Home celebration. What to cook for a birthday quickly and inexpensively - recipes. Arugula salad with shrimp and cherry tomatoes

Toasts for the New Year 2020 have become a good tradition on our website. That's right: New Year's Eve is in full swing. Everything on the table is only the most delicious, unusual and beautiful - and it cannot be any other way, because you prepared these wonderful dishes according to our recipes. The guests are delighted! The holiday is great! And every glass is accompanied by wonderful words! Toasts for the New Year 2020 will come in handy here. ›

What should be on the New Year's table 2020 is a pressing question on the eve of the most important holiday of the year. After all, housewives want not only to feed their guests tasty and satisfying food, but also to please the symbol of the coming year, which this time is the White Metal Rat. This is not at all difficult - fortunately, rodents are famous for their omnivorous nature, so absolutely any dishes and combinations of ingredients are welcome on the New Year's table; there is no need to limit yourself when creating a menu. Nevertheless, there are still some secrets that help to win the favor of the mistress of the year in order to attract good luck and happiness, and “Culinary Eden” will be happy to tell you about all the intricacies of preparing for the holiday. ›

There is nothing left before the main holiday, and it’s time, it’s time to prepare a list of dishes that need to be prepared for the new 2020 Year of the Rat. 2020 is the year of the White Metal Rat. This sign begins the twelve-year cycle of the ancient eastern calendar. In the East, the Rat is considered a wise and homely animal. To appease the Mistress of the coming year, you need to meet some conditions. However, there is nothing complicated! ›

Lavash snacks are perfect for the holiday table, and this is quite natural, because they are extremely easy to prepare, the time required is minimal, and most importantly, they turn out to be very appetizing and offer a wide variety of filling variations. ›

A birthday is a holiday on which you want to provide a hearty meal to all the guests gathered at the table, surprising them with culinary masterpieces prepared with your own hands, and at the same time not leaving all your energy in the kitchen in order to maintain cheerfulness and good mood by the time of the celebration. And here simple birthday salads will come to your aid, the preparation of which will not be difficult, and the result will delight you and your loved ones. To make your holiday tasty and memorable, “Culinary Eden” will help you navigate the choice of suitable salads. ›

An office is a small life. However, why small? For some, undoubtedly, big. Many people spend what is called “half their life” in the office. What can you do - work is work. Not everyone can and wants to change their minds and become freelancers. In addition to work, there are holidays at the office. ›

What's New Year without caviar? And any more or less significant holiday is not complete without it! In our country, you probably won’t find a single family that doesn’t have appetizers with red caviar, or at least the same sandwiches, on their table. But red caviar can be served not only on slices of bread and butter! ›

Despite the fact that Russia has already celebrated the Year of the Mouse and celebrated the Year of the Ox, in China the New Year will begin only on January 26, on the day of the first new moon of the new year. The Chinese New Year (Chunjie) celebration is highly ritualized and surrounded by many customs. ›

What an amazing holiday this is - a birthday! Gifts, congratulations and all sorts of goodies with which the festive table is generously decorated. What's missing here! However, birthday salads still remain the main dishes of the festive table, its decoration. ›

All housewives are divided into two groups: those who agree to stay up at night and enthusiastically knead the dough for Easter cake, and those who are too lazy and don’t know how, and go to the store to buy holiday baked goods. Of course, homemade Easter cake is much tastier than store-bought. ›

The main goal of a romantic dinner is to surprise and force your chosen one, with whom you have spent many years, to look at you in a new way. And for those who will have this romantic dinner for the first time, you will not only be able to amaze with your culinary skills, but also show how interesting, multi-faceted you are and have that very “zest” that every man strives to see in his chosen one. ›

Christmas is one of the most significant and beautiful Christian holidays. An integral part of its traditions is the festive tree, divine services and, of course, the feast, which is usually served with Christmas cookies. Cookies for Christmas are not only a delicious treat for adults and children, they are also original toys for the Christmas tree and a great gift for loved ones. ›

Pancakes with caviar are everyone’s favorite delicacy. If pancakes appear in our diet quite often, then with caviar things are somewhat more complicated. Although it is a quite affordable product, we often treat ourselves to it only on holidays. Pancakes stuffed with such an expensive but indecently tasty delicacy can be seen on almost every table during Maslenitsa. ›

Tender feelings require constant investment of heart strength and good imagination. Otherwise, it will turn out like in the famous poem by Mayakovsky: “The love boat crashed into everyday life”... So that everyday life and everyday life do not eat up the romance with giblets, and feelings remain hot for as long as possible, you need to learn how to organize romantic evenings. The good thing about a real surprise is that it comes suddenly. ›

Festive table: chicken, cutlets, Olivier, lightly salted red fish, tartlets with sprat salad, pickled tomatoes, sausage and potatoes

The menu for the festive table, recipes and the order of distribution of forces (so that the hostess does not get tired), the shopping list (products for recipes) is at the very end. Some dishes can be prepared in advance, the rest are prepared immediately before the holiday. Everything is delicious, everyone will be full and happy.

Composition of dishes for a simple holiday table

Cooked for 4-6 people(adults), if more guests gather at the table, the food allowance can be increased.

This festive table is suitable for a small reception of guests on a birthday, March 8, February 23, for a meeting with old friends and girlfriends, for other family holidays, when a narrow circle of relatives gathers, who do not need to be amazed with amazing culinary delights, but simply need delicious food. And not to fall from fatigue afterward, but to save strength for warm communication with pleasant table conversations.

When you click on the name of the dishes, you will be taken to a detailed recipe for their preparation (basically, all recipes with step-by-step photos and calculations for the number of servings indicated below).

1. Meat dishes, side dishes and appetizer salads

  • (12-16 pieces on a baking sheet);
  • (from 2 kg of minced chicken, but it can be made from minced turkey or pork-beef, pork, 18-20 pieces). The recipe is given without eggs and onions, but you can also.
  • Raw smoked sausage and sliced ​​pork neck (0.5 kg of each, depending on how much you like it). You can add a piece of cheese (0.3-0.4 g) to the slices.
  • (1 large chum salmon was salted);
  • (2 cans of sprat, 8-10 tartlets);
  • (with sausage, but you can also use the same neck or chicken);
  • pickled or other delicious homemade preparations (, or) - 1 can or 1 kg of cucumbers for quick salting;
  • Boiled potatoes - a large saucepan (about 4-5 potatoes, at least medium size, per guest, have 3 kg of potatoes on hand, it will come in handy);
  • Bread (0.5 loaves of black and long loaf for 4-6 guests) or Uzbek - 2-3 pieces.

2. Sweets and tea

  • Tangerines or seasonal fruits - 2-4 per guest;
  • from store-bought ready-made meringue with banana cream (you can use regular meringue with butter and powdered sugar);
  • Drinks: tea - a pack, coffee - a can, 1 can of compote or juice (3 liters), mineral water and alcoholic drinks - optional);
  • Sugar – 0.5 kg or a pack of refined sugar.


  • Tablecloth and paper napkins (2-3 per guest). Some people need napkins or towels for their laps to avoid getting dirty (keep 1 on hand per guest in case they ask).
  • Dinner and dessert plates for cake, cups, glasses for compote or mineral water, glasses for wine, forks, tea spoons - 1 in total according to the number of guests; tablespoons - 1 in each dish that needs to be served, a knife and a cake slicer.

Cooking procedure

In fact, you only have to prepare 6 dishes (or 7, if you want to pickle the cucumbers yourself in a bag, it’s quick). Everything else is already ready (home canned or bought in a store) and needs to be cut or simply laid out.

You can prepare in advance (the day before the holiday):

  • Red fish (clean and salt);
  • Cutlets;
  • Cake (you can do it on the day of the celebration, it’s quick. Or you can prepare the cream in advance and assemble the cake 1 hour before the guests arrive so that the butter has time to harden);
  • Boil vegetables in their uniforms (Olivier) and eggs (Olivier and tartlets).

On the day of the holiday

  • Thighs (salt, place on a baking sheet, grease with mayonnaise and remove when baked) = you can put in the oven 1-1.5 hours before guests arrive;
  • Boil the potatoes - peel them in advance and put on the fire 1-1.5 hours before the guests arrive (at the same time as the thighs);
  • Cut the Olivier salad (you can not dress it, but cover it and put it in the refrigerator. And season it with mayonnaise just before serving).
  • Make a fish salad and set aside the fish tails for the tartlets (also put them in the refrigerator for now, and transfer them to the tartlets 10-15 minutes before guests arrive).

If guests come, for example, for lunch (2 p.m.), then you need to start at 10-11. Make salads, peel potatoes, assemble a cake (if you haven’t prepared it in advance).

Use small meringues to scoop out the cream and add a new layer of cake.
Place a second layer of meringue (coated with cream) on the first layer.
Quick cake Count's ruins from purchased bezes

The meringue crumbles on the plate. How delicious!

Thighs baked in mayonnaise

Approximately 1.5 hours in advance, let the potatoes and chicken cook. While everything is boiling and baking, chop the sausage, meat, cheese and bread (cover everything with napkins or cling film), lay out the pickles, and towards the end, heat the cutlets. At the same time, you can cover the tablecloth and set the table. In 10-15 minutes:

  • Place the sprat salad among tartlets and stick the fish into them;
  • Season Olivier with mayonnaise;
  • Place the prepared thighs on a dish, and the heated cutlets on another (you can also use cold ones. It’s also delicious);
  • Place the prepared potatoes and pour the thigh sauce over them;
  • Pour compote or juice into a jug or carafe;
  • Remove the napkins from the sliced ​​food and bread, check that all dishes have spoons for serving, and that there are enough cutlery and napkins for all of them;
  • Wash the tangerines;
  • Meet all the guests and eat!

Enjoy your meal! And have a great holiday!

Festive table with chicken, cutlets, Olivier, lightly salted red fish, tartlets with sprat pate, pickled tomatoes, sausage and potatoes

If necessary, here are the recipes for preparing these recipes for 4-6 people (there is food left over, 8 will also get enough):

Holiday shopping list

Bread and pastries

  • Black bread – 0.5-1 loaf;
  • Loaf – 0.5-1 pieces;
  • Tartlets – 16 pieces (with reserve);
  • Meringue (meringue cookies, small meringues) – 300-350 g;

Meat, fish, sausage

  • Thighs - 12-16 pieces (per 1 baking sheet, depending on size);
  • Minced chicken (or pork-beef, pork, minced turkey) – 1.8-2 kg;
  • Red fish (chum salmon, coho salmon, pink salmon, or other good one) – 1 large fish;
  • Boiled sausage – 300-400 g in Olivier;
  • Smoked sausage (0.5-1 stick), neck, bacon, brisket - optional (according to packaging);

Cheese, butter, eggs, mayonnaise

  • Cheese – 1 piece (for slicing, optional);
  • Chicken eggs - 10-16 pieces (in 2 salads and in minced meat, if you want);
  • Mayonnaise – 1 large package (or 1 medium and 1 home-started);
  • Butter – 360-400 g;
  • Vegetable oil for frying – 0.5 bottles (for cutlets and lightly salted fish);

Canned food

  • Sprats - 2 cans of 180-200 g;
  • Green peas – 0.5-1 can;
  • Tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, olives, canned – optional, if you don’t have homemade preparations, 1-2 cans.

Vegetables, fruits, nuts

  • Potatoes – 3-5 kg ​​(for a side dish and in Olivier);
  • Carrots – 1 medium (in Olivier);
  • Pickled cucumber - 1 (in Olivier), but more is possible - on the table;
  • Fresh cucumber (for lightly salted) – 1 kg;
  • Onions – 2-3 heads;
  • Garlic – 1 head (less can be done if you have a head at home);
  • Greens, 1 bunch each: green onions (if not, we’ll make do with the ones we have), dill, maybe parsley and basil;
  • Walnuts for the cake (shelled) – 100-200 g (not necessary, but it tastes better with them);
  • Tangerines – 2 kg or apples, oranges, persimmons (if they don’t fall apart and you don’t crush them with other purchases) number of pieces – according to the number of guests (+2-6 spare), 2 bunches of grapes;
  • Bananas – 2-3 pieces (for the cake, but you can make the cream without them);
  • Lemon – 2 (for lightly salted fish, for thighs and for tea or cognac);

Spices, semolina, salt-sugar, whose-coffee

  • Dried basil – 1 bag;
  • Ground black or allspice pepper (whatever you like, optional) – a small bag;
  • Semolina (can be rolled oats, rice flakes or 2 slices of bread) – 0.5 cups per minced meat, if purchased, then 0.5-1 kg;
  • Salt;
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg of granulated sugar (in a sugar bowl, for lightly salted fish and 1 cup in cream, if there is no powdered sugar). You can buy 1 pack of refined sugar for the sugar bowl, if you want.
  • Powdered sugar for cake – 1 cup (this is a small package of 200 g);
  • Tea – 1 pack;
  • Coffee – 1 can;

Drinks, napkins

  • Juice (if there is no homemade compote) – 3 liters;
  • Mineral water – 2 bottles of 1.5 l;
  • Wine and other alcoholic drinks - at your discretion;
  • Napkins - packaging;
  • Toilet paper - packaging (you can + a roll of paper towels, it’s convenient to wipe your hands when preparing);
  • Paper tablecloth (if you don’t have a regular one at home).

A difficult question for most housewives: what to cook for the holiday table? After all, you want the dish to be not only tasty and beautiful, but also new and original. The best recipes for such treats are collected below.

The choice of unusual snacks for the holiday table is huge. Among all the existing recipes, every cook will find one that is ideal for themselves.

Pancake bags with chicken and champignons


  • pancakes – 10 pcs. ready;
  • chicken fillet – 300 – 350 g;
  • peeled mushrooms – 0.2 kg;
  • grated cheese - a glass;
  • sour cream/classic mayonnaise - to taste;
  • butter;
  • salt, spices and smoked cheese braid for tying the bags.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Chop the onions and mushrooms into smaller pieces and fry them in butter.
  2. Boil the meat, cut into small pieces. Send for frying.
  3. Add sour cream/mayonnaise into the pan. Salt and add spices. Simmer for a couple of minutes.
  4. Grate the cheese.
  5. Spread the filling from the frying pan over the pancakes. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  6. Tie delicious bags with strips of smoked cheese.

Before serving, warm the appetizer in the microwave.



  • boiled eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • cheese and ham – 100 – 150 g each;
  • cherry – 12 – 14 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumbers – 2 – 3 pcs.;
  • fresh herbs – 1 bunch;
  • homemade mayonnaise and salt.


  1. Grind eggs, cheese, ham with a grater. Add salt as needed.
  2. Add mayonnaise, mix everything.
  3. Make “mushroom” legs from the mixture. Place each on a slice of fresh cucumber and place the preparations on a plate covered with chopped herbs.
  4. Make hats from cherry tomatoes and drops of mayonnaise.

Cool the treat and serve to guests.

Crab roll


  • thin pita bread – 2 pcs.;
  • boiled eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • processed and hard cheese – 150 g each;
  • garlic – 5 teeth;
  • greens – 1 bunch;
  • mayonnaise, salt.


  1. Finely grate boiled eggs, two types of cheese and garlic. Toss with mayonnaise and chopped herbs. Add salt if desired.
  2. Divide the resulting filling into two portions.
  3. Coat two pita breads with it in turn. Place them on top of each other and roll them up.

Cool the appetizer, covering it with film, then cut into portions.

What salads to prepare for the holiday

When it comes to holiday salad recipes, it’s best to choose those that don’t contain quickly perishable or soggy ingredients. If the appetizer contains crackers, then it is better to serve them separately with the dish.

With meat and crackers


  • any boiled meat – half a kilo;
  • Chinese cabbage – half a kilo;
  • cucumbers (fresh) – 4 pcs.;
  • peeled champignons – half a kilo;
  • dry garlic and yesterday's white bread - for crackers;
  • oil;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • mayonnaise sauce and salt.


  1. Wash the lettuce leaves and place them on a beautiful dish.
  2. Place the boiled meat, cut into thick strips, into a separate bowl. Chicken and pork are best suited for this appetizer.
  3. Add finely shredded cabbage to the meat.
  4. Finely chop the mushrooms and fry them in oil until lightly browned.
  5. Then use the remaining fat to lightly brown the diced yesterday's bread. Sprinkle it with dry garlic during the process.
  6. Chop fresh cucumbers into cubes.
  7. Mix all prepared products. Add salt. Top with sauce.

Place them on a plate with lettuce leaves.



  • chicken fillet – 250 – 280 g;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • raw potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - optional;
  • bow arrows – 3 – 4 feathers;
  • hard cheese – 50 – 70 g;
  • salt, mayonnaise sauce;
  • high quality vegetable oil.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Boil the chicken until fully cooked. Cool it directly in the broth for greater juiciness of the meat. Cut into small arbitrary pieces.
  2. Mix the chicken with tomato slices, grated cheese and chopped cucumber in the same way. Season everything with salted sauce mixed with crushed garlic.
  3. Place the mixture onto a flat plate in a heap.
  4. Cut the potatoes into very thin long strips. Fry the product in small portions in hot oil until golden brown and crispy.
  5. Cover the pile of salad with potato strips.

Complete the appetizer with finely chopped green onions.



  • hunting sausages – 250 – 300 g;
  • red salad pepper – 1 pc. (large);
  • fresh strong cucumber – 1 – 2 pcs.;
  • canned corn grains – 1 tbsp.;
  • red onion - 1 head;
  • boiled eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise sauce – ½ tbsp.;
  • French mustard – 1 dessert spoon;
  • salt and spices.


  1. Cut the sausages into slices.
  2. Chop all vegetables and eggs into cubes. Drain liquid from corn.
  3. Mix all.
  4. Season the salad with a mixture of sauce, mustard, salt and spices.

Serve with rye toast.

Holiday sandwiches: recipes

To ensure that the sandwiches on the holiday table are tasty and crispy, they should be prepared just before serving. You can make the filling in advance and apply it to the bread before your guests arrive.

With crab sticks and dill


  • loaf – 1 fresh;
  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • dill – 5 – 6 sprigs;
  • crab sticks – 1 medium package;
  • grated processed cheese – ½ tbsp.;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • mayonnaise sauce and salt.


  1. Chop the fresh cucumber very finely. Also chop the crab sticks.
  2. Add grated cheese to the ingredients. To grind it easily and quickly, the product must first be frozen.
  3. Finely chop the dill. Pour into the base of the future salad.
  4. Season the mixture with sauce. Add salt to taste.
  5. Lightly fry thin slices of white bread in butter.
  6. Cover the pieces with the spread.

Serve the sandwiches immediately.

With sprats


  • baguette – 6 pieces;
  • sprats in oil – 6 pcs. (large);
  • boiled egg – 1 pc.;
  • fresh cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise – 3 dessert spoons;
  • lettuce leaves - 1 bunch;
  • salt, spices - optional.


  1. Immediately cover a large flat plate with lettuce leaves.
  2. Cut each loaf slice into halves. Dry them in a frying pan and coat with mayonnaise.
  3. Place them on the salad and sprinkle with finely grated boiled egg.
  4. Add fish to each serving.
  5. Cut the cucumbers into thin slices and use toothpicks to secure them to the bases of the sandwiches in the form of sails.

Serve the appetizer without refrigerating it first.

Canapés on skewers for the festive table

Appetizing canapés on skewers can be either a budget snack or a real delicacy. It all depends on the filling chosen for them.

With red fish and black caviar


  • white bread – ½ loaf;
  • butter (softened) – ½ pack;
  • lightly salted trout/salmon – 200 – 250 g;
  • black caviar – 50 – 70 g;
  • fresh parsley - to taste.


  1. Cut round pieces from white bread.
  2. Coat each with softened butter.
  3. Add a portion of black caviar.
  4. Finely chop the fish and roll it into a sail. Secure to the bread with skewers.

Garnish the finished canapés with fresh parsley.

With dry-cured sausage


  • baguette – 200 g;
  • dry-cured sausage (sliced) – 80 – 100 g;
  • large fresh cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • small tomatoes – 2 – 3 pcs.;
  • toast cheese – 50 g;
  • pitted olives – 10 pcs.


  1. Cut the baguette into portions and lightly dry in the oven.
  2. Decorate the cucumber into thin slices, and the tomatoes into plastic slices. Olives - in halves.
  3. Place toasted cheese on the cooled croutons, one slice for each. You can pre-coat the bread with mayonnaise or soft curd cheese.
  4. Next, distribute the tomato slices.
  5. First thread a piece of olive onto each skewer, then a cucumber slice in waves and thin pieces of dry-cured sausage.
  6. Stick the pieces into the croutons.

Serve the resulting canapés on a beautiful plate.

New meat dishes

Meat dishes will be a must on the holiday table. They should be served soon after the start of the feast, when guests have had time to try the appetizers, hot.

Liver tubes with filling


  • chicken liver – half a kilo;
  • beef liver – 400 g;
  • boiled eggs – 10 pcs.;
  • raw eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • carrots – 10 pcs.;
  • milk - half a liter;
  • flour – 1/3 cup;
  • sour cream – 5 dessert spoons;
  • mayonnaise – 1/3 cup;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • salt and spices.


  1. Blend two types of liver with a blender. Add salt. Add spices.
  2. Pour well-beaten eggs and part of the milk into the liver mixture.
  3. Add flour. Whisk everything again until the lumps disappear and dilute with the remaining milk.
  4. Prepare 25 - 30 pancakes from the resulting mass.
  5. Fry onions with carrots. Add salt. Add half the sour cream.
  6. Mix the remaining sour cream with grated boiled eggs, mashed garlic and chopped cheese. Add salt and mayonnaise.
  7. Cover each pancake with cheese and egg mixture and fried vegetables in turn.

Serve this unusual meat dish hot with any side dish.

Meat balls


  • mixed minced meat - half a kilo;
  • yeast puff pastry - half a kilo;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • yolk – 1 pc.;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • milk – 2 dessert spoons;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Mix the minced meat with onion, garlic and mince again. Salt and add pepper.
  2. Carefully beat the mixture onto a horizontal surface.
  3. Roll out the dough and cut into thin strips.
  4. Form “balls” from the minced meat, cover them with strips of dough so that small gaps remain.
  5. Brush the pieces with a mixture of yolk and milk.

Bake the treat in the oven for 40 - 45 minutes at medium temperature until golden brown.

Original holiday side dishes

Instead of the usual rice and mashed potatoes, you should prepare something more interesting as a side dish for the holiday. It’s delicious to complement both of the dish options below with hot sauces.



  • raw potatoes – 1 kg;
  • hard cheese – 50 – 80 g;
  • chicken yolks – 2 pcs.;
  • nutmeg - on the tip of a spoon;
  • salt and pepper.


  1. Boil the potatoes in salted water until tender.
  2. Drain all the water, add nutmeg, pepper, grated cheese, yolk (1 pc.). Mix everything well.
  3. Using a pastry bag, pipe small roses onto a baking sheet lined with parchment.
  4. Brush the pieces with the remaining yolk.
  5. Bake in a very hot oven for 15 – 17 minutes.

Stuffed "Beijing"


  • Chinese cabbage - 1 fork;
  • medium fat cottage cheese – 300 – 350 g;
  • high-quality gelatin – 10 g;
  • drinking water – 60 ml;
  • colored salad peppers – 150 g;
  • fresh parsley – 10 g;
  • garlic, salt, pepper.


  1. Pour gelatin with water and leave to swell.
  2. Finely chop the parsley and garlic, mix with cottage cheese.
  3. Cut the lettuce peppers into miniature cubes. Add to cottage cheese. Salt and pepper everything.
  4. Dissolve the gelatin in the microwave and add to the filling.
  5. Divide the cabbage into leaves. Rinse and dry each one.
  6. Take 2 leaves, fill them with filling and connect them together.
  7. Wrap each piece in film and place it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

This unusual side dish is served chilled with meat or fish.

Lenten table menu

A Lenten holiday table can also be appetizing and tasty. True, the recipes in it will be simpler.

Casserole with potatoes and mushrooms


  • raw potatoes – 1.5 kg;
  • peeled fresh mushrooms – half a kilo;
  • onion – 2 heads;
  • tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • lean mayonnaise, vegetable oil and salt.


  1. Completely boil the peeled potatoes. Puree with remaining cooking water. Add salt. You can add spices.
  2. Roughly chop the onion and mushrooms and fry in oil. Add salt. Beat with a blender.
  3. Place 1/3 of the puree into the prepared glass pan. Cover with frying and another 1/3 puree.
  4. Next, add thinly sliced ​​tomatoes.
  5. Cover everything with the remaining potatoes and lean mayonnaise.

Bake the dish at 170 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Lenten cabbage rolls


  • white cabbage – 1 head;
  • white rice – ½ cup;
  • carrots and onions – 1 pc.;
  • ketchup – 5 dessert spoons;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • mushrooms – 1 tbsp.;
  • oil, salt, pepper.


  1. Disassemble the cabbage into leaves. Wash each and cook in boiling water for 3 minutes until softened. Cut off the thickenings from them.
  2. Rinse the rice and cook for 7 minutes.
  3. Also pre-boil wild mushrooms. Champignons - just finely chop.
  4. Remove the skins from the tomatoes and chop finely.
  5. Mash the garlic.
  6. Fry chopped onions and carrots in oil until golden brown. Add mushrooms. Cook the mixture for another 7 - 8 minutes.
  7. Mix the frying with tomatoes, rice, garlic. Salt and pepper.
  8. Stuff the mixture with cabbage leaves. Roll them tightly and fry in hot oil for a couple of minutes.
  9. Pour the cabbage rolls in a frying pan with a small amount of water and ketchup and simmer the treat over low heat for a little over an hour.

Lenten "Olivier"


  • boiled potatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • boiled carrots – 3 pcs.;
  • canned peas - 1 tbsp.;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • sour barrel cucumbers – 3 pcs.;
  • pickled seaweed – 100 – 150 g;
  • lean mayonnaise and salt.


  1. Chop all vegetables (boiled, fresh, and salted) into cubes.
  2. Drain liquid from peas. Cut the olives into slices.
  3. Cut the cabbage shorter.
  4. Mix all.

Season the prepared salad with salted lean mayonnaise.

The simplest but most delicious dishes

If you don’t have time to spend a long time fiddling around with decorating the festive table, you should choose the simplest dishes possible. All that remains is to take care of their interesting design, which can pleasantly surprise guests.

Baked mackerel


  • fish carcasses – 2 large;
  • garlic – 3 – 4 cloves;
  • ground paprika – 1 pinch;
  • Provençal herbs – 2 tsp;
  • butter and salt.


  1. Rinse and clean the fish. Leave the clean fillet on the skin-on halves. There should be no seeds left in it.
  2. Crush the garlic, mix with all seasonings and approximately 1/3 tbsp. any vegetable oil. Salt the mass. Rub the fish fillet with it and leave it like that for about 1 hour.
  3. Place the prepared mackerel on a baking sheet lined with parchment, skin side up.

Bake the fish for 15 - 17 minutes at 220 degrees.

Striped tomatoes


  • oblong shaped cherry – 12 pcs.;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • cheese – 100 – 150 g;
  • mayonnaise sauce and salt.


  1. Grate the cheese very finely and mix with mayonnaise, mashed garlic, and salt.
  2. Make two transverse horizontal cuts in each cherry. Fill them with filling.
  3. Stuff all the tomatoes this way.

Serve the resulting “bees” as a cold appetizer.

Salad with ham and pickled onions


  • pork ham – 200 – 250 g;
  • processed cheese – 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • pickled red onion – 150 g;
  • sour cream sauce and salt.


  1. Cut the cheese, tomatoes and ham into medium cubes.
  2. Mix everything, add the onion, squeezed from the marinade.
  3. Season the appetizer with sour cream sauce.

Add salt to taste and serve immediately to guests.

Interesting recipes for the holiday table

Experienced housewives can take on slightly more complicated recipes. Their dishes turn out to be very interesting, unusual and tasty.

Seltz with olives


  • chicken – 700 – 750 g;
  • purified water – 2 l;
  • green olives - ½ tbsp.;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • garlic – 1 tooth;
  • high-quality gelatin – 50 g;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Chop the chicken with bones into pieces and cook for 90 minutes. At the very end of cooking, add peeled carrots.
  2. Dilute gelatin in cold boiled water according to instructions. After a quarter of an hour, dissolve it in a water bath and mix with 1.5 tbsp. chicken broth. Add chopped garlic there. Add salt.
  3. Cut the boiled carrots and olives into small cubes. Mix with them small pieces of boiled meat removed from the bones.
  4. Pour the broth with gelatin over the filling components.
  5. Place the mixture into a beautiful form and refrigerate overnight.

Serve the finished brawn upside down, garnished with fresh herbs.

Mushroom zucchini roll


  • fresh zucchini – 2 pcs.;
  • peeled champignons – 450 g;
  • hard cheese – 150 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • flour – 1 tbsp.;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • garlic – 3 – 4 cloves;
  • baking powder – 10 g;
  • salt, pepper, oil.


  1. Peel the zucchini, grate coarsely and mix with crushed garlic. Add salt.
  2. Add yolks, grated onion.
  3. Sift flour and baking powder into mixture. Add the whites whipped until stiff. Spice up
  4. Distribute the resulting mixture onto an oiled baking sheet.
  5. Place in the oven preheated to 170 degrees. Bake for 35 – 45 minutes.
  6. Finely chop the mushrooms and fry until golden brown. Add sour cream and grated cheese.
  7. Coat the prepared zucchini cake with the mushroom mixture. Roll it up.

Cut the resulting dish into pieces and decorate to your liking.

Chicken muffins


  • chicken fillet – 1 pc.;
  • champignons – 5 pcs.;
  • smoked sausage – 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper – ½ pod;
  • pickled cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • olives – 9 pcs.;
  • green onion – 2 feathers;
  • cheese – 80 – 100 g;
  • sour cream and butter - optional;
  • salt, vegetable oil, spices.


  1. Finely chop the sausage, mushrooms, peppers. Fry until golden brown. You can use butter for this.
  2. Add pickled cucumber and olive cubes, as well as chopped green onions.
  3. Mix the products and season with sour cream.
  4. Pound the chicken fillet thinly. Coat with salt and spices. Cut pieces of it to fit the muffin tins.
  5. Line oiled containers with thin slices of meat.
  6. Spread the filling on top.
  7. Cover everything with cheese. You can spread a piece of butter on top for juiciness.

Bake hearty muffins for half an hour at 190 degrees.

What drinks to surprise your guests with?

The adult table will likely include both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Conventional store bottles can be replaced with unusual cocktails made with your own hands.

Orange drink without alcohol


  • purified water – 2 l;
  • juicy sweet orange – 2 pcs.;
  • mint – 4 – 5 sprigs;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • ice cubes.


  1. Place washed, dried mint, lightly mashed by hand, on the bottom of the decanter.
  2. Add pitted orange slices and sugar on top.
  3. Mash everything with a spoon.
  4. Fill the carafe ½ full with ice.
    1. Mix condensed milk and juice. Any other berry will do.
    2. Add vodka.
    3. Mix everything with a long coffee spoon.

    Pour the liqueur into a beautiful decanter or bottle. Cool.

    For the holiday table, it is better to prepare several interesting, tasty dishes at once, but in small portions. In this case, each guest will be able to find something to their liking among them. Particular attention should be paid to snacks. There are never too many of them on the holiday table.

An article about how to prepare inexpensive dishes for the holiday table. You will find several recipes in the text.

Saving is common, necessary and widespread. But it’s not easy, because there are many temptations around to spend money “for other purposes,” and prices in stores do not always please us... So where to save?

Holiday? This is some kind of complete waste! But nice

Our lives are full of “non-working days”. From the point of view of a thrifty person, these are the days when he does not earn money, but spends a lot of money. Let's try to find recipes on how to bypass wasteful traditions, but so that the holiday remains a holiday!

Principles of economical feasting

What are the principles of saving? How to organize a festive table inexpensively and deliciously, with recipes that would be accessible to any housewife?

1. The main thing is to shift the emphasis of the evening from food towards humor and entertainment.

2. Avoid cafes and restaurants, celebrate holidays at home, with family or friends.

3. Prepare long-lasting products for the cherished day in advance - a week or two, or even a month, without waiting for the trade to congratulate you on the holiday with new prices.

4. Avoid delicacies - they are always expensive.

5. Focus on national cuisine - the cuisine of your mothers and grandmothers.

6.Use your imagination: an artistically decorated dish is twice as tasty. Proven by science!

7. Celebrating with friends? Cook together, with joy and laughter!

Principles for selecting products for the holiday table

Of course, the economical table rejects delicacies. The task is to try to turn the most ordinary foods and drinks into them. Agree in advance with your friends where you will celebrate, buy together, bring the food in advance, optimally two days before the start of cooking. Decide in advance who has artistic abilities and experience in decorating dishes.

1. Focus mainly on seasonal vegetables.

2.If it is winter or spring, then use a small amount of expensive vegetables (sweet peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers) only to decorate salads.

3. Buckwheat and rice are appropriate cereals on the holiday table, but you can refuse them in favor of potatoes, because the variety of dishes made from them is incredibly large!

4.Use mostly chicken or other meat, but with plenty of side dishes.

5. A very economical meat dish - jellied meat or jellied meat (jelly), because their main ingredient by weight is the same jelly, consisting of meat, broth (that is, practically water!) and gelatin.

6. Jelly is perfectly combined (decorated) with green peas, boiled carrots, and small pieces of sweet pepper. Everything you put into the jelly must be blanched!

7. A fairly universal meat dish is zrazy. Also on the festive table, liver dishes are appropriate - pates, liver “cake”. They will allow you to save on meat, because these are also almost “meat” dishes.

Recipes for inexpensive salads for the holiday table

Of course, “Herring under a fur coat”, “Mimosa” salad and “Olivier” salad are simply a must on an economical holiday table. Without the latter, it seems that holidays (especially New Year's!) are generally unthinkable. These inexpensive salads consist of the most common and inexpensive products. And you can even make mayonnaise for them yourself if you are an experienced housewife. Practice, but not before the holiday itself - then you won’t have time! However, these three salads will be lonely if you limit yourself to decorating an inexpensive holiday table only with them. An inexpensive table can be decorated with other salads.

Salad “Crystal Bird’s Nest”

This is both a salad and an appetizer at the same time. Base: any of your favorite salad with mayonnaise, preferably green vegetables - green onions, lettuce, etc. The salad must be prepared in advance, it must be placed on a large dish, and carefully decorated with “crystal eggs” on top, which will decorate it with both appearance and taste.

  • Ingredients and materials
  • Whole, without cracks, eggshells - 2 pieces per serving.
  • Strong meat broth - 40 ml per 1 eggshell
  • Gelatin 1 tablespoon for every 180 ml of broth.
  • For minced meat

Sweet corn, green sweet peas, boiled carrots, ham, pickled or fresh cucumber, sweet pepper - 1 tablespoon of mixture for each eggshell. You can replace it with a frozen vegetable mixture in the form of vegetable cubes, blanched before cooking, in the same quantity, adding cubes of boiled chicken meat.

  • Shell preparation

Take the required amount of raw eggs and wash them thoroughly. Very carefully, without breaking the shell, make a hole in it with a diameter of 1-1.5 centimeters from the blunt end. Carefully pour in the whites and yolks - they can be used for any other dishes. We will need a shell. Rinse the whole shells of each egg thoroughly with cold water and boil in boiling water for 5-10 minutes to disinfect.

  • Preparation of broth with gelatin

Carefully, through several layers of gauze, filter the pre-prepared transparent (and slightly salted) meat broth and set the gelatin to swell, which should be taken at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon for 1 cup of broth. Having prepared the broth with gelatin, cool it to a barely warm state and pour it into egg shells placed on a regular egg tray, but pour it so as to fill the egg no more than a third. To pour the broth into the shells, it is convenient to use a teapot with a long spout. After pouring, place the tray with shells in the cold.

  • Filling (minced meat)

Meanwhile, prepare the filling for the “crystal eggs”. Suitable: sweet corn, sweet peppers, cubes or slices of boiled meat (ham), cubes of hard pickled or fresh cucumber, cubes of boiled carrots, tender sprigs of dill up to 5 cm long, thin onion feathers several centimeters long, hard cheese cubes or omelette cubes from the same egg whites and yolks. The more bright colored pieces, the better. The cubes should be 1cm in size.

  • The final

After making sure that the broth in the shells has frozen, fill them to the top with the multi-colored ingredients you prepared and fill them with broth with gelatin. And - again in the cold (not in the freezer and not in the frost!), until completely frozen. After the gelatin hardens, peel the shells from the “crystal eggs” and artistically decorate the “nest” of the Crystal Bird with them!

Recipes for appetizers for the holiday table

White cabbage “chops”

An inexpensive dish suitable for any table.

  • Ingredients
  • White cabbage - 0.5 kg.
  • Egg - 2 pieces
  • Milk - 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Flour for breading.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Refined vegetable oil -1/3 cup.
  • Preparing cabbage

Cut a small head of cabbage into quarters, place in cold salted water, and place on low heat. Cook until tender, piercing occasionally to check with a fine-toothed fork. You can't digest it! Place the finished cabbage in a colander to cool. Disassemble into leaves, cutting off the hard part.

  • Preparation

Beat 2-3 eggs, lightly dilute with milk. Place a frying pan on the fire and pour in a little refined vegetable oil. Dip the cabbage in flour, then in the egg, repeating the cycle three times. The last one should be the egg. Place in a frying pan and fry until golden brown. Serve hot or warm. Option: between two leaves before breading, you can put the thinnest slice of any sharp cheese or even a thin slice of chopped pickled cucumber.

“Mushroom stump” made from mashed potatoes

  • Ingredients
  • Potatoes - 250 grams per serving.
  • Butter - 10g per serving.
  • Raw egg - 1 pc. for 1 kg of puree. If 1.5 kg of puree - 2 eggs, etc.
  • Rye bread or
  • crusts of toasted wheat bread for decoration - 1 cup per 1 kg of puree.

Marinated or freshly fried mushrooms, or fried minced meat - 200 grams for every 1 kg of mashed potatoes.

Salt, pepper, fried onion until golden brown - to taste.

  • Preparation

Preparing mashed potatoes

Boil the peeled potatoes until tender, drain the water, mash while the potatoes are hot, add butter to the mashed potatoes, mushroom seasoning to taste and a raw egg at the rate of 1 egg per 1 kg of mashed potatoes. Mash the puree thoroughly while it is hot.

Dish decoration

Place on a dish, form a stump, making its side surface a “coarse bark” and imitating it with crushed rye bread or crispy crushed wheat bread crusts. Generously and artistically decorate the top of the “stump” with whole pickled or fried mushrooms. Fried mushrooms can also be added to the puree before the “stump” is formed. Small pieces of well-fried meat or simply fried onions until golden brown are sometimes added to the puree for taste. The dish will remain inexpensive, because 70-80% of it consists of potatoes.

If you have any questions and want to receive a qualified answer to them, you can ask your questions in the comments or through the form.

Creating a menu for 15 people: recipes and preparation







And again a holiday! Good friends and relatives are invited home! About 15 people... Again, a luxurious feast is planned, which will be replete with tasty and satisfying dishes. But which ones? What to cook and what menu to choose if there is a banquet for 15 people? Tired of the standard Olivier salad, herring under a fur coat and mashed potatoes... I want something original. And at the same time, it is necessary that all dishes are not only tasty, if possible healthy, but also beautiful. Therefore, let’s highlight the basic principles and recipes for a good modern menu:

  • dishes must be tested by experience;
  • Quite simple and not very long to prepare;
  • look aesthetically pleasing (served beautifully decorated);
  • be universal (suitable for both adults and children).

So, let's put together an approximate holiday menu for 15 people. Let's look at six sections: appetizers, salads, hot dishes, side dishes, drinks, desserts. Let's start with the appetizers.


1). 101 canapes

Of course, the point is not to prepare 101 pieces of canapés (usually placed on skewers). It’s just that this recipe is so versatile that at every new feast you can surprise your guests with one such dish again and again.

The basis for the canapés will be:

  • cracker,
  • baked puff pastry slices,
  • hard cheese;
  • white, black, gray bread, cut into shaped slices (for example, triangles, diamonds, circles - using a glass);
  • toast;
  • ready-made baskets of unleavened dough.

Filling for canapes (can be combined to taste):

  • salted cottage cheese, butter, feta cheese, curd cheese;
  • salted red fish, herring;
  • red, black caviar;
  • shrimp, mussels;
  • ham, boiled pork, boiled meat, sausage;
  • hard cheese;
  • boiled eggs (chicken or quail)

Decoration for canapes:

  • greens (lettuce, parsley, cilantro, spinach, dill, etc.);
  • slices of lemon, lime, tangerine, kiwi;
  • olives;
  • grape;
  • cherry tomato halves;
  • slices of radish, cucumber;
  • cumin, coriander, sesame seeds;
  • other.

As an option, you can serve small lavash rolls. They look just as elegant and appetizing as regular ones. For example, on a sheet of pita bread greased with cream cheese, place cucumber slices, lettuce leaves and salmon slices sprinkled with lemon. Roll up the roll and place in the refrigerator for an hour. Before serving, cut into small pieces.

  1. Cheese roll with pistachios and chicken

A very tasty dish of medium complexity. It’s worth working on it, because the result will certainly delight your guests with excellent taste.


  • 700 g “Russian” cheese;
  • 100 g peeled pistachios;
  • 400 g cottage cheese;
  • 1 PC. yellow sweet pepper;
  • 500 g chicken fillet;
  • 4 tbsp canned corn;
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp curry powder;
  • parsley;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking process:

    1. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and place it on a baking sheet on parchment (distribute evenly). Place in a preheated room at 90 degrees. oven for 10 minutes (until the cheese is completely melted). Remove and let the cheese mixture cool;
    2. Pour hot salted water over the chicken fillet and cook until tender (about 25 minutes);
    3. Place the paper with the cheese mixture on a work surface and roll it out with a rolling pin, covering with a second sheet of parchment paper. Form a rectangle;
    4. Cut the cooled boiled chicken fillet into strips, season with pepper and curry;
    5. Cut the sweet pepper into cubes, chop the pistachios with a knife;
    6. Mix cottage cheese with pistachios, sweet peppers, parsley and corn. Salt the mixture to taste;
    7. Place the prepared filling on the cheese layer and distribute evenly. Roll up the roll and wrap it in food foil. Place in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours;
    8. Cut into slices and place beautifully on a plate.
  1. Antipasti – puff pastries with olives

Bring a little Italian spirit to your holiday feast. Antipasti is what the Italians call a warm-up dish before the main course. That is, just snacks. This recipe will surprise you with its simplicity, and the dish prepared according to it will delight guests with a spicy, rich taste.


  • 1 package of yeast-free puff pastry;
  • 2 jars of pitted black olives (or olives, depending on your preference; they make the appetizer more salty);
  • 200 g sausages;
  • greens (for decoration).

Attention: To prepare such a snack you will need long wooden skewers. They should first be soaked in water overnight!

Cooking process:

  1. Roll out the dough and carefully cut into strips no more than 1 cm wide.
  2. Thread the olives onto a skewer alternately with pieces of sausage;
  3. Take two strips of dough and secure them at the base of the skewer on the outermost olive. Carefully pack olives and sausage slices with dough, crossing the strips as shown in the picture.
  4. Place the cooked kebabs on a prepared baking sheet and place in a preheated oven at 200 degrees. oven for about 15-20 minutes (before baking the dough strips).


  1. Snack bar

Snack salads are very easy to prepare, but no less tasty. This salad will be a great addition to other holiday dishes. Served with both olive oil and mayonnaise (optional).


  • 600 g ham;
  • 8 pcs. chicken eggs;
  • 4 things. tomato;
  • 600 g of Chinese cabbage;
  • 400 g canned corn;
  • 5-6 tbsp. olive oil (can be replaced with mayonnaise if desired).
  • salt, pepper (to taste).

Cooking process:

  1. Boil hard-boiled eggs. Grind gently;
  2. Cut the ham into strips;
  3. Chop Chinese cabbage into small pieces;
  4. Wash and cut the tomatoes into pieces;
  5. Cook canned corn by draining it;
  6. Mix all ingredients, salt and pepper the base, season with oil or mayonnaise.

    Salad cocktail “Glamour”

This salad, first of all, will surprise guests with its presentation. And it is served in portions - in glasses with beautifully laid layers. In addition, the dish will delight you with its exquisite taste, despite the very simple set of ingredients.


  • 500 g shrimp;
  • 4 things. medium apples;
  • 2-3 pcs. medium carrots;
  • 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 2-3 pcs. cucumber;
  • a small bunch of parsley;
  • 7 tbsp light mayonnaise;
  • salt (to taste).

Cooking process:

    1. Boil the peeled shrimp in salted water (no more than 3 minutes). Drain in a colander. Cool;
    2. Wash, peel and grate the apples, sprinkle them with lemon juice;
    3. Wash the cucumbers and carrots, peel them and grate them (preferably on a grater for Korean carrots). As an option, carrots can be pre-fried in vegetable oil;
    4. Place cucumbers, carrots, and apples in layers in bowls or wine glasses. Grease all layers with mayonnaise;
    5. Place shrimp in the top layer (small ones do not require chopping, large ones can be cut into 3-4 pieces);
    6. Decorate the salad with herbs and cool slightly.
  1. Salad "Watermelon slice"

A very elegant, hearty salad will effectively decorate the holiday table. It is based on simple, affordable products. And the main “trick” is in the design. If we are talking about a holiday menu for 15 people, it is better to prepare two separate servings of salad - let two bright slices of watermelon flaunt on the table.

Ingredients for 2 individual servings:

For the base:

  • 1 kg chicken fillet;
  • 2 jars of pickled champignons;
  • 2 pcs. medium carrots;
  • 14 pcs. chicken eggs;
  • 600 g cheese;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt (to taste).

For decoration (top layer):

  • 3 pcs. cucumber;
  • 5 pieces. tomato;
  • 8-9 olives.

Cooking process:

    1. Cool the chicken boiled in salted water and chop finely;
    2. Boil eggs and carrots and chop into small cubes;
    3. Cut the champignons into small pieces;
    4. Grate the cheese on a fine grater;
    5. Prepare the salad base by mixing chopped chicken, carrots, eggs, cheese (leave a little grated cheese for decoration). Season the entire mixture with mayonnaise and salt to taste;
    6. Place the prepared base on a wide dish, forming an impromptu slice of watermelon;
    7. Finely chop fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.
    8. Decorate the outer side of the slice with cucumbers (in the shape of a crescent), and the inner side with tomatoes. Place grains from chopped olives on the tomato part.


  1. Mushroom julienne

The dish is not very difficult to prepare and does not take very long, but it is one of the favorite dishes of most of us. The only inconvenience of its preparation is the need to have a sufficient number of cocotte makers (small portioned ladles). In our case, we will need 15 of these.


  • 900 g champignons;
  • 900 g chicken fillet:
  • 5 pieces. large bulbs;
  • 750 g sour cream;
  • 450 g hard cheese;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 6 tbsp. flour;
  • vegetable oil (for frying);
  • salt, pepper (to taste).

Cooking process:

    1. Cut well-washed, dried mushrooms into thin slices and fry in vegetable oil, drain;
    2. Beat the chicken fillet, cut it, fry in a frying pan until half cooked (without forming a golden brown crust);
    3. Fry finely chopped onion until golden brown;
    4. Prepare a sauce from sour cream, flour and butter (mix the mixture thoroughly);
    5. Place all ingredients in a frying pan, add sauce, salt, pepper and simmer over low heat until the liquid evaporates;
    6. Grate the cheese on a medium grater;
    7. Place the prepared mixture in cocotte makers, cover with cheese shavings and place in a preheated oven for 15 minutes.

Meatloaf “Two in one”

An excellent meat dish - very filling and tasty. A real gastronomic feast, especially for meat-eating gourmets.


  • 1.4 kg ground beef;
  • 700 g bacon;
  • 1 tbsp. chopped onion;
  • 2/3 cup barbecue sauce (homemade or store-bought);
  • 24 pcs. crackers;
  • 2 pcs. chicken eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. mustard;
  • 2 tsp chili powder;
  • salt, pepper (to taste).

Cooking process

    1. Prepare the minced meat, add finely chopped onions;
    2. Season the mixture with barbecue sauce to taste;
    3. Add mustard and all seasonings and spices;
    4. Break the eggs into the meat mass, add crushed crackers (breadcrumbs or dried loaf crumbs). Everything is good, mix thoroughly;

    1. Lay out the bacon slices and distribute the seasoned minced meat evenly in the center. Wrap the bacon slices into a roll. Place the resulting roll (or several rolls) on a baking sheet lined with foil or parchment paper (seam side down);
    2. Once prepared for baking, brush the roll with a little barbecue sauce;
    3. Place the dish in the oven preheated to 175 degrees. Bake for about an hour;
    4. The finished roll should be allowed to cool slightly and cut into portions.

  1. Poultry (chicken) with oranges in the oven.

This recipe is universal. It can be used to cook not only chicken, but also other poultry. This dish turns out juicy, aromatic, very tasty. And it looks great on the holiday table.


  • 1 large chicken (or other poultry to taste);
  • 400-500 g oranges (sweet and thin-skinned);
  • 5 tooth garlic;
  • salt, herbs, honey and mustard to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Rub the prepared chicken carcass with a mixture of seasonings, spices and salt, coat with honey;
  2. Wash the oranges, rinse with boiling water and then with cold water;
  3. Peel the garlic, cut each clove in half lengthwise;

  1. Place the carcass back down on the prepared baking sheet. Make a pocket on the back side (separating the skin from the meat using your hand). Place orange slices in it. In a similar way, make a pocket from the bottom of the carcass (from the back) and also chop it with orange slices;
  2. Fill the inner cavity with chopped garlic and oranges;
  3. Use kitchen twine or strong thick thread to tie the legs of the bird and cover the outside of the carcass with the remaining orange slices;
  4. Send the chicken to preheated to 180 degrees. oven, bake for about 2 hours, periodically basting with the released juice. The finished chicken should have a golden crust, and when pierced, the liquid coming out of it should be clear.


This stuffed bird can also be cooked in a roasting pan. Only then should the sleeve be opened slightly to form a crust about 20 minutes before it is ready.


  1. Potatoes Normandy style

A tasty and, importantly, very beautiful dish. This side dish will brighten up a festive feast and will definitely please your guests.


  • 15 large potatoes;
  • 200 g hard cheese;
  • 5 pieces. egg yolks;
  • 5 tbsp. sour cream.

Cooking process:

  1. Bake well-washed potatoes in the oven until done (you can check doneness with a toothpick);
  2. Cut each potato in half lengthwise and scoop out the flesh with a spoon;
  3. Mash the potatoes with a fork, adding sour cream, yolks and salt. Mix everything well;
  4. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and add to the potato mixture;
  5. Fill the potato halves with the prepared mixture, apply a design on top using a pastry press with the desired attachment (or simply lay it out beautifully with a fork). Place in preheated to 250 degrees. oven, bake until golden brown.

  1. Rice with nuts and raisins

This side dish goes well with both fish and meat. And it is prepared quite simply and quickly. For 15 small servings you will need:

  • 3 cups rice;
  • 2 small onions;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 7 tbsp raisins;
  • 300 almonds or walnuts;
  • 200 g butter (vegetable or butter);
  • greenery;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking process

    1. Melt a few tablespoons of butter in a large frying pan or cauldron, fry finely chopped onion until transparent, add garlic;
    2. Add rice, mixing well with the toasted mixture. Fry it for a few minutes;
    3. Pour in 6 glasses of water, adding salt and bringing everything to a boil. Reduce heat, leaving the mixture to simmer for 20-30 minutes (until all the water is absorbed);
    4. In a separate frying pan, melt a little butter and fry raisins, parsley, and chopped nuts. Season the rice with the prepared mixture.

  1. Garlic lasagna "Ajada"

This is a very unconventional type of lasagna, for which the sauce is very important. It is this that gives the dish the necessary piquancy and richness. The dish is quick and easy to prepare, and will be more than appropriate on a holiday table.


  • 3 packs of lasagna;
  • 300 ml olive oil;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 300 g Parmesan cheese;
  • 500 g walnuts;
  • 9 cloves of garlic;
  • 300 g breadcrumbs.

Cooking process:

  1. Place the nuts in boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain the water, peel the nuts and chop them, mixing with garlic and breadcrumbs (you should get a coarse paste);
  2. Add olive oil, continuing to beat the mixture. You should get a homogeneous sauce. Add salt and pepper to taste;
  3. Boil the lasagna sheets in water until half cooked (do not drain the water). Prepare baking dishes by greasing them with butter (for this amount of dish you will need at least two forms). Lay out a sheet of lasagna, pour a little sauce on it, season with butter and sprinkle with grated Parmesan. Repeat the process with all the lasagna sheets. Top layer – sauce and parmesan;
  4. Pour the pasta cooking water (a small amount) around the perimeter of the puff paste onto a baking sheet;
  5. Place in the oven for 15 minutes.


  1. Homemade lemonade

Fresh, tasty and absolutely not harmful (unlike store-bought analogues) the drink will harmoniously complement the picture of festive dishes. And it couldn’t be easier to prepare!


  • 3 liters of sparkling water;
  • 2 glasses of plain water;
  • 2 cups freshly squeezed lemon juice (about 10 lemons);
  • 2 cups sugar.

Cooking process:

    1. Pour all the sugar into a saucepan with water, heat the mixture over low heat, stirring until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. Cool the syrup;
    2. Add the prepared lemon juice to the syrup, strain the liquid;
    3. Add soda before serving. Its quantity should be adjusted to your taste.
  1. Ginger drink.

With this drink you will wish your guests good health. And you will greatly delight those who are worried about their figure - after all, ginger is one of the first on the list of products for weight loss! And how useful this spice is! Ginger contains 1-3% essential oils and many amino acids, minerals, and vitamins.


4 tbsp grated ginger;

1 PC. lemon;

4 tbsp honey

Cooking process:

  • Boil water with chopped lemon zest in a saucepan;
  • Grate the ginger on a fine grater and add to the prepared syrup;
  • Cool the drink a little, flavor with honey and lemon juice.
  • If desired, the taste can be adjusted by adding additional granulated sugar.
  1. Non-alcoholic mulled wine with apples

A multi-component drink with an unforgettable taste. And also a powerful anti-cold remedy. Mulled wine is especially relevant in the cold season. Spend time and effort preparing it and your guests will be very grateful to you!


  • 6 tbsp. grape juice;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 1 PC. apple;
  • 4 tbsp lemon zest;
  • 4 tbsp orange zest;
  • 1 tsp carnations;
  • 2 tsp cinnamon;
  • 8 pcs. black peppercorns;
  • 4 tbsp raisins;
  • ginger, cardamom, sugar (to taste).

Cooking process:

  1. Pour water and juice into a saucepan, set it to simmer over low heat;
  2. Add lemon and orange zest, raisins;
  3. Peel the apple and cut into small cubes. Pour into liquid base;
  4. Season the drink with spices: allspice, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, cardamom. Stir and wait until the mulled wine is well heated. But! Do not bring to a boil! (it is important);
  5. Turn off the heat and cover the drink with a lid to infuse. Leave for 5 minutes.


  1. Cake "Rakhat"

It’s not enough to say that this cake is delicious! You just have to try it!


  • 6 pcs. egg whites;
  • 385 g granulated sugar;
  • 300 g peanuts;
  • 3 tbsp. flour or starch;
  • 50 g water;
  • 2 tbsp. condensed milk;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 2-3 tbsp. apple jam;
  • 1 tsp cocoa powder;
  • vanillin.

Cooking process:

1. Heat in a frying pan and peel the nuts. Grind them in a blender;

  1. It is necessary to separately make three servings of protein-nut butter for three tortillas. For one flatbread, take 2 egg whites, beat them into a strong foam, adding a little sugar at a time;
  2. 4 tbsp mix peanuts with 1 tbsp. flour or starch. Gently add this mixture to the beaten egg whites, stirring from top to bottom;
  3. Place the resulting mass on a baking sheet, level it to a thickness of 5-7 mm (in the shape of a circle - approximate diameter about 20 cm);
  4. Bake at 160 degrees. about 2 hours (you need to make sure that the cake does not dry out, but does not remain wet);
  5. Bake three cakes in this manner. It is advisable to let them sit for 12 hours;
  6. Prepare buttercream. First, cook the milk-sugar syrup - add 85 g of sugar to 50 g of boiling water, after boiling, add condensed milk and bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Cool the syrup;
  7. Beat the butter, softening it first. Add the prepared chilled sugar syrup into it in a thin stream, add vanillin. You should get an airy, light cream that does not separate.
  8. Paint over 1/3 of the cream with cocoa;
  9. Assemble the cake: grease the bottom cake with unpainted buttercream, the second cake with apple jam, and the top with chocolate cream.
  10. The sides of the cake can be carefully trimmed (note that the base is very fragile). And after coating, sprinkle with nuts. Decorate the top with butter cream.
  1. Mini charlotte with pear (portioned)

Portioned dessert is very convenient for a large company and fits perfectly into a holiday menu for 15 people. You can prepare exactly 15 servings or with a small margin. The proposed mini-rolls are prepared quite simply, look very elegant, and delight with a delicate taste. The recipe makes 16 servings.


  • 15 small pears;
  • 6 tbsp. flour;
  • 12 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 12 pcs. eggs;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 9 tsp baking powder;
  • 5 tbsp. breadcrumbs;
  • powdered sugar for dusting.

Cooking process:

  1. Divide 4 eggs into whites and yolks. Whisk the yolks and remaining eggs together with the sugar;
  2. Add sour cream to the resulting mass, pour flour and baking powder through a sieve, mix;
  3. Prepare the molds - grease with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs;
  4. Pour the dough into the molds. Place a pear in each;
  5. Send it heated to 180 degrees. oven for 30-40 minutes. After cooking, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  1. Candies "Raffaello"

Delicate, elegant sweets will please every guest.


  • 120 ml heavy cream;
  • 150 g coconut flakes;
  • 50 almonds;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2 bars of white chocolate;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Melt the creamed chocolate in a water bath and bring the mixture to a boil;
  2. Cool the resulting mass to room temperature, add 30-45 g of coconut flakes, butter and a pinch of salt. Stir, refrigerate (if the base does not thicken, beat it with a mixer and refrigerate again);
  3. Form the candies by placing an almond nut in each and rolling coconut shavings on top. Store sweets in the refrigerator.

And finally, here are some tips that will help you organize a festive feast correctly:

Tip #1: When creating a menu, choose different options for dishes - with fish, with meat, with mushrooms. This way you will prevent a situation when one of the guests for some reason does not eat one of the listed products. For example, if your friend doesn’t like fish, let her treat herself to meat. And if you are fasting, invite her to try the mushroom dish!

Tip #2: Some of the dishes should be instant snacks: sandwiches, cold cuts, etc.

Tip #3: It is advisable to have holiday food supplies at home. For example, preparations that, in case of a shortage of food at the table, can be quickly taken out and served as a separate dish. These can be stuffed tomatoes, lecho, salads and other preserves.

In fact, the banquet menu and step-by-step recipes for 15 people presented in the article are tested from your own experience, you can take it as an example and create your own version, which in principle is not so difficult. Modernity offers an immense variety of recipes! I would like to cook delicious homemade holiday food for my loved ones.
