What are the benefits of dried bananas for the body and, in addition to the benefits, can there be harm from eating them? The benefits and harms of dried bananas. Homemade recipe

It’s hard to imagine that during the Soviet Union, bananas could only be freely purchased in big cities. In the rest of the territory it was rare luck to find them on sale. Now in almost any grocery store you can buy not only bananas, but also many other food products based on them - dried and dried bananas, banana juice, jam.

Why are bananas dried?

In our latitudes, since ancient times, people have dried various fruits and vegetables, trying to preserve their beneficial properties. In winter, they were eaten both without additional processing and in the form of various dishes. They did the same thing in the homeland of bananas in order to preserve them and provide themselves with food supplies during periods of drought.

With the current development of technology, there are no particular problems with preserving fresh bananas. But dried bananas have not lost their relevance at all, because they are already a special delicacy, which can be consumed as a dessert, added to porridge, and used to prepare all kinds of confectionery products.

Benefits of tropical dried fruit

Moderate consumption of this delicacy brings tangible benefits to a person. The body receives minerals such as:

Dried bananas contain the most potassium; 100 g of product contains 1.5 g of potassium. Potassium is needed and useful for the endocrine glands of the body, muscles, and brain. It is involved in regulating the body’s water balance, has a positive effect on heart function, blood pressure, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, preventing the deposition of plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Due to its fibrous structure and abundance of fiber, banana pulp is very beneficial for the intestines.

Bananas, whether fresh or dried, are hypoallergenic, which allows them to be included in the diet of young children. They are also rich in vitamins B, A, C, E.

It is worth mentioning serotonin, which is quite abundant in the peel and pulp of these fruits. This substance has a beneficial effect on the psyche, elevates mood, and helps the body fight stress.

These fruits contain a lot of sugar, The calorie content of dried bananas is high and amounts to 95 kcal per 100 g of product, which makes them a good source of energy for the body. People who are actively involved in sports or follow a low-calorie diet will benefit from their use.

Dried bananas will not cause any harm to a healthy person if consumed in moderation. However, the high sugar content in bananas, especially dried ones, forces people who are prone to excess weight and people with diabetes to limit their consumption. People who have recently suffered a stroke or heart attack should also avoid using them.

The following diseases should be the reason for refusing to eat dried bananas:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • flatulence;
  • dyspepsia.

How to cook at home

Despite the fact that this tropical dried fruit can be easily purchased in stores, many will be interested in learning how to make dried bananas at home. Moreover, you can be confident in the quality and shelf life of such a product. To prepare dried bananas, you need to choose ripe, but not overripe fruits, without damage or dark spots on the peel.

Bananas can be dried or dried either whole or in pieces. These pieces are called banana chips.

Bananas need to be peeled. If you plan to make chips, then the fruits are cut into rings one or two centimeters thick.

Methods for drying bananas

The smaller the thickness of the dried pieces, the less time will need to be spent on the drying process, therefore you need to cut the fruit pulp into at least two parts. To ensure that the finished product does not have a dark brown color after drying, you need to soak the banana pieces for 3-5 minutes in diluted lemon or orange juice (30% of the juice is 70% of water). Before drying bananas in an electric dryer, the fruit pulp should be pierced with a match in several places, this will speed up the process of removing moisture.

There is a recipe that adds a unique piquancy to the finished product - you need to sprinkle the pieces with cinnamon before drying.

Drying in the oven

To cook dried bananas in an electric oven, you need to line a baking sheet with a clean sheet of baking parchment, lightly greased with vegetable oil, otherwise the pieces will stick to the parchment. The pieces can be placed on a baking sheet close to each other; when drying, they will quickly begin to lose volume, and a small distance will still appear between them.

The baking sheet is placed in the oven, the temperature is set from forty to eighty degrees, the lower the temperature, the slower the drying process occurs, and the more useful substances will be preserved in the finished product. If the oven has forced ventilation, then you need to turn it on; when it doesn’t, you need to leave the door ajar.

During the process of drying the product, the pieces must be periodically turned over for uniform heat treatment, otherwise one side may burn and the other may remain under-dried.

It is difficult to predict how long it will take to cook dried bananas, it all depends on the moisture content of them and the size of the banana pieces. The finished product should not break or crumble; on the contrary, a well-cooked dried banana will bend and unbend without visible damage.

Vegetable and fruit dryer

If you can dry bananas in a special dryer for vegetables and fruits, the process is simplified even more. Of course, the drying time will increase to about twelve hours, but the risk of burning or drying out the fruit is minimized.

Microwave cooking

Perhaps the easiest way is to dry bananas in the microwave. The prepared pieces of fruit are laid out on the surface of a dish or plate suitable for use in a microwave oven, and the pieces are covered with oiled paper on top. Turn on the oven for three minutes at maximum power, after which the dish is removed from the microwave and placed in a dry place, where the bananas are dried for another day.

Drying in the sun

Drying bananas in the sun takes the longest, although this will save a little on electricity. In addition, such dried fruits will retain the greatest amount of nutrients. To dry bananas in the sun, place slices treated with lemon juice on a clean towel in a sunny place with good ventilation.

Flat roofs of summer kitchens or sheds in summer cottages are ideal.

The top of the bananas is covered with several layers of gauze. to prevent the penetration of insects that could spoil the product or introduce pathogens to it.

Two to three times a day you need to remove the gauze and turn the bananas over to dry them evenly.

Dried bananas can be stored for a year.

Completely dry pieces can be stored indoors in a glass or plastic container. or even in plastic bags. If bananas are not dry, but dried, then they require special storage conditions. This product is best stored in the refrigerator in a glass container, covered with a lid.

Exotic fruits have always been of particular interest to the average Russian citizen. But some overseas fruits have lost their mystery over time, becoming commonplace and familiar. A striking example is bananas. They are not just taken for granted by us - they have been successfully grown in Russia for a long time. But this form of these wonderful fruits, like dried bananas, appeared relatively recently, and has already gained its fans. It's really very tasty and healthy. And in our material today we want to talk about dried bananas, their calorie content, benefits and harm to our health.

What is this product

Bananas are a delicacy whose sales are very successful. But still, as a product, it has one significant drawback: this fruit spoils easily and quite quickly. As a result, when transporting over long distances, there is a high risk of bringing fruits to the store that have lost their presentable appearance. The appearance of dried bananas on the domestic food market solves this problem. In our country they are not yet very popular, which cannot be said about Asian countries.

Calorie content and beneficial composition

Dried bananas are not a dietary product because they have an impressive calorie content (from 270 to 400 kcal). For comparison, a fresh banana contains only 96 kcal. Such a spread of indicators occurs because the energy value of a dried product is determined by many factors: the degree of ripeness of the fruit, the drying method, and the use of various additives. The glycemic index of dried bananas is 70 units.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in dried exotic fruits is as follows: 3.89: 1.81: 88.28. The amount of fiber in dried bananas is almost 10 g. In addition to harmful saturated fats, these dried fruits also contain healthy unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. The plant product is rich in vitamins C, K, E, A and group B, especially B6, B1 and B2. Dried bananas satisfy the human body's daily need for manganese and magnesium by almost a third, and copper by 40%. These fruits are also rich in iron, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, and calcium. An important feature of the product is the presence, as in fresh bananas, of a large amount of tryptophan, without which the synthesis of the hormone serotonin in the body is impossible.

Benefits of dried bananas

Why are dried bananas so beneficial for our body? So, dried bananas have a wide range of effects on human health. They improve digestion by speeding up bowel function. As a result, a person forgets about constipation. The increased content of dietary fiber in dried overseas fruits effectively cleanses the body of waste and toxins.

The abundance of B vitamins, as well as magnesium and potassium, provides enormous benefits of dried bananas for the heart and blood vessels. This delicacy reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, makes the capillary walls stronger and more elastic, and nourishes the heart muscle. The presence of iron in dried bananas allows you to increase your hemoglobin level by eating the product.

Dried bananas are very beneficial for the human nervous system. The above-mentioned serotonin, formed with the participation of the amino acid tryptophan, belongs to the so-called “hormones of joy” and improves mood, provides a surge of strength and vigor, and copes with depression. Dried bananas are recommended for women to eat during PMS.

Dried bananas have well-defined cosmetic properties. So, if you include an alternative option of fresh fruits in your menu from time to time, you can significantly improve your appearance. Under the influence of the nutrients of dried bananas, the skin smoothes, softens, moisturizes, becomes more elastic, velvety and acquires a beautiful natural shade.

Despite the significant calorie content and glycemic index, dried bananas also help in getting rid of extra pounds. Eating this fruit treat activates metabolism and removes excess fluid from the body. Dried bananas saturate you quickly and for a long time, and for this you do not need to consume them in large quantities.

Dried bananas are also beneficial for brain function. Dried fruits improve memory, clarify thoughts, and increase concentration. In addition, dried bananas will improve your performance level.

Harm and contraindications

Despite all their benefits for our body, dried bananas can also cause harm. Therefore, there are certain restrictions and contraindications for their use. Dried bananas should not be eaten every day, especially in large quantities. And, first of all, this warning applies to people who are overweight. Yes, consuming this type of dried fruit helps you lose weight, but excessive consumption of dried bananas inevitably leads to aggravation of the existing problem - due to its significant calorie content and impressive carbohydrate content.

Therefore, it is advisable to add dried fruit slices to cereal porridges and do this exclusively in the first half of the day.

The high glycemic index strictly prohibits the inclusion of dried bananas in the diet of diabetics and highly obese individuals. If you have gastritis or a stomach ulcer, dried bananas are also contraindicated for you, since the insoluble fiber makes the product too rough for the inflamed mucous membrane of the digestive organ.

Dried bananas often contain harmful chemical compounds used by the manufacturer to improve the presentation and extend the shelf life of the product. To buy truly healthy dried fruits, choose unattractive products that are slightly dark in color and lack shine, without the odors of smoke or, say, gasoline.

How to make at home

It is not at all necessary to go to the store for dried bananas - you can dry the plant product yourself at home. Now we will talk about how to make dried bananas at home. It's not difficult, look.

First, prepare fresh bananas. They should be moderately ripe and dense, with a skin without spots or visible damage. Peel the fruit and cut into thin slices.

After completing these simple preparations, start drying the fruit. There are several ways to turn a fresh banana into a dried one:

How to make dried bananas in the oven

Take a baking sheet and place banana slices on it. Place the product in the oven preheated to 150ºC for 15 minutes. Afterwards you need to reduce the temperature by 30º and continue drying for another 15 minutes. The last stage is drying the bananas for about an hour at 80ºC. Eat dried fruits when they are cold.

Dried bananas in the microwave

Spread parchment paper and place fresh banana slices on it. Place the fruit in the microwave and turn on maximum power for 7 minutes. If necessary, you can extend the drying time by a couple more minutes.

How to dry bananas in an electric dryer

Lightly sprinkle banana slices with lemon juice to preserve their color. Place the product in an electric dryer and evaporate the moisture from it for 12 hours at a temperature of 40º. As a result, you will get dried fruits with virtually unchanged composition.

The simplest but summer way to get homemade dried bananas is: place pieces of fruit on a baking sheet, and leave the latter in a room with good ventilation so that the sun's rays fall on it.

Choose the option that suits you best and enjoy natural and healthy dried bananas at home for your health!

They quickly gained popularity, especially since this fruit is available almost at any time of the year. A much less popular, but no less tasty option is dried bananas, or figs.

They gained their well-deserved popularity because they are very convenient to use: they take up little space, while remaining a nutritious and very healthy snack. This is especially useful if you are watching your diet or cannot eat normally at work. However, it is important to remember that when dried, bananas also acquire a much higher calorie content: they contain approximately 5 times more calories than fresh fruits, which in themselves are not very dietary. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, treat dried bananas with caution. In any case, remember that only consumption in moderation makes foods truly healthy.

Dried bananas are not very popular here, but in Asian countries they are even used to make chips. To do this, they are dried very strongly, adding sugar, and sometimes even. The result is a very original snack that is much less harmful to the body than the potato chips we are used to. Although, of course, the combination of salt and banana is a combination only for true gourmets. True, when consuming it is important to remember that they have the same properties as seeds - you can eat a huge amount of them and not even notice it. Therefore, try to either add dried bananas to your dishes, especially to cereals like oatmeal, or strictly measure the amount you are going to eat, because even the healthiest foods can become harmful if consumed frequently.

How to choose dried bananas

If you don't cook yourself, but want to buy ready-made dried bananas, pay attention to exactly how they were dried. If it is a sweet snack that has been made with caramel, skip the purchase and buy fresh fruit and prepare it at home. Remember that dried bananas themselves are quite high in calories, and adding sugar caramel to them will only increase the calorie content, and the sugar content in the product will provide a sharp jump in blood sugar levels.

How to dry bananas at home

Dried bananas can be easily prepared at home; no special devices or preservatives are needed. To do this, you need to peel fresh fruits, cut them into neat circles about 5 cm thick, place them on a baking sheet and dry them in a warm place at a temperature of 30 to 40 degrees. The result will be bananas that are a rich brown color. If you use the “baby” variety, you don’t have to cut them, leave them whole, just peel them first.

During the drying process, up to 80% of the water comes out of the banana, so they will become much smaller. However, they will remain as healthy as fresh fruits, retaining almost the full supply of vitamins and minerals. Place finished products in a glass or cardboard box and store in a dry place for up to 12 months.

To prepare dried bananas at home, it is best, of course, to use a special fruit dryer. Otherwise, you need at least an electric oven, or something else that can maintain the optimal temperature for them (about 40 degrees). Exceeding the temperature will cause the bananas to become baked rather than dried out. Cut them into circles about 5 centimeters wide and then dip them in a mixture of lemon juice and water if desired. This is necessary so that they retain their color and do not darken. To do this, fresh lemon juice and water need to be mixed in a ratio of one to two, but if the color of the finished product is not important to you, you can safely skip this step.

Bananas must be placed in this mixture for half a minute, then removed, placed on a baking sheet and dried. At an optimal temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, you will need about 18 hours to completely dry the product. Remember that you will need about 5 hours in the oven at the same temperature. In addition, you can dry bananas simply in the fresh air if it is very hot outside. To do this, you also need to lay them out on parchment, just be sure to cover them with gauze so that midges don’t land on them. In this case, place them directly in the open sun, and then check the condition regularly. As soon as the characteristic sweet crust forms on the fruit, we can consider it ready.

Composition of dried bananas

One dried banana contains the daily requirement of vitamin B6, which we need to speed up metabolism and also maintain the functioning of the nervous system. In addition to vitamin B6, they contain a wide range of others, which gives them a sweet taste, as well as phosphorus, which is essential for mental performance.

Composition of dried bananas (per 100 g)
346 kcal
3.89 g
1.81 g
88.28 g
0.2 g
0.9 g
2 g
and disaccharides 19 g
0.2 g
74 g
0.4 g
1.7 g
9.8 mg
0.9 mg
0.5 mcg
0.4 mg
10 mg
10 mcg
0.4 mg
0.3 mg
0.05 mg
0.04 mg
20 mcg
Beta carotene 0.12 mg
2.2 mcg
1 mcg
0.27 mg
0.15 mg
0.6 mg
28 mg
31 mg
348 mg
42 mg
8 mg

Dried bananas have many beneficial properties, basically the same ones that you can find in fresh fruits. They contain a high concentration of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as for improving communication between neurons. In addition, it is very useful for the good condition of the skin and hair; its deficiency immediately becomes noticeable and affects the appearance.

Beneficial properties of dried bananas

Dried bananas can even be used for medicinal purposes, in particular, they are very good at helping to cope with constipation, in this they are a very good substitute for pharmaceutical drugs. The main thing is not to get carried away with such treatment, since bananas still have too many calories. It is very useful to periodically consume them for people who suffer from anemia, since the substances they contain stimulate the production of blood cells. They are also prescribed to those who suffer from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as ulcers or gastritis, since dried bananas are very easily digestible, provide the body with the maximum amount of useful substances, and also improve intestinal function.

They are also good for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system, as they support the functioning of the heart and the good condition of blood vessels, and are also able to remove harmful salts from the body. Dried bananas help the body remove excess fluid, along with salts, which helps relieve swelling. They can also be taken for ulcers, as their fibrous composition is very easy to digest and does not damage the gastric mucosa.

They help with:

  • smoking;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • to support the nervous system;
  • for the proper formation of the body;
  • for swelling.

Bananas, both fresh and dried, are recommended for smokers. Firstly, they help to at least slightly reduce the harm that nicotine causes to the body, and secondly, they help fight the craving for smoking. When consumed regularly, bananas even help cope with stress and reduce the level of anxiety and nervousness (like, and), this was made possible thanks to the vitamin B they contain. Vitamin E, which is also found in fresh and dried fruits, is very beneficial for the condition of the skin and hair. With regular use, this will become noticeable, not only your mood will improve, but also your appearance.

Dried bananas for children

Many people are interested in the question of whether dried bananas can be given to children. Many berries and fruits can cause allergies in a child, especially if he is very young, but bananas, both fresh and dried, remain a hypoallergenic product, so you can safely include them in your children’s diet. Moreover, dried bananas are even good for children, as they contain a high concentration of vitamin C, which contributes to the good functioning of the immune system and helps with colds.

Not everyone knows this, but bananas, both fresh and dried, contain substances that stimulate the production of the joy hormone, so we can say that those people who regularly consume them are the happiest people in the world. In any case, their regular use can improve mood, increase performance and maintain a healthy nervous system. Dried fruits are very good for athletes because they contain a high concentration of calories, which means they can provide a lot of energy. Their natural composition saturates the body with useful substances, which is also very important for those who play sports.

How to eat dried bananas

Due to their high calorie content, bananas are best consumed in the morning. For example, a very healthy breakfast would be oatmeal with the addition of fresh or dried fruit. They can also be used as a decoration and as an addition to confectionery products such as cakes and pastries. But, of course, it is best to eat dried bananas in their pure form: firstly, they themselves are a very good substitute for desserts even for the most capricious children, and secondly, they are already quite high in calories. You can even make compotes from dried bananas if you are ready to experiment and want to try such a drink.

Contraindications and harm

Every most useful product has its contraindications. Dried bananas, for example, should not be consumed by people who want to lose weight. At the very least, it is necessary to strictly control their amount in the diet. Due to the high concentration of sugar, they are contraindicated for people who suffer from diabetes.

The amount of dried bananas consumed as food must also be strictly dosed for people who suffer from excessive blood clotting, including those that lead to the formation of blood clots, as well as after a heart attack or stroke.

It is advisable to avoid combination with, as this can cause bloating. On the other hand, combining banana with milk helps in weight gain, so it can be consumed in small quantities by those people who need to gain weight.

If you love regular bananas and dried fruits, then dried bananas are just for you! After all, this finished product is very similar to both. But have you ever wondered how to prepare such a delicacy at home? In this article we will share a recipe for making dried bananas, and also discuss the benefits and harms of such a product.

What is the correct name for dried banana?

Dried bananas have different names. They are often called "banana figs" or simply "dried bananas." Since the fruits from which the dried delicacy is produced are most often Vietnamese, you may hear “Vietnamese bananas” or see the English name “dried bananas” on a fruit package. However, there is no definitively correct name. Everyone calls it what they are most comfortable with.
Interesting. Sometimes people confuse "dried bananas" and "banana chips." Please note that these two products are completely different. The chips are prepared by frying in oil, and the dried fruit is not subjected to any chemical treatment. That is why dried figs do not lose their beneficial properties.

How many calories are in dried banana?

A banana itself is quite high in calories, but in dried fruit the calorie content increases, so it is better not to overindulge in such sweets. There are 390 calories per 100 grams of product, of which proteins are 3.9 g, fats are 1.8 g, carbohydrates are 80.5 g.

What are the benefits of dried bananas for the body? What about the harm

Such dried fruits are as beneficial for the body as fresh ones.
They contain a large amount of useful substances and vitamins, such as:
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Sodium
  • Vitamins B, E, K, C
Potassium, which is contained in dried sweets, is very beneficial for hair, skin and heart. It has a beneficial effect on brain function and is able to remove excess fluid from the body. In addition, this delicacy contains dietary fiber. They improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and help with ulcers and gastritis. Since bananas are a natural antidepressant, eating just a few pieces of dried fruit a day can improve your mood and even overcome depression. They also have a mild laxative effect, so they are recommended for hemorrhoids and constipation. Banana figs are good for anemia and weakness of the body because they contain a lot of sugar and iron. Dried fruits are also perfect for people who are actively involved in sports. Even a small amount of bananas will give energy to both the body and the brain. These dried fruits are also useful for children, as they contain a lot of vitamin C, which perfectly strengthens the immune system and helps with colds and flu.
Let's talk about the dangers of this delicacy.
Of course, it exists, and here are the cases in which you should not abuse such fruits:
  • Overweight, obesity
  • Diabetes mellitus, with a high content of sucrose in the body
  • If you have had a heart attack or stroke
  • For poor blood clotting
  • For coronary heart disease

Recipe. How to make dried bananas at home

Dried figs are not a cheap product. In the store, their price for a small bag is quite high, so let's learn how to make this delicacy yourself, at home. And it’s not at all difficult to do!
For this we need:
  • Bananas – 1-2 kg.
  • Water – 200 ml.
  • Lemon juice – 100 ml.
Let's start cooking:
  • Dilute lemon juice with water. The resulting mixture is needed to improve the appearance of the treat. If you skip this step, the dried figs will turn black and have an unsightly appearance. However, bananas will not lose their taste
  • Peel the bananas, cut each one in half, and then cut each half lengthwise into quarters. If you use small bananas (babybananas variety) in cooking, you don’t have to cut them
  • Place the chopped fruit into the prepared lemon mixture. And wait a minute
  • We take out our fruits and place them on an oven tray or drying rack. It is important to leave small spaces between the banana pieces, otherwise they may stick together. To release moisture from bananas faster, you can lightly pierce them with a fork.
  • If you cook in the oven, you need to set the temperature to low or even to the ventilation mode. And if you have a dryer, then set the temperature to about 40-50 degrees. And cook for approximately 10-13 hours.
  • After cooking, such dried fruits lose some of their moisture and decrease in size. Ready dried fruits should be cooled and stored in airtight bags and tightly closed jars

Eating dried bananas for weight loss

The opinions of nutritionists on the issue of consuming dried figs vary. Some believe that this product is categorically not suitable for use on diets. Others, on the contrary, insist that such fruits are ideal for breakfast, as they contain complex carbohydrates that saturate the entire body with energy. Since there is no clear answer to the question “can you eat banana figs on a diet,” we recommend eating this product with caution, in small quantities and preferably in the first half of the day, since it is at this time that the body especially needs carbohydrates. In any case, this product is an excellent alternative to unhealthy sweets. After eating this delicacy, it wouldn’t hurt to take a walk in the fresh air or do some exercise. In addition, if your diet includes daily active physical activity, then you can indulge in these dried fruits without a twinge of conscience. Just remember, everything good in moderation and then the result will not be long in coming.

Dried bananas in the oven: video

Learn how to cook banana figs in the oven quickly and easily. It’s easy to do this, and sweet tooth lovers and children will definitely be delighted with such a delicacy. There is no shame in serving dessert even to guests!

When the cold season comes, dried fruits become a very popular product along with fresh fruits. They are eaten in their pure form, put as a base in compote, which is prepared with one’s own hands; Vitamin mixtures for health are made using this healthy delicacy. The most common varieties of dried fruits are dried apricots, prunes, apricots, and raisins. In addition, you can see candied papaya in supermarkets. But, for example, to buy dried bananas in a store, you need to try hard. Let's find out what this elusive delicacy is and how easy it is to make it yourself at home.

Product benefits

Dried bananas are a great alternative to fresh fruits.

Firstly, they do not spoil for a long time and have a long shelf life. Secondly, this product is very easy to transport, and no problems arise in this regard. Thirdly, dried bananas are incredibly nutritious and high in calories. For this reason, the delicacy can easily, quickly and for a long time satisfy hunger. In addition, the delicacy charges you with energy and vigor, and restores wasted strength.

Dried bananas will surely please those with an avid sweet tooth. Their taste is pleasant and one cannot help but like it, while the benefits are colossal, not like candies. Another important plus: dried bananas help you lose weight. However, if you decide to include this delicacy in your diet, you will need to adhere to some recommendations, which will be discussed a little later.

Overall, eating the fruity delicacy can be a new nutritional milestone for you. Having tried it just once, you will hardly be able to deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying a sweet dessert.

Composition of the product

Like fresh, dried bananas are a source of a fairly large number of different natural compounds. First of all, these are proteins and sugars, and the portion of the latter is much larger than that of proteins. In principle, this is clear from the calorie content of the delicacy: it varies from 330 to 390 kcal. Dried bananas contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. Biologically active compounds in the dessert product include beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, choline, vitamins E and K, as well as group B, including PP. As for the mineral component of the delicacy, there are no differences from fresh fruits: dried bananas are characterized by the presence of a high level of potassium. Among other things, this type of dried fruit contains phosphorus, zinc, sodium, fluorine, magnesium, iron, and manganese.

The sweet dried product is rich in organic acids, mono- and disaccharides, dietary fiber, and starch. It even contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and saturated fats, but their quantity is very small. There is also little water in dried bananas - at least, much less than in fresh fruits: about 75-80% versus 95-98%. This is understandable, because part of the moisture is lost by the product as a result of the cooking process.

The benefits of dried bananas

Dried bananas, when eaten regularly, can significantly improve human health. Being a complete source of potassium, they improve brain function, stabilize blood pressure, and have a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine glands. The presence of B vitamins in the product makes it possible to improve the functioning of the nervous system and heart muscle. In addition, these compounds have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and curls.

The dried delicacy is good for the intestines. Due to dietary fiber, the product enhances the peristalsis of the digestive organ, thus successfully solving the problem of constipation. As a treasure trove of magnesium, dried bananas relieve gourmets from migraines, and due to their PUFA content, they also reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. They cope with anemia and increase hemoglobin.

The presence of vitamins and organic acids in the delicacy makes it possible to strengthen the immune system by eating dried bananas. Many of the biologically active compounds, and some minerals, for example, zinc and manganese, have antioxidant properties. This gives us the right to believe that the fruit delicacy can, to some extent, fight cancer and, moreover, prevent the development of cancer. These qualities also determine the ability of dried bananas to prolong youth, slowing down the process of physical aging. Indications for use of the product: insomnia, atherosclerosis, fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, low stress tolerance, hypertension, blood diseases, poor vision, poor circulation, etc.

How does a treat help you get rid of those hated pounds? It’s very simple: as you already know, it copes with the feeling of hunger, which does not make itself felt for a long time after consuming a portion of the product. The best part is that to obtain the indicated effect you need to eat very little dried bananas - no more than 50 g. However, it is better to do this in the first half of the day. Having included the delicacy in your diet, do not forget to also eat foods that will supply your body with sodium. These are kelp, potatoes, almonds, dried apricots, legumes. This measure is necessary because potassium-rich dried bananas, when eaten regularly, can wash sodium out of the gourmet’s blood, and this can lead to weakening and brittle bones. It should also be noted that the exotic delicacy shows particular effectiveness in the fight against excess weight when combined with a nutritional system aimed at losing weight with intense training. In this case, it is appropriate to consume a portion of dried bananas immediately before playing sports.

The harm of treats

The high calorie content of the product has not only its advantages, but also disadvantages. Due to the colossal sugar content in the delicacy, it should not be consumed in large quantities by people with excess weight and diabetes. Contraindications here may also include chronic gastritis, bronchial asthma, thrombophlebitis, tendency to flatulence, condition after a recent ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction.

How to dry bananas at home

To prepare this exotic delicacy yourself, you will need an oven. Also stock up on a kilogram of fresh bananas, 100 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 200 ml of water.

The last two ingredients must be combined. This way you will receive a vitamin mixture, which, by treating bananas, will be able to prevent the process of spoilage of the fruit and give the product an attractive appearance.

Peel the fruit, cut in half and lengthwise. In other words, divide each fruit into 4 parts. Now place the prepared bananas in a mixture of water and lemon juice. After a minute, remove the fruit quarters from the liquid and place them on a baking sheet at some distance from each other.

Preheat oven to lowest temperature. Another option is to use the ventilation mode. Place the baking tray with bananas inside the oven. The time during which it is necessary to keep the cut fruits there is determined “by eye”. It is only important that the fruit does not lose more moisture than required - and this is approximately 1/5. Otherwise, you will have to enjoy not a dried, but a dried delicacy.

The finished product should be cooled. It is recommended to store it in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Ponomarenko Nadezhda

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