ingredients:

  • Salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Water – 0.5 liters.

First you need to chop the cabbage; you can do it in any convenient way. Next, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Prepare the brine: mix salt, sugar and water together. Put the cabbage and carrots in a jar, it’s up to you to mix it or not. Fill the entire contents with brine.

The fermentation process has started, now all you have to do is wait a while (usually several days). Be sure to taste the sauerkraut to see if it is done before serving it.

Daily sauerkraut

Most housewives choose this method of sourdough simply for its speed of preparation. This recipe will not leave many people indifferent. Have a notepad and pen ready.

  • White cabbage – 2 kg;
  • Carrots – 2 medium pieces;
  • Coarse salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Peppercorns;
  • Water - glass;
  • Vegetable oil – half a liter;
  • Vinegar – 250 gr.;
  • Sugar – 100 gr.

To begin, cut the cabbage and grate the carrots on a coarse grater, mix them together and grind with salt - this procedure will release cabbage juice. For the brine: dissolve sugar, spices, oil and vinegar in water. Boil the mixture. Pour the resulting mixture over the cabbage and try to compress it or cover it with something heavy. A day later, delicious sauerkraut is ready.

Quick sauerkraut with beets

This recipe is used when you want to give cabbage a rather rich burgundy hue. And the dish prepared according to this recipe turns out very tasty and juicy. Beets provide cabbage with even more vitamins and minerals.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • White cabbage – 3 kg;
  • Fresh beets – 200 gr;
  • Garlic – 3 - 4 cloves (more if you like);
  • Carrots – 200 - 300 g (or 2 - 3 pieces);
  • Vinegar – 1 glass;
  • Vegetable oil – 200 g;
  • Sugar – 170 gr;
  • Coarse salt - 3 tbsp. l

The whole process begins with preparing the vegetables: they need to be washed and cut. You can cut cabbage and beets in any order - as you like.

For beets, these can be sticks, cubes, or straws; in the end, you can grate them. Cabbage can be cut into several large pieces, or in other ways: chopped coarsely or finely, into cubes, and so on. Grate the carrots.

All vegetables in a container can be placed in layers or mixed. Prepare the brine: peel and chop the garlic, add pepper, bay leaf, oil, garlic, vinegar, salt and sugar to the water. Boil.

Pour the boiling solution over the vegetables and place under pressure. The marinating process will take about 2-3 days. Once the snack is ready, place it in the refrigerator for storage.

All the cooking secrets

In order for every housewife to always have sauerkraut that is tasty and crispy, it is worth carefully familiarizing yourself with some of the subtleties and rules for fermenting this tasty dish.

The main secrets read:

  1. Carefully monitor the release of bubbles in the container - you need to get rid of them mercilessly;
  2. If the recipe calls for keeping the container open, pierce the cabbage with wooden skewers from time to time; this trick will allow air bubbles to escape faster;
  3. The temperature for fermentation should be as comfortable as possible - the average ranges from 17 to 25 degrees, taking this factor into account, your snack will be prepared much earlier;
  4. If you do not place another larger container under the jar or container in which the white cabbage is fermented, you risk getting a puddle of brine on the floor;
  5. The container for storage and fermentation plays an important role in this procedure. Preference is given to the following containers: glass or wood. Enameled, aluminum and plastic containers are extremely rarely used.

No matter what kind of sauerkraut you plan to cook, you can only wish one thing - bon appetit!

Contraindications to eating sauerkraut

However, not everyone can eat sauerkraut, no matter how good it is. The reasons for this can be very different. So, doctors advise people with high blood pressure to eat this snack with caution. The dish is also contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • Kidney diseases;
  • Ulcer;
  • Gallstones;
  • Diseases of the pancreas.

It is worth mentioning separately that if you really want to try just a little bit of this delicious snack, but it is contraindicated for you, then you can consult with your doctor and he will advise what to do in this case.

Good afternoon. Today we’ll talk about a very healthy dish that has come to us from time immemorial - sauerkraut. And we will, of course, ferment it at home.

During the process of fermentation (fermentation), the sugar present in the leaves of this vegetable is converted into lactic acid. And here are the unique properties this dish acquires: fermented lactic bacteria, entering the intestines along with cabbage, improve its functioning, suppress harmful microflora and eliminate dysbacteriosis.

Kvashenina has a positive effect on the immune system, lowers blood cholesterol levels, and improves skin condition. It can be used to prepare salads, and also as a filling for dumplings or pies. Or you can stew it with meat or mushrooms. But, unfortunately, all beneficial bacteria will die during heat treatment.

The liquid that is released during the ripening process is very useful. Never throw it away; eat cabbage along with juice.

It is important to distinguish pickled vegetables from pickled ones. The pickled ones have a marinade with vinegar, and the cabbage will be whiter in color and crispier, but it does not contain probiotic bacteria and so many beneficial properties.

We present to your attention an ancient method of preparing delicious sauerkraut with Antonovka apples. Why this particular variety? These are very fragrant, dense and sour fruits that will not only add a special taste and smell to the dish, but will also become an appetizing addition to it.

  • cabbage – 2 kg.
  • carrots – 2 pcs. (average)
  • Antonovka apples – 2 kg.
  • salt – 2 tbsp. level spoons (not iodized)
  • citric acid - to taste

1. Wash the apples, remove the core, cut into slices and add water with citric acid (the water should be slightly sour).

2. Shred the cabbage with a shredder.

3. Mix cabbage with carrots and salt, squeeze thoroughly with your hands until the juice releases.

4. Fill a three-liter jar with layers of cabbage and apples one by one (it’s very convenient to do this through a funnel), while compacting everything tightly using a masher or other available means.

5. In a jar filled until the neck narrows, I place a nylon lid for cold foods upside down as a pressure. She does not allow the cabbage to rise up by pressing it.

6. Place the jar in a deep bowl and leave for 3 days at room temperature, while you need to pierce the contents with a wooden stick every day (otherwise the dish will taste bitter). Sour cabbage should be stored under a tightly closed nylon lid in the refrigerator or a dark, cool place, such as a cellar. Bon appetit!

Instant sauerkraut recipe for a 3 liter jar

If you want to prepare healthy sauerkraut without sugar and vinegar in a three-liter jar, use this simple, traditional recipe.

To make the dish crispy and tasty, choose late varieties of this vegetable.

To prepare we will need:

  • cabbage – 2-2.5 kg.
  • carrots – 1 pc. (large)
  • salt – 2 tbsp. spoons without a slide
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • allspice – 3-4 pcs.

1. Chop the cabbage using a shredder, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

2. Mix the vegetables, pressing them a little with your hands, and add salt.

Mashing the cabbage is necessary so that it releases juice and the ripening process occurs faster.

3. Transfer the cabbage to a three-liter jar and place in a deep bowl.

4. Leave the jar in a warm place for 3 days, piercing the contents every day with a wooden stick to release the gas that accumulates during the ripening process.

After 3 days, place the finished sauerkraut in the refrigerator or other cool place. Eat it with the addition of vegetable oil. You can sprinkle with herbs, cumin seeds, add garlic or onions. Bon appetit!

The most delicious homemade sauerkraut - a very simple video recipe!

This recipe is really very simple! The cabbage will be crispy and tasty.

For preparation you need the following ingredients:

  • cabbage - 2 kg,
  • carrots - 1 piece,
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon.

For the secrets of making crispy sauerkraut, watch the video in detail:

Bon appetit!

Quick crispy cabbage, recipe in 3 hours

I am often asked for a recipe for quick, crispy sauerkraut in 2-3 hours. So, the ripening process takes more than 3 hours. But for those in a hurry, I can suggest preparing it in 3-4 hours. Of course, it will taste even better when it sits in the refrigerator for 7 hours.

But keep in mind that this is not sauerkraut, but pickled cabbage, because it is prepared with the addition of vinegar. This product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

To prepare we will need:

  • cabbage – 1 kg.
  • carrots – 1 pc. (250 gr.)
  • salt – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • garlic - 3 teeth.
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml.
  • vinegar 9% – 50 ml.
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.

1. Chop the cabbage, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the garlic or squeeze through a press, mix everything, but do not mash the vegetables with your hands.

2. Pour salt into half a liter of water. When the water boils add vegetable oil. Turn off the heat, pour in vinegar and 2 tablespoons of honey (you can use 3-4 tablespoons of sugar instead of honey).

3. Pour hot brine over the cabbage, cover with a plate on top and press down so that the brine covers the vegetables. This design should stand at room temperature for 3 hours.

After three hours you can try our dish. Hide what remains from the first test in the refrigerator and after 7 hours you will have a gorgeous, crispy, spicy snack.

Store cooked cabbage in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit!

Crispy and juicy sauerkraut made overnight

This interesting recipe will allow you to prepare traditional sauerkraut in just a day. There is one very unusual trick here with warm brine and sugar.

To prepare we will need:

  • cabbage – 2.5 kg.
  • salt – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • black, hot pepper – 3-4 pcs.
  • allspice – 3-4 pcs.

1. Wash and chop the cabbage in a way convenient for you. Fill the jar with it very tightly until the neck narrows, helping yourself, for example, with a “pusher”.

Depending on what container you have prepared, you can calculate how much cabbage needs to be cut: 2.5 kg will be required for a 3-liter jar. vegetable.

2. Boil a brine from 1 liter of water, sugar and salt. At the end, add bay leaf, allspice and black peppercorns. Cool the brine until it is slightly warm.

3. Pour warm brine over the cabbage. Place pepper and bay leaf on top. Place the jar in a deep bowl.

4. Leave the cabbage for 24 hours in a warm place. After 6 hours, pierce the contents of the jar in several places with a knife or wooden stick to release the accumulated gas.

Add grated carrots to the finished sauerkraut to taste, pour in vegetable oil, add onions. Bon appetit!

Instant crispy sauerkraut in brine

Another recipe for truly crispy sauerkraut. This time in brine. Try it and you will get a really tasty, moderately salty snack.

To prepare we will need:

  • cabbage – 2 kg.
  • carrots – 3 pcs.
  • water – 1 liter
  • rock salt – 2 tsp.
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • black, hot pepper – 3-4 pcs.
  • allspice – 3-4 pcs.

1. The ideal option for fermentation would be not a round variety of cabbage, but a flattened one, as in the photo below.

1. Grate the carrots on a fine grater, chop the cabbage and mix everything with salt.

In this recipe, we will not crush the vegetables with our hands so that the appetizer is truly crispy.

2. Place the chopped ingredients into a three-liter jar with bay leaf, allspice and black peppercorns. You can add red hot pepper, but that's if you like it spicy.

The vegetables in the jar do not need to be pressed down too hard, they do not need to be compacted, just pack them tightly.

For the marinade: dissolve rock salt in drinking water at room temperature.

3. Pour brine over the cabbage and pierce the vegetable mass with a fork so that the air comes out and the marinade completely fills the container. A three-liter bottle requires one and a half liters of water. If necessary, add a little more liquid; it should cover the vegetables completely.

4. Place the jar in a deep bowl and leave at room temperature for 3 days. Every day, morning and evening, pierce the mass with a fork so that gas comes out of it.

Quite a lot of brine will drain from the cabbage in three days. Don't worry, this is how it should be.

Store the finished snack in the refrigerator or in a cool, dark place.

You can add onions and vegetable oil to the salad. Bon appetit!

1. When preparing sauerkraut, it is better to use late or winter varieties of this vegetable. Choose slightly flattened heads of cabbage.

2. The method of shredding is not important, the main thing is that it is convenient for you.

3. When fermenting, you should use only rock salt. Iodized vegetables will become loose.

4. You need to choose a container for cooking so that the cabbage is packed tightly in it, and it is possible to put pressure on top.

5. If you don’t have juice on top of the jar when fermenting, be sure to add a little water. Vegetables should be covered with brine.

6. It is important to remember that every day you need to pierce the cabbage to release the gas that accumulates below in the dish. If this is not done, the snack will be bitter.

7. The vegetable is fermented at room temperature for about 3 days.

8. The finished product should be stored in the refrigerator or in a dark room at a temperature from 0 to +5 degrees.

First recipe below- just such a valuable pickled option. For leisurely fermentation, it is actually quick-cooking. Crispy cabbage slices will be ready after 2-3 days of infusion in a jar at room temperature.

We have included a second sample in the article. Ultra-fast with hot marinade. It no longer has the benefit of natural fermentation because the marinade contains vinegar. It is a preservative and does not form “live bacteria” with it. But the savory vegetables are ready for sampling after 12 hours.

Choose an awesome snack according to your taste and goals and cook it often all winter long!

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Instant sauerkraut without vinegar

Super crispy recipe for everyone who loves tasty and healthy food. Sourdough in a marinade, which includes only salt and spices, they can be adjusted to taste. The finished cut is without oil, so it requires seasoning with something as useful as possible. For example, extra virgin olive oil. All .

With a short effort and a couple of days of patience, you will get a traditionally excellent ingredient for winter salads, sour soups and stews with meat.

  • Preparation time: 30 minutes for preparation + 2-3 days for fermentation. We test for readiness after 2 days of infusion in a warm place.
  • Calorie content per 100 grams is no more than 40 kcal.

We need:

  • Cabbage - 2.5-3 kg
  • Carrots - 3 pcs. and more medium sizes
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt (without additives) - 2 teaspoons
  • Spices - to taste
  • We have 6 allspice peas, 2 bay leaves, 1-2 hot peppers.

Important details:

  • You can add as many carrots as you like. We love it when there is a lot of it. This gives the brine a pleasant warm shade and adds sweetness to the cabbage.
  • Spices can also be adjusted to suit your needs. More hot pepper means more spiciness. And also cumin, cloves, ginger and even turmeric. This classic fermented recipe responds well to many experiments.
  • Our proportions of ingredients will give traditional and juicy salad without too much spice. Brine can also be enjoyable as a separate drink.

Let's prepare the vegetables.

Finely chop the cabbage. The Berner grater always helps us out. Many housewives love a special manual shredding knife (or manual shredder). You can buy it right now during the fermentation season at any market in the aisles with barrel pickling.

Chop the peeled carrots to taste. Don't forget that there is not only a coarse grater. In this recipe we use medium.

Combine the cabbage and carrot slices and mix, fluffing them up at the same time. Convenient to work with your hands.

We will have brine in water, and not fermentation in our own juice. Without grinding, the cabbage will be as crunchy, delicious, and textured as possible.

Place the mixed vegetables in the jar halfway and tamp lightly. Put spices on top. In our case, this is 1 bay leaf, 3 allspice peas and 1 small hot pepper. Place the remaining chopped vegetables on top of the spices in the jar and repeat the set of spices again.

You can add cloves or remove the pepper if you don’t like even a hint of spiciness. These experiments will remain within the boundaries of traditional tastes.

Let's prepare the marinade, pour in the vegetables and let them ferment under supervision.

Water at room temperature (!).

It is beneficial to prepare 1.5 liters of brine for a 3-liter jar. The proportion for 1 liter is 2 teaspoons of salt. You need pure salt without additives. Accordingly, for 1.5 liters of water - 3 teaspoons. We pour spoons without the top and try.

Our goal is a solution slightly saltier than the ideal soup. Usually 3 level teaspoons are enough if the salt is extra fine. But there are different brands of salt, and coarse grinding is not as salty.

Stir the salt in the water until completely dissolved and pour the cabbage into the jar, covering the slices. We take a fork and pierce the vegetables deeper allowing the brine to penetrate to the very bottom.

You can use a long wooden stick, making a nod to the principles of natural fermentation. Strict Zozhevists and fans of Ayurveda strongly recommend working with fermented products only with wood or ceramics.

If such restrictions seem like unnecessary hassle, look for a long, two-pronged fork for turning fried foods. She will allow go even deeper in a dense layer of vegetables.

  • Use any instrument to make simple movements: in depth and spread the cutting, bubbles came. And so on in several places in the vegetable mass.

Add brine almost to the top - 1 cm before the neck of the jar. Usually a few bubbles form at the top, like foam.

Place the jar in a bowl so that the inevitable foam from fermentation can drain out of the jar carefully. Place a fork nearby which will remind you of the need to pierce the slices from time to time. This will allow the air bubbles formed during pickling to be constantly released to the top.

We pierce vegetables 2-3 times a day.

Keep the jar at room temperature for 2 to 3 days.

If your house is warm, it will take less time until it's ready. If the conditions are sporty (+/- 20 degrees), then 3 days is the standard period. Next, put the vegetables in the refrigerator to stop fermentation, otherwise the cabbage will turn out too sour.

  • We advise you to try cutting at the end of 2.5 days and proceed according to your own preferences for readiness.

We get good sauerkraut and quite a lot of liquid that has flowed through the neck of the jar. As soon as the cabbage is ready, cover the container with a nylon lid and put it in the cold.

We once tried a version with honey.

On top of the cabbage, add 2 heaped tablespoons of coarse salt and the same amount of honey. Fill with water at room temperature. Follow the recipe above. Try it after 2 days to see if it’s ready (i.e., is it time to put it in the refrigerator). Honey cabbage is also very tasty and is suitable for anyone who is not allergic to honey.

Marinate quick classic cabbage in 12 hours

This savory guest of our meals is called “Provençal”. It is not only quick to cook, but also looks very impressive. How useful it will be during the holidays! If you've been overdoing it on alcohol, a tasty pickle drink is a popular first aid remedy for the morning after New Year's Eve.

  • Preparation time: 30 minutes for preparation + 1 day for marinating. We test for readiness after 12-14 hours.
  • Calorie content per 100 grams - no more than 100 kcal.

The result of some simple work is a fully prepared salad, already seasoned with oil. It can be easily stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 month, but can be eaten in a couple of sittings. So good!

We need:

  • Cabbage - 3 kg
  • Carrots - 300 g or to taste
  • Garlic - 4-5 large cloves or to taste
  • Red bell pepper - 2-3 pcs. medium size (can be frozen)

For hot marinade per 1 liter of water:

  • Salt (rock, coarsely ground) - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Vinegar, 9% - 80 ml
  • Little vegetable - 1 cup

Important details:

  • 1 glass - 250 ml
  • Among the spices, the best decoration for a marinade is cumin, 5-10 grams. You can also add allspice (6-7 peas) and cloves (1-2 pcs.).
  • Carrots and garlic can be adjusted to taste. A proportion that many people like: for 1 kg of cabbage - 1 medium carrot and 1 bell pepper.
  • Frozen sweet red peppers pickle just as well as fresh ones. If you have it, feel free to use it.
  • Convenient and safe cooking - in an enamel or stainless steel pan.

The preparation is simple and quick.

Shred the cabbage as thick as we like in salads. Knead with your hands in a spacious bowl, lightly, without fanaticism. Carrots - cut into strips using a knife or grater ala Berner. Or a democratic option: three on a coarse grater. Cut the pepper into strips 0.5-0.8 cm thick or into cubes about 1 cm. Combine the vegetable cuts and mix well. Again, it is most convenient to work with your hands.

Prepare the marinade.

We start cooking when the vegetables are chopped and mixed. Heat 1 liter of water on the stove, add salt and sugar to it, pour in the oil and stir until the bulk ingredients are completely dissolved. As soon as the liquid boils, pour in the vinegar, make a couple of movements with the spoon and turn off the heat. Be sure to cover with a lid to prevent the vinegar from evaporating.

Place ½ of the vegetable mixture in the selected container and compact tightly. Fill in half the hot marinade. Add the second half of the vegetables and add the rest of the marinade again. Place a plate and a weight on top (a 1-2 liter jar of water).

Leave to marinate for 8 hours.

When the vegetables have cooled down, put in the refrigerator for another 16 hours. After 12 hours of infusion you can try.

TOP 2 secrets for successful fermentation

Which cabbage varieties are best to choose?

Dense and flattened on both sides, maximum white heads of large size (from 3 kg 1 piece). These varieties are crunchy and do not lose their shape even when thinly sliced.

Young cabbage and too old cabbage ferment poorly. Varieties with a spherical head of cabbage become untidy and often lose their crunch.

How to cook new and refreshing dishes?

In addition to their vibrant participation in meat stews, borscht or solyanka, both spicy cabbages can easily make friends with available colleagues in salads without heating.

Add onions, sweet apples, frozen berries, boiled beets, canned corn, boiled beans or potatoes to the appetizing result of fermentation. You can enrich the taste of daily dishes and add antioxidant vitamins to your winter menu.

We will be glad if you like any instant cabbage recipe. Both are very tasty! And you must agree that it is true that healthy fermentation without vinegar requires more time.

Thank you for the article (9)

Hello, dear readers. The holidays are approaching, and in addition to various delicacies there, for example, I want to see sauerkraut on my table. We always have sauerkraut in winter, and today I decided to show you how we make sauerkraut. There will be several recipes, so to speak, for everyone. My parents fermented cabbage not only in 3-liter jars, but also in buckets and even barrels. Moreover, they fermented it with red beets, apples and even watermelons. I really liked soaked watermelons.

But today we will talk not about watermelons, but about cabbage. I will ferment the cabbage in a 3 liter jar.

How to ferment cabbage in a jar recipe No. 1

And for this I need cabbage, carrots, salt and sugar. I take a head of cabbage weighing 3.1 kg. And believe my experience, the cabbage will all fit into the jar.

Cabbage should be white and sweet. If the cabbage is bitter, then it may taste bitter when pickled. I chop cabbage; I have a special knife for this purpose. You can see it in the photo at the top right.

Then I peel one carrot and grate it. You can grate carrots using any grater.

Then I add one spoon of salt and two spoons of sugar. You need to use ordinary rock salt. Never use iodized salt. I add it right at the table, and now I mix it well and mash the cabbage with my hands. It's like I'm kneading dough. Don’t be afraid to mash the cabbage, it will turn out tasty and crispy.

After we remember the cabbage well, you can put it in a jar. Place the cabbage in a jar and tamp it down well with a wooden rocker. As you can see in the photo, all the cabbage fit into the jar. There's even some room left in the bank.

I didn't use water at all. The cabbage gave juice, and as you can see in the photo, there is enough juice to cover the entire cabbage. If you end up with a full jar, be sure to place the jar in a bowl or other container.

When the cabbage begins to ferment, in approximately less than a day, the juice will flow out of the jar through the top. During fermentation, carbon dioxide will be released, so it will push the juice out of the jar in the form of bubbles.

We leave the cabbage in the room. For cabbage to ferment well, it needs to stand at room temperature for three days. After three days the cabbage is ready. After this, put the cabbage in the refrigerator or a cold place. Of course, you can eat it after two days, but it will still not be sour enough.

If the cabbage tastes a little bitter, bring it back into the room at night. The bitterness should go away. My cabbage turned out tasty and crispy. I had this cabbage on my balcony for about two months, and there was no mucus or mold on top.

How to ferment cabbage in a jar recipe No. 2

My next recipe will be with brine. If in the first recipe I did not use water at all, then in this recipe there will be a lot of it. To prepare the brine, we need two tablespoons of sugar and two tablespoons of salt. If desired, you can also add allspice and bay leaf.

I start cooking with brine. I boil 1.5 liters of water, add 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar. I mix it all well. As you can see in the photo above left, I don’t add water all the way to the top.

Then I put 5 peas of allspice and two bay leaves into hot water. We leave our brine to cool. In the meantime, let's move on to cutting the cabbage. Now I took smaller cabbage. For this recipe, cabbage weighing about 2.2 - 2.5 kilograms is suitable. This will be quite enough. And one big carrot.

As in the first case, chop the cabbage and three carrots. Only now I grate the carrots on a Korean grater. We don't mash the cabbage in this recipe and I like the carrots to look nice too. Before doing this, of course, don’t forget to clean it.

Now that we have chopped the cabbage and grated the carrots, mix it all well, but do not mash it.

Then you can put the cabbage in the jar. I don’t compact the cabbage too much, because we still need to fill it with brine. After we put all the cabbage in the jar, we need to wait until our prepared brine cools down to room temperature.

Do not pour hot water over the cabbage; you will kill the bacteria that cause the cabbage to ferment. And instead of fermenting, the cabbage may become moldy.

And after it has cooled, we fill our cabbage with brine. And then everything follows the same scenario. Leave the cabbage at room temperature for three days. At the same time, do not forget to place a bowl under the bottle with cabbage. The cabbage will ferment. At the same time, I periodically used a wooden skewer to release the air from the cabbage.

I want to tell you so that you are aware. During fermentation, about 0.5 liters of water leaked out of my bottle. So place the container appropriately. And don’t worry if suddenly the water in your bottle ends up at the bottom.

The cabbage floats and the brine remains at the bottom. Simply release carbon dioxide during fermentation with a wooden twig or skewer and push the cabbage down. The cabbage turned out crispy and slightly different from the first recipe. It's a little saltier, but just as tasty.

How to ferment cabbage in a jar recipe No. 3

The third recipe will be cabbage soaked in plain water. We will just fill it with boiled cold water, and in a smaller proportion. This recipe will not include photos of how to cut cabbage, I think you already know.

For this recipe we will need about 2.8 - 3 kg of cabbage. You can also take medium carrots. Although you can add more carrots, or you can add no carrots at all. Carrots act here only in a decorative role; they color our cabbage.

Chop the cabbage and grate the carrots. Mix all this well. Then add one spoon of salt and mix a little more. There is no need to mash the cabbage too much, as we did in the first recipe.

Now we place the cabbage in a jar, compacting it with a wooden rocker. Again, we don’t tamp too much. We don’t need the cabbage to release juice; we will fill it with water. It takes approximately 600 - 800 grams of water. This depends on the weight of the cabbage that we cut for pickling.

Now we put the cabbage filled with water to ferment. When the cabbage has fermented well, usually on the second day, completely drain the resulting brine. Moreover, it is advisable to pour the brine along with the cabbage into a bowl.

Squeeze out the cabbage and place it back in the jar. Moreover, it is advisable to swap the cabbage. Which was lying on top - we put it on the bottom of the bottle, and vice versa, the bottom one on top. We just squeeze the cabbage lightly. Add one tablespoon of honey to the resulting brine.

Dissolve the honey and fill our cabbage with the same brine again. Leave for another day in a warm place. After a day, put the cabbage in the refrigerator.

Cabbage in all three recipes turns out delicious. The first taste is of classic cabbage. According to the second, it’s a little saltier and it turns out crispier, we didn’t crush it. According to the third recipe, the cabbage turns out a little sweeter, and the cabbage takes on some zest. Only it should not peroxidize.

There are a great many recipes for sauerkraut, and there is no point in describing them all. You can add different spices to all recipes. For example, black pepper, cloves, coriander, bay leaf. And if sauerkraut makes you bloated, you can also add dill seeds.

My godfather often adds dill seeds to the third recipe. Apart from the fact that the seeds themselves are then found in the cabbage, the cabbage turns out very tasty.

And a few more tips. My father says that cabbage should only be salted on certain days. If a man salts, then he should salt on men’s days. If a woman salts, then in a woman’s way. Moreover, he does not highlight all days. For example, a man should ferment either on Monday or Thursday. Women should ferment cabbage on Wednesday or Saturday, but better on Wednesday.

Strange as it may sound, I checked it somehow. I pickled the cabbage according to the usual recipe, only on Wednesday. So the cabbage was not so tasty, in my opinion, and it was soft and did not crunch.

What proportions of salt and sugar do you use when sauerkraut in a jar? You can write your recipe for sauerkraut.

Finally, check out a few more recipes.
