What is the difference between dessert chocolate and regular chocolate? What chocolate is like: a dive into the sweet science. Types and composition

All types of chocolate: classification by shape and consistency, method of processing ingredients, content of cocoa products. Brands, manufacturers and brands of chocolate.

Chocolate products are multifaceted, like precious stones. And the production of a noble product is almost jewelry work. The multi-colored wrappers that smile at us from store shelves contain chocolate products of different composition, shape and taste. A detailed classification of chocolate and familiarity with its best brands and trademarks will help you navigate this diversity.

So, what types of chocolate are there?

Let's start with the fact that chocolate is a product based on cocoa butter and grains of the cocoa tree growing in the tropics - cocoa beans. The fruits of the cocoa tree deserve a separate classification.

Types of cocoa beans by origin

  • American;
  • Asian;
  • African.

Types of cocoa beans by quality

  • Varietal or noble - have a pleasant subtle aroma and delicate taste.
  • Ordinary or consumer - have a sharp aroma and a tart, bitterish-sour taste.

Chocolate classification

Types of chocolate by cocoa content

  • Bitter – contains at least 55% cocoa products.
  • Classic or ordinary - consists of 35-60% cocoa products.
  • Dairy – contains less than 35% cocoa products.

Types of chocolate according to its ingredients and method of processing

  1. Ordinary - contains 63% sugar and 35% cocoa mass. It is usually made from consumer grades of cocoa beans.
  2. Dessert - unlike ordinary, it is made only from noble varieties of cocoa beans, consists of a more finely ground mass, and also contains less sugar and more cocoa mass (from 45%), respectively, has better quality and aroma.
  3. Porous – made from dessert chocolate using a special technology: it undergoes special processing under variable pressure, due to which it acquires a porous structure.
  4. Chocolate with filling– nut, cream, fruit-marmalade, jelly, fondant, cream, etc. The share of filling should not exceed 50% of the total mass of the product.
  5. Special purpose chocolate(dietary, for patients with diabetes).

The first three types of chocolate - ordinary, porous and dessert, are produced with and without additives.

This is interesting! The composition of dark dark chocolate without additives is considered standard. This is a product made from cocoa butter, grated roasted cocoa beans and powdered sugar, with a bright aroma and a pleasant bitterness. This chocolate is considered the most respected throughout the world.

A bar that contains any additives is inferior in value to pure chocolate, which contains more cocoa, which is the main quality criterion. Nut kernels, candied fruits, coffee, waffles, and dried fruits are used as additives.

Types of chocolate with additives

  1. Dairy - with cream, condensed or powdered milk.
  2. White – confectionery mass without adding grated cocoa.
  3. Nut – with roasted nuts: crushed or ground.
  4. Coffee - with coffee extract or ground coffee.
  5. With grilled meat – chopped nuts and caramel.
  6. With large additives: whole nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits.
  7. With waffle crumbs.

Types of chocolate by shape and consistency

  1. Chocolate bars (porous or solid) usually have a rectangular shape.
  2. Patterned - in the form of figures, hollow, solid or with filling (eggs, animals, shells, etc.).
  3. Figured - in the form of flat relief figures like coins.
  4. Bars (porous or solid), with or without filling.
  5. Glaze is melted chocolate, which is mainly used to decorate confectionery products: cakes, ice cream, glazed cheese curds.

The largest chocolate manufacturers, famous brands and the best trademarks

Today we have access to a huge number of brands of chocolate products, which, thanks to the efforts of thousands of craftsmen, are constantly acquiring new forms and tastes. At the same time, there are companies, as well as individual brands, that occupy leading positions in chocolate production.

The most famous chocolate manufacturing companies

  • "Maestrani" (Italy);
  • "Valor" (Spain);
  • "Stollwerck" (Germany);
  • "Hershey" (USA);
  • Craft Foods (USA);
  • "Valrhona" (France);
  • "Godiva Chocolatier" (Belgium);
  • Nestle (Switzerland);
  • "Barry Callebaut" (Switzerland);
  • "DeLafee" (Switzerland).

The most famous chocolate brands

  • Lindt@Sprungli (Switzerland);
  • Toblerone (Switzerland);
  • KitKat (Nestlé, Switzerland);
  • Cadbury (UK);
  • Guylian (Belgium);
  • Patchi (Lebanon);
  • Mars (USA);
  • Galaxy (Mars, USA);
  • Ghirardelli (USA);
  • Ferrero Rocher (Italy).

It should be noted that Russia has also succeeded in producing a noble product. Domestic chocolate is known all over the world. You can safely buy a product whose packaging is marked TU: GOST 6534-89 “Chocolate” or TU “Chocolate”: this is high-quality chocolate, which complies with all Russian GOSTs.

The best confectionery factories in Russia

  • "Sladunitsa";
  • "Russian chocolate";
  • "Victory of taste";
  • "Babaevsky Confectionery Concern";
  • "Russia";
  • "Bogatyr";
  • JSC "Red October";
  • "Loyalty to quality";
  • JSC "Rot Front";
  • Odintsovo Confectionery Factory LLC.

The most popular brands of chocolate bars in Russia

  • Ritter Sport;
  • Alenka;
  • Nestle;
  • Fruit
  • Alpen Gold;
  • A. Korkunov;
  • Milka;
  • Nesquik;
  • Russian chocolate;
  • Spartacus.

The love for this noble product, especially for the fair half of humanity, inspires chocolate masters to new feats every day. This is how real masterpieces are born - exquisite types of chocolate, designed to delight those who know a lot about products made from cocoa beans.

The Aztecs prepared chocolate this way: they ground cocoa beans into powder, mixed them with hot peppers and corn, and poured cold water over the mixture. When the liquid began to ferment and its surface became covered with dense bubbles, the chocolate was considered ready. Important men - warriors, leaders and shamans - were allowed to drink it; women and children were not given.

Chocolate was brought to Europe by the conquistador Hernan Cortes, who moored off the coast of Mexico in 1519 and quickly destroyed the Aztec state. The last Aztec leader Montezuma II, unaware of the Europeans' intentions, personally served the Spaniard a golden cup with a brown foamy liquid, which the locals called "chocolatl". In 1527, cocoa beans and a chocolate recipe ended up in Spain, after which they quickly spread throughout Europe. One hundred and seventy years later, Count Peter Tolstoy, having visited Venice, was already sad in his diary that the Venetians are unkind people and drink chocolate instead of alcohol: “and they drink more lemonade, simada, cafe, chekulatym and others, the like, with which it is impossible for a person to be drunk.”

Chocolate remained drinkable for quite a long time. The first tiles were made only in the middle of the 19th century. They thought of adding milk to a chocolate bar in 1875, and white chocolate was invented less than a hundred years ago - in 1930. Now they do what they want with chocolate - they drink, eat, make candy, add it to cakes and throw it into the fountain.

And we asked the chocolatier of the Moscow “Chocolate Atelier” Roman Pokrovsky to tell us about what chocolate is like.

Dark chocolate

"Chocolate in whichcocoa content - from 53% and above. It may contain bitterness, sourness, and nutty notes: the taste depends on the region in which the cocoa beans were collected and, of course, on the cooking recipes, which many manufacturers keep secret. You can try chocolate with the same cocoa content from different manufacturers - and see how different the tastes can be. Chocolate, consisting of 99% cocoa, is very bitter, it has a specific taste, you can’t eat a lot of it, except maybe a piece. It gives an approximate idea of ​​the taste of the cocoa beans themselves, but does not allow you to feel all the shades of the flavor palette; it is still too concentrated a product with a powerful aftertaste. For desserts and sweets, 66–70% chocolate is ideal; at this level, flavor nuances are best felt. And professional chocolatiers, of course, find it more interesting to work with dark chocolate: it has more primordial undertones, which makes it possible to recognize the entire range of flavors. Cocoa beans from different regions, as I already said, are different: you can draw an analogy with coffee - beans from different countries taste different. You can make chocolate from beans from one region, or you can blend it: this gives you the opportunity to experiment with taste.”

Milk chocolate

“The cocoa content in milk chocolate does not exceed 50%,no longer makes sense. Adding milk to chocolate dilutes the bitterness. From a good manufacturer who does not use cocoa substitutes, milk chocolate is a very tasty product, and, like bitter chocolate, it can be paired with different things: candied orange peel, nuts, chili pepper, sea salt, lavender, tea, coconut, rose, and so on. . But when you eat dark chocolate, it’s still a game of halftones, and the aftertaste is more important there, while milk chocolate has a rather bright and direct taste: sugar and milk take away the taste from cocoa powder. It’s like, again, with coffee: when you drink black coffee, you feel it, but if you add milk, cream or, God forgive me, syrup, you just get something tasty, but it’s no longer coffee, but a derivative product. But milk chocolate is perhaps the most popular chocolate in the world. It’s good to use in desserts, fillings, and ganaches made from it are wonderful.”

White chocolate

"White chocolate is just milk, sugar and cocoa butter, of which there are 32–35%. There is no cocoa powder at all, and cocoa butter is responsible for the familiar taste of chocolate. White chocolate is good for making candies and bars; you can add dried apricots or almonds to it. For example, we make crazy white truffles with lime. White chocolate is also good when you add it to desserts: cakes, cakes, light mousses - everything turns out more sophisticated with it.”

Porous chocolate

"For productionporous chocolate requires special equipment: either a vacuum chamber or cylinders with carbon dioxide - this is how those same bubbles are obtained. This is usually a serious factory story; We, for example, don’t deal with it, we’re not interested, although aerated chocolate in itself is a great thing.”

Vegan chocolate

"Rough speaking, it's all dark chocolate with no added milk. Instead of cow's milk, you can add oat, soy or coconut milk to create dairy-free chocolate. But these additives make the chocolate softer, it’s almost like a lozenge or fudge. Quite a special product."

Chocolate without sugar

"Instead of sugar, you can add honey or maltose to the same dark chocolate. This is considered dietary, but some people are on a diet and can’t have cocoa butter. We once made chocolate without sugar at all, but it’s not tasty. Although taste is a relative concept - some people eat pure beans.”

Chocolate candies

"Candies There are molded ones - and truffles. That is, truffle is just the name of a candy. It can be made from any chocolate you like. The truffle filling is ganache, and it can be anything you like. It’s good to add hazelnuts, almonds and caramel to milk truffles. In bitters - alcohol. The truffle can be round, square, naked, shaggy, uniform or with a liquid filling, covered with a thin layer of chocolate so that the ganache does not leak out - whatever you like. Fresh, non-store truffle is stored for about two weeks, but it must be made correctly: if there is air inside, then everything will spoil in three days. And in an ordinary molded candy, the filling can be the same as in a truffle - for example, white chocolate ganache with apricot puree. It’s just that the manufacturing method is different: the filling is placed in a ready-made mold.”


"Chocolate cream with cream, which is usedmost often as a filling for truffles. This is one of the main confectionery ingredients. Sometimes fruit puree is also added to the ganache. There is no need to put sugar in the ganache; the cream provides the sweetness. You can make a light whipped ganache - this is suitable not only for truffles, but also for cakes. And it’s convenient to make whatever you want from the thick stuff, and the candies can be not only round, but also square. They also make ganache from white chocolate - it’s a very rich thing with milk and cream.”


"Nut" filling mass. For example, we take a whole hazelnut, cook caramel, and put it all in a food processor. The mass is ground, the nuts give the caramel oil and a delicious nut mass is obtained. You don’t have to grind it too much, then you will notice pieces of nuts. Pralines can be used to fill sweets, or added to ganache: this is especially delicious with milk chocolate.”

How to Tell if You're Eating Real Chocolate

“There is a classic temperature for tasting good chocolate without substitutes - room temperature, at least 18–20 degrees. You cannot eat candy or chocolate that has just been taken out of the refrigerator! So: good chocolate should melt on the tongue. If you put a cocoa butter substitute in chocolate, it will not melt either in your mouth or in your hand - you will chew it in your mouth for five minutes, and it will still be like plasticine.”

The variety of types of chocolate depends on the technological production schemes.

The classification of the chocolate assortment, taking into account the features of classification according to the All-Russian Product Classifier, is given in Figure 1.

Rice. Classification of chocolate assortment

The differences between chocolate varieties are determined by the recipe ratios of sugar, cocoa mass and cocoa butter. The introduction of the best varieties of cocoa beans (Arriba, Java, Guayaquil, etc.) into the recipe improves the quality and makes it possible to obtain chocolate with different taste properties.

Ordinary chocolate is sweeter than dessert chocolate, it contains more sugar (up to 63%) and less cocoa mass (35%).

Dessert chocolate has higher taste and aroma properties, a fine dispersed solid phase. Its composition is characterized by a higher content of cocoa mass (at least 45%) and a lower content of sugar, so its taste is sweet with bitterness, the aroma is pronounced chocolate.

Both dessert and regular chocolate can be without or with additions. Chocolate without additives is prepared from cocoa mass, cocoa butter and sugar with aromatic substances, mainly vanillin. Chocolate with additions is prepared on the basis of chocolate mass. Additions, unlike fillings, are distributed evenly throughout the chocolate mass. Types of chocolate with additions are given in Table 2.

Types of chocolate with additions

Type of chocolate depending on additions

Type of additions


Powdered or condensed milk


Roasted nuts, ground, whole or crushed (15-35%)


Ground coffee or coffee extract (3-5%)

With waffles

Wafer crumbs (4.4 - 6%)

With special additions (nuts, cola and vitamins)

Nuts, cola containing caffeine, theobromine, alkaloids (6%), with vitamins C, A, B.

With fruits

Dry fruits, candied fruits, zest (1-12%)

With grilled meat

Crushed caramel mass with nuts (15%)

Dessert chocolate without additives includes Gvardeysky, Zolotoy Yarlyk, Sport, Chocolate Medals; with additions - Golden Anchor (with almonds, tangerine peel, milk), Mocha (with ground coffee and milk powder), New Moscow (with milk powder, cognac and cinnamon), Moscow (with milk and tea extract), etc.

There is relatively little theobromine in ordinary chocolate, so children's products are mostly produced in the form of ordinary chocolate.

Ordinary chocolate without additives goes on sale under the names Vanilla, Children's, Circus, Road, Views of Moscow; with additions - Chocolate with nuts, Pushkin's Fairy Tales, Krylov's Fables (with milk powder and fried almonds), Creamy, Kiska, Thumbelina (with milk powder), Alenka (with skim milk powder).

To obtain porous chocolate, the chocolate mass cast into molds is kept in vacuum boilers. Assortment of porous chocolate: no additives - Slava; with additions - Rocket (milk powder and corn flakes), Little Humpbacked Horse (milk powder).

White chocolate is obtained without adding cocoa liquor. In its recipe it contains only cocoa butter, powdered sugar with various additives and has a cream color and does not contain theobromine. Assortment: Khreshchatyk, Bely, etc.

Filled chocolate is made from ordinary chocolate mass. The fillings used are: fondant with tangerine jam (chocolate with filling), fondant (chocolate Zhuchki), fondant-creamy (chocolate Rachki), praline, i.e. nut (loaves and figures, chocolate Shells), praline with wafer crumbs (Bananas) , fruit and marmalade (loaves and figures), etc.

Diabetic chocolate is made with sugar substitutes.

Artificial chocolate contains practically no cocoa products. Instead of cocoa butter, hydrofat, confectionery fat, nut mass, soy, and milk powder are used. Artificial types of chocolate: Soy with peanuts (with hydrofat), soy bars, milk.

Powdered chocolate often contains slightly more sugar than regular chocolate and is made from cocoa liquor without adding cocoa butter, resulting in a powdered form. Chocolate is produced in powder with the addition of milk powder and powdered sugar to the cocoa powder.

All of these types of chocolate are distinguished by shape: chocolate in bars, figured and patterned. Chocolate bars, rectangular in shape, weighing 100 g or less - the usual, most common form of chocolate. Figured chocolate comes in the form of solid, hollow, or filled shapes. This includes loaves, bombs, eggs, shells, animals, fish, crustaceans, bugs, etc. Sometimes surprises are placed in hollow figures (children's toys, not glass, without sharp parts). Patterned chocolate - small flat relief figures, without or with filling, usually included in a chocolate set.

Chocolate and chocolate products according to OCT have a six-digit digital code 912500 and a single-digit control number of 4. OCT uses a hierarchical classification.

Sometimes only gourmets know what types of chocolate there are. This is due to the fact that the classification affects production, color, shape, variety, geographical factor and the appearance of new products on the market.

This confectionery product adds vital energy to both adults and children. Everyone can find a sweet to their taste; all the chocolatiers in the world are working on this. The many varieties of chocolate and the endless number of types of chocolates released every year are proof of this.

Types by composition

The main suppliers of cocoa beans on the world market are Asia, Africa, some parts of Australia, North and South America. Grown in a specific climate, collected at a specific time, sorted and processed, the grains are used to produce an exquisite product.

The highest quality, identical in shape, kept for up to a minute during the roasting process are sent for the production of elite chocolate products. The beans from which chocolate varieties are made for the mass consumer undergo a less demanding selection. In accordance with these standards, the assortment includes the following types of chocolate - black, milk and white.

  • Black
    It is the most valuable in terms of cost and useful properties. Its composition is dominated by cocoa mass. It consists of crushed cocoa beans and oil extracted by squeezing cocoa beans. Its percentage ranges from 65%. The composition also includes powdered sugar or other natural sweetener. The higher the percentage of cocoa, the more valuable and healthy the product will be.
  • Dark milky
    Milk chocolate contains at least 35% cocoa mass. This indicator applies to ordinary confectionery products for the mass consumer. For dessert chocolate, the typical figure is 45%. This product is of higher quality. It is supplemented with sugar and dairy ingredients (milk, cream, etc.).
  • White
    Experts still cannot agree on whether white chocolate is chocolate. On the one hand, it contains cocoa butter, on the other, it does not contain crushed cocoa beans. The product consists of small amounts of cocoa mass, sugar, dairy products and additives in the form of fruits, oils, condensed milk, etc.

Modern assortment

The classification and assortment of chocolate is very diverse. Today's manufacturers offer consumers many different types and varieties of this delicious delicacy.

  • Dessert
    This is elite chocolate: it has high quality and exquisite taste. It can be black or milky, but the cocoa mass content in it should not be less than 45%. In terms of cost, this chocolate takes first place, since the cost of this product is too high. If it is sold inexpensively, it means that an unscrupulous manufacturer managed to include surrogates in the composition.
  • Ordinary
    This is a familiar delicacy with a bright aroma and taste. The content of grated cocoa in it is 35% or more. Widely used in cooking. Its cost is significantly lower than that of dessert, but also quite high.
  • Porous
    This chocolate contains the same ingredients and percentages as the two previous varieties. The only difference is the production method. Using special technologies, the structure of chocolate is loosened and saturated with oxygen.
  • With filling
    The assortment of this type consists of an endless number of candies, candy bars and other confectionery products. Nuts, seeds, sweets, jelly from various fruits, whipped egg whites, dried fruits and many other original fillings are used as filling.
  • Dietary
    This type of chocolate is intended for a specific audience. These could be people with various diseases, the treatment of which involves giving up sugar. This chocolate is consumed by vegetarians, vegans, people who want to lose weight or who simply prefer this unusual taste.
  • Liquid
    Hot chocolate is a very popular drink. You can prepare it yourself at home, taste it in restaurants or buy it in a store. This delicacy comes on sale in the form of sweet powder made from cocoa, sugar, and sometimes with the addition of milk powder.

Chocolate geography

The exquisite taste of chocolate is appreciated by all inhabitants of the planet. However, there are countries that have contributed and continue to contribute to the improvement of this product.

  • Switzerland

    This is a country of milk chocolate that literally melts in your mouth. Gourmets also owe white chocolate to Switzerland, which makes it best.

  • Belgium

    Belgian chocolate is famous all over the world for its candies in the shape of sea creatures. Delicacies in the form of seahorses, shells and stars are eaten all over the world. For the invention of original fillings (in particular, pralines), those with a sweet tooth should thank Belgium.

  • USA

    In this country, the main chocolate capital is San Francisco. Various types of solid and liquid chocolate are prepared here according to special recipes. Such discoveries include the world-famous brownie dessert.

  • Austria

    This country has become famous for its liquid chocolate. The hot drink is prepared here using numerous unique recipes. Exquisite cakes and pastries, desserts decorated with shiny glaze fascinate with their beauty and delicate taste.

  • Italy
    It is in Italy, in the small town of Perugia, that the annual Eurochocolate festival takes place. One of the oldest countries that discovered chocolate for Europe allows the consumption of this product even during fasting and supplies the Vatican with the delicacy.
  • Russia
    Many wonderful chocolate products are produced by Russian factories. However, the most valuable invention is the production of aerated chocolate, the fame of which has spread throughout the world. These little bubbles, which seem to burst in the mouth, are captivating more and more adults and children.

There are quite a lot of new types of chocolate on the modern market. Made from camel milk, with flower petals, black truffle, absinthe, coconut, curry, pepper, bacon, salt, for weight loss. All these and other new items delight us with their original taste and exquisite presentation.

Chocolate is a product with a characteristic taste, aroma and tonic properties; by definition, chocolate is a confectionery product made from cocoa products and sugar, which contains at least 35% of the total solids of cocoa products, including at least 18% cocoa butter and at least 14% dry fat-free cocoa product residue.

Different types of chocolate are produced for different categories of consumers. The range of chocolate is determined by recipe components, processing of chocolate masses, shape, weight and other indicators.

Chocolate range:

  • - bitter;
  • – semi-bitter (dessert);
  • – unsweetened;
  • – milk;
  • – dark;
  • - white;
  • – diabetic;
  • - chocolate paste;
  • – chocolate powder;
  • - couverture.

The mass fraction of cocoa products in chocolate must be at least 25%.

Dark chocolate is a confectionery product made from cocoa products and sugar, containing at least 55% of the total solids of cocoa products and at least 33% cocoa butter.

A bar of milk chocolate contains 15% cocoa butter, 35% sugar and 20% milk powder, semi-bitter - 45% sugar and up to 5% cocoa butter, and bitter - 40% sugar.

Unsweetened chocolate is a confectionery product made from cocoa products that does not contain sugar or sweeteners and contains 50...58% cocoa butter.

Dark chocolate is a confectionery product made from cocoa products and sugar, containing at least 40% of the total solids of cocoa products, including at least 20% cocoa butter.

White chocolate is a confectionery product made from cocoa butter, milk and (or) its processing products and sugar, which contains at least 20% cocoa butter and at least 14% milk solids and (or) its processing products, in including at least 3.5% milk fat.

It is prepared according to a special recipe and does not have a characteristic chocolate color, since it does not contain cocoa mass, but is white with a yellowish tint and does not contain theobromine.

Diabetic chocolate is intended for patients with diabetes. It replaces sugar with sorbitol or xylitol.

Chocolate paste is a homogeneous, finely ground plastic mass consisting of sugar, fat, cocoa powder (at least 12%) with the addition of flavoring and aromatic substances.

Chocolate powder is made from cocoa mass, vanillin and powdered sugar, with or without the addition of dairy products. It is intended for preparing a drink by diluting it with hot water or milk in a ratio of 1:1, or 1:2 (to taste).

Couverture is liquid chocolate, used for coating sweets, waffles, and marshmallows. Fat should be 34-37%.

In addition to the assortment of chocolate, there is a classification. According to the OKP classification (all-Russian classifier), chocolate is divided as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Classification of chocolate according to OKP

Depending on the recipe and processing method, chocolate is divided into:

  • – ordinary;
  • – dessert;
  • – porous.

Ordinary chocolate is produced from any cocoa beans (with a predominance of consumer ones), without conching. Therefore, it has lower taste and aroma qualities. The sugar content in it is no more than 63%.

Dessert chocolate is produced only from noble varieties of cocoa beans with long-term conching. Therefore, it has high taste and aromatic qualities. The sugar content in it is no more than 55%. The chocolate color is dark brown, the taste has a subtle bitterness and a strong chocolate aroma.

The main difference between dessert chocolate and ordinary chocolate is the finer grinding of the mass and the mandatory long-term processing in special machines called conches.

Porous chocolate is a confectionery product produced on the basis of cocoa products, with or without the addition of sugar, milk and (or) products of its processing, having a cellular structure. It can be regular, dessert or white. Porous chocolate is produced, as a rule, from dessert mass, and thanks to the aging of the chocolate mass under vacuum conditions, it has a finely porous structure, a unique taste and melts well in the mouth.

Regular, dessert and aerated chocolate is produced without additives and with additives. Powdered milk, dry cream, roasted nut kernels, coffee, waffles, candied fruits, etc. are added to chocolate as additives.

Depending on the content of additives:

  • – chocolate without additives,
  • – chocolate with additions:
    • a) chocolate with large additions;
    • b) chocolate with finely ground additives;
  • - chocolate with fillings.

Chocolate without additives - chocolate in its classical sense, is made from cocoa mass, powdered sugar and cocoa butter. This chocolate has specific properties inherent in cocoa beans.

But chocolate with additives differs, first of all, in the content of additives that determine the taste of the final product. The most common additives are milk, cream, nuts, raisins, pieces of fruit, cocoa nibs, wafer crumbs and a combination of these. Chocolate with additions is a product that, in addition to cocoa mass, cocoa butter and sugar, includes various flavoring and aromatized components.

Chocolate with large additions is a confectionery product made from cocoa products, with or without the addition of sugar, milk and (or) its processing products, containing large additions in the form of whole or crushed food ingredients.

Chocolate with finely ground additives is a confectionery product made from cocoa products, with or without the addition of sugar, milk and (or) its processing products, containing finely ground additives.

Chocolate with filling is a confectionery product that contains at least 40% of the separated chocolate component from the total mass of the product and no more than 60% of the filling. Chocolate with filling is produced, as a rule, from ordinary chocolate mass in the form of bars, bars and figures (shells, horns, horseshoes, etc.) with various fillings: milk, fruit-jelly, fondant, nuts, etc.

According to shape, chocolate is divided into:

tiled monolithic;

tiled porous (has a fine-mesh structure at the fracture, giving it a delicate taste that differs from the taste of ordinary chocolate);

bars (monolithic or porous) with or without filling;

chocolate medals and chocolate figures (which are usually made hollow);

patterned chocolate (it is used to decorate other confectionery products, such as cakes).

in the form of chocolate glaze (fat glaze, chocolate glaze, chocolate-nut praline, chocolate paste).

In addition to chocolate produced for direct use, it is produced in the form of a semi-finished product for the production of candies - chocolate icing. It is made both without additives and with the addition of milk (milk glaze) or grated roasted nut kernels (walnut glaze). Chocolate glaze is produced in the form of small chips or in the form of blocks weighing 3...20 kg.

Each type of chocolate has its own special method of preparation, as well as its own special properties: characteristics, taste, cocoa content, texture.
