Homemade frosting. Chocolate frosting recipe for cake

Fragrant and delicious chocolate glaze makes the cake more beautiful and tastier. This delicacy can be used to cover entire baked goods or be used to create patterns and inscriptions, inventing an original dessert. Making chocolate glaze has its own subtleties that help make the cake especially delicious.

List of recipes in the article:

Chocolate icing for cake: video recipe

How to prepare delicious chocolate glaze correctly

To make the glaze without lumps, you must first stir the sugar and cocoa powder and only then add water. Otherwise, you won't be able to mix the glaze well.

If you are making white frosting from melted chocolate, you will need to add a couple of tablespoons of milk or sour cream. Without this, the icing will be too thick and will harden on the cake faster than you can spread it.

Instead of granulated sugar, it is better to use chocolate powder - then the glaze will be prepared much faster. And you can add a little vanilla to the cocoa powder frosting for flavor or orange zest if you are making a citrus cake.

Chocolate glaze made from cocoa powder

To make chocolate frosting at home you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of milk
  • ½ cup powdered sugar
  • 30 g butter
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla

Mix sugar and cocoa powder in an enamel saucepan. Add milk to them and stir well. Place over low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the glaze begins to foam. Then remove from heat. Wait about 10 minutes for the glaze to cool slightly and thicken. Then add butter and beat with a mixer - this will make the delicacy softer.

To frost the cake, place it on a wire rack over a tray. Then slowly pour the frosting into the middle of the cake and spread evenly with a spatula from the center to the edges. Then level the side of the cake. Excess glaze will drain into the tray through the grate. After this, put the cake in the refrigerator and wait until the glaze hardens.

If the glaze is too thick and does not spread well over the cake, return it to the pan, add a little water and bring to a boil again. You can add thickness to a too thin glaze using sugar.

One of the traditional ways to decorate sweet baked goods is to drizzle them with icing. Protein sugar icing for the cake will make it more festive and appetizing. In addition, thanks to the glaze, sweet baked goods will remain fresh longer. In order for the mixture to acquire the desired color, cocoa or other dyes, as well as flavoring additives, are added to it.

This article will talk about how to make glaze at home, what and how much to add to it so that it changes flavor and color shades. Various recipes will be offered, from which you can choose the one you like and treat your loved ones with a delicious dessert.

Classic recipe and its variations

First, let's look at the basic recipe for making glaze. In the classic recipe:

  • Vegetable oil – 6 g.
  • Sugar or powdered sugar – 150 g.
  • Milk – 20 g.
  • Potato starch – 10 g.

If you need to make a cake with, then you don’t have to add any additional components, but if you want to make it in any color, then you should add 1 drop of food coloring to the composition. You will learn more about how to make white glaze and colored options later in the article.

To achieve the desired result, buy finely ground powdered sugar. If you have a coffee grinder at home, you can make your own. Start by combining the dry ingredients. Mix starch and powdered sugar in a bowl. Then gradually pour milk into the dry mixture, while constantly stirring the contents of the bowl. The proportion of milk is not exact, since the result depends on the quality of the powder. An additional 2-3 g of milk may be needed. With the help of such manipulations, you will get a thick paste. Milk can be replaced with orange juice. After this, vegetable oil should be added to the composition. Bring to readiness in a water bath. The composition should not boil.

In order for the cake icing to acquire the desired shade, you can add gel food coloring to it. Some cooks use natural additives. If you are still inclined to use artificial dyes, then be careful and do not overdo it. If the mastic is made as in the proportion indicated in the article, then for painting you need to add 1 drop of coloring matter. To achieve a better result, you can drop the dye onto a spoon and from there add the required amount of pigment to the mastic.

If you are a supporter of natural dyes, then you can extract juice from fruits and vegetables, for example, cherries, carrots, beet, orange and tinctures of mint tea and saffron. This way you can achieve ivory, green, pink, yellow for coating pies and other goodies.

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Step-by-step cooking recipes

To cover a cake or even a cookie with chocolate, you may need several bars, and this is not cheap, so culinary specialists have developed different technologies for preparing glaze for baking. Let's look at some of them step by step that will help you make frosting at home.

Chocolate glaze with milk

Another delicious option for topping a cake is made with milk. To prepare you will need:

  • 4 tsp. cocoa.
  • 50 g butter.
  • 6 tsp. powdered sugar or sugar.
  • 6 tsp. milk 3.2% fat.

How to prepare glaze? Done this is in 3 stages:

  1. Pour sugar and cocoa into a bowl, stir, and then add warm milk to the dry mixture.
  2. The container is placed on low heat and boiled until the sugar is completely dissolved and milk foam forms. During the cooking process, you need to continuously stir the mixture so that it does not burn to the bottom.
  3. Remove the mixture from the heat and cool it. Slightly warm mastic can be poured over delicate and delicious pastries and cakes. Once set, the topping will turn into a chocolate crisp.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Titova


Advice! If you want to ultimately get a soft glaze, then add butter to the composition. It is added at the stage of cooking the sauce so that the butter has time to melt. Milk can be replaced with the same amount of water.

With sour cream or cream

A simple glaze recipe can save you a ton of baking time. We invite you to familiarize yourself with a simple recipe that contains only 4 ingredients. You will need:

  • 3 tbsp. l. cocoa.
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • 50 g butter.
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream.

You need to mix all the ingredients except the oil and cook them. To do this, place the container with the ingredients on low heat, stirring constantly, and bring to a boil. Sour cream and cocoa can be replaced with cream and chocolate. After this, add the oil, wait for it to dissolve and remove from heat. A simple delicious glaze is ready, after it has cooled, you can decorate the cake.

With condensed milk

Which sweet tooth doesn't love condensed milk? Did you know that this sweet delicacy can be used to make delicious mastic for cakes? We offer you a classic recipe. To do this you will need the following components:

  • 4 tsp. cocoa powder.
  • 1 can of condensed milk.
  • 1 dessert spoon of butter (fat content 62-72.5%).

So, let's start cooking.

  1. Mix condensed milk and cocoa in a deep bowl in the specified proportion. It's good if you have a pan with a non-stick bottom.
  2. The condensed milk and cocoa must be mixed well, and then simmered over very low heat. After heating slightly, you can add a few slices of chocolate to the mixture. As a result, the mixture should boil and cook for about one minute, during this process it is necessary to stir constantly.
  3. Remove the mastic from the stove and let the mixture cool.
  4. Then butter (butter) is added to it and kneaded until smooth. Now is the time to shape the cakes with frosting.

With eggs

Protein mastic is mainly prepared to decorate sweets. So, to prepare white protein glaze, you will need:

  • 0.5 cups sugar.
  • Egg white from 1 chicken egg.
  • 0.5 glasses of water.

The cooking technology is as follows:

  1. Pour water and sugar into the container in the above proportions. Stir the mixture with a spoon and cook over low heat until the water evaporates. You should have a thick syrup.
  2. Beat the egg whites until foamy.
  3. After the syrup has cooled, gradually pour the syrup into the protein mixture in a thin stream. The beating process must be continued until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The portion of glaze can be increased as needed.

With starch

Before making a glaze that contains starch, I would like to immediately note that this ingredient can be added to any of the above recipes if the mastic does not become thicker , and despite the correct proportions, it remains liquid. So, this recipe includes:

  • 3 tbsp. l. cocoa.
  • Potato or corn starch - 1 tbsp. l.
  • 3 tbsp. l. boiled chilled water.
  • 4 tbsp. l. sugar or powdered sugar.

The process of making glaze with your own hands consists of the following steps:

  • Pour dry ingredients into a container: cocoa, sugar, starch.
  • Mix everything with a wooden spoon and add water, preferably pre-chilled in the refrigerator.
  • Stir this mixture until smooth.

It is best to use ice water for the glaze. The advantage of this recipe is that you don't have to cook the icing to frost the cake. And quick cooking is another plus in favor of this cooking technique.

If you are not allergic to honey, then it can be used as the main component to prepare a topping for the cake, which will be a soft conclusion after the meal. So, you will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp. l. honey
  • 2 tsp. cocoa.
  • 40 g chocolate.
  • 1 tbsp. l. coconut milk.
  • 50 g butter.

Cooking sequence:

1.Grate the chocolate.
To prepare the glaze, grate the chocolate.

2.In a separate container, mix sifted cocoa, coconut milk and honey, and then add chocolate to this consistency.
We can use honey to make glaze.

3. Constantly stirring the mixture, cook it over low heat. Boil it until it becomes smooth and thick.
Cook the glaze with honey and coconut milk, stirring constantly

4.Remove from the stove and let cool. Then add butter and beat with a whisk or blender/mixer.

Expert opinion

Novikova Yana


Advice! The finished mastic must be completely used before it cools completely.

Mirror glaze

Gives a special shine to confectionery products. It is used to decorate cakes and pastries. How to make frosting that has no color? We offer you a classic recipe for making glaze.

To do this you will need:

  • 200 g of water.
  • 200 g sugar.
  • 4 g gelatin.

We prepare delicate and delicious decoration for cakes and pastries in the following sequence.

Good afternoon friends! Today, professional confectioners have learned to make real masterpieces by decorating cakes and pastries. These are figures of people and animals, intricate patterns and paintings, not a cake, but a work of art. Did you know that you don’t have to be a super-master to amaze your family with excellent baked goods. It is enough to know how to make mirror glaze at home.

The composition of the shiny glaze is a kind of emulsion that has a water part in the form of syrup and an oil component - chocolate. An amazing palette of colors and unusual shine, and the surface is so smooth that when you get closer, you can see your reflection. Hence, apparently, the name.

To be honest, for a long time I was sure that all these desserts, amazing the imagination, were nothing more than some kind of clever trick. Well, such a perfectly smooth, shiny coating cannot be edible. But it turned out that it can! And even more - it’s not at all difficult to do it yourself.

How to make mirror glaze at home

Don't think that homemade mirror glaze recipes are beyond your capabilities. In fact, you only need knowledge of a few nuances and subtleties, and the rest will depend on your desire and good mood. If this is your first time making glaze, then you probably have questions, which I will try to answer as fully as possible:

What can be decorated

A glaze called mirror is prepared for coating mousse dessert products - cakes, pastries, soufflés, since they have a perfectly smooth surface. And this is an indispensable condition for achieving specularity and the desired shine effect.

To prepare such desserts, special pastry rings or silicone molds are usually used, which make it possible to obtain such an absolutely smooth surface.

Sometimes used in traditional cakes, but usually they are not completely covered, just the top. In this case, the glaze flows down in beautiful streaks.

What you need for cooking

Glasage, also called mirror glaze, can be made from products that are quite accessible to everyone. These are gelatin, sugar, chocolate, glucose syrup, molasses, food coloring, cocoa, vanillin, condensed milk. Agree, all this is sold in stores.

The cooking technology requires high precision, so in addition you will need:

  • Cooking thermometer to select the correct operating temperature.
  • Electronic balance.
  • Blender with a tall glass.

How to choose the right temperature for making glaze

After heating all components, the glaze is whipped with a blender. At the same time, an indispensable condition for successful glazing is compliance with the temperature regime. Maintaining the operating temperature is very important, since glazing is the final stage in working with cakes. If you spoil it, you will nullify all previous efforts.

  • Depending on the type, the working temperature for whipping is considered to be 29 - 39 o C. On average - 32 o C.
  • A lower temperature will cause the mixture to “set” before it has time to coat the dessert. Although... there are some subtleties here: if you are going to make beautiful drips on the cake, choose the lowest temperature possible - 29 - 30. At a higher temperature, the drips will quickly roll down and harden into puddles.
  • Glaze that is too hot will flow very quickly, leave gaps, and you will not achieve the desired effect.
  • It is also important that the cake is properly frozen, take it out just before you start working with the frosting.

Mirror glaze for cake - basic recipe

This is a universal option for making mirror glaze, and once you master it, you can master it with others.

  • Leaf gelatin – 12 gr.
  • Water – 75 gr. (note that water is weighed in grams).
  • Sugar, white chocolate, glucose syrup - take 150 g. each component.
  • Condensed milk – 100 gr.
  • Dye – 3 – 4 drops.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

  1. Soak the gelatin in very cold water. almost icy water. If you don’t find sheet, take regular powder, it is also filled with water, but the ratio is 1:6. This means that at 12 gr. You need to take 72 grams of powder. water.
  2. Place condensed milk and chopped chocolate into a blender glass.
  3. Separately, pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and syrup, heat the mixture over low heat until the sugar dissolves. Do not stir the mixture, just shake or move around in the pan.
  4. When the mixture boils, measure it with a thermometer - you need to bring the mixture to a temperature of 103 o C. Bring it up, and immediately remove from the heat. It’s important to know here: overcook it and the glaze will become too thick; undercook it and it will run off.
  5. Pour the syrup into a glass of blender, squeezed gelatin into it and monitor the temperature - it should drop to 85 o C. Stir everything carefully.
  6. Add a couple or three drops of the desired dye and start working with the blender at minimum speed. Beat a little, then decide on the color and add coloring if needed.

Tip: hold the blender at an angle of 45°, and when working, turn only the glass. Then you will see how a funnel forms in the mass and bubbles go into it. There shouldn’t be many of them, and if you do everything right, there won’t be any at all.

If bubbles do form, remove them by straining the glaze through a sieve and then covering with cling film to prevent a film from forming on the surface of the glaze.

After this, place the container in the refrigerator to stabilize for 12 hours (overnight).

The next morning, check the mirror glaze for quality. If you press on it with your finger, it should become elastic and spring back.

Before decorating the cake:

  • Warm the glaze in the microwave, blend again and measure the temperature. Working – 30 – 35 degrees – adjust if necessary.
  • Quickly strain the mixture through a sieve and into a pitcher with a spout (this will make it easier for you to work with), and remove the frozen cake from the freezer.

Important! Start decorating the cake right away. If it sits for even a couple of minutes, condensation will form on it, causing the glaze to quickly drain. And the temperature of the glaze will drop.

Colored mirror glaze

As I said above, mirror glaze is a water-oil emulsion. Based on this, dyes are selected for it. They must be both fat- and water-soluble.

Confectionery gel dyes are popular among culinary experts, which are added in drops to achieve the desired color. In addition, you can take fat-soluble dry dyes.

  • For a stunningly pure white, add titanium dioxide, a powder that produces a stable white pigment.
  • You will get a pearlescent effect if you add silver or golden kandurin powder.

Attention! Frozen mirror glaze will become a more saturated and bright color than warm one. Keep this in mind when adding dyes.

By the way, if you dip a white plastic spoon into the mixture and freeze it, you can find out the color of the future cake without pouring it.

A few more tips:

  • If the frosting is glass, scoop it up and use it for decoration, but only if there are no cake crumbs in it. If you get it, pass the mixture through a sieve, and then it can be used again.
  • Make sure that no condensation forms, otherwise the glaze will wrinkle.
  • If the glaze has thickened too much, you need to warm it up in the microwave again and continue working. Thus, it can be heated several times.
  • Excess glaze can be collected and left in the refrigerator for a month - longer storage is not provided. Cake, and other confectionery products filled with
  • mirror glaze, cut with a hot dry knife.

Chocolate mirror glaze - recipe

Mirror glaze, called chocolate, is the most popular in home preparation. Decorate the cake, the pastry, and the soufflé. If you don’t find molasses, make the syrup yourself, as described below.

  • Gelatin - sachet.
  • Sugar – 240 gr.
  • Water – 95 gr. Molasses – 80 gr.
  • Cream, the fattest, more than 30% - 160 gr.
  • Cocoa powder – 80 gr.
  1. Soak gelatin: 30 ml for powder. water, leaf - 200 ml.
  2. Add molasses and sugar to the water, bring to a boil, and at the same time boil the cream in a separate bowl.
  3. Combine the cream with syrup, add cocoa in small portions.
  4. Stir, add the swollen gelatin and start beating the glaze. The temperature of the mixture for decorating cakes is 37 o C.

Honey mirror glaze for cake

Instead of glucose syrup, if you don’t find it, you can successfully use regular honey. Or make your own syrup (recipe below). The honey aroma will give your cake a special taste.

  • Water – 75 gr.
  • Leaf gelatin – 12 g.
  • Sugar, natural liquid honey, white chocolate - 150 g each. Condensed milk - 100 g.
  • Dye.

How to make the glaze:

  1. The preparation of the mirror mixture is completely similar to the basic recipe. Just note that the honey must be liquid; to do this, melt it in a water bath.

Mirror glaze with homemade syrup

This syrup is called invert, which is very easy to make yourself. Used instead of molasses and glucose syrup.

How to prepare it:

  1. Take: 350 gr. sugar, hot water – 155 ml, citric acid – 2 g. (this is 2/3 teaspoon) and baking soda - 1.5 g. (a quarter of a teaspoon).
  2. Place sugar in hot water and cook until boiling. When this happens, add citric acid and cook for 20 minutes, covering with a lid. The syrup will turn light golden brown.
  3. Remove from heat. Dilute the soda with a dessert spoon of water and pour into the syrup. Something like an explosion will happen. When the bubbles subside, the syrup is ready. It resembles liquid honey in color and consistency.

How to make mirror glaze:

  • Gelatin – 7 gr.
  • Sugar, white chocolate and invert syrup - 100 g of each component.
  • Condensed milk – 70 gr.
  • Dyes.
  1. Soak the gelatin. Heat water, add sugar, syrup and bring temperature to 103 degrees. Pour in condensed milk and add chocolate. Stir, add the desired dye and gelatin.
  2. Beat with a blender (glaze temperature should be 30 - 35 degrees). Send it to the cold. Warm to desired temperature before using for decoration.

Every housewife, when preparing a confectionery product for a holiday or celebration, wants it to be not only tasty, but beautiful. One way to decorate can be icing of different colors with added flavors. There are several ways to make frosting. Let's look at the most popular of them - those that any housewife is guaranteed to be able to prepare!

How to make white icing


  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 3 tablespoons water
  • flavorings


Powdered sugar as finely ground as possible should be sifted through a sieve, poured into an enamel pan, and if desired, add flavoring (for example, vanilla, liqueur or orange oil) and warm water. Stirring continuously, heat this mixture to 40 °C over low heat until smooth. If the semi-finished confectionery product turns out to be liquid, add a little powdered sugar to it while stirring; if it is thick, add water. When the mass has cooled sufficiently and begins to thicken, it is applied to the muffin, pie or cake with a spoon or brush. The finished product can be dried in the oven at a temperature of 80-100 °C if it does not contain butter in the cream. This recipe yields approximately 200 g of product.

NOTE! The resulting cold mass of glaze can be placed in small molds and allowed to harden completely, resulting in sweet products for decoration.

Video recipe

Recipe for protein glaze on water


  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 glass of water
  • 2 egg whites
  • flavorings


Make a thick syrup from sugar and water. To do this, place the pan on the burner sideways so that it heats up strongly on one side. Foam will form on the opposite side and can be easily removed with a spoon or slotted spoon. After foaming stops, place the pan in the center of the burner as usual, and excess water is evaporated from the syrup until the desired thickness is obtained. Beat the whites with a whisk until a stable foam is obtained. Gradually pour the cooled syrup into the whites in a thin stream while whisking continuously. Then add flavorings (optional) and, stirring, heat the glaze to 60-65 °C. The resulting glaze is applied to the confectionery products with a brush or spoon. The finished product can be dried in a low-heat oven.

Protein icing made from powdered sugar


  • 1 egg white
  • 0.5-1 cup powdered sugar
  • lemon juice


Whisk the egg white in a bowl, gradually adding powdered sugar in small portions, whisking continuously. The amount of powdered sugar is determined by the required thickness of the glaze. The larger the cake or pie, the thicker the layer, the more powdered sugar you need to take. At the end of whipping, add up to 1 teaspoon of lemon juice or a few drops of diluted citric acid to stabilize the composition.

White chocolate cake frosting

All previous recipes have been used for many years and are found in ancient cookbooks. The following recipe is modern, its composition contains signs of our time.


  • 1 bar of white chocolate
  • 4-5 tablespoons sour cream 20-25%
  • 100-120 g butter
  • 4 tablespoons sugar


Beat the sour cream together with sugar in a steel or enamel pan (preferably with a thick bottom). Add softened butter and chocolate broken into small pieces and mix everything thoroughly. Put on fire, bring to a boil while stirring (the first bubbles appear), turn the heat to low, stirring, and heat for another 3-5 minutes. After cooling, the white glaze is ready for use.

Based on white glaze, you can make a product of any color by adding food coloring or syrups of various berries, lemon zest, or beet juice. However, the most popular of the color options is chocolate, which contains cocoa.

Video recipe

Cocoa and milk cake icing


  • 2 tablespoons cocoa
  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • 3 tablespoons
  • 50 g butter


All products are mixed in a saucepan and, while stirring, heated over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cocoa glaze is applied warm to the surface of cakes and pastries (for example, eclairs) until it hardens.

Fragrant, sweet, appetizing, chocolate, glossy, different colors - this is all the icing that makes the cake delicious and festive. Glaze can be used to cover the entire surface of baked goods or applied in the form of patterns and inscriptions. A classic cake frosting recipe contains three ingredients: granulated sugar, water and a chocolate bar. There are other popular recipes for making cake frosting.
Depending on the set of ingredients, glaze can be: chocolate, sugar, caramel, marmalade, honey, milk, colored.

Recipe for making chocolate frosting for a cake

Chocolate glaze can be dark, light, or matte glossy. A simple recipe for making chocolate cake frosting.
The type of chocolate determines the color of the finished glaze: white chocolate will produce a white chocolate glaze, milk chocolate will produce the color of cocoa with milk, and dark chocolate will produce a dark color that hardens well.

It is better not to use porous chocolate for making glaze.

For the chocolate glaze you will need:

  • 150 gr. grated chocolate without additives;
  • 4 tablespoons sugar;
  • 250 ml sour cream.

Cooking method:

  • In a heat-resistant bowl or saucepan, grind the sugar with sour cream, then place on low heat and cook, stirring, until the sugar in the mixture is completely dissolved. Then add the grated chocolate to the saucepan and cook until the resulting chocolate glaze is smooth. Remove the prepared glaze from the heat and continue stirring until thickened.
  • To cover the cake with the resulting chocolate glaze, it is better to place it on a wire rack with a tray. Then slowly pour the frosting into the middle of the cake and spread it evenly with a spatula, working from the center outward. Next, level the side surface of the cake.
  • After this, put the cake in the refrigerator until the glaze hardens.

There is another simple recipe for chocolate cake icing, in which the chocolate mass turns out thick, spreads evenly over the surface of the cake, thickens quickly, and lasts a long time.


  • 1 chocolate bar;
  • 3 – 4 tablespoons of milk.

Cooking method:

In a heat-resistant bowl or saucepan, break the chocolate bar into pieces without additives, place the bowl with chocolate in a water bath, add milk. Start stirring as soon as the chocolate begins to melt so that it does not burn to the bottom. When the mixture drips from the spoon, remove the saucepan from the water bath. The cake icing is ready!

Chocolate icing for decorating a cake made from cocoa powder


  • 100 gr. powdered sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa;
  • 5 tablespoons of milk;
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • ½ teaspoon vanillin.

Cooking method:

Mix sugar and cocoa powder in an enamel saucepan, slightly heat the milk and add it to the saucepan, stir the resulting mixture and place on low heat, add butter and stir again. It is necessary to achieve a uniform consistency. The cake icing prepared according to this recipe turns out delicious, shiny, and hardens very quickly.
If the glaze turns out thick and does not fit well on the cake, return it to the bowl, add a little water, and bring to a boil over low heat. To thicken a glaze that is too thin, you can add sugar or flour.

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White chocolate cake frosting is also easy to make at home.


  • 150 ml. milk;
  • 150 ml. cream;
  • 175 gr. white chocolate;
  • 10 gr. gelatin.

Cooking method:

Soak the gelatin powder in water for 40 minutes, then heat the swollen gelatin over low heat until dissolved. Melt white chocolate in a steam bath, add cream and milk to the chocolate, bring the mixture to a boil and remove from heat. Pour the gelatin into the melted chocolate in a thin stream, stirring constantly.

You can add vanilla to enhance the taste.

Milk chocolate is the main ingredient in milk glaze. The cake frosting recipe contains 180 grams of milk chocolate and 150 milliliters of low-fat cream. Break the chocolate into pieces into a heat-resistant bowl or saucepan and pour cream on top. Place the mixture on low heat and cook while stirring. As soon as the chocolate melts, remove the mass from the heat and cool. The milk icing for decorating the cake is ready.

Recipe for making sugar icing on a cake

Sugar glaze is known by other names: white, protein, gingerbread. How to make sugar icing for a cake?

To do this you will need:

  • 1 PC. egg white;
  • 200 gr. sugar (powdered sugar)
  • 1-2 tablespoons lemon juice.

Cooking method:

Sift the powdered sugar on a fine sieve, squeeze the juice out of the lemon, strain through cheesecloth. Pour in a thin stream, add the juice to the powder. Mix the resulting mass with a whisk until a viscous mass is formed, then beat it with a mixer or blender at high speed, you can add vanilla. The icing for decorating the cake is ready.

Recipe for making caramel frosting for a cake

Baked goods coated with caramel icing for cakes become tasty and the surface becomes glossy.


  • 180 gr. sugar (instant),
  • 150 gr. warm water (10 tablespoons),
  • 150 gr. cream with a fat content of at least 35%,
  • 10 gr. starch (1 teaspoon),
  • 5 gr. gelatin (1 teaspoon).

Cooking method:

Soak the gelatin in cold water, let it brew, mix the cream with starch in a saucepan or bowl. Pour sugar into a heated frying pan with a thick bottom, melt until a liquid brown mass is obtained, without stirring. Slowly pour warm water into the resulting caramel, stir the mixture and bring to a boil with constant stirring. Pour the finished caramel mass into the starch-cream mixture while simultaneously stirring the contents of the pan with a whisk. Then add gelatin, which must first be squeezed out. After stirring the contents of the pan, the glossy caramel frosting for the cake is ready.

Recipe for making marmalade frosting for a cake

For marmalade glaze you need:

  • 10 – 12 pcs. marmalade candies,
  • 4 tablespoons sugar,
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream,
  • 50 gr. butter.

Cooking method:

Place marmalade candies cut into small pieces in a heat-resistant bowl or saucepan, add sour cream, sugar and softened butter. Mix the resulting mixture well and place on medium heat; the marmalade will begin to melt. Cook the boiled mixture while stirring for about 15 minutes. When the glaze thickens, remove the pan from the stove and let cool slightly. The icing is ready to decorate the cake.

Recipe for honey frosting on cake

Honey glaze hardens more slowly and has a different taste.


3 tablespoons honey,

2 tablespoons cocoa powder,

2 tablespoons sour cream,

30 grams butter (softened).

Cooking method:

Mix all products in a heat-resistant bowl or saucepan and cook over low heat with stirring until boiling. Cook the boiled mixture for about 3 - 5 minutes, and then cool. Honey icing for cakes is ready!

It is also easy to prepare icing of different colors at home - yellow, red, orange, green - depending on the choice of dye. Natural dyes for making cake icing are obtained from fruit juices. Red color will give the glaze cherry or beet juice, orange - orange or carrot, yellow - lemon. The dye is added to the glaze during the cooking stage, when the main ingredients are dissolved.

As natural flavorings, a cake icing recipe may contain vanillin, cinnamon, orange and lemon zest, alcoholic beverages - cognac, liqueur, wine (fragrant, dessert). When the glaze has cooled slightly, liquid products are added in the amount of 2 tbsp. spoons, bulk - to taste.

  1. Finished cakes do not need to be greased with hot glaze; it should be allowed to cool slightly.
  2. The surface of the baked goods can first be greased with thick jam, and then filled with chocolate glaze - it will lie smoother.
  3. It is better to apply the finished chocolate glaze to cakes in two layers, with a short break for the bottom layer to harden. If you haven't used all the frosting to decorate the cake, you can freeze the remaining frosting by placing it in cling film.
  4. You can create additional decorations for the cake from unused chocolate glaze: cover the working surface of the table with parchment paper for baking, pour the warm mass of glaze into a thick plastic bag on the corner, make a hole in it and immediately apply the design on the parchment, leave the resulting figures until completely dry and spread on the cake.
  5. You can draw and write on the cake with chocolate icing using an ordinary medical syringe (without a needle). To interrupt drawing without a drop, make a quick upward movement away from you.

Decorating homemade cakes with icing is the easiest way to quickly and tastefully create a holiday table masterpiece.
