What to cook from tomatoes for the winter adjika. Recipes for raw adjika from tomatoes and garlic without cooking for the winter. Spicy hot “Peppercorn”

Tomato adjika is a truly Georgian dish, but other peoples have also created variations of their recipes. The combinations of ingredients are varied. Some people prefer the classic version with garlic and pepper, while others add horseradish, zucchini, eggplant, carrots and even apples.

In addition, the cooking method can be completely different. Adjika can be boiled or cooked without heat treatment. It can be spicy, with sweet or sour notes. Each housewife prepares this sauce taking into account the preferences of her family. Let's look at the most popular recipes and unexpected solutions.

Spicy adjika from tomato, garlic, horseradish and pepper for the winter without cooking - step-by-step photo recipe

The sauce made according to this photo recipe is moderately spicy with a slight spiciness. Due to the fact that the cooking method without heat treatment is quick, you can save time in the kitchen, but you only need to store the finished product in the refrigerator.

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Quantity: 1 serving


  • Ripe tomatoes: 2 kg
  • Garlic: 60-80 g
  • Horseradish root: 100 g
  • Hot pepper: 5-7 g
  • Table salt: 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar: 100 g
  • Apple cider vinegar (6%): 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking instructions

Classic recipe with cooking

Many housewives prefer the classic method of preparing sauce, which involves boiling. You can choose any size container for rolling: from small 100 gram jars to large liter ones. You will need:

  • Tomatoes – 3 kg.
  • Garlic – 500 g.
  • Red bell pepper – 2 kg.
  • Hot pepper – 200 g.
  • Olive oil – 100 ml.
  • Vinegar – 50 ml.
  • Sugar – 50 g.
  • Salt – 50 g.

Step-by-step algorithm:

  1. Fill a bowl with water and soak the peeled vegetables.
  2. After 15 minutes, cut them into small pieces.
  3. Prepare the garlic cloves: peel and rinse.
  4. Pass all components through a meat grinder with a “fine” grid.
  5. Transfer the twisted mass into a saucepan and place on the stove.
  6. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to low.
  7. Add salt, sugar, vinegar and oil.
  8. Cook for an hour, stirring occasionally.
  9. Throw in the finely chopped pepper, turn off the stove and cover the container with a lid.
  10. Let the adjika brew for half an hour and pour into jars.

The simplest and fastest tomato adjika recipe

Many housewives do not have enough time to do twists. They will benefit from a very quick and simple recipe. To do this you will need:

  • Tomatoes – 3 kg.
  • Garlic – 500 g.
  • Capsicum – 1 kg.
  • Salt – 50 g.

What to do:

  1. Soak the tomatoes and peeled peppers for 15 minutes and wash well.
  2. Cut the vegetables and pass them through a meat grinder.
  3. Pour the resulting mass into a suitable container, place on the stove and bring to a boil.
  4. Reduce heat to low and add chopped garlic and salt to the pan.
  5. Turn off the heat after 10 minutes.
  6. Let the adjika cool slightly and pour the thick mixture into jars. Wrap the lids, turn them upside down and cover with a warm blanket until completely cool.

Preparation option without pepper

This version of the sauce is very popular. It is not spicy, but very piquant and goes well with any side dish. You can experiment a little and replace the usual pepper with other vegetables, for example, eggplant. Take:

  • Tomatoes – 3 kg.
  • Horseradish – 3 pcs.
  • Eggplants – 1 kg.
  • Garlic – 300 g.
  • Olive oil – 50 g.
  • Bite – 50 g.
  • Sugar – 50 g.
  • Salt – 50 g.

How to cook:

  1. Wash, chop and twist the main ingredients.
  2. Season the resulting mixture with vinegar, oil, sugar and salt.
  3. Finely chop the garlic and mix with the vegetable mixture until smooth.

This method does not involve cooking, so immediately pack the resulting adjika into sterilized jars and put it in the refrigerator.

On a note! Seasoning that has not been subjected to heat treatment has a shorter shelf life than boiled seasoning.

No horseradish

Horseradish is a specific product and not everyone likes it. Therefore, the recipe for adjika without horseradish is very popular among housewives. To begin, prepare:

  • Tomatoes – 3 kg.
  • Red bell pepper – 1 kg.
  • Garlic – 200 g.
  • Capsicum – 200 g.
  • Vinegar – 50 g.
  • Salt – 50 gr.

Step-by-step algorithm:

  1. Wash all the ingredients, cut into several pieces and grind in any convenient way.
  2. Add finely chopped garlic, salt and mix thoroughly.
  3. After the salt has dissolved, pour into jars.

No garlic

Garlic can also be classified as a specific product, just like horseradish. To prevent the seasoning from losing its spicy taste, you can replace it with hot pepper. Prepare in advance:

  • Tomatoes – 3 kg.
  • Sweet pepper – 1 kg.
  • Hot pepper – 200 g.
  • Sugar – 30 g.
  • Salt – 50 g.
  • Basil and coriander 5 g each.

What to do:

  1. At the initial stage, the procedure is standard: wash, cut and twist everything through a meat grinder.
  2. Remember that adjika should be thick and if the tomatoes are watery, then the liquid from the twisted mass should be drained a little.
  3. Once the mixture is ready, season it with salt and pepper and additional spices.
  4. Place the finished product in the refrigerator until the morning, and then put it into jars for further storage.

On a note! If opinions in the family are divided, and someone prefers adjika with garlic, then you can add a couple of finely chopped cloves to a couple of jars.

The best adjika from tomato "You'll lick your fingers"

The secret of this recipe lies in the perfect selection of spices. Adjika will turn out to be moderately spicy and will become an indispensable sauce for main dishes. Some housewives even practice adding the finished product to borscht and vegetable stews. To prepare you will need:

  • Tomatoes – 3 kg.
  • Carrots – 500 g.
  • Green bell pepper – 500 g.
  • Onion – 300 g.
  • Garlic – 500 g.
  • Vegetable oil – 200 ml.
  • Sugar – 100 g.
  • Salt – 50 g.
  • Vinegar – 200 g.
  • Dried saffron and ginger – 2 g.

Step by step steps:

  1. Wash the vegetables thoroughly, cut into pieces and grind through a meat grinder.
  2. Boil in a large container for 25 minutes over low heat.
  3. Add finely chopped onion and garlic to the mixture.
  4. Add spices, add vegetable oil and vinegar.
  5. Boil for another 25 minutes. The mass should decrease in size, become thick and beautiful due to the green pepper.
  6. At the last stage, pack into jars and store.

Important! Never overcook adjika. This can affect not only the appearance of the final product, but also the taste. In addition, during long-term heat treatment, some of the vitamins and beneficial elements will be irretrievably lost.

Original adjika from green tomatoes

Green tomatoes have long been actively used for preparing snacks, including adjika. You should immediately note that this ingredient will make the sauce less hot.

  • Green tomatoes – 3 kg.
  • Bell pepper – 1 kg.
  • Hot pepper – 200 g.
  • Horseradish – 500 g.
  • Garlic – 100 g.
  • Salt – 50 g.
  • Sugar – 50 g.
  • Olive oil – 100 g.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Prepare all the vegetables, cut into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Add garlic, salt, sugar and butter to the total mass last.
  3. Let it sit for about half an hour.
  4. Then distribute into jars and store in a storage place.

Delicious adjika with tomatoes and apples

It's no secret that adjika may contain such an inappropriate ingredient as apples. Due to apple fruits, its consistency is airier and its taste more original. Prepare the following products:

  • Tomatoes – 3 kg.
  • Hot pepper – 200 g.
  • Garlic – 200 g.
  • Red sweet pepper – 1 kg.
  • Ripe apples – 1 kg.
  • Salt – 50 g.
  • Sugar – 50 g.
  • Olive oil – 200 g.
  • Vinegar – 200 g.
  • Basil – 2 g.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions:

  1. Peel (if necessary) and core all fruits, cut into small pieces.
  2. Grind twice through a meat grinder to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  3. Cook over low heat for 45 minutes.
  4. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add vinegar, garlic, salt, basil and sugar.

Important! Adjika is not very spicy, so it can be served as a separate cold appetizer.

Allspice adjika from tomato and bell pepper

Not all people like spicy food, but most people like aromatic food. To make adjika fragrant, you should use black pepper during the cooking process. The recipe is very simple and inexpensive. For it you will need:

  • Tomatoes – 3 kg.
  • Bell pepper – 1 kg.
  • Garlic – 300 g.
  • Hot pepper – 3 pcs.
  • Onion – 200 g.
  • Salt – 50 g.
  • Sugar – 50 g.
  • Vegetable oil – 50 g.
  • Vinegar – 100 g.
  • Allspice – 10 g.

What to do:

  1. Wash all vegetables, chop and twist as desired.
  2. Cook after boiling for no more than 30 minutes at low heat.
  3. Finally, add the remaining ingredients, stir and allow the mixture to cool slightly.
  4. At the end of the process, put it in jars and put it in the cellar.

With carrots

Adjika with carrots is a traditional recipe from Abkhazia. It involves a large amount of seasonings, and preparation takes no more than 2 hours. Take:

  • Tomatoes – 3 kg.
  • Carrots – 1 kg.
  • Horseradish – 300 g.
  • Garlic – 300 g.
  • Chili pepper – 3 pcs.
  • Vinegar – 100 g.
  • Sugar – 50 g.
  • Salt – 50 g.
  • Paprika – 10 g.
  • Coriander and basil 5 g each.

How to cook:

  1. Wash all the vegetables, peel the horseradish root.
  2. Roughly chop and mince the ingredients.
  3. Simmer over low heat for 45 minutes.
  4. At the end, add chopped garlic, spices and vinegar.
  5. Pack into jars.

Important! Due to the rather short heat treatment, certain storage restrictions are imposed. It is better to use a cool room or refrigerator for this.

With zucchini

Adjika with zucchini is an ideal option for those who have stomach problems. The product is very soft and a small amount will not harm the body. Take:

  • Tomatoes – 1 kg.
  • Zucchini – 1 kg.
  • Salt – 15 g.
  • Sugar – 15 g.
  • Basil and ground black pepper – 5 g.

Step-by-step algorithm:

  1. Wash the tomatoes and cut into pieces.
  2. Peel the zucchini, remove the seeds and chop in approximately the same way.
  3. Grind all ingredients using a blender.
  4. Transfer the resulting mass into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  5. Remove from heat and add spices.

On a note! For more flavor, you can add a little garlic, but if you are protecting your stomach, then it’s better not to.

Sweetish-spicy adjika is the most famous seasoning from Caucasian cuisine. The sauce has millions of fans around the world; any housewife can prepare it and prepare homemade adjika for the winter without any special financial expenses. The recipes on this page are the best, as they say: “Try it and you’ll lick your fingers!”

The best adjika recipe for the winter from tomatoes

The best adjika is made from the perfect combination of sweet and bitter peppers, juicy tomatoes and spices. The recipe is simple, the cooking process is easy, and the result is tasty and very healthy. This adjika can be rolled up for the winter and used as a seasoning for any hot dishes, side dishes or cold appetizers.

To prepare you will need:


First, let's prepare the ingredients. Peel the garlic, remove the seeds from the peppers, and divide the tomatoes into halves and remove the stems.

First, we pass the tomatoes and sweet peppers through a meat grinder (you can chop them in a chopper) and send them to simmer in a saucepan. Cook for at least 20 minutes, the time can be increased if you want the adjika to be thicker!

Next, grind the hot pepper and garlic, and place this hot mixture in a saucepan. 2 minutes before the end of cooking, add the remaining ingredients: salt, sugar, vinegar and oil. Mix everything thoroughly and let the adjika simmer a little more. When hot, roll the sauce into sterilized jars and place on the lid.

It is better not to add greens to adjika during cooking; you can chop cilantro or parsley immediately before use.

You can store the blanks on the balcony and even in your home pantry!

Spicy adjika recipe - you'll lick your fingers

The famous culinary specialist Olga Matvey offers a recipe for delicious spicy adjika or homemade ketchup “You'll lick your fingers!” It’s quick, simple and effortless to prepare, and the ingredients for the healthy and tasty seasoning cost just a penny.

Ingredients for preparation:


  1. We will pass peeled sweet peppers, chopped tomatoes, hot pods without tails, onions and carrots through a meat grinder. At the end, twist a little ginger and get a beautiful bright aromatic mass.
  2. Place the saucepan on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes.
  3. Add sunflower oil, the remaining spices, mix and simmer the adjika for about 1 hour over low heat.
  4. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, pour in apple cider vinegar, simmer a little more and pour into jars while hot.

Such adjika can be stored in any cool place and is always at hand for the hostess. Enjoy your spicy aftertaste!

Adjika without cooking - a recipe for the winter

Adjika is prepared according to such a simple recipe in many families around the world. The taste of fresh vegetables and a pleasant bitterness are reminiscent of summer, and preparing them for the winter without cooking preserves the vitamins and beneficial properties of natural ingredients. Include this adjika in your winter menu and you will be guaranteed 100% protection against colds!

Few ingredients:

Preparation progress:

For the future adjika, we will prepare a 5 liter plastic container with a lid, where we will throw all the ingredients.

Let's put a meat grinder or chopper and scroll through the peeled vegetables one by one. First, let's skip the tomatoes, then the sweet peppers, when it comes to the hot pods Do not touch your eyes and lips under any circumstances! It burns!

Season the vegetable mass with salt, sugar and vinegar, mix thoroughly and cover with a lid. The adjika will infuse a little and will be ready for use. Bon appetit!

Adjika for the winter just like in the store

Georgian adjika Ojakhuri comes from the USSR. Those who lived in that great country will be able to cook, taste and remember the taste of childhood. It is very similar to the seasoning that was sold in stores and was in great demand among undemanding Soviet citizens.



  1. Using a hand mill, turn the spices into a free-flowing powder. Cut the tomatoes into slices and remove the stems; remove the tails from the peppers.
  2. Pass the garlic, tomatoes and hot peppers through a meat grinder. Add ground spices, sugar and salt to the vegetable puree. Mix everything thoroughly and simmer over low heat for about 4 hours.

The smell of store-bought Soviet adjika revealed the presence of Utskho-Suneli in the Georgian seasoning. It was she who gave the dish that unusual and memorable taste.

Adjika “Ojakhuri” is dark in color and a little dry. But this is a real aromatic concentrate of delicious and healthy Caucasian cuisine!

Adjika recipe with apples

Housewives wrote down the recipe for delicious adjika with apples in their culinary notebooks, constantly prepared them and passed on their little piquant secrets from parents to children. It was also called adjika at home. But this was not just a spicy condiment, but a real autumn sauce with fresh fruity notes.

Let's prepare the ingredients:


  1. We pass juicy tomatoes through a meat grinder or punch them with a blender. Place the puree into a saucepan and add the chopped carrots into it. Next, scroll through the sweet peppers and seeded apples.
  2. Mix all the multi-colored vitamin ingredients, add hot peppers directly with seeds into the mixture, and begin to boil the adjika.
  3. After boiling, reduce the gas and cook the adjika for 60 minutes. During this time, scroll through the garlic and 5 minutes before turning off the heat, add it to the mixture. Pour oil there, add sugar and salt. Boil for another 5-7 minutes and pour the hot adjika into jars.

If we close the seasoning for the winter, then add 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar to the pan along with the garlic.

The result is a bright, aromatic sauce with a sweet, sour and spicy taste. Simply delicious!

And finally. Adjika can be spread on bread, added to any dish as a side dish, eaten with small spoons and used in baking Italian pizzas.

Good luck with your preparations and look forward to new recipes!

In every kitchen you can find a whole group of savory appetizers that complement the main courses with their taste and aroma. Many of them are prepared from vegetables, herbs and hot spices. One of these popular snacks is adjika made from tomatoes and garlic. It turns out juicy and aromatic. It is for this reason that housewives love and prepare it.

There are several options for preparing this delicious snack and each is good in its own way.

Before preparing adjika, you need to choose a recipe in advance and prepare the ingredients.

For harvesting, both large, fleshy varieties of tomatoes and cherry tomatoes are taken. Vegetables are thoroughly washed.

The skin is removed from the fruit (in almost all recipes). To do this, cut the tomatoes crosswise and place them in boiling water for 3 minutes. Then they are removed with a slotted spoon and placed under running cold water. After this procedure, the skin easily comes away from the pulp. The stems of peeled tomatoes are removed. The fruits are cut into slices.

The garlic is peeled and washed in cold water. Horseradish or carrots (depending on the ingredients used) are peeled and washed under running water.

Sweet and hot peppers are cleaned of stalks, internal partitions and seeds. Chili peppers should only be cleaned with rubber gloves to avoid skin burns!

Cores are removed from apples. The fruits are cut into slices.

Step-by-step recipes for classic adjika without cooking

The main components of adjika are red tomatoes and garlic. The first gives the workpiece a characteristic color and consistency, the second adds piquancy to it. Other ingredients are added to add spice, enhance flavor and aroma. The most common ingredients added to adjika recipes are horseradish, hot or sweet peppers and carrots.

Recipe options: There are various recipe options for adjika made from tomatoes and garlic without cooking.

Ingredients for 3.5 liters of finished product:

  • 2.5 kilograms of tomatoes;
  • 150 grams of garlic;
  • 250 grams of horseradish;
  • 1 kilogram of red sweet pepper;
  • 60 grams of salt;
  • 60 grams of sugar.


Tomatoes with pepper and garlic are passed through a meat grinder. Horseradish root with a small amount of tomatoes is crushed with a blender in a bowl with knives.

The ingredients are mixed in a saucepan and salted. Sugar is added. For a saltier or sweeter taste, sugar and salt can be added to taste.

At this time, the jars are washed with soda or detergent and sterilized in the microwave or over steam.

When using a microwave, pour a little hot water into the jars. The container is placed in the microwave and warmed up for 3 minutes. Then the water is drained and the jars are turned over to drain the moisture.

The steamed jars are sterilized for 10-15 minutes. To do this, they are placed in a colander over a pan of boiling water.

The finished adjika is poured into sterilized jars and covered with boiled plastic lids. This preparation is stored in the refrigerator for about six months.


  • 3 kilograms of tomatoes;
  • 200 grams of horseradish roots;
  • 6 heads of garlic;
  • 8 pods of hot pepper;
  • 6 tablespoons salt.


The tomatoes, along with the skin, are passed through a meat grinder. Pepper with grains and garlic and pepper are sent next. Horseradish is grated on a fine grater. All ingredients are combined together, salted and mixed well.

The finished adjika is placed in clean, sterile jars and closed with plastic lids. After which the adjika goes into the refrigerator.

Ingredients for 4 liters:

  • 3 kilograms of tomatoes;
  • 1.2 kilograms of sweet pepper;
  • 150 grams of garlic;
  • 100 grams of hot capsicum;
  • 150 milliliters of 9% vinegar;
  • 40 grams of salt.


The prepared ingredients are crushed with a blender or passed through a meat grinder. The vegetable mixture is placed in a saucepan. Salt and vinegar are added. The ingredients are mixed and left to infuse for 1 hour.

Jars are sterilized over steam or in the microwave. The lids for closing the jars are scalded with boiling water.

After an hour, the infused adjika is distributed into jars, closed with plastic lids and sent to the refrigerator. This snack cannot be stored outside the refrigerator!

Adjika classic with cooking


  • 5 kilograms of tomatoes;
  • 1 kilogram of sweet pepper;
  • 1 kilogram of carrots;
  • 0.2 kilograms of garlic;
  • 100 grams of salt;
  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • 100 milliliters of 9% vinegar;
  • 20 black peppercorns;
  • 20 white peppercorns;
  • 10 peas of allspice;
  • 1 tablespoon ground coriander;
  • 1 tablespoon ground ginger;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 2 tablespoons of dry mint;
  • 3 tablespoons of dry dill.


The tomatoes are put through a juicer. The resulting juice is poured into a saucepan and placed on low heat. After boiling, it boils for 30 minutes. Garlic, pepper and carrots are passed through a meat grinder.

All seasonings are folded into two-layer gauze and tied with thread in the form of a bag. The long edges of the gauze and thread are cut off.

Twisted vegetables are placed in the boiled juice and mixed. A bag of seasonings is lowered into the adjika.

The mixture with seasonings is simmered over low heat for 1.5 hours. Adjika is stirred periodically. When the vegetables are cooked, the bag of spices is pulled out and pressed into the pan.

Then sugar and salt are poured in. Everything is cooked for another 10 minutes. When the sugar and salt dissolve, you need to taste the adjika; if there is not enough salt or sugar, you can add them to taste. Vinegar is added 5 minutes before the appetizer is ready.

Hot adjika is poured into sterile jars and rolled up, turned over, wrapped and left to cool.


  • 2 kilograms of tomatoes;
  • 8 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 kilograms of sour apples;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 3 sweet peppers;
  • 50 milliliters of 9% vinegar;
  • 60 grams of honey;
  • 100 grams of olive oil;
  • 60 grams of salt;
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper;
  • 10-15 black peppercorns;
  • 5-7 bay leaves.


Prepared tomatoes, onions and carrots are crushed in a blender. Sweet peppers, apples and garlic are crushed separately.

The ingredients go into the pan and mix well. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat and cook for 1 hour. Then add peppercorns, red pepper, bay leaf and salt. The mixture is simmered for another 20 minutes.

Then add olive oil with vinegar and honey. Everything is mixed and simmered on the stove for another 20 minutes. If the boiled adjika is not homogeneous, it can additionally be crushed with an immersion blender.

In parallel with cooking, the cans are sterilized. Clean jars are placed in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 100 degrees. The lids are doused with boiling water.

Boiling adjika is distributed into jars, sealed, and wrapped in heat until it cools. The finished adjika is stored in a cool place.

Adjika for the winter - a simple and healthy recipe: video


  • 2 kilograms of tomatoes;
  • 0.5 kilograms of hot red pepper;
  • 0.2 kilograms of garlic;
  • 0.3 kilograms of cilantro or parsley with dill;
  • 1 tablespoon of khneli-suneli;
  • 150 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • 100 milliliters of 9% vinegar.


Prepared tomatoes, hot peppers and garlic are ground in a blender bowl. The finished puree is placed in a bowl. Cilantro (parsley) is chopped very finely and added to the main mass. Everything is mixed and salted.

The mixture is placed on low heat and brought to a boil. Adjika is boiled under the lid for half an hour. Then vegetable oil with vinegar and suneli hops are added to it. Stirring, adjika cooks for another half hour until thickened.

The finished snack is placed in sterile jars and rolled up. The jars are wrapped upside down and left in this form until they cool completely.

Ingredients for 2 liters of snack:

  • 2 kilograms of tomatoes;
  • 0.8 kilograms of carrots;
  • 1 kilogram of sweet pepper;
  • 1 green apple;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 pods of hot pepper;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 40 grams of salt.


All prepared vegetables are passed through a meat grinder. The mixture is poured into a saucepan or cauldron and placed over medium heat. The mass is stirred periodically. After boiling, the fire is reduced to a minimum. Adjika is boiled for 40-60 minutes. Salt is added at the end.

When preparing adjika, clean jars are sterilized in the oven or microwave.

The finished adjika is placed in jars, rolled up and left to cool upside down under a blanket.

Adjika for the winter with apples and carrots: video

Ingredients for 6 liters of preparation:

  • 3 kilograms of tomatoes;
  • 0.2 kilograms of garlic;
  • 1 kilogram of carrots;
  • 1 kilogram of sweet pepper;
  • 1 kilogram of apples;
  • 3 chili peppers;
  • 150 milliliters of 9% vinegar;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 130 grams of salt;
  • 200 milliliters of vegetable oil.


Pre-peeled and chopped vegetables (except garlic) are passed through a meat grinder. Garlic is crushed separately.

The mixture is poured into a saucepan or cauldron and brought to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally. When adjika boils, reduce the heat to a minimum. The mixture is cooked under the lid for another 1 hour.

5 minutes before readiness, add garlic, vinegar with oil, sugar and salt. Everything is mixed and cooked.

Then it is poured into sterilized jars. The jars are closed with lids and left to cool upside down under a blanket.

Adjika with apples for the winter: video


  • 2 kilograms of tomatoes;
  • 0.5 kilograms of garlic;
  • 130 milliliters of vegetable oil;;
  • 0.3 kilograms of hot capsicum;
  • 3 kilograms of sweet pepper;
  • 40 grams of sugar;
  • 40 grams of salt;
  • 40 milliliters of 9% vinegar;
  • 2 aspirin tablets.


The prepared ingredients are passed through a meat grinder or crushed with a blender. The crushed mass is poured into an enamel pan. Then vinegar is added with oil, salt and sugar. Aspirin is crushed and poured into adjika.

The ingredients are mixed. Cover the pan with adjika with a lid or gauze and leave for a day.

At this time, clean jars are sterilized over steam or in the oven for 10 minutes. Polyethylene lids are scalded with boiling water.

Adjika is poured into prepared jars and closed with lids. The finished snack is stored in the refrigerator.


  • 2 kilograms of tomatoes;
  • 5 heads of garlic;
  • 2 kilograms of hot pepper;
  • 40 grams of salt.


Tomatoes and peppers are passed through a meat grinder. Garlic is crushed using a blender or meat grinder.

Place the pan with tomato-pepper puree on the fire and bring to a boil. Garlic and salt are added. Adjika is cooked for 8 minutes, placed in sterilized jars and sealed tightly.

The jars are turned over, wrapped and left to cool. Spicy seasoning should be stored in a cool place, such as a cellar or balcony.

Very spicy adjika for the winter: video

Adjika is one of the most popular snacks. It perfectly complements meat, fish, and pasta. Having tried one of the above recipes, any housewife will be happy to prepare this delicious snack for the winter.

A seasoning made from tomatoes, hot peppers and garlic has long been used by chefs from different countries. Thanks to the spicy sauce, meat and fish dishes acquire a deeper, more expressive taste.

No cooking

Adjika is an amazing seasoning. It can be stored both raw and cooked, and heat treatment does not affect the taste. Of course, the seasoning without cooking is rich in a large amount of vitamins and microelements, although the shelf life is reduced in comparison with the boiled product.

The main property of hot sauce is its ability to stimulate appetite. Therefore, for people who are on a diet, this product will not be useful in losing weight. Despite the presence of hot ingredients that stimulate digestion and low calorie content (59 kcal per 100g), this supplement will force you to absorb more food than is required to satisfy hunger.

Raw adjika classic

Strictly speaking, initially classic adjika did not include tomatoes at all: the Caucasian seasoning included red pepper, ground with herbs. But as the sauce spread across countries and continents, the main version began to look exactly as described in our recipe.


  • red tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • garlic – 200 g;
  • hot pepper – 3 small or 2 medium pieces;
  • bell pepper – 2 red copies;
  • onion - 2 large onions;
  • vegetable oil – 70 ml;
  • 9% vinegar – 60 ml;
  • salt – 25 g.

Select ripe red tomatoes, rinse and remove the dense core. We remove seeds from clean peppers. We cut the peeled onions into pieces so that they can easily pass into the meat grinder. Remove dry scales with a dash of garlic. We put the prepared vegetables into the electric meat grinder.

Mix the crushed products thoroughly with your hands or a wooden spoon, pour in the oil, salt and season with vinegar. Mix all the ingredients of the sauce again. The product is ready for use and storage. Place the mixture in sterilized glass jars and keep under a polyethylene lid in the refrigerator.

Adjika is an excellent means of preventing colds. The product contains vitamins such as PP, A, C, and B vitamins. Mineral substances include iodine, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, copper, chlorine and 9 more elements. This composition ensures the body’s resistance to viruses and generally strengthens its protective functions.

Raw adjika with horseradish

One of the most popular and simple recipes for making adjika includes only 4 products: tomatoes, garlic cloves, horseradish root and salt. The simplicity of the dish also lies in the fact that the sauce does not require additional heat treatment.


  • ripe tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • horseradish - 100 g root;
  • garlic – 6 shares;
  • salt – 20 g.

We wash the tomatoes under running water. Scald with boiling water and remove the skin that has burst from the high temperature. Remove the dense core. We clean the horseradish roots from dark spots, scrape the outer layer with a knife until white. Place both products on a napkin to remove excess moisture.

Peel the garlic from dry protective layers and rinse in running water. It is recommended to grind the ingredients of the recipe only in meat grinders (mechanical or electric): some blenders may not be able to cope with hard horseradish roots. We salt the vegetables after they have passed through the meat grinder. Stir the resulting solution until the salt is completely dissolved.

Place the sauce in dry, chilled jars that have been sterilized. Store on the top shelf of the refrigerator.

It is better to cook horseradish roots immediately before mixing with other vegetables. When exposed to open air, the peeled parts quickly weather, and the root itself withers. To prevent this from happening, the prepared ingredient should be immersed in ice water before grinding.

Georgian raw

The Georgian additive is used in meat and fish dishes both at the stage of their creation and at the moment of readiness. The highlight of the sauce is the presence of herbs, which grow in abundance in the Caucasus and are used in national Georgian cuisine.


  • red tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • bell pepper – 3 red pcs.;
  • hot pepper – 2 pods;
  • garlic – 4 heads;
  • dried cilantro – 10 g;
  • hops-suneli – 1 package;
  • salt – 25 g.

Wash the hot pepper pods and dry them on a towel for 10 hours. After this time, remove the stalks and seeds from each. We do the same with fresh sweet peppers: peel and cut in half. We break the heads of garlic into slices, peel them and rinse them in water. Wash the tomatoes in water, scald with boiling water and remove the skin.

Grind the peppers and tomatoes in a blender, finely chop the garlic with a knife. Add dried cilantro, suneli hops and salt. Mix all the products. To prevent your hands from burning with hot pepper, you can work with gloves. The shelf life of this seasoning is four, maximum four and a half months in the refrigerator.

Georgian adjika has a huge number of options. Many of them are created on the basis of wine vinegar. Separately, it is worth mentioning the green Georgian adjika, which includes only herbs and green pepper pods. Unlike the Abkhaz variety, walnuts are never found here.

With cooking

Boiled adjika is ready for use for a whole year if it is subjected to heat treatment at the time of preparation. The spiciness of this seasoning depends not on the cooking time, but on the amount of hot pepper in the product.

Adjika is not the safest product. Its piquancy and sharpness do not have the best effect on the health of people with stomach problems. Any form of gastritis instantly reacts to the seasoning. The supplement to meat or fish should not be used during periods of liver or kidney failure. Children under 13 years of age and pregnant women are also at risk.

Boiled adjika for the winter

The cooking option is primarily suitable for residents of city apartments. Where there is no cool cellar, and the refrigerator is occupied with pots and store-bought delicacies, boiled winter preparations can be stored in a regular cupboard.


  • ripe tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • garlic – 300 g;
  • bell pepper – 1 kg;
  • hot pepper – 3 pods;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • parsley – 50 g;
  • dill greens – 50 g;
  • salt – 15 g;
  • sugar – 10 g.

We wash the vegetables. Remove the core from tomatoes and seeds from peppers. We send both to the blender and grind. Cook over low heat for 50-60 minutes.

Grind peeled garlic and hot pepper. Add finely chopped greens to this mixture. After an hour of boiling, add the spicy mixture to the tomatoes and bell peppers. Pour in the oil, salt and add sugar. The resulting solution is simmered over low heat for half an hour.

We sterilize glass jars and, without allowing them to cool, fill them with freshly prepared adjika. Seal with tin lids, turn over, cover with a blanket or rug until completely cool.

Not every variety of tomato is suitable for making sauce. To ensure a thick, rich consistency, the choice should be made on fleshy, low-water specimens. Most often, housewives choose the Slivka variety for preparing adjika. But besides this variety, Pink Flamingo, President, Dar of the Volga, Big Beef are suitable for seasoning. They are characterized by a high sugar content, a delicate skin that does not need to be removed, and a meager content of small seeds.

With carrots

Oddly enough, hot sauce, which includes root vegetables, also belongs to adjika. Housewives are experimenting with different products - turnips and beets, celery root and carrots. The most popular part of these types of preparations remains bright orange carrots.


  • tomatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • garlic – 7 shares;
  • bell pepper – 4 pcs.;
  • hot pepper – 1 pod;
  • onion – 2 small or 1 large;
  • carrots – 2 medium;
  • vegetable oil – 150 ml;
  • vinegar (9%) – 30 ml;
  • salt – 15 g;
  • granulated sugar – 50 g.

We prepare clean vegetables for heat treatment: remove the stems and cores of tomatoes and peppers, peel the garlic and carrots. Grind thick ingredients in a food processor. Boil the chopped vegetables over low heat for half an hour. To avoid burning, do not forget to stir with a wooden spatula.

After 30 minutes, add salt, add oil and add granulated sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for an additional 5 minutes. Pour the resulting product into disinfected jars, roll up the lids, turn over and wrap in heat until it cools completely.

At first glance, this spicy mixture of spices and vegetables does not require any special knowledge. However, there are nuances that will help make the taste more delicate or, conversely, tart, allowing the spices to reveal their aroma brighter and increase the shelf life of the product.

  1. Adjika is prepared from ripe vegetables without signs of disease or harmful insects. The presence of spoiled copies can cause premature souring of the product.
  2. Insufficient amounts of salt, garlic and horseradish roots, which are natural preservatives, can also cause “floating” adjika.
  3. The containers for storing the sauce must be perfectly clean. It can be disinfected with steam over boiling water, high temperature in the oven, or using an electric field in a microwave oven.
  4. Raw adjika is stored exclusively in cool places: refrigerator or cellar. Vitamins last longer in the dark. If the seasoning has been cooked for at least 20 minutes and sealed while hot with a tin lid, it can be stored at room temperature in a dark room.
  5. The minimum composition of adjika is tomatoes, pepper, garlic and salt. Spicy herbs (cilantro, dill, fenugreek, celery, basil, marjoram, etc.), as well as vegetables (sweet and hot peppers, carrots, onions) and fruits (apples, plums) help diversify the taste of the seasoning.
  6. If you roast the herbs and seeds of the ingredients in a frying pan, the essential oils will be released and the mixture will become truly aromatic.
  7. The pepper seeds add a special spiciness to the sauce. If the product is made from green fruits, the taste will be more delicate and less pungent.
  8. To prevent hot pepper juice from irritating the skin of your hands, you should wear disposable gloves when working with the vegetable.


A mixture of spices and salt, which was originally called adjika, today is a culinary additive of several types. This can be a mixture of salt, dry herbs and red pepper. As a rule, such a filler is used as a component of marinade for poultry and meat before frying or stewing. It can be a sauce made from tomatoes, sweet peppers and garlic, which is served with already prepared dishes. Or it can be closer to salads, including ingredients such as carrots, walnuts and coarsely chopped greens. In any case, no matter which recipe is chosen, the seasoning will make the treat tasty and healthy.

Let's bring a touch of Caucasian exoticism into our gray everyday life - let's prepare spicy and aromatic adjika! Today I offer you the best recipes for adjika without cooking for the winter. The preparation is very simple, it doesn’t take much time, and what a taste it turns out! Just lick your fingers! Our recipes with photos will tell you how to make adjika easily and quickly, without heat treatment.

I’ll say it straight: what we often cook in our latitudes and proudly call “adjika” does not quite correspond to an authentic dish. A real Abkhaz hot, hot seasoning is prepared without tomatoes. But we will look at the best recipes in different versions: the more familiar to us, with tomatoes, and the classic Abkhazian seasoning, and the Georgian variation with walnuts and cilantro. The main thing is to find the right ingredients, and the recipe is very simple everywhere.

Adjika raw from tomatoes with garlic

First, I will share with you a recipe for adjika made from tomatoes with garlic and pepper without cooking. This is a version of the seasoning adapted to our conditions. Tomatoes need to be selected that are ripe, fleshy, or perhaps slightly overripe. This preparation preserves the taste and beneficial properties of fresh vegetables, has a strong antimicrobial effect, and protects against colds.


  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 300 g bell pepper;
  • 60 g hot red pepper;
  • 60 g garlic (1 medium head);
  • 60 g apple cider vinegar;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 2-3 tsp. salt.


  1. Wash the tomatoes and prepare them for chopping. To do this, scald them with boiling water, put them in cold water for a minute and remove the skin. Let's cut off the top part.
  2. Wash the sweet pepper, remove the seeds and stem, cut lengthwise into wide strips. Peel the garlic and wash it.
  3. Cut off only the stem of the hot pepper and leave the seeds. Combine tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, garlic. Grind through a meat grinder or in a blender bowl.
  4. Add salt, sugar and vinegar to the chopped vegetables. Stir and let sit for three hours to better dissolve the salt.
  5. We sterilize the adjika jars in advance and pour boiling water over the lids. Let's put the adjika into jars.

We will store it in the refrigerator. Here is a classic recipe without cooking adjika made from tomatoes and garlic.

Abkhazian adjika: classic raw recipe

Real classic raw adjika for the winter is prepared without tomatoes. There are different options, I’ll tell you the simplest recipe. The seasoning is thick, tastes like fresh and very spicy.


  • 30 pcs. large pods of hot pepper;
  • 1.5 pcs. large heads of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt (not iodized);
  • 2 tbsp. l. blue fenugreek;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dill seeds;
  • 4 tsp. coriander;
  • 2 tsp. cumin (cumin).

Tip: I buy seasonings at the market from Abkhazian traders. You can buy a ready-made Abkhaz mixture for adjika.


  1. Wash the hot peppers and remove the stems. This operation is best performed with gloves.
  2. Peel the garlic, separate it into cloves, and wash it. Mix pepper and garlic and grind them in a blender. Place in a large bowl.
  3. Dry the cumin and coriander in a frying pan over low heat, stirring, until a strong aroma appears. Then mix them with dill seeds and fenugreek, grind all the spices in a food processor or coffee grinder. If desired, you can simply crush it in a mortar and pestle.
  4. Combine the pepper mixture with spices, add salt, stir well. Place in jars scalded with boiling water. Close with clean lids.

Store in the cellar or refrigerator.

Delicious “vigorous” raw adjika with horseradish

Cooking adjika at home from tomatoes without cooking has many variations. I will share with you a recipe on how to prepare hot seasoning with horseradish and parsley.


  • 2 kg red tomatoes;
  • 10 pieces. medium-sized red sweet peppers;
  • 3-4 pcs. hot pepper;
  • 100-200 g horseradish root;
  • 160 g garlic (2 large heads);
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 2-3 tsp. salt;
  • 70 g table vinegar;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 1 bunch of parsley.


  1. Scald tomatoes and bell peppers with boiling water. After cooling, remove the skin from them.
  2. Cut the horseradish into thin slices, hot pepper into rings. Divide the garlic into cloves. We pass all the vegetables through a meat grinder or grind them in a blender.
  3. Finely chop the washed parsley and dill and add to the tomato-pepper mixture. Add sugar, salt and vinegar. Mix well.
  4. Pour into a three-liter bottle and close with a lid. Adjika with pepper and herbs is ready. We store it in the cold.

Note: If stored for a long time, the seasoning may ferment slightly. Don't be afraid of this - stir it to release the gas. The preparation will acquire a pleasant taste of pickled tomatoes.

Adjika from prunes

I love stocking up on interesting recipes, and now I’m offering one of them. The seasoning is prepared from plums without cooking, with tomato paste and bell pepper. Prunes give the dish a pleasant sour taste.


  • 1 kg of fresh prunes;
  • 1 kg bell pepper;
  • 2-3 heads of garlic;
  • 500 g tomato paste;
  • 1-1.5 pods of hot pepper;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. salt.


  1. Wash the plums and remove the pits. Wash the washed bell peppers, cut them, and remove the seeds.
  2. Cut the washed hot pepper into rings. Peel and wash the garlic. Mix everything and grind it with a blender (or pass it through a meat grinder).
  3. Pour into a bowl, add salt, add tomato paste, mix thoroughly.
  4. Place in clean jars and close with lids.
  5. Adjika with prunes and bell peppers is ready without cooking. Thanks to plums and tomato paste, we prepared it without vinegar.

It is impossible to imagine the best recipes for adjika without cooking for the winter without detailed videos. Here is one of them, everything is very easy and understandable.

Recipe without cooking with aspirin

If you are still afraid that raw preparations for the winter may explode, you can play it safe and prepare adjika with aspirin. The classic proportion is one aspirin tablet per half liter of finished seasoning. In this quantity, the medicine will not cause any harm to your body.


  • 4 kg of tomatoes;
  • 2 kg of bell pepper;
  • 200 g garlic;
  • 3 pcs. hot pepper;
  • 200 ml vinegar 9%;
  • 3 aspirin tablets;
  • Spices for adjika - to taste.


  1. Dry the washed vegetables on a paper towel or napkin. Scald the tomatoes and bell peppers with boiling water, then pour cold water over them. Carefully remove the skin from them.
  2. Cut into pieces and pass through a meat grinder (or blender).
  3. Wash the hot pepper and remove the seeds. We will also wash the garlic and peel the cloves. Grind the hot pepper and garlic through a meat grinder and mix with the tomato-pepper mixture. Then pour in vinegar.
  4. Crush the aspirin with a masher in a mortar or saucer, add it to the adjika and mix thoroughly. Cover the workpiece with gauze and let it sit for about a day so that all the ingredients are well dissolved.
  5. In the meantime, sterilize the jars and lids. Stir the finished adjika again, ladle it into jars, and screw on the lids. Can be covered with plastic lids.

We store the workpiece in the basement or refrigerator.

Georgian adjika with chili pepper

This is a popular Georgian seasoning, without cooking, spicy, with pepper and nuts. You will need a lot of chili pepper.

Tip: It is better to prepare the seasoning while wearing gloves.


  • 1 kg of dry chili peppers in pods;
  • 200 g walnuts (preferably raw, not roasted);
  • 60-70 g coriander seeds;
  • 100 g hops-suneli;
  • 1 bunch of green cilantro;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 300 g garlic;
  • 300 g coarse salt;
  • A little cinnamon (to taste).


  1. Wash red chili peppers and soak for 1 hour in cool water. Then drain the water. Dry the pepper and remove seeds.
  2. The cilantro and parsley also need to be washed and dried. Peel the garlic, divide it into cloves, and wash it.
  3. We pass chili peppers, garlic, and nuts through a meat grinder. You can repeat this operation two or three times. If a lot of liquid is released, it is better to drain it.
  4. Then transfer the mixture into a deep bowl. Add finely chopped parsley and cilantro, salt, coriander and suneli hops to it. Stir well.
  5. Cover and leave at room temperature for three days. Don't forget to stir twice a day.
  6. Then we transfer the hot seasoning into dry jars and close the lids. Adjika can be stored well in the refrigerator or cellar for many months.

Note: This seasoning is good for brushing meat or chicken before baking in the oven.

Spicy roll without vinegar

People also call it “Ogonyok” for its bright red color and burning, warming taste. The recipe is without vinegar, and chili pepper plays the role of a natural preservative here. My friends store this seasoning in their room or pantry. They say it doesn't spoil. But I don't risk it and store it in the refrigerator.


  • 3 kg of ripe tomatoes;
  • 1 kg bell pepper;
  • 400 g hot chili pepper;
  • 2 large heads of garlic;
  • 6 tbsp. l. salt.


  1. We wash the tomatoes, dry them, and cut out the stems. We cut the top crosswise, scald it with boiling water and lower it into cool water for a minute. Then take it out and easily remove the skin.
  2. Wash the bell pepper, remove the seeds, and cut into strips. We also wash the chili peppers, cut off the tails, remove the seeds, and cut into rings.
  3. Peel the garlic, separate it into cloves, wash it, and cut it into thin slices.
  4. Grind all the vegetables through a meat grinder or in a blender until pureed. Add salt and mix. Let it sit for three days. Stir the seasoning twice a day.
  5. Then put the adjika into clean jars and cover with plastic lids. Place in the refrigerator for storage. The spicy aromatic seasoning is ready!

As you can see, the best recipes for adjika without cooking for the winter are very easy, cooking them is fun and enjoyable, and eating dishes with aromatic seasoning is a real pleasure! Treat yourself and your family to delicious adjika. Enjoy your meal!
