How can you lubricate concrete molds? How can you lubricate molds for making paving slabs? Silicone baking molds - modern housewife assistants

It is advisable to grease baking pans with fat that does not contain water, i.e. not butter or even margarine (the lesser of two evils, because margarine is emulsion water with fat). You can bake bread (but not muffins) in Teflon pans without greasing them with anything. Baking trays and cast iron cauldrons can be left ungreased and lined with silicone baking paper or a silicone mat according to size.

When greasing molds with regular vegetable oil or lard, the dough sometimes absorbs this fat during proofing and baking and eventually sticks to the walls of the mold! So much so that you can’t tear it off with anything! Therefore, you can often come across advice to grease the molds with oil and dust the walls of the mold with flour on top of the oil before pouring the dough into it or placing the workpiece. The layer of flour serves as a barrier between the oil and the dough and practically nothing sticks to this coating.

This principle is the basis for the absolutely ingenious mixture of flour and fat “Better Than PAM” for greasing pans, which I first learned about on the American bakers forum. Since then, I have never had bread stick to the pan! In this miracle lubricant, two types of fat are creamed - plastic fat and vegetable oil, liquid at room temperature, mixed with regular flour or cocoa powder (for chocolate baking). Here's her recipe


1 cup flour

1 cup plastic fat (lard, cooking oil, melted butter)

1 cup vegetable oil

First, fat, oil and flour are mixed into a lumpy mixture, then beat for 2-3 minutes until the mass increases in volume by 2 times. The resulting cream is used to lubricate baking pans and baking trays. Apply with a brush, thin layer. Shelf life - year at room temperature or in the refrigerator.


For churning into cream, we need fat that is plastic at room temperature. Lard, lard, cooking fat, ghee, ghee (russoke) butter, deodorized coconut oil, palm oil, etc. Choose one thing that is on hand, that is cheaper, that you like. I prefer either lard and ghee for their delicious flavor, or shortening for its neutral flavor and aroma (i.e. no taste or aroma, which is important when greasing pastry pans and pans).

The same can be said about vegetable oil - choose either fragrant and fragrant - for bread, or neutral - universal and especially for confectionery baked goods.

You can use any flour, and to grease molds for chocolate baking, instead of flour, you can use cocoa or a mixture of flour and cocoa

I really like creaming butter with baked rye flour. Ideal for both bread and sweet pastries.

Measure butter, plastic fat and flour in equal quantities into a bowl. For example, half a glass of each

At low speed, carefully mix (so as not to scatter the flour throughout the kitchen) into a rough, lumpy mixture, scary colors

Next, at the highest speed, beat into a fluffy cream for 2-3 minutes until the volume of the cream doubles. No scam. Cream will become snow-white silver!

Packaged in jars. Store cool or in the refrigerator for up to a year. You can also store it warm at room temperature, but then the mixture may split from time to time (oil will be released) and you will need to lightly beat it again.

Grease the molds with a brush, apply a thin layer to bread and pastry molds, baking sheets. This mixture is good for greasing molds and baking sheets not only for baking, but also for culinary purposes - baking meat and fish, roast beef and boiled pork, cutlets, meatballs and meatballs, meat loaves, pates and rolls, stuffed peppers and cabbage rolls, cooking lasagne in deep baking sheets and other casseroles. This coating on the walls of the mold and the surface of the baking sheet never burns, is easily and cleanly washed off with plain water and does not leave marks on the crust of the products themselves. Simply MIRACLE.

It is advisable to grease baking pans with fat that does not contain water, i.e. not butter or even margarine (the lesser of two evils, because margarine is emulsion water with fat). You can bake bread (but not muffins) in Teflon pans without greasing them with anything. Baking trays and cast iron cauldrons can be left ungreased and lined with silicone baking paper or a silicone mat according to size.

When greasing molds with regular vegetable oil or lard, the dough sometimes absorbs this fat during proofing and baking and eventually sticks to the walls of the mold! So much so that you can’t tear it off with anything! Therefore, you can often come across advice to grease the molds with oil and dust the walls of the mold with flour on top of the oil before pouring the dough into it or placing the workpiece. The layer of flour serves as a barrier between the oil and the dough and practically nothing sticks to this coating.

This principle is the basis for the absolutely ingenious mixture of flour and fat “Better Than PAM” for greasing pans, which I first learned about on the American bakers forum. Since then, I have never had bread stick to the pan! In this miracle lubricant, two types of fat are creamed - plastic fat and vegetable oil, liquid at room temperature, mixed with regular flour or cocoa powder (for chocolate baking). Here's her recipe


1 cup flour

1 cup plastic fat (lard, cooking oil, melted butter)

1 cup vegetable oil

First, fat, oil and flour are mixed into a lumpy mixture, then beat for 2-3 minutes until the mass increases in volume by 2 times. The resulting cream is used to lubricate baking pans and baking trays. Apply with a brush, thin layer. Shelf life - year at room temperature or in the refrigerator.


For churning into cream, we need fat that is plastic at room temperature. Lard, lard, cooking fat, ghee, ghee (russoke) butter, deodorized coconut oil, palm oil, etc. Choose one thing that is on hand, that is cheaper, that you like. I prefer either lard and ghee for their delicious flavor, or shortening for its neutral flavor and aroma (i.e. no taste or aroma, which is important when greasing pastry pans and pans).

The same can be said about vegetable oil - choose either fragrant and fragrant - for bread, or neutral - universal and especially for confectionery baked goods.

You can use any flour, and to grease molds for chocolate baking, instead of flour, you can use cocoa or a mixture of flour and cocoa

I really like creaming butter with baked rye flour. Ideal for both bread and sweet pastries.

Measure butter, plastic fat and flour in equal quantities into a bowl. For example, half a glass of each

At low speed, carefully mix (so as not to scatter the flour throughout the kitchen) into a rough, lumpy mixture, scary colors

Next, at the highest speed, beat into a fluffy cream for 2-3 minutes until the volume of the cream doubles. No scam. Cream will become snow-white silver!

Packaged in jars. Store cool or in the refrigerator for up to a year. You can also store it warm at room temperature, but then the mixture may split from time to time (oil will be released) and you will need to lightly beat it again.

Grease the molds with a brush, apply a thin layer to bread and pastry molds, baking sheets. This mixture is good for greasing molds and baking sheets not only for baking, but also for culinary purposes - baking meat and fish, roast beef and boiled pork, cutlets, meatballs and meatballs, meat loaves, pates and rolls, stuffed peppers and cabbage rolls, cooking lasagne in deep baking sheets and other casseroles. This coating on the walls of the mold and the surface of the baking sheet never burns, is easily and cleanly washed off with plain water and does not leave marks on the crust of the products themselves. Simply MIRACLE.

When starting to improve your garden plot or the area around your house, you must not forget about the paths. Only they can give your site a finished and aesthetic look. If you decide to create paths from paving slabs, then you can do it yourself. You don't need to be an expert to handle this matter. Having learned all the nuances of the work, such as how and what the tiles are made of, how to lubricate the mold for paving slabs and how to lay them, you can confidently get to work.

Choosing the shape of the tiles is also an important matter; they are divided into several main types: rectangular, freeform, universal, model, castle and ecological shape.

Features: manufacturing and application

Paving stones are made from concrete, which in turn consists of cement, sand and water mixed in the required proportions. Everything is taken into account here, from the brand of cement to the purpose and area of ​​application of the paving slabs.

What kind of pressure should it withstand and the like. Most often, cement is used either 1:3 or 1:4, for example, if cement is grade M 500 (which is considered one of the best), then the proportion will be 1:4.

Paving stones are made from concrete, which in turn consists of cement, sand and water mixed in the required proportions.

Choosing the shape of the tiles is also an important matter; they are divided into several main types:

  • rectangular;
  • arbitrary;
  • universal;
  • model;
  • castle;
  • and ecological form.

Tiles are also divided according to the production method, among them there are two main ones - cast and pressed.

To produce pressed tiles, special equipment and large investments are required, which means it is very difficult to do this at home.

Such tiles are used for paving large areas and roads; they are able to withstand very high pressure, due to the fact that during production the concrete is constantly exposed to blows from a special hammer.

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Available application options

This method is available to everyone and makes it possible to create a slab of exactly the shape and size that we need. In order to create it, you will need concrete.

When making it, you can use the “clumsy” method, mixing with a shovel in a trough. But this is a very labor-intensive process that takes a lot of time. It is better to use a concrete mixer that you can buy, rent or borrow. Do not forget to add a plasticizer to the mixture; if it is dry, then it must be dissolved in water.

And to obtain tiles of various colors, acrylic paints are added to concrete, so you can create tiles not only of any shape, but also of any color. The paint must be mixed with sand before adding it to the mixture.

To obtain tiles of various colors, acrylic paints are added to concrete, so you can create tiles not only of any shape, but also of any color.

  • In addition to concrete, you will also need forms, which can be purchased in specialized stores; the most convenient are forms made of rubber and polymer. But you can also make them yourself.

For example, make frames from hewn wooden blocks. In this case, the shape will depend solely on your imagination and skillful hands. However, to create a drawing, you still have to go to the store to purchase a stencil to your liking. The stencil is applied to the concrete as soon as it is poured into the mold and removed after a few minutes.

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What does the lubrication process involve?

But before you pour concrete into the finished mold, you need to lubricate it. The choice of lubricants is large enough so that you can choose exactly what suits you. These can be petroleum oil concentrates, emulsions, soap and powder solutions and other lubricants used in the manufacture of paving slabs.

A good lubricant should not change the color of the cast tile and should not affect the shape in any way. By the way, if you plan to create a very small amount of tiles, you can ask for it at a service station, and they will give it to you completely free of charge or for a symbolic price.

One of the most popular and frequently used is KSF-1 lubricant. Its advantages are low consumption, ease of application, using any means at hand, and in the end, everything results in a very reasonable price.

Krystal oils are very often used to lubricate molds for the paving system; more precisely, an emulsion is made on their basis, and it is applied using the spraying method.

Nometal lubricant is perfect if you are using a metal frame. It will protect it from corrosion.

Each lubricant, in addition to its individual properties (if any), must perform certain functions:

One of the most popular and frequently used is KSF-1 lubricant. Its advantages are low consumption and ease of application.

  1. With its help, paving slabs are easily removed from the mold.
  2. Thanks to the lubricant, pores do not appear on the front of the tile.
  3. Appearance should only improve, but not change in color.

Only when these goals are achieved is the use of a lubricant considered appropriate, otherwise its use is pointless and is not worth the material costs and lost time.

A good economical option for lubrication is the well-known Agat series; this product has long proven itself on the positive side.

It is used for absolutely all types of formwork, and one liter is enough for 35 sq.m. surfaces.

Release concentrate is also used as a release agent, typically for metal and polymer molds. It is most often used to create large slabs. When using it, know that it is water-repellent and does not react to temperature.

Don’t forget that lubricants are highly soluble in water, which allows you to get about ten liters of ready-made mold processing product from one kilogram of concentrate.

You also don’t need to have any special skills for dilution, just add the concentrate to the water and mix for about 5 minutes.

  • No special clothing is required when lubricating the tiles. Ordinary work clothes are quite suitable, since lubricants do not have any harmful effects or contraindications, and are completely in harmony with the environment.

Lubricating the mold will not only make it easier for you to release the tiles from the mold, but will save you from having to wash the mold itself later.

In order for the tiles to turn out perfectly smooth and the installation process to be quite simple, before lubricating the mold must be cleaned of dirt, debris and small parts.

This is done with a 10% solution of hydrochloric acid.

By the way, you can find a replacement for lubricant, for example, use an antistatic agent instead. But if you use a lubricant, which is actually preferable to an antistatic agent, then do not forget that you need to apply it in a thin layer.

First, be sure to clean the mold from dirt, debris and small parts that can get there, even with the help of the wind. Only on a thoroughly cleaned form can you begin to grease the prepared mixture or pollinate it. It is better to do this with gloves, just so as not to get your hands dirty.

And of course, if you are not lubricating, but pollinating, then it is better to wear a respiratory mask. If you use a brush to apply the lubricant, make sure that no hairs from it remain inside the mold.

Any detail, even the smallest one, will definitely be imprinted on the surface of the tile, which, of course, will ruin its appearance and your mood. In general, using a lubricant will make your work easier and improve significantly.

It is advisable to grease baking pans with fat that does not contain water, i.e. not butter or even margarine (the lesser of two evils, because margarine is emulsion water with fat). You can bake bread (but not muffins) in Teflon pans without greasing them with anything. Baking trays and cast iron cauldrons can be left ungreased and lined with silicone baking paper or a silicone mat according to size.

When greasing molds with regular vegetable oil or lard, the dough sometimes absorbs this fat during proofing and baking and eventually sticks to the walls of the mold! So much so that you can’t tear it off with anything! Therefore, you can often come across advice to grease the molds with oil and dust the walls of the mold with flour on top of the oil before pouring the dough into it or placing the workpiece. The layer of flour serves as a barrier between the oil and the dough and practically nothing sticks to this coating.

This principle is the basis for the absolutely ingenious mixture of flour and fat “Better Than PAM” for greasing pans, which I first learned about on the American bakers forum. Since then, I have never had bread stick to the pan! In this miracle lubricant, two types of fat are creamed - plastic fat and vegetable oil, liquid at room temperature, mixed with regular flour or cocoa powder (for chocolate baking). Here's her recipe

1 cup flour

1 cup plastic fat (lard, cooking oil, melted butter)

First, fat, oil and flour are mixed into a lumpy mixture, then beat for 2-3 minutes until the mass increases in volume by 2 times. The resulting cream is used to lubricate baking pans and baking trays. Apply with a brush thin layer. Shelf life - year at room temperature or in the refrigerator.


For churning into cream, we need fat that is plastic at room temperature. Lard, lard, cooking fat, ghee, ghee (russoke) butter, deodorized coconut oil, palm oil, etc. Choose one thing that is on hand, that is cheaper, that you like. I prefer either lard and ghee for their delicious flavor, or shortening for its neutral flavor and aroma (i.e. no taste or aroma, which is important when greasing pastry pans and pans).

The same can be said about vegetable oil - choose either fragrant and fragrant - for bread, or neutral - universal and especially for confectionery baked goods.

You can use any flour, and to grease molds for chocolate baking, instead of flour, you can use cocoa or a mixture of flour and cocoa

I really like creaming butter with baked rye flour. Ideal for both bread and sweet pastries.

Measure butter, plastic fat and flour in equal quantities into a bowl. For example, half a glass of each

At low speed, carefully mix (so as not to scatter the flour throughout the kitchen) into a rough, lumpy mixture, scary colors

Next, at the highest speed, beat into a fluffy cream for 2-3 minutes until the volume of the cream doubles. No scam. Cream will become snow-white silver!

Packaged in jars. Store cool or in the refrigerator for up to a year. You can also store it warm at room temperature, but then the mixture may split from time to time (oil will be released) and you will need to lightly beat it again.

Grease the molds with a brush, apply a thin layer to bread and pastry molds, baking sheets. This mixture is good for greasing molds and baking sheets not only for baking, but also for culinary purposes - baking meat and fish, roast beef and boiled pork, cutlets, meatballs and meatballs, meat loaves, pates and rolls, stuffed peppers and cabbage rolls, cooking lasagne in deep baking sheets and other casseroles. This coating on the walls of the mold and the surface of the baking sheet never burns, is easily and cleanly washed off with plain water and does not leave marks on the crust of the products themselves. Simply MIRACLE.

The abundance of high-quality cookware and accessories for cooking provides a lot of opportunities for housewives. With silicone baking molds, you can easily create culinary masterpieces in your kitchen.

Silicone baking molds

What are the benefits of silicone molds?

It is known that lightweight silicone molds for baking are completely non-stick. Sticking of the dough is completely eliminated. You only need to grease the mold with butter once after purchase. Next, there is no need to apply fat, since the dishes prevent the baked goods from burning. Another advantage that cannot be missed is the ease of use of silicone molds. To remove baked goods, turn the soft dishes inside out, and to wash away traces of food, simply rinse with water and a sponge.

Silicone molds do not require special conditions. This wonderful utensil can be stored in a kitchen cabinet without taking up much space. The shapes can be bent in any way and folded, then they immediately restore the previous silhouette. It should be noted that after baking, the molds do not leave the smell of this dish on them. Another undeniable plus is its resistance to high-temperature environments. The forms behave well at minus 50 and plus 250 degrees. You can cook baked goods in the oven and freeze food in the same container in the freezer.

There are a great variety of silicone cookware on sale - in different configurations, sizes, and colors. There are high and low options, embossed and smooth, with a removable bottom. The most beautiful ones look like flowers, animals and other interesting figures. The forms perform excellently when cooked in electric and gas ovens and microwaves.

Are silicone baking molds harmful?

Silicone molds are definitely safe for human health. Therefore, you can cook for the whole family without fear. The material is medical silicone, does not absorb harmful substances from the outside and does not emit them when heated. You can be sure that the baked goods are environmentally friendly. Metal forms are inferior in this regard.

Certain types of silicone molds pose a health hazard. It's all about using prohibited materials and incorrect technologies; only unscrupulous manufacturers are guilty of this. You can protect yourself from this factor by purchasing certified products from reputable brands. Typically, high-quality silicone cookware has a uniform material structure, without air bubbles or defects.

Features of using silicone molds

If you do not follow the manufacturers' recommendations, there may be undesirable consequences. You must carefully read the instructions and follow all operating requirements. Do not cut the finished baked goods directly in the mold, use aggressive chemicals when washing, or scratch the product. Naturally, you should not heat the mold over a fire, and it is better to fill it after placing it on a baking sheet so that the contents do not fall out.

Silicone molds are ideal for baking muffins and cupcakes

How to choose a silicone baking dish?

Silicone baking dish for baking in the oven

Silicone molds are convenient to use when baking delicious and aromatic products in the microwave, electric and gas ovens. The maximum temperature in the oven is 240-250 degrees. Most often, housewives bake at a temperature of 170-180 degrees. The material does not deform and does not spoil baked goods. You just need to preheat the oven, pour the dough into the molds, place them on a wire rack or baking sheet, then carefully place them and start cooking.

Universal forms

Round silicone molds

Round is the most successful shape for making cakes and cupcakes. The finished product will hold its shape stably and will not crumble, since there are no small parts. You can bake the base for multi-tiered pies. There are also small circle molds; you can make a whole batch of cupcakes for a large family at once.

Rectangular silicone molds

Rectangular pastries are a classic of the genre. This form is suitable for every housewife. You can bake rectangular cupcakes. There are large rectangles on sale, and fused forms divided into several small rectangular sections. This is a fairly common option for kitchen utensils. It is easier to find on sale than, for example, a flower mold, an animal or a heart.

silicone molds are flexible and practical

Which silicone baking molds are best?

Silicone cupcake molds

As a rule, muffin tins are quite small in size. The results are amazingly beautiful, smooth products, no worse than store-bought ones. Children and adults will be delighted with such baked goods. The sides of each cupcake turn out just the way you want - fluted and crisp. You can make standard round cupcakes or in the shape of hearts, fish, and animal figures.

Silicone cake molds

Cake molds come in different types. Their main difference is size. Usually these are large dishes. Based on the pastry, you can make absolutely any cake, decorating it to your liking. If the dough recipe is correct, then the cakes will turn out smooth, just like from the store.

Silicone cookie molds

It’s a great joy to make a lot of delicious shaped cookies at home. Silicone molds provide this opportunity. Cookies can be in the form of insects, animals, vehicles, with letters and patterns. Many such products are sold in online stores at the most reasonable prices. This is a good idea for any holiday and everyday life.

Silicone bread molds

It turns out that you can bake real healthy bread with any composition in silicone molds. It is much better than the store-bought counterpart. Products can take different forms, depending on the owner’s imagination. Usually these are deep and capacious dishes. The main thing is to follow the recipe, and the bread in silicone form will delight you with its excellent taste.

We looked at several options for molds for different purposes. The best ones are those that suit your needs. Each housewife chooses the optimal sizes and configurations depending on what she cooks most often. The main thing is that the product for the oven is made of high-quality material and does not emit harmful substances when heated. This is important from the point of view of the safety of all family members.

Rating of silicone molds

There are many worthy products on sale. Here are the most popular brands that produce silicone molds:

  • FixPrice - bright and convenient molds for baking muffins and cupcakes;
  • Tupperware - soft molds for making beautiful baked goods;
  • Pan-Cake - different sets of silicone oven molds, small cute figures;
  • REGENT - high-quality silicone molds for various purposes;
  • NADOBA - good round molds for cupcakes, muffins and a host of other types of baked goods;
  • FISSMAN - rectangular, shaped baking molds.

in such forms you can prepare delicious baked goods in the oven, as well as freeze anything in the freezer

How to use a silicone baking mold?

Dough for silicone molds

Preparing the dough will not be difficult even for inexperienced housewives. The base turns out to be quite liquid, so you must first preheat the oven, then place the mold on a baking sheet, then pour the dough into it and place it in the oven. This is the most convenient option, protecting against leakage and burning. Usually the dough is prepared from available products - flour, baking powder, eggs, butter, sugar and various additives. Several successful recipes will be described below.

Do I need to lubricate silicone molds?

They say that it is enough to grease the baking dish with oil once. The molds are non-stick and have excellent contact with the dough, it does not stick. Therefore, they do not need to be smeared with anything. As practice shows, ready-made muffins, cookies, bread, and cake bases can be removed from the mold without deformation. Still, some housewives grease their molds out of habit.

How to remove baked goods from a silicone mold?

A container of any shape, even a complex one, makes it easy to remove the finished baked goods. You must boldly turn flexible cookware inside out. Or simply turn the pan over and the baked goods will fall out onto the table. Be careful when removing cupcakes and muffins from the oven. Immediately after cooking, the molds are very hot and you can burn yourself. Therefore, everyone recommends waiting a little, then picking up the baked goods.

How to clean a silicone baking dish?

Housewives do not have to bother with the process of washing complex stains from silicone molds, since maintenance is extremely simple. All stains are washed off instantly with water and a sponge. Usually there are no problems with washing molds.

Baking recipes in silicone mold

Delicate cupcake

Ingredients for 12 servings:

  • butter - 125 g;
  • granulated sugar - 125 g;
  • vanillin - a small amount;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • milk - 2 tbsp. l;
  • flour - 125 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • nuts, raisins, candied fruits.

Make a single mass of sugar and butter, add beaten eggs, mix vigorously. Add baking powder to the sifted flour and add vanillin. Combine with the sugar mixture, add milk, mix everything. Pour a homogeneous mass without lumps into molds. If desired, add nuts and raisins with candied fruits. The oven should be heated to 180 degrees. After just 15 minutes, the baked goods will begin to brown. Do not open the door while cooking. Place the cupcakes on a plate and sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

Barney Bears

Components for 1 batch of bears:

  • butter - 1 package;
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • cocoa - a small amount;
  • kefir - 1 glass;
  • vanillin - any amount;
  • sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • baking powder - 1 package;
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • cream - any sweet filler.

Beat the egg-sugar mixture, add soft butter and kefir. Next add the sifted flour. Prepare the dough. Separate a sixth of the dough and mix this portion with cocoa. Pour a homogeneous mass into the bear molds, pour dark dough with cocoa in the paw area. The bear cubs are baked at a temperature of 180 degrees. The baking time for the biscuit is up to 40 minutes. After cooling, remove from molds. The filling can be liquid chocolate, peanut or chocolate butter, or boiled condensed milk. The entrails are introduced through a culinary syringe into the finished bears.

Curd cupcakes

Ingredients for multiple cupcakes:

  • flour - 200 g;
  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • raisins - any quantity as desired;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • vanillin - a small pinch;
  • starch - 3 tbsp. l. (not necessary);
  • sugar - 200 g.

Curd muffins are usually soft and tasty. To prepare baked goods, you need to preheat the oven and set the temperature to 180 degrees. Wash and steam the raisins. Melt the butter. Beat all the eggs until foamy. Add sugar, stir until it dissolves. Add cottage cheese to this mass and mix everything. Pour in the oil and stir again. Sift the flour with baking powder, pour it into the dough little by little. Wipe the raisins with a towel and mix with the dough. Grease the molds with oil, pour in the dough so that it takes up 2/3 of the height of the containers. Baking time - 25-30 minutes, temperature - 180 degrees. The finished cupcakes are golden brown in color. Sprinkle the baked goods with powdered sugar.
