What can you make from dry baby porridge? Pancakes made from children's instant porridge. Dry mix cookies: video recipe

The main complementary foods for children under one year of age are various cereals and mixtures. They are a dry and instant product that can be diluted with milk or water. Unfortunately, there are situations when a young mother cannot choose a suitable formula for her baby. What to do in this case, because the shelf life of the children's product is short. Cookies made from baby porridge will come to the rescue. Its recipe is simple, and the result will delight not only the little ones, but also you.

Cookies made from baby formula are light and airy. And to prepare it you don’t need to stock up on a lot of ingredients and spend a lot of time. You can add nuts, raisins, dried apricots to the usual recipe or sprinkle with confectionery balls. In any case, the product turns out to be original and bright, which the baby will undoubtedly like.

Culinary secrets

Before preparing delicious cookies from baby food, you need to take advice from experienced housewives. For light and airy dough the following rules apply:

  • First, all the bulk ingredients are mixed: sugar, cereal, cocoa.
  • The butter softens on the stove, but do not let it boil.
  • Kefir or milk is mixed into the melted butter.
  • The final touch is to combine all the ingredients in one bowl.
  • This is the sequence that is preferable for making cookies from baby porridge.
  • After forming balls, squares or shapes, roll them in powdered sugar to add a light flavor.
  • It is best to bake the product in the oven, this will ensure even baking.
  • During the baking process, the cookies increase in size, but not significantly.
  • Serve the finished delicacy hot, as it is then especially soft.

You can also think about an original presentation of the dish by decorating it with fresh berries or dried fruits. Cookies made from baby formula will become a favorite dish for the whole family.

Classic recipe

Who said that classics are boring and monotonous? And if you add a touch of creativity with the help of powdered sugar and bright sprinkles. The baby will definitely appreciate the airy and tasty delicacy.

To prepare cookies from children's instant porridge, we will need the following ingredients:

  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • any dry porridge - 200 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • flour - ½ tbsp.;
  • baking soda, quenched with vinegar - ½ tsp.

Step-by-step preparation of the delicacy:

  1. In a bowl, combine the egg and sugar. Rub thoroughly and leave for 10 minutes until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. After this time, beat the egg-sugar mixture.
  3. Prepare the dough. It can be buckwheat, wheat or rice, depending on the cereal you choose. Start by combining melted butter with water, sugar and egg. Mix well.
  4. Add soda to the future dough and mix again.
  5. Carefully pour dry baby porridge into the resulting mixture and stir. You may think that there is not enough liquid in the dough, but this is not the case. The porridge just needs time to absorb water and swell. For this purpose, leave the dough for 20 minutes.
  6. After the time has passed, begin the kneading process. Working with baby formula is a joy! The dough made from it does not stick to your hands, is light and does not take much time to knead.
  7. Roll out the dough into a layer whose thickness is approximately 1 mm. And start the most creative part of cooking! Using cutters, cut out various shapes and place them on a greased baking sheet.
  8. Place the culinary masterpiece in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and wait 15 minutes. The cookies should be covered with a golden brown crust - this indicates readiness.

Sprinkle the baked treat with powder or sprinkles and gather everyone for a delicious tea party. The cooking process will give you pure pleasure.

Baking from baby porridge: video recipe

Hypoallergenic recipe

If your baby is allergic to food products, including egg whites, then a special egg-free cookie recipe has been developed for him. The delicacy is prepared with the addition of kefir and cocoa. The composition includes the following components:

  • dry mixture - 2 tbsp;
  • flour, oatmeal if possible - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • kefir - ½ cup;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • vanillin - 1 g;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g.

The eggless baby cereal cookie recipe is hypoallergenic and easy to prepare.

Cookies from dry baby formula are prepared as follows:

  1. In a deep bowl, combine cocoa, flour and sugar. Rub them together thoroughly.
  2. Add vanilla, baking powder and baby formula. Stir.
  3. Soften the butter on the stove or in a water bath and pour it into the future dough. Add kefir there and mix well.
  4. Leave the mixture for about 20 minutes until it swells completely.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut out shapes.
  6. Grease a baking tray with oil. Place the cookies on it and send them to bake. Cooking time - 15 minutes.

If you or your child are not fans of kefir, then it can be replaced with milk or regular boiled water.

Dry mix cookies: video recipe

Cookies from "Umnitsa"

The popular Russian brand of infant formula “Umnitsa” is in demand in the consumer market. Try making crumbly cookies with eggs as recommended by this brand.

Ingredients :

  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • margarine - 70 g;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp.;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • soda quenched with vinegar - ½ tsp;
  • baby porridge - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the dough according to the standard procedure and leave it for 20 minutes to infuse.
  2. Next, we begin to form the future cookies. This dough makes the most successful sausages, which, when pinched, form bows.
  3. Place the pieces on a greased baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 15 minutes.

Umnitsa cookies are light, aromatic and quite pleasant to the taste. You can try recipes with the addition of buckwheat, rice or semolina. Don't limit your imagination and creativity.

Baked milk

Let's try replacing water or kefir with baked milk.

Preparing cookies with milk from baby formula, the recipe for which is given below, does not take much time:

  • infant formula - 130 g;
  • baked milk - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 250 g;
  • powdered sugar - 120 g;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. In a deep bowl, combine eggs, mixture and powdered sugar. Grind thoroughly.
  2. Melt the butter in a water bath and mix it into the prepared mass.
  3. After 10 minutes, add flour, vanillin and cinnamon to the dough. Mix everything.
  4. Pour the mixture into a pastry bag and squeeze onto a prepared baking sheet. Bake the treat in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

If your baby doesn't like cinnamon, you don't have to use it for cooking.

No bake cookies

Every housewife should have a quick recipe that can be used to whip up cookies. Try this no-bake recipe with condensed milk.

Ingredients :

  • milk mixture - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • condensed milk - ½ can;
  • sesame or finely chopped nuts.

A masterpiece is prepared quickly and easily:

  1. In a bowl, combine baby formula, vanilla, butter, powder.
  2. Mix these ingredients and knead the dough.
  3. After 15 minutes, roll it into a thin layer and place on cling film.
  4. Grease the improvised crust with condensed milk and form it into a sausage.
  5. Add sesame seeds or nuts and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Cut the finished cookies into pieces and serve.

Baby porridge cookies belong to the category of easy-to-prepare and delicious dishes. The little one will definitely appreciate the dessert. The main advantage of cookies is the availability of products and quick preparation.

A variety of cereals are often used to feed children under one year of age. Most often, young mothers buy instant dry products that do not contain milk. This component is added to the porridge during the cooking process. Some parents replace milk with water. Not all mothers find the ideal complementary food for their baby the first time, and the shelf life of already opened porridge is no more than 3 weeks. adults rarely consume such products, since not everyone will like their taste. What to do? Some mothers make cookies from baby cereal. You can add healthy dried fruits or nuts and honey to such baked goods.

Baby porridge cookies: recipe with kefir

To prepare this delicacy, you will need a little time and ingredients. All cookie ingredients are available and can be purchased at any grocery store. To prepare you will need:

  • 2 cups of dry baby porridge.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour, preferably oatmeal.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa.
  • 0.5 cups of kefir.
  • 50 g cream-based butter.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder.
  • 1 g vanillin.
  • 100 g powdered sugar.

Preparing the dough

To make baby porridge cookies airy and light, you must first mix all the bulk ingredients of the dough in a deep container: cocoa, oatmeal, sugar, baby porridge, baking powder and vanillin. It is recommended to soften the cream-based butter and then add it to the container with the mixture. You also need to add kefir or other fermented milk product here. The ingredients should be mixed well and then left for a few minutes. The dough should swell. The mass needs to be easy to mold.

How to bake

Cookies made from baby instant porridge should be baked in the oven. First you need to make some preparations. Make balls from the dough that will resemble walnuts in size. Such preparations must be rolled in powdered sugar.

Line the baking tray with special baking paper and grease everything with butter. The workpieces should be laid out on the prepared surface. The oven must be preheated to 180 °C. At this temperature, baby cereal cookies should be baked for 15 minutes.

The treat should increase slightly in size. Hot cookies turn out very soft. However, as it cools, a crispy sugar crust appears on it.

To make cookies from baby cereals, you can use any fermented milk product. If you don't have butter, you can replace it with margarine. As for it, it can be easily prepared. This can be done using a coffee grinder. Oatmeal should be poured into the unit and ground.

You can use any porridge to prepare this treat. You can mix several if you wish. However, a tasty delicacy is obtained from dairy. It is also worth considering that not everyone will like buckwheat cookies. Therefore, adding a large amount of such porridge to the dough is not recommended.

Recipe with sour cream

The recipe for cookies from children's instant porridge with sour cream is very simple. To prepare this delicacy you will need:

  • 1 chicken egg.
  • 80 g sugar. If the porridge itself is sweet, then this component does not need to be added to the dough.
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda or baking powder.
  • 2 cups dry porridge. In this case, it is better to use buckwheat or oatmeal.
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream with a fat content of 25%.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of liquid honey.
  • 50 g cream-based butter.
  • 90 g wheat flour.
  • Vanillin.
  • Raisins and nuts.

How to knead the dough

To make cookies from baby dry porridge, you need to knead the dough. To do this, add sugar, vanillin and an egg in a deep container. It is recommended to beat the ingredients well. Margarine should be carefully melted in a water bath and mixed with honey and sour cream. The resulting mixture should be poured into a container with egg and sugar.

Separately, mix soda or baking powder and flour. You need to add dry baby porridge and flour to the liquid component of the dough. Everything needs to be mixed well to make a homogeneous mass. You should add nuts and raisins to the finished dough. If desired, they can be placed on top of each workpiece.

Baking a treat

When the dough is ready, you need to make blanks from it. To do this, roll small balls from the mass. They should be about the size of walnuts. After this, each ball should be slightly crushed to form a neat cake.

It is recommended to either grease the baking sheet with cream-based butter or cover it with parchment paper. Place all the workpieces on the prepared surface. At the same time, there should be some space between the cakes. Otherwise the cookies will stick together. It is recommended to preheat the oven to 160°C.

Cookies are baked from children's instant porridge for 20 minutes. In this case, the temperature in the oven should not be higher than 180 °C. The delicacy can be served warm.

To make the pieces easy to shape, you should sprinkle your hands with flour. This will prevent the dough from sticking. To prepare such cookies, you can use any children's instant porridge. If desired, you can mix several varieties.

If the honey is very thick, you should warm it up before adding it to the dough. The product will become more liquid. It is best to add walnuts and any dried fruits to cookies. If desired, you can prepare the treat without them. Store the finished cookies in a closed box in a place where there are no foreign odors.


  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Instant porridge for baby food – 200 gr.
  • Butter – 100 gr.
  • Boiled water – 1 tbsp.
  • Wheat flour – 0.5 tbsp.
  • Slaked soda – 0.5 teaspoon.

Unexpectedly delicious cookies made from children's instant porridge. Its preparation is so simple that you can’t even believe that it can be so fragrant and soft. By the way, the taste of the cookies will be different each time if you use different instant baby cereals. Adults, four-year-old children, and even my little toothless nephew liked these cookies.

Baby porridge cookies - recipe with photo:

1. Combine egg and sugar. You can mix them with a spoon and leave for 10 minutes for the sugar to dissolve.

2. Beat the eggs and sugar thoroughly with a mixer.

3. Prepare the ingredients for the dough - pour the porridge into a bowl. We chose instant buckwheat porridge for baby food.

4. Gently melt the butter without bringing it to a boil.

5. Combine the egg mixture, water and melted butter. Mix well.

6. Pour in soda slaked with vinegar. Mix thoroughly.

7. Now add porridge to the dough. At first it will seem that there is too little liquid in the dough, but soon all the porridge will be saturated with water and the dough will turn out wonderful. Just keep stirring and you will see.

8. Now leave the dough for 20 minutes so that the porridge swells well. Finally, add flour and knead the dough.

9. The dough from instant porridge turns out to be very tender. It is a pleasure to work with, it does not stick to your hands and smells very tasty of buckwheat and vanilla.

10. Roll out the dough using a rolling pin into a layer approximately 1 cm thick or slightly thinner.

11. Cut out cookies using special cutters. If there are no such devices, you can cut out round cookies using a glass, cut diamonds using a knife, or sculpt figures with your hands. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place your cookies on it. The distance between the cookies can be left small, since the dough does not rise in the oven, but simply browns.

If the baby has grown up, and there are still supplies of baby porridge left, do not rush to throw it away. A housewife with imagination can prepare many interesting dishes from such an ingredient!


This cake will definitely be a success, and the recipe is not complicated. For the crust you need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 230 g instant porridge (preferably wheat, corn or oatmeal);
  • 170 g wheat flour;
  • a teaspoon of baking powder or baking soda;
  • 10 g butter for greasing.

For cream:

  • 150 ml thick sour cream;
  • 120 g of powdered sugar (sugar will also work);
  • 80 g instant porridge;
  • a bag of vanillin or 3 tsp. cocoa (depending on the desired taste).


  1. Knead the dough. In a container of sufficient size, beat sugar with eggs, then slowly add flour with baking powder (or soda, quenched with boiling water or lemon juice) into the finished mixture. Next, add the porridge, stir everything and leave the dough for half an hour.
  2. Place the dough in a mold coated with butter (preferably a springform pan) and bake for about half an hour at 180 degrees.
  3. Cool the biscuit, cut into at least three layers.
  4. Make a cream by combining sour cream with instant baby porridge and powder. If using sugar, grind it in a coffee grinder or blender. Let the mixture thicken a little due to the swelling of the porridge.
  5. Coat the cakes and the entire surface with cream. Cool the cake in the refrigerator and serve with tea.


If you don’t know what you can make from the remaining baby instant porridge, then please your household with delicate cookies. Prepare the following components:

  • a full glass of granulated sugar;
  • 300 grams of oatmeal or multigrain porridge for babies;
  • a stick of butter;
  • 100 ml milk (water will do);
  • raw shelled peanuts.


  1. Pour water or milk into a saucepan, add sugar. First bring the mixture to a boil, then simmer over low heat until thickened.
  2. Arm yourself with a blender and, while whipping the mass, add soft butter.
  3. Now, continuing the beating process, gradually add instant porridge with cocoa powder.
  4. Grind the peanuts in any way and add to the dough.
  5. Form cookies into any shape, place them on the bottom of a baking sheet lined with parchment and bake in an oven preheated to 170 degrees until browned.


You can quickly make a delicious dessert from baby porridge - sweets. And here's what you need for this:

  • 500-gram pack of baby instant porridge (you can even have fillers);
  • two glasses of milk or cream;
  • 4 tbsp. l. butter;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • 70 grams of raisins, prunes or candied fruits;
  • 80 g shelled walnuts.

Process description:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, immediately add cocoa and butter. Bring the mixture to a boil, add the porridge and cook until the mixture becomes thick and dough-like in consistency.
  2. Let the mixture sit for half an hour, and then it will resemble plasticine. Meanwhile, prepare the fillings. Dried fruits can be soaked in hot water for a minute if they are dry and hard. Break the walnuts, cut them with a knife or grind them in a blender. Add filling.
  3. With wet hands, form the mixture into balls or other shapes, roll them in cocoa, place them on a tray and cool in the refrigerator.


An excellent breakfast option is simple instant porridge pancakes. The list of components is as follows:

  • 500 ml of kefir, natural yogurt or curdled milk;
  • 6 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 170 grams of instant porridge;
  • egg;
  • 70 grams of cottage cheese;
  • incomplete tsp baking soda;
  • 4-5 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • apple;
  • oil for frying.


  1. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork with sugar or grind with a submersible blender. Next, combine it with egg, kefir, instant porridge, sugar and flour. Stir everything thoroughly and leave for 20-30 minutes to swell and form bubbles.
  2. Peel the apple, remove the core, cut the fruit into small pieces and add to the dough.
  3. Pour oil into the frying pan, heat it well and start frying the pancakes, forming and laying them out with a large spoon. They should be fried on each side until golden.


An easy-to-prepare porridge-based berry muffin is airy and soft. You need:

  • a glass of instant porridge (in principle, any is suitable);
  • 120 g butter;
  • 140 g granulated sugar;
  • a glass of any berries (cherries, raspberries, strawberries, currants);
  • three chicken eggs;
  • tsp baking powder or soda.

Process step by step:

  1. Soften or melt the butter well, add sugar, beat everything.
  2. Break the eggs into the sugar-butter mixture one at a time, while vigorously whisking everything with a mixer. You should get airy foam.
  3. Add soda and beat the mixture again.
  4. Last, slowly add the instant porridge, without stopping the whisking process with the mixer.
  5. Leave the dough to swell for literally ten minutes, and then add the berries, after washing them and removing the seeds, if necessary.
  6. Divide the dough into greased pans, filling them 2/3 full.
  7. Place the molds in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. The cupcakes should rise well and brown.


If you like interesting dishes and oriental sweets, then sherbet will definitely suit your taste. And the fact that it is made from instant porridge will certainly surprise everyone. Here's what you'll need:

  • a pack (500 g) of finely ground baby porridge;
  • two glasses of peanuts;
  • two glasses of granulated sugar or powdered sugar;
  • a glass of cream;
  • optional 3-5 tbsp. l. cocoa powder

Process description:

  1. Milk is mixed with sugar and cocoa, boiled and simmered over low heat until it becomes syrup.
  2. Lightly fry the peanuts in a dry frying pan or dry them in the oven, then grind them as much as possible - literally to a mushy state.
  3. Gradually add the soluble porridge along with the peanut mass into the creamy syrup, stir everything thoroughly.
  4. Place the mixture in a mold, which should preferably be moistened with cold water. Level everything out.
  5. Put the treat in the refrigerator, take it out the next morning, cut it and treat it to your family or guests.

As you may have noticed, instant baby porridge is a useful universal ingredient for many delicious and interesting dishes!

Aug 12, 2018 Olga
