Homemade dumplings: a very tasty step-by-step recipe from A to Z. The fastest way to make dumplings A quick way to make dumplings by hand

Every housewife is sensitive to the design of her culinary creation, because the appearance of the prepared dish is no less important than the taste. Making dumplings is a real haven for imagination and different methods are used for this. Find a helper or a helper - it’s more fun and faster to work in the kitchen together, or involve the whole family in making dumplings, like in the good old days.

Making dumplings the classic way

This method is the simplest and fastest, all housewives are familiar with it. Let's get started:

  • Roll out the dough with a rolling pin to an even layer about 3 mm thick. Sprinkle the table with flour first, otherwise the dough will stick to the surface. Turn the dough over several times while rolling;
  • Take a glass with thin walls or a shot glass. Cut out circles with a diameter of 4-5 mm from the rolled out dough;
  • place a teaspoon of minced meat in the middle of the circle;
  • Fold the circle of meat in half and bring the edges together. The crescent moon will appear;
  • connect the ends of the crescent and make a pinch with your fingers.

Repeat this process until you run out of mince and dough. Place the dumplings on a board sprinkled with flour to prevent sticking. If you are making a lot of dumplings with a lot of meat filling, brush the finished product with yolk or plain water to prevent the edges from coming apart.

Making dumplings using a dumpling maker

A dumpling maker will help you save time and get a beautiful product. All dumplings will come out the same.

  • Place the thinly rolled out layer of dough on top of a dumpling maker sprinkled with flour.
  • The dough layer should be larger than the dumplings.
  • Fill all the cells of the kitchen mold with minced meat.
  • Cover the minced meat with another rolled out layer of dough.
  • Take a rolling pin, press it tightly onto the dough and roll it over the dumpling maker.
  • Remove excess dough from the pan and turn it over a surface sprinkled with flour.
  • Carefully remove the dumplings with a light push of your finger and start cooking.

Making dumplings beautifully

Do you want to get a beautiful dumpling with an unusual shape? We offer interesting ways to sculpt them:

  • dumpling in the shape of a triangle. Cut a piece of dough into small portions. Roll out each piece thinly with a rolling pin. Place minced meat in the middle of the circle. Gather the three sides of the piece together and connect it in the center so that you get a triangle. If you want to make a square dumpling, connect the four corners together;
  • dumpling in the form of a pigtail. This method is used by Asians to make dumplings. Cut a large piece of dough into small portions and roll each into a circle. Place the minced meat in the middle and cover it with one free edge of a circle of dough for about a third of the minced meat. Work from the base and pinch the dough on both sides and seal in the center. Then you connect both free edges to each other.

Making dumplings with a small mold

Buy a special mold with a handle; you will use it to make each dumpling separately. Roll out the dough and use a glass or shot glass to make circles in it. Place the circle in a miniature mold and add the filling there. Close the doors of the kitchen appliance tightly and lightly press down the handles to tightly seal the edges of the dumpling.

But the mold has one drawback - the dough sticks on the outside to its flaps. Therefore, sprinkle one side of the dough circle with flour, and leave the other side clean. The edges of the dumpling will come together better.

Try out all the ways to make dumplings in practice. We hope that our tips will help make the painstaking process a little more varied and enjoyable.

Dumplings- one of the most delicious dishes of Russian cuisine. There is probably no person who doesn’t like them. Due to the fact that dumplings can be bought at any store and cooked in 10 minutes, this dish is often called bachelor's.

But every housewife knows that store-bought dumplings will never compare to homemade ones. Firstly, you choose only the freshest and healthiest products for your family, and secondly, a dish prepared with love simply cannot turn out tasteless.

Many housewives buy this dish in the store because they simply don’t have enough time and patience to make dumplings. We want to prove to you that such a labor-intensive process can be turned into a quick and fun activity. See as much as possible speed up the sculpting process.

How to quickly make dumplings

This method is really very simple and fast. It can also be used for cooking dumplings. Now you can easily cook with your children; they really enjoy cutting out dumplings from dough using a mold. Here's how to prepare your favorite dish without any fuss, share in such a simple way with your friends!

The appearance of dishes plays no less a role than the taste, which is why many housewives treat the design of their culinary creations with such trepidation. Dumplings are no exception, and even moreover, they become a real haven for creative thought due to their plasticity. We will tell you further about how to make dumplings using various techniques.

How to make dumplings with your hands correctly?

Let's start with the classic method of making dumplings, very simple and known to everyone. Before you start modeling, roll the dough itself into a rope and cut into small pieces. Then roll each of them out thinly. This technique will save your time due to its waste-free nature: you do not have to collect all the scraps, re-knead and roll them.

Place a portion of the filling in the center of the rolled out layer and remove excess flour from the edges.

Blend the edges together to create a crescent moon.

Then connect both edges of this crescent moon in the center.

How to make dumplings on a dumpling maker?

If you want to significantly save time and get neat dumplings at the end, then get a dumpling maker.

Roll out the dough thinly and place it on top of the dumplings. Place the filling into the cells and cover everything with a second layer of dough.

Roll everything out, pressing the rolling pin firmly to the surface.

Gently remove any dumplings stuck to the mold using light pressure with your finger.

How to quickly make dumplings?

If you don’t like the shape that a standard dumpling maker gives to dumplings, then buy a device that allows you to mold each dumpling individually.

Roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut it into circles. Place the dough and filling in the center of the open dumpling pan.

Close the flaps tightly, sealing the edges together.

The disadvantage of this device may be that the outer side of the dough sticks to the doors of the dumpling maker, and therefore it is better to leave one side of the flatbread lightly sprinkled with flour, and completely clear the other side of it so that the edges are better connected to each other.

Another simple method of molding dough also eliminates any unnecessary waste and reduces manipulation to a minimum. After cutting the dough into small portions, roll each portion out thinly and place the filling in the center.

Gather the three sides of the dough together and pinch them together in the center to form a triangle. By analogy, you can give the dumplings the shape of a square by gathering together not three corners of the dough, but four.

How to make dumplings with a braid?

This modeling method has long been used for Asian dumplings and manti. For this, pieces of dough are also rolled out into a circle, then the filling is covered with one of the free edges.

Having reached the end, simply blind both free edges together.

How to make Chinese dumplings?

The following modeling technique is often used for the Chinese version of dumplings called gyoza. This technique can be borrowed for our dumplings, just make sure that you knead a dough that is stiff enough to hold its shape well.

After cutting circles of equal diameter from a thin layer of dough, brush the edges of each of them with a minimum amount of water. Do not be overzealous with the liquid, otherwise you will get the opposite effect - the dough will not stick together and will begin to become soggy.

Now, starting to move along one of the edges, make tucks of equal size. Continue layering them on top of each other until you have made half a dumpling this way.

Carefully mold the second, smooth half with the folded edge.

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Dumplings are everyone’s favorite delicacy. Unfortunately, the ancient dish has completely migrated from the home camp to store-bought ones. However, no factory-made product can compare with the taste of a homemade dish, carefully prepared by the hands of the housewife, which is why recipes for making dumplings have been and will remain popular.

Types of sculpting dumplings

There are two types of preparation - manual and mechanical. Mechanical is limited in shape: if you use a machine, then apart from square, products of any other shape will not work. You can make them round or semicircular with your hands, so if not only the taste, but also the appearance is important to you, then the options for making dumplings by hand will be a hundred times more varied and richer.

Housewives prepare the mass at their discretion, soft or hard, but roll it out very thinly with a rolling pin. Minced meat is mixed from different types of meat or mushrooms with the addition of pepper and fried onions, pepper and salt to taste, add ice water, oil, and herbs. Each housewife decides for herself how to make dumplings: family recipes are often used. If we talk about the types of cooking according to different recipes, we can conclude that they are all similar. The ingredients for the dough include:

  • water;
  • flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • egg.

Device for making dumplings

For those who want to save time, a device for making dumplings at home comes to the rescue. The mechanical one is a machine: we load minced meat and dough into it, and turn the handle. This device is good because it regulates the thickness of the sheet; you can make a large amount at once so that you can freeze half of it. The only negative is the high cost compared to other devices.

At home, they work manually, using a flat mold with honeycomb-shaped holes: in addition, you only need a rolling pin. This dumpling maker will help you make a whole batch at once. The most modern option is a manual cooking device from China: this is a plastic mold that makes only one piece at a time. One of the advantages is the openwork pattern, which is imprinted along the contour.

Technique for making dumplings

There are so many techniques for making dumplings for as many housewives as there are. The best way to properly make dumplings with your hands is Siberian. This is a simple recipe from a circle of dough folded in half: someone then glues the ends together to make an “ear”, someone cooks it unchanged, like a dumpling. There are many options for making dumplings in the world - these are Italians with ravioli, Chinese with “nests”, Georgians and khinkali, Indian modak and much more.

The most affordable, but unusual ways in which you can replenish your culinary collection are interesting: for example, “bags” - this option resembles manti, but they turn out to be more miniature. How to prepare “bags”? You need to roll out a circle of dough, put minced meat in the middle, and wrap it in the shape of a bag. A “star” method similar to this, but more elegant: for this shape we do everything the same as in the first case, but instead of a bag we form five even edges.

How to make dumplings by hand

Hand-made dumplings are increasingly fading into the background, but those housewives who want to pamper their family with a delicious dish must remember a few simple rules. How to make dumplings without hassle - the dough you prepare will answer. The main condition is to knead it well so that it does not stick to your hands, and to prevent the edges from coming apart, dip your fingers in flour more often and sprinkle it on the table.

How to quickly make dumplings

Most housewives are stopped from preparing a dish by the thought of how much time it takes to put it together. Experienced chefs know that quickly making dumplings is a matter of a little practice and a few secrets, and no machines are needed for this. The main thing is to learn how to quickly cut sheets and form products not one at a time, but in large batches. A pizza cutter will help solve the problem of reducing time. It is distinguished by a round blade that easily cuts the rolled out layer without collecting it:

  • Cut the rolled out layer into long strips.
  • Place the minced meat in a plastic bag, one corner of which is cut off.
  • Squeeze out the minced meat to the entire length at once and cover it with a second strip.
  • We cut into squares of the required size, then you can pinch them.

If you don't have a pizza cutter, you can speed up the task in another way:

  • We fold the rolled sheet like an accordion and cut it into pieces of a suitable size.
  • We lay the resulting strips on top of each other and cut them again. This will help you quickly get even squares from a piece of dough.
  • We can make round, square or even triangular products from them.

How to make dumplings beautifully

Beautifully modeling dumplings will require some skill. One of the common cooking options is to form a “pigtail” along the edge. How to cook:

  1. Give the dough a regular shape.
  2. Then we wrap a small piece on the side that is already molded.
  3. Press down lightly.
  4. One step - one pinch.
  5. Finally, glue the edges together to make a circle. The “pigtail” will be noticeable even after cooking.

“Flowers” ​​is another option for beautifully decorating dumplings. How to wrap dumplings to get a flower:

  1. Roll out the circle.
  2. We form 5 edges by bending the edges.
  3. We turn the resulting pentagon over, put the minced meat in the middle, glue it together, again forming five edges based on the ones already obtained.
  4. At the end, we turn away the edges and see a beautiful flower, as in the photo.

How to make small dumplings

Often, even with the most delicious dish, picky eaters complain that the volume is too big. During cooking, it is difficult to determine by eye what size to cut out the dough base, and as a result the size ends up being too large. Special molds with a diameter of 10 mm or more will help you make small dumplings. If you don’t have a mold, you can use a regular glass.

How to make Chinese dumplings

The Chinese version of the dish differs in fillings, shape, size, and side dishes with which it is served. The most famous dish is similar to manti, in the form of bags. There are options tied with green onion feathers. Every Russian knows one type of Chinese dumplings. The “bear ears” technique is also popular there, with which Russian people are very familiar. All these methods are complicated, so it’s better to watch a training video or photo on how to sculpt correctly so that everything works out. You can make Chinese dumplings in the following ways:

  • Raise the edges up. Then glue along the edges.
  • The edges are gathered at the top, glued together in the middle. The result is three sides, thanks to which the product looks like a neat triangle.
  • The Sichuan province is famous for a dish shaped like an open envelope. To do this, fold a square piece of dough diagonally. The edges of the triangle are fastened, and the corners at the base are folded towards the center.

How to make dumplings on a dumpling maker

Making dumplings using a dumpling maker greatly simplifies the task of housewives during cooking. The kitchen device helps you make about 40 neat identical products at the same time. If we are talking about a simple dumpling maker, which consists of a mold with holes, then you will need two sheets of dough, kneaded in the usual way, and minced meat. We also prepare it to your taste. The rest of the technology is simple.
